View Full Version : Seeking a Master (Nathan)

Vladimir Vin Niktu
Sep 23rd, 2002, 11:24:20 PM
Vlad stood in the parlor--it was truly grand. He had been sent by Lord Soth, his confidant, to find a master. Nathan Vergis was suggested by the dark warrior, and Vlad took that suggestion with trust.

He would seek him out, in order to find a teacher. He needed to learn a new custom, a new life. He needed ettique and knowledge and dress and...all things Vampyre, he thought. Hopefully, Nathan would be the one.

Nathan Vergis
Oct 4th, 2002, 01:10:48 PM
Nathan watches, that is what he does. He has spent decades in the darkness watching the light. Watching his prey, and watching his rivals. Tonight he watched the 'new blood'. Watching him stand in awe of the Grand Parlour. Watching him with an arrogant smile, knowing that Vlad was waiting for him.

"It has stood for many years, and impressed just as many people, not that half of them lived long enough to tell the tale ofcourse." Nathan said as he departed shadow.

Vergis was glad that this man now watched him, their eyes locked in a mockery of understanding trying to work out more than their minds could muster. Nathan's face split in two with a grin as great as the parlour itself. With his arms stretched out wide in acceptance of Vlad he spoke, "Come, I am Vergis. The one you seak. And I have Much to show you."

OOC: Sorry bout the wait dude, as my bro Soth said, my 'dads' puter is suffering a little, but mine is on its way and then from there on in its plain sailing.

Vladimir Vin Niktu
Oct 7th, 2002, 07:58:15 AM
Vladimir tried to hide his excitement as Vergis approached and spoke to him. He was truly excited that he was being accepted now by a master--someone to bring to him the truth of his life. He had lived an empty one so far in this darkness that was his rebirth.

Vladimir nodded his head, bowing it to the appearance of the Vampyre noble. He followed willingly, listening to all that Vergis had to say.

OOC: No problem. I understand. Good to meet you.

Nathan Vergis
Oct 8th, 2002, 01:33:21 AM
As they seemingly wandered the halls of the reverend damned only Vergis knew that the were indeed heading in a specific direction. Vald listened intently to the tangeble delights that Nathan would only subtly devulge, understanding that he would not fully understand for some time.

"Vald, I wish to ask you a question. And to show that I am not ungrateful to you answering it, I shall allow you three questions of me. But only after you answer this." Nathan smiled his impressive canine teeth, "Why do you feel that you belong with us?"

Vladimir Vin Niktu
Oct 14th, 2002, 08:09:17 PM
Vlad smiled. He was glad that Nathan would inquire.

"It is simple. I have been a vampyre for some time. Not long in the eyes of the ancients or the Masters here. I have lived this life for somewhere around 40 years. Where I lived, the life was long and depressing. On the streets of Coruscant, I killed. In the slums. Of the poor and useless, I took my share of blood." He paused, hoping that Nathan was upset with him. "To be here...in the presence of others of my kind...I can not begin to tell you how it feels. Alive. I am alive. I thought that I and the one who made me were the only two vampyre that existed. But as soon as I found evidence of others...I was more than enthused. I want to be a real vampyre--an honorable, respectable vampyre. My answers--that life--lies here."

He wondered if his answer would suffice. He searched his face for sign of approval.

Vladimir Vin Niktu
Oct 14th, 2002, 08:10:18 PM
Sorry I was so late with this respone--tests were last week and I was really, really busy. My apologies and I hope you still want to RP.

Nathan Vergis
Oct 15th, 2002, 02:18:14 PM
Nathan was suprised in learning of the vampyre's ordeals. He had always been here at the Shrine since his turning. Ofcourse his life on Corellia was one of high risks in the Insurance Game, but he had never been without his family since becoming Vampyre. "I am sorry to hear of these matters. I Myself have not suffered such anquish of unknowing, yet you could say that I have suffered in gluttony of such knowledge." Nathan, as Vlad would come to understand often ended sentances as if he spoke only to himself.

Vergis glanced at the newcommers expression, "Forgive me, but you will discover a great deal about my role as the Librarian." He attempted to ease Vlads understanding, "But first shall we feed? I have had some juicy young ladies keeping for such an occasion."

OOC: Don't worry, RL is such a bummer some times. Good luck with the tests n stuff thoug ;)

Vladimir Vin Niktu
Oct 30th, 2002, 02:35:10 PM
The vampire smiled--they beat the dogs he had fed on recently. "Of course. Lead the way."

OOC: Mid terms were last week...I apologize for starting this whole thing and not being around for it. It's also hard because I don't get email notification (like on SWFans) and so I forget! I'm sorry.