View Full Version : My prophesy, The Moon of Blood (open)
Valirion Thorn
Oct 4th, 2002, 07:40:33 PM
:: I stood before the four women chained to the walls. How quickly what little of my humanity had left me that I would simply sit here and study their faces as they waited their soon to come deaths. My sword leant against the wall and its great eye swiveled at the sight of the prisoners. It wanted me to gut them and hang their intestines like the old days, before immortality. But it didn't understand how beautiful it was to watch the blood pump frantically through the main artery in the neck and the veins along the wrists.
How much of a testimony these women would be to my purpose to the shrine. I had declared myself a blood knight and that is what I would forever be. An aesthetic choice some would say but I say who cares, I'm immortal. I'm a god... And I would not die until I chose to or the shrine chose me for such.
I stepped forward, all of these women were dazed from the spell I had learned to do since my turning. I had seen Alana accomplish the same kind of manner with some men before and I had found it easy enough to do. I figured this through heritage most likely though.
But as I came forward, all of the women beagn to uncontrollably shake. I wanted them to cry,a nd they slowly began to cry. It was a chorus to my ears and the armor benath my skin sighed with joy at the noise.
And then I put my prophecy into their minds and they began to wail the words like a choir of banshees.::
For he is the blood knight Thorn,
And he shall serve the shrine in blood,
And through blood he shall cover the sky,
And in the name of the shrine,
He shall make the moons red and the stars dissappear,
Like those before him, he will vanquish the light.
:: The choir stopped as I tried to think more to it. But the armor slowly shifted and I grew angry with the humanity of these poor mortals. My sword flew to my hand and in a radical change of nature, it sliced through all of their throats. and the blood began to pour from the open wounds. I placed the chalice on the table in front of each woman as if they were spouts of water. I took my draught from each one and my inhumanly long tongue slowly lapped the liquid from their breasts as it flowed down their necks.
As I drank, the vision I had seen so manytimes in my deep slumber occured. It was of the moon, back at my former home world, and its single moon. And how beautiful it was after it was covered in the blood of its planets inhabitants. This would happen, but not just for one planet...::
Wait in the Darkness
Oct 7th, 2002, 12:38:00 PM
Shifting in the darkness the shadow wrought Templar watched the organics blood spill to feed they're slayer. WITD had seen such brutality among the organic. For that was they're nature. The strong feed upon the weak. Yet in this place a strange abnormaly had seen a fundamental change in the structure of the Organics. The AI mind of the Templar pondered the Coven of creatures attached to the Keepers. The Templar had noted a strangeness in they're behaviors and bio makeup.
For he is the blood knight Thorn,
And he shall serve the shrine in blood,
And through blood he shall cover the sky,
And in the name of the shrine,
He shall make the moons red and the stars dissappear,
Like those before him, he will vanquish the light.
The voices of the condemened had filled the hall of this being. The Templar had heard many Prophecys and fluxes in the time flow. The AI considered the being for a moment.
" That will be self destructive to see the Light vanquished as a whole. In that your species will perish as well since all food sources will be swept away by extinction. The Universe will collaspe into sheer light from the friction of matter condensing into critical mass to once more create the WAVE, without the Solar winds to push the outer WAVE forward it will fall back unto it's self . If anything Anti Organic you might consider allowing more light to generate the WAVE forward till light can no longer hold as a whole then each star will be separated to infinite distance unable to reach the other. The WAVE will continue till it's reaches particle zero. The Void will be as complete while extinguishing each star as they're nuclear fuel finally ends. You would better serve the Void to destroy Gravity which allows for Light and the Universe to expand and contract. Without the center the WAVE can continue without be dragged back to the whole.".
Valirion Thorn
Oct 7th, 2002, 02:39:03 PM
:: I turned with my face in a grin, my eyes blood shot from the feast and my skin a faint pink. What did this thing think it was? In my chambers? Why had the shrine even let this thing past my door? I had placed my sword back down while drinking and at the sight of this... THING it had screeched in the sheer thought that I might be spontaneus and kill it for being there. But my armor sensed something else... This was not even living, mechanical?
I was not very fond of the machines that the humans used to increase their own laziness, even in wars. I didn't even bother with a lightsaber. But such things had given me my bio synthetic armor and sword, and in these I was very content. My armor was actually more infatuated with the still dying women. It wanted to share their pain, as did I, but such wounds did not mean much anymore... being immortaly strong did have its downsides.
But my attention was brought back to the thing before me and I pondered its purpose. There was no need for defense right now, I would not think a machine would be illogical enough to attack me, if that was what it really was. But I still wanted to be on gaurd, and let my armor get a real look at it.
I stepped back and let the process begin. The organic metal peeled through my marble skin and tore through, but it wasn't the same anymore. Changing through my armor used to be an ecstatic event when I reached new multitudes of pain each time. But becoming this had lessened the effect. Only the kill could satisfy that old pleasure.
My armor formed about me and I studied the thing I stepped forward and my voice came through the demon like helmet, distorted at every syllable, sounding like a voice straight from the abyss and not from where I stood.::
Explain your existence before you have none. I have not been introduced to you and you have taken the oppurtunity to watch me unbewares of your presence. I consider this rude in my own chambers and would expect an apology as your first words.
Alana Stormcloud
Oct 7th, 2002, 09:27:24 PM
Alana stepped through her apprentices doorway. Slipping in through the door. Her presence unseen and unfelt by either until she had been ready to show herself. Her black gown molded her body, her green eyes flashing with humor.
She rested her hand lightly on the Mecha's huge arm. A small smile tugged the corner of her blood stained lips. "This Val is a Shrine guardian and they wander freely. They have come of there own free will as protectors of or dark planet, our dark home. I should have introduced them to you. The advice he offers you is true without light how would our food grow and thrive?" Alana asked softly.
"Though I to being what I am would love to see the cursed light gone, I know the folly of this thought. As I am sure you do." Alana moved from around the one who called himself Wait in the darkness and approached Thorn. She ran her fingers lightly across his armored face, feeling the armor pulse at her soft touch.
"They saved me and others that I loved one time. Someday they may have that chance again. I know they will not fail in what they have pledged to do and I have placed all of us here under there protective watch. They come and go as they please. How many I do not know but they have my trust Val." She murmured softly into his ear.
She moved back toward the Mecha her smile gentle and appreciative. She had nor would she, ever forget what they had done for her. Alana eyed the females Thorn had chained, her eyes brightened slightly.
"What have we here Thorn?"
Wait in the Darkness
Oct 7th, 2002, 11:50:44 PM
Bowing before the Keeper The Mecha opened it's six arms wide in fighting stance and honor guard salute.
" We are many Keeper. We will serve again. Those that came before and those that follow will see to the Shadows and knife." Turing it's optic on the Anti Organic.
" I am Templar. Shadow Wrought Series. No wards were set to discourage entry. Unknown energy output detected. Investigation required. " Sliding it's six arms to retracted pose. Shadows darkened around the AI as it awaited the Keepers pleasure.
Valirion Thorn
Oct 9th, 2002, 03:25:56 PM
Wonderful... excuse me then... Shrine Gaurdian. Forgive my ignorance, and I perfectkly understand that without creation and light, our power wouldn't exist otherwise. But now that I am aware of you Gaurdian, I ask that you leave my Mistress and I to other matters. The unknown is known and nothing is left to investigate I presume?
:: I figured I had said enough to the mecha and with a nod, the being was dismissed from my own mind, what it did from there was not of my concern other than it not disturbing me. What was the worth of something if it could not feel pain? But then Alana had said she owed them something and I had already considered this. So be it... honor to those of the shrine.
I turned to Alana and my armor's synthetic skin danced again across my face, her touch before had been a great pleasure to the armor and it had been one that it had even taken from me. It seemed to exalt the one who had granted me immortality and it kept the sense of her touch greedily. I smiled at its own developing thoughts, over more time it would grow as I would in my own sith powers.::
That my Mistress, would be a small decoration for the moment. It seemed to suit the moment and in my own dreams and nightmares, they have suited me so far. And their blood rolled across both tongues very well.
:: My sword's eye rolled in agreement, it's tongue like blade quivered as the blood began to dry upon it.::
But more or less, they are test subjects now.
:: The eyes of the four dead women snapped open with a wave of my hand, even though their coagulated throats were congested with blood, they began to whisper out the previos verses but this time slower and with an instictive drone to it.::
It has a ring to it nonetheless, of those who have transcended to a higher plane of pain and agony, of death.
Alana Stormcloud
Oct 16th, 2002, 10:34:21 PM
Alana watched a Thorn brought the women back to a semblance of life. A small smile touched her lips.
"I have hear that Soth granted you knighthood. It seems you have learned very well. It is rare that Soth would honor someone like that." Alana moved back to Thorn, her eyes boring into his, she moved her hands and the shadows seemed to thicken around her. The Shrine guardians gathered around her. Bone white hands pulled at her arms.
"What plans do you have for your self Thorn. What is it you see for yourself?" Alana had lost a small piece of herself when she had drank from the mother. The horror she had seen was enough to drive anyone mad. The shadows had brought some respite....
Valirion Thorn
Oct 16th, 2002, 11:11:57 PM
I myself, was very honored to be under Soth's tutelage for the two years. Very... educational.
:: I examined the bloody goblet a moment before looking up to Alana. My mistress, it had been a while since seeing her and now that I examined her like I had the chalice. She was different, changed, not the same Alana that had turned me two years prior. But then I was different also I assumed, it was expected that such a drastic change could occur in such a little time as two years.
I let loose my minor control on the zombies and they slumped back into their eternal sleep once more. I smiled slightly before setting the cup down on the table and speaking.::
To be a Deity, to be the Deity of Blood and Pain as is my right. To battle the Gods and their angels of light and to have my armored fist reach across the galaxy and douse the lives of the mortals in the blood of the ages. To glorify the shrine and to become a standard and point where the light is diminished and repelled.
I know of the great balance that is to be kept also, but... to create so much pain and spill so much blood, I'd let them have they're creation just so that I could tear it down again when they thought of my actions merely as a legend.
:: My eyes had passed by Alana and were now staring into the shadows where my own dreams and ambitions came together. I closed my eyes for a moment and then my violet irises focuses back to Alana.::
And what I see now is still like a dream to me. I control the dead as if they were my slaves. I can cling to corners and own peoples minds in their sleep. All of these I find in other vamps but this...
:: I put my hand to the goblet and instantly blood sweat was running down my face. My hand came to the cup and then seemed to pass through it as if I were running it through dirt. My hand came out the other side and the cup looked just the same. I liked the taste of the sweat and let it run as I stared at Alana with a questioning glance.::
Alana Stormcloud
Nov 3rd, 2002, 11:22:33 PM
Alana' eyes glimmered softly in the dim room. She moved her hand toward the shadows calling there comforting embrace to her. They clung to her body like a second garment.
She approached Thorn, her smile soft, enticing. "You have changed my friend, for the better." She had opened herself to his mind. She loved the feel of being there, entranced by his blood soaked thoughts.
She ran her hand over his face. Her cool fingers traveled to his chest that was covered by his armor. Her fingers dug deeply into it, feeling its sweet tremor as it enjoyed the pain she gave. "How wonderful you are Thorn."
Valirion Thorn
Nov 10th, 2002, 03:05:28 PM
:: My armor hissed and sighed at the drunk feeling of pain. My mouth formed a grin and I lifted my bloodied arms, placing my clawed hands on her shoulders.::
We are Gods Mistress, and even the mecca told me I spoke blaspheme that light could not exist but at this moment, I am fluent in blasphemy.
Why? Because I am a rising God, and I will let this universe bleed and change, light will be my slave, just for the purpose so that the darkness may continue, the light and the mortals... they shall be cattle!
Alana Stormcloud
Dec 9th, 2002, 12:20:43 AM
"It is true Val there is none such as we. But the Mecca speaks the truth. Without the cursed light how would our food live?" A small hint of a smile crossed her lips. Alana drew closer to Thorn. Her breath was hot on his neck. Her teeth flashed and sank in. There was nothing sweeter nor more erotic than Vampires feeding from one another.
She pulled away as quickly as she struck. Her lips stained crimson with his blood. Alana pulled her hair from her bare shoulders, and tilted her head to the side, offering her own porcelain throat.
"Though the cursed light is a true aggravation to our kind, it is also what keeps us from starving. We are as no other by dear and we must protect that at all costs." Her husky seductive whisper called to his very soul...
Valirion Thorn
Dec 9th, 2002, 03:59:20 PM
Exactly, that is all it is, the cursed light, cursed to live underneath my boot and bow to my sword.
:: That was all that would escape my lips before I moved forward and opened my mouth, fangs extending and my pearl white teeth like steel, and sank into my Mistress' neck. I sihghed as I slowly took a draught of the sweet drink and instead of pulling away quickly, I took my time pushing away from the darkness that followed with the taste of her blood. My armor quivered beneath my skin and shuddered as the stinging hot blood seethed through my veins.
I was never a clean feeder and I could feel the blood slowly drip of my marble white chin. My tongue slipped out, serpentlike and licked the blood off as I sat back.::
My Mistress... I deserve no such gift as that, how have I earned such pleasure that can even equal to pain?
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