View Full Version : Well...

Nov 8th, 2002, 05:19:39 AM
I think I'll be signing off from this forum for a while, much to the chagrin of probably nobody.

I don't appreciate being insulted constantly and then told that I'm the one who is causing the problems, when in fact I'm just trying to express myself and I get shot down for what I say, so that doesn't make it very fun.

Jedieb, I really thought more highly of you than you've shown me lately, I thought you had more class. I guess I don't have the right to state my feelings on political issues because if I do, you'll just joke around and try to make me look like an idiot for bringing up important topics. God forbid I actually try to make you think about something you don't agree with, because if I do that, I must be a traitor to my country! I must be a horrible citizen for suggesting that the government isn't perfect and that U.S. could improve. Well, I voted, I did my part. I have the right to comment on the state of the union under the First Amendment. I'm a great American, and I'm a great American not because I support everything our government does, but because I care so much about the country that I cannot stand to see it going in a direction that will in time tear it apart as other democracies have fallen. If it means that I have to suggest different solutions to problems, then so be it, but I just bring up a few problems and all of the sudden everyone, like a bunch of lemmings, attacks me for them!

What kind of country do we live in where your fellow Americans fear the government so much that they make fun of people just for suggesting new ideas or reforms? EB, for a teacher, and for a person who served this country, you disappoint me greatly. I always thought highly of you as a Star Wars fan and an American, but nobody who really respects America and respects other people would take important issues with such a light tone and not only disregard what I said, but make fun of me for them. I just can't believe you would stoop that low.

For my part, I want to apologize for criticizing people's opinions of Y Tu Mama Tambien. That was not appropriate of me, and I transferred my extreme dislike of that film into a general statement that said I don't have respect for the opinions of people who like that movie, which isn't true. I don't agree with them, but I would defend their right to feel however they wish about the film and express themselves in whatever way they please.

Here is an example from Dutchy of what anyone would reasonably consider a personal attack, and that you people have accused me of time and time again, but I find myself on the defensive more than anything: "You have a narrowminded view on this world. Which is OK, but don't pretend that YOU are the one who's right and knows it all."

I have a very broad view of this world, in fact, and I'm a college student studying philosophy, all types of film, and I've taken classes in sciences, math, religion, studied politics a lot, English, writing, you name it. I am very open-minded and always excited to learn things that interest me. Now I really never have cared what Dutchy thinks of me because I personally think he is a pompous jerk who knows so little about movies he wouldn't be able to pick Sean Connery out of a two person crowd, but that's besides the point. I have every right to feel as I do about him, and I don't express it here except for right there, and all of my best attempts to get along with Dutchy and be friendly have failed time and again. I saw Sliding Doors with him in mind, I wanted to see a movie he really liked and I ended up enjoying it too, and then I try to reason with him and I expect he'll be mature enough to hold an intelligent conversation, but again and again I find that he, and other people here, cannot put down their grudges long enough to talk about anything with any degree of intelligence.

Instead it instantly turns into a flame war. I say that I didn't like Signs and all of the sudden it becomes all about what is WRONG with me for not liking that movie, yet I get accused constantly of being unreasonable and insulting other people. I find myself insulted here every day by what other people say to me, and I have ignored it and tried to just refrain from lashing back because an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind. But at what point do you say, "Hey, look, I'm a busy guy who spends 30-40 hours a week on school plus 30 on film, I should be re-evaluating where I am spending my time." I like you guys and gals here, you're good people, but you seem to be so disagreeable with me and have such a great degree of dislike for me that we cannot talk intelligently now.

I mean, perhaps if I took some time off and came back later, over time, we could pave things over and get along, but right now I don't see that happening. Right now all I see is a bunch of people who pounce on me at every chance they get and I don't personally think it's very fun.

I would enjoy participating in the NFL pool still, but as always, I will just refrain from commentary because I don't seem to be able to talk to you people at all without being assaulted.

To be honest, it is really hurtful some of the things you say, and when I generalize about a movie or say, "I just cannot respect the idea of someone liking Y Tu Mama Tambien," that is not a personal attack on anyone, it's just a poor statement (I admit) that should be more sensitive to the idea that other people are entitled to their opinions too. I'm not at all suggesting here that I am right, you all are wrong, I'm the victim, or something like that. I'm saying I am wrong here in a few cases, but does that make it ok for you to lay into me?

Jedieb, for your information man, I'm not lonely at OSU. Ben and I hang out every day, and furthermore, I couldn't be happier. I have perfect grades nearly (6 weeks with all A's on every test, homework assignment, and paper, something I've never managed to do before in school), I am really pleased with the progress of my movie site and reviews, and Ben and I talk a lot each day and get a lot of great discussions going and have a lot of laughs. Granted I'd love to meet even more people, but if I were truly lonely, is that something you want to joke about? I don't think it would be all that funny. That happened last year at LMU and it wasn't a joking matter. Severe depression can result from something like that, and did result, and for you to be a mature adult and joke around about something like that is just plain mean-spirited, when I've not said anything mean to you.

You were making fun of my NFL picks and I just took it as a joke, I knew you were probably joking with me too, and I reacted calmly. Three years ago, heck I probably would have gotten all mad and said something insulting myself, but I just was like, "Hey no big deal, no reason to blow anything out of proportion."

The comments some of you people have made hurt, and that is too bad because I cannot let that happen as everything else is going so well for me. I don't really at heart care about what people I barely know say about me, but I mean, it sure doesn't improve my days.

That's just why I think I should take a break from posting here for a while, leave you moderators able to rest that subject and not worry about it, and for those of you who may be like, "Good, get the heck out of here," well I'll be doing you a favor I suppose but I'd think it would be most tasteful if you'd just hold your opinions to yourself.

Jedi Master Carr, I know you've disagreed with me in some cases and whatnot, but you're a cool guy and we always got along well before. I wish you good luck.

Buff, I know we've always been good friends on here and our AOTC competition was very fun, I enjoyed the whole thing and I hope this film project of yours goes great.

CMJ, my dream in the next four years is to see the movies you've seen because I respect your film views greatly and your knowledge of the industry is excellent, which is why you deserve to be even more successful than you have been so far. I hope your pursuits in film are fruitful.

I do not know how long I will be avoiding posting here, but I think I had better take a good long while off. You can reach me via e-mail if you ever want to talk, clear anything up, etc. I'm always on AIM too, even if I'm away, you can leave messages.


Nov 8th, 2002, 09:24:27 AM
Well Jonathan, even if you do not post you're more than free to read the boards from time to time. Not sure if that will be harder for you though(the reading but not responding).

Good luck to you, and go OSU Beavers! ;)

Nov 8th, 2002, 09:32:12 AM
Jon, I don't think people hate you. The problem is your never wrong and what you do is never wrong. Even in your above post you shift all the blame to everyone else and don't accept a single shred of it upon yourself.

Thats your problem, everyone else is wrong and your always right. If their opinion differs from yours then they're obviously stupid and don't get it. I remember you when you first showed up on these forums and you haven't changed. Your obviously smarter than you were, theres no doubt about that, your a very intelligent and well written guy but just learn to have a little tollerance for what others think and the simple fact that just because someone likes something you don't doesn't make them wrong or ignorant. Its called a opinion, and we're all entitled to one.

Nov 8th, 2002, 10:47:53 AM
I mock your political opinions because I don't agree with many of them and the manner in which you present them is consistent with the way you constantly express yourself; I'm right, everyone else is either ignorant or stupid. I have many contrary political opinions with Doc, but I could discuss politics with him all day because of the manner in which he expresses himself. I don't see hypocrisy in Doc's views, but I see them in yours, constantly. I disagree with my country and it's politicians all the time. It's not about putting a rubber stamp on everything your government does. But you spout off statements and opinions that literally fly in the face of statements that you've made in the past. You say that our government was partly responsible for bringing on terroist attacks against itself, but if anyone mentions the situation in Iraq you're one of the first to say we can go ahead and ignore international opinion and invade them without worrying about the reprocussions. Isn't that the same kind of action you said got us in trouble in the first place? You may think of yourself as a great American, but I honestly don't. You look down upon the majority of Americans because of their social status, education level, and their income. Again, it's not about your politics. I don't like George H. Bush's party or his politics, but I respect him for his service. I don't disrespect or hate those that I disagree with. But I have little respect for those that are intolerant of others. That's something that you are constantly guilty of.

You should have noticed by now that people keep making the same criticisms of your posts over and over again. It's not just me. You have to accept responsibility for your attitudes and how you express them. Until you do, the same thing is going to happen to you.

Nov 8th, 2002, 01:47:18 PM
I do not want to drag this out, but I'll respond to a few things.

"Even in your above post you shift all the blame to everyone else and don't accept a single shred of it upon yourself."

That is not true, if you read it again I did accept blame for what I said about Y Tu Mama Tambien and I said that I should watch what I say more carefully with regard to statements that might make more sensitive people offended.

EB, what if I have changed my mind? Is that not allowed?

You are right, in the past I have said entirely different things, but like anyone, I have been convinced through debate that I was wrong before and I do not believe we have any business attacking Iraq nor do I believe we should be involved in the affairs of other countries to such a high degree. I think the UN should act on Iraq, not just the U.S., and I wrote a paper for my Philosophy class saying that!

I'm not hypocritical, I'm just constantly evolving my opinions and beliefs about these matters through discussion. Why would I want to keep the same opinion if I find it to be flawed?

Morgan Evanar
Nov 8th, 2002, 01:54:37 PM

Actually, I did.

Jon, many people have problems with you because you hail yourself as a serious reviewer, and you pan great, incredible films without really thinking about them (Mullholland Drive, Amelie, two movies you can view with the sound off). You don't even credit the direction or camera work.

There isn't a neutral ground. If you don't like something, there is no positive aspect to it. At all. You're a lousy reviewer because you completely lack objectivty.

You hate it "WORST MOVIE EVER!"

You like it "OMG THIS WINS!"

If you ever want to be really taken seriously, view a film multiple times, to view different aspects. There is no respect for films as art in what you do. You look purely for entertainment, and that makes you terribly unbalanced.

Nov 8th, 2002, 03:13:11 PM
What are you TALKING about?

Have you ever read my reviews?! 2.5 stars is my MOST common rating and in those reviews I ALWAYS point out what was good about the film and what I felt was not so good about it.

I only give 0 stars or 1/2 star rating to the films I honestly felt had no value to cinema whatsoever and were among the worst movies I have ever seen. Amelie was just awful in a boring sort of way, not like an offensive one, but Mulholland Drive was horrid. There are other critics who agree with me, so are you going to say they are "unbalanced" too?

I watched parts of that movie twice when I rented the DVD and I've talked about it a lot, and I see how some people could like it if they like dream-like movies that make no sense at all, but I personally found, as one other reviewer said, that it was too incoherent to recommend.

"you hail yourself as a serious reviewer, and you pan great, incredible films without really thinking about them"

I don't really think about them? So if I don't like a movie, that means I instantly didn't think about them? Wow are you high and mighty! So I'm guessing every film you didn't like actually WAS poor, is that correct? Read what you wrote again dude, you sound entirely ridiculous. This is just proof that I'm not the only one writing opinions that are broad generalizations and that actually don't make any sense. I may do that from time to time, but you just made the most blatantly untrue post I've seen in ages.

Now if someone wants to question the way I post or that I attack other people's opinions unfairly (I try to attack the opinion not the person, but I don't always succeed), then so be it, I can be objective enough to say, "Ok, I need to work on that, then," but you questioning me as a critic is just without basis. You wouldn't know the first thing about film criticism and I really don't care what you think.

Why don't you READ some of my AFI reviews?


You won't find any review that isn't substaniated with a great deal of fact and positive commentary about various aspects. I haven't given an AFI selection a poor review yet, I think I've given a few 3 star ratings instead of 3.5's or 4's, but mostly they are 4 star films.

Mulholland Drive is not a great movie. Mulholland Drive is not praised as a great movie. Citizen Kane IS a great movie. You can't look to some 2001 film and start saying what a great movie it is. You tell me in 20 years if you think it's a great movie worthy of making a list like the AFI's and then we'll talk.

Now I'm not expressing my opinions here whatsoever, I'm telling you how it is. These are the facts:

-The most common rating on JLBMovies.com is 2.5 stars.
-Because the most common rating is 2.5 stars, most movies have both good and bad aspects.
-95% of my reviews point out what was good about a movie in addition to what was bad, even if there are only a few good things. Even with Mulholland Drive, I have said before I thought the cinematography was very well done, but that cinematography in the service of such a poor plot and lousy film is meaningless. I won't give a movie 2 stars if it's terrible just because it had great cinematography and great effects, or great costumes and makeup, or whatever else. I'll give it the rating I feel it deserves on the basis of the film as a WHOLE. Sometimes the parts simply don't add up to a coherent whole.
-The most influential, "greatest films" that I am reviewing are getting 2-5 page reviews (or more in a few cases) that talk a great deal about them in depth that only a few other critics have bothered to explore (Filmsite.org, for instance). So your statement that I don't "think about them" is absolutely ridiculous and you will find yourself that you are wrong.

I don't need to sit around here and defend myself. I will be one of the greatest film critics and film historians ever to walk this planet by the time I am finished, so I will let my actions speak for themselves. You, on the other hand, are not going anywhere in the film industry so who are you to level baseless accusations at me?

As for film as entertainment, SOME film is entertainment, some film is more art, like A Clockwork Orange I found entertaining, but I also thought it was really thought provoking and artistic. Film is all an art form like any other in that it evokes emotional response and commentary and whatnot. Although, I think many of us would not want to include Jackass as an "artistic endeavor" exactly, hehe. Your statement is proved wrong on contact because you can clearly see that my reviews do not praise movies that are only entertaining and mock ones that are artistic. The AFI films are considered among the greatest artistic achievements in cinema and I've liked almost every one of them, loved many of them. Citizen Kane is truly artistic and I loved it. I'm also very entertained by good movies, now needless to say if I don't like a movie at all and it's artistic, that's pretty meaningless. The Cell (2000) comes to mind. Useless, boring film with a lot of great "artistry," though disturbing. It got 2 stars, not bad, not good, yes the art was nice, yes I liked some of the cinematography, no it wasn't a good movie, no the plot was not that well developed.

Lilaena De'Ville
Nov 8th, 2002, 03:18:54 PM
Hey, I know I'm not a mod of this forum, but lets just nip this in the bud right now. Jonathan, I wish you well in your time off from the boards if that is indeed what you're taking. Enjoy school, life, movies, and send me a DVD player...;) You know you want to.

Morg, enjoy your vacation, and lets not let this get out of hand more than it already has.



Nov 8th, 2002, 03:39:51 PM
I agree. I have nothing further to say.

You won't be able to question me as a critic for long, though. At the rate I'm watching movies, I'll be one of the Internet's foremost critics in less than 3 years. Have a nice day.

Nov 8th, 2002, 03:44:12 PM
Thanks LD...

Lilaena De'Ville
Nov 8th, 2002, 03:44:26 PM
...what about my DVD player?? :(


Jedi Master Carr
Nov 8th, 2002, 03:45:09 PM
Well Jon, I don't think people hate you, I just think you get carried away a little bit on certain things, and don't see both sides of the issue, that is easy to do sometimes. Also you can come back if you want to down the road, we won't stop you, I am sure you can still be a good poster in the future. Hope you continue to do well in school. See you around.

Nov 8th, 2002, 04:59:51 PM
Well I personally wish/think Jon should stay. now I guess that i have missed some post's around here so I'm not clear cut on what all has happened.now I know as well as anyone that Jon has his moments, so do I any everyone else.Except maybe a few(some people are to darn sweet :x NO!! not you JMK ;) )
The only bad thing I could say about Jon is he is VERY head strong and sometimes I think he speaks without realizing how it is coming out and taken by other(now that's my opinion I'm not saying that's true) it's just what it seems like to me.But I think he is a good guy, pretty much know's his stuff and does contribute alot to this forum(he hated JASON X:huh :huh I say Jon stay but be more objective in his views, not saying he should forfiet them but look at another's view first, than smash there view >D ;) Remember all WE all have our faults , mine hey I'm not the brightest bulb in trhe pack, and I hate LOTR and Spiderman :D

Nov 8th, 2002, 05:03:25 PM
Oopppsss, anyway whatever you do Jon, you have a several friends here.Whatever you do take care goodluck and much Success to you, i know you can do anything you want:) except beat me in armwrestling>D

But than agian we could have a no holds barred match between Jedieb(s) and JON:smokin :smokin

Nov 8th, 2002, 06:36:20 PM
I'm not hypocritical, I'm just constantly evolving my opinions and beliefs about these matters through discussion. Why would I want to keep the same opinion if I find it to be flawed?

I respect that statement. But you have to try to post accordingly. If you acknowledge that your own opinions and beliefs will evolve and change, then you should realize that the views that you have are not absolute. You could be belittling opinions you'll one day have yourself. The older you get the more you'll learn this. So if the opinion you have today will one day be different does that mean you were ignorant and unintelligent when you first had it? If someone is diametrically opposed to something you believe that is not automatically an indication of their self worth or intelligence?

Go back and read some of your posts. Then imagine if someone were to use the same tone and phrases to respond to you. How would you react?

Enjoy your time away from the board. May the Force be with you.

Nov 8th, 2002, 07:36:03 PM
Ok Mods, I'm going to apologize ahead of time for these comments, if any action is needed I'll glady answer any PM's you send me on the matter.

I don't need to sit around here and defend myself. I will be one of the greatest film critics and film historians ever to walk this planet by the time I am finished, so I will let my actions speak for themselves. You, on the other hand, are not going anywhere in the film industry so who are you to level baseless accusations at me?

While your at it why not just waive your check book at everyone here and say nyah nyah I have more money then you so I'm better than you?

I'm sorry if this goes over the line but this kind of crap has been happening on these forums for years now. He bashes and bashes and bashes and when people actually say something back all of a sudden he's innocent and his big post is full with more vieled insults.

Is it so hard to realize and accept that other people have opinions and they may differ from yours? I mean really....is it that fricken hard? People offer constructive criticism and you respond with comments like your first one. Maybe, just maybe your not Jonny Critic and don't know everything there is to know. For me personally I would never put any faith into reviews from a critic who can't even accept a single opinion that differs from his own.

Opinions change over time, what do you think of Titanic fans? I'll never forget those threads and your incredibly enlightened opinions on Titanic Fans.

Sanis Prent
Nov 8th, 2002, 08:15:52 PM
I dunno...I think that professional film critic is on the same level as eating steaming feces for cash, in terms of being a totally ridiculous way to make a living. But go...put babies on spikes...its the american dream, or something.

In other words, enjoy your hiatus. See you around. Maybe you'll be richer and famous-...er. Yeah.

Nov 8th, 2002, 08:17:13 PM
Is see where you are coming from tall man(JJWR) NOT DEFENDING Jon, But .................................................. ..........................Jon is young, and from what I have heard and seen he was raise VERY well off.If you are raised that way it is hard to look at the world from eye level.In school you have those who think Gosh, he is Rich and you are treated special.People do not stop and think hey he's not rich his Father/Mother are.Right or wrong as you get older you see your Parents getting treated special and at least actling like they should be treated special and you become that way. Or you realize you are better off than a certain circle and you start thinking the world revolves around you. Alot of people in the world are to blame. You hear someone is a doctor/lawyer most people start talking ohh he must be rich oh he's better than such and such, oh look at his house/car etc.....People with money are generally treated special so they act special (not all)(but most).

I myself was just like (what I'm talking about) but as I got older I realized money means zip about a person. I now have no money and I can still say the same(of course never had the monies Jon's family has :()

It's like models, most are dog ugly, but let it be known they are models than all the sudden they are superhot sooo beutiful. I'm NOT saying it is right BUT society in general makes people a certain way at times.

Now I'm NOT saying any of this holds true for JON, I do not know him well enough BUT if so Maybe this can shed some light on him. One day Jon will realize Money is GOOD!!!! but not all there is to life.He is young, but a very smart guy and he will figure it out.I have faith in him.And if none of this applies Sorry:(

Nov 9th, 2002, 04:09:59 PM
Wow....you remember I'm tall...I'm touched :)

You have a good point Buff, but is it really a excuse? I know some very rich people and all are great people, you'd never know they pulled in huge amounts of $$$, doesn't take much to just show a bit of humility and accept the simple fact that others may disagree with you, and its ok.

Nov 9th, 2002, 04:33:11 PM
I'd just like to make one quick comment:

Mullholland Dr. is rated 119 on IMDB's top 250 movies of all time (http://us.imdb.com/top_250_films), based on user ratings. It's got an 8.1/10, averaged from over 13,000 votes. That says to me that there is definitely something there.

For comparison, Citizen Kane only got an 8.8/10... only slightly higher than Mulholland Dr.

That is all. :)