View Full Version : Trying to work out DVD sales figures...

Marcus Telcontar
Nov 8th, 2002, 03:48:14 AM
From what I can work out, Harry Potter is the No 1 DVD this year in the USA (Certainly not here, it's LOTR by daylight)

From what I can also work out, Spiderman isnt ding as well as Sony hyped - its good, but nowehere near a LOTR or a Harry Potter. Now, that is what I can find out. COuld be different, but I really dont think Spiderman will top either. Not when LOTR : Platimum Edition is Amazon's current No.1, Star wars Ep II is No. 2 and Spiderman No 3 - and LOTR Collectors Edition at 4.

I said releasing AOTC on the same day as LOTR's special edition was a bad idea. While this is not proof, I'm convinced it would have been better for Lucasarts to release the DVD on a different day. Maybe in the USA it will be No 1 for a week or two.... but I wonder about global, which is just a big a market DVD wise now.

As for the reviews, it's pretty clear AOTC is top notch quality wise (sound and vision) as you would expect.

Nov 8th, 2002, 04:43:42 AM
I think LOTR will sell very well, but given that two editions already came out earlier, AOTC will annihilate the new LOTR edition and that is a guarantee. I'd put $100 on that with anyone, though I don't think you want to lose your money.

Do remember that on Amazon, the TPM widescreen VHS special edition set outsold the pan and scan version even though in real life, i.e. the non-cyber world, the pan and scan just killed the special edition set. That's because online, you get all of the die-hards ordering something and there is always a more informed crowd who really follow the releases before they happen.

The normal everyday people are much more likely to plop down $20 on AOTC than however much ($30, $40?) on this 4-disc LOTR set, which I will buy in a second because it's going to be incredibly awesome, but not so with many others, who already have LOTR in a lesser version or don't plan to buy it (their loss).

If anything, it was a major mistake to release LOTR on the same day as AOTC, because the competition is just too fierce. You're talking about the best DVD transfer ever versus an expensive special edition of a film that appeals to a similar audience. Either people will get them both, or they'll get AOTC in the majority of cases.

Marcus Telcontar
Nov 8th, 2002, 05:16:33 AM
LOTR:SE was announced first. Lucasarts knew very well when the SE was coming out, just still chose the same day! Very, very dumb if you ask me.

Nov 8th, 2002, 07:47:55 AM
Marcus, are you using any resource besides Amazon? I'm just curious. DVD sales figures seem to be difficult to come by, at least as far as all time units sold is concerned. I have no idea how to get that info, but I wish I did.

And I agree with Jon that AOTC will way outsell FOTR Extended Edition. As for all FOTRs vs. all AOTCs, I think the totals should be fairly close in the end.

Nov 8th, 2002, 08:02:57 AM
The FOTR SE and AOTC head to head race shouldn't be much of one. FOTR has already been released and it's going to carry a much hihger price tag than AOTC. But still, it's going to cost AOTC a few sales, but not much. I plan on getting them both. I passed on the first FOTR DVD because I wanted this one. Overall, all of the versions of FOTR and AOTC should be within striking distance of each other. I don't see one far outselling the other.

Nov 8th, 2002, 09:04:26 AM
Just a quick heads up; Toys R Us will be selling the AOTC DVD and VHS for only $9.99. That should make the day much easier on my wallet.

Nov 8th, 2002, 09:44:39 AM
I would never bet on anything beating LOTR in Australia, even AotC. Here, no problem. AotC will beat the SE, but LOTR is just nuts down under!

Jedi Master Carr
Nov 8th, 2002, 04:13:06 PM
I thought I read Spiderman outsold Monsters INC in its first three days. Still I am not sure what it has done since then. I really think there is a market for all three, though I expect both SW and Spiderman to outsell LOTR: SE, mostly because the first edition had more advertizing and came first and was cheaper. This version is mostly for the diehard fans.

Nov 8th, 2002, 05:20:01 PM
Originally posted by Jedieb
Just a quick heads up; Toys R Us will be selling the AOTC DVD and VHS for only $9.99. That should make the day much easier on my wallet.

I bet it will be only pan-scan, no wide screen :(

he11 I'll buy one anyway:)

Nov 8th, 2002, 05:37:58 PM
I hadn't thought of that buff. I think it'll still be the widescreen, but you never know. It's worth checking out though.

Nov 8th, 2002, 09:56:12 PM
I also passed on the first DVD of FOTR in favor of the Extended one. I've got 50 bucks tucked away to pick up AOTC and FOTR on Tuesday. I'm sure countless others will be doing the same thing.

Marcus Telcontar
Nov 8th, 2002, 10:04:26 PM
I think that's correct - a lot of SW fans are alos fans of LOTR, knew the second edition was coming and are going to buy both. Me, I've just spend 149.00 AUD (Remembering 1 AUD is 50 US cents) on the FOTR:Collectors edition, the 5 disc set. Oh man, that is looking simply the sweetest damn DVD set I have ever seen.

Nov 9th, 2002, 12:07:47 AM
Thankfully my dad payed for my AOTC copy, so I reserved the 5 disc set with the figures of FOTR. Next weekend is going to be legendary!