View Full Version : Regrets: Double Dealing

imported_Cyrus Haman
Nov 8th, 2002, 01:46:20 AM
It always happened to him. Go play with the kitty, go get called to the boss' office. Of course, Haman thought, he didn't mind getting called to the boss' office. Especially if it was for what it normally was for.

Cyrus Haman...smuggler, thief, and resident man-whore of ShadowFaene Fortress...walked through the halls of the floating space station, heading towards his boss, Hera DrenKast, office.

He had a cigarre in his mouth and a bottle of rum in his hands. And information in his mind...The kitten wanted to spend more time with him.

And while he was willing to oblige...Hera was the one paying his paycheck. And credits meant more than sex. Even if he tried to 'get some' every day. And sometimes twice.

Cy entered Hera's office and nodded at her.

"Hey boss, how's it goin'?" he said, beginnig to walk towards the nearest chair, "What can I do for ya?"

Nov 8th, 2002, 01:59:58 AM
Hera came on strong - but it was not the kinda strong that Cyrus usually enjoyed.

Hera was angry...and that made life a tad precarious for the cockey smuggler.

"You got two minutes to tell me everything, Cyrus, or you will be clammering to join the Calan Monk Order, for obvious reasons.."

Her lips curled back in a snarl and Haman knew the Sith was completely serious.

imported_Cyrus Haman
Nov 8th, 2002, 02:04:04 AM
"Relax boss, it's cool," Haman said quickly, seeing her anger. He still played it cool.

"The Kitty wants me to go with her to Mon Calamari for something. She also wants me to start working for her instead of you. I told her I'd think about it.

"Mainly," he added quickly, "To keep her comin' to me for...stuff..." he smiled, "I figure I can get info from her and give it to you.

"And vice versa...but only the information you tell me."

Nov 8th, 2002, 02:25:35 AM
Hera narrowed her eyes at Cyrus. He was far too calm for her liking. He was shifty (Hera knew that) and he was opportunistic (she knew that as well) and he was greedy (aren't we all?)

Hera liked the fact with Haman, that she knew exactly what she had in him. He was perfect for the chosen profession of smuggling and pirateering, he was a womaniser and, well, they had an understanding between them that kept them both pretty darn happy. In short - he was her kinda scum.

Through all his glaring scoundrel qualities, he had still struck her as having some thread of loyalty to her. She would kill him without pause if this did not prove true.

"..........what kind of information from Nass are you talking about...?"

imported_Cyrus Haman
Nov 8th, 2002, 02:33:46 AM
"That she wants me t'work for her," he said, pouring himself a glass of rum.

"And she doesn't like you too much, either."

Cyrus leans back in his chair and sighed.

"Outside of that...she hasn't told me anything. Nothing important yet. Oh...but I bet she thinks, if she can get me to defect with her back to the Cizes or something like that...she can rejoin 'em."

Haman licked his lips as he took another gulp of liquor, "But I'm not sure about that.

"What's wrong boss? I figured you woudn't mind me gettin' this info?

"What?" he smirked as he took another drink, "You afraid Cyrus' gun might not have enough ammo in it. Don't worry...it does."

He smiled seductively.

Nov 8th, 2002, 02:42:43 AM
"That she wants me t'work for her," he said, pouring himself a glass of rum.
And she doesn't like you too much, either."

Well that wasnt news - Nasserri and Hera had been grudgliny associated ever since the Cizeracks made their heavy handed "diplomatic" moves on her Base some time back.

But this...this "working for her" was a whole other story.

Hera would have to think on how best to handle this. Getting rid of Nass would only mean a replacement. Better the devil you know, than the devil you dont. She looked at Cyrus as she thought this. There was a devil if ever there was one..

"Cyrus, the only thing that "scares" me about you..is how shiney your head gets now and then."

She sat down, her rage abating a little as she considered Hamans proposal.

imported_Cyrus Haman
Nov 8th, 2002, 02:47:45 AM
"Hey if I were buddying up with Callista would you be worried? Or one of the other hired hands?" Cy asked as he poured two glasses of rum. One went on Hera's desk...the other down his throat.

"The way I figure...I'm a bit like you. I get what I want. Or try to atleast. And ya know...even though I've been outta prison almost half a year I still want sex. And as much sex as I want.

"It's a part of who I am. Besides...you're able to use the Force to stimulate me in so many ways..." he smiled.

Nov 8th, 2002, 03:06:28 AM
She had taken the glass and was twirling it, making the dark rum swirl in the bottom. She wasnt really paying attention to what Cyrus was saying, her mind still bent on the Cizerack.

"Hm? What? Yes, yes - I know. Prison must have so cramped your style."

She ignored his last comment - he was always fishing, this one.

"I want you to tell me anything Nasseeri says that is...odd. And dont make her suspicious - the woman is uncannily observant. She wont be as lenient as I am, and you may yet find yourself living with the Monks."

imported_Cyrus Haman
Nov 8th, 2002, 03:09:50 AM
"I'm sure you could heal me if that did happen," Haman smirked, taking another drink, "I hear Force Users can heal people quite quickly."

He finished his drink, then began to pour another.

"Sound good to you? Oh..and if I do find something extra special? Do I get a reward?"

Nov 8th, 2002, 03:13:09 AM
"the question is not "could I heal you" (grinning at him) .... but would I heal you?"

She sipped her drink and peered at Cyrus over the rim of her glass.

"Reward? Such as?"

imported_Cyrus Haman
Nov 8th, 2002, 03:15:28 AM
"Well I was thinking a small raise...plus...a two week vacation," Haman took another drink, feeling the liquor begin to affect him.

"With only you with me," he smiled in a knowing way.

Nov 8th, 2002, 03:22:53 AM
"2 weeks - alone with you? I dont think I could handle that Haman, honestly I should think I would kill you."

Her smirk took away any offence from her comment, though to some degree it was true.

"It would have to be something extra special indeed that you would find. The pay raise would be more easily negotiated."

imported_Cyrus Haman
Nov 8th, 2002, 03:26:38 AM
"What...50 credits every time I get you to scream my name?" Haman smirked evilly, "And 50 taken away every single time I scream yours?"

He winked then took another drink, "That sound good to you?"

Nov 8th, 2002, 03:32:50 AM
"Sure - I always enjoy taking your money, Cyrus"

imported_Cyrus Haman
Nov 8th, 2002, 03:34:07 AM
Haman snorted, "I believe we're tied Hera...let's see...the score last time was Me 10...you 11. So that means we're tied on who got who to scream the most.

"Care to go at it again?"

Nov 11th, 2002, 12:50:36 AM
"Tell you what...you bring me something I dont know about Nasseeri, and we'll talk some more."

imported_Cyrus Haman
Nov 16th, 2002, 06:00:21 AM
"What only talk?" Haman smirked, "I was hoping for a bit more. Or do I need t'loosen ya up again?"

Nov 16th, 2002, 10:41:33 PM
Hera walked over and leant down to kiss Cyrus. Pulling his bottom lip with her teeth she smiled and then let go.

"Just get me the information, Cyrus."

Slapping him lightly on the cheek, she walked out of the room. The meeting was at an end.