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Alera Starreyes
Nov 7th, 2002, 07:04:26 PM
Alera groaned. She wasn't fully conscious - and if she had been, she wouldn't have wanted to be. Every part of her body hurt beyond belief as it was. She had no idea how badly hurt she was; only that it was serious.
She remembered nothing after the fight ( she'd gotten herself into. All she knew was that Tempist had triggered some sort of explosion, and she had lost consciousness.
She couldn't move, and didn't attempt to. It even hurt to breathe.
It was hard for Alera to think in her state, but she was sure of one thing beyond doubt. If she didn't get help soon... she was likely going to die.

Cmdr. Castles
Dec 18th, 2002, 04:38:33 AM
He looked around. He did not have time to think, only to make his body move into motion. It seemed many people were/had died here. Now it looked like he must help save the ones still living.

He noticed a slight movement on the ground just to his left. It seemed to be a female figure. He sensed what he knew as a life force coming from her.

He picked up what he could of her and dragged her body as far away as he could drag her. Nearing the exit to the city, he dragged her into his ship, The Tech's Hand , and put the ship into motion.

When they were some way into space he stopped and went to her side. The robot he had created for healing had certainly done it's job. He had no idea of who she was, where she came from, or why she was so near that city when the earth shook.

But he knew that until she woke up, he never answer these questions. Not that it was his concern, no he just liked to know a bit about his passengers. Wearily he took the items she was carrying and put them on the table beside the bed she was sleeping in.

"God speed." He muttered as he went back to his navigational computer, brushing the woman's hand as he went.

Alera Starreyes
Dec 19th, 2002, 04:36:45 PM
It was a few hours later when Alera slowly regained consciousness. She breathed in deeply, surprised it didn't hurt. The girl sat up stiffly. She felt certainly weaker and more tired than she'd felt in awhile.. but that aside, she felt almost good as new.

It was then she noticed her strange surroundings. Someone must have found her lying there and rescued her... she reached out to sense with the Force. His presence felt reassuring.

Alera sat back, relaxing slightly, waiting for what would happen next.

Cmdr. Castles
Dec 19th, 2002, 11:32:32 PM
He sat at his computer in the front of the ship, viewing his starmaps. It seemed he had been off corse when he landed on that world. He turned off his starmaps and walked over to his computer that managed all the systems of The Tech's Hand.

"Damb." He muttered as he looked over his hyperdrive unit. He had fried a circuit again. Luckily he had got used to it fizzing out, and replaced the curcuit with a spare he had.

It was then he felt a little 'shake' in the force. Maybe his guest was awake. Grabbing his blaster, just to be sure, he walked out near the back of the ship. As soon he entered the hospital area, he saw the women he had saved had woken up.

"Hello" He said in the nicest possible way, "Are you okay?". The women seemed to stur but did not say anything. "Anyway, you're lucky to be alive. I draged you in here at just the right moment." The women mad a move as if to speek, but still said nothing. "If you were wanting to know, which you probably will, I'm Cmdr. Brad Castles"

He now sat down to wait for her voice to return, putting the blaster down as he did. Getting a little bored, he started fixing the robot which had saved the women's life. He would have it fixed in no time.

Alera Starreyes
Dec 20th, 2002, 03:50:24 PM
Alera coughed slightly, watching the man a moment. She finally said, "I'm lucky you found me. That does have a lot to do with why I'm still alive." Her soft voice carried a note of amusement.
"My name is Alera Elenvedui.. some call me Alera Starreyes." She shrugged, as if to say it didn't matter to her. Her ice blue eyes watched as he began to repair the robot. She paused before saying, "Thank you." Her tone deeply sincere. "I was in some serious trouble back there."

Cmdr. Castles
Dec 21st, 2002, 02:03:10 AM
He finished the repairs to the robot and looked into her eyes. They seemed so...wierd...like he had known what they looked like before he saw them.

"Well Alera, I'm guessing you're a jedi or a padawan, so I think it's time I visited an old friend on Coruscant." Brad stopped for a second. He looked at her items or inventory, as officals called it. She had a blaster of some sort, but he did not have an idea what it was. "Must be new" he told himself.

He then turned to Alera and spoke again. "I have been told, that to find out something about someone, you must tell them about yourself. So I should now address that concern."

"I come from a far off world just out of the Outer Rim. It is called Naboo. I grew up not knowing my parents, but was taken to be trained as a jedi at the age of 12. It was a little late to start, but... anyway, I can modify any weapon known to living things. I am also able to open any door. I studied under a Jedi called Yassadar Minderii. He only had time to teach me the most basic of force abilities."

"What was that?" Alera asked, now lying down. Brad responded by strecting his hand out. A glass of water flew across the room and he sipped it as it came into his hand. " He also only had time to teach me how to wield a lightsaber. My training was cut short by a second trade war on my home planet. As part of the Republic Army I was sent there. I changed a high powered engine into a means of death for thousands. I was "Exiled" for the army after that."

"I came to this planet by chance but it was good I did. Now. You look tired. please sleep while I find a way to get us to Coruscant. Any objections?"

Without waiting for an answer he moved into his navigation room again. He called out one last thing before he punched in the co-ordinates. "Sweet Dreams."

He waited as a Royal Naboo Transport - The Tech's Hand vaulted into hyperspace.

Alera Starreyes
Dec 21st, 2002, 02:05:32 PM
Alera would have liked to talk more with this man, but he left too quickly for her to get much of a word in. She smiled and shook her head slightly. Maybe they'd have more of an opportunity to talk before the ship landed, or on Coruscant.

He seemed intelligent, and a kind sort. All in all, she was quite glad to have fallen into his hands, so to speak, and not someone else's.

Alera glanced quickly over at the table where he'd seemed to have gathered her things. Her sword Starfire was there, to her great relief, as well as her lightsaber, Dream. Also there were a few other things, perhaps two daggers and a blaster, that she kept just in case. Nothing seemed to be missing... and in any case, anything but Starfire and Dream could have been replaced.

She lay on her side there a moment, digesting all he'd told her. Finally with a sigh she adjusted her position to a slightly more comfortable one, staring up at the ceiling. She would have liked to have told him she wasn't exactly a Jedi of any sort. Not anymore. But it was all right... she did need to go to Coruscant anyway. Alera was just worried about inconveniencing Brad.

For the first time since she was awake she thought of the people who'd died in that blast, who she'd tried to save. How she'd failed them! Too many failures, now, too many lives lost, either to her stupidity or to her ill timing, possibly both this time. Alera knew she shouldn't blame herself for the actions of Tempist... but she should have been able to stop him.

Too many "should haves." What's done is done. The thought didn't quell the feelings of guilt inside her, and a single tear slid down her cheek. Not for the first time she wondered if she'd somehow been able to finish her training, she wouldn't be failing so often now... but once again, that was too late to fix. With a quiet sigh she blinked the tears out of her eyes, then closed them and attempted to fall asleep.

Cmdr. Castles
Dec 21st, 2002, 03:36:55 PM
Brad slowly pulled The Tech's Hand out of hyperspace and flew towards the planet of Coruscant. He smiled as he saw the familiar cityscape, he once called home.

He slowed the ship down for two reasons. It seemed that Alera was having a nightmare and to wait for clearance. The familiar voice of the dock wardern came out of the speaker to his left.

"Name and Reason of visiting." "Commander Brad Castles, to see Yassadar Mindeerii."
"Is that you Brad?"
"In the flesh old friend."
"I'll open a bay, just a second."

A docking bay open in the wall and Brad flew the ship into there. Landing it, he went outside and spoke to Hugmas, the shiping warden. "It's been a long time old friend." He hugged Hugmas. Hugmas was only half the hight of Brad. "I am sorry but I have to see to my guest." Brad said as he walked back onto the ship. He slipped into the robes he always wore here and went down the back to the hospital quarters.

He walked in very silently, as not to wake Alera. She looked so beutiful and peaceful lying there. He sat on the side of the bed, that Alera's body did not cover and ran his fingers through her hair. A distant memory stirred in his mind.

He was standing on a platform and it seemed Alera was standing on one oppisite him. The one under Alera was shaking. He jumped but was to late. She fell downwards with the platform. He hung on to the part where it was attached.

He kept running his fingers through her hair. Soft and lovly like all of Alera. He stopped and started rubbing her hand gently.

Alera Starreyes
Dec 21st, 2002, 04:31:14 PM
Alera woke from her nightmare at the gentle touch of Brad's hand. She breathed in deeply as she opened her eyes, calming herself. It was a dream, that was all.

She looked up at Brad's kind face. It suddenly struck her that he seemed... somehow... familiar. She wondered if she'd seen him before... but then the moment passed.

"Are we there yet?" She said with a slight smile.

Cmdr. Castles
Dec 21st, 2002, 04:34:26 PM
He said quietly "yes we are."
"Now I must ask you, will you come with me please? If you have buizness, we will attend to that first okay?"

Alera Starreyes
Dec 21st, 2002, 05:03:23 PM
She nodded. "All right." Alera sat up, with less effort than it had taken her the first time. "Let's go then." She got to her feet, her head spinning slighty. She leaned against the wall for a moment before looking over at the table with her equipment again. She hooked Dream back onto her side and replaced Starfire in the sheath on her back, using the Force to conceal it from any who couldn't use the Force. It paid to be safe.

"I have some quick business here, it shouldn't take long... will we have time to come back and get my other things when you're done with what you need to do?" She nodded toward the table. "They'll be safer here."

Cmdr. Castles
Dec 21st, 2002, 05:09:45 PM
Brad grabbed his lightsaber and custom rifle. "Just in case he muttered as he and Alera exited the ship.
"Keep good care of her Hugmas!"
"Don't worry I will Brad" Hugmas called as Brad started following Alera.

The Preacherman
Dec 21st, 2002, 06:33:07 PM
I hate this place. It stinks. Too many beings, not enough trees and palins. No natural rain, no clean breeze, no seas, no clear moonlit nights. They might thinkthis is the capital of the Republic, but it is also the capital of all that is wrong in the Galaxy too.

Or at least it was in the slums he was presently at. An ugly, depressing, oppressive place that quite frankly, should be nuked from orbit. Just like the high and mighty in their towers, oblivious to this squallor. The only difference is that he would get the poor beings out of this place before he blasted it to pieces - the uncaring and almost evil rich and famous, they could be distintergated with all their wothless wealth and splendor.

He suddenly thought about that and laughed. What a thing for a Jedi like him to be thinking!

But I aint the standard Jedi. I dont believe anymore. I dont see why I should support those in their ivory towers, those that lie and trample on the beings down here with me.

For all of the distaste of the ones up high, Marcus loved the ones down here. There was an honesty, a way you knew they were real. A richness and a texture to life that for all it's horror and blackness... was uplifting. Even if his highly sensitive nose was protesting at the stink. Oh, but he loved the beings, that was certain. Even the disease ridden... thing he had just helped. Oh, the other thing he loved was that it was so dark in places down here, he could take off the eyeshades that protected his extrememly too sensitive eyes and actually see once again. Still too bright for the damaged retinas startign to naturally repair, but he could see.

That at the least bought a smile to his harsh face, a face that fitted in well down here. Lined, creased and untidy, his clothes seemed to be grey / brown rags that had been sewed together, a sling on his back, an archaic bow with it, his face hooded so no features could be seen. To be honest, he looked more like a homeless bum, certainly not the General he masquaraded normally and certainly not the legendary Jedi Master he once had been - or reclusive and unknown Jedi Warlord he had turned into.

All because he no longer believed. Didnt believe in the Jedi code, didnt believe in the Republic. He had gotten a rude awakenign and found most he had spent the last 12 years fighting for was false and a lie. So he here was, deep within his Lost Jedi identity, Shadow. Hidden, contained in shadows. IF any of his Jedi brothers saw him like this, they would think he had Fallen to the Dark Side.

Nothing could be further from the truth. He might not believe the Jedi Code anymore, but his holding to the Light was stronger than ever.

As he walked, he let his mind wander. Let his thoughts go hither and on impulse, put back on his eye protection and began to ascend into the lighter levels and allowd the Force to guide his feet, using the power the bound the Galaxy together to replace his eyes. Thence, he moved with all the confidence of someone of perfect sight, always heading upwards to get half an hour later to what was labelled zero level - the nominal ground level of a planet fliied with buildings. Here it was far less seedy, he moved between the beings here, just letting The Force be his guide.

In some ways, it was almost pleasant to just.... walk. To be goign without purpose. And just going where he was lead.

Alera Starreyes
Dec 21st, 2002, 07:13:40 PM
Alera walked, going down several levels into the city. Coruscant was too crowded for her tastes, too noisy and too industrialized, but she didn't mind it too much. She liked most places where there were people, as well as places where there weren't. Each world had its own feel to it, and she enjoyed each for its uniqueness.

She stopped and went inside one of the buildings. The man here was the only one she trusted to work on her sword for her, and she would have gone to no one else to get this done.

"Hey Alera!" He greeted her enthusiastically as she walked in. "What does she need today?" He nodded at the sword on her back.

The young woman gave him a bright smile and unbuckled the strap and placed the sword, sheath and all, on the counter. "Just some engravings for now, Keith." She reached over into one of the baskets for a free coupon and used the back of it to draw two sets of symbols. They were strange, as if in another language, but not a very common one and plainly not one Keith could recognize. The first set meant "Last Star" in Basic, and the second, "Star Fire".
There's power in names, Alera reflected as she finished drawing the symbols.

She pointed at the first set. "This for the sheath, on the front, and this" she pointed to the second "this for the blade of the sword, just above the hilt."

"Gotcha. She'll be all set in a few hours."

"Take good care of her till I get back, now."

"This sweetie? Absolutely!" He smiled. "Have a good one."

"You too, Keith."

Alera walked out of the store and turned to Brad. "Okay. I'm done for now."

Cmdr. Castles
Dec 21st, 2002, 08:19:08 PM
Brad led Alera again out into the busy streets. People rushed around, all intending to go about their buizness. Brad looked into the horizon. Why did he have to come back here? Destiny always have a wayward guide.

He put his hand up to hail a taxi. He got in and waited until Alera got in, then told the driver to make his way to Yassadar's place. After a rough ride, about an hour after they got in, Brad and Alera stood in front of a large 'spire' type building.

They walked into the lifts and went up to the 23rd floor. He walked up to a familiar door. He put his hand on Alera's shoulder. She seemed to be shivering. She slowly started backing back.

"What's wrong Alera?" Brad asked. "It's only Yassadar." He pressed the door and it jumped into life. "Yassadar?" Brad called. Then he sensed it. The dark side. Somewhere close.

He went over to the window and looked out at the jedi temple. It was in lock down. An attack had happened. He felt another presence. Not dark but light. very light.

He saw a stranger walkiung the street. That was who he was sensing. Quickly he turned around only to get a blaster shoved in his face. "Back up, now!" The man stammered. Alera and Brad reached for their sabers. Brad decided against it.

Brad walked calmly away from the wall and said "Your blaster is stuffed."
"What no it's not see." He demonsrated by shooting at the wall. Nothing came out. Brad clicked his saber to life as the invasion began.

The Preacherman
Dec 21st, 2002, 08:42:47 PM
He stood outside of a fairly unusual builidng, in the shade, his hooded face looking outwards... well okay, that was his mind. His eyes were useless in such bright light. He had just stopped to take a break from his walking, to get his bearings (No easy manner to one whom was blind in daylight) and also because...

Well, why had he stopped? He could sense this was nothing special. While he could not see the building, he could feel it in The Force, sense it's connection, sense how tall it was, it's general shape and purpose. Could sense beings in there, going about their general daily purpose. Nothing really unusual, except for a small disturbance in The Force. Out of sheer curioity, he focused on it, reachign out with his mind and dropping the ability to Hide himself with the Force - wouldn't take long to find out what was going on mentally and then he could raise his Hide back up - the ability to disguise his effect on The Force so that he simply seemed part of the natural background. It was a blind, for you could only recieve from The Force itself. Using the Force outwardly cancelled the effect.

Seems to be something going on. And someone - or ones - with some strength in The Force.

Not his problem. Not unless someone made it his.

Cmdr. Castles
Dec 21st, 2002, 11:41:16 PM
Brad looked out the window as the body of the intruder dropped to the floor. Outside the Invasion was beggining. Ginoens were coming in their swarms. They were leaving no one alive. He just stared at the jedi. He didn't seem to be notice the Ginoens.

Brad then did the most crazy thing he had ever done. He broke the window and jumped through the gap. The Jedi could probably handle himself, but Brad had to do something. He was surprised though when he landed unhurt.

Brad was lucky. A Ginoen flying past had broken his fall. He looked up at Alera. She moved towards the door they had come through. Brad ran to the jedi. He had a wound where a weapon had punctured his skin.

Brad looked him up and down. He was a 'weird' creature to Brad. He seemed to be blind. Brad motined for Alera to come down as he rushed the Jedi into the building.

Alera Starreyes
Dec 22nd, 2002, 09:33:06 AM
Without hesitation Alera leaped from the building, using the Force so that her fall was slowed somewhat. Halfway to the ground she adjusted the path of her descent so that she landed on top of a Ginoen briefly, then jumped the rest of the way down.

She followed Brad and the man with him swiftly, muttering, "I hate it when this happens..." She rubbed her temple with a sigh. Headaches again.

"Brad, we've got to do something!" But what?

The Preacherman
Dec 22nd, 2002, 03:31:09 PM
OOC : IC there are no visual clues and no actions that would tip anyone off to this character's blindness. Please remember that.


Oh, so this was what the disturbance was all about. And now, with the dropping on of two newcomers next to him, there seemed to be a few attackers as well. His mind pictured the surrounding area and saw what he needed to know. The connection to the Force warned him - he already had a Rail Gun out and turned, one of the attackers caught suddenly frozen with the gun dug into it's stomach. It looked down and then back up with a quite comical "oh Crap" look on it's face, before he pulled the trigger. What remained was blasted backward for a few meters, the rst of the carcass disintergrating into a spray of blood and internals.

The hood he was wearing hid the expressionless face as another came at him, to be summarily dispatched with another projectile blasting it brain across the pavement. After a third ended up not worht much more than rat meat, whoever the hell the attackers were began to take a hint to get some cover, least the gun that just shot a fourth was aimed at them too. One or two shot sback in his direction made him decide that he too better get somewhere a bit less open - it also seemed the male drop in wanted Marcus to go back into the building and was even at the point of dragging him in.

Nope not a good idea. Building = sitting ducks. Besides, they out of it... and he wants to go back in?!?!

That didnt quite make sense. Nor did the fact another attacker came out of cover, firing from the hip. It too blew apart as the Rail Gun replied. Fact was, this whole situation wasn't making much sense at all. Maybe it was a good time to get somewhere uiet and a game of Twenty Questions begun.

But first...

"Correct me if I'm wrong.... " The voice was quiet and oddly accented, muffled by the effects of the hood covering his head ".... but you just came out of that building, from a fairly decent height. You want to go back in. Wouldn't the best idea right now to be run like hell?"

Cmdr. Castles
Dec 22nd, 2002, 04:06:29 PM
Brad would the Jedi's question in a second. He took out his custom rifle, forgetting which one he had brought. He aimed and fired. The 'kickback' of the blaster sent him back about 200 metres. But it hit the Gineoan anyway.

"There is only one safe way out of this city!" Brad screamed over the noise of gunfire. "There are millions of passages called the Nexus Catacoms underneith the city. The only entrance I know of is inside that building so comes on!"

Brad changed his weapon to his other rifle, The Krayut Sniper Rifle, and started picking Gineoans off while he waited for the others the react.

[OOC:- Sorry about that Shadow, just wrote what i read sorry.]

Alera Starreyes
Dec 22nd, 2002, 09:08:02 PM
Alera was torn. She wanted to stay and do what she could to help defend those she could, but the man had a point - sticking around at this point was likely a very bad idea. Once again she had to come to terms with the fact she kept running up against, the fact she absolutely hated - you can't save everyone.
Hope Keith has the sense to get the hell outta here, she thought, her mind flicking briefly to the shop owner. Heck, I hope everyone here does that can.
"I'm with you."

The Preacherman
Dec 22nd, 2002, 10:01:28 PM
Catacombs? He didn't like the sound of that - he would rather be down in the lower levels, where it was darker and there were many, many places to hide. He knew that area very well too, knew the places to go and escape.

Besides, he could get some cover and backup if the worst came to worse. Unlikely it would, but you always kept your options open.

"All the same to you" he said, addressing the man, "I'm going where I know. Down into the sub levels. You dont know what may be waiting on the other side of these catacombs and I dont know them"

Wasn't a real lot of time to think, but Marcus was really starting to wonder about the woman. Her sense in the Force was much like some others he knew - which was prompting a question he really want to ask - once they got to a place where blaster fire wasnt howling everywhere. "Follow!" he commanded, making a run for a rampway - reaching it then jumping over the side, to fall 50 meters into a rubbish pile.

Crap. He hadn't seen that one coming. Pausing to get a sense of what was about, he rolled to one side so he didnt get landed on by anyone following.

Alera Starreyes
Dec 23rd, 2002, 09:28:01 AM
Alera glanced quickly at Brad. She sent a quick message through the Force to him,
-We can't leave him; we should stick together. Come on,-
and then she followed the man off the side of the rampway.

Cmdr. Castles
Dec 25th, 2002, 10:20:55 PM
Brad knew Alera was right. Although there was great force energy coming from the man, Brad knew that alone there would be no chance for Coruscant's Liberation.

He quickly shot a Gineoan trying to follow and jumped down after the two other Jedi. Brad was not so lucky though. He fell into the trash and injured his leg. Not badly, but it still hurt.

Brad caught up with the two as they found a place away from the blaster fire. He said as quickly and as quietly as he could "I know who must be behind this. Only one person would be able to do such a thing. My brother the self-proclaimed Darth Sirius."

They would have to get off the plnet if there was any hope of counter attack. Brad knelt waiting for the man or Alera, to make the next decison. Brad had known the catacoms well but down here he was a stranger. He pulled up the peice of cloth that he had hidden in his cloak. It covered his mouth.

He quickly got his bandages out of cloak's pocket, which were total black and spun them around his arms. Turning his cloak inside out he now blended into the darkness around him.

[OOC:- Sorry about not repling but I missed the second page link at the bottom of the page. I'll bookmark this page over the top of the other one.]

Alera Starreyes
Dec 29th, 2002, 11:21:57 AM
Alera nodded at that. It seemed darksiders had their claws in everything these days. With a sigh she closed her eyes, trying to clear her mind and calm herself. At last she said quietly,
"We might need some help... but I'm not really a part of the GJO, and I don't know of anyone to contact." She opened her eyes and looked at the others, waiting for their input.

Suddenly something occurred to her and she half-smiled at the man who they did not yet know the name of. "I'm sorry. Now probably isn't the best time for introductions, but it's as good as any right now and we can't go around calling each other "hey, you" all the time.."

The Preacherman
Jan 2nd, 2003, 04:47:11 PM
There was somethign of a pause before the hooded man spoke, his voice soft and oddly accented - muffled slightly by the hood.

"Don't worry, the authorities now know. On a planet as well defended as this, an invasion stands little or no hope, no matter whom is behind it. The Jedi will respond and so will the armies based here"

Name... name. Not good to tell them who he really was, for he preferred none to know. But a name was needed. He glanced at the man and the woman, thinking quickly - then decided.

"There are never any really good times for introductions, because beginnings are such tricky things. Certainly Hey you is better than some of the things I have been called in the past. For now, Elessar will do"

Cmdr. Castles
Jan 2nd, 2003, 08:13:40 PM
"Elessar. Hum... Anyway I'm Brad. It's not really this planet I'm worried about. It's either Tattooine or Naboo. Both are fairly small planets, both have no stable governments. They would be the First targets."

"Thanks for helping us back there. I don't know the lower levels too well though so, I wish to ask, can you get me back to the hanger bay, um....number 479...I think...?"

"I think for the time being it would be best to get off Coruscant. With the Jedi Temple in full lock down...Well lets just say it's not preety...."

Alera Starreyes
Jan 3rd, 2003, 05:16:24 PM
"Elessar." Alera repeated the name softly. "I am called Alera Elenvedui, and it's good to meet you."

She listened to Brad speak, then looked back to Elessar to see what he would say; if he could indeed get them back to the ship, and if he'd be leaving with them. She guessed he would, but expected nothing.

The Preacherman
Jan 3rd, 2003, 05:33:44 PM
Hearing the name of Alera made him stop for a breif moment. Surely not ...? Thinking this was worth a shot, he switched to one of the tongues of his home system, far out in the Unknown regions

[And well met, I say to you as well! Where is it you come from, fair Last Star? You bear a name in a language not spoken of in the Galaxy - a fair speech of a gentle people]

He really didnt expect her to understand. But it was worth a try, even if time was pressing as Master Castles was hinting.

Alera Starreyes
Jan 3rd, 2003, 07:11:25 PM
Alera smiled slightly. I thought so!

[Far away indeed, Elfstone. Far indeed, a place more fair than any else I've been, and truely dear in my heart. And I think, unless I'm much mistaken, that perhaps we are not very different in that respect.]

Marcus Telcontar
Jan 3rd, 2003, 07:59:23 PM
By Illuvar! What a stroke of fortune this is! My guess has turned out correct!

[Indeed, not very different at all. Marcus Elessar is my true name and again, I bid thee welcome, fair one. You are only the third of your kin I have seen who have wandered this far from the halls}

Not forgetting the man, he switched to Galatic Basic.

"Forgive me a moment Master Castles, it is not often I find one from home as I now have. But I do not forget what you have told me - maybe fortune smiles on you rather than your brother. I am also known as Tohmahawk, a General of the New Republic. I can send aid to go with you if you wish, or maybe be a guide. For now, we can go to this docking bay... 479. We can work out what to do from there, or go our ways if you so desire. But however it be, assitance I can give"

[And i would most like to speak with you my Lady.] he said, switching back to the speech of home, [Would you part from your way for just a while and speak to me, why you have gone so far from home and what it is you seek or wish to do?]

Cmdr. Castles
Jan 3rd, 2003, 08:22:17 PM
Brad Slowly bowed, "It's a shame my father is not here. I have heard him speak that language as well as many others. All his records are on my system in the Tech's hand." Brad then looked down and realised why his leg hurt. He had a Gineoan spear stuck in his leg.

They walked their way to hanger bay 479, Elessar in the lead. Brad asked hurriedly as he saw his ship again, "Will you come with us Sir. It would be a good help, to me, if you could. I used to be in regiment and i know the type of leader you are. Will you come please?"

Brad not waiting for an answer yet again, opened the hanger doors using Hugmases controls, and got in the Tech's Hand. He waited for The jedi to get on, or decline and stay on Coruscant. He had to go see an old friend.

Alera Starreyes
Jan 5th, 2003, 01:43:43 PM
Alera's mind briefly brushed Brad's thoughts in a quick attempt to see where they were heading. Near the forefront of his mind was the thought of finding someone he knew.

-Perhaps we should split up,- she suggested through the Force to both of them. -Elessar and I could go to find help, while Brad goes to see this person he knows. It should be quicker, and it seems to me speed is important.-

Cmdr. Castles
Jan 5th, 2003, 04:47:26 PM
Brad aso reached out a message. "That would be the best thing. I'll go and see my friend and you two handle the situation here. but first." Brad walked back down the ramp of the Tech's Hand, and gave Alera and Elessar each a small comunicator. "It'll work in any amount of distance, so if you need me, just holler!"

Brad then got onto the Tech's Hand and started the engine up. He voiced one last message to the two, through the force "Good luck Alera and 'Marcus' "

The Tech's hand valuted into hyperspace above Coruscant. It was speeding towards the "Unknown Regions" although they were now known. Brad hoped he would get there fast enough...

Marcus Telcontar
Jan 6th, 2003, 05:23:18 PM
"I won't worry about the situation here" commented Marcus "I've already mentally contacted others. The situation will be sorted quickly"

"Now however," he continued, turning his hooded head to regard Alera, "We talk, for I much desire to find out what makes you walk roads so far away from home"

Wha he also wanted to know was what race she was. Numenorian as he was, or was she of the fair kin, as was Helenias?

Alera Starreyes
Jan 6th, 2003, 05:30:16 PM
Alera nodded, feeling some relief at his words. "Indeed. We have much to speak of. Should we remain here, or is there a safer place you know of? I'm not as familiar with this planet as some."

Marcus Telcontar
Jan 6th, 2003, 05:52:57 PM
"That depends. I can take you to many place that might interest you - a small bar not far called Dexter's, the Senate where the Lady Evenstar is, or even into the Jedi Temple itself. Or back to the lower levels that I know of well. Maybe the halls of the Jedi, you would like to at least visit there? Not many Jedi are there at present, however. The halls will seem empty.... but it is a place of peace and quiet. I think you might like it"

Cmdr. Castles
Jan 6th, 2003, 05:53:34 PM
The Tech's Hand slowly came out of hyperspace over a near-desert planet. Brad sterred the ship down onto the planet. Dipping below the clouds he exclaimed "Wow". The planet of Buran had changed alot. before him lay a city. He landed just outside and was greeted by the familiar face of his friend - Lhumas.

Everywhere there were Burak, the inhabants of Buran. At first glance they seemed like lizards, but they were far from it. All Burak were born with only one hand, the other being replaced by a weapon. A " saber" sort of thing at higher stages of growth but only a curved piece of bone at lower levels.

The Burak that was standing infront of him was one of the "special" ones. He bore not one blade but two, denying him the gift of hands. His blades were as a normal sword was, deadly strait, with a point at the end. Lhumas was at the last stage of growth. His blades were made of a green crystal not bone.

"Brad my old friend, what brings you to Buran?" LKhumas asked as they began to walk into the city.
"This place has sure changed." Brad said
"Thanks to your father it did."
"Yeah I know."
They passed a little hut where 5 or 6 Burak children were playing. Brad stopped and knelt down as one of them came up to him.
"Hello, little one, how are you today." Brad asked speaking in the Burak's language. the little one scampered back inside and hid.

"So again, what brings you here?" Lhumas asked as Brad got to his feet.
"I believe you guys owe me a favor. I've come to collect on that."
"Ah...It cannot be....Don't tell me...."
"I'm afraid so..."
"I will rally the troops."
"Are they all final growth?"
"Oh yes thats right. We need you to get a shard of a crystal from the clutches of the Yon Vuu."

Brad had hoped this was not so. The last time he was on Verlex, he was captured. Now he would have to go again, but this time with more knowledge. Lhumas gave him a crystal. It glowed a faint grey color. "Throw it on the ground when you are nearing Verlex and you and your ship will be cloaked. Only as long as you are inside it. Good Luck Brad"

Brad climbed into the cockpit and made his way towards Verlex.

Alera Starreyes
Jan 6th, 2003, 06:34:30 PM
Alera thought. "Perhaps the bar," she suggested, feeling reluctant to visit the halls of the Jedi again, after so long. She felt as though she would like to see... but no. Not yet. Odd. She barely remembered them.

Marcus Telcontar
Jan 6th, 2003, 06:43:13 PM
That answer was a surprise. He wasn't expecting her to want to go to Dexter's, although he preferred it. The rooms above Dexter's was his home on Coruscant.

"Certainly. We go five blocks north and then a km west. Follow me"

"Oh, and dont mind Dexter. He's a lizard and he'll flirt with you, does that to anything female. Doesn't mean anything wrong or forward, it's just his way. He's got an absolute heart of gold and we go back one hell of a long way together" he added as an afterthought.

Alera Starreyes
Jan 7th, 2003, 05:00:57 PM
"Thanks for the warning," Alera said with a slight smile.

As they walked, she quietly answered the question he'd put to her. "It was at first curiosity that kept me away from home, a desire to see other places and worlds. Lately it's been more because I feel my duty to this existence is here. Here, I feel my protection is more needed.

"What of you, Marcus?"

Cmdr. Castles
Jan 7th, 2003, 11:54:39 PM
The Tech's hand slowed down over Verlex. Brad took her down and shattered the crystal when they were just in the atmosphere.
He grabbed his weapon, his breather mask, and a couple of Air tanks, just in case. He then stepped off the ship.

Brad had landed farely far away from the city, but if they saw his he was dead. His ship would stay cloaked for a little while, while he did his work.

Brad slipped up onto one of the outcrops above him. He needed something to sound the alarm. He saw a lone Yun Vuu, walking towards where his ship was sitting. With acuracy gained over many years of using the Sniper rifle he held in his hands, he got the Yun Vuu in the middle of the head.

The alarm went beserk. He slunk back and, as quickly and as slilently as he could get towards the city, he did.

One hour later he was standing above the room where the crystal was located. A remenent soldier was station at the base for "safekeeping". Brad had cleared him out of the way and took his uniform.

The Imp' had all access. Brad strode into the room where they crystal was. He chipped the right sized crystal off and took it. Telling the Yun Vuu it was for reaserch, he made his way back to the Imp's room where he changed back into his normal gear. He had come throught the ventilation and went out that way.

A little while later he stood at his ship. felling his way across the metal he found the door opener. He activated it and stepped inside. Activating the ship, the cloaking wore off. So much for a quick getaway. It went fine until he got into space. He met up with a Yun Vuu Cruseir. hiding the crystal he was taken abord the ship.

The last thing he did before getting off the Tech's hand was signalled Marcus and Alera for help using the Comunincator, and his ship's satelite.

Marcus Telcontar
Jan 8th, 2003, 12:19:57 AM
"What of you, Marcus?"

He didnt answer for an moment, before deciding to slide the hood off his face - to show a man still youngish, but close to middle aged, rough and untidy, with the infernal blast shield grade protection for his far, far too sensitive eyes. But it did show the smile he had, the pleasure he was getting from talking to someone who was near from a place of the sands and heat of the land of his brith.

"The stories I could tell m'lady. I didnt leave by choice - I was taken when I was 6. I am one of the few of my blood to show ability in the Force and for that reason I believe I was removed from my own and taken to Debrillion. I was trained to be a Sith for 80 years, but could not really be of the Dark Side - it's not in my blood and temprament. For a while I wandered, then joined the Jedi... that would have been over 15 years ago. No wait..."
he paused, doing some mental sums "... longer. I number 112 years standard this year. By the Valar, has it really been over 20 years since that day I joined? It but seems like a moment to me."

He stopped speaking for about a minute, walking in silence until he asked the question most on his mind.

"How long have you been a wanderer, m'lady? How long has it been since you have seen the lands of Imdraldis?"

OOC : Hey Brad, just need to be a bit patient - We have hardly walked away from the landing platform. What you have done hs put your self a day or so ahead. We'll catch up to you time wise, just be patient for a bit. Thanks and feel free to PM me if you want to discuss :)

Alera Starreyes
Jan 8th, 2003, 05:09:18 PM
"Too long." Alera sighed. "Far too long." She blinked her eyes, which suddenly stung, and realized with some surprise tears had sprung into her eyes. She hurriedly wiped them. "I miss it a great deal," she said softly. "I left home when I was quite young, with my mother, who died not long afterwards. I was about 7 then. Between then and now... I've been away 88 years." Not so long as it seemed to her.

"You've the blood of Numenor," she remarked with a smile. "I have also. It is good to meet another of my kin." Especially after so much time.

Marcus Telcontar
Jan 9th, 2003, 02:17:46 AM
"Yes, I have the blood of Numenor" he stated. "Or so I have been told. I have to admit, I have not been home to Arnor since I was taken. I don't really know much apart from what I have been told. You are the first of my kin I have ever met. I'll be honest, I thought you were of the First born (OOC Elves ;) ) for I know of a few that have journeyed this far. They have told me stories of the system of Arda, they tell me of the places like Imdralis and it sounds like a place of beauty and peace. They have told me of Arnor and of the Numenorians"

He fell silent for a moment, before speaking again.

"i would love to visit and see it with my own eyes. Have you ever found anyone else?"

Alera Starreyes
Jan 9th, 2003, 04:47:43 PM
Alera shook her head. "No. I've never met anyone else." She sighed. "I'd give so much to see home again. I remember Arnor, and have seen Imladris... but it was so long ago. I hardly remember it now."

Marcus Telcontar
Jan 9th, 2003, 05:39:32 PM
"That's what I would love to do. See Imladris for myself."

"Maybe soon" he added quietly. He continued to walk, thinking.

"So, what bought you to Coruscant before you... dorpped in on me" he asked with a bit of a smile on his face. "What have your travels been?"

Alera Starreyes
Jan 10th, 2003, 04:33:30 PM
"Well... I came to Coruscant mainly because Brad had just rescued me. I was fighting a darksider, and well... things got bad." She smiled ruefully, forcing back a wave sadness at her failure. Alera sighed and rubbed her head. "Very bad." She murmured, remembering the fight's events.

Marcus Telcontar
Jan 13th, 2003, 08:31:39 PM
"You feel sadness that you were beaten, I sense. "

He stooped abruptly, turnign to face the woman. The eye-shades, so dark and mirrored hid the compassion in his eyes - it was instead evident in his voice.

"Why do you feel that way?"

Alera Starreyes
Jan 14th, 2003, 04:19:32 PM
"People died." Alera said quietly. "A lot of people. People I should have been able to protect."

Marcus Telcontar
Jan 15th, 2003, 01:01:01 AM
"You can't protect everyone you may wish to, m'lady"

He fell silent, thinking back years and a certain place and time...

"YOu see over there, Alera?" He began again, pointing at a building off in the distance. "That is the Jedi Temple. It is being rebuilt after some years. It was destroyed by a being named Lord Fire Blade and the Jedi had to leave this planet. They were led by a Jedi Master whom had great renown and power, he was the most powerful Jedi of the time and indeed, he may have been the most powerful since Skywalker. They say he was noble and wise and he lead the Jedi justly. He wanted to save people he was supposed to protect. In the end, on a planet far from here however, he could not save one. Just one. A woman. She died at the hands of a Sith. He could have, but he made a mistake and was drawn too far away from her and when she needed it most, he could not prevent her death. That fact that he could have stopped it, it drove him mad. Totally and utterly ruined him, to the point were he ended up tied to a chair and shot through the head, because he had gone mad and was more a danger to the Galaxy then a help"

"What is the point of such a story? It is, in the end all you can save is yourself, no matter whom we want to help or save. Only you can keep yourself true and just. And alive. You may have been outmatched before, but you still live. Others you will help. Others you will be called to protect. It's cyncial and I know it's not idealistic, but I can't see the Galaxy through tinted glasses, if I could see it at all. You have to be realistic and sometimes realise nothing you could have done could have helped"

Yet again he paused, but this time he also looked out in the direction of the Temple.

"Not even with 100 Turbogeeks, could we save everyone. Not with all the power in the Galaxy could it be done by force. But with one good heart, whole planets and billions uncounted can be swayed. With courage, bravery and honour great deeds can be wought, if only a few take a stand. Maybe you failed you think, but you only truly fail if you give up."

Alera Starreyes
Jan 19th, 2003, 11:38:00 AM
"You're right." Alera sighed and took a deep breath.
"Thank you. I think I needed to hear that."

Marcus Telcontar
Jan 19th, 2003, 11:59:22 PM
"Just out of interest, who was it you faced?"

Alera Starreyes
Jan 20th, 2003, 12:11:08 PM
"His name was Tempist. I've faced him once before, awhile ago." Alera thought back to the first time they'd fought. He'd been the one to give her the scar underneath her left eye. She touched it absently, remembering.

Marcus Telcontar
Jan 20th, 2003, 08:42:47 PM
"Ahh, I am aware of Tempist. Powerful, dangerous and unusual he is. Which makes me think of another question I would ask you - I sense you knwo somethign of the Force, but I have never seen you with the Jedi. Who trained you?"

Alera Starreyes
Jan 21st, 2003, 04:30:43 PM
"I was with the Jedi... very long ago, and very briefly." Alera shook her head sadly. "I left. I was having some problems with controlling myself, and I didn't want to hurt anyone. I still have them, from time to time. Luckily not much these days."

Indeed, it had been a long while since she'd really lost control of her anger. The thought brought a little more gladness into her eyes.

"After I left, I did what I could on my own. Learned from whoever could teach me, whatever sources I could find."

Marcus Telcontar
Jan 21st, 2003, 09:49:44 PM
"Ahh. Commendible. Very commendible. I have the deepest repect for those who seek to learn as and when they can. Shows you truly wish to learn."

As they approached Dexter's Diner, a thought came to his mind, an idea

I wonder...? I wonder if she would consider what a different path could give her? Maybe one not so far from th one she treads now?

That could be a question for later. For now...

"This is it. Dexter's Diner"

Alera Starreyes
Jan 24th, 2003, 03:52:22 PM
Alera nodded with a slight smile, her eyes flicking briefly over the place. She followed Marcus inside, wondering briefly how Brad was doing.

Marcus Telcontar
Jan 29th, 2003, 06:05:38 PM
He directed the woman to a booth, which was dark and in a corner. While he did so, a large green lizard poked his head from the kitchen.

"Budddieeee!! How are ya!"

"Doing good Dex" he replied.

"The usual?"

"Yep and a juice for the lady here"

Dexter Jettster, the propietor of Dex's Diner leered. "Allright! Telcontar scored!"

Marcus' eyes rolled. "Dex.... drink. Now"

"hehehe. Of course. I'll leave ya alone" replied the lizard, giving a lewd wink and then pausing for a half second, seeing the digused hand signal directed at him. Dex grinned, exposing needle sharp teeth, before disappearing again.

"That lizard is a true worry" Marcus remarked, waiting until Alera had seated.

Alera Starreyes
Jan 29th, 2003, 06:16:23 PM
Alera shook her head and chuckled softly. "You've known him long?"

Marcus Telcontar
Jan 29th, 2003, 06:34:54 PM
Originally posted by Alera Starreyes
Alera shook her head and chuckled softly. "You've known him long?"

"Yes, probably about 40 years now.... let me think. Let's see, I met Dex when I was on Debrillion, that'll make it 10 years after the destruction of the seond Death Star over Endor... yeah, 40 years. We've been through a fair few fights Dex and I have. Those hands of his can hold some very large guns and he can use four at a time. Quite a sight it is"

A smile passed over Marcus' face, remembering.

Jeran Conrad
Jan 29th, 2003, 06:37:24 PM
From the back of the bar, near the entrance to the kitchen, Jeran scooted out busily. He held a few datapads in his hand as he exited, entering the diner. Quickly shuffling the pads into his coat, he scanned the room--he thought he had heard Marcus' voice on the intercom, and he needed to speak with him. Now was a good time.

Making his way down the aisle, he saw Marcus seated at a booth near the opposite corner of his position. It was a familiar location to Jeran--a dark, isolated corner that was out of earshot and poorly lit. He also noticed that Marcus had company.

Alera Starreyes.

Part of him jumped to see her there. He hadn't seen her for quite sometime and, frankly, she had crossed his mind a few times since their last meeting. He found her appearance refreshing and suprising. He wondered how she had made her way here and why she was seated with Marcus. He was not one to entertain just anyone.

His curiousity (like his brothers) got the best of him.

Making his way to their table, he stood before them.

"Greetings, Marcus. I was just--" he cut himself off. "Alera? Is that you?" He squinted--pretending like he didn't quite recognize her. How could he forget their fights together agains Wraith and The Black Rider.

Alera Starreyes
Jan 30th, 2003, 05:07:13 PM
Alera's head turned at the sound of Jeran's voice. "Jeran!" She exclaimed in greeting, smiling gladly. It was a surprise to see him here, and a welcome one.

-I haven't changed that much have I?- she asked into his mind, half-joking. -It's good to see you.-

Jeran Conrad
Feb 1st, 2003, 04:46:20 AM
"You haven't changed a bit," he spoke aloud, his eyes entranced and focussed on her face for a fleeting moment. He had spent much time with her before, and he remember the way things used to be. He had cared about her safety once, and it was truly good to see her again. "It is good to see you as well."

"I'm sorry to interrupt, Master Elessar," Jeran spoke, eyes still attached to Alera. "Perhaps I should leave you too?"

Marcus Telcontar
Feb 2nd, 2003, 12:28:54 AM
"It seems I have a habit of meeting your friends without knowing" Marcus stated, a smile on his face. "No, please stay. But tell me, have you any other friends I should know about, in case I bump into them?"

Alera Starreyes
Feb 5th, 2003, 03:40:21 PM
Alera smiled. "Please, stay Jeran," she said, agreeing with Marcus.

Jeran Conrad
Feb 5th, 2003, 03:46:25 PM
Jeran gave Marcus a pug smile.

"I don't think so, no." He sat down, acknowledging both Marcus' and Alera's requests. He would like to stay and chat with the two. It had been some time since he had been able to take a break--things were so busy around here.

"So, you must tell me, what brings this unlikely pair to Dex's?" He smiled in jest as he spoke.

Alera Starreyes
Feb 9th, 2003, 06:44:29 PM
"It was my idea," Alera said, smiling. "We met under some trying circumstances, and thought it best we find a place to talk easier."

Jeran Conrad
Feb 11th, 2003, 10:07:50 AM
It was my idea she spoke, her eyes as bright as he had always remembered them. Dreamed about them maybe. His own eyes quickly jotted to Marcus'.

Why do I not believe that? he said in Marcus' mind, a sly grin forming on his face.

"I think it is good that you came." He spoke again. "I also think it was a choice made by the Fate itself." He looked back at Alera, wondering what she was thinking at the moment. Just as he had spoken, Dex had returned with a handful of cups. He settled before the table and passed out the drinks--bringing a glass of ice water for Jeran.

"Thanks, Dex," Jeran commented as the ole coot smiled and laughed, making his way away from the table.

Alera Starreyes
Feb 11th, 2003, 04:25:50 PM
I wonder, Alera mused about Jeran's last statement, thanking Dex for her water. "Perhaps it was," she murmured, almost to herself. It seemed interesting to her, that they were all here, old friends and new together. Perhaps it was.

"What brings you here Jeran?" She asked, sipping the cold drink.

Marcus Telcontar
Feb 11th, 2003, 05:36:49 PM
he leaned back in his seat, taking out a long stemmed pipe.

in this case, it is sort of true. she was offered alternatives and chose here.

listening to jeren's statement about fateleading her in this direction, he he put the well worn boots on the table, leaning back in the oh so familiar postion he adopted when he was quietly watching - or in this case, thinking. the pipe was lit and as he puffed to get the weed in the pipe to burn properly, he was a vision of another place, another time. so out of place in this high tech world, but still seeming to merge into the background, into the shadows, to disappear into a pre technology time when warriors like him would be in dark inns, near the fire, dark mysterious and dangerous presences to be avoided, closed in their thoughts and silent of their adventures.

how strange it was that jeran and alera knew each other he considered. nothing that happened was by accident and this meeting was not by chance either. the force wanted something and marcus, arguably the most learned and powerful of the current jedi that were alive, never ignored the possibilities the force bought up. he had learned to ignore the force was to bring peril upon yourself.

"jeran. take our visitor upstairs. what she just asked can not be answered truthfully openly" surprised, jeran turned to query. marcus raised a hand to forestall. "she can be trusted. take her upstairs and tell her the truth. i will join you shortly"

Jeran Conrad
Feb 14th, 2003, 07:48:18 PM
Jeran's eyes took on a strange look as Marcus made the order. Jeran didn't think twice--he trusted Marcus most of anyone he knew.

"Of course," he responded respectfully, bowing and turning to Alera. "Please, follow me, Miss Stareyes." He smiled and headed on his way to the back. He lead her behind the counter and to a door in the kitchen. He paused before the door.

"What you are about to see is..." he stopped. Marcus believed in Alera--so would he. No questions asked. He opened the door, which revealed a set of stairs. "Right this way." He wondered what she was thinking as he lead her up the stairs.

Alera Starreyes
Feb 14th, 2003, 08:59:25 PM
Alera's eyes were thoughtful as she followed Jeran slowly. She wondered what she was getting into, and might have been nervous, if she didn't trust Jeran and Marcus. Under the current circumstances, she was merely curious. This should be interesting, she remarked to herself.

Jeran Conrad
Feb 17th, 2003, 07:25:58 PM
He opened the doors, leading her up the stairs into The Lost's main control room. Many terminals dotted the small attic-like room, along with all kinds of scattered weapons and half-finished technological devices. He peered in to be sure that no super-incriminating things were out in the open. He detected none.

"It appears as though you have an all access pass--" he thought of Marcus' comment. "So, come on in." Coming into the room, Jeran found a seat and made himself comfortable while Alera was allowed full access to wander the control room. Numerous weapons controls (defenses in case of a very unexpected attack) stuck out of differnet consoles and controls. Jeran watched the expression of Alera as she walked around the room.

Alera Starreyes
Feb 17th, 2003, 08:57:01 PM
Alera walked around the room, slowly looking over everything. The woman didn't touch anything. She could tell this was obviously important, and felt... honored, to be trusted to see this place, even though she didn't understand what it was yet. She looked to Jeran.
"What is this?"

Jeran Conrad
Feb 18th, 2003, 02:31:46 PM
"This," he spoke from his seated position where he was relaxing, "is the headquarters of The Lost Jedi." His face stayed stern as his eyes searched her own. He wondered what she was thinking. Would she even care? Would she even know? He wasn't sure--but all was to be told.

"All technological business concerning The Lost is conducted in this very loft. It holds all types of equipment--survelliance, news, weapons. This is the hub of the whole organization."

Alera Starreyes
Feb 19th, 2003, 05:24:25 PM
"Amazing," she breathed. Her face was wondering, impressed, and curious to know more. She took another look around. Finally, she found her own seat and sat next to Jeran. "The Lost... what are they?"

Jeran Conrad
Feb 19th, 2003, 06:52:35 PM
"The same thing you do, my friend. We fight evil on it's most intricate and often skiewed levels. We fight with purity and resourcefullness that the Jedi Order cannot." He found her attention and made his point clear.

"Alera, you and I have worked so hard in the past to do what we could to curb the evil of the Dark side. Now, there is an organization. We have funding! We have technology! We have the ways and the means to do what we've always dreamed of!" He paused, realizing he had taken her hands in his own.

"I'm sorry," he spoke, drawing back nervously. "It's just that I wish you could share this with me. I wish you were here--I wish we were fighting side by side again."

Alera Starreyes
Feb 19th, 2003, 09:16:23 PM
Alera smiled slowly. "It sounds wonderful," She said softly, remembering back when she and Jeran had fought together, against the Black Rider and Wraith. For a moment, longer than that, she was caught up in Jeran's enthusiasm, his dream. My dream too, she thought.

But something held her back. Her affinity for the dark side, her losses of control that had cost lives, innocent lives... some at her hands... was all too fresh in her mind. It had been awhile, but the memory was far from fading. I'm just not confident enough, she realized with a sinking feeling. Not yet. I need to make sure I'm not going to hurt anyone. Again.

"I wish I could, too... but... I don't know." Alera's eyes had taken on a haunted look. "I... have some things I need to work out on my own, still. Before I get involved in something like this." Like people depending on me too much... when maybe they shouldn't.

Jeran Conrad
Feb 19th, 2003, 10:24:22 PM
"Look, Alera," he spoke, his tone quiet and gentle. "We all have our flaws. It is a fact of life--an even more fact of humanity. I have mine, Marcus has his, you have yours--it's not some crazy notion." He paused for one moment.

"But Marcus...he's a great man. So much can be learned from him. He's an excellent teacher--strong-willed, wise, and all too practical." He touched her shoulder lightly. "He can help."

"And me. I'm here for you too. I won't run out on you. And I'm a big boy--I can take care of myself." He hesitated, but continued. "I say these things only because I believe in you and I know the good in you."

Alera Starreyes
Feb 20th, 2003, 09:58:32 AM
"I know." She sighed. "Jeran, you're a good friend." And she was grateful for it, her voice and eyes pronouncing it. "I just... will you give me some time to think about it?"

Jeran Conrad
Feb 20th, 2003, 02:38:53 PM
He smiled, realizing he had gotten way ahead of himself and pushed her maybe a bit too far.

"Of course, my friend." He squeezed her shoulder gently, as a comforting friend would. "I'm sorry to have been so pushy. You would be a great assest to this team, that I will say. But I want you to have all the time and all the space you need." He smiled again.

"Please, forgive my being so forthcoming."

Alera Starreyes
Feb 20th, 2003, 10:26:06 PM
"There is nothing to forgive, my friend." Alera smiled back. "Thank you for understanding."

Jeran Conrad
Feb 21st, 2003, 03:21:35 PM
Jeran nodded and smiled.

"Well, if you're hungry, we could go down and have a meal with the old man," he said, chuckling at his reference to Marcus. He probably heard it--if he wasn't listening through some technology, he could probably here Jeran through the Force.

Marcus Telcontar
Feb 21st, 2003, 07:32:03 PM
"Who are you calling old man, horsey boy?"

Marcus has come up throught the entrance to the room, having taken the opportunity to get changed out of his old travelling cloak and clothes, into a dark blue doublet and pants. Actually looked half presentible for once. Whith a great deal more certainly than someone blind should have, the Jedi Master moved to a chair and took a seat.

"If your hungry, Dexter can bring something up here. Make yourself feel at home. I'll also add to what Jeran said, you would be more than welcome to join up with us. But, if you dont want to for now, that will be fine. I believe I can trust you. But why not use here as a home for a while anyway?"

Alera Starreyes
Feb 21st, 2003, 10:31:51 PM
Thinking over Marcus' offer, she said, "I think I may stay here... at least until I decide. Thank you, very much."

Pausing, she added quietly, "I'm honored to have your trust. And I'll do all I can to live up to it - you have my word, whatever I choose to do." Her ice blue eyes shone with sincerity.

Jeran Conrad
Feb 22nd, 2003, 01:59:29 AM
Jeran looked to Marcus and then back to Alera. He smiled, and could sense that Marcus was pleased by Alera's comments. He could tell that no matter what happened, Alera would definitely be a powerful ally. For that, he thanked the Force.

"I am definitely hungry. Let's see what Dex is preparing for tonight." He smiled and focussed his attention on the comm.

Cmdr. Castles
Feb 24th, 2003, 01:45:04 AM
Brad Struggled in his holds. It was definently dark outside, for this was space, but It must have been dark on the planet Verlex too. It was when he'd left it. Looking down at the only technology they didn't take away from him, he wondered "Will they come?"

His reasonable mind told him they wouldn't have got the message yet. Coruscant was a long way away. He looked at the box that was part of his arm. He watched the blue energy run across it. It was going to work again.

The two Yun Vuu guards stood talking about the weather. One changed the subject. Thanks to Brad's "gift" he could hear and know what they were saying.

"Wonder how long this guy will be in here?" One said.
"I bet he wont last the parsec!" The other said jokingly "I'll take that bet..." The first one said, as serious as ever.

It was then Brad spoke. He spoke in the language of the Yun Vuu, which seemed to scare the guards. "I'll last longer then that you fool...."

The guards turned around and looked at Brad stunned. "Get those chains off..." The first guard yelled. "The boss's gotta hear this!" The guards opened the door and realsed Brad from his chains. Grabbing an arm each they dragged him towards the bridge...

[OOC:- Hey again guys, sorry its been so long since ive posted but I was waiting till my post fit the time frame. I hope im still welcome in this thread...]

Alera Starreyes
Feb 26th, 2003, 05:13:35 PM
Alera was about to agree with Jeran when suddenly she felt something vibrate in her pocket, hearing a slight humming sound. It happened almost at exactly the same time as she sensed something amiss in the Force, far away.

It's Brad's communicator. She took it out of her pocket, glancing worriedly at Marcus.

"Marcus, something's happened to Brad."

Cmdr. Castles
Mar 12th, 2003, 01:37:36 AM
Brad looked down as they (the guards) dragged him towards the bridge, noticing the architexture. It seemed to be from the times of the Empire.... 'Why would they use all those ships?'....

Brad was suddenly dropped to the floor."Rise Human!" The booming voice shouted. Brad rose to meet the Yun Vuu face to face. God they were ugly.

"So you do understand me....this is shocking news indeed. Guards!" The guards that had been slacking off, stood tall to face their commander, and proclaimed a "Yes Sir" in the military style.

"Throw him in the maximum security cell! and if he moves, and escapes....I'll have your heads!" The guards again grabbed Brad, and dragged him further down the hallway to another cell.

This one seemed worse, blood still oozing from the spikes on the walls, debris covering the floor. Not pretty. Brad was thrown in with the door locked. He would not get out of this....