View Full Version : Liberi Fatali [Open Duel]

Makoto Neosis
Nov 7th, 2002, 04:26:07 PM
Final Fantasy VIII - Liberi Fatali (English)
Translated by Nora Heath

Fithos Lusec Wecos Vinosec
Fithos Lusec Wecos Vinosec
Fithos Lusec Wecos Vinosec
Wake from your sleep, my children
Your childhood years are gone
Wake from your sleep, Children of Fate
Your rest is gone
Come to the true garden
The garden of spring's truth
With fiery truth,
Burn the evils of this world.
With fiery truth,
Light the darkness of the world.
Farewell, children
from the day of fate.
Fithos Lusec Wecos Vinosec
Fithos Lusec Wecos Vinosec
Fithos Lusec Wecos Vinosec
Fithos Lusec Wecos Vinosec


A dark figure silently raced along the roof of buildings, barely making a sound as he jumped from rooftop to rooftop. Stopping every few buildings to scan back and forth before leaping forward again, it silently searched.

Halting on the largest house, surrounding a culdesac like trading bazaar, the figure hauched down on the rooftop and waited… waited…


A old man walked towards the center of the bazaar, a frightful look on his face. The figure unslung a bow from it’s back and knocked an arrow. Pulling the twine back silently, the figure took dead-eye aim before releasing the steel bolt.

It flew true, digging into the back of the Old man’s skull and dropping him like a rock….

imported_Lance Stormrider
Nov 8th, 2002, 05:18:19 AM
:: A swift could be heard through the shadows, Lance had decided to go on his strider rampage tonight, dressed in his strider uniform Lance glided on the roofs landing on them without a sound he had been observing Makoto for sometime and it was time to take action, the old man had been killed on the shot but as soon as the arrow was released Lance released 3 of his own weapons, he threw 3 stars towards Makoto still gliding from roof to roof approaching him to stop whatever he was doing.::

Makoto Neosis
Nov 8th, 2002, 09:07:40 AM
The flith of air displacement alerted the sniper as the three stars seared torward his crouched form. Both of his wolfish ears perked up as he turned to meet the first oncoming bolt. Unprofessionally rolling backwards, Mako dodged the stars but sent himself rolling down the angled roof into the alley below with a harsh thud.

Unphased mostly, the sniper turned over from his back to his stomach and stood up. Brushing stray dust and dirt from the black robe he wore, Mako glanced up into the skyline from where the stars had originated.

Seeing nothing, the assassin double checked the guards for his 'daggers' under the robe before running up to the exitway. Glancing back and forth before walking out into the lunar lit area, Mako searched for whomever threw the stars...

He smelled something, and heard it as well... but he couldn't see it..

imported_Lance Stormrider
Nov 8th, 2002, 09:10:26 PM
:: Lancr rushed to the part of the roof where the sniper was standing on and from which he fell, landing on it without a sound Lance hid in the shadows to cover his image and breathed silently observing the man who seemed troubled by Lance's presence::

:: He jumped at the other roofs facing the alley where the sniper was standing and observed him the quick swift's sound hitting against the air creating a feeling of suspense.::

:: He saw him going to the exitway and followed him right behind still swifting between the shadows, Lance slided down and landed right next him swinging Ragnarok towards him at the same time he fell.::

Makoto Neosis
Nov 9th, 2002, 07:27:08 PM
Mako took a forwards crouching fall as the sound of the Strider landed right next to the sniper, the sword the man weilded sliced clean through the space Mako had been a moment ago.

Darting forward, Mako threw back the robe's hems and unlatched his two weapons. Turning sharply on his right foot, causing the boots to slide against the soil floor to a stop, Mako brough each of the two weapons to his side and glared at the attacker with glowing teal eyes..

"Who are thee?" He barked, sliding the left foot backwards to accomodate a basic stance..

(OOC: For Mak's weapons, just think of Legolas's swords with the blades in his sig.)

imported_Lance Stormrider
Nov 9th, 2002, 08:14:50 PM
:: Lance spun ragnarok backwards and slided his foot to face his right foot he stood straightly crossed his two arms putting his strider blade in front of him forming an "X" with his other arm.::

"Who I am? Does it really have an importance?" the voice emerged from the strider tunic.

:: the only thing that would really be seen of his face were his jaded eyes that glew oddly from the shadows, Lance summoned the force through his hand to make "Matrix" his lightsaber land on his left hand, he pressed the ignition button to now complete the "X"Lance dashed forward slashing from both sides.::

"How dare you attack an old man!"

Makoto Neosis
Nov 10th, 2002, 05:22:20 PM
"Well, I'll just put died in battle on your tombstone then!" Mako responded, flipping his blades around so that the flat rested against his forearms.

As the strider approached, Mako dashed forward to meet him head on, the wolfish ears flattened against his silver hair. Flipping the right handed blade into the correct grasp, Mako struck out while brining the left up in defence...

imported_Lance Stormrider
Nov 10th, 2002, 05:55:58 PM
:: Lance's blades clashed agauinst the blade Mako sent forward seeing as he put his other blade in defense Lance took advantage of the momentum and spun rightwards throwing his strider blade in the air he slid his hand extremely fast into his pocket to let 5 stars out and jumped in the air to catch his blade back swithicng his view quickly.::

Makoto Neosis
Nov 11th, 2002, 09:00:18 AM
As fast as lightning, Mako swung the left around and parried two of the stars before spinning around. The last three dug into the cloth on his shoulders and fell away, under the robe a plate of silver shone through...

Arching his left foot as he spun, Mako struck out with a quick snap kick before diving in with the right blade in quick Z like strokes...

imported_Lance Stormrider
Nov 11th, 2002, 05:29:40 PM
:: Lance struck down aided with the force while in the air to block the slashes, pressuring the clash of the blades Lance gathered enough strenght to propulse him-self at a long enough distance to recover his basic stance, he spun around as he landed at a few feets away from Makoto and ran again towards him this time putting Matrix away to attack him only with Ragnarok as he slashed fast from all sides using his Strider techniques Lance focused the force into the palm of his hands and released a force push towards Makoto's chest.::

Makoto Neosis
Nov 13th, 2002, 10:04:56 AM
Makoto struck the Strider blade away at each blow with his own blades reversed, then ... something ... slamed into the center of his chest. Propelled by the unseen force, Mako planted the tips of the weapons into the ground and flipped over them.

Landing on his feet, Mako drew the black blades out of the dirt and readied them once more to be used as temporary sheilds. Camly breathing, even though a slight exaustion had crept onto him, Mako waited for the Strider's attack....

imported_Lance Stormrider
Nov 14th, 2002, 07:02:24 PM
:: Lance was satisfied by the fact his force blast had worked on his opponent propelling him away, he glanced at the side and sheated his two blades to his sides dashing towards Makoto, he struck him right into his defense.::

Makoto Neosis
Nov 17th, 2002, 08:52:54 PM
As the sword came in, Mako hefted up the left sword which laied across his forearm to block. When the two sword clanged together harshly, he took the opportunity and jabed Lance in stomach with the blunt end of the unused sword. Shoving the strider blade off, he struck with a left kick...

imported_Lance Stormrider
Nov 18th, 2002, 06:09:11 PM
:: Lance took to the jab right in, he gasped a bitand felt all the air gone out but this is exactly what he wanted, Lance move his sword a bit to block the kick and smiled lightly.::

"You fell right into my trap" Lance grabbed his strider blade once more but this time switched handle, his grin became wider as he shadow stepped right behind Makoto and slashed his back, he wasn't sure exactly if he had hit him but he stood right behind him his force senses opened, and his blade behind him.

Makoto Neosis
Nov 21st, 2002, 06:19:22 AM
The sword sliced halfway through the alloy armor under Mako's clothing, but gave enough pressure to make the sniper fall forward into a crouch. The Sniper swung around and sweeped the legs from under Lance with his right leg before jumping, landing on his back on the ground, and rolling back to his feet to face the strider...

imported_Lance Stormrider
Nov 21st, 2002, 08:22:19 AM
:: Lance had sensed the mouvement and jumped right above his feet and landed back when he was rising to his feet, he turned around and stared right into his eyes::

"Well well your not too bad" Lance swung his saber around and put him-self into his fighting stance again.

Makoto Neosis
Nov 21st, 2002, 11:38:55 AM
Makoto twirled his weapons like Sai's, the handles flirting between his fingers. "Your not too bad yourself, tell me, what have you studied in?"

Not Expecting to hear an answer, the sniper rotated slightly on his left heel while having both of his weapons in the reversed grip and against the bottom side of his forearms. The black blades glimmered slightly, contrasted against the silver hilts which stood out against his blood black robe.

"Better yet, let me guess one of them... Way of the Jedi, perhaps?"

imported_Lance Stormrider
Nov 21st, 2002, 05:21:55 PM
:: Lance grinned lightly bringing Ragnarok his strider blade to the front and his lightsaber backwards, he had something planned in his head but for now he'd just follow along with his "chat"::

"Oh my you must be a mind reader to have guessed that" He said on a sarcastic tone reffering the force blast he had sent to him earlier.

"To say the truth, I'm originally a Strider...it irritates me to be called a Jedi when I'm in battle" He ran up towards him his strider blade extended in front of hjim and his lightsaber right behind him to cover back from any surprise attack, this long range attack would certainly give Makoto a lot of problems.

Makoto Neo
Nov 23rd, 2002, 09:42:28 PM
"How interesting, a Strider!" Mako mused, casually watching as the Strider charged for him. The Assassin had a quaint trick in mind when the warrior became close enough to use it, until then, Mako stood as still as a rock in calm winds..

imported_Lance Stormrider
Nov 25th, 2002, 05:41:01 AM
:: His blade on a horizontal stance, Lance approached him even more, even though the force was giving him a slight warning, he didn't go for it and simply continued to charge now meter away from him, his lightsaber ready to backup.::

Makoto Neo
Nov 25th, 2002, 06:06:10 AM
It was time. Makoto dropped the protection over his true self, letting the darkness flow from it's cage all over his body. Grinning devilishly, as Lance closed in, he removed a thin, almost invisible, cortosis coated wire from the folds of his robe and set it into motion in the air, propelling it with concentration via the Force, Mako lauched the deadly projectile at the Strider.

If he saw it, and managed to out if it's way, all would be well and the wire trick useless. But if not, something was going to be separated from it's original...

imported_Lance Stormrider
Nov 29th, 2002, 10:49:56 PM
:: Lance saw the projectile launched towards him and threw his strider blade right in front of him to hit the projectile and slipped down on the floor letting his lightsaber fly out at a too long distance to call it back, now on his back and completly defenseless Lance wasn't sure what to do rush for the lightsaber or the strider blade? Or simply go for the his shadow step he waited to see his opponent's move::

Makoto Neo
Nov 30th, 2002, 07:58:15 PM
Neo growled slightly, sheathing the long left dagger and brushing his hand through the air in the direction of Lance's Strider Blade. The weapon lifted off the ground, hovering, before smoothly floating to fall at the Strider's feet.

Seeing hesitation, Neo drew the left dagger again, grinning like a wolf. "Well, Come now, we are not done yet.."

imported_Lance Stormrider
Dec 7th, 2002, 01:28:34 PM
:: Lance grabbed his strider blade and rose to his feet and into his fighting stance.::

"I hadn't fought someone with manners in a long time, you are truly a talented fighter" Lance's jaded eyes narrowed again getting ready to attack.

"Now let's end this" Lance moved his right leg backwards and brought his left one in, he was preparing one single blow to knock him out, he drew his strider blade backwards and stood there trying to guess what Makoto would do next, he hoped Makoto hadn't understood what he was about to do.

OOC: Sorry buddy it took me so much time but I don't get much time to come on nowadays ^^

Makoto Neo
Dec 7th, 2002, 05:54:01 PM
Neo paused, only for the breifest of moments, before concentrating on channeling the Force into his body. Wrapping the concentrated energies around each molecule in his body in preperation of his own born technique.

The Strider seemed to be studying Neo, so the canine let only the barest of a aura slip off his body in a apocryphal impression of a telekinetic blast or pull..

imported_Lance Stormrider
Dec 20th, 2002, 11:08:23 PM
OOC: Sowwy bud, but now Im definitively back ^^


:: Lance's eyes crossed over to the left when he suddenly thrusted towards Makoto his extremely quick thrust drew him quickly near Makoto, his blade in it's sheet Lance led with his left leg and with his right hand he pulled the sword in a circular slash going right underneath Makoto's defenses.::

Makoto Neosis
Jan 13th, 2003, 06:16:42 PM
Lance's blade twacked loudly across Mako's chest, slicing through the thin armor he wore and drew a thin line of blood. The wolf-kind drew back with a loud snarl and slugged Lance quickly from the right, before jumping back.

The force techique had been lost, the distraction from the sudden attack to be blamed. Cursing, Mako drew both swords and held them much like one would hold two sabers. One held infront of him with the other crossed behind his back..