View Full Version : Tossing cookies with the Jedi (open to several Jedi)
Odin Murk
Nov 7th, 2002, 12:06:47 PM
:: I at the heart of the prison complex, hunting down the few heretics that had been traced here hadn't been hard but now it was a feast. To eat the rest of the prisoners and devour their souls in the name of the darkside. I turned to the smell of the prisoner underneath the cot and my tail went under there and with one swipe flushed the large rat out. My claw flew down and grabbed the mammal by his head and without any effort I heard the skull crack. I ate the human whole and grinned as I heard similar screams from within the air ducts::
Nov 7th, 2002, 02:55:41 PM
Zeke stepped into the hall, hands in his pockets.
"About time you crawled out from under your rock..."
Ki-Adi Kindo
Nov 9th, 2002, 03:17:32 PM
" I should have known you were behind this. "
Kindo stepped up alongside Zeke, and though he had sunglasses on, his eyes were locked upon Odin. He was dressed in his usual flowing black attire, with duel blasters placed under each arm. He and his comrade had been assigned to escort several murderous criminals to the large prison complex. They had already moved convicts to their cells, and were preparing to depart until they heard shrieks echoing throughout the halls.
" These people are paying for the crimes they committed, they do not deserve you storming in here and eating them. The time is going to come when you too, receive justice according to your assaults. "
Odin Murk
Nov 10th, 2002, 01:39:17 PM
:: I leaned up against the wall and closed my eyes. The noise of the screams were like a symphony, but I could hear the opther noises too, not just the screams, but the roars.::
You pathetic humanssssssss... The heretics dessssssserve worse than what I can do, all I can do is deliver their weak sssssssssouls to the darkside for true judgement. As will I to you both.
:: I nodded and made a shrieking nasal sound, Zeke and Kindo heard replies and then punding noises as things began to move through the ventilation shafts.::
Odin's Clan
Nov 10th, 2002, 01:46:09 PM
:: Leo and Scorpio both broke through the ceiling and burst upon the two mammals. Leo wrapped his massive arms about the smaller one, Leo was thirteen feet tall and felt like a rock, Scorpio noted Leo for being about as smart as one too. Scorpio hissed, warning Leo not to squeeze the goo out of the little one as Scorpio's abnormally long tail whipped around and caught Kindo by the arms, flinging him into the ceiling and then slamming him back down. As the human came down, his glasses slid off, Clan master Odin stepped forward and his claw cracked them like dust as Scorpio forced Kindo to the ground. Scorpio ut his snout to Kindo's ear and hissed.::
We ur de ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZodiac... clan uf Odin... Darknessssssssssssssssssssss devour your sssssssssoul...
Nov 10th, 2002, 04:17:11 PM
Zeke resisted the lizard's grip, shifting to find a way to break from his hold.
"Coward, now you've got others fighting your battles for you."
Ki-Adi Kindo
Nov 19th, 2002, 08:38:01 PM
Kindo eyes shut and he grew quiet. A few moments later the leg that pinned Kindo down was unexpectedly pulled from under him, causing Scorpio to crash into the floor with great impact.
" The bigger they are, the harder they fall. "
Odin Murk
Nov 20th, 2002, 01:28:04 PM
:: in a flash I have Kindo by the hair in my claw. With a wrenching pull, he is slammed into my fist. His eyes roll backin his head and he's out.::
Unfortunately Morsel Zeke, this was not your fight to begin with. I will show you what decimated my race... The Heretics. But now, they are no longer my fight, but yours also.
:: I tossed Kindo to Scorpio, who rubbing the back of his head reluctantly took the mammal. I approach Zeke and backhand him, his head slumps and I turn my back to my clanmates.::
Take them to the level where the heretics still run rampant. Either way, we will lose enemies this day. Gather the clan outside the complex and await me. We will kill whoever makes it out, jedi or heretics.
:: The two nodded and quickly disappeared with Zeke and Kindo...
Kindo snapped awake inside a dimly lit hallway, screams could be heard in a room farther down the hall, Zeke, still unconcious, but coming to, lay next to Kindo.::
Nov 24th, 2002, 08:27:58 PM
"What did he do? Cowardly lizard, I swear if he would just fight like an honorable man, I'd have been rid of him so long ago..."
He stood and looked around.
"Any idea what this place is, Kindo?"
Ki-Adi Kindo
Nov 24th, 2002, 09:26:08 PM
Kindo was now back up on his feet, trying his best to make out where they were.
" It seems to be one of the the prison halls, but I'm not certain. "
He wasted no time in reaching for the steel hilt hanging on his belt. With a quick flick of his arm, a saffron beam began to light up everything within a few feet of them.
" Trust me friend, one way or another, Odin is going get what he deserves. "
Odin Murk
Nov 27th, 2002, 09:14:30 PM
:: the two jedis heard screams coming from down the hall when suddenly a metal door flew into the hall. A body was then slammed in the same direction, blood splattering everywhere. The two jedi, now on their gaurd saw the cause step out. It looked to be like Odin's race but they had mechanical implants and their eyes glowed with a red mettalic light. One more stepped out and like a robot, its head turned to Kindo. With a metal drone to its voice, it spoke::
Class... Human... Objective... Destroy... Method... Massacre
:: Through the wall directly opposite to the two a screeching noise of metal against metal was heard until claws wripped though and another one of the cyborg lizards appeared right before them. Its claw came forward then folded back and revealed a blaster rifle.::
Die... Human...
Dec 1st, 2002, 08:29:22 AM
"What the? Mecha Odins?"
Zeke put up his saber and deflected the blaster bolts back.
"How lame."
Ki-Adi Kindo
Dec 1st, 2002, 04:00:24 PM
" You said all right... Odin's reached an all-time low. "
Swing by swing, Kindo deflected the oncoming blaster shots. Positioning his lightsaber just right, one of the bolts reflected off of the blade and headed back for the mechanical lizard, striking it's blaster rifle.
Ki turned off his saber and tossed it aside momentarily. Crossing his arms, he grasped both blasters placed under his arms and took aim, guns pointed directly at the other cyborg reptile.
Odin Murk
Dec 6th, 2002, 04:03:07 PM
:: The wall close to Zeke suddenly tore open as a metal blade came through it like water. The mechanical beast lunged at Zeke. The same moment the reptile about to be shot by Kindo exploded without even being touched. The explosion was more of a shockwave than a blast of fire.
As these came the two jedi heard a tretillian voice over the prison intercom.::
Know thissssssssssss jedi! Thessssssssse are the monsters that burned my planet. Thesssssssssssse killed my mate and my brood, to you, conssssssssssssssider them my children. They killed my clan, The ZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzodiac are all I have left. And my hate for them... and you.
Dec 7th, 2002, 12:13:52 AM
"Yeah, AND?"
Zeke's clearly not impressed.
"So if you hate them, take 'em out yourself!"
The shockwave comes rolling down the hall, throwing the combatants to the floor. Zeke is fast to recover and cuts into the mechanical beast with two quick cuts.
Ki-Adi Kindo
Dec 7th, 2002, 11:58:10 AM
The wave of energy through Kindo backwards, but he simply he rolled with it until he was on his feet once again.
" Odin, you're wasting our time. Please tell me, is there a point to anything you do? "
He then turned towards mechanical lizard his comrade had just maimed, and with his blasters aimed accurately, fired several shots at the machine's head until all that was left was a large collection of sparking wires tangled within one another. He wanted for nothing to remain of these laboratory-created animals, and he made sure of it.
Odin Murk
Dec 25th, 2002, 10:55:07 PM
:: As the others fell another turned the corner, but this one was different. All of the living parts left on the mecha were throbbing. It roared but nothing came out of its throat but a silent hiss. The right claw rotated until a barrel appeared. The disruptor ray fired and the wall right next to Zeke dissappeared. The eyes of the mecha closed as a bleu field appeared about the mecha. A chortling noise was heard as its eyes opened.::
Come jedi, you will die... then Odin...
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