View Full Version : The Future (limited to mmbrs who are staying only, or those creating new chars)

Nov 7th, 2002, 11:03:19 AM
This post came out of LV's question in the Discussion chamber asking who was an elder....and the whole issue of should there or should there not be a council.

As there are so many leaving, I think we should take another look at this issue and the order in general, and it should be discussed only by those who are staying and taking an active role here.

Im not trying to be a jerk, Im just tried of people saying no one ever posts in the sith order, and I want to do something about it. Just trying to do this for the good of the order to get people more active and all...so please dont take offense - Im not upset with those leaving, or anything like that at all. I think its totally cool and understand character development and all that. So please no one take this personally - its not a jab at anyone at all. Just want to see the order get better and better. Not that it isnt the best already.. ;)

And I hope Im not speaking out of turn, its just that Ive been rping a ton within the order since I got here, and would like to see it become stronger, if possible.

Anyway, here is what Id posted on the other thread, would love to hear everyone's thoughts:

I think it was agreed that the council would be done away with for some time, but with a bunch of you leaving and all, and the order being slightly revamped, I think perhaps it might be a good idea to keep it.

There needs to be some semblance or order or leaders, I think, and to define some as elders is a good way to do this. Without a council, there doesnt seem to be a set sort of structure, just a bunch of sith working together.

And, as I understand it, Sith arent all that crazy about this sort of thing - working together. So, in order for it to make sense, you have an order with a set hierarchy. Members join in order to learn from the masters here, to gain strength and power in the darkside. They work their way up the hierarchy in that ultimate pursuit of power. And the point of several elders, and a council, is because this is a way for those masters/elders to feel a sense of power - power over recruits and all of those below them in the hierarchy, power as a group over those who are not sith.

With a hierarchy, there is the sort of apprentice/master feeling that creates respect, and perhaps a bit of fear, but that fear only leads to a desire for more power, to get stronger and stronger and not feel that fear...which, I think, lends itself to character development.

There are a few of us here whose characters will continue to develop and to grow with the order, and in time will perhaps be admitted as elders. This is a motivational thing, and gives the characters something to work towards - the sense of pride in being admitted to the secret elite council, reaching the point where your char is considered powerful enough to be considered an elder.

As one who has a character like that (or hopes for him to be like that), I think its a good idea to have something like this. It gives your character something to work towards, and it creates a sort of mysterious aura about the order for those who wish to join.

I think so long as those who are considered elders and council members are actively posting, and doing something with the order (setting goals, leading training missions, creating rp scenarios to make the order known and active) having a council is a good idea.

And perhaps each new recruit should be discussed by the council (as another job forthe council). Someone who greets them in the joining area would then go to the discussion chamber, post their impressions, and the council would then make the decision on who becomes a member. I think the order would be stronger by creating some sort of system like this, for then there are more threads for rping, and admission to the order becomes a little more special than just anyone who wants to rp can get in. Let in those who are willing to put the time and effort in, so you dont end up with random members who never rp.

Im sick of people saying no one ever posts in the sith order, blah blah blah. I think its time we did something about it.

Nov 7th, 2002, 10:27:43 PM
Very nicely said, Sasha.

There are a few of us here whose characters will continue to develop and to grow with the order, and in time will perhaps be admitted as elders. This is a motivational thing, and gives the characters something to work towards - the sense of pride in being admitted to the secret elite council, reaching the point where your char is considered powerful enough to be considered an elder.

And THAT is very true.

Ya know, if the majority still doesn't want a Council, that's fine. But having some Elders, those that have been here the longest and know the Order and the tricks of the trade, would be good in the long run to have some order. It also gives the newbies someone to look up to.

Dark Lord Dyzm
Nov 9th, 2002, 01:59:03 AM
Yes, but not today, to tired. Sleepy... and You proberly won't see me until tuesday when I pop on to b1tch out the scores I got on my mid-term. The rest of the weekend, I going to try to throw a suprise party at a friends. The Suprise, he don't know about it.

Judas Escariot
Nov 11th, 2002, 07:01:37 PM
Sounds like a plan. Well done Sasha.

Dea Potentia
Nov 15th, 2002, 05:14:44 AM
yeah we need some sort of leader people...as I constantly rant about TSO happenings to my friends I get questions that make sence according to the movies but that I've never really thought about... one was 'but aren't there only two sith at a time, a master and an apprentice?' sith just can't deal with each other unless those with more knowledge and experience have power over the lesser stupid newbies... we also need the newbies to have some respect and loyalty to TSO... I really like Sasha's Idea of taking awhile to consider those who wish to join... I know when I joined... back in the dark ages.... or perhaps not so long ago :rolleyes the masters took forever before one came up to me, Dagger, may his soul find eternal happyness, and took me as his apprentice... I also think that it would be wise to only have one apprentice per 'master' and those that haven't been chosen by a master train in groups under the instruction of elders who do not wish for an apprentice... (oi I've read too many of the SW jedi apprentice books) and so on and yadda... the thing we really need to focus on now is who might be a candidate for council or whatever we want to call it...