View Full Version : Precious Cargo

Nov 7th, 2002, 12:02:09 AM
As Tatooine was the more than halfway point to the Covens coordinants, Mockadane dropped the Raptor out of hyperspace and thustly docked in a main docking area on the planet for refueling, in Mos Espa. The Night fall on this side of the planet seemed a mor fitting place than Mos Eisley, considering it would remain sunlit for another hour or so. Once docked, two of the ships crew made there way towards a small cantina for a few refreshments, and two others positioned themselfs nicely amongst the cities landscape as lookout's and guards.

The Doors slid open with a whoosh and closed behind the two as the made there way toward the bar...

"What would you favor Dark Princess?" Mockadane asked quietly as he gave the tavern a scathing once over!

Nov 7th, 2002, 12:07:10 AM
as she walked with Mockadane she removed the hood of her cloak from her face.

"A blood wine would be wonderful"

She smiled licking her lips as they enterd the bar.

Nov 7th, 2002, 12:28:57 AM
Escorting Sari to a seat at a secluded booth Mockadane called a waiter over. Only a couple of faces seamed familiar that loomed in the croud. placing the orders he shifted his arsenal of wheapons to a comfortable position and took a seat accross from the beatiful woman.

"Were safe here... this place is ran by the Hutts and I have friens about!" Mockadane said reasuringly as the waiter brought the drinks.

Nov 7th, 2002, 12:37:34 AM
looking at Mockadane..she takes a small sip of her dink as she looks around the bar. No one looked familiar to her but she didn't leave the coven often.She trusted Mock he had become a good friend of her Husband.

"That's nice to know,Saurron has many enimies."

"How much longer until we return to the Coven?"

*looking up at Mock as he sat his drink down on the table"

Nov 7th, 2002, 12:47:11 AM
Nodding to a figure setting accross the room, Mock looks back at Sari...

"We'll be ready to depart in about an hour or so... relax, nothin's gonna happen. " Mockadane gives his best smile as he takes a drink from his glass.

Nov 7th, 2002, 12:56:52 AM
*she laughs as she takes a drink*

Better not....

*She called over the droid and ordered another round of drinks.It would be sometime before the hour was up.She watched at Mockadane nodded to several ppl in the bar and tried to relax*

Geeda the Hutt
Nov 7th, 2002, 12:58:52 AM
Geeda nodded back to the Coven Bounty Hunter as he caught her eye across the room and nodded hello.

It had been a long while since she had seen him. These days, she spent alot of her time at home in Ylesia, but once in a while, the Spice Lord came to visit her interests - such as they were - on Mos Espa.

The burly mercenary was sitting with a beautiful woman, and Geeda's curiosity was aroused as to who it could be.

Sucking on her ever-present spice pipe, she tried (with much difficulty) to focus her drug-bleared eyes on the pair as they sat talking.

Nov 7th, 2002, 01:19:25 AM
Blowing into a small nondescript tube, Mockadane wore around his neck on a silver chain, No sound seemed to emit that humanoids heard. A couple of bothan smugglers apparently were bothered as the sound only they could here peirced there ears for a moment. The K-9 that usually accompanied him on his journeys trotted at a fast pace up to the big man. With a harsh word to the barkeep, that was spewing out his negitivity at the sight of DOG, Mockadane rose and becconed the K-9 into his space at the booth while excusing himself for a few moments....

"My lady... would you pardon me for a few moments... Dog, as you know is my trusted guard..... Ill be right back!"

Nov 7th, 2002, 01:26:23 AM
"go ahead ..Dog and I will be fine"

*She reached over the table and patted Dog on the head.She then looked over at the Bartender as he stared at them

"Well he doesn't seem very friendly does he"...She glared back at him with her red eyes till he looked down and went back to serving drinks. She looked over her shoulder to see who Mock was talking too..not that she would know who it was..turning back around she lifted her glass and took another drink.

Nov 7th, 2002, 01:42:46 AM
Walking across the room, moving conservitavly around a few tables, Mockadane comes to stand in front of the Hutt's booth. Putting on his most pleasing smile...

"My goodness Geeda... You grow more and more beautiful everytime I see you!" Mockadane takes the Female Hutt's hand gingerly in his and kisses it gently.

Geeda the Hutt
Nov 7th, 2002, 01:50:58 AM
Geeda's eyes lit up when she saw DOG pad across the bar to join the beautiful woman. The first time she had seen the K-9 she had hoped Mock would sell him to her so she could eat him. That creature would make a fabulous stew. He had refused (quite rudely as she remembered - it wasnt like Geeda knew DOG was a pet.) The Hutt still held distant hopes of the Mercenary changing his mind, and her thick tongue slide about her generous mouth at the thought of it.

She had lost sight of them as Mockadane aproached her booth and took her hand in his and kissed it gallantly.

(Mockadane! Come give ol Geeda a REAL kiss HELLO!)

Yanking him forward with one hand, Geeda pulled the Mercenary into a partial embrace and smooched the side of his face noisily.

(You are more handsome than I remember! What brings you to Mos Espa?)

Jaslin Fett
Nov 7th, 2002, 02:29:10 AM
Jaslin sat in a darkened corner of the bar. Her long legs stretched out on the table in front of her. Her mask veiled the lower part of her face. She watched with amusement as Mockadane sauntered across the bar toward the Hutt.

She had always found him quiet alluring. But her life style left little time for pleasure. She pulled her drink to her and sipped it thoughtfully. Her narrowed eyes watching Mockadane and those around him. It was her night off and her brother JuJu was off doing his own thing. She glanced back over to the pale beauty, she had seen him enter with. "Something very different about that one." Jaslin's dark eyes narrowed further. With a shrug she turned her gaze back to Mockadane, a slow sultry smile tugged at her lips.

"Wonder what he is doing tonight."

Nov 8th, 2002, 01:09:13 AM
Mockadane was srong for a human, some could compare to a teen-yeared Wookiee, yet Greeda had size on her side.

"OK ,OK... " Mockadane said playfully manuvering in her onslaught of welcome. "If your courtierres see this the'll challenge me to the Hutt's dominant male ritual!" With a wink he told her he was just escorting someone home.

While he spoke to the very well connected Hutt, Mockadane made eye contact with the lovely Jaslin Fett and nearly lost his train of thought... " I was wondering if you could arrange a shipment of Bespin's Tibyniam spin sealled gas for me and I could pay you well?" As they chit chatted about numerous topics Mockadane excused Himself for a bit to fetch drinks and conduct side buisness. A smile persed his lips watching Greeda's wide smile as she rolled her bolbus eye's as he turned.

The Merc. placed an order at the bar and then walked over to the beautiful Fett womans table... "Drinking alone this evening?"

Jaslin Fett
Nov 8th, 2002, 01:49:40 AM
Jaslin moved her feet from the table. She pushed the chair out and motioned for him to sit. She pulled her veil from her face a smile of pure delight rested on her face.

"Not if you join me I won't be Mockadane. What brings you here, if I may ask, A job? Me?" She raised her eyebrows and gave a throaty laugh. Her fingers slowly ran around the rim of her glass.

Geeda the Hutt
Nov 8th, 2002, 01:52:48 AM
Geeda laughed deeply as Mockadane moved over to the beauty who was flashing smiles at him. She had never met a humanoid male yet that wasnt a sucker for pouty lips and inviting eyes.

The Hutt's glance shifted back to the woman Mock had first entered with, still no wiser as to who she was. Geeda wondered if the woman was in need of some spice...Geeda had the real good stuff and the pale female looked like she was the type who had strange appetites - something Geeda was completely happy to accomodate. For the right price, of course.

Nov 8th, 2002, 02:06:10 AM
"Being a Bounty Hunter suits you Jaslin... it is a position tailor made for an individual like yourself..." The big man smiled and nodded to her as her took a seat...

"You know... there is a lot I could teach you...." Mockadane slowly looked the the woman up and down. "I really could use a woman like you on my staff...!"

Jaslin Fett
Nov 8th, 2002, 02:16:01 AM
Jaslin chuckled lightly at his comment. She leaned forward and ran her finger lightly over his hand. "Being a bounty hunter isn't all I am Mock. You staff huh. I always wanted to try a big corporation out. Yours is the one I find most appealing." She grinned up at the huge man. Her coy smile was heated by the want in her eyes.

Nov 15th, 2002, 12:11:07 AM
The feeling that ran across his mind was brought quickly into focus as He remembered his reason for being here in the first place....

"Hold that thought, there are a couple of things in the mix this night and Ill discuss the outset of this with you in a few moments..." Downing his freshly poured glass in an attempt to succumme all his previous engaugements. "Excuse me... Ill be right back!"

Coming back to the table where Sari and DOG sat... "My oppologies......"

Nov 15th, 2002, 12:18:15 AM
*removing the glass from her lips and sitting it down on the table she looked back up at Mock as he spoke*

"No need to apologize."

*looking at him with a smirk upon her face*

You seem to be very popular with the ladies Mock.

Nov 15th, 2002, 12:34:40 AM
A smile persed his lips the it turned into a half baked smile as he called to Eldorack for an update on time expenditures.

"Not so much as popular ... as well known..."

In the short transmission via- comlink Mockadane had Eldorack check to see if Jaslin arrived in her personal transport.

Patting DOG, The big man sat down beside him..

"At least the smell isnt so bad in here!...." Mockadane struck up the conversation with the Dark Princess.

Nov 15th, 2002, 12:56:41 AM
she laughed at his attempt to change the subject .

" I haven't noticed any smell."

she glanced around the bar..then turned back to him.
Looking down at her glass she couldn't remember how many drinks she had had.

"Well I thinks that's enough for me..i'm afraid if I have any more you will be dragging me out of this bar..Will we be departing soon ?"

Nov 15th, 2002, 01:35:19 AM
The com-link crackled....

"Ready for departure, The tallons are in!" The cryptic message was for Mockadane and Him alone!

Jaslin Fett
Nov 15th, 2002, 03:15:24 PM
Jaslin watched Mockadane under lowered lashes. She had known of him for a while now, and had been impressed by what she had heard. Jaslin's hand slowly ran across the lip of her glass. Her thoughts lost in the first time she had met him. She had wanted him then, but circumstance had thwarted her. It seemed fate would give her another chance.

Jaslin removed her head piece letting her black hair spill down her back. It was rare she would let herself relax this much but she had other thoughts on her mind. She switched her comm off, which would alert her brother that she did not want to be bothered. Her sultry smile grew wider as Mockadane glanced over at her.

Nov 23rd, 2002, 04:06:32 AM
He had many contacts on tatooine... good and bad. There were few places he had visited with as diverse a gathering as here. Sharing idle chit-chat with Sari Mockadane spoke into his com-link and then told her they were leaving in a few moments when he excused himself...

Walking over to Geeda The big man handed her a data pad with contact information and said he would return soon. With a slight farewell for now He walked over to the table that the beautiful Fett woman sat at.

"You know ... theres something Ild really like to show you!"

Jaslin Fett
Nov 23rd, 2002, 05:22:49 PM
Jaslin stood up from her chair. Her hands ran over her hips, tugging the tight material into place. Her eyes glimmered softly in the dim light. A small smile tugged at her lips.

"Lead the way Mockadane. Show me what ever you want." She said in a throaty whisper. She picked up the com-link and thought about informing her brother but instead tucked it away. She was off for the week anyway. "Time to have a little fun." She thought to herself.

Geeda the Hutt
Nov 23rd, 2002, 06:23:15 PM
Geeda took the offered datapad from Mockadane and in turn passed it off to one of her lackeys who looked after such bothersome details as business. This left her free for the more amusing task of socialising and spice smoking, not to mention customer prospecting..

Leaning to a tall green alien, the Hutt Spicelord whispered instructions into his ear. Obediently the alien walked over to Sari as she sat alone and made her a gift of a spice pipe and some of Geeda's best supply.

"Compliments of my Mistress, Ma'am."

The green alien turned to indicate Geeda as the said Mistress, and the ample Hutt inclined her head in a bow of acknowledgement toward the lovely pale woman.

Juju Fett
Nov 24th, 2002, 12:22:21 AM
Juju stood poised and unmoving as the man before him explained the condition's of the delivery. After long moment's, the ruffian placed a small data-pad in the hand of the bounty hunter. Juju promptly tucked the silver pad away in a small belt satchel on his utility belt...

"I better have the rest of what we agreed upon once I arrive with the cargo my friend." Juju's voice was firm and to the point as the man nodded to him.

Smuggler: "I give you my word that once the cargo reaches it's designated location, your remaining fund's will be transferred at once," replied the rugged looking man as toothy smile escaped him. His homely reflection was cast back at him in the smoked visor of the mandalorian helm that Juju wore.

"I hope so for your sake Vin...If I have to come back to this god forsaken town to look you up...It better be for all the right reason's..." came Juju's reply in a sharp monotone voice.

After the two men departed, Juju haled Jaslin through a private frequency channel that was non-trackable.

"Sister, I have to meet with you before I leave here...I've secured the fund's and I'm on my way now to deliver the final pay load..."After a brief moment and with no response from Jaslin, Juju cursed under his breath, his sister's com-link was obviously turned off. Even though it was her so called day off, both Fett sibling's knew there was no such thing in their line of work.

"Damn it Jaslin!..." Juju then reached down to his armored wrist gauntlet, flipping open a small concealed panel were a series of small coded button's came into view. With a few effortless strokes, Juju punched in a beckon command code that would alert Jaslin to her brother's exact location. Juju quickly scanned the area around him before he stepped back into the shadowy recesses of the alleyway...He would now await her response...

Nov 30th, 2002, 12:56:11 AM
Winking at Jaslin, he walks over the table that was being occupied by Sari, while notioning with his head that Jaslin should follow.

Nodding to DOG, Mockadane looks over to where Sari was sitting. "It is time. The ship awaits us."

As the group readied to leave, Jaslins wrist communicator beackoned to her.

Jaslin Fett
Nov 30th, 2002, 01:08:27 AM
Jaslin glanced down at her beacon in annoyance. She motioned to Mockadane that she would only be a moment. Inserting the ear piece, she activated her comm-link.

"I just received your message, and I made the necessary arrangements. The funds are in place. Culpus Donn will be meeting us there in three days. I will meet you at the designated spot. If I am not there at 0800 hours, the homing device will be activated because something went wrong." Jaslin's eye scanned the bar as she spoke in low tones.

JuJu: "That's affirmative... and good luck."

Jaslin removed the ear piece with a smile. She made her way to Mockadane. "Ready when you are." She lifted the veil back over the bottom half of her face. Barly hiding the grin that tugged at her lips.

Nov 30th, 2002, 11:30:24 PM
looking up at Mock she reached into her pocket and pulled out a hand full of coins and placed them oh the tray then watched the droid roll away as she raised from her seat

"That message didn't sound good Mock"

As she stood she pulled her cloak up around her face and turned to DOG waving her hand for him to follow her. He jumped down from the seat and walked beside her as she followed mock.

Dec 1st, 2002, 01:00:01 AM
Watching DOG eye the Fett woman untill a knowing nod from Mockadane, caused Him to spring out and follow in stride beside Sari. Reaching the doorway Mockadane awaited an all clear over his headset befor exiting and hailing a transport back to the docking bays...

As the taxi's door slid open Mockadane spoke...

"How rude of me... Sari meet Jaslin!"

Jaslin Fett
Dec 1st, 2002, 01:07:18 AM
Jaslin smiled under her veil, the only telltale sign of it was the slight crinkling of the corners of her eyes. "Sorry for the delay, a small business matter with my brother I had to attend to.

Jaslin eyed the pale beauty she had been introduced to. She nodded slightly. "A pleasure to meet you Sari. I hope you do not mind me joining you?" Her lilting voice was slightly muffled...

Dec 1st, 2002, 02:08:47 AM
Noticing Sari greet Jaslin as she made room for dog on the bench beside herself, this taxi was packed. Idle chit chat insued on the short trip back to the hangar, as Mockadane was aware of the ion drive coming from the swoop that tailed them. Once arriving the large man let the persessional where the raptor set, waiting for departure.

Jaslin Fett
Dec 1st, 2002, 02:23:32 AM
Jaslin stepped out of the transport and her eyes lit on Mockadane's ship. A look of dismay filled her otherwise impassive face. She turned to Mockadane and lowered her veil. Her eyebrows quirking up she gestured over her shoulder toward the ship.

"You came in that thing? You braver than I thought..."

Dec 4th, 2002, 10:10:39 PM
"Hey... she may not look like much," Mockadane said eyeing His Correllian light freighter with a look unrecognizable to the others, "But SHE"S got it where it counts.... Ive made a few special modifications myself and since were in a bit of a hurry if we could get onboard..." Making a slight welcoming motion with his hand toward the boarding ramp.

Jaslin Fett
Dec 4th, 2002, 10:22:24 PM
Jaslin eyed the ramshackle ship with a lot of trepidation. Her eyebrows shot up as she looked to Mockadane. "I just hope it doesn't rattle to death on take off." She muttered.

Jaslin dropped her veil as she entered the ship. Her eyes scanning every open corner. As was her habit. She had never been one to trust to much. Jaslin small smile widened at the inside of the ship. Her eyes glimmered with appreciation. Apparently Mockadane had not been joking.

Settling into a chair, Jaslin stretched her long legs out in front of her. She unbuttoned her top coat and relaxed. "So how long does this trip take?" She usually did not relax this much in others company, but... she had a feeling she was in good hands...

Dec 6th, 2002, 12:36:22 AM
She took her seat and buckled herself in. She had learned on the way here that Mock's driving was a bit wild and she didn't want to end up on the other side of the ship. She turned to Jaslin as she spoke then turned her gaze to Mockadane,waiting for him to answer. She was puzzled as to why they had another passenger but didn't think to much of it. Mock wouldn't put her in any harm and if he did he would pay the price. He didnt' answer her he was too busy messing with the controls on the ship..she smiled a bit....he's in a whole other world right now.

raising her voice a bit she spoke.

"Mockadane are you going to answer her?"

Dec 8th, 2002, 11:01:17 PM
The flashing red message light blinked out as Mockadane pulled the headset off and placed it on it's holder at the ships midstation. With the slight lifting motion of the repulsors, The Raptors sublight engines sprang to life with a jolt that was compensated immediatly by the dampners. Within moments, the Y-T 1300 Was rising upward out of the planets atmosphere clawing for deep space.

"Well it seams the trip to the rendevous will be rather short..." The mercinary spoke to Sari and smiled... "so make yourselfs comfortable, we'll be there in a few hours!"

Jaslin Fett
Dec 9th, 2002, 03:11:48 PM
Jaslin settled back in her chair. Her eyes wanting to slip closed. She had not had much sleep in the last two weeks and it seemed to be catching up to her.

"So is this place top secret or can I know our destination." She asked in an effort to keep herself up. She was curious about the female that Mockadane was transporting. They seemed to know each other well but there was an underlying aggravation.

Shrugging her small shoulders, Jaslin ran her hand over her blaster, and the small detonators. She was not to worried about her safety. She as well as her brother had always been able to take care of themselves. The fact that if anything happened to her, her tracking beacon would immediately go off and alert JuJu.

Dec 14th, 2002, 09:25:43 PM
Sari smiled back at Mock then.. turned and looked at Jaslin as she spoke.

"Mock is taking me home..it will be short stop and then you two can be on your way."

Having heard the women's thoughts..she looked her in the eyes then looked down at her hand on her blaster.

"If you're not worried about your saftey then you can take your hand off your blaster."

The dark trooper stood next to her quiet and still...like a statue.The lights from the ship refelcting off of his helment.He only spoke when asked too.She went into a daze..unaware of what was going on around her ...then snapped out of it as she heard Mock saying her name.She quickly looked from the trooper to Mock.