View Full Version : Unpleasant Suprises(Sasha Kovalev)

imported_Terran Starek
Nov 6th, 2002, 08:07:51 PM
He had gotten a simple message back at the Academy. It was the kind of message he always like to get--short and mysterious. It was from Xazor, and he was excited to meet her. She had been out on business for a day, and to get this message meant that he would get the chance to see her, and kiss her, and touch her again...

"Meet me on Tatooine--the Southern Yaki Ruins. I just completed my stay. I miss you. --Love, Xazor."

The shuttle zoomed through the stars as he came to the atmosphere of the desert planet. Odd that they would meet here--she generally preferred the woods and more lush, natural areas. It was possible, as she had just finished with business, that she could not wait to see him. He could not wait either.

As he landed near the ruins, he could feel the presence of another. It wasn't the familiar signature of Xazor, but it was definitely a signature. Perhaps she was hiding from him. He smiled--what suprise do you have for me, Xazor Leo Dawnstrider!--he thought.

As he came to the center of the Ruins, he had not seen her yet. As a matter of fact, there was no sign of her anywhere. Interesting. He let his mind drift, to search for the hidden figure. He found the aura--off in the dark shadows of the old temple. He looked towards it's position and smiled.

"Xazor? Is that you?" He was going to tackle her--shower her with kisses--if she showed herself. He wondered when she would.

Nov 7th, 2002, 09:57:53 AM
He had been wanting, for some time, a chance to battle with Terran. It wasn’t anything personal, really. It was more that the jedi had been relatively easy to goad into fights the two times he had encountered him. If he had the chance ever, he wouldn’t hesitate to kill the man. Not as revenge against Xazor, though, that would be a positive side effect, but just for the simple fact that the man was a jedi. But if that wasn’t possible, a simple fight would be quite enough. The man, he knew, would provide a challenge for him.

They had begun battles twice before only to be interrupted both times by Xazor. And there was something in the young sith knight that made him want to come back for more. Perhaps it was a pure lust for conflict, for a chance to feel the dark side of the force raging as it did in a fight. Perhaps it was because he just wanted a chance to see how far he had come in his training.

He didn’t doubt that Terran would possibly kill him if it came right down to it. He had been more than willing to fight each time, and the last time, he had been the one to pick the fight, really. And while this was in the back of his mind, so too was the sith code that preached immortality over death. For the Sith, there was a world after death, so long as you went down fighting for the death of the light.

It had not really occurred to him this day to lure Terran to a place to battle until he had caught a familiar signature passing through the spaceport. Xazor – and she was stepping onto an outbound ship.

This had triggered an idea. With Xazor leaving the planet, with her no where in sight, he would finally have his battle with Terran.

It was rather low, what he did, he knew. But it was the only way he could think of. He knew from their last encounter that Terran had feelings for Xazor, and so, as the Sith that he was, he played upon them.

Meet me on Tatooine--the Southern Yaki Ruins. I just completed my stay. I miss you. --Love, Xazor.

He had cringed writing these words, for he wasn’t a mushy sort of guy. Well, mostly not. His feelings for Feliciana he kept well hidden. Though, truth be told, he had not really blamed Terran for acting as he had on their last encounter. Sasha knew that he would have been the same way had the topic of Fel been the one being discussed.

And so, he went to the ruins to wait. They were a perfect place, really, for the souls of bodies that had since passed seemed to lurk about the place, making it relatively easy to disguise one’s signature.

This was something Sasha was still working on. He hadnt really cared all that much about learning it, having perhaps a bit too much pride, and perhaps a bit of an ego to care if anyone knew he was there. ‘Let them know’, had been his philosophy, though, he was learning with time that perhaps he should begin to care.

He grinned as he felt the presence of another enter the ruins. It was difficult to discern whether or not it was Terran until he actually spoke.

Xazor? Is that you?

At this, Sasha stepped from behind the curve of the walls, lightsaber in hand, but not yet ignited.

“No….but it is her blood brother, does that count?” He asked, the tone of his voice clearly indicating that he was looking for a fight.

imported_Terran Starek
Nov 8th, 2002, 02:57:17 PM
It was a familiar voice to the Jedi. One he had a few time before in other meetings. He had been tricked into showing up here. He had been fooled into believing that this location was truly of Xazor's choosing. It wasn't Xazor at all. It was her blood brother, someone who Terran had met in opposition before.

Sasha Kovalev.

"It's a far cry from what I expected," Terran spoke, a stern tone. He remembered his weapons this time, and he felt for Halcyon, his most trusted saber. The chrome hilt slid into his hand from its belt clip as he removed it and held it down at his side. He met Sasha's preparation with his own.

"It seems as though your thirst for blood has not ceased, Sasha Kovalev. It has overtaken you to the point of drawing me out." He spoke with fact in a tone just questionable as a scold. His last meeting had turned violent at Terran's own doing. This one would not be his fault.

Nov 11th, 2002, 09:18:05 AM
It's a far cry from what I expected

At this, Sasha actually grinned.

“Sorry to disappoint…” Sasha replied, though his voice carried none of the sincerity such words would normally command. He watched as Terran’s saber slid into his hand. Perfect, he thought, perfect.

It seems as though your thirst for blood has not ceased, Sasha Kovalev. It has overtaken you to the point of drawing me out.

The young knight merely smiled.

“So it has.” He answered with a shrug.

“Is this something that should concern me?” He asked, his voice dripping heavy with sarcasm. With this, the blade of his saber ignited, the orange blade glowing in the dim light of the ruins.

imported_Terran Starek
Nov 12th, 2002, 02:12:11 PM
"Perhaps. Those who crave the blood of others become only one thing: monsters. They are mindless, inhuman." As he ignited his saber, the idle hum of its orange blade came to life. He stood several meters from him. Terran reached his finger down to touch the ingition knob of his saber, not letting the blade out yet.

"If a monster is what you wish to become, than blood you should seek. Humanity does remain in those who shun it. Remember that." Terran thought about his statements. His training was coming in to play. He cared for Sasha--in a detached sense of duty. It was his job to be compassionate--and he was learning to do so in situations when he would, himself, not.

Truly, he had even matured since there last meeting. He was wiser--if only a little. He would not be so irresponisble as to 'pick' this fight with Sasha. He would use his time to enter his mindset. Why was he a Sith? Had he any good in him? Terran did not know, and he wanted to find out.

"Surely, you are not a monster. You are too intelligent...too caring, even." He knew the power of his words. They could intice anger out of the man before him. He felt his duty to try to understand.

Nov 12th, 2002, 05:00:23 PM
Perhaps. Those who crave the blood of others become only one thing: monsters. They are mindless, inhuman. If a monster is what you wish to become, than blood you should seek. Humanity does remain in those who shun it. Remember that. Surely, you are not a monster. You are too intelligent...too caring, even.

The idea of him becoming a monster meant nothing to him. A monster to one person was something entirely different to another. But words of humanity, he could understand.

Admittedly, slowly, he had felt the human side of him slowly slipping away. Where once he had cared about so many things, he felt only a slight detachment now for some. He had stopped counting how many lives he had taken, for they no longer mattered. The first few times they had – the first few times had left him wracked with guilt, perhaps even sorry for the lives he had taken. Now, it was beginning to mean little. And he had noticed this.

Perhaps much of it had to do with the lack of guidance in his life. His master, Lady Vader was there if he sought her out, to mentor him, but beyond that, she’d labled him as capable of living and learning without her watchful eye. Perhaps she was right in this, perhaps not. Perhaps she had known that leaving him to his own devices would lead to this – and this was what she had forseen for him.

His girlfriend had left the order to pursue her own career, to do what was best for her. Having her around had kept him balanced – given him a reason to be kind, a reason to care. With her gone, he found himself more angry, more unsettled, and even more it bothered him that without her he felt these things. He hated a feeling of dependence upon anyone or anything, and it seemed to him that life without her nearby made him feel less grounded, thus leading to more anger.

And then there was his uncle. A wise, dark jedi that Sasha could go to when he needed. And he did go to him when he felt himself spiraling out of control – but the man had his own life, and though Sasha was Wargrave’s brother’s son – and the man cared a great deal about family - he found it difficult to intrude upon the his life too often.

“Im intelligent enough to know that what you preach is the weaker side of the force.” He countered, his face paling perhaps as he was reminded of what he was becoming.

“There is no power for you, theres power in the dark side.” He stated, reciting words of the sith code that he could repeat in his sleep in needed.

“And I care about nothing.” He stated, knowing that even as he said it, he was lying to Terran, and he was lying to himself. The orange blade continued to hum loudly in the silence that hung between them, and in anger he struck out at the nearest thing, the remains of an overhanging light fixture whose wires sizzled as the weight was severed and fell to the ground with a shattering of glass.

imported_Terran Starek
Nov 12th, 2002, 08:25:10 PM
So much anger. So much aggression. It wasn't power--it was dakness in control. He had been there. He had walked in the shoes of a Sith and it was no easy task. The self-doubt, the guilt, the lack of control took terrible tolls on the mind and body. No matter whether the Dark side was a embraced by one or forced upon one, it was a terrible burden to bear. For that, Terran hurt for Sasha. His heart ached for him. He had been there, and known the pain.

It appeared that Sasha had begun to believe in the pain, however. He had let it control him. He had begun to "care about nothing," and Terran knew that perhaps he was being taken far into the grasp of the Dark side.

The light of the desert eve began to dim, nightfall creeping in. It was quickly becoming dark, and Sasha's orange saber began to light his face and the area around him. Terran's saber remain unlight. It would remain so until he had no choice.

"Power is in wisdom. It is not defined by strength or ability. Power is found in the smallest and seemingly weakest of beings." He had taken a different tone with Sasha now. It was not spiteful or mocking--it was clear and honest. "Those who follow the Light will--in time--take on it's great wisdom and power. One of the Dark side can never be as strong as one devoted to the good, Living Force." He thought of the great Jedi who were spirits now. They were godlike in the Light side of the Force, pure and wise. Those in the Dark were as lost as they were alive--shadows in the night.

"You will choose the path you wish. But do not be fooled by the lies whispered into your ear by the shadows that blind you. Remember the truth: there is always good in you. Always. It will be found, I assure you." He pledged to himself, in that moment, that he would never give up on Sasha. It was his sacrifice to himself--his attonement for his wrongs. He would make it up to Xazor and Sasha and himself by caring for him. Not hating him.

He clutched his saber tightly...his words would incite dangerous emotions, he was sure. He was ready to ignite at any moment, and would not be caught unawares. He was prepared.

Nov 13th, 2002, 01:16:37 PM
As the light of the desert began to dim, Sasha continued to stare at Terran, the anger and aggression within him slowly building. It had felt good to strike out at something and he kicked absently at the shattered glass at his feet.

Power is in wisdom. It is not defined by strength or ability. Power is found in the smallest and seemingly weakest of beings. Those who follow the Light will--in time--take on it's great wisdom and power. One of the Dark side can never be as strong as one devoted to the good, Living Force.

With these words, Sasha scowled. Perhaps wisdom was a part of power, but for him, wisdom could never bring the adrenaline rush that violence could bring. The feeling of the dark side flowing through his veins – this was power. And power found in the weakest of things….at this the young sith shook his head. The weak couldn’t be powerful. According to the code, there was no weakness, there was only the Dark side. Those who were weak would be destroyed.

You will choose the path you wish. But do not be fooled by the lies whispered into your ear by the shadows that blind you. Remember the truth: there is always good in you. Always. It will be found, I assure you.

Good? In him? He refused to believe it. To believe this would only be to accept the guilt that came with killing. To accept this would be to accept that he was capable of caring. To accept this would make him weak. A Sith cared nothing about goodness, a Sith sought only anger, chaos, and power. To seek anything else – well this would be a weakness. He would not accept weakness. He would accept the Dark side instead.

These words were unsettling to Sasha. Unsettling because a part of him did want to hold on the all that had been good and innocent about him. But this would never make him a Sith master. This would never bring him all that he desired. And so in anger, as if to prove to himself that he was not these things, to convince himself he was not good, he struck out at the jedi.

Terran had obviously been prepared for this, for his blade countered the anger-filled slash of the young sith.

“You’re foolish to believe such a thing.” He growled as their blades locked. And then he pulled his blade away, and with anger building, with the power of the dark side seeping into him, fueling his movements, he swung once again.

imported_Terran Starek
Nov 14th, 2002, 03:25:36 PM
A sharp *CRACK* was heard as the two blades locked, Balerefon springing to life to block Sasha's strike. The sound of a saber lock echoed in the old temple courtyard as the Jedi and the Sith held their ground respectively. Two strengths matched as the blades pressed against each other, crackles of sound and light as their energies combusted against one and other. The blue blade held strong against the orange one, Terran's eyes narrowing as the combatant in him arose. The conversation had been ended--though it would not fully end. Negotiations were now going to be much more...physical.

“You’re foolish to believe such a thing.” The Sith spoke, breaking the lock by pulling his blade away. Before Terran could blink, he had come swinging with another attack--once again aimed to cut the Jedi in half. So much anger, he thought, almost saddened. Unfortunately, there wasn't much time to feel bad for Sasha with the blade wooshing toward him. He brought Balerefon up to counter the attack, pushing against it with his own strength. The blade's hissed as they crashed together. Shrugging the block, Terran adjusted his feet into attack position. It was time.

With a quick step, he engaged Sasha with a quick, fierce combo. Leading with his right hand, he slashed from top to bottom--an attempt at Sasha's right shoulder. The Sith blocked swiftly. Without hesitation, Terran rotated the saber downwards, pulling his left hand over to attack at Sasha's right thigh. The Sith mimicked his attack and blocked low. Bringing the weapon back up towards his head, he pulled his right hand over, twisting his saber to strike Sasha's left shoulder. This was also blocked. Sasha was very quick and thoughtful with his defense.

Terran then spun his body with Saber high, coming down in a quick arc toward's Sasha's torso. The attack was blocked--caught as Sasha brought his orange blade across his body. The two sabers locked again, as Terran forced them to push higher with his leverage. He leaned in with the blade.

"Not as foolish as you, to follow so blindly in the dark," he spoke through his heavy breathing.

Nov 15th, 2002, 10:18:36 AM
Sasha had not expected Terran to counter as he had. Rather than being on the attack, as he’d assumed he would be, Sasha had found himself defending the swift blows of the jedi. With each clash of the sabers, he could feel the adrenaline building, could feel the power of the dark side as it beckoned him down its path. It was as if it were whispering in his ear, seducing him into acceptance.

Not as foolish as you, to follow so blindly in the dark.

The jedi spoke as their blades met and held once again. They crackled and hissed, and as the last remnants of light disappeared, the jedi and Sith were left in the darkness, with only the light of their sabers, and their senses through the force to guide them.

“And you question the ways of the jedi?” He retorted, sarcasm thick in his tone.

“You follow just as blindly in the light.” He added, his voice a low growl, and with a shove towards Terran, aided a bit by the force, he put a bit of distance between them.

The hardest part of dueling was the locking of sabers. It drained energy too quickly.

“By pledging myself to Darkness, to the death of the light, I’ll find true life.” He stated, sounding, perhaps, like one who has been brainwashed as he repeated the words of the Sith code. With this, he lashed out with his saber, bent on any sort of destruction. It cut easily through the remains of an already rather destroyed table.

And then he pointed his saber at Terran.

“And what will you find, jedi? What will you have at the end of the day?” He demanded, his tone mocking. It was easier to find anger and to strike out at the words of the jedi than to consider that there might be any truth in the things he said.

With this, as he spoke, his voice rising in anger, he struck out again, before he advanced on Terran. His attack on the jedi was filled with anger, and while strong, was not wise. He was attacking out of a blind sort of rage and while he had been smart defensively, offensively, he was letting the dark side take perhaps a bit too much control. Terran might have been surprised by the aggression, but no one would have known by the ease with which he blocked the attack and then retaliated.

As he retaliated, Terran’s saber clipped the young sith along the ribs, searing through the clothes he wore and catching the skin. It wasn’t a serious wound, but it was enough to make the young sith inhale sharply as the pain hit him. It was also a quick reminder of the fact that battle could be…deadly. This angered him, for it brought some sense of fear back to him, and in an effort to deny the fear, he lashed out again, the orange blade seeking some sort – any of vengeance on the jedi.

imported_Terran Starek
Nov 15th, 2002, 11:03:58 AM
Terran blocked the hard strike, shoving Sasha's saber hard backwards to once again put distance between them. He was begining to become more aggressive--the workings of the Dark Side, Terran guessed, and so the Jedi would need to step up his defense a bit. This would surely not be an easy duel--Sasha was fairly strong. At times, he seemed uncontrolled, but he was fueled by anger and a dangerous foe it is.

"I will not have the guilt of living in doubt upon my conscious, Sasha," he spoke between breaths. The duel would continue, and Terran was feeling a slight sting of fatigue. To attack, defend, and wield a lightsaber took great strength and concentration. After sharing a few quick attacks, he felt his breathing quicken. He still had much stamina left, but he would need to be careful with what he did with it. He circled around Sasha, watching him as he seethed with anger. Periodically, he would strike out at objects. He thought it to be another effect of the darkness that bound him.

"There is no life in murder, you know that to be true." He lowered his saber slightly as he spoke. The saber-locks had been intended to fatigue Sasha and test him. They had revealed that he was strong and that he was equally intelligent, not allowing the locks to be held for long periods of time. "The Dark side is murder. It is pain and suffering and death. How can it breed life?"

The blue glow of his saber lit his face as he raised the blade to more of a defensive position. This would be effective to defend any incoming attacks and attack if need be. He would be prepared to handle whatever was necessary. The orange blade seemed to engrave Sasha's features into the shadows. It case stark contrasts onto his face, his eyes becoming the only thing visible aside from the shadows of his facial contours.

"There are questions to be asked of everything. The truth--the true answers to these questions--can only be found in the Light side of the Force. There is no deception in it's brightness." He spoke, keeping his feet moving and preparing for defense.

Nov 15th, 2002, 02:05:04 PM
As Terran blocked the strike, he shoved Sasha's saber back hard enough to once again put distance between the two of them. Though he wouldn’t admit it, Sasha was thankful for the break. Though he was far from being exhausted, he could feel the effects of battling getting to him, and tiring him. where muscles would not have burned before, they now did from the exertion.

There is no life in murder, you know that to be true. The Dark side is murder. It is pain and suffering and death. How can it breed life?

This was asked as the jedi circled him. For the most part, he had stood there seething, feeling the anger as it flowed through his veins, but this question made him strike out at nothing, at anything in reach just to feel the satisfaction of the release – the satisfaction that violence brought. He didnt have an answer.

Certainly, it was a waste of energy - the lashing out. His violet eyes then focused on Terran, daggers in them as he felt foolish for not having an answer to how the dark side could bring him the true life that he had been led to believe it would provide.

There are questions to be asked of everything. The truth--the true answers to these questions--can only be found in the Light side of the Force. There is no deception in it's brightness.

These last few words had been enough. There was no truth to be found in the light.

“Don’t talk to me of there being no deception in the light” He snarled.

“You deceive yourself believing the light has all the answers. Tell me, Terran, if the light is so truthful, why are the jedi forced to refrain from natural instincts? From their true desires? The jedi force you to be something you naturally are not. You cant tell me you’ve never had the desire to kill someone before…..”

With the Sith Order, he was allowed to be who he was. He was encouraged to strike out if anger asked for it. With the jedi, there was control. There was a suppression of these instincts, and he thought it untruthful to bow to them.

And then, as if to prove his point, he attacked Terran again, trying to goad him into getting angry enough to feel the desire to bring harm. With the use of the force, he shoved Terran, and without a second thought, advanced on the jedi, his orange blade seeking flesh rather than the glowing blue blade that cast a serene glow about the jedi.

imported_Terran Starek
Nov 15th, 2002, 03:07:44 PM
The Sith's words were uttered with intentions to anger Terran, he was sure. He would not be angered. He was gaining wisdom daily, and it was in this 'refrain from natural instincts' Sahsa spoke of that kept him calm and collected. He was to become a Jedi Knight in his future--and it was for that reason that he would practice the wisdom of a Knight. These words that Sasha spoke were those of the darkside--they were only manifestations of his unwillingness to accept the truth. He would keep this sad fact in mind when taking these comments personally.

Terran stumbled backwards as the push jarred his body. His head bowed a bit as he tried to catch his balance, legs leaving the ground for a fleeting moment as the push lifted him up. Coming back to his feet, he raised his eyes--


The sound of the two blades echoed through the old courtyard as Terran barely put a saber in the way of Sasha's strong attack as he twisted his body to avoid the momentum of the blade coming through to hit him. Unfortunately, he wasn't quite successful, as the orange blade knocked his own blade down. Sliding off of the block, Sasha's saber slid across his right thigh, tearing through the cloth of his pants and searing his leg. It wasn't a deep cut by any means--it had mearly burnt the surface of his leg. The pain, however shot through him like a hot knife as he reared from the injury.

Admitedly, the injury put a new adrenaline into him. The stakes were raised, and now, it was time to capitalize on his new energy. He came in hard, releasing a strong strike to Sasha's shoulder. Sasha, with very quick timing, was able to block the attack, resquaring himself with Terran. As the two were now facing each other again, Terran stutter stepped for one moment.

"The urge to kill only comes to me when it is in defiance of the darkside," he spoke the words with an almost threating tone. The comment could be taken as a threat to Sasha, or it could not. Terran left it to be interrpretted. After the stutter step, he continued his offensive, coming in strong with a stab aimed at Sasha' left, mid-torso.

Nov 15th, 2002, 03:37:05 PM
He knew that the blade had done come close enough to injure – could see Terran rear back from the sudden pain. He had smiled at this, though the smile did not touch the corners of his eyes as it did when he was truly enjoying himself. The smile came only from what he had seen other Sith do – a reaction that was seemingly expected, but did not necessarily come from the heart.

As they faced one another again, squared off and ready for the attack, Sasha found his right hand, on instinct, go to the spot where he’d been caught by Terran’s saber earlier before. It still stung, and while he’d been trying to ignore it, the constant movement only served to irritate it.

The urge to kill only comes to me when it is in defiance of the darkside,

Sasha’s violet eyes merely stared at Terran.

“Then why don’t you kill me?” He retorted just before Terran came in with a stab aimed at his left, mid-torso. Though he tried to turn away, the fatigue of battle was beginning to set in, and he was not as quick as he would have liked to have been. The stab with the saber grazed his ribs again as he turned aside, searing just below the earlier spot. He cursed in pain, the color in his face fading slightly as he stepped back out of the reach of the jedi and his saber.

He had no idea how tired Terran was, but he knew, in the slowness of his reaction that he would be in trouble if this continued for much longer. Yet, stubborn pride refused to let him give in. Likely the jedi would have let him walk away – but he never would have given in to defeat in that way. No Sith could do that.

He wasted no more energy with words. But instead attacked once again. If he was going to go down, he would go down swinging.

Fueled by anger and pain, he once again tried to shove the jedi – any advantage he could get, he would take. But the use of the force was draining, and while the shove was hard, it was clear he was tiring. And so he lunged, his blade coming in a downward strike because it would use less energy that way than any other.

Terran was a well matched opponent for Sasha, and slowly, the Sith was gaining respect for this man – jedi or not.

imported_Terran Starek
Nov 15th, 2002, 04:48:47 PM
“Then why don’t you kill me?”

The words echoed again in the courtyard, attempting to stir him into action. He would not bend to thier will. He was on his own agenda. He reminded himself of that. This was his fight. His agenda. He would control the tempo and the structure.

But it was getting harder.

Fatigue began to grip his body. The two men had exchanged numerous respective attacks, and his own body was becoming rather tired. He found himself lacking in speed and the same strength he had before. It was obvious his opponent was as well--his reaction time was much slower on Terran's last attack. Perhaps it was fatigue that lead both of the men to overlook an ominous presence...

The push had been much weaker then the ones before, barely moving him in the Force. However, his tired legs moved with the push, unable to stand their ground fully as it whipped him backward. With the push came Sasha--this was a tactic he used often and well. The strike, coming from the overhead postition, came down hard upon him. He let his saber come across his head and shoulders horizontaly to brace himself for the attack. The saber came down hard, but Terran was able to throw the attack off of him, pushing Sasha back. However, the block had taken too much out of him, and he took many steps back--separating he and the Sith by several meters. He leaned over a bit, catching his heavy breath as he leaned his arms on his thighs.

"I...won't kill you...because I believe...I believe in you..." His words were true, whether the Sith believed him or not. He would have easily let him walk away unscathed, as he did believe in the good in Sasha. Something told him it was there--inside the shell of a spiteful Sith. It was there. Unfortunately for the two, the presence they had not forseen had decided to make its move.

"Oon eela rella unlok de eena dellawook too, Jedis." A gruff voice sounded from the shadowy outskirts of the temple. Terran was no linguist, but he could tell from the inflection and slow pace of the words that it was some form of Huttese. He did not understand it, nor did he know where it came from. Looking towards his best guess of the voice, he saw a figure emerge from the shadows. Then another. Then another untill the east corner of the Temple was dotted with men. They were fringers--outlanders, probably homelanders of Tatooine. Their weathered clothing and features gave a gruff depiction of their struggle to survive on the violent planet. What shocked Terran the most was that each one carried some type of blaster--hold-outs, pistols, and many rifles. There were...12 now? The blasters were pointed towards the two who stood in the center of the yard.

Terran looked at Sasha and then returned his gaze to the new arrivals. He wondered why they had come here, why they stood before the two Force users. It was surely a awe-inspiring and frightening sight to see a Jedi-Sith saber duel, so why would they stick around?

"He said, put down your weapons and raise your arms, Jedis." A guard standing next to the one who spoke translated in a snakey voice. He was some kind of alien Terran had little contact with. The 'leader' and most others were human. He flashed another gaze at Sasha. Despite his fatigue, surely he was thinking of the same thing--to get back to his ship. Terran was only concerned with getting away. He could probably combat the soldiers with relative ease...but in his current condition, he would be unable to bring all the thunder he had with a fresh start. Nonetheless, his best option would be to get to his ship and get out of the situation.

"I...we have no business with you." He looked back to Sasha. Perhaps Sasha would not appreciate Terran speaking for him. At this point, he didn't care. He just wanted to make it out of here and to the safety of his ship.

The man laughed deeply. "Any business on Tattooine is business with Kittero." He spoke again, this time in basic with a very heavy accent. He smiled as he spoke. He was mocking the power of the men to make their own decision. Terran did not like this.

"I assure you, there will be no trouble if you make the smart decision here, sir. That decision is to walk away now." Terran's eyes become very firm as he retorted to the man. He did not have the current patience to put up with this man. He kept an eye on Sasha--though he doubted the Sith would attempt to attack him in this situation. There was too much between them. Their paths would be settled only by each other--no outside influences.

"Trouble?" The man laughed again, this time with the chorus of his guards chiming in. "You are not in position to call shots, methinks."

"Sir...you leave me no choice." The negotiations were ended. He would fight his way out, if need be. He raised his saber to a defensive stance before the guards. They stood directly in front of his ship, and getting through them would be his biggest obstacle. He glanced back at Sasha, to see how he was reacting to this.

"A fight! It will be fight, you say." As bad as this man's basic was, Terran understood what this meant. He had one thought on his mind: to get to his ship. He wondered what Sasha was thinking...

Nov 17th, 2002, 09:59:23 AM
Both were exhausted.
I...won't kill you...because I believe...I believe in you...
Sasha had been about to ask him, taunt him with these words, but there had been no time.
Oon eela rella unlok de eena dellawook too, Jedis.
The Sith looked to the new voice, his violet eyes narrowed. Instantly, without a thought as to being overpowered or outmatched, he bristled in anger. Jedi? He was not a jedi.
And would have told the man so had he not then noticed the appearance of one after another after another. And he was smart enough to know, could feel, easily enough, the intentions of those who surrounded them.
Sasha caught Terran’s gaze, and for once, surprisingly, kept his big mouth shut.
He said, put down your weapons and raise your arms, Jedis
“Make me…” Sasha muttered under his breath.
I...we have no business with you. The jedi replied, speaking for them both. It was just as well, it gave Sasha a moment to contemplate the situation. And it was not looking good. The negotiations went on for a few more moments, though with each second that passed it became more and more clear that they were not going to walk away from this without a battle. Though he loved a challenge, he had a bad feeling about this situation. The numbers seemed to increase as they stood there.
And the look he got from the jedi told him he was thinking just about the same thing.
He wasn’t sure how he was going to escape - His ship was back in the spaceport, and the speeder he’d used to get here, he didn’t doubt by now was well guarded.
He cursed under his breath. His fight with Terran would have to wait until another day. Though, with the way things looked, he wasn’t sure either one of them would live to see it happen.
“You haven’t seen the last of me…” He promised to the jedi, perhaps to give himself more confidence. And to a degree, it worked.
And then the young sith drew his blaster and fired. He wasn’t one for diplomacy, and the only way out, it seemed, would be to fight. And being young and impatient, he wasn’t going to wait.
Blaster in one hand, lightsaber in the other, he began running, taking the enemy on without any sort of fear, but instead the blind rage that came with being a follower of the Sith ways.
Around them, chaos erupted and blasters began firing from all directions.

imported_Terran Starek
Nov 18th, 2002, 02:27:43 AM
A new sense of adrenaline rushed into his system as blaster fire came from several directions. It was obvious this was going to be a rough escape. Nonetheless, it would be one. Terran could get to his ship and get out of here before they had a chance to react. He was sure of it. It was only a matter of breaking through the first wave.

As Sasha drew his blaster, he took a fraction of a second to admire his skill. He was a fierce combatant, and Terran almost felt sorry for the opposition Sasha would soon face. Surely, they would feel no mercy from the angered Sith. He wondered if they even knew what a Jedi truly was. Or for that matter, what a Sith was. They would soon find out.

The young Jedi held his saber before him. With the adrenaline rush of a new threat coursing through him, he could no longer feel the injuries that pained him. He could fight through them. For the moment, he applied special concentration into the Force, sending his pain away. His eyes met those of the group as the 'leader,' quickly retreated behind a hail of blaster fire. The shots zipped past him. He calculated the path of least resistance to his ship. He had no choice but to get through a group of 1...2..3...6 guards. It was showtime.

Meeting eyes with one of the defenders before him, he began to jog slowly in, saber held defensively. He had worked hard on deflecting blaster bolts, but he was still not as skilled at his aim yet. Few managed to make it in on the remote training droids, but he couldn't quite get each bolt to deflect exactly where he wanted it too. Generally, he could deflect maybe 1 of 3 right back on target.

His legs moving, the first hail of blaster fire stormed over him. Most of the bolts didn't come close--zinging past his head or under his feet. When one came close, however, his saber was there to met it. He blocked one--then two--then three, four--five. The shots were not hitting, and his confidence grew.

Being a Jedi, he wished to handle the situation as quickly and less lethal as possible. He planned his attacks carefuly--and aimed the deflected shots at the arms and legs as opposed to heads and torsos. As he came closer, it was time to enter the sequence of attacks he had planned.

The first guard, he would dispatch with blaster fire. He blocked the bolts with excellent speed, and--almost like clockwork--the third bolt zoomed back at the guard, striking him in the upper right shoulder of his shooting arm. He spun left and dropped to the ground in pain. There were two guards off to his left and three to his right. Blocking another bolt, he turned his attention to the guards to his right. Another bolt bounced off of his saber, as he leaned forward. The three guards continued to discharge their weapons, but with one push of his hand, the Force around him trembled as the three guards were thrown from their position on the dune. They went tumbling down the side, rolling in the sand.

Two more...concentrate, he assured himself he was almost there. Turning to face the last two imminent threats, he charged their position. The mistake that most of these guards made was remaining in one position. They did not try to manuver away from the Jedi. This was their fault.

The first guard opened fire with his rifle, and Terran let his saber twirl from side to side, blocking each. He closed in on the man. Holding his saber out front and across his body pointing right, he moved his wrists left, pulling the blade across him. The blocked the two more bolts that fired from the soldier's rifle, as the man began to back peddle away from the Jedi. It was too late. As Terran's momentum carried him forward, he finished the arc across the other's firing hand, severing it from his arm. The man gripped the burnt stub in pain, dropping to the ground and crawling away. In less than a second, a feeling overcame the Jedi. He instinctively ducked--centimeters under a blaster bolt.

As the other guard threatened to shoot him, he stormed him--going airborne into a flying kick. A blaster bolt grazed his cloak, but cleared his body. Coming into his chest, the force of the kick threw the man back a meter or so. Thudding to the ground, he bounced before lying motionless. No movement minus the up and down of a breathing chest.

Master Verse would be beaming, he thought, smiling. He had disabled the group expertly--as if he was a Jedi Knight. A Jedi Knight. He strived to be one--to be as wise and--

No time to think. He scaled the dune, the hill that lead to his ship. One more hump to cross. He heard voices--more guards. Saber high, he was prepared. Coming across the peak of the dune, he could see his shuttle...partless. It had been ransacked, the wings removed as well as many vital parts. Guards scowered it, tearing up all mechanical parts they could find. His brow furrowed.

"This is not good." He said aloud as the broken ship sat motionless. The guards--finally noting his presence--turned to face him. He could only think of one more thing to try--the nearest spaceport. It was miles away, but he had little choice. Turning to reach the top of the dune, he crossed its peak--

"Drop the sword, Jedi," the voice spoke again, this time backed up by about 15 guards. Not counting the ones behind him, he was very overly matched. He had to be logical, had to think of an escape route. They would most likely try to (18 guards now) suround him and...and they would...(20 now)...he had no choice. He could no longer fight his way through this one. Better to be alive than dead. Letting the blade of his saver down, he dropped the hilt to the ground, raising his hands above his head.

"You will not like the consequences of this, I assure you." His tone was harsh as his gaze penetrated that of the leader...whose name was perhaps Kittero? He let his energy focus into concentration, not anger.

Another hearty laugh. "I think I will, Jedi. Profit...Kittero likes profit." He smiled largely as Terran stood, unable to do much. A few guards advanced on him--one siezing his saber, the other getting closer to his front side. He looked--


A sickening thud sounded as the butt of the rifle smacked the back of his head. His eyes seemed to flash with black and white as the pain seared from the back of his head down to his back and even further. He dropped to his knees, drowsily, his sight fading.

"You will not get...away...." his voice trailed as his face hit the sand. Unconsciousness overtook his mind as it trailed into a sleepy, serene silence...

Nov 18th, 2002, 11:15:49 AM
While Terran’s plans for escape were noble – those of a true jedi knight – seeking the least possible destruction – Sasha was hellbent on wreaking as much pain and havoc as could be wrought. His battle with Terran – interrupted once again. Would they never be left to battle it out between them?

There was no fear in him as he went on the attack. There was no fear, only power. Power found in deep rooted anger, and a refusal to be weak. Blaster shots rang by his head and he noticed, but he didn’t care. He cared only about escaping – and bringing pain to those who tried to prevent this. He knew exactly where the dune was that he had left the speeder by – but he didn’t head for it. Instead he would try for one of the transport vehicles of the attackers – for surely those would still be in working condition.

He ran towards those who were firing on him, vengeance in his eyes, daring those who sought his death to bring it to him. He could feel the singe of a close shot – a little too close as it tore through the sleeve of his shirt. Angered by this, he looked to the direction the shot had come from, and seeking out the one who had fired, he aimed his blaster, and with perhaps the use of the force, the blaster shot met its target.

He could feel the difficulty – the work it took to bring the force into him, and he knew he was tired. It took all that he could summon to leap the few feet to the top of the dune. His opponents had not expected this, nor did they expect the saber to swing viciously, aimed not to disarm, but to kill. And kill he did.

As he jumped down from the dune and continued to run, he slowed his pace just a bit, thinking now about his escape a bit more. For the moment, he seemed to have found respite from the attackers. It seemed that many had gone in Terran’s direction instead.

As he walked through another set of dunes, an odd feeling of unease set over him, and only a moment later he found himself at a dead end of sorts. The dunes rose high above, and it would take too much force energy to make the leap. He was about to turn back, but it was too late. From the surrounding dunes, faces and blasters appeared over the edge, and the path he had used to come was blocked, blasters perfectly trained on him.

He cursed under his breath. This was not how his day was supposed to turn out.

“I want him alive.” He heard, and at this he turned. This had to be the one.

“You’d be better off with me dead.” The young Sith snarled.

“You take me alive and before this is over, I promise you, I’ll be sure you regret not letting me walk away.”

Laughter boomed across the dune.

“I have few regrets.” Was the retort before blaster shots rang out around him. Even as he bothered to raise his saber, he knew it was useless. And then there was only darkness.

imported_Terran Starek
Nov 18th, 2002, 11:47:04 AM
Pain shot through the back of his head and quickly spread to the rest of it. Darkness covered his vision as he realized that his eyes were not open. Slowly letting the lids open, the dim lit recieved them well. They oppened with pain as his head ached. He was staring at a cieling he thought, but was unable to make out exactly which direction he was facing currently. The dizziness and spinning of his head caused him from putting an exact finger on it.

He picked his heavy head of the ground. Yes, he was laying flat on his back. He looked down to examine himself. He was still clothed, and he felt reassured that they had not taken any of this clothing. His hands were heavy, and as he looked down to examine the reason for this, he could see that they were shackled with heavy, iron binders. Chained together by a middle chain, and then a chain from that one lead to somewhere else. To a ground ring to limit his mobility, he assumed.

Sitting up was more difficult than he had thought it would be. His body ached--the last couple of fights had been very intense and very rough. His right leg was painful to the touch--where Sasha had slashed him. His head, still aching from the blow it took, felt as though it was a million tons. Bringing the shackled hands up to his head, he held it, keeping it supported.

He yawned, tired and exhausted. He wondered how long he had been out. As he examined the rest of the cell wall before him, he contemplated his situation. He was not in a good way. His body, tired and beaten, distracted him from the simple fact that he had become a prisoner of this convoy. Convoy he could tell, as the cell he was in was moving. He was probably in a sail barge or a sand crawler of some sort.

Leaning forward, he stretched himself out. It brought some relief. He reached down to his belt--they had taken it. They probably feared the contents of the pockets. He decided it was best to think about escape. He would waste little time here with this group. Facing the wall that he did, he decided it a good idea to turn his body around and lean against it for support and rest. Turning his body, the heavy chain that lead from his binders to wherever drug across the floor. As they did, he heard a strange sound. Almost like breathing. And then he felt it.

In his dizziness and pain, he had failed to concentrate on the living Force around him. He hadn't felt it before, but now he felt it. Sasha's presence. He had been captured as well. Perhaps he was in the cell next to him or above or below him--for his presence was very close. Still turning his body the chain jerked a bit. When he finally got turned around, he looked towards the end of it.

"You have got to be kidding me," the words were uttered aloud as his mouth dropped open. At the end of the chain, in iron binders which connected to the chain at Terran's wrist, lay Sasha Kovalev.

Nov 18th, 2002, 01:13:11 PM
In sleep, he seemed to be a rather peaceful sort of guy. None of the anger to furrow his eyebrows, nor the vengeance to be found in the glare of his violet eyes. He shifted slightly, coming slowly out of the effects of being stunned. On a basic instinct, his hand went protectively to his ribs, where the pain from the lightsaber slash from Terran still lingered. In discomfort, he groaned softly, and a moment later, his eyes flickered open, dazed and not quite registering reality.

His entire body ached, and his limbs felt heavy. As his eyes sought to focus, he noticed the weight of something across his chest, something that moved with his hand….his face registered dismay instantly. And memories of what had happened flooded back.

He cursed under his breath, as he stared up at what appeared to be the ceiling, remembering well what had happened only moments before he’d been hit.

Slowly, with great effort, he sat up, then chains severely limiting his movement. He would rather have stayed looking at the ceiling, for sitting up only revealed an all too familiar face staring at him in…matched disbelief.

“I didn’t think it could get worse…” He stated out loud, not moving, but just staring for a moment at the jedi.

On reflex, he reached for his saber. But found…nothing. His entire belt had been removed. This enraged him, for the saber had been a gift – one he was not willing to give up. And his blaster…he’d had it since he was eight years old refusing to give it up for newer, more sophisticated versions.

In anger, his hands balled into fists, but to do anything else at the moment would be too taxing, for the irons were heavy, and his body was weak from fighting. His teeth clenched in an effort to deal with the pain. Clearly their captors had just as little pity for prisoners as the Sith did, for he could feel bruises that he knew were not from his battle with Terran, but likely from being kicked after he was down.

“Your jedi philisophies got your real far this time…” He commented, his voice heavy with sarcasm as he he looked to Terran.

“Feel like killing someone now?” He taunted.

imported_Terran Starek
Nov 18th, 2002, 03:29:29 PM
The Jedi's eyes narrowed as the taunting already began again. He expected little else from the firey young Sith. It was much less directed however, lacking intensity. Perhaps it was because both men were exhausted and beaten.

"Killing someone will not solve this problem, now will it?" He said it in a mocking tone, as if it was a father speaking to a son. Turning away, he thought about how unfortunate this was. The last thing he needed was to be stuck in a room with this...this...Sith. He could barely even control his own mouth. His leg ached again--another reminder why he was sick of being in the company of Sasha. He turned sharpely away from him, jerking the chains with him. It almost pulled Sasha over, jerking his hands down towards the floor.

Terran looked over his shoulder and chuckled at the sight. It was funny to see him fall forward as he moved the chains. He leaned against the wall for support. His body was tired and he didn't want to deal with Sasha right now.

"Try not to lose it over there, eh?" He laughed again. Perhaps laughing was his only way to deal with this situation.

Nov 18th, 2002, 03:41:24 PM
Killing someone will not solve this problem, now will it?

No, but it sure wold feel good, he thought, allowing these thoughts to linger on the surface enough for the jedi to pick up on – if he had the energy to do it.

As the jedi turned sharply away from him, in obvious anger, Sasha would have laughed had the chains not yanked him forward, sending him to his elbows. He cringed in visible pain, the concrete floor not being overly kind to the bones of his elbows.

Try not to lose it over there, eh?

The jedi was not only laughing, but taunting him.

The young Sith looked up at him, and then, his violet eyes narrowing in what had to be, by now, to Terran a familiar glare.

Slowly, he stood, the pain in his ribs from the saber, and what he recognized now to be bruising from being kicked making his breath come in a short gasp at first.

He looked away from Terran at this moment, trying to hide from his opponent the rough shape that he was in.

And then, shoulder tucked low, he moved as quickly as one could shackled in chains to charge at Terran, trying to, from his own weight, drive him back into the wall.

imported_Terran Starek
Nov 18th, 2002, 04:05:58 PM
Terran turned back to the wall as he had before. He heard Sasha rustle a bit, but thought little of it. They were both tired and sore, unable to really combat at this time. He figured it would be best to rest up for the escape. Popping his neck, he relieved some pressure from him. He then turned it the other way to catch the other side of it--


Sasha's body crashed into his as he tackled him into the wall. The pain and sickening crash of the bodies shook the wall as the two men smashed into it. The chains rattled as Sasha bounced off and Terran dropped onto his stomach after rolling off of the wall from the attack. His side--the right side, that was against the wall, ached even more with a dull pain. He groaned as the pain stung him, rolling onto his back. Sasha had rolled several feet back after literally bouncing off of him. As he rolled, the chains pulled Terran's own wrists towards him, slamming his chest into the pavement.

He looked up, eyeing Sasha, who seemed to be proud of the attack. It didn't make him happy. He guessed it would continue. He would not give up the fight--not here, not like this. He came to a crouching position--the pain stung him greatly as he half-stood. Pushing through the pain, he rushed Sasha now, tackling him to the floor. The chains whipped the men as they rolled, smacking the pavement as well.

"That wasn't very nice!" He growled at the Sith, now pinning him to the ground. He tried to throw a punch into Sasha's midsection--but the men were wrapped in a wrestling match, tied together by chains. It was a very close predicament. He threw several short punches. The lacked any velocity, but at least would annoy him. The chains moved with the punches, as the heavy irons were hard to move. His arm became tired quickly, as he tried to keep the Sith pinned.

Nov 18th, 2002, 04:15:03 PM
What he had done had hurt him as well, but the satisfaction of the surprise attack and the obvious discomfort of the jedi was reward enough.

Until, of course, Terran attacked back, and Sasha fell back, unable to keep his footing with the limited movement of the chains. It was with a heavy thud that he hit the ground, his wind feeling as if it had been knocked out of him. As Terran pinned him down, he spoke.

That wasn't very nice!

“You started it.” The firey sith retorted, gasping for a breath. Terran’s weight against his ribs hurt so much it prevented him from much movement.

And so he did the stupidest thing he had ever done out of desperation.

He lifted his head, knocking his forehead against Terran’s. The jedi tumbled off of him, both of them feeling the pain of the impact, and for a moment, they both lay on the ground in silence, entangled in chains.

“That wasn’t very jedi-like of you.” Sasha finally retorted, referring to Terran’s attack on him. His eyes stared blankly up at the ceiling as he spoke, the pain and exhaustion too overwhelming at the moment to move.

imported_Terran Starek
Nov 18th, 2002, 05:02:07 PM
He rolled over as his forehead ached painfully. Groaning and gripping it, he tried to get away from Sasha--putting as much distance between he and the Sith. However, the distance was only as far as the chain would allow, and that wasn't too far.

Leaning against the wall, his breathing heaved as he rested against the wall. Pain. Soreness. This was not a good day. He reconsidered getting out of bed. It was then that he heard a rustle from the door. The heavy gears in the door shifted, opening it slowly. Terran's ears perked to attention, although his body did not.

"It seems we are having fun, eh Jedis?" It was Kittero. His voice could be heard, as 8 guards eneterd the cell first. They held electric batons, each one sparking as they charged them threateningly towards the other two. Circling them up, Kittero stood behind them. "You fight like children, I say. You hurt my men. For this--you must be punished. Punish by kill." His basic struggled a bit. "But you worth too much to just kill. So, you fight. One of you die--my men get ungooka. One live--I get profit. Good deal, eh?" He bellowed a deep laugh. Terran wondered what ungooka meant in Hutt, but he imagined something along the lines of 'reparations.'

"Stand." Terran got to his feet, followed by Sasha. Two guards stepped in. They unlocked the chains, as the cirlce of stun batons came closer. "Follow to arena." The guards unlcoked the binders, letting their wrists free. Terran glanced towards Sasha. He wondered if the man would try to escape. Perhaps not--not with the threat of 8 stun batons and no weapons himself. He, himself, would wait. An oppurtunity would arise, he knew it.

"This couldn't get any worse." He turned towards Sasha in spite, rubbing his forehead. Now, his entire head hurt. He was sure this fight would not be very exciting.

As they were lead through the sail barge, he could see--through the windows of the large ship--the make-shift arena, the wild peoples and other guards laughed and cheered. He wondered what Sasha was thinking.

Nov 18th, 2002, 05:21:06 PM
As the door shifted open, Sasha turned his head, relative unconcern clearly displayed. He didn’t care. Not at the moment.

It seems we are having fun, eh Jedis?

Im not a <smallfont color={hovercolor}>-Censored-</smallfont>ing jedi.” Sasha grumbled, just loud enough for Terran, who was at the end of Sasha’s chains to hear.

You fight like children, I say. You hurt my men. For this--you must be punished. Punish by kill. But you worth too much to just kill. So, you fight. One of you die--my men get ungooka. One live--I get profit. Good deal, eh? Stand.

At these words, Sasha had already begun to struggle to his feet. No, he thought, it does not sound like a good deal.

But he was relieved to be free from the chains. He considered using the force on one of the guards, but couldn’t summon the energy, and knew it would do little in terms of freeing himself.

Follow to arena. As they were led to the arena, surrounded by batons that hovered a bit to close for comfort, Sasha heard Terran’s comment.

This couldn't get any worse.

The Sith managed to smile at this. For some reason, he found it humorous. Perhaps because things looked so bleak.

“You sure about that?” He retorted as the crowd began to cheer around them, lusting for blood. Any blood so long as it wasn’t theirs.

As the guards began to fade back, leaving the two force users alone in the arena, Sasha took a few steps away from Terran, and surveyed him. So this was how they were to kill each other? In an arena full of people?

He sighed deeply. He wasn’t really feeling up to fighting at the moment.

“I think I disagree with your thoughts on it not being able to get worse.…but then, we don’t agree on much, do we, Terran?” Sasha taunted as rather archaic weapons were tossed down to them.

Sasha’s father had been a swordsman, and while Sasha had never fought with a true sword before, only the lightness of his saber, he found himself drawn to the blade as it gleaned in the hot arena lights.

imported_Terran Starek
Nov 18th, 2002, 06:40:11 PM
The dark desert night was lit up by the make-shift lights of the arena. It was bright where he stood, and as the weapons were thrown to the floor, he surveyed their collection. Spears, blades, clubs, maces--archaic weapons. He had fought with a true blade before, but not for some time. Not to mention the fact that these weapons were crude and rusted. It was sad that it would end like this--he figured he was going to face a brutal end, either at the hands of Sasha or in the slave trade.

He scanned the place--they were wooden bleachers that were put up at this location. They were mobile, as Terran could tell that this group was a convoy of sorts. He looked closely at all the different carts and tents. His saber had to be here somewhere. Opening his mind to the Force, he felt out for the weapon. The connection between Jedi and saber was a great one, as sabers were forged not only out of materials, but also out of the Force. They were special weapons, ones that were not to be taken lightly. Allowing himself to feel into the signals around him, he got a feeling. He looked towards the west of the arena. There was the throne platform, holding Kittero and his guards. Below it, to the left, was a cart full of what appeared to be treasure. It was guarded by four guards. His saber was in that cart.

“I think I disagree with your thoughts on it not being able to get worse.…but then, we don’t agree on much, do we, Terran?”

It was in that moment that Terran made a realization. This task, this escape, could not be accomplished without the help of Sasha. Alone, they were only one man. Together...they were strong.

"No, we don't." He looked around nervously. "But I don't think either of us wants to be stuck here any longer."

"Umbila!" The crowd cheered as the announcer's voice came to life. "Dana su eela un reelo!" The crowd roared again as the announcer continued in a language Terran did not understand. He looked back at the cart. He had an idea. He focused back on Sasha, his eyes meeting the Sith's. They were intense and thoughtful, not threatning at all. He leaned in, though he knew the Sith was apprehensive of his closeness. However, his posture offered no threat.

"Do you wanna get out of here?"

Nov 18th, 2002, 07:12:59 PM
No, we don't. But I don't think either of us wants to be stuck here any longer.

At this, Sasha nodded. The announcer's voice came to life, and the young Sith looked around, hating in an instant all of the faces that he saw. His teeth grit in silent determination and if he had only known, that like the man he considered a foe, he too, was searching for his saber.

When he found it, he turned to Terran, only to see his eyes moving from that same location to look at him.

As Terran leaned in, Sasha did not pull away.

Do you wanna get out of here?

“You’re smart enough to know I do.” Sasha replied, though this time, his voice carried none of its usual taunting. He knew he was no match alone, and he understood the workings of the underworld to understand that he would be better off dying at Terran’s hand today than bothering to live and be subjected to the slave trade.

His expression was grim and slowly, he moved toward the stack of weapons. He did it not with the intention to raise it against Terran, but to at least make the two of them look as if they were not plotting something.

“What do you suggest…?” He asked as he bent to pick up a sword.

imported_Terran Starek
Nov 18th, 2002, 08:18:08 PM
"You've got the right idea." He went to the pile of weapons as well, selecting a large, strong staff that would be able to block a blade that Sasha might weild. Turning back to face him, his body still ached. The pain of acidity setting in his muscles struck him violently, but he had a feeling that it would soon be worked out.

"Do you see the cart by Kittero's platform?" He spoke as he began to circle Sasha ominously. The Sith did the same, creating the beleief that the two men were preparing to engage in battle. "Our weapons are there. I know. I can feel it." Slowly pacing the other, he kept talking. "We can do this. We can 'fight' over to the cart, get our sabers, and get outta here!" He spoke more excitedly, this time realizing that maybe it was time to act.

Stepping in, he twirled the staff around his body and brought it down on top of Sasha. It was a very quick but weak move--intended not to really engage the Sith, but only to create the illusion of doing so. In actuallity, the blow was aimed off-center, so that if Sasha hadn't even moved, it would have missed him anyway. Sasha dodged it easily. The crowd 'oooooooohed' as the staff swung above his head.

"Easily amused," he joked, letting Sasha have the oppurtunity to get a weapon. He got back into a defensive position and took a few steps back.

Nov 18th, 2002, 08:42:28 PM
The rusted sword, he held in hand, and gave a quick glance back at Kittero, high above on the platform, smug as could be, waiting to see what he believed would be a good battle.

He nodded.

“I know…” He replied as Terran mentioned being able to feel their weapons there.

“I felt it too.” He admitted.

We can do this. We can 'fight' over to the cart, get our sabers, and get outta here!

Sasha ducked as Terran whirled with the staff. And then, with effort, he raised the sword. For a moment, his violet eyes were caught in the glean of it, and he considered taking a real swing. But now wasn’t the time. He and Terran would have their battle one day. But it would not be now. Not here.

Though he had a sword in hand, as Terran backed off, Sasha bent to pick up two rather large knives. They were light enough – and so he held them both in one hand, while he held the sword in the other.

“I wonder how much this will amuse them….”He replied, and rather than taking a swing at Terran, he flung the sword into the seats of spectators. He wasnt all that good with patience, and with the typical attitude of a Sith, he prepared to charge into battle, the lust for blood coming back to him despite his lack of strength, and the pain he endured. It was just enough of a distraction to give them their chance. With a quick nod, Sasha handed one of the knives to Terran, and together, they stormed the platform where Kittero sat.

imported_Terran Starek
Nov 18th, 2002, 10:03:12 PM
Without a second thought, Terran followed alongside the Sith. It was an odd feeling, working alongside the Sith. They were doing this together--on the same side. They had the same goal. They had the same intentions. They were a team.

A team! He teamed with a Sith! A team! The words boggled his mind, although it felt very sequre. He respected Sasha as a warrior and as a man--he could have killed him already, stabbed him in the back. Terran left the oppurtunity open. But he had gained much of the Jedi's respect, and it would continue as they got out of this wretched place.

The guards stirred as they realized what was happening, and the crowd oohed with fear. Many fled the makeshift bleechers, others grabbed blasters and joined the soldiers.

With the Staff across his back and the knife in his other hand, he quickly approached the platform. The cart was three guards away, and he came upon it swiftly. He watched Sasha, knowing he would be close by. Afterall, if it was Sasha that lead the cart charge, Terran would be right behind him, making sure that he got his saber.

With little difficulty, Terran jumped up, onto the platform. Flipping the staff from behind him, he struck the first guard before he could even fire. The staff cracked across his head, dropping him unconscious to the floor. The second guard managed to fire a shot, but Terran dodged left. With aim that suprised even he, he chucked the knife he had been given by Sasha. It struck the man in the right shoulder--the firing arm. He dropped his blaster and fled. With no hesitation whatsoever, Terran spun and released the staff, allowing it to soar--like a spear--straight at the third guard's torso. It struck hard, knocking the wind out of the guard. Falling backward off of the platform, the guard thudded to the floor.

He rushed the cart, shoving it over onto the floor. Credits, jewels, precious metals, and other trinkets crashed onto the platform. But what caught his eye were two lightsaber hilts that glistened in the lights. He picked them both up. For one split second, he held Sasha's in his hand. He could end it right now. It could all be over in one second. He could cut it in half and allow Sasha--

No. He would not. Honor forbade him from denying Sasha the chance to get out of here. Besides, he was not about to let the Sith get away. They would meet again.

"Sasha!" He called, wondering how the Sith was fairing, dealing with the other guards acroos the platform. He chucked the lightsaber hilt through the air, sending it straight to meet the Sith. Turning back to a new group of troops that formed before him, he ignited the blade, the familiar blue glow and idle hum welcoming him.

Nov 19th, 2002, 09:23:31 AM
While Terran went for the weapons, Sasha went for Kittero. His original intent had been his lightsaber, but seeing the one who had ordered his capture instead inflamed the lust for blood and revenge. A lust so strong, a lust powered by the deepest, darkest recesses of the darkside that lay within him that he thought of nothing but making Kittero suffer.

Guards blocked his way, their blasters raising until the frantic screams of their leader made its way to their tiny little brains. They were too close for blaster fire – he was worried about being hit and instead was calling for hand to hand combat.

With the force, Sasha yanked the blaster from the hands of one in front of him, and without a second thought aimed not to disarm, or to disable, but to kill. As blaster fire tore body parts to shreds, guards flung themselves on the young Sith. The rusted blade of the knife he held came down upon each one, stabbing or slashing – whatever seemed most effective at the moment to get them off of him.

As the dark side flowed through him, he could feel his strength returning, if only for the moment out of the adrenaline rush of the fight for survival. It seemed that as soon as he finished with one, another one was there to take the place. But he had no time to wonder how many more there would be. As the next man charged him, he aimed the blaster low and fired. The man paused, then sunk to his knees before the sith. With a feeling of satisfaction, he sunk blade sunk into the shoulder of the man, then gave him a swift kick away from him.

Hearing his name, the Sith turned just in time to see his saber flying through the air toward him. He left the knife in the flesh of the last victim, and with a vicious grin coming to his lips, his saber ignited.

The orange blade hummed loudly, and for a moment, those around him stepped back, unsure of what to do. And then they acted on instinct as the Sith swung the blade in a wide arc, taking a swipe at anyone close enough to get caught. One howled as his hand was severed from his wrist.

To have his saber back gave him renewed energy. As he turned to face his next attacker, he saw, out of the corner of his eye, a man aiming his blaster at the jedi. Sasha cursed under his breath, and while it was on his mind that he was saving a jedi, he didn’t give a second thought to it. He needed the jedi as badly as the jedi needed him in order to escape. He summoned his anger and used what he had left for strength to shove Terran, through the force, off the platform to the ground.

He shoved the blaster he’d stolen from an attacker just into his pants enough for it to be easy to grab if he needed it, and then he jumped down off the platform. It was as he offered a hand to help the jedi to his feet that he felt the blaster shot hit him from behind. It grazed him along his side, just beneath the pit of his arm. This time his curse of pain was not muttered, but rather audible.

imported_Terran Starek
Nov 19th, 2002, 01:55:57 PM
With new energy, due to holding his blade again, he sprung forward, dispatching the guards fairly easily. They stood little chance against the Jedi, and he exerted his power and skill to get through this. Kicking a guard across his chest, the man went flying off of the platform and into the desert dust. He turned to his left, twirling his saber and severing the hand of another guard.

Ducking a blaster bolt, he whipped his body to the right. A few meters from his position, a guard was firing an blaster rifle at him. He rushed the man, dodging and blocking bolts. The bolts kept missing him--barely--each time as Terran drew closer. Finally, less than a foot from the man, the guard fired a shot that nearly killed him. It zipped past him like a hovertrain, as he ducked it barely. This put him in a position he hadn't prepared for, though, and the only place to attack the guard was in a vital one. Throwing his saber forward, he stabbed the blue blade through his chest, dropping the guard to the platform--dead.

Eyes wide, he stood. Letting the saber come down to rest at his side. He had taken his first life in quite some time. It was necessary--he was being assaulted and no other options remained. It still hurt him, though. He had still ended someone's life--good or bad. It was then, when he hesitated for one moment, that another began to act. From behind him, a guard had noticed him pause. Pulling up his blaster, he trained the crosshairs on the Jedi's head. Firing a shot, the Jedi could sense something. Some hint of danger. Just as the bolt reached it's unknowing target--


The blaster shot singed part of his hair as the Jedi found himself flying from the platform and onto the ground below. Landing on his back, the wind was knocked out of him. Regaining his breath, he rolled onto his side to see Sasha leap down beside him. It was Sasha who had pushed him. Terran wasn't angry or confused or anything. He knew exactly what had happened. The Sith had saved him. He had spared his life.

The Sith came over to him, extending a hand to help him up. Just as he reached his side, he cringed in pain, a bolt striking him from behind. Terran hopped to his feet, blocking the next two shots. One reached its target and struck the gaurd, knocking him back. Terran stood, guarding the Sith, blocking a few more shots as he was recovering in pain.

"Are you..." The words hesitated for a moment. The situation was such an odd one--he would never have expected it. To be working next to Sasha was definitely strange, but actually...they made a good team. "Are you gonna be ok?" He leaned over his shoulder, talking to Sasha. Over his shoulder--severl meters away--was an exit point. It lead to the desert. He didn't know which direction it was--his coumpus was lost with his belt, which he hadn't found. However, it was away from here, and that was what counted. Perhaps they could make a break for it.

Nov 19th, 2002, 04:49:30 PM
Are you…..

Sasha heard the pause in the jedi’s voice, and recognized for himself how odd it was that he was asking.

Are you gonna be ok?

The Sith’s face had paled slightly, though, with his back to him, the jedi could not see this. The bolt hadnt just grazed Sasha as he’d initially thought. It had been a little more on target, and while he tried to accept the pain and draw it in as he had been taught to be a source of anger, he was too tired, and there was too much else to concentrate on.

“I’ll be fine.” Sasha replied, though, the tone of his voice lacked the confidence he generally spoke with around Terran. In fact, it might have actually carried concern, which was unusual for the kid that dove into most everything head on.

“You think that exit’s a dead end, or you want to make a break for it?” He called back over his shoulder to Terran. He raised his saber, thankful that the bolt had not hit his left side, and with a vicious swing, took down another man as he jumped from the platform towards the two.

His breath came in short shallow breaths, perhaps from battle, perhaps from the wound he was trying to ignore. He knew that at one point, they would be forced to jump – they were on a barge as it was moving, and he was willing to bet their captors weren’t going to make any nice offers of dropping them off at the next spaceport.

Even if they made it off the barge, it was going to be a long trip back.

imported_Terran Starek
Nov 20th, 2002, 09:31:00 AM
Terran took a second to weigh the options before them, blocking bolts and disabling guards that came too close to the pair. Scanning the area again, he noticed that the edges of the barge were only contained by a thin, metal rail. It would be easy enough to jump through them, but how far down was it. He wondered if it would be a safe jump. He also considered the fact that they had little option. As soon as they landed, the guards would be sure to be after them--on speeder bikes, landspeeders, foot, and all else. Something however caught his eye.

"Take a look over there, by the three tall flags." He spoke to Sasha, turning a bit so that Sasha could position himself--still back to back for protection--to see the area clearly. There, below the flags and in an enclosed pin, was a stockpile of fusion batteries and fuel cells. By the looks of the pile, it was rather disorganized and, in the current state of the sail barge's alert, not guarded.

"10 meters in front of me, there is a gangplank platform half-lowered. If we got to it and climbed down half of it, we could jump the rest of the way down. It would still be a long fall, but we really don't have time or choices." More and more guards came, and the Jedi was tiring from fatigue. Oddly, so close to Sasha, he could quite visibly sense the Sith's aura. He was in great pain. The blaster shot, as well as the rigorous battle had taken a great toll on him. He looked back at the fuel dump. "They're going to hunt us down for this. It's much harder to hunt when you don't have any transportation. Do you still have that blaster?" Turning around to meet eyes with the Sith, he held his ground against Kittero's men.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"

Nov 20th, 2002, 10:22:23 AM
Sasha understood exactly what Terran was suggesting. A blaster shot to the fuel dump would easily set the barge on fire – it would likely result in a few explosions once it got going – one little fire setting off others.

Sasha knew his aim well enough to know he could hit it without a problem. He’d carried a blaster from the time he’d been eight years old – and while it wasn’t the weapon of choice for most force users, he’d refused to part with it. He felt a slight feeling of regret that he was losing his own blaster, but, he supposed, it was about time he got a new one, anyway. And the one he’d taken from the guard had kept him safe – he supposed it would do as a replacement.

And the distraction of the explosions would give them enough time to get to the gangplank and hopefully to escape.

Are you thinking what I'm thinking?

The Sith nodded in response.

“For once.” He replied with a wry grimace. He was normally left handed, but his left hand was occupied with a lightsaber that he wasn’t going to give up. So instead, his right hand pulled the blaster from his pants where he’d stuffed it, and with quick aim, and perhaps guided by the force, the shot found its way to the fuel dump.

A load explosion rocked the barge as combustible materials met the ignition of a blaster bolt. It knocked Sasha, in his weakened state into Terran. As the jedi steadied him on his feet, their eyes met. Here was another opportunity for the two of them to part ways, for one to completely stab the other in the back. But despite their differences, there was too much respect, and oddly united, they both began to run for the ramp.

imported_Terran Starek
Nov 20th, 2002, 11:57:13 AM
"Yes!" Terran cheered softly, as they were pushed back some by the explosion. An excellent shot struck the dump just as he had imagined. A few small explosions errupted, throwing guards and rubble eveywhere. He could tell that, soon enough, the barge would be going down into the desert floor. He didn't want to wait around for this to happen.

"We have to get off of here!" He yelled to the Sith as they made a brake for the gangplank ramp. He was suprised--Sasha and he made quite a team. He wondered what Xazor would think. Or the rest of the Council and the Order for that matter. It had been quite an adventure, and it wasn't even over. How strangely fate did operate.

As they pushed towards the ramp, Terran kept his saber high, blocking all incoming bolts that would by aimed at him. Even a few headed in Sasha's direction were blocked by the Jedi. As they reached the ramp, they both stopped. Deingniting his blade and clipping it loosely to his pants--as he had no belt any longer, he looked down the long, metal ladder. The Jedi turned and began to climb down it. The ladder lead down to almost the bottom of the sail barge, which was several meters down, and then the drop off from there would be only a few meters. It would be easy to leap down from there. Not looking up any longer, he figured that Sasha was right behind him, scurrying down the ladder.

As he gripped the steel rails of the ladder, he had made little progess down when half of the dump errupted into a firey blast, destroying nearly a third of the barge.


The explosion shook the barge with incredible strength, sending it veering sharply and downward the the opposite direction of where they were climbing. The supulsor lifts of the huge ship were failing, and soon it would smash into the ground. Worse, though, was the fact that, as the explosion shook the giant barge, so it shook Terran from the ladder. His grip was lost as the ship shook, and with less than a second to react, he was thrown from the ladder.

Flailing his arms to catch anything he could, he was unsuccessful. His momentum picked up as he fell, light as the air around him, several tens of meters. Concentrating in the Force as much as he could, he tried to slow his momentum. He did, slightly, but gravity did in fact win the battle.


Hitting the sand with a bone-crunching thud, his body slammed into the desert floor, rolling a few meters away from the barge. He groaned as pain shot through his left shoulder--which had taken most of the fall. Luckily, and with help from the Force, he had survived the fall and maintained consciousness. The pain of his shoulder was unberable, though--he was almost sure he had cracked something. He rolled over onto his right side, still crippled with pain, to see where Sasha was.

Nov 20th, 2002, 01:29:33 PM
Sasha refused to wonder what Lady Vader or the rest of the Sith would think of this. He was relatively sure they would expect him to take this opportunity to take the life of the jedi. He was relatively sure they wouldn’t have approved of him teaming up with one for anything. But at the moment, he didn’t care.

Like Terran, he finally disengaged his saber. But as they had taken his belt, he had no choice but to hold onto it. The blaster he stuffed into his pants as he’d done before, and then he climbed down the ladder after Terran.

Using only one hand to climb down was not easy, and when the explosion rocked the barge, Sasha was knocked from it like a rag doll.

As he hurtled through the air toward the ground, he used the last remaining ounces of strength to summon the force to cushion the fall. In his weakened state, the cushion wasn’t a great one, and the sand of the desert hit harder than he would have liked. The wind was knocked out of him, and sand got into his eyes and mouth as the barge crashed down around them, kicking up dust.

He could feel the grit in his mouth and rolled over onto his stomach, coughing and spitting. His eyes brined from the sand, and rubbing only made the problem worse as grit scratched at the delicate surface of his eyes. For a moment he just lay his head down on the hot sand, his eyes closed, wishing for the nightmare to end.

Close by, he heard the groan of another and looked up to see the jedi. The pain on his face was obvious, and liked it was mirrored on the face of the Sith as well. But something willed him to his feet, stumbling at first.

And then he stood above Terran, looking down at the fallen jedi.

The Sith code would have called for the death of the light, and another time, any other time, Sasha would have had it that way. But there was no glory in striking a fallen man in this way. A lingering sense of honor, some goodness in him remained and refused to give in to the darkness in this one circumstance.

Instead a hand reached out.

“Come on, we have to get out of here.” The word we felt odd to him as he said it – a reminder that this was the enemy – or was he? But he dismissed it as quick as it had come. There was no time to think about their differences.

imported_Terran Starek
Nov 20th, 2002, 03:07:49 PM
Dazed, and very suprised to see Sasha's hand outstretched towards him, the Jeid wondered if he had some kind of a blade waiting for his torso. Instinctively, he thought of his saber at his belt--wait. He didn't have a belt on anymore. The weight of the hilt was not there. It must have been lost on the fall. Desperation came over him for a moment--he had lost one saber, he couldn't lose his other one.

The odd thing was, he was not scared or nervous for his safety. There was no aggression, no threat in Sasha's voice. For this moment, this night, this 'adventure,' they had not been Sith and Jedi. They had been men. They had been survivors together. They had accomplished together what they would have easily failed apart, and it was obvious in their interactions that perspectives about each other had changed.

“Come on, we have to get out of here.”

Terran reached out--slowly at first, but then strongly--and gripped Sasha's hand. Coming to his feet, he gripped his left shoulder tightly and groaned in pain--it was dislocated at least, though it felt like it was shattered into a million pieces. He stood before the man, taking a quick look for his saber. Seeing the silver hilt sticking out of a pile of sand, he reached over to pick it up. Something else tingled at his back as he did so. His eyes widened as he pointed with his hilt to behind Sasha.

"You aren't kidding! RUN!" He barely got the words out as a low rumble came from only meters behind them. The fuel dump explosions had torn the cabin and the deck of the ship to rubble--this included the bridge. There was no one driving the massive vessel, and even less controlling it. As the engines gave way, the ship had fallen to the desert floor, at an odd angle. Now, explosions and all, were falling towards their position. Like a huge tree, the side of the ship tipped toward them as its shadow covered the moonlight and hovered over them. Fire burst from it as it tipped.

With his stamina on empty, he ran blindly, with no intention of direction but away from the ship. Sasha followed right beside him. The two pushed forward, untill Terran's legs felt as though they would fall of and burn with the fires of the fuel explosion. The dunes and sands were tough to dig into, but again, there was little choice. As fast as they could go, the ship seemingly fell faster.

Finally gaining some space between it and their bodies, the ship crashed to the desert ground, nearly shaking Terran off of his feet. The crash, itself, wasn't so bad. However, it was the intense explosion that caused the most difficulty.


The sail barge combusted, seemingly exploding into more than a million pieces. Heat and flame burst from every crack and opening of the barge, throwing the Jedi to the desert floor again. As his body hit, he kept his head low, as flames, smoke, and debris flew from the wreckage above him. He covered his head as the explosion errupted, hoping to avoid any kind of injury.

He thought of Sasha and, greatly to his suprise, hoped he had made it safely.

Nov 20th, 2002, 03:28:22 PM
You aren't kidding! RUN!

On instinct, Sasha turned to see what what causing the low rumble and the level of urgency in Terran’s voice.

Oddly, he didn’t curse as he normally would. It hung on his lips, unspoken as he began to run. He stumbled at one point, falling to a knee before he found his footing and ran on.


He was knocked to the sand, face first. He could feel pieces of metal and debris as they cut through his clothing, the heat of the explosion singing hairs and skin. The revolting odor of bodies burning rose to him as he lifted his face from the sand. Unfamiliar with carnage of this sort, his body weakened and dehydrated, he wretched into the sand beside him.

And then he rested his head on the sand once again, letting the darkness behind his eyelids begin to take him away. He knew he had to open his eyes. He had to get a grip, or all would be lost. He felt as if he were spinning, until slowly, with great effort, he lifted his head and opened his eyes.

Pain and soreness wracked his body. He hadnt felt like this since….since his training as an apprentice. Since Wargrave had knocked him around back on Coruscant.

With a shaky sigh, he found his way to his knees and looked across the sand. Behind him lay the dark smoke of the barge and just ahead…jut ahead was the jedi.

imported_Terran Starek
Nov 20th, 2002, 03:52:34 PM
The explosion quite literally washed over him--sand, smoke, and debris covering him. As the sound cleared, he lifted his head. Spitting grime from his mouth and clearing his eyes with a dirty sleeve--to no real help, he attempted to see. Most of his body was covered with sand as he lifted himself from the ground. He had gotten pretty far away, using his very nimble feet to clear the blast. His shoulder--numb now with the intense pain--continued to act dead, and his left arm was nearly useless.

Behind him, several meters back, was Sasha. He had not been so fortunate. For one reason of another, the Sith hadn't quite made it as far as he. His weak body was covered with cuts and scrapes from the debris and the blast. His clothing darkened by the intense heat from it. Terran's heart--the heart of a Jedi--ached for his condition. He crawled, though shakily, to get further away.

On his feet--limping, but on his feet--Terran made his way toward Sasha. The closer he got to the man, the more he could feel the heat from the wreckage. He needed to get him away from it. Coming to his side, he helped him to his feet, letting him lean his body weight onto his right shoulder. His left one stung with the lift, but it was no matter. He needed to help Sasha get forward. Sasha dragged his feet as Terran helped him limp farther and farther away from the crash.

Coming to a small dune clearing--now several tens of meters away, he stopped, letting the Sith rest on his own in a laying down position, while he too, laid onto the desert floor. It had been a very, very rough night. He was exhausted. His body ached, his shouler stung, and his head was dizzy from all of the loud and rushing explosions.

The crisp, clean--no quiet--desert night was soothing. Even the soft sand seemed to support his aching back as he lay. His robes were matted with dirt and torn to shreads in some places. As he stared into the starry sky above Tatooine, he assesed his threats. The sail barge was destroyed, and he would imagine that most died in the wreckage. Whoever may have lived would be in worse condition than he was. This was not Tusken country, he knew, so the raiders would not be an issue. Sasha, laying next to him, was beaten and bruised as badly--if not worse--than he. He would be little threat currently. They had survived this together, and something told the Jedi that the Sith would not kill him dishonorably. It just wasn't in his nature. Terran knew it.

Clutching his saber in case something did suprise him, the Jedi let his eyes close. He had never been this exhausted, he thought, and with very little else on his mind, he drifted into sleep on the cool desert sand.

Nov 20th, 2002, 04:17:21 PM
Sasha accepted Terran’s help. He had always thought that his foolish pride would one day get the best of him. But each day he learned a bit more about himself. Today, among all that he had learned, he had discovered that he was more than capable of being humbled.

In the clearing of a small sand dune, further away from the wreckage, they stopped. He sank to a knee, and then, allowing his body to feel the exhaustion, he laid on his back, his eyes staring up at the stars that were beginning to twinkle in the early evening sky.

He and the jedi had not spoken for some time now. Without raising his head to look to him, for he could easily feel the presence – and the pain - of the jedi, he spoke.

“Are you ok?” He asked. Inherent in the question was the fact that his opinion of Terran was a bit different. There was no sarcasm, no disdain, only respect and possibly a hint of concern for the one who had fought so valiantly by his side.

He was not in any way worried that Terran would try to harm him. It was not in Terran’s nature, as a man, or as a jedi. Not if he wasn’t a threat of any sort. Not after what they had been through.

It did not dawn on Sasha just yet the journey that they still had ahead of them. They would have to travel by night, for neither one of them was prepared to meet the blistering sun that would come with the morning light. And certainly, they would get less dehydrated travelling at night.

The only thing he thought of now, was how glad he was to be alive - despite the pain he felt from every possible part of his body.

imported_Terran Starek
Nov 21st, 2002, 11:17:45 AM
Terran's eyes came open as Sasha spoke to him. He regained his consciousness and was aware of the situation again. A moment of black-out, and he had lost sight of his boundaries.

"Yeah...I'll be ok." He spoke, without looking or turning his head. His brain began to work again, although he was a bit dizzy from it all. Gazing into the starry night sky, he reached his arm across touch his shoulder. It stung with pain, even at his touch. The shoulder was definitely crushed. The trek home would not be easy, especially in his injured state.

The night was dry, and its cool, crisp air reminded him of the heat that was to come. It would be impossible to travel by day--they had noting. No cover, no water, no food. They had little choice, and they face an overnight journey in their current states. He was sure Sasha had already contemplated this--the Sith was very intelligent and matched his own wit pound-for-pound.

"I was thinking, you know we'll have to move tonight." He said it as he sat up, the soreness in his back already setting in. Turning to face the Sith, he saw the man in his current state. Laying down beside him, the Sith was exhausted--just as he was. He was beaten and bruised--just as he was. He was a survivor--just as he was. Their differences didn't even come into the Jedi's mind. After this was all over, perhaps. Now--they were just two men who needed each other to stay alive.

"Speaking of moving, do you have any idea where we are?" The Jedi spoke with almost a strange humor to his voice. They were lost--who knew how long they had been out in the barge. It was early dusk when they were captured. Now, the moon hung high in the sky. It was past midnight--at least. The only question was, how did they figure out where they were? In any regular situation, he would have had his compus, comm link, and transmitter. Without his belt, however, he was a bit lost for ideas.

Nov 21st, 2002, 12:31:35 PM
I was thinking, you know we'll have to move tonight. This statement hung in the cool evening air.

I know, Sasha thought wearily, I know. But he said nothing.

Speaking of moving, do you have any idea where we are?

At this, Sasha managed a quiet chuckle. For a moment, his eyes closed and when they opened again, slowly, he sat up, setting his saber down beside him for the moment. His left hand then reached across his chest, touching tenderly the spot where Terran’s saber had cut him, and then moving to touch where the blaster bolt had caught him. He grimaced slightly.

His belt had been taken from him before he’d been tossed into the cell. The only thing he carried with him now was his recovered saber and the stolen blaster. The desert was growing darker by the moment, with only the light of the sky to shed any sort of light upon them.

Picking up his saber, slowly, he stood. It felt…miserable to be vertical. Everything seemed to ache. He brought his free hand to wipe the grit from his face. The acrid smoke from the explosion of the barge still hung in the air. He would have given nearly anything for a glass of water, a shower, and a place to sleep. But that didn’t seem to be in the cards. Not for tonight.

Slowly, looking to the jedi, he shook his head.

“I have no idea.” He finally replied. As he stood there, he searched through the force for some sort of life nearby. For anything that might tell him which direction they should begin to walk in. But nothing came to him. They would have to go on instinct.

“How well do you trust your instincts?” He asked, a wry, almost amused expression coming to his features. He was not pleased to be in this situation, but as he had no other choice, he was willing to make the best of it.

imported_Terran Starek
Nov 21st, 2002, 03:46:11 PM
"Yes, I do," he said in a very matter-of-fact, non-mocking way. It was lucky that Sasha had mentioned this, for he had totally forgot about his affiliation with nature. So much combat had occured tha this sense of perception, his sense of the life around him had faded. Now, he could have the oppurtunity to do so.

"Give me a few minutes." He came back to a seated position, crossing his legs indian-style and sitting back on his haunches. Coming to rest, he closed his eyes. He was tired--his shoulder ached, as did most of his body. But Terran knew that if he could clear his mind, they could get out of here. He let all things settle around him. His head had been jumbled, and it had been as if if all things around him were as they were in a snow-globe. Everything had been shaken up and, as he concentrated, it was all falling back into place.

Finally, when his mind was cleared, he reached into the Force with it. He let his thoughts become one with the living Force that bound all things in the desert. The air around him became clear, and instantly, his mind's eye was taken into the wind. It whipped through the air, zipping past dunes upon dunes upon dunes. Finally, his eyes rested on the ruins where he and Sasha had begun their fight. Then, close to the them, was the spaceport. That would be their destination.

"I have it." His eyes sprung open. "I don't know how far, but I know that we need to go south. I am sure of it." He wondered what the Sith had thought of his meditaion. Sith were the type to spring to action, while Jedi were meticulous and spent time meditating.

Nov 22nd, 2002, 09:01:25 AM
He wasn’t at all surprised to see the jedi meditate. While it wasn’t something he took seriously, or did very often, he respected the differences – for now – and backed off.

He took a seat in the sand, leaning back against the uprising of a dune, and closed his eyes to rest for a while. As he did, he began to assess his wounds, and prepare mentally for the journey. It would not be an easy one.

I have it. I don't know how far, but I know that we need to go south. I am sure of it

At this, the Sith opened his eyes and looked over toward the jedi. Without a word, he stood, and walked over toward Terran. It was strange to look at this man, and for the moment, not to feel the hatred he had felt all of the other times. Oddly, without hatred to block everything else, to blind him to the other things he would possibly sense, he was able to sense what was there on the jedi’s mind – on the surface. Idle thoughts on meditation, the clarity of his convictions that they should head south, and the dull ache that the Sith could feel in his own body.

For a moment, he turned away – his own personal honor code battling with the code of the Sith. Had he and Terran not been what they were, they would have been friends – and knowing this made it difficult for him. Difficult because it made him question the code he had pledged to live by. Anger flared. Anger at having any doubts. Hey would work as a team until this was over and then – then they would return to being enemies.

Slowly, he turned back to the jedi.

“Then south it is.” He replied.

He paused.

“Will your shoulder be ok? Or do you want to wrap it first for support?” That there wa sa compassionate side to him was not altogether surprising. That he would show it to the jedi….was.

imported_Terran Starek
Nov 22nd, 2002, 12:01:37 PM
The Jedi was somewhat taken back by Sasha's offer. From his own standpoint, the two men were on even ground here. There were no alliances, no differences here. Only a common goal between them--survival. After a second thought, Terran realized he really wasn't taken back. He had discovered much about Sasha--about his character. The man before his was courageous, caring, and defensive of those he cared about. It was the Sith Order--the Dark side that hid this wonderful person. He knew much about the Dark side's deceptions personally, and Sasha just furthered his beliefs about its destructive ways.

"I would like to wrap it." He tore the sleeves from his tunic using his right hand and his teeth to cut the cloth. Sasha helped him wrap the makeshift bandage across his shoulder, stabilizing the arm in place. The pain would still be there, but with the possibility of further injury do to movement eliminated, he would feel more secure. After they had wrapped it, Terran turned to face Sasha.

"...Thanks." He spoke t softly and with a kind tone. He knew, every part of him knew, that on this night, the Jedi could thank the Sith.

"Guess we should get moving, eh?" Letting his senses resume probing the area around them and letting the wind seemingly push him in the right way, the two began to trek southward. Together, their pace was steady, but slower than if they were not injured as they were.

Moving south across the dipping and winding dunes of the desert Tatooine, the two men kept in silence. There was little to be said currently, and Terran could barely take the silence. Aside from the fact that he was curious, he was very personable. In this night, they were not in confict. Much of him wanted to talk to Sasha as the man he was.

"Do you...well, only if you feel comfortable...or you know...do you want to talk about something?" Terran spoke with a bit of a stutter. He wasn't sure how to say it without sounding too friendly, perhaps.

Nov 22nd, 2002, 12:30:27 PM

The young Sith nodded curtly at this, trying to maintain the hardened edge that the Sith Order had begun to give him.

Guess we should get moving, eh

He nodded, and sighed softly.

“Yeah, we should.” Replied, in agreement with the jedi.

They had walked for some time, both deep in their own thoughts, or perhaps neither one wanting to reach out to cross over the boundaries that divided them. Sasha was a rather social kid, who could always be found out at pubs, speaking with strangers, or hanging with friends. The pull of the darkside did not make him unfriendly, only quick to anger, and quick to lash out in response to his anger.

And so as they walked, he did wonder about the jedi. The silence only made the trip seem longer. It was hard not to think about the pain without some sort of distraction.

Do you...well, only if you feel comfortable...or you know...do you want to talk about something?

Sasha turned to look at him for a moment, seeing Terran’s expression solely by the light of the stars above them.

“What are you, a psychiatrist?” He retorted gruffly, inner conflict causing him to be antagonistic. They walked on in silence for a bit, and the young Sith mulled over his thoughts as they did. He didn’t have the energy to put up a front right now. In all honesty, he was curious about the jedi, and he knew he could use the distraction.

Finally, he broke the silence.

“Did you always want to be a jedi?” He asked. He’d considered asking about some sort of sporting event, but after his last sarcastic retort, he’d thought perhaps he could show, somehow, that he knew he’d acted like a jerk by asking about something that mattered instead.

imported_Terran Starek
Nov 22nd, 2002, 03:44:38 PM
Terran thought about Sasha's question for quite some time. He didn't want to answer abruptly, or foolishly. He didn't want to tell him "I don't know" or "It's just the right thing to do." He wanted Sasha to know the truth. On the other hand, he didn't want Sasha to have to listen to his whole life story and, he didn't wish to share it all. This man...he had a connection with him now. He felt safe talking to him. Even sharing things with him. Perhaps this was a time he could give Sasha hope. Perhaps his story could make the Sith see there was light.

"I used to be a Sith Knight." He spoke the words quickly, as if it took him alot to get them out of his mouth. "It's true. For some time, too." He started when he was roughly 5 or 6 and was...removed at the age of 17. "I was...well, I parted with the Order at the age of 17 or so. It was too dark a life for me, Sasha." He looked at the the Sith with more intent eyes. "I did not have it in me--the stomach for killing and hurting. They knew that. Some people can do it...some can not. Some are too human. Too compassionate." He wondered if his words meant anything, hoping desperately that they weren't too strong. They were discussing this as peaceful men, and he wanted to keep it that way.

"I was one who could not do it. I sought the life of a Jedi because I sought to help people. I have a gift--I can feel the Force. I can manipulate it, taste it, touch it, smell it. Specifically, it exists through nature to me--in the air, the trees, and the soil and animals. These things are life! It is beautiful life!" He paused, realizing he was becoming too passionate in the moment. He paused. "Why should I destroy it?" Continuing to walk, he silenced himself for a moment, letting his words stay out in the open for contemplation.

"What about you? What caused you to become a Sith?" He listened, though spoke again before Sasha could. "Understand I will not argue you, Sasha. You have given me my chance to speak without interruption or dissent, I grant you yours. Out of...respect." He paused. "Because, I care to listen to what you have to say." Ending on that, he hoped his invite was polite and inviting.

Nov 23rd, 2002, 11:52:47 AM
I used to be a Sith Knight.
These words caught Sasha off guard. He had not known this of Terran.
The rest of his story, Sasha listened with interest, some things about Terran now making sense to him. A few of the words rang true with the young knight, but quickly, he dismissed them. It was possible he was not truly a Sith, but he would never, never be a jedi.
Just as being a Sith was not in Terran, being a jedi was not in Sasha.
What about you? What caused you to become a Sith?
He hadn’t gathered the words before Terran added that he would not argue the point – out of respect.
Sasha’s head canted slightly, and a small smile came to his face. He had earned the respect of a jedi. And even more odd, the jedi had earned this respect as well.

He shrugged.

“I don’t know. I wanted to be a tie pilot, but my mother got sick before I could finish with school.” He stated as they continued trudging across the desert sands.

“I was too busy taking care of her to finish with classes.” He was silent for a moment as he thought briefly of his mother. These words made it rather obvious that there had not been a father around at the time.

There was a short silence before he continued, the tone of his voice almost thoughtful as he considered how he had gotten to where he was.

“I wasn’t really seeking to become a jedi, or become a sith, I was just looking to get off the planet I was on and do something for me for once. I just had so much anger built up at the way things had gone that the Sith Order seemed to be the right place.” He added, with a slight shrug of his shoulders.

“How did you end up training as a Sith?” He asked. He could see it, faintly, for he had felt Terran’s aggression from time to time when they had battled.

imported_Terran Starek
Nov 24th, 2002, 07:09:38 PM
"I was never given a choice. I was taken, when I was younger, before I really knew the Force was or what gift I had." He thought of Gais and his family. He remembered of the times when the village was overrun by Sith, and they took anything and everything they wanted--including children. Those that could be slaves, those that could be warriors, and especially those with the Force inside of them.

"I was stolen from any chance to choose. However, I blame no one. Not now. Fate and destiny...they cannot be understood. I am here today because of all things in my life. One can only make the best of what he is given." He looked back towards the ground. His shoulder still hurt, but he would keep pressing onward. If they could reach the old ruins, he knew exactly where the spaceport was from there. He would see what was left of the GJO's shuttle, but he doubted there was much. Luckily, he had enough credits to buy some trasportation out of here.

"Your mother was sick. I know what it's like to lose someone you love." He thought of the first time he and Xazor had parted, which he thought was for good. "It hurts. Nothing can take that away." He didn't want to offend Sasha by trying to convert him. Not now. He did care about him, and he wanted him to change. But now was not the time.

"Have you ever thought about what your life would be like had you not entered the Sith order? Sometimes the things we do in emotion end up not always being the best things." His words were very soft and sincere--in no way intended to doubt the man. Just to raise questions, since the two were bonding in such a way.

Nov 25th, 2002, 08:57:25 AM
I was never given a choice. I was taken, when I was younger, before I really knew the Force was or what gift I had. I was stolen from any chance to choose. However, I blame no one. Not now. Fate and destiny...they cannot be understood. I am here today because of all things in my life. One can only make the best of what he is given. Your mother was sick. I know what it's like to lose someone you love.

With this comment, in their weary state, Sasha felt a flicker of recognition. There were no details with it, but there was the familiar feeling of Xazor, though only briefly. His eyes narrowed, not in anger, but in a brief feeling of confusion.

It hurts. Nothing can take that away. Have you ever thought about what your life would be like had you not entered the Sith order? Sometimes the things we do in emotion end up not always being the best things.

Sasha nodded.

“Yeah, I’ve thought about it.” He replied. He didn’t add that he’d thought of it often, wondering what would have become of him. He doubted that he ever would have met his uncle and learned the story of his family. Or Feliciana. Or Gouyen or Robi. Without the order, these people who mattered so much to him he would never have known. And for this, he wouldn’t have changed a thing.

“But I don’t think it was something I did in anger, so much as it was destiny.” He turned his lightsaber over in his hand as he walked. This weapon that was no so familiar to him. It was a comfort to have it to toy with as they walked.

“How is your shoulder?” He asked, changing the topic for a moment. The truth was that he was in much pain. The blaster bolt that had hit him had taken much out of him, and he wasn’t sure how much further he would be able to go. They were a good journey away from the spaceport, or even the ruins, and it was not somewhere that they would reach before sunrise, or even shortly after sunrise. They had to find shelter, and within the next couple of hours.

imported_Terran Starek
Nov 25th, 2002, 09:30:10 AM
"Destiny...an irresolute force, it can be." He agreed with Sasha. Whatever the man's reasons for remaining in the order were, it was fate that drove all things. And for that matter, Terran understood. He may not have agreed, he may not have like, he may not have supported--in fact, he was a Jedi. He violently opposed the Sith life. But his newfound respect for this man, Sasha Kovalev, the warrior, the survivor, even the caring friend carried well through beliefs.

"My shoulder is ok, thanks." He replied softly. As Sasha spoke, Terran sensed the pain in his voice. How selfish he had been! This whole time, he had been so centered on his own wound and even his own speech that he had neglected to sense the needs of those around him. He was usually very receptive and conscious of those that needed help or deserved it, but in this case, he had failed to do so.

"You are in pain. That blaster tagged you harder than I thought. Let me help you." He motioned for Sasha to come closer as they paused. Rasining his arm, Terran looked at the wound which was just under his armpit. It was almost purple now, and it stung as Terran touched it, as told by Sasha's face. He had worked some on his healing abilities--they weren't great, but they were better than nothing, for sure. He wasn't able to do much for himself, it seemed. Generally, he could just take the pain out of his own wounds, not heal them. But in most cases he was able to stabilize those around him.

Placing a hand upon the Sith's wound, he closed his eyes. His breathing again slowed, allowing his mind to enter a meditative state. This was so much easier than in some kind of conflict situation, when blaster and saber were flying around his head. He was able to channel the positive energy--the midichlorians of the living Force--into Sasha's flesh. After a moment or two of preparation, he sighed heavily, using his training to try and heal the wound.

"I wonder what our respective orders would think of this!" He cracked a small joke to break the silence, although it wasn't too far from the truth. A little was done to heal it as Sasha felt a warm wash over his body. It was as though his wound was wrapped in a soft, heated blanket. After several minutes, Terran took his hand away, breathing heavily. It had tired him to do this, as he was already exhausted. The wound--though far from fully healed--was stabilized. The danger's of infection or the wound growing were eliminated, and some of the pain too. Though it would still tax his stamina, the Sith would be able to rest easy about it.

Terran took a break, squatting to the ground. He was absolutely exhausted. It showed in his face, his sleepy eyes, and his limp, slow walk. They had tried to keep an even pace, but it had been difficult for the last hour traveled. They were both tiring, and using the Force had taken even more of his strength. It was still for another, though, and he always put his....his friends...before himself.

Nov 25th, 2002, 10:40:50 AM
You are in pain. That blaster tagged you harder than I thought. Let me help you.

As he suggested this, the jedi motioned for Sasha to come closer. The young knight’s eyes flickered to the ground, and then to the jedi, and the two of them paused for a moment. Sasha knew nothing of healing. It wasn’t something the Sith taught, for pain was what could be used, besides anger, to feed their strength in the dark side. The Sith code, it seemed, ignored the fact that there would be moments when pain would be too much, or exhaustion would make this impossible.

It stung as Terran touched it, and involuntarily, Sasha flinched.

I wonder what our respective orders would think of this!

As Terran joked, trying to break the slight feeling of tension that had risen, Sasha managed to chuckle.

“It hurts enough without thinking of what they’d think…” He replied. His master would not have been pleased with him. She despised the jedi, and would have rather have continued on her own that to team up with a jedi. This, for him, would only be seen as a weakness.

A few moments later, Sasha felt a warm sensation wash over his body. It was as though his wound was wrapped in a soft, heated blanket. The feeling provided such relief –and he knew it had cost Terran much of his energy.

He watched as Terran rested.

“Thank you.” He stated, sincerity and respect in his voice. While the jedi took a moment, Sasha slowly climbed to the top of one of the dunes that surrounded them. In the distance, about a good hour of traveling away, he could see rocks rising from the land. They were outlined in the glittering of the stars above. Perhaps there, there would be caves where they could escape from what eventually would be the heat of the blistering suns.

He stood there for a moment, thinking of what this day, and now this evening had become. In a short time, he had learned much, and he knew, there was still so much more ahead of him. His violet eyes stared up at the stars for a moment, perhaps uttering a silent prayer.

And then he turned and slid back down, letting the falling sand carry him, and offered a hand to Terran to help him to his feet.

“Not too far away it looks to be rocks looming out of the dunes. Maybe we can make it there and find somewhere to rest…” He knew that Terran would need to rest. Despite the determined expression on the jedi’s face, Sasha could also see that he was weary. And part of it was because of the help he had given the sith.

“Can you make it for another hour?” He asked, knowing, at this moment, that he would remain by the side of the jedi until this was over. That somehow, they would make it – together.

imported_Terran Starek
Nov 25th, 2002, 01:57:11 PM
Terran took Sasha's hand, coming to his feet. His legs shook a bit as he stood, but he thought he would be ok. One more hour. He was determined.

"Yeah, I think I can do this." The dull ache in his shoulder had continued and intensified. As soon as they reached the spaceport it would be a definite time to seek out some medial help. He never doubted that he would make it--and especially with the support of Sasha. He wondered what they would think at the Academy. He and a Sith, teaming up together, taking out a thief cartel, traveling together to a spaceport. And he even used his own training to aid the Sith--to heal him! The thought crossed his mind...and then was as quickly dismissed as when it came. He didn't care--not one bit. He had gained something more important through all this.

"You know, I was thinking about everything--ya know, all of this?--and I guess I just thought to tell you." As they continued to journey towards the rocky portion of the desert, he paused for a second, thinking of his words carefully. "I don't care what anyone thinks of all this. I don't care--not the Jedi Order or the Sith Order--nor anyone else." This was an exhaustive, emotional night for both of them, that was true, but his words were true. They stopped there as they continued to walk.

The night was getting closer and closer to morning. It was probably two hours or more until sunrise. There was no way they would make it to the spaceport or, for that matter, even to the ruins. It wouldn't happen. Sasha was right: they needed rest and they would have to have some shelter from the sun for the next day. They could sleep through some of the day and resume at dusk, when the sun was hidden and it was cooler.

Nov 25th, 2002, 03:04:11 PM
Yeah, I think I can do this.

Sasha helped Terran to his feet, and then watched as the jedi carefully steadied himself on his feet. There was no denying that he could feel the pain coming from the man who stood so close to him. He could feel concern over the condition of Terran.

This struck him. He felt concern for…for those he cared about. Not for…jedi. But Terran was not a jedi at the moment. Terran was just a man, as Sasha was just a man, and together, they would survive.

You know, I was thinking about everything--ya know, all of this?--and I guess I just thought to tell you. I don't care what anyone thinks of all this. I don't care--not the Jedi Order or the Sith Order--nor anyone else

The young knight did not reply right away. Instead, he considered his feelings, truly considered them.

“I don’t think its that I don’t care what they would think…” He began.

“Its that if I had to go back and do all of this again, I would do everything the same way that I’ve done it.”

He did care what they thought, but he also had his own code of honor, his own convictions, and he realized that on occasion, his beliefs would conflict with those of the Order. This would be difficult for him when he returned, to get a grip on. To decide whether to let go of the last piece of humanity that clung to him, or to fight for its survival.

This last hour of travel seemed to be the longest. Though the pain Sasha had felt before had faded, thanks to Terran’s efforts, he was concerned for his travelling companion.

He was thankful, when the sun began to rise, that the rocks had loomed up before them to block the rays.

There were no visible signs of life, and searching, through the force, Sasha felt nothing immediately threatening. It didn’t matter if he did, they werent going to be able to travel any further. Not this day.

As they passed through the rocks, Sasha was beginning to think they were out of luck. And then, just before they reached the end, a small entrance to a cave sprang up before them.

If he hadnt been so tired, he might have been hungry. He was certainly thirsty. But these things were trivial – and in the grand scheme of things, mattered little compared to the fact that they had made it out alive. They were still alive.

“Home sweet home…” The young Sith managed to joke as they approached the opening.

imported_Terran Starek
Nov 25th, 2002, 03:42:16 PM
"...if I had to go back and do all of this again, I would do everything the same way that I’ve done it.”

Terran agreed. He felt the same way, and he understood what Sasha meant. He respected the man's opinion. Now, greatly, more than he could of ever expected or ever predicted. Such an occurance changed people, and Terran Starek would leave a changed man. He remembered that sometimes--every once in a while, in a few people--the dark side has not completely murdered it's wielder. Just as he was. Some life was left in these people, and Sasha was this exception. Perhaps he had bowed to the dark side's will, but he was still human. Sometimes compassionate. Sometimes caring. Human.

As they searched the rocks, the cave opening came into view.

“Home sweet home…”

"You said it," Terran replied as they saw the cave opening. Automatically, his own senses had come to life, attempting to feel for life in the immediate area. There was none. A hint of something--perhaps a carcass or skeleton. Even inanimate bones and bodies retained some of thier previous lives inside their shells. His stomach churned--it had been some time since he had eaten. Also, the corners of his mouth had turned to crusty, dry openings. Water would be wonderful. Sleep would be better.

Reaching the mouth of the cave, Terran's body nearly shivered with anticipation. Already, the sun had begun to rise over the horizon, and with it the rays of light and heat had begun to shower the sandy floor of the desert. The opening was an excellent site in this night of pain, and seeing it made him smile broadly.

As he reached it, it grew in size. Terran realized it was a rather large cave, with much size to it. It was tall enough to stand completely in it--with a meter or so to spare--and it's floor space could easily sleep 10 or 12 people. Plenty of room. Then Terran heard a strange sound. It was a ryhtmic melody, a continuous cycle of a single tone. A...a....a drip!

"Sasha, do you hear that!?!" Terran exclaimed as he heard the sound from inside the opening. He almost sprinted inside the cave. In the farthest corner of the cave, where the rocks began to narrow and close up, was a small pool of water! The walls had condesated--perhaps they were above an underground river or store of water. The slow, but steady, stream had accumulated into a small pool of water on the cave floor.

"Thank the Force," he said in an exasperated voice. Terran got to the edge of the pool, bending over to drink from the it. He moved to the side, so that Sasha could get to it as well. The water was crisp and clear, and suprisingly clean. It tasted like the rock it had eroded from, but taste didn't matter in this case. He drank from it wildly, letting the water wash over his dirt-caked face. It was as sweet as he could have imagined, and it was in a moment like this--when his senses were pleased--that he thought of her.

Xazor. His love. How he missed her. She had been in and out of his mind the entire journey, but now, now that was almost happy, when he was revived by the cool taste of the water, he thought of her. Her beauty shone like an angel as she came into his mind. She lit his face up as he smiled broadly.

He was going to live.

They were going to make it--much travel was still ahead, but they would make it.

Nov 25th, 2002, 04:00:21 PM
Sasha, do you hear that!?!

He did hear it. And chuckled as the jedi nearly sprinted inside. He followed close behind, his steps slowed only by a headache that had begun to set in. Inside, though the lighting was dim, in the farthest corner of the cave, there was a small pool of water.

Like Terran, Sasha moved to sit on the edge, drinking cautiously at first, and then, once the cool liquid began to remind him of how thirsty he was, he drank more, not caring if it was pure poison he took in. At least, he thought, he would die a happy man at this point.

When he’d had enough for the moment, he splashed some onto his face, clearing the sand and smoke from it. With a contented sigh, he moved to sit down, leaning back against the cave wall.

Again, he felt it – Terran’s thoughts of Xazor. There were no details, but emotions carried – were evident in the broad smile on the jedi’s face.

Briefly, his thoughts flickered to Fel. He had no idea where she was. And obviously, she had no idea where he was, either. Their lives would be like this now, for as long as they chose to remain on the paths they traveled.

For a moment, he was silent, leaving Terran to his private thoughts. And then finally, as friends might, he spoke.

“You really love her, huh?” He stated, more than asked.

He grinned slightly.

“You hide your thoughts better when you’re not so tired…” He commented, perhaps complimenting the jedi in a roundabout fashion.

imported_Terran Starek
Nov 25th, 2002, 07:25:32 PM
“You really love her, huh?...You hide your thoughts better when you’re not so tired…”

Terran was puzzled for a moment until Sasha explained that he had felt his thoughts. They were strong, and he was making no intention of hiding them. He plopped across from Sasha, leaning against the rock wall of the cave.

"Yes, I do. She's..." He made eye contact with the Sith, wondering if he really wanted to hear it. Then, he got a sheepish grin on his face--he asked! "She's great. I mean, so caring, so kind. So loving. Being with her is...well, it's indescribable." He laid his head back, to rest on the rock. Smiling, thinking of Xazor, he wondered what she was doing. He imagined she was worried about him. She probably missed him--he missed her. Like none other. "When you look into her eyes, you forget about everything. They are waterfalls: intense, rinsing away your fears and concerns."

"Enough about Xazor. Heck, you know her! What about you?" He smiled wryly again. "Does Sasha Kovalev have a better half?" He laughed, quite loudly and out loud. He was teasing him...like friends do. It was strange, how their relationship had developed. It was great though. A beautiful thing, when friendship grew. He thanked the Force for this man, to be here to help him in this time of need. He was a blessing, truly, and blessings could be found in the most unlikely people and in the strangest of places.

He hadn't been able to read any of Sasha's feelings, but he knew the man on a different level now. He knew the caring, gentle Sasha, and he could see how someone could love him. How he could care about someone. He wasn't an empty shell of a man consumed by the dark.

Nov 25th, 2002, 09:45:08 PM
It was clear that Terran was in love. It wouldnt have taken an expert to know this. The way he spoke, the expression on his face. For a moment he could remember Xazor before their falling out. For a moment, he felt ashamed at the way he had acted around her. He had promised her long ago, as her friend, that he would not let the dark side devour him. Yet, he had, and he knew it.

As Terran asked him about his better half, he sighed softly. For a moment he stared up at the ceiling, and then finally, he looked to the jedi and slowly, he nodded.

"Yeah....there is someone."

He debated for a moment whether or not to talk about it. His feelings about Fel he rarely allowed to surface. To protect her, to protect him. And because, at the moment, they brought him too much pain.

"She just left the order, though...." He he stated, permitting this piece of information. It wasnt that he didnt trust Terran - it was that he didnt trust himself to speak of her. He had not spoken to anyone about how much her departure had hurt him. He was a Sith, and Sith did not feel pain.

"I havent spoken to her for...for a while now." He finished, looking away to the pool of water where the drips were still slowly falling.

imported_Terran Starek
Nov 26th, 2002, 12:20:46 AM
"Your own emotional barriers prove weak when exhausted, Sasha," he spoke with a grin on his face. He obviously cared for her--much, Terran could tell. It was obvious in the man's voice, in the way his eyes looked. Terran knew the look well, for he had given it many times. Longing. Longing for someone one cared about carried through visibly to others when you did so passionately. He had felt that way for the year or more before he joined the GJO. When he floated around the galaxy, a space pirate, with Biggs. Biggs had always said: "Boy, ya got someone ye love, an ye miss 'em. I can see it in yer eyes. Eyes that'd look through space 'n' time, if just they could'n see 'er again, aye?"

"You know, love is a wonderful thing. It is unlike anything, anything this universe has to offer." He leaned his head back as it became heavier. "Don't let her go. You'll miss her more than anything else if you do. Don't let her walk out of your life and into another's, even if it means changing some of the things you think or do." He wasn't really referring to anything specific, just conversing what he thought. It wasn't a plea for Sahsa to make a miracle 'rebirth' or anything. Just friendly advice. Terran had given up on their grudge or their boundaries. They were friends, as far as he was concerned. And it was only proper to treat Sasha with that friendly respect he deserved.

"What do I know, really, huh? I'm not any wiser than a bantha when it comes to women!" He laughed aloud. "I'm just lucky Xazor loves me. If she didn't...I wouldn't know what to do. She's the one that keeps me around, I think. It's definitely not on my own 'lady skills!'" He smiled broadly.

His shoulder ached awfully, which tugged him back into reality. He was sure there was something seriously wrong with it. Perhaps it was literally shattered, or very broken. He didn't know, but the pain was unbearable. He leaned his head back more, scrunching his face a bit as the pain hit him hard.

Nov 26th, 2002, 09:29:25 AM
Your own emotional barriers prove weak when exhausted, Sasha,

It was a bit of friendly ribbing right back at him, and he rolled his eyes and looked back to the jedi

“Im only human.” He replied, despite the fact that the life of Sith would eventually make him otherwise.

You know, love is a wonderful thing. It is unlike anything, anything this universe has to offer. Don't let her go. You'll miss her more than anything else if you do. Don't let her walk out of your life and into another's, even if it means changing some of the things you think or do.

At this, Sasha sighed. He wondered if love really was a wonderful thing. He would have taken the pain he had been enduring all day over the pain that love brought. Love ripped your heart from your chest at times as viciously as any dark sider could – perhaps even worse.

What do I know, really, huh? I'm not any wiser than a bantha when it comes to women! I'm just lucky Xazor loves me. If she didn't...I wouldn't know what to do. She's the one that keeps me around, I think. It's definitely not on my own 'lady skills!

He allowed a chuckle at this. He knew Terran was trying to find a way to ease the seriousness of it all. But his chuckle faded as he felt a wave of pain from Terran. Undisguised by thr jedi, Sasha could feel it, could feel exactly where it hurt.

“Maybe you could explain to me what you did for me.” He suggested after a moment, his voice oddly quiet, for he understood well that in what he was going to offer, his elders would be anything but pleased. In fact, he didn’t doubt that if Lady Vader learned of this, she would teach him a lesson of her own on kindness to the jedi. And he would deserve it, he knew, but for now, it was what he felt was the right thing to do.

“And I could try to help you.” He added.

imported_Terran Starek
Nov 26th, 2002, 01:42:53 PM
Earlier in this endeavour, perhaps even an hour ago, Terran would have found this request by Sasha to be insane and uncharacteristic of the Sith he thought he knew. However, things had changed between them now. There was respect there that may not have existed before. Needless to say, Terran felt no hesistation.

"Well, I am getting better at it, but I am still not the best. Let me see if I can make this make sense." He took a second to think about how to describe the process of healing another person. It was something that words became difficult to find for. No matter, he would try. "Put your hand on my shoulder." He motioned the Sith's hand over to his shoulder.

"Now, close you eyes and let your breathing slow. Relax your mind--let nothing remain in it. Take a meditative mindset." He wondered if the Sith had spent much time meditating. Probably not, but Terran would not be the judge of this. "In my shoulder, with your mind and you hand, you can feel the Force within my flesh. Mididchlorians reside in every matter, and they are alive in the body just as well. Touch them. You can feel them." He hoped his words were not redundant to the Sith. He was educated in the Force, Terran knew, but the Jedi wanted to be sure and be as explicit as was possible.

"Call them to help you. You are asking them--in a symbiotic relationship--to aid you by healing the wound. You are requesting their help." He wondered if Sasha understood. He knew much of the darkside teachings, and in most cases, it was taught that the Force is here to obey--here to be slave to the hands of beings. Make the Force work for you, do not ask it to.

He knew Sasha would understand. He was too caring and too intelligent not to. Perhaps it would not work for him, or maybe he wouldn't get the desired results, but he would understand, that was for sure.

Nov 26th, 2002, 05:01:49 PM
As Terran agreed and motioned him over, Sasha climbed wearily back to his feet and over to the jedi.

He had never learned anything of healing before. Mostly, he’d just figured that medical droids would handle whatever problems arose. Compared to other skills of force lightning, controlling the elements of fire and wind, healing didn’t seem to make it to the top of the list of priorities.

But, he was an intelligent kid, and having missed out on his last year of school, seemed to try to make up for it in everything else that he did. He was a good student, one who listened intently and learned quickly. He took his studies very seriously, and as he did with other lessons, he applied this serious attitude to this challenge as well.

As Terran began to explain the process, Sasha found himself listening first, and then choosing, after the entire explanation to make the attempt. He liked to have thwe big picture, and then break it down.

He did not meditate. In fact, his form of meditation was to walk in the gardens and smoke a cigarette. But Gouyen, a friend so close she was like a sister to him back at the order had taught him to find his center within the force, and this, in itself, was very similar to mediation.

And so he used this skill, finding first his center, letting the calm begin from the center and spread outward. It allowed him to feel the general pulse of the force, what flowed through all living beings, and then to be more specific to find what it was he was searching for. It reminded him of constructing a lightsaber, when he had inspected each piece to determine whether or not it would work.

It was delving a layer deeper, and another layer deeper until he was down to the minutest living force presence. This, he understood quite easily. Asking, rather than commanding, he did not.

He did not call the midochlorins to help, but rather, as he had been taught to use the force, commanded them. The dark side was all about power and control over the force. About commanding and bending it to the will of the user. And in this instance, it would be no different. For Sasha, there was no beckoning, no request, there was a command.

It was the dark side from which he drew. He understood Terran’s explanation of asking for help – but this was not the way in which he knew to use the force. He drew upon his anger, upon his own pain, to find strength in the power of the dark side. In power to make the midochlorins bend to his will.

It was similar to calling upon the force to gather the elements. In finding the small particles to cause force lightning and bringing them together to create the more powerful result. Only, midochlorins were not so easy as high energy sparks to gather through the darkness. They were of the light, and did not bend so easily to the will of the dark side. But he was a determined kid, and it was possible that his persistence paid off, at least enough to provide Terran with some relief.

Healing would never be his strong suit. Not so long as he continued to follow the path of the dark side. Unless, there was a method that was used. In time, perhaps after he returned, he would ask one of the masters, if he could not find the answer on his own.

imported_Terran Starek
Nov 27th, 2002, 01:24:27 AM
Terran closed his eyes as he could tell that Sasha was concentrating hard on his shoulder. He could feel the Force stirring within him. It was nice to have that feeling--like the time that Xazor had sealed one of his wounds. She was much stronger in this talent than he was--more than Sasha by quite a bit. However, he still felt the same tingling feeling his his upper body. It started as a low vibration, then continued out ward, into his limb. It relaxed the muscles and brought some of the heavy tension off of his shoulder.

The feeling was odd, however. It felt a bit more rushed--more pushed. It wasn't as if the Force was acting inside of him voluntarily--it was as if they were being commanded. They were doing the job as they had been told--made to do so. The Dark side. It was bending them to their will. It was almost a violent business as they seemingly rushed to complete the job ahead of them. Much different than the methods of the Light side, he imagined this would not have the same, desired effect.

Nonetheless, it had one. His shoulder ached less and less. The pain seemed to dull as it was taken from the wound. He knew that there was probably little actual reconstruction or remedy--but at least the intense ache was gone. If only for a moment, it was bliss to sit and feel unscathed by the injury.

"You have made progress," he spoke with a warm smile. "Healing takes some time to learn--as does anything. The pain, however, is temporarily gone." He let Sasha return to his seat. His eyes were growing weary. "Thank you." He spoke as he yawned broadly.

"Perhaps it would do us good to get some sleep, eh?" He leaned his head back against the rock. He could find a better position than this to rest in. Gently lowering his back to the cool cave floor, he laid his head down onto the dirt and sand covered rock, in the grit that had been blowing into the cave for many years. It didn't matter--not to the Jedi when he was in such a state. Pulling his saber hilt up, he held it tightly across his chest. Glancing over to meet eyes with Sasha, he wondered if the Sith thought it was for defense of an attack from him.

"In case of any visitors of the coming day." He pointed to the mouth of the cave. "I'm not sure what creatures stir in the days of the desert: Tuskens, scavengers, or even predators." He said it to reassure Sasha of his trust in the man. He did not fear him. If he should, at this point, than he would condradict all he had learned about the man. And he doubted that was to occur.

Nov 27th, 2002, 10:19:07 AM
You have made progress. Healing takes some time to learn--as does anything. The pain, however, is temporarily gone. Thank you.

Sasha nodded, too tired to be pleased with the fact that he had learned something new. He said nothing as he moved away from the jedi and sunk back down to the cool floor of the cave. He could feel exhaustion hitting him like a ton of bricks. His limbs felt heavy, and the fact that he had just helped a jedi hung over him like a storm cloud about to break. The conflict within him, knowing that as a human, as a person, this was the right thing to do, but as a Sith, he had broken all the rules possible was more than he wanted to think about at the moment. Instead, he focused on the fact that he was tired, blaming that for what might later be considered a sever lack of judgement.

Terran seemed to echo his exhaustion.

Perhaps it would do us good to get some sleep, eh?

He nodded, sighing deeply as he did. It was a struggle to keep his eyes open. He saber the jedi reach for his saber, and did not flinch. Any other time they met, he would question this, but not today.

In case of any visitors of the coming day. I'm not sure what creatures stir in the days of the desert: Tuskens, scavengers, or even predators.

The Sith allowed a faint smile at this.

“Don’t forget Sith knights…” He quipped, picking up his saber once again and resting it, similar to the jedi, upon his chest as his eyes closed and he drifted off into sleep.

imported_Terran Starek
Nov 27th, 2002, 01:54:43 PM
"Don't forget Sith Knights..."

The words were lost in an echoing soundwave that came to his ears in a tunnel of sounds. His eyes, closed tightly, shut out all light as his head rested in the cave. He drifted off into a deep sleep, something that an exhausted child would drift into. His defense was definitely down. He had tried to make this sleep light, so that he could keep an eye on his surroundings, but it was useless. His body, wrecked and worn, needed this rest and was taking every bit of it that Terran would give.

In his dreams, he saw Xazor. She wore a long, white flowing dress. Her eyes sparkled as she spoke, her words silent. It was unfortunate, for he loved her melodic voice. They walked together, in a garden on...on Eden, perhaps. She was so happy, smiling and kissing him. Holding her hands, he spoke silent words to her, kissing them gently. She looked happy. He was happy. It was a beautiful moment. And then, he realized why she was in the white dress. And, why he was wearing the white tunic. A ring, with a bright gem on it, glowed on her hand. They were...married. It was a wedding. He scanned the faces of the crowd--numerous Jedi he knew were there. Marcus, Helenas, Dios, Sarr, Verse--many he didn't know. A wedding.

A plesant smile on his face, the Jedi's eyes opened, caked with crust from sleep. His first thought was to wash his face and drink from the pool. He was so hungry, but thirsty even more. He leaned over it, drinking from it's cool resources again. Bringing some up with his hands, he washed the sleep and dirt from his face. He felt much better--not good, by a long shot, but better than yesterday morning. The soreness of his body had multiplied by tenfold, but the pain of fresh wounds was gone. They had stabilized by themselves, as sleep would often do, and he felt a but more in order. His stomach growed wildly, and he wondered if they would be lucky to stumble across any wild vegetable or fruit of the desert. Or, perhaps, an animal to eat.

The moonlight shone into the cave as the stars aided in it's glow. It was evening, past dusk, he thought. They were going to need to get moving soon. He had planned to be out and on the way just as the sun was setting. It was well past that now, and he wondered how much time they had to travel before morning. Probably most of the night. He wasn't dissapointed, though, as the cave was a sweet refuge. With water and a cool place to sleep out of the desert heat and sun, the cave was truly a blessing of the Force. The sleep had been wonderful, though they had already overslept a bit. At least he had. He looked over to Sasha, to see if the Sith was awake or if he had already stirred.

Dec 1st, 2002, 05:51:15 PM
He did not sleep peacefully. In fact, he had woken several times to the light creeping into the cave - reminded too soon of exactly where he was, and all that was wrong with his life.

Each time he had lain his head back against the wall of the cave, heaving a deep sigh of frustration, and then trying to sleep again. It did not help that he was a light sleeper to begin with.

Just as the sun had begun to set, he'd stood, wobbling slightly on his feet for a moment before he had wandered outside the cave to watch the last rays of the twin suns as they disappeared from sight.

Hed seen the sun rise often. He was an early riser and liked to walk the beaches near the castle on Corellia. He had not watched so many sunsets, and had marvelled at the difference in colors and feeling. The sunrise carried with it a feeling of hope - of a new day - the sunset it seemed to him, signalled the end. The begining of night. Of darkness....

Of darkness.

He contemplated this as he sat just outside the cave, staring off at the last ray of light as it slipped over the edge of a dune.

imported_Terran Starek
Dec 1st, 2002, 09:25:39 PM
Terran watched him, sitting outside of the cave. It was odd--this relationship that had developed between them. He could never have guessed that any of this would have happened. He had thought it would be a quiet, romantic evening with Xazor. She had been quite busy lately, and he missed her dearly. He missed her now. But the outing had taken a much different turn.

Though he didn't enjoy being injured; and though he wasn't happy to be lost; and though he was dreading having to explain to the Council how he had lost the shuttle, he wouldn't have had this excersion be any other way. He had learned much about himself. He had learned much about Sasha. Overall, he found the trip to be an experience to remember. A true show of his character as a man--a man who could respect the people around him. A man who recognized when the situation called for more than the books told you about.

Sasha was deep in thought. About what? He didn't know. He could only guess. Force, anything could be on the man's mind. A lot was on Terran's as well. He didn't really want to bother the Sith, but he thought it was time that they got moving. Surely, Sasha knew it as well, for he was looking prepared.

Reaching down to gather his gear--he stopped himself. He had no gear. All he had was his lightsaber, and that was it. No utility belt. No pack. Nothing. Holding it lightly, he took another long draw from the pool. It was excellent tasting water, and he wondered how soon it would be until they saw another deposit.

"I guess it's time to go, huh?" He asked Sasha quietly, standing just beside him. His body ached quite a bit, as he stretched it out. His shoulder, worst of all, was completely none. It wouldn't move, but that way, no further harm would come to it. For that, he was thankful. Staring out into the stars of the desert night, he yawned.

Dec 2nd, 2002, 08:50:01 AM
I guess it's time to go, huh?

The jedi was standing beside him. Sasha had felt his presence, and was not surprised to hear the voice so close. He did not respond immediately, but instead sighed softly, and then silently, made his way to his feet.

He looked to Terran and nodded. It was clear that he held nothing against the jedi, but that he was, in fact, brooding over something.

He walked back into the cave, splashed some water on his face, and took one last drink. It was dark in the cave now, and he was moving by use of the force rather than sight. It was something he was so used to doing, he thought nothing of it.

And then he joined Terran back at the mouth of the cave and in silence, the two continued on their journey.

After some time, Sasha finally spoke.

“When you decided you’d had enough of being a Sith, how did you get out of it?” He asked.

imported_Terran Starek
Dec 2nd, 2002, 09:58:41 AM
Terran paused thoughtfully as Sasha spoke.

“When you decided you’d had enough of being a Sith, how did you get out of it?”

How was he to answer such a question? On the one hand, he was excited. Something tingled inside of him. It was...it was as though he had Sasha thinking about his life. No, no...clear that thought. This was not some selfish accomplishment that he had made. It wasn't as though this was a victory he had won. It was definitely hope. The young Jedi was hopeful that something good stirred inside of Sasha. He knew that there was good in him. There was no doubt about that. How strong it was, he did not know. So much anger...

On the other hand, he wasn't sure how he was going to explain it to Sasha. Sure, he had doubted being a Sith ever since he had become one. But, he had never tried to leave the Order. Not until he had met Xazor and fallen in love with her. Not until he had read the books passed to him by an unkown Jedi. Not until he had been banished for his love and kindness. How did he tell that to Sasha? 'Well, you see, I was banished because I was a goodie-goodie.' He thought how ridiculous that would sound to the man, especially one who was thus far fairly in tune with the Dark side and enjoying the power it gave him.

Nonetheless, he had to be honset with him. By now, Sasha would feel him lying. He would probably be able to sense the dishonesty in his voice. He wasn't a good liar--at least, not to people whom he cared about.

"Well...I was banished. My 'father,' he was my Sith Master. His name was Kama. Pure evil, truly. I trained under him, and became a strong Sith Knight. But I fell in love with someone there." He wondered if Sasha knew of Xazor's history. Not wanting to give away a detail perhaps she kept secret, he didn't elaborate.

"I was warned, several times by my master, that I was to leave these feelings behind. Immediately. I could not, and for that I was punsihed." He paused for a moment, organizing his thoughts and catching his breath. "Even in the most evil man, there is hope. He could not kill me, for I was like a son to him. Instead, he did something almost worse. He wiped my mind of my memory. All knowledge of who I was, what I had learned--gone. Then, he left me to die on the planet of Hoth. No food, no clothing, no anything. He wanted me killed, but couldn't bear to have it done. So he elected the roundabout method."

He wondered what Sasha was thinking. He found himself hoping that his story would bring some kind of hope to Sasha. Maybe it would, maybe it wouldn't. He didn't know for sure. But Force, he would try.

"Needless to say, I survived and, since then, I have gained my memory back. Although training as a Jedi has been like starting over." He stopped. Enough wind from him. He wanted to see Sasha's reaction. What was the man thinking? What was he feeling?

"Sasha? Are you thinking about lea..." He stopped. He couldn't ask a question like that. Not now. It was too much, to overbearing.

Dec 2nd, 2002, 10:40:53 AM
Faintly, he could feel a flurry of mixed emotions from the man beside him. He did not pry into Terran’s thoughts, and caught only what floated on the surface loud enough that he heard it without effort.

He listened to the story. It was interesting to him, because despite all the hype of evil that surrounded the Sith, Sasha had been exposed to very little of it from those in his Order. Yet Terran, in his time with the Sith, most certainly had.

For Sasha, perhaps it was that few masters had taken an interest in him enough to punish him for his mistakes the way Terran had been punished for his. The closest he had come thus far was the night that Lady Vader made him sever his own hand with his own lightsaber for sharing blood with Xazor. Since then….he had been left pretty much on his own. Lady Vader served as his mentor, but she was busy with other things, and so far as he knew, concerned herself only with major acts of treason that she needed to be concerned with.

This was perhaps, what made him waver. To have so little direction, and only anger to guide him…

He did not connect, at the moment, that Xazor was the one Terran had loved. And that Terran was the one Xazor had once told him of – back when she had shared the jungle place she visited with him. Back when they had been friends. he was too weary. Later, perhaps, as he rested back in the quietness of the castle on Corellia, it would come to him.

He did not find it odd that he could identify with Terran. After this journey, little about the strange comraderie that had developed between them surprised him. What he identified with the most was the feeling of having his memory wiped out. For most of his life, never knowing who his father was, where he truly came from, he had felt this way. Had felt as if he had no memories. He still did not have memories of his father, with the exception of the ghost he had recently seen.

He was torn from these thoughts by the jedi's question.

Sasha? Are you thinking about lea

Terran cut his sentence off as soon as he’d begun it.

Sasha smiled faintly at the jedi in the darkness of the night. He was so full of hope, it seemed. So eager to believe that there was good in everyone. Slowly, the sith knight shook his head.

“No.” He replied, though, his voice might have hinted some regret at this decision. Not that he harbored any desire of becoming a jedi – he did not. Not in the least. Though he did realize that he did not fit so neatly into the category of Sith as he had wanted all along to believe.

He shrugged.

“I don’t know what I want anymore.” He admitted. It wasn’t that he wanted to leave the order. He liked it there – had good friends there in Gouyen and Robi, but something seemed to be missing in his life, something he had been searching for long before he’d joined the order. And he wanted to figure it out.

His violet eyes stared ahead into the night as they walked. They had made good progress, though they were still far from where they needed to be. Ahead of them loomed a series of dunes, or what seemed to be dunes by the light of the stars….

He was busy contemplating what exactly it was that he wanted when an odd feeling seemed to sink into his skin and tingle within his blood.

Wordlessly he turned to Terran, his hand reaching for his saber as he did.

imported_Terran Starek
Dec 2nd, 2002, 03:38:06 PM
Thier discussion was broken off as Sahsa reached for his saber. Terran followed, almost instictively as they climbed over the hill to gaze upon the 'dunes.' The more he squinted in the moonlight, the more he realized they were not dunes at all. They were tents! A settlement--but they were light tents. A nomadic camp he guessed. There weren't many nomads on Tattooine. The two weary travelers met eyes as it dawned on them at about the same moment.

"Tuskens!" They said aloud, and in a strange unison. Looking back towards the tents, he felt a twinge of adrenaline rush into his head. He wondered if they had already noticed thier presence. Perhaps they could make a long circle around the camp, that way avoiding any kind of conflict with the raiders. Afterall, in their present conditions, it would not be a plesant excursion.

"I think we should turn around and head west, around the camp." Sasha seemed to be in agreeance, as going through the camp was a bad idea in all realms. He held his saber tightly and turned to head that way.

"I think if we make a good sweeping circle there--" he was stopped as his blue lightsaber blade came to life before him. A group of scout Tuskens had already found the duo, and with no hesitation, were converging upon their location. With his saber held high in one hand, he winced, the pain from his shoulder immense.

"Can we take this group?" He spoke to Sasha, twirling the saber in his hand idly. He thought it was possible, but if anymore came...what in the frell where they going to do? He knew he wouldn't be able to fight all night.

"Ooooaaaaaaarrrrr-oar-oar-oar-oar!" The lead raider shouted into the night, no doubt alerting any other ones near. Perhaps it was directed to the perimeter guards who waited just outside the camp. Nonetheless, he had attracted some attention, as Terran could so lights began to spring up from the camp site.

"Oh frell..." He said aloud, again directed towards Sasha. His leg felt ok, though, despite the slash he had taken on his leg from Sasha during the duel a day ago. He had faith that they could handle this first group, but as for the rest...he wasn't so sure.

Coming back-to-back with Sasha, he examined their chances. There were about 8 or 10 raiders right here, all sporting the traditional Gaffi stick. He would be prepared to dodge the slugs that were fired from the guns with his saber to block them. He was sure there were many more guards to come, however, and they had little chance against too many.

"Can you run?" He asked Sasha as the Raiders closed in.

Dec 2nd, 2002, 05:30:37 PM
It was situations like this that reminded him of why he had entered the Sith order. Why he chose to live the life of a Sith knight. Something within him sparked to life, and despite his weary state, he found himself looking forward to a conflict. A grin of amusement found its way to his features. He had perhaps hoped that 2 or 3 of the raiders challenged them, not the 8 to 10 that had arrived, but beggars couldn’t be choosers. Already, he could begin to feel the dark side calling to him. Not so much for the lust of blood, but for the lust of chaos and disaster. For the feeling that the challenge of a fight would bring.

His lightsaber sparked to life, the orange blade illuminating the ground around him.

“Run? But we could have such a good time….” He replied, half serious, half joking as he responded. He and the jedi stood back to back. It was unbelievable that without a second thought they had joined together in this fashion. And even more unbelievable that in only a few more hours, once they returned to the galaxy as they knew it, the lines would once again be drawn between them.

“Which direction?” He asked as he held his lightsaber out, pointing it at one of the raiders that threatened to get a bit closer. His violet eyes stared at the raider, almost provoking him with his look that seemed to say, ‘go ahead and try it, buddy.’

He wasn’t sure how Terran was doing – he knew his shoulder was injured, but did not know the extent of the injury. They hadnt spoken of those things during their travels this evening.

“And are you ok to run?” He added. He shifted slightly as one of the gaffi sticks was prodded in his direction. And with a smooth swing of his saber, he clipped off the end of it. He wanted more than the stick. He wanted the life of the one that threatened him. And with each moment he spent in the company of a threat, the more and more the dark side sunk its teeth into him. He could remember what it felt like, the adrenaline of fighting, the pull of the dark side, and the hint of it now was addictive.

imported_Terran Starek
Dec 2nd, 2002, 06:30:21 PM
He felt perfectly safe with Sasha at his back. He had a great defense there, and felt no imminent threat from the Raiders behind him. One of the Tuskens had taken the liberty of shooting, and Terran followed the slugs with his saber. He couldn't really deflect them, but he could block them from hitting his body. Keeping close to Sasha, several more raiders began to converge on his position.

"I think the quickest way looks west..." He paused, cutting a gaffi stick in two and kicking the Raider down one of the dunes. "It's less hillly. We could circle around that way..." Another Raider attacked, but the blue blade slashed forward, Terran severing his hand from his arm. Having no hand forced the Raider into retreat.

"Yeah, I'll be ok to run." He hoped Sasha was fairing well, as he was facing the west. He slashed forward--into the air--to move some of the Tuskens back. He was growing worried, as he could hear noises coming from the camp. Sounds of animals moving, feet trekking through sand, and voices echoed from the valley of the camp. Tusken voices.

"How are you holding up?" Another blocked slug as he kicked back an attacking Raider. "As soon as you see a whole, let's get out of here!" He shouted back as two rushed him. With a kick to one and slashing across the chest of the other, he defended his position, keeping himself steady and calm. Sasha had a certain aire about him in battle--a special aura. He loved it, Terran could tell. Obviously, he was good at it--he was truly an excellent warrior. He knew that part of it was seeded in the Dark side, but he could also tell that Sasha had an uncanny head for combat. Terran, while a pretty good saber-duelist, was less of a warrior. Not as tenacious or talented as Sasha--more of a defender. He was resourceful and cunning, and especially good at planning escape routes. Nonetheless, Sasha's prowess was impressive.

He was glad to have the Sith near.

Dec 2nd, 2002, 07:50:43 PM
Sasha heard the blaster shot, and admittedly was glad to have Terran behind him. While Terran had done an excellent job of healing the first wound, he was not all that much looking forward to another. The blaster shot seemed to have been the signal for all of the raiders to advance.

I think the quickest way looks west... Sasha grinned a bit at this.

“Am I facing west?” He asked. Though he was serious, there was amusement in his voice. He admired Terran and his ability to keep his bearings. Not to mention, he had been the one to suggest the escape routes – something that rarely occurred to Sasha. He would most often have stayed to fight until the end, his foolish pride preventing him from making the wiser decision.

He heard Terran’s brief response, and the positive indicator that he would be ok to run.

How are you holding up? As soon as you see a hole, let's get out of here!

A loud squeal was heard as Sasha drew his blaster and fired. And then the raider dropped to the ground.

“You want a hole, you’ll get a hole…” The young sith replied in answer to how he was holding up. There was possibly a grin on his face as he lunged with his saber, swinging it in a sweeping horizontal arc. It was not a wise move in most cases, but they were looking for an event that would cause more distraction and perhaps offer an escape. And this would be it.

As several raiders collapsed to the ground, Sasha turned to quickly fire at those advancing on Terran. Sasha seemed to have the less bountiful side.

“Come on…” He suggested, and together they began to run. And run. And run, covering as much ground as quickly as possible. The raiders followed behind. The two hadnt really planned any other escape beyond running, and as it seemed, they did not need to.

Just in time, they both pulled up. Sasha, in his rather careless running, turning back to fire from time to time nearly went over the edge of the cliff, nad would have had the jedi not caught his arm to pull him back in time.

Wide eyes looked to Terran. It was a long drop. A long drop down to what appeared to be a river.

“<smallfont color={hovercolor}>-Censored-</smallfont>.” He cursed, and the two of them stood there, breaths that they inhaled burning in their lungs.

The raiders were closing in. And there werent many options left. In fact, the options wre rather slim.

“I don’t suppose you have an alternate plan, huh?” Sasha asked. His question was not blaming Terran for where they had ended up, but rather, he was turning to him for advice, for Terran’s ideas had a proven track record so far of success.

imported_Terran Starek
Dec 3rd, 2002, 12:12:08 AM
Terran, in a moment of pure foresight, deignited his saber blade, flipped it to his bad hand, and strained as they stopped at the cliff's edge, holding tightly to Sasha's arm. It was one heck of a drop, that was obvious. Several tens of meters down--maybe even a hundred, he really didn't know--the river rushed below them. The water moved furiously, pulled in a downstream motion nearly as strong as the waves on Kamino. Immediately, after gaining balance, he turned around sharply, heals to the rocky edge. Returning his saber to his right hand, he held it in defense. His face almost sagged as he peered into the hopeless sight.

Thirty--maybe forty, frell, maybe fifty--Raiders came billowing over the dunes they had just crossed, gaffi sticks raised and mouths blaring out sounds unintelligble by the Jedi. It was a sight to behold in the desert night, the dirt and sand kicking up like a cloud. Clouds before an oncoming storm, he thought. Clouds brining lightening and thunder that could not be controlled.

“I don’t suppose you have an alternate plan, huh?”

"Well, I was thinking we could take the lift down to the snack bar and--" he met the Sith's own sarcastic wit with some of his own. He figured it was a good time to bring some light to the moment. However, he was interrupted, blocking an incoming slug from a Raider's rifle. Scanning the river with his eyes, he noticed it was very wide--with just his eye, he would guess roughly 20 meters across. This must be the major river of this area of Tattooine--Del Derosa, he thought it had been called.

The Raiders were 40 meters away.

"Well, the good news is, the river below is a major feature of these parts, I believe." Terran deactivated his saber blade.

The Raiders were 30 meters away.

"I think it will be a great path to navigate out of this damn place." He clipped his saber tightly to his pant-waist.

The Raiders were approaching 20 meters.

"The bad news is, as you have noticed, it has cut one doozie of a deep canyon in these hills."

Almost 15 meters away, the pack of hunters charged the two.

"I think we--"

10 meters.

"Really have to--"

Now closing in on 5 meters, the pack raised their weapons.

"JUMP!" Grabbing Sasha, and turning the Sith around, he leapt off of the cliff, catching some serious hieght as he fell. Plummeting down the cliff at an incredible rate, he hoped Sasha had made it out ok. Closing his eyes, he braced himself for impact onto the water of the river.


The water's density was rough, and it was almost as though he was smashing into a pile of sand. His boots pushed through the surface well, and made a soft channel for the rest of his body to sink through. The muffled sounds of dissapointed Raiders echoed in his ears as he thought he heard a second splash.

Finally, after meters of tunneling deep into the river, he came to the top for air. The waters pull was extremely rough, and he coughed and sputtered trying to get air. He knew how to handle this situation. Nature and the elements were his strongest realm. His first goal was to find Sasha.

"Sahsa! Sasha, where the frell are you?" He screamed into the loud sound of the rushing river. Whipping his head back and forth, he searched for his head.

Dec 3rd, 2002, 12:13:34 PM
Well, I was thinking we could take the lift down to the snack bar and—

Sasha managed to find humor in this. They were so far from lifts and snack bars. Damn this backward planet, he thought. He would return, his love of adventure would bring him back, but it would likely be a while this time.

He continued to fire the blaster, taking aim each time rather than just blasting away. It was perhaps the only time he did not let his emotions and anger rule him. He had handled a blaster long before he’d learned to use the dark side, and some habits, good or bad, were not easily broken.

As the Raiders approached, closing the distance rather quickly, it became apparent that there werent many escape routes open to them. In fact, there was only one.

And it was becoming very clear to him what Terran had in mind. Jump the cliff.

He cast a quick gaze down. It was a long, long drop.


“What the?!” He managed to get out as he felt the ground fall away from him.

The feeling of hurtling towards the ground was a considerably unsettling one. He hadnt realized how tightly he was gripping his saber and the blaster, as if they were going to protect him from the fall.

He reached out to the force in some sort of effort to lessen the impact, but before he knew it, the water was there.

It hurt as he hit, though less with his feet hitting first. He held his breath as suddenly water surrounded him, the curent swirling him around until he wasn’t sure which way was up. And then his foot caught on the branch of a fallen tree below the waters surface. Instantly, panic set in, for he had only recently learned to swim back on Corellia, when Shenraun, the palace dragon had shown him. And the current was strong, and his lungs felt as if they were going to burst.

For a moment he saw his life flash before him. He was going to drown. He almost opened his mouth to scream for help, but caught himself just in time.

An odd calm settled about him. Perhaps there was someone or something that watched over him, of this he would never be sure, but something told him to collect himself and use the natural abilities that he possessed. In a strong will to live, he focused and with the force he was able to break away the branch, freeing him. As the current floated him down the river, he rose to the surface, sputtering and gasping frantically for air.

He could hear Terran calling his name, but his lungs burned to much to respond.

His voice, through the force, spoke loudly in his own mind, echoed through him, and it was likely that Terran heard it. With so many barriers let down between them right now, the connection would flow easily to him.

A moment later, in the whitecaps of the flowing water, they finally came into sigh of one another.

“Terran….” Sasha called out, kicking as he did, trying to find a way to the shoreline.

imported_Terran Starek
Dec 3rd, 2002, 06:54:25 PM
"Sasha...here..." He yelled to the Sith over the rapid and overbearing roar of the rushing water around them. The River's current was rather strong, and he felt the pull as he kept his head barely above the surface. He had visually located Sasha now--he was about 3 or 4 meters to his left, a bit downstream. He tried to get over to him by kicking and paddling his way there, as he got closer and closer. The two were still headed downstream, but at least they were together again. They couldn't stay afloat forever--their tired bodies and the currents of the water would eventually pull them under.

"I have an idea," he shouted over the sound, hoping that Sasha could hear him. He did have an idea. Through his intense early training as a Jedi, he had kept his focus on two things: the elements and his sense of the Force. His combat training had been important--as all Jedi would agree--but he wanted to be strong in the Living Force, and that was what he strived to be. So he had channeled his energy into understanding nature, and this time was no exception.

The river was literally a seething channel of life--all kinds of elements were poured into its body. It had anger and dreams and caring all plugged into one body. It's spirit was wild, and Terran thought it was too large to communicate with. He was not strong enough...not yet. Still he would try to pour himself into it.

"Can you help me?" He yelled to the Sith, still keeping afloat. "I am going to try to get us out of here...but it's going to drain me pretty good." He reached over and grabbed Sasha's arm. "I need you to get ready to pull me out." The current whipped them back into the middle of the river, and he couldn't get near the edge for even a second. He hoped Sasha was, as he closed his eyes.

All went silent around him as his eyes closed. His body stayed as a robot, kicking rythmically, as his mind dipped deeper into the Force. He reached into nature, into the spirit that surrounded him. The River was wild, and it's voice was heard as a shout, louder than the water itself. Terran listened as the sounds of the Force deafened him. He let his mind go further trying to become one with the wild spirit of the river. He couldn't, though he tried harder and harder. It was much to strong--much stronger than the woods and much to aggressive.

Please...I call to you for help...by the Force within me...help us.

The sound seemed to simmer down, if only for a moment. In that moment, in the outside, around the two struggling men, the Del Derosa seemed to breathe a slight sigh of relief. It's brisk currents and surging waters turned quickly, jolting the men towards the west bank. It was almost as if it was a push, deliberately directing the men to safety. He could touch the overgrowth on the bank.

Thank you... Terran spoke to the spirit of the Force, which he knew was listening. The whole ordeal--reaching that level of concentration while struggling to swim, in the heat of this moment, and in his current exhaustion--was too much for the Jedi Padawan. With a great moan and a sigh, his body went limp, still clutching to the arm of the Sith. His eyes faded to black as his head fell back into the water, unconscious with exhaustion.

Dec 4th, 2002, 12:25:24 PM
Sasha could barely hear Terran over the rushing of the water as he called out to him.

I am going to try to get us out of here...but it's going to drain me pretty good.

At this, he felt the jedi grasp his arm.

I need you to get ready to pull me out.

He nodded in response, to let the jedi know he understood what was needed of him. Clearly Terran trusted him, and if Sasha had been thinking like a Sith, he would have seen this as his chance to leave the jedi behind. And it did, perhaps cross his mind, and was dismissed just as quickly as it had come. There was no honor in such a thing, and his heart just didn’t have the coldness to it that was needed for such a thing. One day, perhaps, it would. But not yet. Not at nineteen years of age.

In only moments, they were swept towards the shore. Sasha was able to grab hold and climb to safety. Terran was close behind him, but the energy it had taken to call upon the force had wiped him out. His head fell back into the water.

And Sasha tossed his weapons aside in order to reach for him and drag the jedi to solid ground. Once they were there, and he was assured that Terran was, a the very least, still breathing, he finally relaxed. In doing this, he discovered that despite the fact that they were on Tatooine, the desert was cold at night, and for a moment, Sasha shivered in his soaking wet clothing. He tried to wring it out a bit, while he waited for the jedi to recover. He had the feeling of being waterlogged, and for a moment, he just lay on his back, staring up at the night’s sky.

They had to be close. They had to be.

He was starving, he was exhausted, and at the moment, he was soaking wet. He sat up and reached for the blaster and his lightsaber.

It was then that he noticed Terran’s eyes flutter open.

“I would have packed a towel if you’d have let me know we were going for a swim…” He quipped, violet eyes displaying amusement now that they were relatively safe.

imported_Terran Starek
Dec 4th, 2002, 03:52:49 PM
Terran's eyes came slowly open to meet the night desert around him. Though his visual perception was impaired by the darkness, his senses could touch many presences around him. The rocks, a few desert shrubs, the river beside him, and Sasha. He was relieved to feel the presence of the Sith; all this time they had been lost and down on their own luck, they had been a team. They had fought together to survive this unforgiving desert, and it would be that way until they finally got out of here. He was relieved that Sasha was able to get them out of the river, even more relieved that the Sith had pulled him out. Afterall, the Council would probably have little difficulty believing that the Jedi drowned in the mighty current of the Del Derosa saving Sasha's life.

[/I]“I would have packed a towel if you’d have let me know we were going for a swim…” [/I]

Terran smiled and actually chuckled a bit, his hair soaking wet from the river. It was a comment like that to remind him that at this time, Sasha and Terran were surviving together, and he never doubted the other's honor.

"Next time, I'll bring the sun tan lotion," Terran retorted with a groan, sitting up. His shoulder was still relatively sore, as was the rest of his body, but oddly his mind was refreshed. It was like he had taken a shower--not just physically in the river, but from the use of the Force. It had drained him for the moments he had been unconscious, but now that he was back to reality, he felt like he was thinking clearly. That fact was good.

Coming to his feet, he shivered a bit in the cool desert air. The nights of Tattooine could be as unforgiving as the desert sun when soaking wet. He pulled off his tattered, burnt, and dirty cloak, trying the best he could to ring it out. He wondered if it was really worth the effort.

"Well, I hope we're close." He put his cloak back on, throwing his wet hair back as it was hopefully drying. "Like I said, if I am right, we should be able to follow this back to the spaceport. Let's hope I'm right, I guess." He turned back to face Sasha.

"Thanks for the help back there. I couldn't have gotten away from those Raiders without you." He smiled. "And in the river--I appreciate it."

Dec 4th, 2002, 04:06:14 PM
As Terran got to his feet, so too, did Sasha. He stretched a bit, as if trying to relieve sore muscles somehow. He felt as if he’d just spent the entire day before lifting weights. Every muscle he’d ever used, even muscles he’d never known existed ached. The reality of what he’d done was completely different – but the outcome, the satisfaction was the same. He’d been put through the rigors of survival, and he had come out on the other end still alive and kicking.

Thanks for the help back there. I couldn't have gotten away from those Raiders without you." He smiled. "And in the river--I appreciate it

At this, Sasha turned away for a moment.

“You’d have been fine without me.” He replied, gruffness entering his voice in an effort to conceal what truly was his own thanks to the jedi for his help in escaping. If his master ever got word of this….

And then they began to walk, following the river downstream.

The water as it rushed beside them was almost comforting. Just to hear some sort of noise in what had been a completely quiet desert night was an oddly surprising thing.

“You have a way to get out of here once we get to the spaceport, right?” Sasha asked. He didn’t know why he had asked. Well, he did. But he didn’t want to admit to himself that a tiny part of him did care. He tried to justify it by thinking that he cared only because he wanted the pleasure of meeting Terran in battle once again – but even this, he knew, was no longer true. Despite the fact that he was a jedi, Sasha respected the man. And unless they met due to random circumstances, Sasha would not seek him out once they returned.

He ran a hand through his hair, trying to shake the water from it as they walked. It was dripping water into his eyes, and he didnt particularly care for it.

imported_Terran Starek
Dec 4th, 2002, 04:29:28 PM
As they rounded the bend of the river, they found themselves coming out of the canyon. It was good to be out of the cliffs and bluffs that the river had cut into the landscape.

"Yeah." He responded to Sasha's question. It was almost as the Sith had asked him with the intention of offering Terran transport off of the planet. He smiled, thinking that it was quite foolish to believe that. "I'll get to a comm center and put a call out. It should be no problem."

They kept on pace as they came to a large dune. Making their way to the top, a beautiful sight dawned upon Terran's eyes. His face grew into a broad smile as he looked out onto the sands before him. Above what was seemingly a few more miles of dunes and hills, he could see the dim light of a civilized horizon.

"I don't believe it," he spoke, contradicting the attitude he had carried throughout their travel. He had been confident in his abilities to understand the Force, but he had even suprised himself. Sensing the wind and hearing it's call had brought them to the right place. He had been confident for Sasha's sake, really. He kept his cool, kept his faith in the Force to carry them through. "There it is..."

The light that illuminated the sky above the Spaceport was light from the heaven as the tired Jedi saw it. Only a few more miles to go and they would be there. He looked at Sasha to see if the Sith felt the same way.

Dec 5th, 2002, 08:20:23 AM
Sasha shook his head in disbelief. Yes, there it was. He hadnt thought he’d ever think so fondly of the spaceport on Tatooine.

He laughed, finally and looked to Terran. His expression and mannerisms were that of a friend, not someone who, in only a few miles would once again become a sworn enemy.

“Who would have thought….” He stated, undermining in a relaxed, jovial sort of way, the skills of the two. He had wanted to believe the entire time that they would survive, but from time to time, he had certainly doubted that they would.

And now, with only a few miles to go, it seemed that they would.

For a moment, Sasha stopped and stared at the spaceport. This was as far as the two of them could travel together. To go any closer would be risky for both of them. And then he looked to Terran. He knew Terran would know that this was the end.

“I never thought I’d be saying this to a jedi…” He began, “But thanks.”

His violet eyes did not look away, but instead stared into the eyes of a friend.

“You’re alright for a jedi…” He added, a grin coming to his boyish features.

imported_Terran Starek
Dec 5th, 2002, 09:25:02 AM
Many things went through the Jedi's mind as they stood at the breaking point in their journey. It was time that they split up. Terran hadn't really guessed it was possible until now, but he was not looking forward to parting with Sasha. In any other situation, any other chosen path, any other lifestyle, the two men could have been excellent friends. Unfortunately, things being as they were, this would not be the case.

“You’re alright for a jedi…”

Terran laughed, by now understanding the Sith's sense of humor. He let the laugh run its course, then brought his head to look back at the ground. He was never really that good with words at a time like this. Sure, the Jedi loved to talk for hours about philosophy and honor codes and would share his self-proclaimed 'wisdom' with others from time to time; but he was never so well-spoken with goodbyes.

"You're not tood bad yourself...for a Sith..." He smiled back, facing Sasha again. "You're an honorable man. I thank you for all you have done for me." He extended his hand to be taken by Sasha's as though they were shaking on some kind of truce. Many things flashed through his mind. He knew that if, by some kind of happenstance, the two would ever chance to meet again...it would not be as pleasant.

However, their differences as men were aside now. Terran held no suspicion, no grudge, no aggression towards Sasha--no matter what may have originally given him this attitude. It was over now. They had sealed the deal, and it was unspoken that the two had chosen to part ways with a peaceful, quiet respect for the man who they now stood before.

For it had passed that they had become survivors together--warriors. Idealogies aside, they had fought to overcome, at times, desperate odds by aiding each other. This type of behavior--to aid a Jedi--was quite unbecoming of a Sith. Similarly, it was discouraged for a Jedi to become involved, in any way, in helping the Sith benefit themselves. Coming together to form a team, based purely on honor and purpose, to accomplish a common goal, with the intention of equally benefiting one-and-other, was behavior itself to be commended.

Dec 5th, 2002, 10:20:48 AM
You're not tood bad yourself...for a Sith...You're an honorable man. I thank you for all you have done for me.

Sasha reached to grasp Terran’s hand in his. He shook it firmly, a warm smile on his face. This was a man that he respected. He would always admire Terran for his quick wit, skill, and determination. Not to mention, the goodness that lay within his heart. Though a Sith, he was capable of understanding that had it not been Terran he had been stuck with, things would have likely turned out very differently.

“I’m sorry things cant be different.” He added. These words were spoken with sincerity. Terran was a man he would have been friends with – had they not belonged to such different worlds that did not permit such relationships to exists.

“Good luck, Terran. In everything you do. May the force be with you.”

imported_Terran Starek
Dec 5th, 2002, 10:51:47 AM
“I’m sorry things cant be different.”

Terran felt the words that Sasha spoke, understanding their meaning and their intent. For that, he was thankful. He had earned the other's respect and trust. It was...hopeful to him that Sasha had apologized for the situation they were both in. It meant that he still had humanity left inside of him. It had been evident this entire journey; but it was reassuring to hear it, spoken from the Sith's lips.

"It's ok. I understand." He spoke with mutual concern and respect. Just to let Sasha know that a big part of Terran didn't blame him for anything. Not for being a Sith, using the darkside, or hurting others. He knew what things could be like when one was confused--he had walked that path before.

“Good luck, Terran. In everything you do. May the force be with you.”

"The same to you, Sasha. May the Force be with you, also." He wanted to add a lot more to that. May the Force open your eyes to the good inside you. May the light of the Force drive out the darkness that plagues you. May the Force... He could think of a lot to say, but he didn't. Now was not the time for a sermon. Another day. Another day, he could assure himself.

He would come back to save Sasha Kovalev.

With little else to be said, Terran turned his weary body to the east, heading to the opposite side of the Spaceport as Sasha. It was best that they didn't enter together. He would make his way to the closest thing to a comm station and get his distress call out. Rubbing his aching shoulder, he made his way across the final, short miles to the Spaceport, his feet ready for the comfort of a shower and some time off.

Dec 5th, 2002, 12:12:31 PM
The same to you, Sasha. May the Force be with you, also.

Sasha nodded, and watched for a moment as erran began to head off. He looked down for a moment at his lightaber. Turning it over and over in his hand as he recounted the past 48 hours of his life. And then with a small smile, weariness setting in, he began, for the first time in 48 hours, to walk alone.

Back in the spaceport, the ship borrowed from the order would be waiting for him. He couldn’t wait to get back to Corellia, to the castle, to food and a shower and the quietness of his own room.

He glanced across the desert. Faintly he could see the silhouette of someone walking. He shook his head and grinned. This had been some adventure, and he would not forget it for perhaps as long as he lived. However long or short that would be.

imported_Terran Starek
Dec 5th, 2002, 03:37:28 PM

"The sattelite communicator is broken? Are you serious?" Terran's face was one of disgust and amazement. He had made it to the Spaceport, as the sun had climbed it's way over the horizon to bring forth the light of a new day. It was morning, and the bustle of the spaceport had already begun to echo in its streets.

"Well, I'm sorry, but it ain't my fault." The operator replied, smugly.

"I know, my apologies for my shortness." Terran smiled to himself. "I had a long night." He leaned his head back, the weariness of his lack of sleep setting in.

"How are you gonna pay for this? The transmission fee is--"

"The Greater Jedi Order will repay all costs, I assure you." All of his own credits had been with his belt that was stolen by Kittero's men. He could trust in the GJO to reimberse him, he hoped.

"That will do just fine. However, without the money before me now, it may take me a little while longer to get it repaired." Though his lack of funding promoted laziness, little questions were asked when a Jedi promised repayment from the GJO. Even around here, in this scruffy old place.

Turning to face the outside exit, his stomach burned intensely. He was going to need something to eat and a place to rest. He headed out into the marketplace, hopefully able to find some kind of food. He didn't know if he could bring himself to beg from any of the old merchants here--they were poor enough as it is. However, he could barely stand anymore, he was so hungry. Two whole nights without some sort of nourishment...he had to find something. He hoped that the Force--which had been his savoir all along--was thinking of him now.

"You're a Jedi, aren't you?" A child--a young girl spoke, off to his right. Terran was taken by suprise at her voice, but he turned to face her nonetheless. He squatted down, as best he could, to come eye-to-eye with her.

"I might be. Depends on who's asking?" He said with a smile.

"I wan-ned to find a Jedi to help me." The girl, with her eyes producing the honesty only a child can, stared up at Terran. He felt compelled--at least--to listen to her.

"What would you need help from a Jedi for, young one?"

"My mommy...she's sad now that Riru is gone." The little girl's eyes seemed to well up at the thought of her mother. "Maybe...maybe a Jedi can find him..."

"Where is your mother?"

"At home--I will take you to her."


imported_Terran Starek
Dec 5th, 2002, 03:47:00 PM

"My name is Rannu, and hers is Baieer." The older women spoke as Terran entered the old hovel. It was small, somewhat run-down, but very homey indeed. "She's so ambitious, always running around, searching for someone to help. My son...Riru...he...he's missing..." She broke out in tears at the mention of this fact.

"Miss Rannu, I am so sorry..." Terran spoke, laying a warm and comforting hand on the woman's shoulder. "What happened to him?"

"He was taken...taken by a slave-trader...a slave-trader name Iterro." She was so upset that she blew her nose on an old cloth that lay beside her.

"A slave-trader. That is a difficult thing to face."

"He had been dealing with a rough crowd lately, but I though nothing of it. He's just a boy, afterall. They have to explore. But, he got into some dealings with a man named Kittero." The Jedi's breath stopped as she spoke. Kittero...the man that Sasha and he had just ended. A brother? "A criminal. Next thing I know, this man comes to my home and takes my son! Takes him, selling him to his brother, Iterro. It has been rumored that Kittero has been killed, his reign of violence around these parts ended. Thank the Force. But Iterro..." She sobbed again as she thought of her son. Terran could no longer take it.

"Miss Rannu, I wish to help you." He spoke with dead seriousness. "But I cannot go it alone--I am in no condition."

"Yes, you need food and rest. These things I will provide for you, if you will only help me."

"Of course I will."

"Quiet then, rest. I will prepare a meal from you." She looked into his eyes, a sparkle in her own. "Thank you."


imported_Terran Starek
Dec 5th, 2002, 03:56:13 PM

Terran let the morning air wash over his body. He had visited the comm station and put the call in to the GJO an hour ago. Having spent the night in the hom of Rannu, he felt quite refreshed. It had been a jail cell and then a cave for his last two nights away from him. The last one was spent in the front room of a warm, cozy hovel on a nice, soft cot. Better than he could have dreamed.

His shoulder had begun to heal, and as soon as he could get back to the Academy, he could get some good bacta to heal it up without a problem. He put his cloak back on, gathering what little things he had. He was preparing to head down to the Spaceport--about ready to leave the planet of Tatooine. Before he went, though, he stopped inside.

"I thank you for your kind hospitality to a stranger, Rannu." He smiled warmly, taking her hand. "I promise you--I will return with friends to help return your son. For this that you have done for me will be equally returned." He smiled warmly.

"Bless you, Terran. Thank you." The woman was trembling with emotion as she kissed him lightly--motherly--on his cheek.

"You will soon have your brother back, Baieer. It is important to remember not to follow his path." He patted the girl on the head and headed towards the landing/launching zone. Soon, the GJO would be here with credits to pay back the comm station and a ride back to the GJO.

He owed a visit to the Council.
