View Full Version : Who's got my back?

Salem Ave
Nov 6th, 2002, 01:14:24 PM
<center><u>Creed – Who’s got my back?</u>
Run, hide
All that was sacred to us
Sacred to us
See the signs
The covenant has been broken
By mankind
Leaving us with no shoulder, with no shoulder
To rest our head on
To rest our head on
To rest our head on

Who's got my back now?
When all we have left is deceptive
So disconnected
So what is the truth now?

There's still time
All that has been devastated
Can be recreated
We pick up the broken pieces
Of our lives
Giving ourselves to each other, ourselves to each other
To rest our head on
To rest our head on
To rest our head on

Who's got my back now?
When all we have left is deceptive
So disconnected
So what is the truth now?

Tell me the truth now, Tell us the truth now

Who's got my back now?
When all we have left is deceptive
So disconnected
So what is the truth now?


The absence of Razielle pained him. The infatuation Salem had developed for the vampyre had only continued to grow in her scarcity, but now he was feeling it begin to wither. The attachment he’d incubated for her was dead and he had slung its corpse some weeks ago. Perhaps this was due to his new found interest in a comrade of his, a succubus named Cherice, or perhaps it was because he had not infact been intoxicated by Razielle, but instead by her kind.

The Coven which he had been embraced to had either moved on to new horizons, been slain or was in some form of sleep. Whatever the case may be Salem could not find hide or tail any of its members, and thus became alone. No longer was he part of a set, but now instead a single vampyre. This in itself was bittersweet. On the one hand, he was left to his own devices, and became unique. On the other, he was left without a mentor and became a teacher-less protégé whose studies in his own species were stuck between a rock and a hard place. This stunted investigation got him no where, and thus he concluded it was time to once again find an elder, a lecturer.

Of all the beings he had ever met, he could only think of one who would do. Unfortunately, he knew no way of contacting her. If he recalled correctly, however, the vampyres were afforded a degree of omniscience, and perhaps with enough strength behind it a message from anywhere in the galaxy could reach her.

So, he sat at the foot of a tree in a sparsely populated area, eyes closed. In his mind he began to focus upon her name, and project it outwards. Using techniques that Jeseth had taught him this was simple, and it was all a matter of getting the words far enough to reach her. When she ‘heard’ him, she would know his location from the trace of the signal, and hopefully heed his call.

Alana Stormcloud
Nov 6th, 2002, 02:16:49 PM
Alana sat in her chambers at the Shrine. Her eyes focused on the wall before her. Her mind was lost in thought. Dark shadows clung to her like a helpless child would its mother. Her hands moved over the beings housed within them. A frown tugged at the corner of her ruby lips.

So many things had come and gone. People she had loved were no longer the same. Deceptions had been revealed, and truths hidden. One thing that stayed constant was the mother's silence. Alana closed her eyes. There was a voice, soft and far away. One that had a familiar tone. It called her name. Alana rose from her chair, the shadows followed as she made her way to her small transport.

She did not have very far to go. Vampires never strayed far from there own. This one, the one who called her was a part of her masters family. She knew the Coven's surrounding area very well.

"Salem.... You called?" Alana soft voice fell on the vampires ear as soft as a night breeze. It's tone was just as cold. Time had also changed Alana...

Salem Ave
Nov 7th, 2002, 12:47:22 PM
“Alana Storrrmcloud, dessscendant of Saurron.”

His eyes snapped open, black orbs focusing in on the vampyress instantly. Out of courtesy he rose to his feet and offered a bow to show his respect, whilst showing a rare smile – which of course seemed out of place on his face, but looked almost childishly naïve.

“Thank you forrr tending my appeal. Beforrre I reveal what is one my mind… tell me, how have you been sss-ince the last time we met?”

Alana Stormcloud
Nov 8th, 2002, 12:28:38 PM
Alana stepped forward toward Salem. Her ever changing eyes weighed him. A cool smile formed on her face. "I have been well Salem. Though a lot about me has changed. My life has taken some unexpected turns. I found it to be a little disconcerting but as always I have managed to live, if you will allow the pun, through them. What of you Salem how has "life" been treating you?"

Alana moved in closer to the Vampyre. He had always fascinated her. With his questions of there kind. Even before he had experienced the kiss of the damned. She was also curious now as why he called to her and not someone from the Coven. She had visited there not to long ago and found Master Saurron to be somewhat preoccupied but he was always there to offer his loving support to his fledglings.

Salem Ave
Nov 9th, 2002, 03:39:25 AM
He sensed it, the allure that she felt. It was the same with most of his kind. In fact his sole reason for his right of passage into the Coven had been Razielle’s enthralment with him, for whatever reason that me be.

“Fairrr. My Massster hasss promoted me to the rank of Sith Knight, and he and I along with others shall be founding our own dark axis sss-oon…”

Being force adept afforded him a certain degree of insight into people’s thoughts, and at the moment he was picking up the question in Alana’s mind, as to why he had asked for her to come to him.

“You and Rrrazielle were always the mossst welcoming to me… in her absssence, I have no mentorrr in the ways of our kind.”

Surely now his intent was clear.

“… Do you have the time to guide a wayward fledgling?”

Alana Stormcloud
Dec 12th, 2002, 12:36:38 PM
Alana cocked her head at Salem. She had always found him to be a curious being. He had been very curious about her kind and now he was one. Master Saurron had accepted him into his family and she would be no different.

"Salem, it seems you have come a very long way since we had last talked. You darkness is... wonderful to feel. The vampires, as you know, are a family, and we will always be. If you wish me to be your mentor, then I will. The coven and the Shrine, though in separate places, is now considered one, a extended family if you will. You, Salem are always welcome to be a part of us. Though you will be a member of the Coven and apprentice to Lady Raz. Unless of course you take blood from a Shrine member and take the blood call. It is your choice." Alana Moved up beside him. Her eyes seeking his. Her eyes shifting colors.

"What is your answer Salem?" Her tone though cold was filled with curiosity...

Salem Ave
Dec 12th, 2002, 12:55:50 PM
“My answer isss that I will do whateverrr is required of me to learrrn more.”

For the Sith Knight and now co-leader of The Krath, the only thirst that matched his lust for blood was his want, if not need, for knowledge. There were so many boundaries he had to push, so many limits to break, and so many strengths to be exploited; all he needed was the key to said things and he could become all he was destined to be.

Alana Stormcloud
Dec 22nd, 2002, 08:32:01 PM
Alana nodded at the young vampir. A smile of pure evil lit her eyes. His thirst for knowledge was a pleasing sight to Alana. She to had a thirst to know more was just strong.

"There is one at the Shrine who has your hunger Salem. One who locks himself away in the library of the damned to quench another thirst. Come to the Shrine and ask for Nathan Vergis. It may take him sometime to respond, being as illusive as he is but there are others of our kind there that would be most pleased to help you with your questions." With that Alana gave Salem a data pad and a small pendant. Nestled inside was a roonstone. Its shifting colors were beautiful in there own right.

"If you have need of me Salem just call. Also if you wish to be more than just an observer of the Shrine, there is the blood call you must submit to. Master Saurron is often there and he can explain what needs to be done. I hope to see you there Brother of darkness." The lordess began to move back toward her ship. Alana knew if he wanted to come now he would follow, if not it was only a matter of time...

Salem Ave
Dec 23rd, 2002, 03:35:26 AM
For a moment he held the necklace up to his eyes and watched the shifting hues. It had been a long time since he had seen natural light such as this, with shades of sunrise and emerald sea’s. The Knight pulled it down over his head then and tucked it beneath the cloak that covered his torso before pacing after Alana.

“Take me now.” He hissed after her, quickening his step to catch up with the Lordess. There was much to be done, and Salem was eager to begin…