View Full Version : Padme Speculations...

Nov 6th, 2002, 07:33:25 AM
Ok, this is all just speculation...

Is it necessary that Padme has to die? Obviously we think she does, because Leia claims her mother "died when [she] was very young". Could there be another possibility though? Could she fake her death somehow? What I'm thinking is this - Padme sees the path that Anakin is taking and wants out. She voices her concerns to Obi-Wan, who of course will confront Anakin about it. Following whatever kind of duel they have, Obi-Wan and Padme see it is in the best interests of the children to hide them, which we know happens (Luke with Owen and Leia with Bail Organa). But is it possible that Padme herself simply goes into hiding as well? We've seen enough instances of Padme acting selflessly to know that this is something she might do - deny her being with her children for their benefit and safety.

So if this is the case, then she could not be dead, although Leia, being only a young child, might have believed she was dead. Or even Bail Organa may have told her that her original mother was dead to make it easier on her and to protect all of their secrecy.

If she isn't dead, then, what is she doing during the time of the original trilogy? Somehow I doubt that Padme would be idly sitting by if there were a galactic conflict going on - she is too much of a leader to sit back and do nothing. So perhaps we may see Padme in the OT? Perhaps we've seen her already... Is it possible that Padme is Mon Mothma?

We know they were both human female senators, and would probably be roughly the same age. Both would probably have supported the same causes. And the actress who plays Mothma in the OT could pass for an older Natalie Portman - certainly not a spitting image, but possible.

The name also suggests this. Mon Moth-Ma: very similar to Mom Mother-Ma - as in she is the mother of Luke and Leia. It could be analagous to "Darth Vader", which is Dutch or something for "Dark Father".

Two other things which might factor into this. Mon Mothma wears a pendant. Now it is difficult to make it out exactly (I tried in ROTJ, but there aren't any real clear shots of it), but we know that Anakin gave Padme a pendant on TPM on their way to Coruscant. That could just be a subtle tie-in. The other thing is that in the novelization for TPM, Anakin has a dream in which Padme is leading a large army against him. This could be a foreshadowing of Padme (AKA Mon Mothma) leading the Rebel Alliance against Vader. Somehow I don't think that passage would have been included in the book if they didn't intend to use it later.

The only two things that I can see that don't fit are that the databank entry for Mon Mothma lists her home planet as Chandrila while Padme's is Naboo. However, that could either be something out of the EU, which GL could contradict at any time, or it is part of an assumed identity that Padme takes when faking her death. The other thing is that the actress who played Mon Mothma in ROTJ has an english accent while Portman doesn't. I guess it is possible that in her hiding, she was around with people with that kind of accent and picked it up? Like I said, those two things may not fit perfectly...

So, that's it - I know, maybe its way out in left-field, but who knows - it could be possible... Any thoughts on this?

Nov 8th, 2002, 06:14:31 PM
This discussion is continued here: Padme Speculations... (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=24735)