View Full Version : Stupid question... to you anyway...

Sith Ahnk
Nov 5th, 2002, 04:47:42 PM
Anyway, I was wondering why James Prent IS SO FREAKING HOT?!?!?

Who is this James Prent? And why if he looks like such an aluring women does he have a mans name? And if he's a man why does he look like an aluring woman?

Wei Wu Wei
Nov 5th, 2002, 04:50:18 PM
James PRent is indeed a woman. A woman named James. Do you have a problem with that? DO you?! Bring it! j/k

I have RPed with James. Nice person, but she has one very very bad habit.

Leeloo Mina
Nov 5th, 2002, 04:54:58 PM

She uses Marla Singer as her character pic, I THINK... and I don't know why she's so hot o_O;

I.. don't know if she wants me to tell who she is.

Taylor Millard
Nov 5th, 2002, 07:19:20 PM
The actress' name is Helena Bonham Carter. :)

Sith Ahnk
Nov 6th, 2002, 12:21:45 AM
She is making my SWfans experience more enjoyable...

Not too much more enjoyable, mind you. Don't want anyone getting wierded out.

*realizes the majority of what he says is sure to wierd out the general population... so shrugs*


Leeloo Mina
Nov 6th, 2002, 12:29:05 AM


Marcus Telcontar
Nov 6th, 2002, 12:30:49 AM
* watches Leeloo's head explode *

Leeloo Mina
Nov 6th, 2002, 12:31:37 AM
My head's exploded like four or five times in my existance at SWF :p

Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Nov 6th, 2002, 10:17:55 AM

Ishan Shade
Nov 6th, 2002, 01:00:49 PM

James Prent
Nov 6th, 2002, 05:11:27 PM
:o I'm glad you think I'm purty, Ahnk. *giggles* I can't help being this hot, it has something to do with my family, and also...well I can't really say, but eventually it will all become clear.

Or perhaps not. ;) Anyway...wow at this thread! Thanks Wei, you're sweet. *brandishes an unlit ciggie* Anyone got a light?

Leeloo Mina
Nov 6th, 2002, 05:21:07 PM
No.. but..

*tosses Prent a cigarette butt* :D

Wei Wu Wei
Nov 6th, 2002, 08:50:36 PM
See? There is that bad habit I told you about.

(Puts on a gas mask and runs several meters away)

You mayn now commence to ruining your bodies and wasting your money.

Dae Jinn
Nov 6th, 2002, 11:10:15 PM
*tosses james a lighter*

This isn't the non-smoking section, Wei :rolleyes

Leeloo Mina
Nov 6th, 2002, 11:40:05 PM
Thank you, Dae :D

James Prent
Nov 7th, 2002, 12:33:03 AM
*flicks the lighter and puffs* Ahh much better, thanks gals. :)

Leeloo Mina
Nov 7th, 2002, 12:58:43 AM
Now, are you puffing on the lighter or a cig? :)

Kirrto McKavity
Nov 7th, 2002, 11:51:51 AM
ooh... lighters

Nov 7th, 2002, 11:59:07 AM
I think I know who james Prent is but I'm not telling.

a weird thing is James pic stared in fight club with Brad pitt as his lover and brad pitt here is Sanis prent. It reminds me of the Van dervelds all over again.

also for a bit of info my Pic stared in snatch with Brad pitt.

Sith Ahnk
Nov 7th, 2002, 01:57:21 PM
Originally posted by xsmokingmanx
I think I know who james Prent is but I'm not telling.

a weird thing is James pic stared in fight club with Brad pitt as his lover and brad pitt here is Sanis prent. It reminds me of the Van dervelds all over again.

Are you suggesting an incestual relationship?

Are you suggesting the entire Van Derveld family had incestual relationships?

Damn, this guy is ballsy.

James Prent
Nov 7th, 2002, 04:22:34 PM
I know who Smoking man is. And weren't you in The Transporter too? Your pic is hot. ;)

And James Prent is not related to Sanis Prent! At all! Honest!

Leeloo Mina
Nov 7th, 2002, 04:36:06 PM
I know who James is, too.. and I always think of fight club, which I watched last night ^_^; I just assumed they were related untill.. yesterday.

Lilaena De'Ville
Nov 7th, 2002, 04:37:26 PM