View Full Version : Paranoid Android
Eluna Thals
Nov 5th, 2002, 01:16:13 AM
Eluna had commited her speech to memory on the first pass, yet she still paced in her Coruscant apartment, datapad in hand, as she waited for her ride to the Jedi temple. It was a peculiar habit, to retain such human quirks that were unnecessary in a pragmatic sense, but necessary in the irrational mind of a young woman such as the Commander. She could remove such things with the slightest whim, but Eluna opted not to. She'd end up losing what her personality matrix said was "herself". She liked that far too much to part with it. So, even with the speech perfectly memorized, Eluna paced...and enunciated. She glanced at the chrono.
"Vishan should be here by now..."
Vishan Korogoth
Nov 5th, 2002, 09:42:13 PM
Stepping out of the stretched-hover limo, Vishan pulled at the collar of his shirt that was underneath the monkey suit Eluna was forcing him to wear. It was a tailor made black print suit and perfectly pressed. One of the inside pockets held a small blaster pistol for those just incase moments. The people that Eluna worked for had enemies. or so he was told. Vishan had yet to witness anything strange with his baby blues but this was Coruscant. Anything could happen.
He craned his neck to try and find more breath but the button loved settling right back into something more then snugly resting on his throat. Maybe he buttoned it too tight? It wasn't like Vishan knew anything about this sort of thing. He was a fly boy turn vagabond. Never in all of his thirty plus years had he ever needed to put on a suit.
Unless a military one counted. Even then his wife had helped him.
"Stop it boy. You're gonna the wrong direction with this." He straightened out his jacket and made his way inside the exorbitantly expensive building that Eluna lived in.
The doorman already recognized him by face.
"Good day to you Mister Vishan."
He flashed his usual charming smile. "Hey there Jeason." And made his way inside and up the elevator. Took a bit to get up to the top floor and all the way Vishan was still playing with his collar until he reached Eluna's apartment. He touched the keypad on the left side of the door and heard the soft jingle. She gave him a key to get inside the building but did not provide one to get inside her apartment.
He flexed his shoulders and tried to find a way to not be strangled by linen while he waited. "Man this sucks."
Eluna Thals
Nov 14th, 2002, 09:24:59 PM
She whirled at the sound of the door chime, smiling. Eluna took two steps toward the door, then paused, smirking. With a devious grin, she slinked into the leather chair she was standing against, doing her best to look relaxed and bored.
"Come in."
She hit a touchpad against the wall, unlocking the door. Vishan was about to find out just what happened when you went on the job.
Vishan Korogoth
Nov 16th, 2002, 10:56:54 PM
Vishan stepped in and finished straightening his collar and was a bit surprised to see Eluna sitting behind her desk. They did have some place to go and needed to go quickly. "Hey, 'Luna. Um, shouldn't we be goin'. You don't wanna be late."
Eluna Thals
Dec 16th, 2002, 08:22:21 PM
"We should."
She canted her head sideways, tossing the datapad onto the desk. After a moment, she smiled, rising to her feet.
"You didn't have any trouble finding the consulate, did you?"
She busied herself with his collar, putting right the small nuances that Vishan hadn't been able to get quite right. While doing so, she brushed her hand against his clean-shaven face, and her smile widened. Definitely an "e" for effort. She'd figured that it would take a few tries to clean his fighter-jockey exterior, but he had surpassed expectations.
Vishan Korogoth
Dec 18th, 2002, 07:47:25 PM
"Yeah, 'Luna. No trouble at all. I made sure to do ah," he stumbled for a moment as Eluna straightened his collar. He knew she was going to do that. "....ah pass before I um came this way."
Seemingly he had passed inspection since his new boss had said nothing. Though, he couldn't help feel a slight heat rise to his cheek as her hand brush against it. The part about being on time was rather lost at this moment.
"Like what you feel?" He asked, letting a hand fall to rest on Eluna's hip.
Eluna Thals
Dec 20th, 2002, 02:22:20 PM
Her eyes followed his hand, and the smile remained on her face as she returned to look him in the eye. She laughed, softh and breathily, easing his hand away.
"If I do, you'll be the first one to find out."
Winking, she slid the handle of a bag into his grasp.
"Alright, flyboy. Lets see your credentials in action. Ten minutes enough to make it to the Senate chambers?"
Vishan Korogoth
Dec 22nd, 2002, 04:55:47 PM
So it was work today, he though, eyeing the case that found its way into his hands. "You're not serious." The smile was still on his face but after several moments of Eluna not saying anything, he realized she wasn't joking. "You're serious?!" Vishan turned around and started to think, "In this insane traffic it would take at least twenty. And that's bein' generous." He finally looked back at her, "I'd have ta do some fancy shortcuts ta get us there in your time."
Eluna Thals
Jan 10th, 2003, 12:48:10 AM
"Fancy is good."
She shrugged nonchalantly and pulled him along by the hand.
"Come on...there might even be a tip involved if you do it."
Vishan Korogoth
Jan 14th, 2003, 05:10:29 PM
"Tip?" His eyes went wide, smiling. When it came to Eluna, that word held many a possibility. Vishan was more then willing now to be dragged into the elevator. Silently of course, for he was too busy going over different possible routes in his head to be a conversationalist.
Finally they made it outside to where the hover-limo was still parked in front. As with his new duties, he opened the door for Eluna and leaned forward, waving his hand for her to step inside with a wink. "Ten minutes to the Senate Chamber. Right?"
Eluna Thals
Feb 25th, 2003, 10:41:47 AM
With a mischievious glance, Eluna opted out of the traditional back seat, and walked to the front, opening the passenger-side door.
"Ten minutes, flyboy. How do you handle pressure?"
With a smile, she slid into the front seat, and closed the door...leaving Vishan hanging with nothing but questions on his mind.
Vishan Korogoth
Mar 4th, 2003, 07:56:21 PM
He closed his mouth by clicking his teeth together. "Ooookay." Vishan spun around and jogged around the front of the hover-limo muttering to himself how insane his boss was.
But, there was a tip.
Opening the door and sitting down, Vishan hit the repulsors, sending the vehicle upwards before finally closing the driver side door. He finished out the map inside his head and stole a glance at Elune. "A'right. Ya asked for it." And with his usual candid smile, Vishan added, "Boss." Without missing a beat, the engines revved up in a nanosecond and they tore out of the landing pad.
"Seat belts, 'Luna." They barely missed colliding with another passenger vehicle as Vishan merged through, not into or with, traffic.
Eluna Thals
Mar 12th, 2003, 11:43:01 AM
She smiled widely as Vishan tore through traffic like a bat out of Hell, twisting and diving through lane after lane of rush-hour grind. As an afterthought, she clicked her safety belt on, but didn't miss a moment, as her chauffeur flew by the seat of his pants. Far from a nervous passenger, Eluna was enthralled, enjoying every minute of seeing Vishan in top form. She only glanced at the traffic as an afterthought.
Vishan Korogoth
Mar 12th, 2003, 06:54:59 PM
The fact that Eluna was enjoying this did not surprise Vishan. She was an eccentric woman so it wasn't too hard of a stretch that she'd get off on this sort of thing. It just worried him because it seemed she was enjoying it too much. Not to say that Vishan wasn't enjoying himself to a limited degree. There was many a time that he buzz the base in his X-Wing, incurring the wrath of the Wing Commander through his headset.
"God Frelling Dammit!!!" Vishan said through gritted teeth. A hover car was trying to get out a congested area by swerving out of its lane and into another one, two rows down ..... and in his way.
There were two ways out of this.
He hit the brakes long enough to get his vehicle under control and cut hard to the right. Vishan remained stiff enough so he wouldn't slide into Eluna, but it was hard fighting the centripetal force. He was very glad that she had her belt on now, otherwise he probably wouldn't have a job after that stunt.
Breathing a little easier as they passed between two lanes of traffic, one below and above them, Vishan relaxed into flying the hover limo and he checked his chronometer. Plenty of time was left and the worse of it was over until they got to the Senate Chambers. The only adventure would be to find a free pad to park.
As they rounded a building, Vishan sat up in his seat and cursed again. "There would be ah cop, wouldn't there ......"
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