View Full Version : The Gates of Hell (open challenge)

Nov 4th, 2002, 11:44:47 PM
OOC: Just as a quick note this thread is open to any of my allies, and most of all it is open to any enemies (past, present, or future). It has been quite a while since Nem was in a "good" fight. I'm looking for a considerable struggle here, with as many that will come. Let the fun begin.:)

"The Gates of Hell...fitting name I suppose." Nemesis remarked, lowering the binoculars.

Rain beat fiercely upon his body, stinging the eyes as he made his way by the cover of night to a pair of rust stained, steel doors. The buildings structure, which was dilapidated at best, seem to sway with every movement of the wind. Moss and other plant life clung to its walls, furthering a dismal reputation.

An ebony warrior stood before the bar, slightly disappointed in the infamous lair of evil. Months of tiring search lead the assassin here and if this truly be the solace of villainy, as was claimed, then its patrons were long over due for the bitter taste of swift justice.

Sharp, painful whines leapt from time worn hinges, as the door slid open. His left hand brushed the outer rim, leaving in its wake a small device intent on notifying his comrades should there be more opposition within than even he had anticipated.

The interior was more horrific than its exterior. Broken remains of furniture littered a dust ridden floor. Vast unoccupied regions of filth dominated everything. A constant film of smoke hung in the air. Nemesis did his best to ignore the irritating haze, and moved toward the bar where a portly gentleman tended.

"Tell me..." the bar keep turned to address the dark clad warrior whom spoke, "...where can a man find some comforts?"

The tender sneered, then completely ignored the question. In a matter of seconds he found himself ripped backward across his own bar and meet, stare for stare, with a lethal ivory gaze.

"Do I need to repeat the question?" An enraged tone voiced the second query.

Petrified, the bar keep was barely able to tilt his head right. His unspoken message, preceded the activation of a hidden switch just below the counter. Soon one section, approximately the size of a doorway, glided from the wall revealing dense crimson curtains just behind. The hunter loosed his grip, allowing the tender to plop chin-down.

Slipping beyond the bloody veil lead Nemesis into a world vastly different from the one he had just exited. Gold and lace trimmed the sides of every room. Ornately fashioned fixtures lined each available space. Rich, colorful tapestries granted this regal atmosphere to a congregation of malicious characters the likes of which have never been seen.

"A fitting name indeed."

The door slithered shut behind.

Zaknafein Xaran
Nov 7th, 2002, 10:55:52 PM
What pitiful creatures these were. They had no place amongst a world of the strong, a world where the Drow would one day dominate. Zaknafein noted as a new creature walked in.

"And what is this thing..." he muttered.

Nov 7th, 2002, 11:18:24 PM
Try as he might to blend in, Nemesis could already feel the wary eyes of several within the room. Unaffected by their prying glares, he moved further into the warm, pale light.

He continued passed a number of empty booths and tables, showing no sign of uneasiness. Finally, he took a seat at the bar alongside a drunken smuggler who seemed to be overly vocal about his most recent exploits and whom hired him.

Zaknafein Xaran
Nov 7th, 2002, 11:23:08 PM
Zaknafein glared. Another drunkard...the place was full of them. His lip curled into a sneer, his contempt for the lower beings growing. This one though...something about him stirred his blood. This one was different somehow.

Lord Soth
Nov 8th, 2002, 01:18:07 AM
This abode of evil was most befitting to the one who sat alone in one of the darkened corner's of it's lavishness. The large anti-chamber held truth to the wisdom of it's saying; "Never judge a book by it's cover," undoubtedly personifying a darker meaning unto it's own. Nevertheless, it also encompassed the mysterious nature of a place that wasn't even supposed to exist. Only for the exception of theses brave soul's who where fortunate enough to see it's inner sanctum left it's secrecy behind them when departing. To the fool who uttered it's name publicly or disclosed it's private location heaped upon them self's a fate even worse then death, bring one to a short and cruel end fast. Yes, the Gate's of Hell whereabouts' and it's inner working's was more a myth then fact. Indeed, it was a well guarded secret, kept even to the point of the grave it's self. To the scrupulous member's, it's vile reputation as a den of wickedness was nothing more to it's denizen's then a meeting place for the darker inhibition's of evil.

Sweet glitter-stim smoke snaked it's way along a slow moving current of air about the room, periodically broken by a passer by who disrupted it's blue web's of intoxication. The stale fragrance that lofted throughout the luxurious room also mingling with that of an all to familiar stench of decomposed death. Nemesis knew immediately the Death Knight's identity without a second glance. Amber slit's that burned like kindled coals eye'd the new comer intently, the black ranger from the past aroused the interest of the Death Knight as he carefully waded through the transverse room of villainy.

"Ah yes,...Nemesis...Come join me my friend..." Came the smooth silky word's of the Death Knight to the open mind of the assassin.

Evil Hobgoblin
Nov 8th, 2002, 10:14:24 AM
Unbeknownst to either Nemesis, Soth, Zaknafein, or even Hob himself, he was in the room with the others. The dwarf, however, was not there experiencing wicked pleasure or revelling in the wastrel sins of evil. Even though he was gambling, he had a distinct purpose for it.

The Gates of Hell had a mystic tinge to it- many of the members had, at one time or another, crossed paths with some unusual phenomenon of the Force, be it an old Sith temple, a strange storm, a lake that seemed eternally rotted, or some other equally dark and mysterious happening. All too often, the experiences changed those involved, and they began accepting passion for its' own sake.

Vary rarely were they aware of what had happened. Even more rare was their tendency to relate what had happened to others, and almost none of them ever kept a record of where the encounter had been.

But Hob had caught the whispers that spoke of a gambling smuggler who had bet on a hyperspace trip through dangerous territory. He'd not only won the bet, but had seemed to acquire a lucky streak- he'd lost no games of chance since his return.

And Hob was determined to find the source of this luck.

Sitting at a right angle from the smuggler in question, Hob was unaware of those around the room of whom he might take note. His concentration was deeply focused on his erstwhile opponent.

Nov 8th, 2002, 01:18:01 PM
The assassin's midnight helm tilted to the side, but he dare not turn completely. He knew all to well every move made, even down to minor gestures, were being carefully scrutinized by the villainous patrons.

Nemesis casually rose from his seat at the bar and allowed the intoxicating aroma of death to guide him. His fingers tensed, loosened, then tensed again; continuing this rhythm as he navigated a sea of lavish indulgence.

Soon, the warrior stood before the infamous Death Knight......Soth.

Zaknafein Xaran
Nov 8th, 2002, 01:22:52 PM
A dwarf and a vampire? Will the wonders never cease? Zaknafein drummed the tabletop with idle fingers...it seemed a confrontation between the midnight rider and Dracula was about to begin.

Lord Soth
Nov 8th, 2002, 09:46:25 PM
Twelve cycles had come and gone since the two warrior's had laid eye's on one another. The forest encounter had left many unanswered question's in the mind of Nemesis, troubling question's that surfaced on the very fore thought's of the assassin that the Death Knight read easily. The tense, unsettled posture told Soth that much alone. As Nemesis approached the darkened corner were Soth sat, he noted a faint purplish hue about the Death Knight...

With an armored hand, Soth gestured gracefully to an empty chair across from him for the Dark Ranger to sit. The eye's of the Vampyre seemed to cool and his porcelain like skin took on a pale ashen sheen as he came into focus.

"Please,...Sit Nemesis...It would honor me this night if you did so my friend." The corner's of Soth crimson lip's tugged with a polite smile as the chair in front of Nemesis slid out on it's own accord. Sensing the reluctancy of the assassin, Soth continued.

"I assure you assassin,...On my word of honor as a knight,...No harm has befallen the young boy Aiden" The Death Knight paused for a brief moment, the silence was as thick as the glitter-stim that choked the room.

"He is quite safe..." The Death Knight's word's carried a certain hollowness to them as he finished. His piercing eye's narrowed a bit as he slowly steepled his long Vampyre fingers together in a subtle gesture of confidence.

Nov 9th, 2002, 10:25:48 AM
Ivory flecks settled on the vampire lord, as the assassin carefully weighed Soth's words. True, there had been a time, not so long ago, when he called this man friend. However, much had transpired since their last meeting, matters of less than pleasant dealings.

Nemesis could never forget, nor forgive, that fateful night when a young boy was stolen from them that loved him. Twas an event the hunter still re-lived with every slumber, perhaps it was punishment for his role in the nefarious deed. Because of that night, many long months were spent searching for the identity of his unknown companion. When his search was finally ended, the startling revelation of whom he had aided gripped his very soul.

At last, with notable hesitation, he took the vacant seat offered him. Both inky, gloved hands rested atop the table in plain view of the other, a subtle indication not of complete faith, but the benefit of a doubt.

Though he trusted Soth enough to join him at his table, Nemesis knew not how long this kinship was to last. If all he had learned of vampires held true for the Death Knight as well, then fate had already predestined them in enmity.

Lord Soth
Nov 9th, 2002, 07:50:08 PM
Again, there was an awkward moment of silence between the two men, only to be broken by the shrill whistle's and chirp's of a service droid that neared the table. The Death Knight waved off the annoying R-2 unit as it paused for a brief moment then carried on about it's business.

The Vampyre's unfeeling eye's never left the assassin's ivory slit's that seemed to hang in contrast to the silhouetted mask of his ebony armor. Nemesis inner most thought's on the young innocent boy Aiden betrayed him, stirring an angered resentment that seemed to bare little to no resolve.

The challenge of this confrontation was not a question of brawn's with Soth, but one of the mind. One that would place the Dark Ranger at the cross road's of his conviction's, decision's of certainty that would now be harshly tested to their fullest...The young boy's well being now depended upon it, held in the fragile balance of life and death, resting on the fringe's of fate it's self. A deliberate yet devious plan wrought by Soth, set into motion month's prior that had now finally come full circle. Starting off with a nondescript data-pad that Soth presented to Nemesis in the forest that night at their first encounter; a simple invitation from the Death Knight to join his rank's of employment at the Shrine of the Damned on the planet of Roon.

"This trouble's you further?...Soth's demeanor remained poised and unmoving as he studied the man in black.

"Perhaps I can put your mind at ease with the boy my friend...To banish the demon's once and for all...The phantom's that stir and plague your consciousness night after night." The Death Knight's soothing word's fell on Nemesis mind like the finest Melgonian silk's money could buy...The seed of deception had now rooted...

"I implore you ranger,...Please, sit...Your a man of integrity as I am one of honor." Soth gestured slightly, then rested his hand's together once more in a steepled position.

Nov 10th, 2002, 06:34:49 PM
At the far end of the bar, Soth's 'long' term friend the vampyre known as Vergis leaned against the bar. He wore his usual flamboyant clothing, red leather pants, knee high boots, black leather waste coat which covered a red Noobian silk shirt, with a long deep red duster coat which covered his twin blaster pistol holsters under each arm.

His attention however remained no where near his associate Soth, or the gentleman that they had come here to meet. His eyes were diverted by the voluptuous blonde vixon that hung on his arm, and every word.

"I'm going to make this really easy for you hunk. You walk me home, you get to sleep with me tonight." She said commandingly,

"Well, truth is Sweets I'm actually here on business, see that guy over there?" Vergis turned to point when he caught notice of the other guy. "Damn!" He cursed under his breath as he began to walk over with the drinks.

Zaknafein Xaran
Nov 10th, 2002, 10:52:47 PM
More vampires. Will the riff raff never cease to come out of the woodwork? But this was an interesting development. Surely these vampires would attack Nemesis. Zaknafein simply watched and waited, biding his time.

Nov 10th, 2002, 11:06:59 PM
The booth moaned, while Nemesis settled into his seat. A bone white gaze never left Soth, not even for a moment.

Apprehension endured while the pair sat in silence, but at long last he spoke, "What have you done with the boy?" Though he knew it to be of little influence, the assassin maintained a dispassionate tone; lending itself to neither aggression nor allegiance.

The warrior held no reservations with fighting the dark master if necessary to save the boy's life, but he would not charge into a battle not yet fully understood. If not for the sake of listening to what his "friend" had in store, then for the simple fact he remained uncertain as to whether there were other interested parties lurking about.

Lord Soth
Nov 11th, 2002, 12:02:14 AM
A subtle smile played on the Death Knight's face as the assassin sat. This being the first time that Nemesis beheld the man behind the iron helm of the Black Rose. Calmly and with intended purpose, Soth took a slow sip of the blood meed that he had ordered upon his arrival hour's before, purposely not answering the Ranger's question before sitting the chalice back on the oaken table.

"I can tell you this assassin...In truth, the boy is quite safe for the time being...However, in regard's to the boy Aiden, he is no longer a matter that concern's me..."The Death Knight paused once more, reaching over casually he took a deep drag from the glitter-stem cigarette that sat in a golden try to his right.

"But I would like to make a proposal...My offer still stand's Nemesis...And,...If you incline your gifted services to me for a full year, then perhaps I can speak to those who hold the young boy...Arrange his release into your care once the contract is fulfilled...In turn, both you and I acquire what we want...And you my friend,..." Soth paused again, tapping the long ebony stem that held the cigarette with his index finger, letting the ashes fall to the luxurious rug below him.

"...Well,...You will walk away a rich and wiser man." Soth finished as he exhaled the sweet smoke in Nemesis direction.

Evil Hobgoblin
Nov 11th, 2002, 09:49:13 AM
The players on this hand had drawn their battle lines. Of the seven at the table, four had folded. Hob, with some small amount of money to burn, had not even though his hand was poor. The "Ace" as those at the table had come to refer to him, was not concentrating on him, though. His target was the third remaining player, a Quarren who was about to wager the remainder of his fortune on the outcome.

Ace took a long draw from a cigar and exhaled into the Quarren's face. The Quarren coughed and responded with a withering insult, leading Ace to deliver some smooth retorts. Uninterested in their foolishness, Hob allowed his attention to wander over the heads of those gathered.

And of the few faces Hob recognized, one stood out. Soth, Undead Vampire, wielder of the Force. An abomination in many ways, there was nothing Soth touched that did not corrupt itself, and nothing, in turn, that did not further corrupt Soth. Hob would have wagered as surely and certainly that he was engaged in such an act now as he would have bet on Ace's taking of this hand. What remained to be seen was how the dark man took to the corruption.

With a spit and a snort, the Quarren finally quieted down. With a glare at his opponent, he called the hand, dropping his cards onto the table. Hob glanced at them, then did a double-take, widening and narrowing his eyes.

He understood the secret of Ace's success. All that remained was for him to turn the tables on the fool.

Nov 11th, 2002, 09:18:23 PM
Nemesis removed both hands from the table, placing a drawn right fist into his open left palm. His elbows now stood where the gloves once rested, acting as balance for the prop supporting a heavy helm deeply burdened with thought. The eyes lowered, where they absently glared at a single stain atop the elegant furniture.

Soth's proposition was disturbing, at best. The mere chance of enlistment into the dark ranks of the Sith wrought turmoil in even the assassin's hardened soul.

The warrior's snowy flecks leapt from the blemish atop the table, returning to the vampire. His steady glare had been reborn, with greater ardor than before.

"I don't deal in possibilities. I need assurance that the boy will be released.....should I accept your offer."

Lord Soth
Nov 11th, 2002, 10:24:12 PM
The Death Knight admired the tactfulness of the Dark Assassin that sat before him, his cunning mind for detail's had not gone unnoticed. Like himself, Soth knew the Ranger was not one to mince word's nor waste time on frivolity regardless of the person they faced.

With meticulous concern noted in his demeanor, Soth glanced down to the golden ash tray to the side of him, extinguishing the butt of the glitter-stim cigarette as if snuffing out a meaningless life form for the last time. Slowly his eye's trailed back over to Nemesis own as he pondered his word's...

"Ah...Yes, insurance...Something solid, how thoughtless of me." Soth paused once more, leaning back into the comfort of his chair as he folded his ashen hand's together.

"As with yourself Nemesis, my word is my bond..." For a moment the Death Knight's expression became somber, his fierce blue eye's became icy and unfeeling, then he continued.

"You will have the boy when your contract has expired...I would consider a collateral payment in the boy's stead, however I will spare us both the insult my friend...The boy is beyond any monetary value I could ever place on his head...I'm quite sure you feel the same." Soth finished coolly as Nathan approached the table, drink's in hand.

Nov 13th, 2002, 09:43:41 PM
Nemesis lifted his head from its rest and leaned far back into the seat.

"You'll forgive my mistrust," his voice neglected all manner of disguise, basking in its own severe nature, "but I am unwilling to allow the boy to remain in your custody any longer than need be. With this in mind, permit me a counter offer."

The assassin, though keenly alert to all that went on about him, was not shaken by the arrival of a second vampire. He presumed if Soth desired the ebony hunter's death, the attempt would have already been made.

His muscular frame straightened as he continued, "I propose a simple wager. You select any one of your warriors, rank is of no consequence, to meet me in fair and open combat, but I warn you the stakes are high.

If I win, the boy is released into my care; no stipulations. In the event I lose, I will render my loyal services as an assassin unto you and the Shrine.......for the rest of my days."

He paused briefly, allowing the dark master to fully consider his proposition.

"My only request is that I be given two weeks of preparation. If the boy is harmed in any way or if the competition is sullied by any form of sabotage; then the deal is broken. I will accept your word as binding, if you will accept mine as well."

Nov 14th, 2002, 03:45:50 PM
Nathan paused momentarily near the table upon hearing this Nemesis' counter offer. If Nathan had needed to breat he would have surely sighed at the realisation over the whole matter. Why couldn't things be simple.

He cursed under his breath as he set the drinks down on the table top and nodded to Soth's guest. He then slid in next to his partner facing the warrior. He remained silent until intrduced.

Lord Soth
Nov 14th, 2002, 10:06:14 PM
After a brief introduction was made between the two men, Soth hesitated before speaking his mind on the proposed wager from Nemesis. The Death Knight slowly reached over to the chalice and finished the smooth content's within. After setting the chalice down on the table, Soth's piercing eye's trailed back over to the ranger's own. A wiry smile formed on his face as he leaned back in a comfortable position, crossing his leg's as if to ponder Nemesis word's further...

"I suppose you take me for a fool,...Master assassin..."Soth chuckled slightly; knowing before the mercenary had even uttered his word's, the Death Knight was reading the forethought's that rested in his mind. Nevertheless, to Soth, the loop hole's that Nemesis wager presented if taken, in turn would leave him at a grater disadvantage and loss, creating a paradox of sort's regardless of it's out come.

"For you see,...Either way I stand to loose...My friend... And if I may be so bold to say...It is only presumption on your part as well mine that you will win the challenge if granted..."Then the Death Knight's voice took on a more serious tone, one that sent physical wave's of cold over the two men that sat near him.

"...For make no mistake assassin, it would be a duel to the death!...At that moment, the Vampyre eye's seemed to flash, carrying within them an inner glow as he finished his sentence.

"...Thus, I myself would gain nothing form your services in the end...A permanently wounded or dead retainer hold's little to no value to me...A subtle note of sarcasm was evident in Soth's voice, then he continued on...

"Of course,...If you do win the day,... The boy is yours to take with no sting's attached...The Dark Knight paused intentionally once more, adding effect to his word's.

"However,...I will have lost the boy that is being held, and the contract I seek altogether...So now you see the dilemma we both face assassin..." Soth finished coolly as he leaned in to retrieve the Corellian ale that Nathan had brought only moment's earlier.

Nov 18th, 2002, 01:53:10 PM
"Yes, but would the forced hand of an unwilling servant fulfill your purposes better than an opportunity to rid yourself of a potentially dangerous foe?"

The diplomatic air that hung about the goings on at their table, were no reflection on Nemesis mind set. Both his words and thoughts conveyed a fervent dedication to retrieve Aiden.

"If you there is only one thing you must understand of me then let it be this - I will free the boy.....at any cost, but I will not allow him to remain imprisoned."

Nov 19th, 2002, 08:48:58 AM
Nathan tried to recall a time when his patience was endless, back when he served the Republic as an insurance investigator he would catch his man through mind games alone. Some where during the mellenia this had been lost.

"First off bub, no one said I was unwilling. I would gladly wipe your sorry excuse for a mortal butt all over the floor." Nathan observed that his words had disolved the cold war tension that had buffered the two 'diplomats', he would have stopped there if he'd understood the consequences better, "We have the boy because we want you, as much I control myself I do get carried away sometimes and the last thing we want is a useless child and a dead assassin."

Nov 20th, 2002, 10:27:44 PM
The assassin's head snapped to the side while fiery white slits were set ablaze. Nemesis' eyes bore down on Vergis, their lethal gaze intent on declaring his contempt for the speaker. When the newcomer was quite finished, he spoke.

"I am not referring to you when I say 'unwilling servant.' That, sir, was the analogy I used to explain what manner of aid I would be to the Shrine if strong armed into any form of employment." The hunter's vehement tone carried with it his overflowing rage and disgust for being interrupted by whom he viewed to be little more than a glorified errand boy.

"Second, I had much rather be a 'mortal' than an undead lap dog. Finally, you should understand whom you are dealing with before you ever even begin considering confrontation, especially in matters of death. Or perhaps you entertain the idea of eternity without a tongue?"

Evil Hobgoblin
Nov 21st, 2002, 05:03:36 PM
The hand had been dealt, final bets had been placed, and Hob was smirking grandly. He had a very poor hand, but he was actively employing his powers of illusion to make it seem as though he had a strong one. The cards were overlain with images of what a good gambler wished to see, brought into being by a manipulation of light and energy.

There was a pause, then the remaining players in the game set their cards on the table.

For a moment, there was stunned silence. Ace was in great shock, for his cards and Hob's were identical, right down to the pixel.

The dwarf stood and marched over to his rival with mixture of contempt and shrewdness mingling his features. "Can't both of us be playin' with the same cards, lad," he said softly. "Methinks someone's a-cheatin'."

Ace snorted. "I don't cheat, little man," he growled around a cigar. "If anyone here's suspicious, it's you. Sitting over there, never winning big, never losing big. You have mighty good luck."

"'tis skill," Hob growled, one of his fingers poking Ace in the chest, right above the medallion he was wearing. "Some o' these fidget so much, they be given their hands away. But ye. Ye never do move a muscle. As though ye expected t' win ev'ry time. Old Hob thinks cheats ought t' be punished by th' strippin' o' their valuables, don't y'know?"

With a sudden and deft flick of his fingers, Hob yanked the medallion from over Ace's head, holding the chain it was on loosely in his hand. "Hey! Give that back!" Ace shouted, snatching at it.

Hob danced backwards, just out of his reach, then turned and began scampering away through the tables. Ace stood to chase him, but was interrupted by a cold "Sit down" from one of the other players.

With the cold certainty of a man facing his own death, Ace sat. The loss of his illusion talisman had caused his cards to show their normal appearance, just like a skifter card changes at the user's trigger. But Hob's cards had remained the same.

Hob stuffed the medallion into a pouch beneath his robes and began wandering over near Soth's table. Something interesting was going on over there. Hob could smell it.

Nov 22nd, 2002, 03:35:29 PM
Nathan was suddenly taken back by his over zealous approach to the entire matter. This mortal had a brain. Uncommon, but not unheard of, this made him only a little more dangerous than he first assessed though. "I Apologise for my confusion in the matter Assassin. Though I do not know where you got the term errand boy from?" Nathan stared at the bar for a little longer that would have been exceptable during a conversation, "But then I suppose I do carry out the wishes of the books. You see, I know the beginning, and the end of creation itself."

"I do admire you courage and intelligence in the matter of keeping your own mortality fleshling, I was a little more than careless when I was given the choice." He had once again become detatched from the conversation seeking entertainment sometime else, though the air remained thick with the Vampyres putrid breath underlining Nathan's meaning a little too well.

In a manner that only Vergis could attain he slipped back into conversation, "My tounge? Perhaps you would wish I used my tounge to kiss your mortal bottom instead of the sharp edge that cuts at you're throat? Or perhaps sir it is you who are mistaken. You see." The creatures face contorted to one of lustful venegeance his pupils exploding in a fiery rage fixed on the one human that sat his opposite. With both hands slapping on the table top he seemed to shake the bars very foundations, "WE HOLD THE BOY. It is US that hold the chips and YOU who have the choice. NOT THE REVERSE."

Lord Soth
Nov 23rd, 2002, 10:05:25 PM
The ever present tension that mingled with the low hum of voices about the lavish regal room and it's occasional outbreak's excited the very element of hostility and rage that the place was known for...This once rumored Sith temple ground harbored many evil's that were not visible to the naked eye, a paranormal gateway of sort's that lay on the very foundation of a bloody past. It's unseen forces were a direct conduit to the dark-side it's self...And to the weak minded and the lesser simbiant's life form's, it's curse when coupled with the other base and self indulged practices, could easily leave a good man in the clutches of degradation and moral stupor's that would follow him the rest of his days. Hell's Gate's volatile atmosphere was just right, carrying with it the mysterious tone and tempo that would now play into the darker plan that the Death Knight had conceived a year prior...

For a moment's time, the Death Knight bathed his mind in the contempt that the two men expressed outwardly towards one another, paying no heed to their subtle insult's as he did so ...Feeding off of it's enriching power as if it were the very blood meed he drank moment's prior. Like hate to the spirit, it's soothing crimson liquid seemed to curbed an insatiable appetite before the kill...Only a momentary remedy for those who were cursed with the dark gift and it's inescapable side effect's.

As the two men glared at one another other, their eye's locked in a deadly confrontation and a battle of their own. Long moment's seemed to pass as neither men wavered in their lethal stair down. Soth slowly interlaced his long vampyre finger's together then spoke, disrupting the grievance between the two men for the time being. It was quite simple to him...His dark agenda was now nearing it's end course. It was time to finish off the deal and seal the fate of the young boy Aiden and the Assassin once and for all.

"Gentleman,...gentleman...Perhaps this can be resolved after all..."Soth slowly glanced back and fourth between the two men before continuing.

"Your wager assassin,...I will take..."Soth paused briefly as the two men's attention was drawn to him.

"The condition's of that wager will also remain...You will have two week's to prepare yourself...As will my friend here." Soth then let his icy blue eye's trail over to Nathen, a subtle smile played on the corner's of his crimson lip's as the tension broke between them momentarily.

"I presume that both parties here know what this entails...If the wager is tainted or is less then honorable,...Well, the deal will be promptly dissolved." The Death Knight turned to face Nemesis once more, is handsome face held no outward expression as he did so...

"I assure you assassin...If you make any vain attempt on retrieving or rescuing the boy...He will be killed immediately." The Death Knight's word's were cold and icy like the air about them. His eye's then narrowed slightly; seemingly boring right through the ranger, eye's that were now lit with a growing presence of power behind them...

"In two week's the contest will take place and the necessary arrangement's will be in place as well...If you fail to show...The boy will never live to see the dawning of the next day!..."Soth then stood, slowly rounding the corner of the table were he paused in his step behind the assassin...Leaning in close to the ebony helm of the dark ranger, Soth spoke in a low whisper...

"I can think of better way's to save the child my friend...However, there is always a price to be paid for it...Even if one must sacrifice himself in attaining it..." The Death Knight's cryptic word's pounded in the assassin's mind like the cold, unforgiving rain that fell in torrents outside.

Upon turning, Nemesis found nothing to indicate that the Vampyre had been there at all behind him, other then the familiar stale stench of rotting rose's that perfumed that air, a lasting calling card of the Death Knight to those who were left in his wake... __

Nov 24th, 2002, 08:39:22 PM
With the sudden and fairly bizarre departure of both Shrine members, Nemesis turned back to face where the vampires once sat. He met the now vacant seat across from him with an empty stare.

After a few brief moments to reflect upon the precarious wager and surmise an initial estimation of his prospective opponent, the midnight warrior raised a single hand to his brow in a mock salute for the sole benefit of the lifeless furnishing.

The inky gloved hand lowered followed by these slow, muffled words, "The die is cast."

His thoughts and body moved to a swift exodus when he perceived the approach of a rather diminutive creature.

Evil Hobgoblin
Nov 25th, 2002, 10:20:46 AM
Hob's face peeked over the top of a nearby table, then disappeared below it as a child might play a game of peekaboo.

There was a rustling of movement, a prelude to Nemesis being accosted by the small figure. "Very curious, hm?" he asked of the being in shadow-dress. "Ever one to pursue his own gain, Soth is."

Hob reached inside his robes and produced a cane, setting it in front of him and using it as a support. "You are considering his words, hm?" he continued. "At his own game, seeking to defeat him?"

(ooc) Just so's peeps don't think I'm GMing, Hob doesn't actually know what was said during the conversation. He's just acting like it. :)

Nov 25th, 2002, 10:35:56 PM
Nemesis kept an ice cold vigilance over the vacant seat, avoiding any direct conversation with Hob.

"I take it you know the man?", the question's objective: to probe his new acquaintance for any information about the Death Knight.

Just below the table's lip, the assassin's left hand hovered close to the glistening hilt of a blaster pistol; while the right, which faced the robed gentlemen, rested, calmly across a tanned wooden finish for the other to see. Any lesser man may not have taken such precautions, however, experience tutors the soldier to be wary of all; particularly those with whom there is much suspicion.

Evil Hobgoblin
Dec 4th, 2002, 09:51:52 AM
"Man," Hob said curiously. "No man is he. Drinker of blood. Vampyre."

Hob began to walk towards the exit, his cane tap-tap-tapping on the ground as he went. He stopped after a few steps and looked over his shoulder. "More you would learn? Yes. Sense it in you, I do. Come. Walk with old Hob. Talk, we will."

Dec 4th, 2002, 09:54:05 PM
Bone white slits turned to eye the creature, as he ventured toward the door. At first Nemesis remained seated, unconvinced the small one had no malicious intent. Yet, despite his misgivings and apprehensions, the assassin finally conceded to accept Hob's invitation; assuming the odd little fellow might hold knowledge vital to defeating the Vampyre. Knowledge, worth any risk of acquisition.

His imposing inky frame rose to its feet and proceeded to follow the tiny Sith; a task made quite difficult due to Hob's height being quite similar to that of many neighboring chairs.

A hand full of inquiring patrons found peculiarity in the warrior's swaying and deliberately hollow left sleeve which only moments prior had been filled with a strapping arm. In its place resided a scarcely visible lump, the only sign of his limbs refuge beneath blackened tresses of an overcoat where a steady hand clasped a blaster hilt.

Evil Hobgoblin
Dec 8th, 2002, 10:54:22 PM
When Nemesis had followed Hob outside of the pleasure den, he found the dwarf waiting for him by a near alley. Hob gazed Nemesis up and down.

"Mistrust, I sense," he remarked pointedly, staring at Nemesis' empty sleeve. "Seeking to profit, but unwilling to give."

The dwarf smiled crookedly at Nemesis. "For free, then. The sun, the Light; Vampyres like them not. Pure intent turns their noses up. Egotistical they are. Their downfall, it is."

Hob blinked slowly, then waited for some response from the assassin.

Dec 9th, 2002, 02:00:51 PM
An uncanny sense of awareness, the robes which adorned the small green creature, and his attendance at the Gates of Hell; Nemesis was now convinced he stood before a Sith, but of what rank he could not be sure. He assumed by Hob's cordiality thus far, the assassin's true identity remained undiscovered, which might aid him in the very near future.

His left hand steadily slipped from the hilt. After a brief rustling beneath the lengthy, black cloak; an inky glove emerged from the hollow sleeve where it then held to his side.

The warrior's piercing watch fell over Hob as he answered the dark master, "For free, huh. Well then what do I have to pay for further information?"

Evil Hobgoblin
Dec 12th, 2002, 04:23:36 PM
Hob peered up at Nemesis questioningly. "Pay, would you?" Hob asked. "Needed, payment is not. Vampyres, you wish to fight. Needed training is."

The dwarf leaned forward on his cane, a stare of intensity replacing the puzzlement on his face. "Train you, I will," he said. "If remember this favor, you do."

Dec 13th, 2002, 01:12:22 PM
A scowl, transcending even the dense black shroud about his face, voiced an overwhelming apprehension. The assassin had only just begun to feel the pangs of an ill-fated bargain and was less than eager to strike up another.

"What do you offer in this.....training?"

Evil Hobgoblin
Dec 13th, 2002, 01:33:54 PM
"A fight for your life," Hob said. "If your own life, you cannot defend, how another's do you propose to save?"

The dwarf's eyes glittered, but he made no move.

Dec 16th, 2002, 10:45:10 AM
The assassin's hands tensed, once more.

"And who, pray tell, will I be defending my life against?"

His eyes held motionless in pained anticipation.

Evil Hobgoblin
Dec 17th, 2002, 04:38:23 PM
Hob's ears twitched. "Hob himself, of course."

Dec 17th, 2002, 10:07:50 PM
"As you wish."

His lengthy black cloak slid from the shoulders into a crumbled pile at his feet. With swift, deft movements, the assassin drew twin blades from hilts strapped upon his back. Both weapons dropped to waste height, each tip angled precariously toward the diminutive dark master.

Nemesis' left foot slid to the front as the right moved to the rear until approximately two feet lie between. During these motions, the left blade lowerd while rotating to a position perdincular to its wielder's chest. However, the right sword maintained its angle; its only advancement was in a slight raise to allow for the second's repositioning.

"Defend yourself."

Evil Hobgoblin
Dec 18th, 2002, 08:49:17 PM
Without warning, a sharp telekinetic blow struck Nemesis in the chest. "Defend, a vampyre will not!" the dwarf grunted. "Attack, they will! Seize the advantage, you must!"

The dwarf began to actively draw on the Force for support.

Dec 18th, 2002, 10:37:30 PM
The unseen assault slammed against Nemesis' chest, taking the assassin completely unawares. His firmly planted positioning disallowed for any collapse of stumble, but its painful effects were still felt. Yet, he was almost convinced the dark master meant only to test the warrior's fortitude. If so, Hob's true power remained hidden.

"Point taken." he said whilst gingerly rubbing his sternum.

Nemesis continued into his next maneuver; setting one blade upon the alley's icy floor before grasping the second in both hands. After a brief moment of preparation, the hunter lunged toward Hob, sustaining the run with blinding speed. At the last possible moment he broke from the charge, transferring his momentum as he leapt above the sith. Upon landing, the blade snapped down, angled to cleave his opponent's head from body.

Evil Hobgoblin
Dec 21st, 2002, 10:23:29 PM
Although Nemesis had excellent aim, one thing he did not have was a way to protect himself against Hob's telekinesis in midair. The assassin's blade fell to one side of its target as Hob applied a liberal telekinetic push to Nemesis' shoulder.

(ooc) Bit of info I need... will Nemmy's weaponry stand up to a lightsaber?