View Full Version : Is this what a Jedi should be? (council)

Wei Wu Wei
Nov 4th, 2002, 09:27:29 PM
Wei entered the Council chambers with Xazor firmly in his grasp.

"Hey, council! Since when did we allow members of our order to lose their tempers? I heard some rumors (http://sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?threadid=24295) that Master Xazor here had an anger problem. I ignore the rumors at first, but when she loses her temper and uses dirty language in a very public place and then storms out intent on killing someone, what sort of example does that set for other people? Think of any Padawans who saw the famous Knight Xazor Leo Dawnstrider's tantrum and thought that such tantrums were ok? What about the people who are not Force-users but look up to Jedi anyway? I, as a Padawan am shocked at Miss Xazor's behavior. What do you plan to do about her?"

Xazor, a one-time council member, who greeted new people to the order with a gentle smile and a soft voice, had extreme anger issues. It worried Wei. He had thought so highly of her before.

Xazor Elessar
Nov 4th, 2002, 09:35:37 PM
Clad in black flowing robes, Xazor was drug by Wei into the Council Chambers. He humilated her and this made her mad. Trying not to give into the anger, she failed and ripped her arm from his grasp.

"Don't touch me again!"

She threatened within an inch of his life. Sighing, she looked to the Council and bowed.

"Sorry he wasted your time.....and mine to!"

With that she turned to leave.....though she knew he was persistent and would not give up so easily.

Wei Wu Wei
Nov 4th, 2002, 09:49:08 PM
Wei smoothly took her feet out from under her. She fell on her back and Wei sat on her stomach.

"You, Miss Xazor are not going anywhere. Grandpa told me that no one listens to tall tales and short tempers. You are going to cool your jets right this minute, and hear out the council."

Then he remembered a pair of airlock cuffs and put them on her wrists for good measure.-

Navaria Tarkin
Nov 4th, 2002, 10:04:43 PM
OOC - first off o_O :lol second... can't post till that link works. It is broken

Marcus Telcontar
Nov 5th, 2002, 01:38:25 AM
Quite abruptly, the air cuffs failed.....

... and a black dressed figure came into the Council, cape draped off his shoulders, much, much different to the old travelling rags he wore when he was last here. His hand came back to his side forom using the Force to distrupt the air cuff's mechanisms

"And since, Master Wei, is it up to you to drag a fellow Jedi into here against their will, when they are not using the Dark Side? You might accuse her, but you have gone beyond your station Padawan. Get off her at once "

Anbira Hicchoru
Nov 5th, 2002, 02:22:48 AM
:: Anbira rose from his seat ::

You are out of order...both of you!

Padawan...release Xazor immediately. It is not your duty to impose judgment on her, and you have handled this incident callously.

:: He looked to Xazor ::

...whether Knight Dawnstrider's actions are likewise improper will be looked into in due course.

Xazor Elessar
Nov 5th, 2002, 07:28:53 AM
Xazor rose to her feet as Marcus entered. She bowed to him, keeping her eyes lowered in shame. She had not used the Darkside.....but she had acted out of anger, and for this, she was guilty.

"I'm sorry Master Marcus......"

She said softly, then bowed to the rest of the Council. Her eyes came to rest upon Anbira who spoke, and she bowed to him as well.

".......Perhaps he is not.........entirly wrong......."

Her heart skipped a beat as she said this and she went to one knee, lowering her head so that her hair covered her face as a few tears fell from her eyes. Wei was telling the truth.....it was she that had flipped out and had attacked Sasha.....while he was injured. It was she that saw her Brother hurt and had stormed out of the Bar proclaiming that she would kill Jeseth Cloak. It was she who attacked a Sith for having begun a killing brawl in a bar outside of Coruscant. In here eyes......these things had been done out of just.....but to the Council, they were not.

I don't agree with all they say though......I didn't use my anger.....I.......just attacked.....

She pleaded in his mind, refusing to let her eyes meet those of anyone. Perhaps she was even unworthy of being called a Jedi now. Her heart sank and she kept her submissive stance before them.

Nov 5th, 2002, 08:58:53 AM
Oriadin had caught sight of a disturbance. Wei had brought Xazor in front of the council and she obviously didnt want to be there. He was man handling her and she didnt like that either. From what he could make out, Xazor had lost her temper with someone and Wei had decided it would be best to take her to the council to discuss the matter. Whether Xazor wanted to go or not.

He stood just outside, not wanting to get in the way and listened to what was being said. From what hed heard, Wei had just cause to do what he did but Anbira made him release her at once. Perhaps he could have been a little more, tactfull. He would listen to what else was to be said, he knew better than to make any real judgment on something he knew little about afterall.

Wei Wu Wei
Nov 5th, 2002, 12:25:21 PM
Wei moved to the side and folded his arms across his chest.

"Attacking out of anger is not what Jedi do. That is what I have learned by watching the other Knights here. I was always told to never let my anger influence my actions. Whether or not Xazor used the Darkside is irrelevant. That fact that she, like many Darksiders, attacked out of anger alone is enough to make me think she is a bad example."

Wei took a deep breath and very calmly stated his case. "By not doing something about Xazor's temper, you are setting a double standard at the Greater Jedi Order. And that Double Standard is that it is ok for Knights and Master's to get angry and even act on that anger, but not for Padawans. I have seen far too many Padawans chastised for letting thier anger get to them. And might I add that former council member Xazor was the one I saw most often lecturing about controlling tempers."

Xazor Elessar
Nov 5th, 2002, 12:30:49 PM
Xazor closed her eyes tightly as Wei spoke. She knew very well his words were of the truth, but she would not admit them, right away.

".....I.......I don't want them to be like me."

She said, gritting her teeth as she spoke. Her heart was crushed for she realized that she would never get past this problem. She had wasted Navaria's time.....she had wasted her Father's time...and she had wasted Marcus's time. She had been a waste of time all together.

"I'm wasting their time, Wei......just let me leave........"

Dasquian Belargic
Nov 5th, 2002, 01:21:21 PM
“Wei, do you claim to be perfect and follow the Jedi code to the last?”

Dasquian rose from his seat, arms folded behind his back as he looked towards the Padawan, and then to the Garou Jedi Knight.

“We all have our flaws, and though Knight Xazor’s may be a somewhat alarming one there is no need to so publicly debase her like this. It seems in bringing her here that you are attempting to shame her, and that is not something we strive to do. Please do, in future, bring your problems in a more controlled manner so that something constructive can be done without this needless upheaval.”

He inhaled slightly then continued.

“Xazor, you are not wasting anyone’s time. If this is a long-term problem that you have, then I am sure it can be dealt with somehow. Though your arrival here was upsetting, perhaps it may be beneficial,”

“I am confident when I say that we aim to promote equality amongst our members and such double-standards as you have mentioned, Wei, will never become existent amongst our ranks.”

He sat back down.

“Xazor’s case here is a single one which stands alone; she is not a representative for the whole of the body of Knights and Masters amongst the Order. I, infact, would expect the Padawan’s to know better than to copy all that their elders do. If they are truly dedicated to the Jedi ways as they say they are then they would know already that anger is not in our nature, and would not mimic her as you have suggested.”

Taking in one final breath, he reclined, and waited upon any form of reaction.

Wei Wu Wei
Nov 5th, 2002, 04:38:56 PM
Wei looked up at Dasquien. "I never said I was perfect. Far from it. My flaw when it comes to the Jedi Code is that I am hasty to come to conclusions."

Wei thought some more. "But I have tried my best to stop and think and if I am unsure, go to my council, or my teacher for advice. Xazor herself a few seconds ago denied her anger problem right in front of this entire council."

Wei looked at Xazor. "Now that you have admitted to your problem, it should be easy to clear up."

Then Wei spoke to the entire council. "I apologize if my methods of bringing Master Xazor before the couincil was less than appropriate,"

Wei bowed an apology to the council and Xazor. He had some advice for Xazor, but Padawans were not allowed to teach, so he kept his mouth shut. Wei didn;t think Xazor would want to recieve advice from a Padawan in front of Marcus and the council.

Nov 5th, 2002, 05:25:19 PM
:: AB remained seated, yet spoke up, nodding in Dasquian's direction. ::

Though I agree with what Knight Belargic has just said...

:: She looked to Xazor. ::

...this isn't the first time you have acted so rashly.

:: She leaned forward. ::

It is obvious you have a problem, Xazor. But it is not neccessarily a problem without solution.

And that's what we are here for... to help each other to be better Jedi.

:: She leaned back again and continued speaking. ::

The way Padawan Wei brought this to the Council may not have been the best way, but I do not feel he meant to humiliate you. He was merely worried that you may do something that would begin to lead you down the wrong path. And I need not tell you, once you have stepped on that path, it is very difficult to turn back... as you have expereinced first hand.

:: She looked to Wei. ::

Your apology is accepted. Think of this as a learning experience, hmm?

Wei Wu Wei
Nov 5th, 2002, 05:58:55 PM
Wei smiled at AB and straightened a little. "Yes, ma'am!"

Xazor Elessar
Nov 5th, 2002, 06:10:05 PM
There were many a things Xazor had not told the Council....nor would she, not now. Her eyes flickered up to Master Rie and she sighed with pleading eyes.

"I.......I met my Blood Brother, Satine Capashan....a Knight of this Order in the Bar and Grill......and he was quite injured."

She said, speaking of the events of the other day. Her eyes came to rest upon Navaria and then Anbira and the rest of the Council before looking back to Master Rie.

"He told me who had hurt him so terribly.....Jeseth Cloak....."

Gritting her teeth as she spoke the name, the Garou woman felt restlessness once again......and she sighed to herself. Though she thought Wei wrong for what he had done, she knew he had a point.....and she was glad that he was worried about her or she would have done something she regretted.

"I.........I went to kill Jeseth Cloak.......I went out and found him and I attacked that son of a bitch!"

Her voice had risen now and she had not even realized it. Growling deeply, she turned away from everyone and stared at the floor once again. Her problem was beyond hope now.....she was good for nothing.....

Marcus Telcontar
Nov 5th, 2002, 06:56:56 PM
"Master Wei, your actions were more than just a bitout of order. Next time you think you want to draw the Council's attention to something, you see a Master first and allow them to handle the situation. The Jedi do NOT act like this. Your apology is accepted - but it will be your actions that state how really sorry you are"

There was something he wanted to say to the young woman,... but he would not, not here. It would bring a smile to her face, for certain. But... there would be something else he would say for now. And gently.

"Xaz, you should have seen either myself or your mother first. Or Navaria"

I'd love to speak with you quietly. You might want to hear what I would say

Wei Wu Wei
Nov 5th, 2002, 08:38:07 PM
Wei listened to Xazor use dirty words, and listened to Marcus's advice. "I will make sure to do that, Master Marcus, I promise. I suppose it's good that we both are here like this, cause now we can both improve ourselves."

Wei thought some more. "Master Xazor? Why did you want to go kill Jeseth? I thought at first that you were going to stay with Master Satine until he got better."

Xazor Elessar
Nov 5th, 2002, 09:41:24 PM
Xazor looked over at Marcus and nodded slowly to what he had said. She understood and perhaps she should have....but it was quite against her will that she had been dragged in here. She should have talked to them before doing anything that would have caused her to be drug in here in the first place.

"He hurt my Brother, Wei....that is good enough reason to do that. He tried to take his life and so, I thought it humble to return the favor to that.......augh! To that terrible man that derserves nothing less than death!"

I wish to know what you will say to me.....after this, maybe shall we go for a walk?

She let the words slip into Marcus's mind before lowering her head once again and letting her eyes close slowly. Soon the day would be over and she would no longer be facing humiliation.

Wei Wu Wei
Nov 5th, 2002, 10:24:36 PM
Wei thought about what Xazor had said. "Yes, I suppose that would be a natural reaction, but let's change the senario a little. Suppose that instead of Satine limping into the Bar and Grill all injured like that, you had actually stumbled upon Satine lying on the ground in pain and Jeseth standing a few feet away. Would you have helped Satine to a hospital to save his life, or would you have attacked Jeseth to get revenge for Satine, at the risk that he might lose his life while you were exacting said revenge?"

Wei was not preaching, or reprimanding, just getting Xazor to think. Wei's grandpa had given him this same talk too, long ago.

Anbira Hicchoru
Nov 6th, 2002, 12:33:41 AM
This re-emergence of anger within you is cause for great concern, Xazor.

:: Anbira's face turned dour momentarily, as he brooded in his thoughts ::

I believe that it has come to the point in time where such recurring behavior must be dealt with. If left unchecked, it can turn an ally into a dangerous vigilante.

Nov 6th, 2002, 03:56:19 AM
Oriadin was still waiting outside, listning to what was being said inside the council room. As the conversation progressed he became slightly more confused by it all and felt he had to come out and ask something.

He pushed the door open and entered, not really knowing how they would take the interuption. It went quiet for a moment or two before the padawan spoke up.

--Excuse me. I couldnt help but notice the way Xazor was brought in and I listend to what was being said from outside. There is something that confuses me though.--

Oriadin looked at Xazor, then at Marcus.

--Xazor acted out of anger, and that she has admitted to. She also said however that she when to KILL Jeseth Cloak! If that is the case then was it not right for Wei to bring her in as he did? Didnt this help her from doing somthing she would have sorely regretted? Normally, I would agree that normally Wei shouldnt have done what he did in the way that he did it but it looks to me as if he didnt have a great deal of choice. He did what he had to do.--

He glanced over the members of the council.

--Perhaps its that im just a padawan but I belive Wei did the right thing. If she was out to kill Jeseth Cloak then time was of the essence. I guess I just dont understand what he should have done instead.--

Oriadin stopped and looked around the room for someone to answer. He was always learning and this he wanted to understand too. He liked Xazor but she needed to control her emotions. Oriadin wished he could help, but what could he do that the likes of Navaria and Marcus couldnt?

Xazor Elessar
Nov 6th, 2002, 06:28:23 PM
Xazor looked up at Wei.....a glint of anger burned in her eyes as she stared through him.

"I have been faced with that decision before.....and I assure you....I would have......"

She paused, knowing that her answer was a painful realization, but this was part of the healing process for now.....part of the process of learning how to deal with her anger.

"........I would have gone after Jeseth in my Brother's name......I'm sorry......."

A few tears stung at the Knight's eyes but she held them in as not to appear weak before all gathered before her. No, she would not cry again......she was learning how to be strong for herself and for others. Perhaps Vega's words were getting to her......stand up for herself because no one else was going to. Sighing, she lowered her head once again as Oriadin spoke. This was all she needed now....the whole Order was coming down on her and even Anbira's words stabbed at her.

"What do you suggest then? Do you wish for me to be punished? Then take away all that I love! If that is your wish......take from me my right to teach! I can see it on your face......you think I am out of control and thus my Padawans would be like me. No......none in this room knows me....none of you! With the exception of one who actually gave a damn and took the time to get to know me."

Rising to her feet, the Knight looked to the faces of the other Council members and shook her head. Moving slowly she made her way to the door and stopped.

"To hell with all of you if you have no compassion nor desire to help a Lost Soul.......I.........I just don't give a damn anymore......"

There they came.....the tears.......and the Garou Knight took off down the hallway, consumed by pure emotion. Her heart was breaking and it was all because of herself.

I'm sorry.....I could face them no longer......

She spoke in Marcus's mind before finding herself in her room, the door locked behind her. The young woman laid upon her bed and wept for herself.....

Wei Wu Wei
Nov 6th, 2002, 06:38:28 PM
Wei took a breath. "Punish you? What for? I never wanted for you to be punished. But if I can;t find a way to help you deal with your anger, and you can;t find a way to help you with your anger, then maybe the council can. Why hurt when we can help? Master Xazor, we are all here to help. It's not a sign of weakness to cry, or ask for help when it is needed. In my opinion, when a person admits their shortcomings, that is when they are at their strongest." He said quietly before heading to the door of the council chamber.

"Thank you for your time, Knights and Masters of the Council! Have a nice day!" Wei said cheerily, waving at the council before walking out the door.

Marcus Telcontar
Nov 6th, 2002, 07:53:03 PM
Lectures and opinions. That all this was.... and it was not the way to help.

"Master Anbira, I am wondering.... remember you not the time when you were much like Xazor and anger consumed you? I would wonder what your Master at that time did and how he handled it. Do you remember? "

"heed these words, for Xazor will not be the last to have trouble with emotions, especially now when she is pregnant. There are some probelms that can not be solved by lectures, dressing downs, lessons or remedial actions. Such things can make the problem worse. Some probelms can only be solved by love, compassion and understanding, a truly gentle word..... and in all my days within the Jedi Order, since the very day I helped found it, I have strived to give that to others, even releasing a Padawan gently because of his anger..... and I will continue to do so. I would advise others to do the same"

Anbira Hicchoru
Nov 7th, 2002, 12:30:01 AM
The difference between the two is that I moved on, and put the angst of my past behind me. I have watched Xazor for a long time now, and this is a malady she has yet to cure.

Our situations are wholly dissimilar, Marcus. You forget, the person I once was is not the person I am today. Losing one's past can be a blessing and a curse. The Anbira Hicchoru you knew years ago could never be saved from his inevitable destruction.

Second chances are a priviledge, not a right.

If she cannot control her anger...then she must learn to do such.