View Full Version : All in the Family (Xazor Leo Dawnstrider)

Jeran Conrad
Nov 4th, 2002, 07:59:32 PM
The night was quite crisp as it's cool breeze fell over his body. Things had been quite confusing for him lately, and to be in the woods of this planet was more than soothing. He was back doing something he liked--something he was trained to do. His mind was clear of all emotional baggage as he had been bogged down by so much lately. Now, though, he was on the path back to his normal routine. And he liked that.

His body was cougar like as he wore only his brown pants, boots, belt, and weapons. Black paint covered his face in a strange pattern--characteristic of his warrior training with the Brellians on Gias. Staying to the treetops, he was making a long, eliptical pattern around his prey. A Dark Jedi--maybe an apprentice, he didn't know--was traveling through the woods of Endor on his way to somewhere. It didn't really matter.

He kept himself silent and hidden as he watched the fool before him. He had made a small fire and was eating something he had pulled from his pouch. Jeran would make quick work of him. He could survive in the wilderness, that was commendable. The stink of the darkside could be smelled on him like bread baking in the air.

Less than two meters away from the man, he kept his back to him. Leaping from the branch in one motion, he tackled the dark one. Before a reaction could be made, the sharp hunting knife strapped to his side was across the other's neck, ending any hopes of an attack.

"The shadow will be consumed by the light," he whispered into the dying man's ear. "I pray for your soul's release at the mercy of the Force." Jeran stood, the man gurgling his last breaths. He wiped his knife off in the man's shirt and rolled him over. Gathering all of his tents and his equiptment, he covered the man with them. Circling the mound with rocks, he pulled his flint kit and started a fire. Stepping back, he watched the burning of his kill, admiring the quick work. His task was not easy, but it was something that he did in pride and out of necessity. Someone had too.

Getting back to his own euipment, he stood before it. Preparing to dress, he paused. He...smelled something. He couldn't feel a tremor in the Force, but he definitely smelled something. It was almost...inhuman. Yet it was. It was like a wolf...or a man....or a woman, for that matter. He crouched to the ground, keeping his body low, and looked for the direction of this smell.

Xazor Elessar
Nov 5th, 2002, 12:56:45 PM
Slowly through the woods the giant wolf crept. Her senses were fully alert as she approached the scene unfolding before her. Somehow, as she watched the man kill the Darksider, she did not feel any trace of Darkness within him. Why would he kill then? she questioned herself. Silently she made her way toward him, creeping up slowly behind his back and then sitting down upon her haunches for a rest.

As she sat several meters from the man, her cyan eyes glowed through her grey and white fur. The black markings upon her body were beautiful and told others that she was of a different kind. Her blood line was pure and of the Dawnstrider background, stemming from nobles and warriors of her home planet, Eden. Very few knew these things about her, though...and she was not about to give away her secrets. Instead of attempting to speak while in feral form, she decided to lay down and keep watch upon the man until he found her.

Something was oh so familiar about him, though, and it sparked her curiosity. He was much like one she knew.....though she could not put her finger....or paw, rather.....upon whom. Narrowing her eyes, the wolf kept her silence and watched him carefully. She took in every little movement he made as if she was stalking prey. He was, in essence, a sort of prey to her.......prey to satisfy her hungry curiosity.....

Jeran Conrad
Nov 5th, 2002, 01:39:42 PM
Jeran could feel someone...maybe not someone, something watching him. He sensed the eyes upon him, coming from somewhere around him. He could feel the...well, he couldn't quite tell if it was an animal or a human or...he was confused. He had never encountered such a being before. He was quite cruious.

Searching the woods and brush around him with his eyes, he found little sign on anything. He released his senses, allowing his aura to feel out into the trees and the life around him. He could feel the presence of a large animal in the brush beside him, the eyes almost glowing as they seemingly stalked his figure. He could smell the animal...it smelled like...a woman.

His eyes narrowed a bit. He did not sense the darkside, but this was too illogical for him to understand, it seemed. He thouht perhaps it was a very intricate form of Sith magic--something meant to trick his senses and fool his thoughts. He didn't like this sort of a game--a part of the darkside he hated all too much. Games.

He stood to full height, allowing his body to be seen. Shaking his hair out of his face, he stood. He clutched the large knife at his side and fingered his belt for his saber--it was there, if needed.

"Show yourself." His words were short and were a direct command. If the being would not, he would have to blindfight it. Although, for some reason, he felt no aggression from it. Actually, he felt the opposite...it was peaceful.

Xazor Elessar
Nov 5th, 2002, 02:13:20 PM
The wolf which was the size of a full sized speeder when standing, made its way out of the brush behind Jeran. She made her way forward without caution even though he held a knife in his hand.

Do you judge first before seeing? How do you know if I mean you harm or not?

The words were spoken softly in his mind as she came to rest upon her haunces once again, nearly smiling at the stranger. Her elongated canines stuck out over her bottom lip and her tail gently wrapped around her legs. She was a beautiful creature and indeed, she was not aggressive, but peaceful.

I do not mean you harm.....for I do come in peace. What is your name, stranger of the forest?

She questioned in his mind once again, though she could have easily found out for herself, she chose to let him tell. For now though, she would keep her name concealed.....and her 'true' identity hidden as well. He would find out in time, who she truly was.....but for now, she rather enjoyed speaking to him this way.

Jeran Conrad
Nov 5th, 2002, 02:29:22 PM
The Hunter stayed steady and kept his ground as the huge wolf emerged from the woods. It was a beautiful animal--Jeran had an appreciation for nature than many others didn't share, but he thought that anyone with eyes could appreciate the animal's sheer mystique.

Do you judge first before seeing? How do you know if I mean you harm or not?

The voice spoke in his head. He was used to it. He barely used his own voice, preferring thoughts and feelings over words.

I trust no one. He let his thoughts come back to her, ringing out into her own mind.

I do not mean you harm.....for I do come in peace. What is your name, stranger of the forest? She was truly calm in her words. He felt that no harm would come to him--he could tell. Something in the Force told him so. No matter, he would not let his hand go weaponless. He was too careful--he barely slept at night, worrying that someone would kill him in his sleep. He kept a very mindul thought on his own safety.

I am a shadow, a hunter of the darkside. I have no name. He wondered if it would even matter whether she knew his name or not. It was insignificant, and few would know or even care. Surely, his name would not concern her. She would not recognize it.

Xazor Elessar
Nov 5th, 2002, 02:47:15 PM
Xazor looked at him curiously and then allowed a bit of laughter to escape her lips....though to him, it sounded like she was growling. Perhaps that was not the best message to try to deliver. Her eyes showed that she was at peace, though....and was not there in a threatening demeanor.

You trust no one? What if someone earned that trust? Would you still not give it to them?

Closing her eyes, she focused deeply upon the Force and suddenly a bright white light emminated from something around her neck......a golden ring upon a silver chain. It was a gift from a friend.....a Sith, nonetheless. This was not time to think about Cherice, the one who owned half of Xazor's soul, it was time for something else. The light grew brighter and it was enough to blinde those around her.....all Darksiders, that is. Those of the Light would not be affected, though they might have had to shield their eyes. Suddenly in place of where the wolf had been, was left standing a beautiful woman.

The glow from the ring did not subside but it cast upon her a heavenly shadow. Her waist length blonde hair was done up in Garou Warrior Braids with silver coins woven into them. Atop her head was a ring of these silver coins, dangling off of her. A few gently touched her forehead, accentuating the glow the ring put off. She smiled, and the same elongated canines the wolf bore, so she did also. The light caught the shiny white teeth and reflected as did the silver specks in her cyan eyes. It was as if they were broken shards of glass upon a deep sea of innocence.

"Greetings Hunter of Darkness.....I am Xazor Dawnstrider.....Garou of the planet Eden. The very trees here are my brothers.....the grasses my sisters......the birds are my family. I am a Warrior Jedi Knight of the Greater Jedi Order."

She paused, wondering if perhaps she had given too much information of herself, but she felt safe in his presence. He was so much like someone she knew....but that someone was Terran....and there were none others like him. Canting her head to the side, she smiled upon the man who would not reveal his name to her.

"It seems as though we have many a thing in common.....I too believe the only way to clense the Darkness is to get rid of it fully. Others do not share these sentiments with me. Please....do tell me your name. I surly have seen your face somewhere...."

Jeran Conrad
Nov 5th, 2002, 03:07:15 PM
The light caused him to look away for a second, but it did not hurt his eyes. He gripped his knife, wondering what was occuring before him. In place of the wolf, a beautiful figure stood. She was beautiful, absolutely stunning. Her hair and eyes and the atire she wore...he swore he had seen her before. Somewhere...in a dream or a vision or a memory. He could not pinpoint it. he found his mouth open as he gawked at her beauty. Gathering himself back together, he refocussed his thoughts. She was...Ga..Gar..Garou? He would definitely inquire more as to what this meant.

Jeran was a man of fairness. When privelaged information was given to him--and a name, he considered a privelaged piece of information--he thought it only fair to return it. So he would.

"Trust is an illusion--another device of trickery used by the darkside to ensnare the unwilling into capture." He sheathed his knife. His face was covered in the black war paint so that nly his intense eyes could be seen amongst the darkness of his face. "Respect. I respect those around me who return the respect I deserve. That is my trust." He turned to his bag, gathering his things as she spoke again. He paused, listening intently to her words. She...shared a very similar view of the universe as his own. He considered this the right view--the only acceptable approach to protecting those that need protecting. He felt more able to open up to this Xazor Dawnstrider.

"My name is Jeran. I am hunter of the darkside, brother of the trees. The Forest is my home and my family now." He remained before her as he spoke, remaining still. She intrigued him, and he could see this visit being longer than most.

Xazor Elessar
Nov 5th, 2002, 03:33:02 PM
She could sense the confused look upon his face when she spoke of what she was.....Garou. A smile crossed her lips as she closed her eyes for a moment and with help from the Force, she seemed to sit upon the air.....though to her it felt solid. Beneath her was a Force wall, something she was good at creating and holding for long periods of time. Crossing her legs like a pretzel, she let her eyes meet his and she smiled once again.

"Indeed, respect is more important than trust sometimes. I fear nothing....yet I have respect for what deserves it. Trust....I trust only in a few people. I trust myself above all others though...."

She said softly, letting her soft gave fall to the ground for a moment before she allowed her eyes to wander back up and meet his. A grin crossed her lips as she felt a familiar presence enter the scene. Her beloved companion, Kaukauana, followed her everywhere and here was no exception. The Force sensitive wolf was like her best friend....and he would never leave her to herself. Slowly he made his way to sit beside her, his own pair of cyan eyes gleaming against the darkness. The wolf was deaf and even as she offered him a friendly hello, he could only sense her words through the Force, and return them that way. He was unique to say the least. As this occured, the stranger spoke his name....and it caught her a bit offguard. Jeran..... she thought the name over in her mind as she thought of how curiously familiar he seemed. So much about him was like one she knew.....and she could not displace Terran from her mind. Jeran......Terran....... then all of a sudden it hit her. Jeran...he had been the one she was absently searching for. He was Terran's Brother....and neither of them knew this? Her heart skipped a beat and she nearly fell off of her Force wall, but she promised herself to keep this information a secret until the right time came about.

"It is a pleasure to meet you Jeran. My pack rather appreciates people like you. It is not often one sees a man walking through the woods for good purposes. Many come into the Great Forest on Eden to destroy the homes of others living there. They destroy the trees and this causes Gaia to weep. You are not one of those, though....I can sense it."

She let the words hang in the air space between them. It was enough to make him curious......hence, he would stay and speak with her. Or, he would find it completely uninteresting, and he would leave. Either way, she was willing to share with him as much about herself as he would offer in return. It was like bartering....the more she gave, he would give in return.....and hopefully she would unlock the secrets that would lead he and Terran together once again.

Jeran Conrad
Nov 5th, 2002, 04:53:32 PM
She sat upon the invisible wall, focussing in on him as she spoke. He listened intently.

Jeran had felt the wolf enter the small clearing. His spirit was pure--he was truly a wild one. However, he had come here with purpose, which was odd. The creature slowly stalked into view, coming besides Xazor. Hmmmm...it was obvious they knew each other. He thought he was the only being in this universe that heard the voices of the animals. This was very, very interesting. He looked to the wolf for an answer.

Do you know her? He spoke to the wolf in the wind. There were no real words with animals--it was just...well, it was indescribable. They spoke and could be spoken to, but it was in an abstract form of communication. Like a communications sattelite--waves are recieved and turned into words. The same was true with Jeran and the spirits of nature.

His gaze came back to Xazor. She seemed to be wondering about something--he could tell by looking into her eyes. They were slightly less focused--something few would pick up on. He did.

"You are right. I have felt the spirit of Gaia. She is a great one, and her love for her children in unparrelled. You speak of your 'pack.' What is meant by this?" He wanted to know more about her. He wanted to know if the wolf had come here by accident, attracked to her only, or if she could communicate with it like he could. Could she hear the animals? Was this true?

Nov 5th, 2002, 05:12:20 PM
For as much I could smile I did so, though, wolves did not appear to have the most friendly look.....not when their teeth were showing.

Indeed, I know her well. She saved my life and for that, I have become her Guardian....

I spoke softly in the human's mind. He was a curious one alright, but Master Xazor seemed to be doing just fine on her own, and it was apparent he would not hurt her. I kept my eyes upon the one called Jeran....for I did not trust so easily either.....I only trusted a few people in this life, and at the moment, he was still earning that trust.

She is a wonderful woman.....though.....she forgets that I need to run....outside, not in the Jedi Living Quarters. I try to remind her, but she is under a lot of stress lately with the Unborn Pup and all.....

I informed him, though at the end, I thought perhaps I had spoken too much. I sighed and looked up at Master Xazor who seemed to be having a conversation with herself, though I knew she could hear all that was being said. Even I could.....and I am deaf. I decided to let her do the talking after a bit of time....and so I remained quiet, watching Jeran....

Xazor Elessar
Nov 5th, 2002, 05:49:55 PM
Xazor smiled gently as he spoke of feeling Gaia's spirit. Indeed, she was wonderful and the love she held for her children was tremendous. Xazor felt this daily and cherished the light she brought.

"My pack.....my family. I am Garou.....did you not see me? I am a shapeshifter......I changed from the form of a wolf to that of a human being. I am what many refer to as a werewolf."

She said softly, hoping he understood without being frightened of her. Many were afraid when she said 'werewolf' but no one used the term Garou anymore....it was something of old. The Knight's eyes drifted down to rest upon Kaukauana as he had a conversation through the Force with Jeran. Her gaze made its way back to the Hunter's eyes and still she could not get it out of her mind that he was Terran's Brother.

"This is Kaukauana.....my companion. His Brother was my companion while I was serving the Sith Order on Cysaria....the only place that has more then ten wolves currently."

Suddenly she stopped as his eyes changed. What did I do? she thought to herself.....then suddenly she remembered. She had once been a Sith.....and he was a hunter of the Darksiders...but she had changed! Wouldn't he know that? Her heart skipped a beat as thoughts of placing her hand upon her saber crossed her mind, but she would not.....no, she would learn to trust him.

"He was killed protecting my life. I went back to find his family and I found Kau.....he is deaf though one can communicate with him through the Force. He is Force sensitive, strangely."

Hoping that a slight change of subject would make him forget what she just said, she let her eyes fall upon the wolf once again, refusing to meet the gaze of Jeran. She wondered what was going through his mind at the moment.....

Jeran Conrad
Nov 5th, 2002, 06:13:19 PM
Jeran had noticed that she mentioned word of once being a Sith. it was no matter, to him, however. He was once a Jedi Redeemer. The group of Jedi known as the Redeemers was an elitist organization. It was not elite in that the Jedi were more powerful, it was that those who took part in it were different. They were special--untouched by the darkside. They used brutal--and sometimes Sith techniques--to get what they needed to get. Their goal was to redeem those who turned their back on the light. Or, if needed...they would destroy the fallen ones. He had seen many darksiders return to the light. It was a difficult process, but it could be done. He and his Master were the last to be part of the Redeemers, as the Order declared them no longer worth the trouble. The Order spent too much time trying to explain the actions of the group, and so it was voted to disband the elite order. He had caught wind that perhaps something new was forming--a group of Jedi who sought to take back the Redeemer's role. He thought it might be the Plague--it was not. He still sought this group, if it even existed.

"I have heard of the werewolf, though I have never met one before. Garou is their name? An interesting breed they...you are. Part animal, part human. Seemingly a perfect match." He smiled. His face brightened, much like his brother's face would.

He sensed no overpowering darkness in her--all had a hint of the dark side, but those who were corrupted by it smelled. At least, to his accute senses, he could smell the stench. It was sickening to him. She had no such smell. Hers was much more kind.

"It is strange, but I imagine some animals may be able to sense the spirit of the Force. Afterall, their souls are enriched with it just as much as our own." He looked again to Kau. He was a beautiful creature. "Do not fear your past. People change--it is an acceptable aspect of life." He was hoping Xazor would understand that he would not judge her for her past. Jeran took a seat on the ground before Xazor--he wished to extend this conversation.

"Tell me--how did you find me? Was this random luck, or did you seek my scent?" He knew that she, being a Garou, would probably have a keen sense of smell as well.

Xazor Elessar
Nov 5th, 2002, 06:30:18 PM
Xazor sighed relief when he said that he would not judge her for her past.....so many others had and it was nice to find one who finally did not. She smiled gently as he spoke and nodded in agreement with what he was saying. Then he asked something that would be difficult for her to answer, but she would try.

"Well.....it was sort of a joint effort on my part. I was looking for someone....who happens to have the name of Jeran.....but I somehow stumbled across you. Your scent gave you away to me a bit....but otherwise, I was just simply intrigued."

She would tell him no more....not of Terran or anything of the sort....for now. Perhaps their conversation would lead them to that but not now, it was not the right time.

"And you....you drew your knife so quickly. Would you do that to your family as well?"

She was not judging him either, but she was asking a simple question to nudge him in the direction of the topic of family. Would he remember his family? She knew not but was willing to listen to him despite both of their uncertainties...

Jeran Conrad
Nov 5th, 2002, 06:57:29 PM
He thought of his parents on Gais. They were such a sweet couple--they loved him and supported him throughout his life. By the time he was 8, he had been discovered. The Jedi had come to take him into training. He was excited--he knew he was different. They had told him of his brother--Chase--who was the same. He had died very young--killed by the Sith. He hadn't seen his family since he was admitted to the academy, but he had written them several times. Not for years now...

"I have no family." He continued. "I am careful, that's all. The Universe has little role for someone like me. It is difficult to survive." He was intrigued by the fact that she was searching for someone named Jeran. He didn't know lots about common names, but he wondered how common it was.

"You seek a Jeran...what do you know of him?" He had never met another Jeran, However, he had never met many people, really. He wondered if his name was actually known. He almost scolded himself for that fact--he had tried to dissapear into the shadows of the forest forever, so as to keep a low profile.

Xazor Elessar
Nov 5th, 2002, 09:32:31 PM
Xazor smiled gently as he questioned her about the one she sought. It was him she was looking for....and now, it was time to prove this to him.

"I know only what his parents have said....."

She began softly, recalling a week ago when she had gone to find Terran on a beautiful planet where his parents resided. As she remembered, she smiled and looked down to the ring upon her finger. It was beautiful and she could feel Terran there with her.

"His parents are wonderful people.....quite conservative, and they have good spirits. They reside upon a planet I cannot match with another. Its beauty is incredible and nature is everywhere. There is an abundance of horses there that run throughout the small town. And if I remember correctly, the name of this planet is.....Gais."

The Knight said thoughtfully, eyeing Jeran before continuing on with what she knew of him so far.

"He was a unique boy.....gifted......and he went to serve the Jedi. I do not remember clearly what they said had happened to his Order....but it fell apart. Now, they know not where he is."

Taking a breath, she thought of Terran once again and she grinned to herself, wondering what he would think when he found out that she had found his Brother.

"This man I am looking for has a Brother too.....his name was Chase and he became a Sith too......serving within the same Order as I upon the planet Cysaria. We basically grew up together and one day.....we fell in love. This is such a long tale but we knew that we were destined to become Jedi and so we were to be married and leave the Order, but he was supposedly killed. I went on and lived my life and was married......and then after several other circumstances, a man joined our Jedi Order. His name was Terran Starek. After sharing what memories we had of our past and becomming friends.....we both began to remember eachother, and I realized it was he who I had fallen in love with: Chase Conrad. He changed his name to that of a great Jedi Knight from long ago to signify a change in his life."

Her heart skipped a beat as all of this came back to her and she wondered what he was thinking at this very moment, hearing all of these things.

"He is looking for his Brother too......and so I promised him I would find Jeran......."

Jeran Conrad
Nov 6th, 2002, 01:01:02 AM
His mind froze as his gaze attempted to stay steady. He was almost sure it had narrowed a bit as she spoke. His emotions flared...his brother...was alive? His breathing quickened as she spoke, as every word she said was true. She was describing him. Him. Not the mask he had put up to fool the world, not the hunter he had become, not the shadow he stood behind. No, she was describing him...Jeran Conrad...

He grew angry. His self-pride and anonymity was threatened, and he did not understand how she knew who he was. He had done so well to disappear. He had become a shadow, and he wished to keep it that way. He didn't want to connect with his past. But his brother...his brother... his brother was alive!

He had a brother!

He had a brother! Someone like him, she had said. Someone who understood him, who had the same blood. His brother! He wanted to leap with joy, like a child, like a giddy little boy who was celebrating his birthday. He could barely contain the happiness he felt at this knowledge.

But he could not express it. He could not let her know, although he guessed she could feel it. You aren't like that anymore. You don't care, remember? Remember what happens to people around you? Your Master...Dae...nothing works for you... The self-doubt he had carried since his Master's death spoke inside of him.

His demeanor shifted. He became cold again. No emotion. No care. He could not allow this fact to bog him down. He had a Goal, a life-consuming goal to achieve, and there was no time to fool with petty excursions like this. People--relationships--were not as important as the Goal. He could not be distracted from it, as there was so much to do in one lifetime. Don't you forget, he told himself.

Jeran Conrad is dead. There is only The Hunter.

"You...you have the...you have the wrong Jeran." He lied, turning his back to her. He could not look her in the face. Gathering his cloak and putting it on, he began to walk away. His steps were dileberate and quick, as he got farther away from her. Something inside him ached, though.

You have a brother!


Chase is alive!


He is alive! Your brother is alive!

He stopped.

"Maybe...maybe I could find him. And if I did...if I found him...how would I...how would I get in touch with you?"

Xazor Elessar
Nov 6th, 2002, 06:48:08 PM
Xazor smiled to herself for she could feel the excitement radiating off of Jeran's body. He knew the truth now.....though she had known it from the moment their eyes met. He turned from her and walked away though she knew that he would not take more than ten steps before he would stop....and he did.

"Maybe...maybe I could find him. And if I did...if I found him...how would I...how would I get in touch with you?"

She replayed his question in her mind and she grinned to herself. Her eyes flickered to the trees for a moment and then to the sky before coming to rest upon Jeran once again.

"Just call upon my name and I shall hear your voice. I am everywhere yet no where in the same. I shall know when you seek me."

It was possibly the most confusing answer she could give anyone, but it would make sense to him. Her name floated upon the wings of doves and was carried through the woodlands upon the feet of wolves. All things that were wild she loved and protected....and so they knew her by name and carried that with them. Somehow, no matter where he was.....he would find her. She would be there....always.....

"Seek him out, dear friend.....for his heart wishes to find you greatly."

Jeran Conrad
Nov 6th, 2002, 07:31:37 PM
He understood how to find her. He could hear the unheard--the wind, the trees, the birds, and the flowers. He was also an excellent tracker and hunter, and finding her would be easy enough. She had an unmistakable scent, and he couldn't imagine not remembering it.

As she spoke the last sentence, he wondered what she was thinking. Perhaps she had a feeling about him--afterall, she had spoken his history word-for-word. In many ways, he felt like turning to her and telling her that it was he who sought his brother out--he was Jeran and he wanted to see his brother. But he would not--his self pride was a barrier that would not be broken. He would come to this on his own terms.

"To meet someone who understands the true meaning of the lightside is...promising." That was his compliment and goodbye. He appreciated her visit greatly--more than she would know. Continuing out of the clearing, his steps quickened as he picked up his pace. A call rang out into the night, a silent one. It went out to his horse--Faith--who was perched at the embankment of the river. He stopped next to her and knelt by the river. Washing the paint from his face and the bloody weapon, he mounted his horse to leave.

He thought about the meeting. Xazor was a very...approachable person. She seemed kindhearted, with a very natural touch to her. It intrigued him. He would seek her out soon enough--at the Jedi Academy. He would find her and let her lead him to his brother.

He would meet his brother.