View Full Version : A visit to Arcan (open to anyone)

Ki-Adi Kindo
Nov 4th, 2002, 06:05:34 PM
Kindo smiled.

" Arcan. "

Glory begun to gradually descend towards the grassy land below until finally resting against it’s firm surface. Has the engine grew quieter, the cockpit door opened. Unbuckling himself, the Jedi Knight climbed out of his pilot seat and then out of the ship itself.

He strolled over towards a ledge and stood peacefully, admiring the exquisite view that Arcan oftentimes provided. The brilliance of the stars filled the evening sky with light. The breathtaking climate brought back many cherished memories.

Even though it hadn’t been long since the Greater Jedi Order had decided to relocate it’s Headquarters from Arcan to Coruscant, Ki missed being there. It was where he first entered the Order, met his best friends, trained has a Padawan, and in conclusion became a Knight. For him Arcan was home, and living somewhere else seemed awkward, but just has he did when he left his first home, he would adjust. When his busy calendar permitted, paying a few short visits to Arcan was always on his list.