View Full Version : A Mr. Prent
Nov 4th, 2002, 05:39:07 PM
Smoker walked into Jedi with business on his mind but first he needed to find the man that could help him a Mr. Prent. Smoker had found out through contacts that Prent had frequented this Jedi bar in the past.
Smoker was dressed in a business suit, his head and face where freshly shaven and he cared a breif case with him. Smoker made his way to the bar and quickly got the bartenders attention with a rap on the wooden bar.
" excuse me Tender could you get me a scotch and possible tell me where I could find a man named Prent or at least point me in the direction of some one who might know of his where abouts."
Navaria Tarkin
Nov 4th, 2002, 08:57:45 PM
In the back of the bar, Navaria candidly sipped at her namana juice. The daily grind of memos, trade routes and Council matters scrolled up the length of the datapad she tapped upon.
Nov 4th, 2002, 09:37:10 PM
The Bartender was about to say something when Smoker noticed fine looking lady out of the corner of his eye. He told Tender just to hold on a minute.
Smoker began to walk to the back of the bar where saw the women looking over a Data pad. He watched her for a moment before he aproached her.
" Hello there ma'am, I couldn't help but notice you from over there at the bar. You have a striking beauty about you and i was wondering if I could get you a refill of your drink there. "
smoker smiled a bit and out stretched his hand for a hand shake
" My name is Jason but my friends call me smoker."
Navaria Tarkin
Nov 4th, 2002, 10:10:47 PM
She looked up from her work and offered a smile to Jason.
"Not a very fetching nickname so I will call you Jason. Hopefully you do not actually smoke."
Usually a night didn't pass where someone would find their way to her table and offer her a drink with conversation, obviously looking for more. Perhaps if the seat next to her wasn't empty all the time, these situations would happen less often.
"The drink would be lovely but as long as it is for friendly conversation. I am already spoken for."
Navaria finally learned to be up front to these people. It helped to make for less awkward moments; like what happened with Diego.
Nov 4th, 2002, 10:22:31 PM
smoker felt a bit nervous for a second but then that cleared from his head and he sat down in the seat across from Navaria. a server driod passed by and Smoker whistled at it come closer and get his order. after he order Navaria her fresh drink he turn back to her witha smile.
" To answer question I got my nick name because I was an excellent shot with any type of gun and I use to smoke but I got rid of that nasty habit.
It figures you know all the pretty women are usually taken by the time I arrive but I can handle friendly conversation."
Server driod arrived with the fresh drink and smoker picked it up and set it in front of Navaria.
Navaria Tarkin
Nov 4th, 2002, 10:27:19 PM
Navaria signed inwardly, relieved that Jason was, at least on the surface, a seemingly decent fellow.
"I am glad that is cleared up then. My name is Navaria Tarkin."
She smiled at the droid and took a sip before asking her question.
"A good shot huh? Are you a Bounty Hunter of some sort? Perhaps Military?"
Nov 4th, 2002, 10:39:42 PM
Jason nodded. The Name Tarkin rang a bell for smoker he remembered a Message he delivered to planet called Meras to a tarkin estate. smoker almost died that day dealing with a nasty sith woman. Jason seemed just a bit shaken by the name but he tried to hide it as best as he could.
" I was a little of both, I was in the local Military on my home planet nothing big like the New Republic, and I was a bounty hunter before I got my start in business and Politics. I still do a little of that seedy work when money runs short but not by preference.
In fact I'm here on business. How about yourself Navaria what do you do for your living in this galaxy. "
Sanis Prent
Nov 5th, 2002, 12:00:42 AM
She's a Jedi Knight, actually. Best in the galaxy, but that probably makes me a bit partial.
(I pulled the chair opposite the pair, and took a seat, flipping the collar of my shirt down as I ran a hand through my hair. It was a bit warm out, and I'd been on the go most of the day. Removing my shades, I smiled, leaning in to kiss Navaria for a day's hello. I paused, eyes turning to the man at the table)
Sorry, don't believe we've met. Sanis Prent...
(I extended a hand to the guy)
Nov 5th, 2002, 04:43:47 PM
" My names Jason but my friends call me smoker."
Jason extended his hand to shake Prents hand.
" I can bet shes the best Jedi around and I haven't even seen her in action.
So are you the Mr. Prent that owns Prent enterprises or am I took look for another with the same last name?"
Navaria Tarkin
Nov 5th, 2002, 09:21:16 PM
Her face lit up at the sound of Sanis' voice. Yet it paled in comparison to how brightly her faced beamed after his hello kiss. Perhaps it did beam with some embarrassement.
"A bit biased? Please."
We need to talk later. Alone.
She sent the message so only Sanis could here and made sure to keep eye contact with Jason while it was done; so there was no indication at all anything had happened.
"You both sound like I am some action hero off the vids. I am merely a Jedi that serves and goes where I am needed."
Navaria threw Sanis a playful sideways glance.
"Nothing more unlike you who apparantly has a fan club."
Sanis Prent
Nov 7th, 2002, 01:32:11 AM
(I kept my eyes forward upon Nav's message, but my thoughts rose to the surface clear enough for Nav to pick up on)
Alright, I'll be here. Anything you need.
(Without a change of facial expression, I acknowledged the visitor)
Yeah, that's me. Why do you ask?
(I leaned back in my seat, casting Nav a sidelong glance.)
Nov 7th, 2002, 02:22:55 PM
Jason mind all of a sudden started to go into business mode after he heard that this was indeed the man he was looking for.
" Well Mr. Prent I represent a small business on a back water planet and they have been saving up allot of money over there years, so they could buy a large amount of stock in a bigger more universally known Company.
I sent out my contacts over three months ago to search for such companies and Prent enterprise ended up at the top of the list. What this means is my people would like to by a extremely large amount of stock in your company if at all possible."
Jason sat silent for a moment wait for a response from Mr. Prent. Jasons facely expresions stayed serious and he seemed very calm.
Sanis Prent
Nov 8th, 2002, 07:25:00 PM
Well...I can appreciate an investment opportunity.
(I was in dollars and sense mode, and I immediately switched my brain into all things quantifiable)
As far as shareholding percentage...I'm only offering 25% of stockholder's equity to the public market at present. The return on such an investment should be more than what you need, but I'm not gonna sugarcoat it...its a risky venture. Prent Enterprises is heavily financed currently. Now, what I can do is to sell you a portion of stock for X amount, or provide you a future stock option, for 1/5th the share, at the same cost. You'd still be ground floor, with less risk. The only catch is that its more expensive, share-for-share.
Navaria Tarkin
Nov 11th, 2002, 10:18:10 PM
Business. A rather tedious subject to say the least. Something that she should be doing while Sanis and Jason talk number crunching. Navaria keyed up her datapad and seemingly paid no mind to the conversation but kept her thoughts aware of the discussion incase Jason held questionable motives. Navaria wouldn't pick any information from his mind. No. But his surface thoughts and emotions would leak through and be easily picked up by an empath like Navaria. Just because she wasn't in the conversation didn't mean that Navaria wasn't going to look after Sanis' best interests.
Nov 12th, 2002, 10:33:15 AM
Jason listened and nodded as Sanis went don't the list of possible options. One question came to Jasons mind and that question nagged at him through most of Sanis list.
" Mr. Prent how much of that 25% to the public is currently bought up and if none of it is how much would the whole 25% block cost. "
Jason was sent with enough money to this meeting to by up to about 40% of any given company on the market just as big as Prent enterprises. Jason wasn't going to let Mr. Prent know that though.
Sanis Prent
Nov 12th, 2002, 03:00:40 PM
About five percent of our shares are outstanding currently. Some were sold on the market, to public and private investors, and I've repurchased another five percent into treasury stock.
If you're interested in the remaining shares outstanding, I can have you talk with my CFO. She is somewhat more informed on the details.
Navaria Tarkin
Nov 12th, 2002, 09:54:29 PM
Without even looking up, being so "engrossed' with her own duties on the datapad, Navaria spoke to Sanis once again through their bond.
He and his employers are very interested, Sanis. More so then he is letting on. They really want this deal.
The money was also on Jason's surface thoughts but that was giving Sanis more of an edge then was necessary. It was more important to let him know that everything was legit so far.
Nov 13th, 2002, 05:46:37 PM
Jason smiled and his eyes widened with excite over the remaining shares but he tried his best to hold back and stay serious.
" Yes I would like to buy the remaining shares, so who is this CFO and where can I go to meet her to finish this deal. I would Like to give my people I work for the good news as soon as possible Mr. Prent."
Jason was very eager to get this Business transaction done. Two things where currently on his mind number one the cost of this business transaction and to the fact that he could feel his twin brother close by and that some what made him a bit weary.
Sanis Prent
Nov 13th, 2002, 09:48:40 PM
Hang on one second, if you would...
(I rose from the table, stepping away from Nav and my visitor, so that I could talk on my wristcomm. I tapped up a number on speed dial, and entered it. A very familiar figure wavered in miniscule form on the holoprojector on my wrist.)
Saa, this is Sanis. We've got an investor at the B&G that you might want to talk to.
Saarrreeaa Meorrrei
Nov 15th, 2002, 11:34:02 PM
Saa pushed Cirr away from her and rolled over on the bed, grabbing a robe to answer the holocomm. It was Sanis. "jYeah, okajy, jI'm on mjy wajy." She shut off the comm and then reached for her clothes.
Ten minutes later she was walking in the doors of yet another seedy establishment called Yog's, but this one was on Coruscant, not Arcan IV. She brushed back her long blonde hair, and spotted Sanis at a table..with...her...
Bujisssnessssss... Saa straightened her casual pantsuit, and approached the table. "jI hope jI haven't mjissssssed anjythjing...jinterrressstjing." She smiled, and found a seat at the table.
Navaria Tarkin
Nov 16th, 2002, 10:20:51 PM
A look of confusion crossed her eyes as a feeling of intense hatred was felt by the Jedi Knight. What really baffled Navaria was that this powerful emotion was directed at her. When she looked up, her eyes were drawn directly to the Cizerack female that walked inside the bar. From what little, and that was an understatement, that Navaria knew, Sanis was mixed up with some powerful Cizeracks. There was a shared memory that explained more of this but it was fuzzy ...
She cast a glance over at Sanis, her eyes asking the obvious question before he felt her mind touch his.
Who is she and why does she hate me so?
Inquisitive eyes returned back to the conversation and offered a friendly smile, saying nothing, since it wasn't her deal being made here.
Nov 18th, 2002, 11:10:50 AM
Jason looked at the Cizerack Female that had just joined them and could see a slight dislike in the Cizerack's demeanor towards Navaria. Jason being a long time business man had learned long ago to read peoples action when you first meet them to get a good taste of how they act most of the time.
Jason could tell That Sanis was a man who enjoyed business for its benefits which of course was money but also noticed that sanis didn't always directly deal with business partners. The case in point came because he had called in his CFO to finish the business transaction. Also there was hint that Sanis Liked excitement but Jason couldn't put his finger on it exactly.
Then there was Navaria a Jedi at its peak sometimes very hard to read at first glance much like Jasons brother. All he really got from Navaria was couple of things. Number one She cared deeply enough for Sanis that she was probing Jasons surface thoughts, to make Jason was the real deal. Jason new this but really didn't care, there for didn't speak out against the intrusion. Jason was not Force sensitive but his twin brother had been but Jason was left with innate abilities that helped him to tell when the force was being used on him and for what purposes. The other thing Jason Noticed about Navaria was that she had to be of Higher standing with in the Jedi ranks, He based this on the fact that he caught glimpse of what she was working on, on the data pad. A lower ranking Jedi would not being such work.
Jason Dropped out of thought and looked back at all three people. He reach out his hand as a gesture to the Cizerack Female. Even though he new of the races Violent tendances he still did so anyway.
" Hello there Ma'am are you Mr. Prent's CFO?"
Sanis Prent
Nov 20th, 2002, 10:13:57 PM
(My eyes trailed up to Navaria as her thoughts returned to my mind. I looked at her in suprise for a moment, and then looked away again.
"I'll have to tell you later."
And I would. The time was coming to the point in which I could no longer put it off. I'd done nothing wrong, I knew that...but there was doing, and there were appearances. Either one could be damning, in the right situation. I turned back to Saa, whatever flashes of emotion that I'd let slip, I pulled back beneath the surface.)
Saarrreeaa Meorrrei, meet Jason Smoker, a potential investor in our company.
Saarrreeaa Meorrrei
Nov 21st, 2002, 12:22:05 AM
Saa reached out a slim hand to Jason, and smiled. "A pleasssurrre to meet jyou, jI'm sssurrre." She looked at Sanis, and then back to the investor. "How majy jI assssssissst?"
Navaria Tarkin
Nov 25th, 2002, 04:43:06 PM
She frowned slightly, not liking the look on Sanis' face.
Of course.
More to add to what they needed to talk about ... she added to herself. Then she returned to her cataloging.
Nov 25th, 2002, 04:58:12 PM
Smoker finished shaking hands with Saarrreeaa.
" Its nice to meet you Saarrreeaa as well. You can call me ether jason or by my nick name smoker."
Smoker turned to Sanis.
" I guess I forgot to mention my last name. It is not Jason Smoker its actually Jason Mcgraves. smoker's just the name my friends gave me."
Jason then stretched his arms.
"shall we get onto business."
Saarrreeaa Meorrrei
Nov 27th, 2002, 11:04:40 PM
Saa shook Jason's hand, noting his firm grips, and settled into her seat, tail draping lazily across her lap. "Ssso, Jassson? jYou werrre jinterrresssted jin jinvessstjing jinto Prrrent Enterrrprrrjisssesss?" Saa opened up a slim black portfolio, and drew out an even slimmer datapad.
She set it on the table, and used a stylus to tap up a few numbers, which she then pushed towards Mcgraves. "Prrrent Enterrrprrrisssesss hasss twentjy-fjive perrrcent of jitsss ssstock sssharrresss avajilable forrr publjic buyerrrsss. Currrentljy onljy fjive perrrcent hasss been bought, ssso therrre jisss twentjy perrrcent avajilable forrr jyou and the people jyou rrreprrresssent to purrrchassse. We arrre offerrrjing thessse sssharrres for one hundrrred crrredjitsss a pjiece. Busssjinessssss jisss good." Saa licked her lips and smiled, letting her eyes stray over his nice suit coat, and admired how he filled it out.
She wondered if Sanis noticed her noticing Jason, and then continued, "We alssso have thrrrree perrrcent of ourrr trrreasssurrrjy stock avajilable forrr one hundrrred fjiftjy crrredjitsss a sssharrre." In front of him, Jason could see the numbers and how they all played out, including the bottom line figure. Saa waited for a response.
Dec 2nd, 2002, 05:20:01 PM
Jason looked over the numbers and nodded every once and while. He reveiwed them Twice over just as he normal did to make sure he didn't miss anything extremely important. Jason soon looked up from the data pad to Saarrreeaa then a quick glance to Navaria and then to sanis.
" I will Purchase all the the twenty percent public stock currently open and."
Jason paused for a moment and thought on the treasury stock. He finaly made a desicion in in his head.
" I will buy the twenty percent public stock and and the three percent treasury stock. How long will it take you to write up the papers, so I can pay and we can finish this business deal and celebrate?"
Jason added a smile to everyone at the table
Sanis Prent
Dec 4th, 2002, 02:13:13 PM
(I glanced to Saa, to see if there was anything else. Sale of stock was generally a quick affair, as the fortunes of the market could change in minutes. So, if there was no more red tape, the deal would be sealed.)
Navaria Tarkin
Dec 4th, 2002, 04:22:41 PM
She politely smiled back, acknowledging Jason, glad that this was a simple negotiation. Unlike some of Sanis' affairs ...
Dec 12th, 2002, 02:41:07 PM
Jason sat there waiting for the papers he needed to sign. He took a sip of his drink and thought about the company he represented and how sooner then later it would be a well known company thanks to Mr. Prent and his CFO. Jason wondered what would be next for him out there in that wide expanse known as space. A wide smile crept up on his face as he came to the realization of what was next for Jason "smoker" Mcgraves.
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