View Full Version : Ancient Exploration (open)

Kas Katta
Nov 4th, 2002, 11:35:31 AM
Seven millennium ago.

Hyperspace, blue mottled sky, speed unimagined. Only dreamed of.
(“Prepare for an emergency shutdown. Begin cooling sequence.”)
A ship, long, and oblong. Like the coffin the crew thought it was.
(“Everyone strap in. Pull those belts tight.”)
Electricity walks up and down the hull of the ship, seeking, seeking.
(“Shut the reactor core down now, begin drive decompression sequence”)
Explosion. One of three exhaust ports detonates, and is left behind.
(“Cut the oxigin feed off from the aft, pull down dampers)
The voice of authority wavers slightly, confidence fades. Seconds slip by.
Blue glow glances off the faces of a voluntary crew of seven.
(“Revision in 5…4…3…2…1…Mark.”)
A hand grasps a lever, pulls.

Realspace. Black sky pecked with dot’s of light.
Explosion. Hard light from the unnatural, stretched.
A coffin of metal comes from beyond, slows down.
Lightning plays up and down, seeking, seeking.

[edit, changed title]

Kas Katta
Nov 4th, 2002, 11:50:42 PM
(“ Take two for safety. Take two for safety.”)
Memory calls up an unwanted recollection of a mother’s voice.
(“ Take two for safety. Take two for safety.”)
Consciousness returns. Eyes open, light streams in. Pupils dilate.
Voice of command speaks.
(“Everyone still alive?”)
Silence. Silence. Silence. Pulse quickens.
(“Report! Status!”)
Movement is heard. Space suit rustles. Throat clears.
(“Uh… Um… All systems report green sir”)
Voice of command is silent. Waiting. The crew begins to stir.
(“Weapons here”)
(“Science here”)
(“Doctor here”)
(“Security here”)
(“Engineering here”)
A moan. Yellow light glances of six faces. The seventh…
(“Commanding officer here, doctor, see about the second Scientist”)
Acknowledgment greets his ears. The commander nods, and turns.

Harsh whisper from Science One.

(OOC: This RP is open, feel free to take control of any of the 6 crewmembers. The Capn's mine ;)

Cmdr. Castles
Dec 18th, 2002, 03:19:43 PM
[OOC:- I'll take the Engineering department of this if thats okay]

The young male sat listening to the hums and hushed voices of the others behind him, running his slim fingers over the keypad in front of him.

"It looks like it's all in order sir" The husky voice stammered through the microphone in front of him. Although he was only 20, he had learned his lessons well.

"Damb." It looked like they would be stopping soon. The ship had a total of three engines and one had just started playing up.
"Guys we need to land on the nearest planet or we wont be goin anywhere..." Today would be a long day.....