View Full Version : Breathe.....(Jeseth Cloak)

Xazor Elessar
Nov 4th, 2002, 11:01:50 AM
By: Disturbed

You will release your life
Forgetting what's forsaken the reason why
You are alone again
You will believe the lie
Judging from what you've taken
You breathe alive
You're alone again

From the heart of darkness
You call to me
Spirit raging on
There is nothing i can do
For you are next to no one

You will release your life
Joining with the goddamned world
Of the dead and the lonely
You'll never leave alive
Now do you think that you're too damn good
For the killing kind

You will begin to cry
Hearing the silence breaking
You breathe, alive
But you are alone again

From the heart of darkness
You call to me
Spirit raging on
There is nothing I can do
For you are next to none


You will release your life
Forgetting what's forsaken
You breathe, alive
You are alone again


Nothing I can do


Xazor's mind raced as her X-Wing was gently set down upon the ground on the outskirts of Coruscant City. It was a good ways out and no one would dare disturb her with what she hoped to accomplish. Having just come from Master Yoghurt's Bar and Grill with news from her severaly wounded Brother, Alpha, she set out to find the one who had hurt him. Jeseth Cloak.....I'm going to kill you.... she kept thinking. Though quite 'Un-Jedi-Like' she cared not....he had messed with her family and now she wished to mess with him. The Garou kept her hand upon her saber and she began pacing about, waiting for him to answer the call she had put out through the Comm Unit in her ship. She had also called for him mentally.

The wind whipped up around her, though it was a warmer day. The suns were clouded over though and it had rained this morning. Now the eve was soon approaching and another storm was brewing up. It seemed as though the weather echoed Xazor's spirit.....warm and caring yet turbulent and unpredictable. She knew that she would be scolded for such rash actions, but this was important to her....and so she decided that it was right, no matter what the other Jedi thought...no matter what the Council thought.....she was of The Lost Jedi now.....and these decisions she made were justified within her mind. She let her eyes drift about the area as her long flowing black robes caught the wind and whipped around her. The waist length Garou Warrior Braids in her blonde hair snapped at the air around her though the silver coins in them weighted the hair down some. She glowed with a fierceness and a dark fire burned within her eyes as she stood awaiting Him......

Jeseth Cloak
Nov 5th, 2002, 05:07:20 PM
You want to kill me? She heard Jeseth muse in her head. He was watching her, and yet he was nowhere to be found. Then I have no need to fight with you - I have already won. There came a stab of pain inside of her. She could feel her heart mounting with pressure... blood was pouring in faster than it was being pumped out. Something was stopping her body from working correctly. Jeseth was still nowhere to be seen - his presence masked and his body concealed.

He was slowly making his way up along her ship, his saber in hand. He made not a single sound, and even his breath was silent. Her heart was pumping harder and harder as he grinned. She could see him now, standing over her upon her ship. He activated his saber and drove it through the cockpit, rendering the ship a useless hunk of metal. The computer had been trashed, as well as all the controls.

"Does it feel good to have hatred in your heart, Xazor?" Jeseth was ripping apart her mind, ravaging it for fear, doubt, guilt...

Xazor Elessar
Nov 5th, 2002, 05:58:52 PM
Xazor became paralyzed by fear as Jeseth began messing with her internal organs. Her heart began beating faster and faster and she was unable to stop it. Closing her eyes, she focused on the Force to slow it down, and it began to do so.....her breathing became normal though she could feel him in her mind. Her eyes opened wide just in time to see him ruin her ship. It was going to be junk soon anyhow, but now she had no way out of where she was.

"Does it feel good to have hatred in your heart, Xazor?"

The question rang in her mind and she growled fiercly, exposing her elongated canines. From her belt she drew a silver hilt and pressed a button upon it. Two blue blades shot out of both ends of the saber creating a double bladed, duel-phase weapon of death called Love. With the Force aiding the Jedi Knight, she jumped up to land atop her ship just a few feet from Jeseth.

"It does.......now I am going to kill you, you son of a bitch!"

She yelled and suddenly spun around with an arching swing to the Dark One's head. The blow was intended to lob his head off, and if not, to at least make contact and give him fair warning that she was not playing around. The hum of her saber sounded menacing now as the drive to attack more and more rose within her heart.....

Jeseth Cloak
Nov 11th, 2002, 05:23:43 AM
Jeseth blocked her saber, and then parried her second strike. She was acting out of anger, foolishly and without caution. His expression became serious as he focused his mind, his senses heightened. The difference between a Jedi and a Dark Jedi was that when a Jedi allowed anger to rule over them they would make mistakes, while a Dark Jedi would only becoming stronger.

Jeseth stepped back from the reach of her saber and initiated a simple (but very powerful) Force push with a quick wave of his hand. Xazor felt all of the air leave her lungs as she was shoved back off the top of her ship and towards the ground. "You're as pathetic as your brother..." He grinned, amused at her uncontrollable hatred.

Xazor Elessar
Nov 15th, 2002, 05:22:52 PM
Xazor growled as she felt the shove coming through the Force. Taking in as much air as she could, the Knight called upon the Force and created an invisible 'stop' in mid air. Gently she landed upon a platform unseen by all. With aid of the Force once again, she powered her legs to take her to stand atop her ship once again.

"Do not speak of my Brother as if he is scum. You only choose to tear apart his name because of your own insecurities. You're a jelous, whining child and you know he could have taken you.....just like I am going to!"

She growled once again and set forth. This time, she created the illusion in his mind that she was coming up from behind, making a strike to his head. Instead, she ducked and swung around, coming to the side with a powerful blow toward his mid-section. Just as she struck out, she created another illusion....making him 'see double' in his mind as if she was coming for a frontal attack as well. Of course, she was just getting started....and little did Jeseth know.....Xazor's level of illusions was incredible.

Jeseth Cloak
Nov 22nd, 2002, 10:33:38 PM
The barrage of hallucinations was disorienting. Xazor's lightsaber had managed to slash at his chest, searing through his dark clothes and pale flesh. The smell of ashen-blood and smoke lingered upon the Dark Sider now... but the wound had brought Jeseth into a much more aggressive stance. Her illusions (however powerful) were still unable to fully penetrate his mental defenses. He was deflecting all of her follow-up attacks successfully.

"I've had enough of these childish games." Jeseth uttered these words in aggravation. Something was tearing through the Force, creating a disturbance. Blue ripples of energy were streaming along Jeseth's free hand. His saber was still wielded defensively in the other. "Your illusions won't save you now - nothing can."

Xazor Elessar
Dec 5th, 2002, 07:40:58 PM
Xazor laughed to herself and shook her head. She felt something disturbing run through the Force and she closed her eyes as it began to give her a head-ache. Shaking her head slightly, she opened her arms and concentrated deeply on the Force. Suddenly from out in front of her, from what appeared to be coming from her heart region, was an extremely bright halogenic light. It was nearly the same magnitude as a flashbomb, but lacking the damage count with it. It engulfed the entire area and its purpose was simple. It would temporarily blind any Darksider within the area who looked upon the pure light. It would not affect a Jedi, save for the fact they might need to sheild their eyes a bit. The Dawnstrider's Light it was called and though it would only blind a Dark One for a few minutes while used by her, Xazor's Father could make it last ten fold her time. She smiled as the light radiated for nearly a minute, then died out to work its affects. Just as she pulled her arms back in, the Jedi Knight spun around with a Force powered kick aimed for Jeseth's solar-plexis. She hoped that she would be accurate in executing this maneuver.

ooc: Sorry for replying so slowly....I'll PM you....