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Judas Escariot
Nov 4th, 2002, 10:38:32 AM
After the confrontation...by this...person...he tries to remember...

Then, it came clear........."Sasha"

"Yes...I remember...that presence...that voice...but why here...oh how long has it been Sasha. Does he even remember.
He seems a bit different. Not like I always knew him. I never thought he would get involve with such a thing like this."

Nov 4th, 2002, 02:34:49 PM
Sasha entered the recruitment center once again.

“Still here, huh?” He asked, coming forward and leaning casually against one of the pillars.

He crossed his arms over his chest and his odd violet eyes studied the man before him. He didn’t look to be much older than Sasha.

Feliciana Devano
Nov 4th, 2002, 02:40:03 PM
"I've watched you wander aimlessly through the halls of this very Recruitment Center. Why do you do so? Have you nothing better to do with your life?"

A wicked grin spread across the lips of a woman standing nearly a meter and a half off of the man she had found out to be named "Judas". Rolling her eyes, she kept hidden in the shadows, though Sasha was aware of who it was.

"I've also heard you speak.........way too much. Do you think that is the way to come here and approach members of this Order?"

The black robes upon her body hid her well in the shadows and the hood drawn up over her head kept her identity a secret from the newcomer.

"And stating that you shall get your way will only get you.....a bullet through your thick skull."

Of course she wasn't threatening him....this was a test of sorts. Though she was only an Apprentice herself, she had fun doing these sort of things. On the other side of his head, quite close to his ear, the click of a gun was heard. It was a sound she had manufactured with the Force....something she was getting quite good at. It would make him turn and when he did, she was standing right beside him for when he would turn back to look at her.


Nov 4th, 2002, 02:43:41 PM
He tried to hide the smile of amusement. The feminine voice was a familiar one to him, and one that he wished to hear at any point in the day.

His gaze moved to the ground, and a slight chuckle escaped.

She could be so wicked when she wanted to be. This, he loved about her, as well as so many other things.

He looked up again just in time to catch her sudden appearance at the man’s side, and his violet eyes sparkled with amusement.

Judas Escariot
Nov 4th, 2002, 02:54:42 PM
Judas turns.

"Your very persistant are you?"

Then turns away and continues to walk.

"You were always like that..."

As he walks away he starts to remember...

Sasha: Come on Judas stop being a woose...

Judas: We shouldn't be doing this...

Sasha ignites the speeder's engine.

Judas: What are you doing!

Judas Escariot
Nov 4th, 2002, 03:01:46 PM
Judas peers to the other person looks away not amuse by this person flashy entrance...

"Hmm...," he said in a tone of discust, "Does everyone here require to appear in such an absurd welcoming

Nov 4th, 2002, 03:26:47 PM
Sasha shrugged.

“I suppose I am.” He replied evenly, seeing nothing wrong with this particular quality. It had earned him entry into the order, promotion from apprentice to knight, the true story of his father, several friends he could trust 100%, and the love of a beautiful, and rather talented woman.

He was content to let Judas walk away until he insulted Feliciana, and the rest of the order, calling them pathetic. This, he would stand for.

His saber ignited, the orange blade humming loudly in the otherwise silent room.

“I suggest you either apologize to the woman, or lose the tongue with which you chose to make such a foolish error.” He growled.

Judas Escariot
Nov 4th, 2002, 03:32:58 PM
He stops. With his back still turned.

"What are you going to do Sasha kill me?"

Nov 4th, 2002, 04:05:54 PM
What are you going to do Sasha kill me?

The young knight was silent for a moment.

“No. I believe I told you I would remove your tongue.” He replied, a hint of amusement in his voice.

“Now perhaps you’ll apologize…?”

Judas Escariot
Nov 5th, 2002, 07:13:49 AM
His fury rises but resides. Then, he turns around.

"Put that down," he snarls," If you wish to take this matter to next level then I suggest we take it in a change of scenery, there is no honor in a warrior that would point a weapon to someone's back...only a coward would do such a thing!"

He keeps his dark glare to Sasha in an intimidating fashion.

Nov 5th, 2002, 03:33:39 PM
Put that down. If you wish to take this matter to next level then I suggest we take it in a change of scenery, there is no honor in a warrior that would point a weapon to someone's back...only a coward would do such a thing!

Sasha scoffed at this.

“For the record, Im hardly pointing anything at your back.” He replied calmly, though the tone of his voice indicated that he was not fooling around anymore.

“Im holding a lightsaber, and you’re more than aware of its presence.”

His violet eyes narrowed.

“Let me get this straight….You propose to come into my castle, to seek admission to the order of which I am a member, tell me how I should or should not greet people, insult not only me, but Feliciana and the rest of the order, and you would expect me to be content with this? You who seek membership to this organization?”

Sasha shook his head.

“Perhaps I am dumb as a doorknob, but Im just not getting why you have any interest in joining an order that you continue to insult.”

He held his saber up only slightly, staring into the orange blade for a moment before he spoke again.

“Once you’ve answered that question, I’d be more than happy for a change of scenery.”

“Though, Im not sure one who has been so insulting to my home and my family is entitled to such good fortune.”

Judas Escariot
Nov 5th, 2002, 04:58:45 PM
Judas sighed in a bit frustration but resided, knowing that he had no choice than speak to him...besides, he was an old friend, and he the only way into this faction. "Well, then we have a simple understanding…” He started to walk toward a pillar and leaned against it. “I’ve been having these episodes ever since I was a child. I had several nightmares and when I thought or felt a certain way then, awkward situations happened,” he approached Sasha until he was in front of him about five feet and removed his hood revealing his face, “Sasha what has happened to me, I remembered my past, when we were young and stupid, these disturbing lapses in my mind. Then I found this,” he pulled out a familiar device out of his cloak and ignites it, “I researched information about this device, I found that this device was used by these Jedis and they used this power called the Force,” he started wielding it around, the lightsabre was well crafted, it had a white beam and was remarkable, it was a site, “That’s when I found out about this Order, I was curious about these feelings I had, the Jedi, and this Force they talk of,” he deactivates the lightsabre and puts it away, “So I’m here in front of my old friend included in this faction, I need my questions answered,” he walks passed Sasha and then turns around, “Is this enough for you?”

Lady Vader
Nov 5th, 2002, 05:50:51 PM
*LV had heard and seen enough. This new being's attitude was starting to grate even on her nerves.*

*She stepped into the light of the recruitment center, in the path of the young man as he walked past Sasha. She smiled, though the smile carried no warmth and her gaze was enough to freeze hell over.*

There is a negative side and a positive side to joining this Order. And so far, you've managed to reach the negative side with flying colors.

*The smile faded, but the icey green stare remained.*

Perhaps you'd like to swallowed your holier-than-thow attitude and tell ME why you feel you deserve to be a part of this Order when you have already shown quite vividly that you are incapable of being civil with it's members.

Judas Escariot
Nov 6th, 2002, 09:08:21 AM
"I am a seeker of knowledge, my admission is only for the cause of finding what I am. I do not mock anyone unless they push me to the limit," he pulled his hood back on, " This is my sole purpose to join this faction, something sent me here and I tend to find out why I am here too. This is my fate, I know it."

Nov 6th, 2002, 11:47:18 AM
Well, then we have a simple understanding…

Sasha clenched a fist at this, his reserves of patience nearly empty. This newcomer had such an attitude, and the young sith found it nearly impossible to like the guy, nevermind find a way to welcome him into the order.

I’ve been having these episodes ever since I was a child. I had several nightmares and when I thought or felt a certain way then, awkward situations happened

At this, the man moved to stand about five feet from Sasha, and removed his hood revealing his face. It was not familiar to the young Sith, at least, not at first, for sure.

Sasha what has happened to me, I remembered my past, when we were young and stupid, these disturbing lapses in my mind. Then I found this

At these words, Sasha’s violet eyes narrowed slightly. The man spoke as if the two of them had known each other.

And then he pulled a lightsaber from his cloak and ignited it, On a natural instinct, Sasha felt his muscles tense, as if in preparation for something.

I researched information about this device, I found that this device was used by these Jedis and they used this power called the Force, Sasha raised an eyebrow. Even on the remote planet he had been from, he had known what a lightsaber was. He had known who used them.

That’s when I found out about this Order, I was curious about these feelings I had, the Jedi, and this Force they talk of, The man deactivated the blade, and continued.

So I’m here in front of my old friend included in this faction, I need my questions answered. Is this enough for you?

He’d been about to ask why this one claimed to know him as an old friend, and about to say that no, it wasn’t enough for him, when Lady Vader, his mentor and master entered the room.

He was silent, for his respect for her ran deep, and if she had chosen to step in at this moment, he knew there was good reason behind it.

He deactivated the blade of his saber, though the hilt he still held in his hand. It was comfortable there, and the annoyance with this one kept him from being able to put it away completely.

He listened to the response of Judas to Lady Vader's inquiry, but made no comment. It would be wise for Judas to change his tone and his delivery of his words, or he would soon find himself iwshing he had never set foot in the door of the Sith Order. Lady Vader was not one with whom someone should take liberties of rudeness or haughtiness - and Judas seemed to be taking both.

Lady Vader
Nov 6th, 2002, 08:07:00 PM
*She stared at him a moment longer after he'd finished speaking, letting the silence thicken and dangle uncomfortably. Then, she spoke, breaking the errie silence.*

For starters, the Order is not just any other faction. It is a [/i]FAMILY[/i]. If you can not understand this, then leave now.

*She fell silent again, the thickness in the room almost becoming stiffling, yet cold, before she continued.*

Secondly, if you ARE to join this Order, which has yet to be decided, then you will abide by it's rules.

You will respect the Elders of this family, I being one of them. And your limits will be boundless when speaking to any of the Elders, or it will not fare well for you. That goes just as strongly for the Master who may train you.

You will then treat all of the Order's members as your brothers and sisters. No infighting among the members will be tolerated, and will be punishable by death.

Should you, after you have been accepted into the Order, wish to leave after some time, pray you leave under good terms. Blasphemy against the Order is a grave sin, and is punishable by unspeakable torment... and I don't mean death.

*She crossed her arms.*

I will speak with the other Elders about your entrance into this Order.

*With that, she turned and walked away down one of the darkened hallways. As soon as she was gone, the hallway seemed to shift shadows, it's pillars seemingly moving, as the Sith magics written on the walls protected the other areas of the Palace from intruders.*

Judas Escariot
Nov 7th, 2002, 08:56:25 AM
Judas looks to the elder and then peers at Sasha.

"Settled then...my thousand apologies...I guess we'll meet again sometime Sasha..."

He turned away and continued through the exit of the Palace.

Nov 7th, 2002, 10:32:28 AM
Even Sasha could feel the air seem to thicken around him, and uncomfortably, out of a natural reaction, he tugged at the collar of the shirt that he wore.

As Lady Vader had turned to walk off, Sasha, too, had turned to follow her. He stopped only to hear the apologies of Judas. His violet eyes stared at the man, and then he nodded curtly.

“Perhaps he will.” He replied, and then, like his master, disappeared into the shadows of the order.