View Full Version : Feliciana!!!!!

Lady Vader
Nov 4th, 2002, 03:34:53 AM
Ok, here's your fixied sig. I'm sorry for having to put it here, but I can't load it onto clanpages as clanpages is being stoopid. :\

So, you'll have to host it yourself or get someone to host it for you.

But do post to let me know as soon as you get it so I can remove it so it doesn't take up too much space here at the boards. :)

Feliciana Devano
Nov 4th, 2002, 08:19:45 AM
Thankies bunches LV! I really appreciate it! I got it saved to my system so you can take it off of here. :) Thanks again, I appreciate it! ;)

Lady Vader
Nov 5th, 2002, 06:14:10 PM
No prob. Glad I could be of help. :)