View Full Version : WHERE IS MY WIFE?! (council)
Wei Wu Wei
Nov 3rd, 2002, 09:20:32 PM
Wei entered the council chamber without knocking. He was upset. He might have even been angry.
"Where is my wife? What have you done with her?" He asked, his tone as serious as a heart attack.
Anbira Hicchoru
Nov 3rd, 2002, 09:59:25 PM
Pardon me?
:: Anbira cocked an eyebrow at the Padawan, awaiting an answer. ::
Morgan Evanar
Nov 3rd, 2002, 10:05:10 PM
Morgan blinked. He glanced at Anbira, who clearly knew exactly as much as he did: nothing.
"Eh? Wei, please calm down and explain yourself."
Wei Wu Wei
Nov 3rd, 2002, 10:09:47 PM
Wei shook his head. "Ange leaves a message saying she can no longer stay at the GJO. Then Master Anbira, you have people follow her and watch her ( , then I get these strange visions ( in which you council members find her and take her somewhere. I want her back."
A tear ran down Wei's face and his heart suddenly felt sick and tight.
Nov 4th, 2002, 03:08:12 AM
:: AB was just as surprised by Wei's outburst as anyone else in the Council room. ::
Wei, please, do try to calm yourself.
:: She knew the reasons Anbira had had her followed, but it was best if he answered that question. As to these visions Wei spoke of... ::
Could you perhaps clarify on these "visions" you had, Wei?
Lion El' Jonson
Nov 4th, 2002, 08:27:38 AM
Lion seemingly materialized out of nowhere, drawn to Wei's grief and panic like they were a beacon. It looked like it was going to hell in a handbasket...
He stepped backwards towards a wall, waiting to present his brief to Anbira, the master who had ordered him and Kindo to follow Ange. There was definitely something wrong right now...
(ooc: Mind if I step in for a second?)
Wei Wu Wei
Nov 4th, 2002, 10:03:57 AM
Wei took a deep breath to calm himself. "There was an old ruin...books...she said the council was hiding something, and she found that something out, and the council was hunting her to make sure she kept her mouth shut because the council did not want the other Jedi to find out their secret."
Wei took a shuddering breath. He was confused to say the least.
Dasquian Belargic
Nov 4th, 2002, 10:49:32 AM
New to his position as a Council Member, Dasquian simply sat back in his seat and regarded the flustered Padawan, his eyes flitting between the other seated members.
“Wei, I am sure the Council is hiding nothing from the members of the Order. There must have been some kind of mix-up or misunderstanding.”
Wei Wu Wei
Nov 4th, 2002, 10:54:11 AM
"I don't see how! She would never lie to me! And..." Wei's voice became quiet. "Neither would my council."
"I don't get it! Tell me what to do!" Wei's voice was a shout again, but not an angry shout like before.
Dasquian Belargic
Nov 4th, 2002, 11:07:33 AM
“Perhaps you should speak with your wife further on the matter. The Council can only offer you help in this problem when we have a clear idea what exactly it is that is troubling your wife. What you have mentioned so far is vague and could be built upon the fact that your wife was followed, thus creating pretence in her mind that the Jedi had some quarrels with her.”
He motioned one hand towards the Jedi Anbira.
“… If needed, I imagine, Knight Hicchoru would be happy to explain to your wife what he was trying to achieve through his actions.”
Anbira Hicchoru
Nov 4th, 2002, 02:49:08 PM
Padawan Jonson, if you would step forward and present your findings. Perhaps we can get to the bottom of this fiasco.
Wei Wu Wei
Nov 4th, 2002, 04:08:25 PM
"I would talk to my wife if I knew where to find her!" Wei blurted out.
Wei's thoughts raced in his head until one came in trailing behind the others.
"Lion? What do you know?"
Navaria Tarkin
Nov 4th, 2002, 08:32:18 PM
Navaria was beyond confused but she knew well that not all dreams were to be taken literal. Perhaps Lion would shed some light on this situation and cast her gaze towards him.
Lion El' Jonson
Nov 6th, 2002, 05:26:59 AM
Lion nodded to acknowledge the Jedi's order and bowed in respect.
"Council...the padawan formerly known as Ange Tot is now going by the name Angelica Shin. She has contacted two other people, a homosexual man named Rubes and a woman named Saphir. I've been unable to determine what they do for a living. As for Ange's...excuse me, Angelica's force abilities, I assume that she hasn't forgotten them...yet...I've been assigned to follow her by Jedi Hicchoru, along with Jedi Knight Ki Adi Kindo. Our findings are somewhat interesting. She's shown up in the Bar and Grill at least once, and doesn't quite seem like the same person..."
He took a deep breath and flashed a look of sadness towards Wei, before returning to his emotionless mask.
"Although I am in no way fully attuned to the force, it was easy to sense the anger coming off of her. She confronted her former master (, the knight Satine, without respect. While I realise that she is no longer a member of our order, I sensed something more than disrespect. Something like anger, or hatred. The Ange I knew was never like this. I still have no idea why she left, but she must have had a reason, and I'm still trying to figure out what the hell it was...."
He paused again, a feeling of guilt and sadness flashing through his mind.
"It is my opinion, and I mean no disrespect, but if Ange were to fall to the Dark Side, we'd have a serious situation on our hands. Not only has she been trained in the skills of the lightside, but she has extensive knowledge of our facilities on Yavin, Arcan, and Coruscant. I assume that she also knows that status of the Defenses around the academies. I pray that I am wrong, revered council, but we could have a problem..."
There was something else, but he didn't know if he should reveal it with Wei in the room. It would mean that he'd been keeping up a 24 hour surveilance on his friend as well as Ange. He looked to his left at his friend, whose face was a mass of confusion and sadness...the emotions flowed off of Wei like a burning flame.....
Wei Wu Wei
Nov 6th, 2002, 09:48:13 AM
"What? I don't think that could be true...The saiya-jin race is aggressive by nature. A short-tempered Saiya-jin is guaranteed. I've not only made Ange mad several times, but I also met her father, and he had a shorter fuse than Ange did."
Wei's jaw tightened. It always did when he was about to cry. All it would take were a few more spoken words on his part, and the tears would flow like waterfalls.
"B-but...sshe...." Wei's fists tightened as he fought the tears with everything he had. She had found him, and they had gotten married...she would never hurt the GJO as long as he was a part of it, that much was sure. And he would never leave the GJO unless his council were to excommunicate him from the Order, and they had no grounds on which to do that yet. A knot formed in Wei's throat and his jaw got tighter and tigher. His nose tingled, and his eyes began to get squinty. But he would not cry. He refused.
Lion El' Jonson
Nov 6th, 2002, 05:16:05 PM
"True..." Lion said in reply to Wei's argument against her anger. "That could be a reason for might be a cooling off period for her. Forgive me for speaking out of turn, council..." Lion added hastily.
Ki-Adi Kindo
Nov 6th, 2002, 09:33:20 PM
Kindo's hand gently rested upon Wei's shoulders, a gesture of comfort and support. He had immediately entered the Council Room after overhearing the discussion topic.
" Wei, my dear friend, the Ange you fell deeply in love with is not the Ange you now know. You understand that, don't you? "
He spoke with a gentle, compassionate tone.
Wei Wu Wei
Nov 6th, 2002, 09:37:23 PM
"Yes, I do." Wei's jaw grew tighter and everytime he moved it, it yanked the tears from his eyes.
"I...know she has changed. I know...she has needed to find herself...What I don;t know is...why she never bothered to tell me?"
There were no sobs, no sniffles. The tears streamed silently down Wei Wu Wei's face. He loved her, he really did. He would remain loyal to her. He wanted her happiness, but he still could not help but wonder if she cared at all for his.
Lion El' Jonson
Nov 7th, 2002, 06:28:56 AM
Lion wanted to go and confort Wei, but he kept himself at attention while he waited for the coucil's resposne.
Nov 11th, 2002, 01:09:48 PM
He wasn't usually found in the council chambers, but fate had thrown him there that day on an unrelated, unimportant task--he had forgotten his cloak.
He had no idea Ange had left the order, nor was he aware that Master Anibra had dispatched jedi to follow her, but, in reality, the matter was none of his buisness.
Shaking his head, he slipped out a side door, thinking to himself that this was the very reason jedi should not marry.
Lion El' Jonson
Nov 11th, 2002, 04:59:00 PM
(ooc: She's baaaaaack......:lol)
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