View Full Version : Life is lonely...(open)

Wei Wu Wei
Nov 3rd, 2002, 09:09:00 PM
Well I worked on the railroad
For t'pence a day
Drank down one penny
The other I'd save
I hammered and I hammered
For God knows how long
Well into madness, with each setting sun
I put my head down and I dreamt you were here
With me by the ol' tree, where no one could care

Far Away Boys, Far Away Boys
Away from ya now
I'm lyin' with my sweetheart
In her arms I'll be found

Then the sun belched upon me
You were no longer here
Lyin' in your place was my hammer and my gear
So I stamped out the fire that kept us both warm
The ashes were fallin'
Like the snow drops of old
We came to a mountain
Dynamite and she'll blow
A big hole in that rock
Like the one in my soul

Far Away Boys, Far Away Boys
Away from ya now
I'm lyin' with my sweetheart
In her arms I'll be found

We buried four workmen
They dug themselves well
From four empty coffins, to four early graves
They're only paddys, just paddys
Don't dig them too deep
You'll need all your strength boys
And they're replaced easily
With the heat I was melting
Into your sweet lips
Ah, your kiss takes me back
Takes me back from all this

Far Away Boys, Far Away Boys
Away from ya now
I'm lyin' with my sweetheart
In her arms I'll be found

Someone said it was Christmas
But not a tree was in sight
The only thing growin' was my will to die
Till the gaffer said 'men, your work here is done'
I said 'I'll see you in Hell, on that train we died for'
Never again, will I smell your sweet dream
But a pissed stained ol' gutter where:
You lips used to be

Far Away Boys, Far Away Boys
Away from ya now
I'm lyin' with my sweetheart
In her arms I'll be found

Wei was relaxing in a hammock, the cool breeze lightly rustling the leaves in the trees. Even the sun was soft and warm, it was a good day to be out. But Wei wasn't feeling like the breeze today. He wondered where his wife was. One minute she lived across the hall from him in the GJO living quarters, the next thing he knew, she was gone and Kindo and Lion had been sent to track her down, and outside of their rather impromptu marriage, Wei had not seen hide nor hair of her. Practicing was beginning to become a chore, not something. He felt like he would never see her again.

"Where are you?" he whispered into the air.

Nov 3rd, 2002, 10:11:27 PM
Loneliness was something Cold had to live with all his life. He would have probably gone crazy if he hadn't found a hobby: killing innocent victims. The problem was, it still didn't satisfy him. What was he looking for exactly? Cold arrived somewhere he'd never been before, quite peaceful and lonely. Most of the time, Cold wandered in the big cities, with his mind set on finding something, anything to do.

The Sith Order had done far enough things for him. Already he felt in place with them, yet he wanted more than enough. Walking there with only his lightsaber hilt at hand, he heard a man talk to himself.

"Who're you talking to? You crazy or something?" Cold had replied with a bit of rudeness in his tone.

Cold felt that the stranger on the hammock was very much influenced with the Light Side of the Force. Jedi or no Jedi, Cold didn't care, he was causing no harm and felt that he wasn't the only one that was lonely.

Wei Wu Wei
Nov 3rd, 2002, 10:17:45 PM
Wei sighed. "Crazy? Only crazy about a girl. She means a lot to me, and suddenly she disappeared. We met again but only long enough to get married on the roof of a semi-abandoned building."

Wei let out a discontented sigh and shifted to look at the newcomer. Wei decided to practice sensing intentions and found no ill will in the one called Cold Blaine.

"My name is Wei Wu Wei. And you are?"

Nov 4th, 2002, 12:36:24 AM
"Call me Cold," Cold said.

"Girl? There are plenty around this galaxy. Just get another one." Cold had never known what 'true love was and spoke in ignorance when he said that.

"There's really nothing that makes one girl different from the others."

Wei Wu Wei
Nov 4th, 2002, 10:00:37 AM
"This one is my wife."

Wei shifted again and looked at the ring on his finger.

"I can;t just find a new one. No one can be like she has been to me."

Nov 4th, 2002, 08:17:35 PM
"What? She dead or somethin'?" Cold asked in a rude manner.

Cold wasn't the type who really cared, but at the moment, he didn't feel like being alone. He felt that he was only a spec in this entire galaxy. Cold was ignorant, but was very outgoing. The streets had made him who he was. Cold didn't care about anything anymore. He had a life where nothing mattered, but himself.

"Well then?" He asked.

Wei Wu Wei
Nov 4th, 2002, 08:27:16 PM
"Just missing, and I don;t know where she went to or why."

Wei got up and let his legs hang off the side of the hammock.

"You ever been like this, Cold?"

Nov 4th, 2002, 10:54:09 PM
"Pff. If she left you and you don't even know where she is... I wouldn't call that a solid relationship," Cold had a point, but then again, he wasn't the perfect being.

He observed Wei Wu Wei get up and ask Cold a question that left him perplexed for a while. There had been loneliness in his life, and he did miss someone... but it was someone who had never existed, someone he needed. All his life, he had wanted a presence near him that would fulfill in bringing him joy, but that soulmate had never existed. After a pause, Cold answered.

"What do you care? It's not like my life means anything."