View Full Version : An Angel dragging in the dirt... (Open, Alpha wounded)

Nov 3rd, 2002, 08:57:31 PM
Satine swoops in flaring his wings, his mind clouded in a red haze of pain. He falls into the open door of the Bar and Grill, his wings flattening, so he skids on his back. Slamming into a table, satine pays no notice, and he stops soon after. those around him could see how bad of shape he was in. He had a hole in his left shoulder, low, which ripped through, to make its way out.

His silver eyes clouding, Satine croaks weakly.


Wei Wu Wei
Nov 3rd, 2002, 09:36:32 PM
Wei was soon up to help Satine.

"Hey, are you ok, Master Alpha?"

Wei snatched the small ouch off his belt that was his first aid kit and took out some bacta patches, applying them liberally to hsi shoulder.

"Hang on, you need help. Bartender! Call for a medic, pronto!"

Nov 3rd, 2002, 09:40:35 PM
A voice begins to drag him back into conciousness.

"Wei?" he asks, his voice still strained and weak, "Call a Jedi Healer, if you can get one..."

Wei Wu Wei
Nov 3rd, 2002, 09:48:15 PM
Wei didn't know any Jedi Healers. He set his jaw and tried to think of something. "Master Alpha, can you think of any? I don;t know any healers..."

The bartender had a hand on the comm, looking at Wei to see what he wanted done. "I don;t know! Call the GJO, I guess!"

Jubei SaDherat Vader
Nov 3rd, 2002, 09:55:31 PM
(Jubei approached the scene, a look of knowing concern on his face.)

Everyone back, now.

(He gestured to Wei)

Wei, help me lift him to this table. Mind his wings, the bones are delicate.

Wei Wu Wei
Nov 3rd, 2002, 10:05:01 PM
Wei nodded and with a light sure hand, lifted Satine onto a table. Once that was complete, Wei stepped aside and went to the bartender. "I don;t think we will be needing a medic, but I might need you again according to what Master Jubei might need."

The barkeeper nodded and the bar was suddenly silent, all eyes and ears on Jubei and Satine, all thoughts hoping for the injured Satine's quick recovery.

Xazor Elessar
Nov 4th, 2002, 05:49:51 AM
Xazor nearly spit out her drink as she witnessed her Brother slam into a table and lay wounded upon the ground. Her heart skipped a beat as she rose up from her seat and rushed over to him, only to be pushed away by Jubei.

"He's my Brother, damnit!"

She yelled in protest, pushing past him anyway to help lift him onto a table just as the others were.

"Bro......no......hang in there, for me....."

Tears stung at her eyes but she refused to let them fall. She had to be strong for him this time....it was her turn.....

Nov 4th, 2002, 09:40:49 AM
Satine hears his sister's voice, and his eyes flutter open. Funny, he didn't remember closing them...

"Sis...Eve's back...Jesseth..." he rambles, before he runs out of breath and energy. He needed to go to sleep. That would help him...

Wei Wu Wei
Nov 4th, 2002, 10:10:15 AM
Wei got a clean napkin from one of the nearby tables and handed it to Xazor.

"It'll be ok. Alpha will be just fine. And who is Jeseth?" Wei asked.

Xazor Elessar
Nov 4th, 2002, 10:32:22 AM
Xazor looked to her Brother with hopeful eyes and she smiled as he stated that Eve had returned.

"That.....that's great Alpha......."

Then he mentioned a name she had once respected.....she had silently watched him as he was a Sith.....and had thought of following him to learn when she was just a Padawan. Those thoughts had since left her and now anger swept over her body. Her eyes burned with a great fire and she growled deeply, knowing what she was about to do was a big mistake.

"I'm going to kill that son of a bitch....."

With determination in her eyes, she pushed through the crowd and made her way to the Space port where she would take her ship and find the one who had hurt her Brother....

Wei Wu Wei
Nov 4th, 2002, 04:13:54 PM
Wei watched in awe as Xazor stormed out of the Bar and Grill.

"I heard rumors that she had anger problems, but I never really believed any of it until now."

Nov 4th, 2002, 06:20:17 PM
Satine hears his sister, and his eyes open wide, shock jarring him alert. Ignoring the pain from his shoulder, Satine tries to get up. He needed to stop his sister...

Wei Wu Wei
Nov 4th, 2002, 06:31:12 PM
Wei stopped him and held him down. "You are injured. Stay still so Master Jubei can heal you."

Xazor Elessar
Nov 4th, 2002, 07:12:43 PM
Don't worry dear brother.....he'll pay.......

She said through the Force as her ship touched down just outside of Coruscant. She was ready to kill the one who had hurt her brother.

"I'm going to kill you Jeseth Cloak......"

Her words echoed through her own ears as she awaited his arrival......

ooc: This is continued in another thread, which I'll post soon. ;)

Nov 4th, 2002, 08:54:10 PM
Sister, don't! This is a very Dark Sider thing to do...Don't walk that path again! Satine frantically calls out through the Force, allowing himself to be lightloy pushed down back onto the table.

Let me handle him....I have other reasons.