View Full Version : Ok Question

Nayala Palain
Nov 3rd, 2002, 05:17:07 PM
Seeing how I am new here and not to sure on what all is going on.

When the peeps who announced they were leaving IC finally leave. What is going to happen to all of the apprentice's?

And who all is on the council here? I know LV is cause its in her sig.

And Ummmm

HI I bug A LOT!

Lady Vader
Nov 4th, 2002, 03:21:21 AM
Well, those apprentices will be evaluated, and if their Masters feel they deserve promoting, then it will be looked at.

As to those that remain apprentices, they will need Masters or go to the group training sessions.

As to a council, there is none, as it was disbanded, if temporarily, until things could pick up a bit. (The reason it's still in my sig, is cause in a conversation about disbanding the council, I mentioned how I'd have to remove that from my 19-some-odd sigs, and someone else kindly said not too... that I'd earned it. So it remained. But it's more of an honor title right now than me actually being part of a council.)

Salem Ave
Nov 4th, 2002, 11:45:35 AM
Also bare in mind that the people leaving won't be doing so for some time. A lot can be tied up in that time with the current apprentices to get them to the level of being ready to be promoted.

Jeseth Cloak
Nov 4th, 2002, 03:27:43 PM

Nayala Palain
Nov 5th, 2002, 03:37:22 PM
ok i was just wondering. Cause im trying to get to know the names here and I would get really lost if they just started to leave on me. But thats kewl.

Lady Vader
Nov 5th, 2002, 05:59:32 PM
:lol Yeah, i can see how that'd be confusing. :)

Well, you can check out the "roll call" thread and see the names of the various ppl here at TSO there. Though I do hope those that eventually will leave stated so, so we know who's staying and who's not. Otherwise i'll have to do another roll call thread again. :x