View Full Version : Use Me - I'm Beautiful

Enigma Celes
Nov 2nd, 2002, 05:15:10 PM
A young woman washed her hands in a bathroom, the water turning red after it touched her skin.

"Take me, I'm yours," she sang softly, staring at her reflection in the cracked mirror. "Hurt me, it feels like medicine ..."

Now she reached out and began to wash her face, removing all traces of blood. "Everyone looks dangerous."

Turning off the water, she took some paper towels and dried herself. After fixing a crooked barrette, she flashed a fake smile in the mirror before it disappeared. It just wasn't working.

Letting out a scream of aggravation, she swung her hand angrily into it, shattering the glass. It cut through her skin, digging in greedily as she grimaced. Her dark, red blood decorated the wall, sink and broken mirror now, dripping on the floor as it created a puddle.

Angrily she turned and walked out of the bathroom, entering the dimly lit tavern. "Get away from me," she growled as a man held out a napkin to 'help' her.

She exited the place and was immediately greeted by the busy streets of Corellia. Few noticed her cut hand - if anything, they noticed the way she was dressed. In a brown halter top with black pants, dried blood stains were smeared across her stomach from her previous meal. The cannibal grinned before emerging with the crowd, picking the glass out of her hand.

"... And no one keeps their promises."

Jared Mriad
Nov 2nd, 2002, 05:23:24 PM



There was something familiar in the air, the coppery stench of blood. Jared sat slouched as the girl exited the refresher covered in the crimson stuff, her hand bleeding profusely with shards of reflective mirror sticking out. Standing, The Sith dropped a wrapped item on the table as payment and stalked past the napkin offering fella, giving the man a crude glance, Jared kept walking forward and out into the bar.

Later on, a scream would burst out as the busboy would pick up the squishy package and open it. A heart, from some unfortunate person, would limply stare back up at the boy.


Jared stepped over the threshold of the bar entrance, droplets of blood dotting the ground as the target moved on. Grinning, Jared merged with the crowd and followed close behind Engima but with enough distance to keep her calm… calm… calm...

Enigma Celes
Nov 2nd, 2002, 05:42:58 PM
Having no particular destination, she kept walking forward, her mind bent on removing every damn piece of glass. Finally, when she was sure it was all gone, Enigma looked to her right and saw a fairly decent store.

Making up her mind to go in and get some gauze, she pushed the door open with her shoulder and looked irritably at the bells that rang, marking her entry.

"Can I help you?" asked the clerk at the counter.

"No," she replied, walking down one of the aisles and picking up a box of gauze, then returning to the front. After handing it to him, she dug into her pockets and took out a few credits, handing it to him.

"Looks like you cut yourself pretty badly, eh?" She sighed and nodded her head, wishing he'd hurry up with the change and give her the gauze. "You know ... I bet that -"

"Listen, I don't care so just give me my damn money and gauze."

His lips tightened and he did as he was told and she walked back out. If she wasn't so full, she would've killed him on the spot and dragged his body near the back where he would be devoured. Fortunately for him, however, the body of a young child had been enough.

Ripping the box open with her teeth, she reached in with her good hand and took out the roll, dropping the box. As she began to wrap it around her hand, Enigma looked behind her to see if anyone was following her. Even though she had left her village over three years ago, a few bounty hunters still showed up and tried to kill her for an offered award.

Jared Mriad
Nov 2nd, 2002, 05:51:50 PM
5 minutes later

The store's display window exploded outwards as the body of the previously living clerk flew out. As he crashed into the mulling populus, several shreaked as they found that his cheek had been gouged into as well as the body missing a forearm...

So annoying... So pityful... Jared spoke silently, staring out with a large sword resting on his shoulder. The hilt was a reversed crucifix of gold with leather bound grasping.

How Jared had snuck the huge blade out and into the previous tavern was a mystery, as well as how the populus had not seen it before...

Several species shreiked and ran off into different directions as Jared stepped out of the shattered window, the clerk's arm cluched firmly in the free hand...

Enigma Celes
Nov 2nd, 2002, 06:07:47 PM
When she heard a couple of screams, she ignored it and continued to trudge along. It was when a mass of aliens and people alike began to run past her, each one with a look of horror or disgust on their faces.

Immediately she turned around and began to walk in the other direction, retracing her footsteps.

"You best not go there, missus! There's a mad man out there!" yelled out a woman as she ran past.

Ignoring the warning, Enigma paused and looked over towards the store she had just entered. There, was a shattered window and a red-haired man who clutched a ripped off arm.

She could feel her mouth open slightly, her eyes fixated on the limb. The blood dripping was so captivating ... so .. Snapping herself out of it, she looked back towards the face of the man and noted the insanity glittering in his eyes. She already regretted not killing the clerk while she had the chance.

"How does he taste?"

Jared Mriad
Nov 2nd, 2002, 06:18:45 PM
Jared didn't answer, instead he chucked the torn limb at the limp corpse. Turning his gaze torwards Enigma, as well as running his tounge over his bloodstained lips, Jared turned and walked torward the girl.

He reaked...

He was impure...

Voices flooded into her mind, the clerk's corpse rose up to it's feet by Jared's work with the force and began to limp around, screeching in a broken tone.


Enigma Celes
Nov 2nd, 2002, 07:00:54 PM
The man didn't answer her, but suddenly voices began to enter her mind. They were foreign and she didn't like them intruding her head.

Grimacing, she tried to block them out while watching him. It was when another screaming voice rose above the others - eerily forsaken with a touch of unhumanity. She winced, but ignored the demented shrieking of the .. clerk? Wasn't he dead?

Confusion filled her mind as she took a step back, wondering what the hell was going on. Being a non Force user, Enigma didn't know that such things were possible.

Jared Mriad
Nov 2nd, 2002, 07:25:02 PM
Confusion muttled the girls mind, and Jared knew why. Spinning on his hell, the sith stalked at the animated corpse who gave a shrill cry and began to fruitlessly hobbled away all the while screaming the horrid name.

The blade flashed in the air as Jared removed it from his shoulder and sliced the corpse clean in have vertically. The two halves fell to the side with sickening slurps, the innars fell into heaps and stained the ground below a blackened red.

"Worthless fool.." Jared muttered, glancing over his shoulder at the bloody girl which had caught his interests. Giving a wild grin, the sith rose his head to look up into the sky before sniffing twice at the air...


Turning sharply to the left, the cannibal locked onto a young girl in a bright dress huddled in an alley. Hoping to stay away from the feind.

With the aid of the force, Jared lulled the young maid torwards him with soothing falsified words. Dreams of power, wealth, and other desires filled the girls head and slowly she crept out of the alley.

'Come... Happyness awaits you....' Jared softly murred, reaching out like an angel would to a sinner. The girl rose to her feet and entered Jared's embrace, only to be spun around and held tightly by her forehead to JAred's chest.

The girl's neck was exposed, and she let a shrill cry out from the illusion being dropped. With glittering gold eyes, Jared sent messages into Enigma's minds...

The thirst... warmth... the freshness... do you want?

Enigma Celes
Nov 3rd, 2002, 02:51:23 PM
Did she want it? Oh, God yes! The girl's soft, tender skin was exposed and beckoning to be bit into, spilling her warm blood down her tattered clothing.

"Y-yes," she muttered, reaching out with her right hand. Taking step after step, Enigma found herself entranced as she stared into the maid's wide, brown eyes. Am I under a spell? She wondered briefly as she stood infront of the man and girl, brushing her fingers against the trembling cheek.

"You're so beautiful," she murmured before digging her fingers into the girl's left arm. She let out a yelp and Enigma lifted her other hand to silence her. The man seemed to be enjoying all of it, his golden eyes unblinking.

"I .. want her."

Jared Mriad
Nov 3rd, 2002, 05:50:48 PM
She was interesting, to say the least. More interesting than the other so called 'cannibals' that inhabited the galaxy, those others could'nt eat one meal without puking their guts out later that day. The only way to tell the true from the fakers.

Jared knew...

He knew well.

"Then.... have her, as a gift.." Jared hissed calmly out, his mouth twisted into a devil's grin. Would she devour the maid now? Or wait and 'play' with her?

Enigma Celes
Nov 3rd, 2002, 06:14:40 PM
"A gift?"

No one had ever presented another person to be devoured as a "gift", but she wasn't one to pass it up. Greedily grabbing the young girl, she tore her away from the man and ignored the frightened screams.

The girl tried to slap her but Enigma grabbed the arm, twisting it backwards and listening as the bone cracked. Bringing her knee up, she slammed it into the girl's chest and knocked the wind out of her.

It was then she used her fingernails and started to dig them into the neck, through the trachea. Bright, red blood spurted out and splattered like red paint as she giggled childishly. The girl's eyes glazed over and her body went limp, already going cold.

Taking her hand out of the girl's throat, she let the body drop to the ground and bent down, already working on ripping off half of her arm.

Jared Mriad
Nov 3rd, 2002, 06:58:03 PM
Jared watched with glee as Enigma ripped the girl apart, splattering blood over Jared's duster as well as his white shirt. All he did was stand there, grinning stadistically as the girl wripped the maid apart and devoured the still pumping flesh...

It was evident, Jared stooped down and watched as the other cannibal greedily devour the flesh....

Enigma Celes
Nov 3rd, 2002, 07:16:22 PM
Even though she managed to rip off most of the arm, the shoulder still remained intact, blood pouring profusely. The cannibal lifted the limb to her mouth and sank her teeth into it, relishing the sweet, warm blood and the tender flesh. She ripped a piece of skin off and chewed on it before taking another bite - this time taking some muscle.

As she chewed this mouthful, Enigma glanced at the strange man who had offered her this easy meal. He was beginning to make her uneasy, but right now all she could think about was food.

Nov 3rd, 2002, 07:27:48 PM
“Sir Jedi! Sir Jedi! You must stop those fiends at the Corner Stop!” A young man screamed behind Chance.

Turning on his heel quickly, Chance studied the youth quickly before speaking, “What do you mean? What kind of fiends?”

The man, panting profusely as he stopped before the Knight, took a minute before replying. “Sir— a guy with a big sword threw Billy through the window! But— Billy didn’t have an arm! The guy with the sword. He—he chewed it off! I SAW it!” His explanation quickly turned to a feared babble.

“Whoa, whoa… Slow down fella, calm yourself and point me in the direction this happened,” Chance quickly interjected, resting a hand and sending calm waves through his mind. The youth turned halfway and pointed a finger down the road where the two could be seen in the distance. Breaking off in a fast walk, Chance flicked half his cloak over his shoulder to reveal the exquisite hilt of his sword ‘Solidis’.

Soon as he saw the taller figure crouch down over what looked like a body, Chance broke out in a full run without slowing down until he was within twenty or so feet from the two. Both hovered over a body of a young girl, who was mauled severely, and one of them greedily devoured the corpse.

It nearly make Chance sick,

“Halt! Stand up and back away from the body, you are both under arrest for murder!”

Enigma Celes
Nov 3rd, 2002, 07:45:38 PM
She tore her brown eyes off of the red haired man and looked towards the one that raised his voice above the shrieking of others. His jaw was set firmly and his eyes held that of authority, glaring at them both.

Protectively she clutched the arm towards her chest, hissing. It was her kill, not his! If he came to claim the body for him ... No. Shaking her head slightly, she rid herself of the barbaric, almost animal-like, thoughts and stood up. She didn't, however, let go of the arm or step away from the body.

Jared Mriad
Nov 3rd, 2002, 07:49:24 PM
A Jedi, at all of the blasted!!! Jared thought, growling very audibly as he stood as Enigma did.

"Go away, Jedi. Cant you see we are somewhat busy?!" Jared hissed, letting his sword strike the ground with a 'ping'. If he had too, Jared would slay this neusance and eat his own meal off the flesh.

Skipping the answer, if the Jedi spoke any, Jared continued on. "And you think you are going to arrest ME? Tch!"

Nov 3rd, 2002, 07:57:38 PM
Chance rested his left hand on the hilt of Solidis, "Yeah. I'm going to arrest you, on the grounds of open murder and cannibalism. Perhaps they'll land you in a padded room or something."

Seeing the hostility in the situation, Chance let his blind eyes scan the area (draped in monotone colors of the Force) and noted quickly features that could prove useful in the coming up fight.

"Now, will you both come peacefully, or will I have to use.... forceful negotiations?"

Salemn Lysce
Nov 3rd, 2002, 08:31:53 PM
Being so in tune with the Force, she could feel the fear rolling in waves towards the air, making her stomach twist up in knots. The Knight broke out into a run, her brown robes flowing behind her. She had a very, very bad feeling about this.

Then ... pain.

This time it hit her greater than the fear and nearly knocked her backwards, making Salemn grit her teeth as she continued. It grew in the air until it faded away, and she knew what had just happened - Death. A pang of sorrow hit her as she finally saw a small crowd behind three people. Only two of them she recognized: Chance, a fellow Knight at the Order, and .. Jared ?! She had fought this man when she was a Padawan, and knew that he was a deadly opponent.

Stepping up by Chance's side, her usually soft, brown eyes were now hard as they gazed at Jared.

< I suggest you listen to him before things get out of hand. >

She sent through the Force into their minds.

Jared Mriad
Nov 3rd, 2002, 08:41:30 PM
And then ANOTHER Jedi showed up...

Jared anger began to visibly show, he had not one but two of the pests to deal with now until he could peacefully go about his buisness.

"I will go no where with either of you!" He laughed, drawing the large sword in his hand up in a baseball like stance, "But, If I have to, I will take both of you down with me!"

Within the second after speaking such, Jared sent a quick message to the cannibal behind him.

We will have a feast apon these wreched Jedis... You will see..

Nov 3rd, 2002, 08:49:13 PM
Chance made no immeadate move to draw is own weapon, but instead he stood stiff. A quick scan of Jared's mind brough his name and current occupation to Chance's knowlege in a blink.

"Jared Mriad, I suggest again that you drop your weapon and come peacefully, this is your last warning..."

Popping the sword hilt from the scabbard slighty, Chance knew almost instantly the Sith would attack...

Salemn Lysce
Nov 4th, 2002, 09:59:48 PM
She knew that Jared wouldn't give his consent to come along peacefully, and so naturally her hand strayed next to her saber hilt. A slight wind blew in their direction, tugging at her brown robes as they swayed behind her.

She would wait ..

Jared Mriad
Nov 4th, 2002, 10:51:28 PM
It was like one of those western showdowns, the sheriff at one end with the bad guy at the other. Grinning, Jared fueled the force into ever fiber of his body until it was near overflow.

Crouching back slightly on his left leg, Jared released all the pent up force and literally flew with uncanny speed at the two Jedi Knights, within reach was when the Sith struck out in a horizonal slash with the great sword before propelling himself up in a jump to the roofs above...

Cherice St_Hilare
Nov 5th, 2002, 08:28:18 PM
Even though Salemn had ducked the slash, the Jedi Knight probably wasn't expecting someone else to ... drop by. Immediately she was thrown into Chance as Cherice could be seen strolling out of the dead clerk's store.

"Oh, please," she said, rolling her eyes.

"You're going to arrest them for eating ? Honestly, other people go out and slaughter livestock in unthinkable ways to feed their greedy guts .. And don't say it's different, because humans are animals."

A malicious grin crept on her face while she began to advance towards the two Jedi.

"I wonder how you would taste," she said ,eyeing Chance.

Nov 5th, 2002, 09:05:41 PM
Chance staggered as Salemn slightly slammed into him but caught his balance and saved himself and Salemn from falling over into the dirt.

"Well, I couldn't tell you flat out, and I doubt you will be finding out," He spoke in reply to Cherice's question, drawing out Solidis fully into view. The longsword glimmered in the streetlight as Chance wrapped both hands around the hilt with the point arrowed at the floor.

"Pardon, but I suggest you come no further under penalty of law."

Enigma Celes
Nov 13th, 2002, 06:25:23 PM
Still clutching onto the arm like a child with a doll, her eyes widened when she heard the man's voice in her head again.

We will have a feast apon these wreched Jedis... You will see..

She nodded dumbly while staring ahead at the two Jedi, watching as the red-haired man attacked then jumped away. It was when another woman came - violet skinned with silver hair - did she take a step back before letting out a yell.

"Stop it, it hurts!"

She dropped the arm and grabbed her head with both hands, wincing. The voices were becoming so loud and swirling in her head, merging with one another.

It didn't appear as though they heard her, though. Desperately she scanned the area for the red-haired man when she saw him crouching on a shop's roof. Staring at him with dark eyes, she reached up and nervously bit her bloodied pointer finger.