View Full Version : Lets start a huge RP
Nov 2nd, 2002, 04:54:25 PM
I figured we could get something going if we had something that interested all groups. Something like an all powerful weapon, or some lost artifact. I was thinking that the DS plans would make a good one, along with the hand of vader. I am open to any suggestions........
Tyreal Dalarsco
Nov 2nd, 2002, 05:09:33 PM
How about a Temple from before the Jedi?
It's hidden power can be unlocked using certain artifacts, and that power would greatly help the Jedi or Sith.
SO, in a way it's both a weapon and an artifact.
This is an RP that could last for a few years as people fight over the items and try to find the temple.
Nov 2nd, 2002, 07:03:59 PM
i likes, need more info..........
Tyreal Dalarsco
Nov 2nd, 2002, 09:00:49 PM
Thousands of years before the Old Republic, a race living on Corruscant discovered the Force.
Darkside and Lightside fought for dominance, almost destroying the galaxy.
A warrior ended the conflict using a neutral side of the Force. This power was then sealed away in a temple along with the warriors armor. It was rediscovered by a small family of Jedi, and all but the warriors rings were lost. Each item has a special power
The power can serve either evil or good, and it serves whoever can unlock it, but that requires all the peices of the Armor.
Tyreal actualy lives in this ancient temple, and posseses the rings, but doesn't know how to use the rings powers. Sometimes he can unintentionaly tap into them, though.
Dark Lord Dyzm
Nov 2nd, 2002, 09:02:29 PM
The Original Planet where people discovered the Force? A lost planet? With Artifacts imbeded with Force masters of Old?
No Dark or Light though.
On a side note, I been thinking that the first person to use the force would of used the Dark Side. Think of it, how would someone first use the force for good by stumbling on it by accident. Unless this guy was a wacko who wanted to see if he could move things with his mind, and did. But that is the only way I could see someone discoverying the force through the Light Side.
Tyreal Dalarsco
Nov 2nd, 2002, 09:27:29 PM
Did I say they discovered the lightside first?
No, I didn't. Only that it was discovered and the war almost *quite literaly) ripped the Galaxy apart.
And, it wasn't undiscovered, it was Corruscant.
And, the artifacts contain but a single master, split into multiple parts.
Wik Tayl Doon
Nov 2nd, 2002, 09:33:39 PM
Boring idea.
imported_Lance Stormrider
Nov 2nd, 2002, 10:23:06 PM
Needs some spice
Tyreal Dalarsco
Nov 2nd, 2002, 10:44:03 PM
Constructive criticism apreciated.
"Boring idea" and "Needs some spice" are not.
Why is it boring?
What could spice it up?
Nov 2nd, 2002, 10:59:40 PM
Originally posted by Tyreal Dalarsco
Thousands of years before the Old Republic, a race living on Corruscant discovered the Force.
Darkside and Lightside fought for dominance, almost destroying the galaxy.
A warrior ended the conflict using a neutral side of the Force. This power was then sealed away in a temple along with the warriors armor. It was rediscovered by a small family of Jedi, and all but the warriors rings were lost. Each item has a special power
The power can serve either evil or good, and it serves whoever can unlock it, but that requires all the peices of the Armor.
Tyreal actualy lives in this ancient temple, and posseses the rings, but doesn't know how to use the rings powers. Sometimes he can unintentionaly tap into them, though.
Sorry, I didn't see the "before the Old Republic." I'm just a stickler for the past being found in a source book for these RPs.
As for the Idea itself it sounds like a rehashing of stuff we've done before. But it could serve as a starting point.
Just one more thing... Lets not have any Grey Jedi hanging around. It's never worked well, and lets just say that I've never been able to find out why people feel like they need to be neutral in the Force.
Nov 3rd, 2002, 12:28:24 AM
Ok to make the idea work into source books make the planet Korriban. Make the time line about 10,000 years before the old republic. This would be 4000 years before the dark jedi found Korriban .
OK for any without knowledge of Korriban (from the starwars databank)
"Although the modern era of the Sith is attributed to Darth Bane, and the Dark Jedi that preceded him, the cult can find its roots further back in the galaxy's ancient past. Long before the Republic rose, there lived a culture on the planet Korriban. These primitive people were called the Sith, and the Force flowed strongly through their bloodlines. Although they didn't practice the Force as the Jedi would, they were talented in their own brand of magic.
In the early days of the Jedi, a great schism tore the order apart. Jedi who had tapped the forbidden power of the Force's dark side rebelled against their light-sided brothers. After a terrible war, the Dark Jedi were exiled from the Republic. Past the Republic's growing borders, these castaways discovered Korriban and the Sith people.
Powerful with the dark side, the Jedi outcasts set themselves up as gods on Korriban. The primitive Sith worshipped them as their lords, and so the Jedi grew, and built temples and monuments to celebrate their power. Millennia of interbreeding blurred the distinction between Sith native and offworlder, and the term Sith came to encompass not only the indigenous people of Korriban, but also the powerful overlords that ruled them. "
So My 2 cents is to make the warrior an ancient Korriban priest or something along that lines. The korriban did not know light from dark force powers so there really isn't any grey area. They thought of it more as magic. The warriors belongings could have been spread through out the galaxy by dark jedi who wanted all the power for themselves or by the jedi after the hyper space wars so no one could have the power . just some ideas
Make the objects like a staff , a sword gloves , boots anything worn by the priets /warrior. he could have found some way to embue the items with dark force powers. or mabey even light powers like healing powers in some kind of glove. The choices are endless. But it can get boreing if there isnt a good enough story behind it. ok thats my 2 cents
Sorreessa Tarrineezi
Nov 3rd, 2002, 12:29:35 AM
*yawns* been done....
Nov 3rd, 2002, 06:51:27 AM
Ok, how about this. Someone (me) is collecting these items. The jedi know the power they posses if all are combined, so they have collected most of the artifacts and stored them. I or someone else infiltrates the strong hold and makes off with the artifacts. But the list is incomplete. somewhere in the galaxy the remaining artfacts are undiscovered. Lets say a ring, which is in the posession of a begger on Tatooine. And a belt which is owned by a wealthy businessman on Coruscant. And like a jewel lost in the forrests of endor. Something to this effect. Now, when the jedi find out that I am colecting these things, the want to stop me from becomeing all powerful. The Sith know I would betray them or something to that effect and try to become the only darksider. And the empire already had their eyes set on collecting these artifacts. Now you could always substitute the I with a group of sith or some random person, it shouldn't matter.
How does that sound???
Marcus Telcontar
Nov 3rd, 2002, 07:49:36 AM
How about you think about this.....
Planned huge RP's do not work. I know, to the best of my ability, they just do not work. People are keen to begin with they have the best of intentions.... but they die. Lack of eventual interest, lack of time, you get distracted..... I could list a whole lot of cuases.
Wanna know how big all in's happen? They just do. They are never planned, they happen unexpectantly, they aare randon, free flowing and fun. They may have an end point, but the common factor is a lack of planning, but a great deal of sponentaity. A good role play attracts people in.
And there is also a lack of egos and agendas. For all it's fighting and participation, the GJO and TBH thread has egos headbutting and agendas. For all my planning, Several of my threads just die.
You want a big all in? Fine, here is what works in all the big RP's I have seen that have worked beautifully
1) Lack of egos clashing. Ego can be good if used well. But more often than not, it is not. Sure I'm guilty of that and so are most of us. But the ego must be used to make the RP better, not to further a cause.
2) Just go for it.
3) Set out a fixed end, an achieveable end.
4) Have fun
5) Dont plan how you get there.... well sketch out a possible scenario. But dont huggle it and say it must happen. Only have your end point.
6) Write something interesting. Funny. Compelling. Adds to the story.
7) And make it character driven. Artifact / superweapon / murder of the day is good for a novel, it is not the best for an interesting roleplay.
THAt is my experience of what makes a great roleplay and one everyone wants to read / participate in. I cant say that if you follow each step, it will work out. I'm only telling you, his is what I KNOW works for me and some others.
Oh, one more thing. Every single person in that thread should be part of a team, fully combined to reach the end goal. If your not, it will never happen.
And personally, I dont care about slaughter of the Day. I dont care about weapon of the day, or artifact. But a decent, well written bit of teamwork and character driven RP.... I coudl read those all day. I might even be persudaded to join in.
Ignore the mean and badly spelt words, think of the concepts instead. There may actually be a valuable grain of truth that you might agree with.
Diego Van Derveld
Nov 3rd, 2002, 12:47:28 PM
I liked it the first time I wrote it...when it was called the Laenos Lith. That RP, slow moving as it may be, is still ongoing. Perhaps I'll post to it later today and give it a kickstart.
Melicia Nephthys
Nov 3rd, 2002, 03:02:59 PM
Been there, done that.
I'm sorry to say it, but the idea is sort put it bluntly.. stinking of cliche's. Artifacts that unlock something, weapons that just happen to be able to contain awesome levels of energy... It's all been done before.
Besides that, I don't know about others around here, but I despise planned RPs of any sort. I mean, yeah, I'll once in a while have a loosely planned ending that can be altered to fit with the way the RP goes, but other than that... It takes the creative edge off the RP and it just becomes tedious.
That's just me, but from other's reactions, looks like it may be a no-go. :\
Tyreal Dalarsco
Nov 3rd, 2002, 04:17:46 PM
The thing is, I personaly have no ending, no location of the items except two, whuch are in my characters possesion. Just an old legend and this list of artifacts:
An Amulet.
Two Rings. (Worn by Tyreal Dalarsco)
A pair of armor boot.
A piar of armor golves.
A Helmet.
The Basic Armor.
A Belt.
A shield.
A sword.
A staff.
Anyone who wants to participatecan. This won't be in a single thread. Just have your character learn the legend, or stumble unpon one of the items, and it will slowly evolve from there.
Wei Wu Wei
Nov 3rd, 2002, 07:02:26 PM
oh! oh! I wanna do this! If you guys don;t mind, I'm going to stuble over that amulet and make it a gift for my wife.
Tyreal Dalarsco
Nov 4th, 2002, 09:01:18 PM
As I said, it doesn't matter who finds what items, just please keep it in common sense. I don't want to see a bunch of the items togehter right off the bat.
Wei Wu Wei
Nov 4th, 2002, 09:10:05 PM
No worries!
Tyreal Dalarsco
Nov 4th, 2002, 09:12:58 PM
Good, Hope some other people pick up the other items gradualy.
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