View Full Version : Important!!! The Rising Of A Knight...(COUNCIL!)

Xazor Elessar
Nov 2nd, 2002, 04:36:06 PM
A figure clad in red robes made her way down the halls of the Jedi Temple. Her heart skipped a beat as she went, for this day she would put forth another of her students forth for Promotion to Knighthood. He more than deserved it now and this she was sure. The Knight reached the large doors of the Council Chamber and placed her hands upon them, then pushed them open. She walked to the center of the room and gracefully bowed; her waist length blonde hair done up in Garou Warrior Braids touched her knees nearly as she did. Rising to meet the eyes of the Council Members, she smiled thoughtfully for a moment and then began.

"Great Council.....this day I come before you with the notion to promote my Padawan, Sene Unty. He has been my student for quite some time, and I feel that I cannot teach him any more than I have and that he must go out into the Universe and learn things not able to be recreated in the Academy."

She paused a moment and smiled to herself as memories of their hours of training and missions came to mind. Sighing at the sadness that he could be leaving her, she rejoiced in the fact that he was well learned and capable of handeling the status of Knight.

"I know him well and I can say with all of my heart that he would give his life for anyone in this Order. He is not proud and haughty, but calm and humble. His heart is of gold and his will is that of platinum. I know he is capable to handle the responsibilities of Knightood....I know he is...."

With that the Garou fell silent and left the air open for the Council Members to discuss and vote. She knew that what she was doing was right.....and she had no second thoughts whatsoever. He would be a Knight...and he would serve this Order well.

ooc: Okay, I went in search of threads (because he has a ton) but he was around in the EZboard days (yes, I've been training him for like, five months. He was one of my first Padawans, actually. I can't find these threads, though I have searched. I know many of you have seen him about and he's quite the active RPer....not much of a spammer and the such. I would not have put him forth if I did not think he was ready. I hope that this does not hinder his abilities to be promoted...it is my fault, not his.

Navaria Tarkin
Nov 3rd, 2002, 04:54:11 PM
Navaria listened in earnest to the request, making mental notes of the important facts that Xazor brought up.

"And where is your Padawan Xazor? I would like to see him."

Sene Unty
Nov 3rd, 2002, 11:35:45 PM
Sene stood outside of the Council chambers, his mind a buzz with a million thoughts all at once. Taking a deep breath he patted his chest.

Calm yourself Sene. Focus on the matter at hand. Do not get caught up in the moment, for if you do, you will stumble.

The last thing Sene wanted to do was stumble.

The time had come at last and yet it hadn't seemed long enough. The responsibilities that were to come would shine a bright light on the pale and seemingly insignificant hardships that had transpired. He was growing now, evolving one could say, from something that was good to something that would be great. But the time had gone by just the way he had envisioned it. Never was a time better than now.....but than again that wasn't for him to decide.

He took one more breath before entering the chambers from which the council made its most important decisions, and today hopefully one that would mean so much to him.....

He had been called here by his master, who he saw now from the corner of his eye, but he resisited the urge to wave at her. Now he was the picture of serenity. Now he was simply Sene. Padawan to Xazor Leo Dawnstrider.....and hopeful Jedi Kight.

He was in the center of the room now, the eyes of his superiors barring into him like the hottest sunlight on a desert world. They sized him up as he stared back at them. A smile tempted his lips, but he banished it away. Instead he simply rose to the greatest height he could achieve, and as the artifical light of an overhanging lamp poured its white rays down upon him he spoke:

"The council wishes to see me?"

Nov 4th, 2002, 03:04:03 AM
:: AB sat silently on her seat, watching both Xazor and Sene, not wishing to intrude on any question her fellow Council member, Navaria, might have. When and if she saw it fit to speak her mind, she would. ::

Xazor Elessar
Nov 4th, 2002, 05:41:26 AM
"He is right here, M'lady Navaria......"

She said softly, bowing her head to the woman whom had befriended her and had decided to be a mentor to her. Xazor smiled gently and looked sideways at Sene, placing a hand upon his shoulder and sqeezing it reassuringly. This was his time now, so she let it all into the hands of the Force.....

Dasquian Belargic
Nov 4th, 2002, 10:51:47 AM
As Rie sat quietly, so did Dasquian, eager to observe the proceedings of a promotion from his new vantage point. In his mind he began to mull over the questions he thought would be wise to ask once his Master, Navaria, had concluded her inquiry.

Anbira Hicchoru
Nov 4th, 2002, 02:53:29 PM
I would ask to see anything to your padawans credit that you can offer, before I make a decision.

Navaria Tarkin
Nov 4th, 2002, 08:26:39 PM
"Yes. My thoughts are along the same as Master Anbira but I wish to hear it from the mouth of Unty."

Her eyes shifted to the Padawan.

"What say you about your abilities and worth to ascend as a Knight of the Order?"

Sene Unty
Nov 5th, 2002, 09:28:26 AM
"Well Master Tarkin, I have been a member of the order for a few months now, and I feel like I have learned a great many things here at the order."

Sene smiled as he looked towards his master, Xazor.

"I remember that when I came here I was seemingly running from something, my past. The fear and anger I felt towards my father had swelled up inside me like a cancer. Here at the order I have expelled this feeling. I have become something that I once thought to be impossible. I have forgiven my father and mother for the sins that they did to me. I have overcome the anger at the hand I seemed to have been dealt."

"While my combat abilities have been lacking in some ways, I have learned that there is so much more to being a Jedi than fighting. I am now aware of the peaceful side of the force, the calming techniques as well as its healing properties. I live now only to help others."

"Unlike a officer of the law, we as Jedi must always be Jedi. We never have a day off. We must constantly hone our skills of negotiation and combat for the days when we may need it. My worth as a Knight can only be determined by you, but I feel as if I can contribute to the Order as a Knight, just as much as I have contributed as a Padawan."

"I may not be the most vocal of the members here, but I do belive that I bring something good and unique to the table."

Navaria Tarkin
Nov 5th, 2002, 09:52:14 PM
Sene's reaction towards her family was something that Navaria herself had gone through. There was a lot of baggage that came with the name Tarkin. Eventually, Navaria had to come to terms with her family's past and learned to forgive.

Listening as the Padawan continued, the decision that she needed to make became easier with each spoken word.

"A Jedi is not always a warrior. To learn to defend oneself and others is. Helping those in need with other abilities that we possess as well. Our actions dictate our worth, not merely words.

You are going to have much to prove as anyone does when they attain Knighthood."

Navaria looked to the rest of the Council in confidence. Just as the confidence she felt coming from Sene when he spoke.

"I feel that he is ready after one more question."

Soft blue eyes once again rested upon the Padawan.

"How feel you?"

Sene Unty
Nov 6th, 2002, 01:10:57 PM
Sene closed his eyes before he answered. This was not a question to answer lightly. This one must be thought on and considered throughly....as all actions a Jedi must do. After a few seconds he looked toward Navaria Tarkin and smiled.

"I feel confident Master Tarkin, in my abilities and in my belief that I will make a good Knight. One that will lead by example, and not just words."

Xazor Elessar
Nov 6th, 2002, 06:33:22 PM
Xazor smiled and again she sqeezed her Padawan's shoulder. A warm glow came from her eyes as she looked to the Council and thought of how much Sene had grown up since coming to the Order.

And you shall be a better Jedi than I......above all.....never succumb to your anger. Never......

It had been something she preached to all of her Padawans that they may not end up as she had....and just to let him know she was still there with him, she spoke the words softly in his mind with a sincerity that could only be felt through the bond of a Master and Student. Her heart ached terribly for he had become like a son.....or closer....like a Brother to her. Now he would go his own way and teach the path of Light to others that came after him. She remained silent and awaited further words from the Council Members.

Navaria Tarkin
Nov 11th, 2002, 09:50:17 PM
She closed her eyes and nodded to Unty and then righted herself.

"I have no other questions. He is ready to be a Knight."

OOC~ Guys... I been gone a week. POST COUNCIL!

Morgan Evanar
Nov 11th, 2002, 10:39:58 PM
OOC: excuse me, I've been busy not being on the boards and doing other things too =p


"Aye, Sene would now better serve us as a Knight, and not a Padawan." Morgan's face looked impassive, but his eyes smiled.

Dasquian Belargic
Nov 12th, 2002, 11:17:43 AM
Dasquian gave a nod.

“I agree. He is ready.”

Liam Jinn
Nov 13th, 2002, 10:28:35 PM
"He has my vote."

Anbira Hicchoru
Nov 14th, 2002, 02:03:53 AM
Mine as well.

Xazor Elessar
Nov 14th, 2002, 05:54:44 PM
ooc: That's 5 out of 8......majority....hmm....is that enough for a promotion??? :D

Nov 14th, 2002, 09:35:37 PM
And he has my blessing.

And seeing as how he has just attained a majority vote to be Knighted...

:: AB turned to Sene. ::

Congratulations... Knight Unty.

(OOC: 6 out of 8. :) And, yes, Knightings only need majority.)

Xazor Elessar
Nov 14th, 2002, 09:48:11 PM
ooc: YAY! ;) Hehehehe.....thank you guys for taking time and attending to this matter. :)


Xazor grinned and then looked to her Padawan, bowing her head in honor and respect.

"Please kneel young man....."

She winked as he did so and from the sheeth upon her left hip, the Knight drew out her prized sword with a silver blade and black hilt. Rising it into the air just above his head, she gently tapped his right...then left shoulder.

"Knight Unty.....may you bestow honor upon the Greater Jedi Order and may you serve the Light with all your heart. May the Force be with you....."

She said softly, then resheethed her sword. Inside her cloak she held a special gift for him....though she felt it better to give to him at a later time. Her eyes filled with happiness and a few tears threatened to fall.....and they did so. Xazor was so proud of Sene....he truly deserved this.

Sene Unty
Nov 15th, 2002, 08:47:12 AM
Sene rouse form the ground as a newly christened Knight, and couldn’t hold back the smile. Oh how glorious it was. Turning towards his master he whispered a thank you before turning to the council.

"I must extend my gratitude to you all for this, a great thing you have bestowed upon me. I intend to honor the codes and rules that the Jedi stand for now, as I did as a padawan."

"Thank you."