View Full Version : Drift And Die....(open)

Xazor Elessar
Nov 2nd, 2002, 12:11:10 PM
Drift And Die
By: Puddle Of Mudd

Forgotten thoughts of yesterday
Through my eyes I see the past

Well I don't know I don't know I don't know why
I Believe I Believe I Believe in the truth, from inside
Go away go away go away from me
Leave me alone
Ignorance spreads lies
How much will money bye
Well I'll take my time as I drift and die

Unwanted live my life a shame
Who's to blame for my mistakes


As I drift and die [x2]

Ignorance spreads lies
How much will money bye
Well I'll take my time
As I drift and die [x5]

__________________________________________________ _________

Two figures clad in dark Jedi robes made their way into a bar located on the outskirts of Coruscant City. It was a shady place, no doubt, lurking with Sithspawn. The hoods of their robes were drawn up over their heads and they made no conversation...so their identities were kept secret. Both of them walked toward the back corner of the Bar and sat down at a booth, then pulled the hoods from their heads. Surprisingly enough, one of them was a woman.....and the other a man. They were both Jedi too....Xazor Dawnstrider, and Terran Starek. A smile crept across Xazor's face, exposing her elongated canines and a fire within her cyan eyes. A service droid came over and requested her order, which she readily placed.

"One Garou Ale and whatever he will be having......."

She looked over to Terran and nodded slightly. Though they were engaged to be married, she showed no outward sign of it, save for the ring upon her finger. They were there on 'business', though Terran had no knowledge of this, and perhaps, he was even wondering why they had come here. She spoke nothing as the server droid spun away after receiving Terran's order......and she said nothing as it brought their drinks back. Finally she took a breath and sighed to herself, looking at him thoughtfully.

"I wanted to get away from the center of the City for a while...and though it's busy out here....no one knows me."

Indeed, she was a popular one at the Jedi Base and dealt with beings of all sorts throughout her day. It was times like these that she relished the most for no one would bother her....and she was with the one she loved. The Knight took a sip of her Ale and set the foamy mug back atop the table as her eyes wandered over engravings in the wood. Initials and curse words...as well as other interesting things filled the old table top. She seemed a bit distant this night, though her senses were on full alert and she couldn't help but keep her attention on a group of Darksiders in the adjacent corner.....

The Deliverator
Nov 2nd, 2002, 01:07:54 PM
The Deliverator has never had such an order in all his life. He thinks maybe its a joke...he's delivering to a young couple, Xazor Leo Dawnstrider and Terran Starek, courtesy of one Barnaby Wednesdaydale. He enters the doors and walks over, setting the food between them.

"One large supreme for Mr. and Mrs. Starek, courtesy of one Barnaby Wednesdaydale."

He knows full well they aren't married, but his sense of humor won't allow him to say anything else. within the box, lying lightly atop the pizza is a Corellian bloodrose, why that's there is a mystery to him. He does a bow of mock courtesy, gives them a winning smile to show he means not to insult them, and leaves them with their pizza.

Dae Jinn
Nov 2nd, 2002, 01:14:38 PM
ooc. hope you don't mind if I join in ;)

Daetana Jinn sat in the booth beside said corner, sniffling. The air was thick with Darkside energy, it irrated her sensitive nose. A few empty glasses sat in front of her as well as a fresh one full of vodka.
She eyed the heavily cloaked figures, and sighed. Another boring night. A man wandered past her table. She shot her leg out at the last minute and laughed as he fell face first on the hard-wood floor.
"I guess I'll have to make my own fun tonight....as usual" She muttered.

Nov 2nd, 2002, 04:36:05 PM
The Shot glass emerged from the shadows of a tattered brown robe followed by a slight gasp and the ping of the glass finally hitting the table. A thoroughly bandaged hand released its grip on the glass, which was once filled with Corellian whiskey, and rested on the table. Behind the hand, and inside the shadows of the tattered robes was an all too calm yet fully aware DDC. Images were playing out in his mind over and over again. Nothing else was even there to him, the people, tables, chairs and bars were all invisible. All he saw was himself and the lightsiders seated across the cantina. His senses had become extremely keen as of late. His sight, hearing and even his senses of touch and smell seemed to mesh into some sort of subconscious picture that showed all.

Without much effort cloak produced the necessary credits for his drinks, and began to make his way out of the bar. He was only half-way across the bar when he was approached head on by three armed soldiers of the Empire. The crowd dispersed around Cloak and the stormtroopers. The white suits were a symbol of the flawless image the empire portrayed across the galaxy. An image that cloak knew was obscured by a masquerade of propoganda.

"Dra'kal Cystine, you are wanted for the crimes of Conspiracy, Treason, and Murder. You must come with us immediately."

A small smirk painted across cloaks face, but was hidden in the shadows of his hood as the troops pointed their rifles at him. Cloak stood perfectly still and concentrated the darkside around him. All talking and music slowly came to a stop. The crowd which filled the cantina had been corrupted by darkness. They were overcome with a lust for blood and violence and began advancing on the troopers like crazed zombies. Cloak turned his back to the soldiers and began walking for the rear exit. A pathway cleared for him through the crowd as if he had commanded it of them.

"Halt, you are to come with us. Crowd, disperse immediately. Any attempt to interfere with an arresssss….."

Cloak continued to walk away as the crowd jumped on the troopers pummeling them. Screams could be heard behind him along with broken glass and thuds as the troops were being beaten senseless. Before leaving, cloak had to walk pass Xazor and company. He stopped just short of passing them.

“So it is true what they say, indeed the mob is fickle.”

He then chuckled softly, and turned to face them.

“I believe you have a mess to clean up here. Pretty soon, the crowd will turn on themselves, or perhaps even you.”

imported_Terran Starek
Nov 2nd, 2002, 10:11:44 PM
He smiled as she had lead him here. He wasn't sure why they had come--but he trusted Xazor. Why wouldn't he? There was ever little doubt when he was with her.

"I'll have water, please," he ordered after her. He wondered if they were in 'costume.' They weren't making a public appearance, so perhaps they were keeping a low profile. He would need to learn to drink alchohol so that he could fit in to these places better.

"It's ok--sometimes I can't even have a moment with you!" He replied, teasing her. Somehow, he felt that she was distant from him. Not because she was hiding something or staying away from him. It was intended. As if she was hiding the fact that they were so close. Something told him they were here for a reason, and their were reasons behind each one of her actions. He had no idea what it was, but his curiosity flared at this new observation. He was almost catlike in the fact that he could not contain his curiosity. It often dictated his actions.

"So. Nice night." He was making idle chatter, trying to contain his want to ask her why the frell they were here. If she wanted to be alone, she could've chosen a more secluded location--the woods, to Terran's liking. "Yeah...so...umm...Xazor, what are we doing--"

He was cut off by some sounds coming from behind him. It sounded like a struggle of some sort. He turned to see a few troopers being attacked by the crowd of people nearby. Just then someone passed by them--he definitely had a force signature--and he spoke in what Terran thought was their direction. He looked at Xazor for direction.

Xazor Elessar
Nov 3rd, 2002, 08:32:38 PM
Xazor's eyes wandered throughout the room until they came to rest upon Terran who seemed a bit uneasy.....and......wondering. She smiled gently as he ordered water, though it was not the most inconspicuous drink in the world. He was just questioning her about why they were here, when suddenly she heard a brawl start up and then heard the words spoken to her by the Dark One. Growling deeply, she immediatly rose from her seat and drew her saber, igniting it with a flash. Two blue blades shot forth from each end and Love hummed gently in her hand.

"That was quite a bad idea.......an extremely bad idea."

She said as she glared through him. This was her grounds now, not only as a Jedi, but a Military Officer of the NRSF. The Garou's elongated canines gleamed in the light from the hanging lanterns around the room, and her cyan eyes pierced his.

"I suggest you leave......now."

With that, she focused upon the Force and lifted him into the air without her hands, then shoved him toward the back door to help him on his way. She could hear the crowd growing near and she hoped that he would take her advice before someone wound up dead....not her, to be certain.

Nov 4th, 2002, 11:03:58 PM
Cloak knew his words wouldn't fall upon deaf ears, but this is not the response that he invisioned. As he stumbled foward, Cloak used his momentum to fall into a foward tumble. With one swift motion, cloak was to his feet with his saber drawn. He hadn't visited the cantina to fight. On the contrary, he had actually visited to drink for once. However plans are meant to run arye, and Cloak's fuse had been short of late.

"I never took well to suggestions." Spoke cloaks cold voice which was still hidden in the shadows of his hood. "That is unless it was I doing the suggesting. Like this one for instance, If you value your well being, major appendages, future and ultimately your life, you would stand down and tend to the small riot breaking out. I'd truely hate to see innocent people die."

Cloak loved the games he could play with the jedi. His Grandfather had told him all about the code that forbade them from attacking another, and required them to always protect the innocent. He used it at will as if it were a card up his sleeve in a highstake game. Time after time, it became a simple solution. However this wasn't one of those times........

With a mere flick of the thumb the twin emerald blades exploded to life in Cloaks hand. His pale face was lit beneath the heavy robing and his footsteps became more definitive beneath him. Cloak noticed that the other jedi began to move to their feet, and with his left hand, he motioned for them to join...........

imported_Terran Starek
Nov 5th, 2002, 02:15:29 PM
Terran was not suprised to see Xazor react in such a way. He had seen it before, and she was becoming more suprising to him daily. It seemed as though she would always suprise him. He stood up sharply, standing by her side. His cloak still shadowed his face, so that only his mouth and square jaw was detected by the eye.

He let the hilt of Halcyon slide down his right forearm until he was palming it in his hand. He kept it there for a quick draw when he needed it in combat. It worked well for speed of reaction. He would not act until Xazor did, but preparation was very necessary.

He did not speak--his power of intimidation came in the cold stare of the unseen eyes that rested in the shadows of his hood. He kept his eye on the corner of the others--Xazor was dealing with the mouthy one at the moment, and he wished to protect her from any kind of rear sneak attack from the corner.

Xazor Elessar
Nov 5th, 2002, 02:33:36 PM
"They'll take care of themselves. You wanna fight? Bring it on...."

She said with a shove to him through the Force. Her blade hummed with a menacing tone in her hand as she moved forward, advancing on him. Terran stood by her side, but this was her doing, she had stood up to him first and she wished not to make Terran get involved.


Suddenly she struck out at his head with a spinning attack. It was a like a blur to the eyes for the speed she used was enhanced by the Force. Indeed, she attacked first.....though she was a Jedi....

Nov 6th, 2002, 10:39:57 PM
[i]Cloak ducked the blow and rolled to safety. A smile was painted across his face. He knew that the line between the dark and the light side of the force was becoming more blurred by the day. He felt Xazors energy and fed off of it, as he returned his saber to his belt.

"I know your type", Cloak spoke loosely. "You are defiant. You are a hotheaded outcast amongst your kind. Indeed I haven't lifted a finger to strike anyone here, yet you attack me. How much better than me are you really?"

With that spoken, Cloak turned to leave once again.