View Full Version : "Me? A Jedi? Yeah right....

Nov 2nd, 2002, 12:02:53 PM
I just came in here by mistake, trying to lose a crowd of girls."

She stood there, her arms across her chest, looking at the Jedi, who obiviously loss their senses in thinking she, Blitz Seele, really wanted to join.

"I mean, it's hard enough for me to lose a crowd of 20 some girls, I don't think I could handle fighting Sith......"

Blitz ran a hand through her green hair, and sighed.

"Of course, if you think I have potental, then I may consider it....But I can't, my parents wouldn't let me, ya know? They're Senitors or something like that, and having a Jedi for a daughter just wouldn't work."

Blitz shook her head.

"Anyways I think they're gone, the girls I mean, I better be going...I already wasted too much of your time."

Wei Wu Wei
Nov 2nd, 2002, 12:06:30 PM
Wei shrugged his shoulders. He had had less and less to do recently, so he hung out in the Recruitment center meeting the new people.

"If you say so. See you later. Hope the girls don't cause you too much trouble."

Nov 2nd, 2002, 12:10:48 PM
Blitz stopped in her tracks, and turned to face Wei.

"Man, I guess what I heard was wrong." She puts her arms behind her head, "I heard the Jedi at least tried to get potential...Oh well...."

Blitz whistled....

"But if all the Jedis are like you, I'm sorta glad I'm not joining....I got I feeling I get bored and turn Sith or something...."

She wasn't gonna leave till she got some reaction from Wei, and if it is what she's expecting...Then well...She might join up with the Jedi afterall....

Wei Wu Wei
Nov 2nd, 2002, 12:20:47 PM
Wei chuckled. "Well, that is true, but we aren;t going to force you to become a Jedi. We prefer that people want to join us. It wouldn't be very Jedi-like of us if we roughed you up by your collar and and told you that you were going to be a JJedi whether you liked it or not, now would it?"

Wei sat down in one of the chairs. "Everyone that walks through those doors has some sort of potential. The real question is not why we want you to join, but why you want you to join."