View Full Version : Need a little healing.

Wei Wu Wei
Nov 2nd, 2002, 11:56:08 AM
Wei was in the Academy after working on Force boosting. That was easy. So was rejuvenation. It really helped him to feel less fatigued. Fatigue was one thing. Healing wounds was something entirely different.

"I don;t know a thing about that." Wei said to himself. "I need to learn how to do that."

Navaria Tarkin
Nov 2nd, 2002, 05:40:48 PM
"And learn you shall, my Padawan."

Wei didn't even know that his Master was already present in the room.

"Fortunate for you I was finishing up some previous lessons and was waiting here for another pupil of mine. I am surprised you did not ask me personally to meet you here."

Wei Wu Wei
Nov 3rd, 2002, 04:45:49 PM
Wei looked at her, startled that she had been there. "Well, I only just now thought about it..." Wei admitted. His face grew warm with embarassment.

"I should have thought about it earlier, when we had first learned Force control."

Navaria Tarkin
Nov 3rd, 2002, 04:59:55 PM
"Better late then never."

She chuckled a little.

"I know. An old cliche but it is true. We will start as soon as Azhure gets here. Have you met her before?"

Wei Wu Wei
Nov 3rd, 2002, 05:17:16 PM
Wei thought about it some. "I heard about her. I think I met her at a coffee get together in Kindo's room. Last I had heard, she was seeing Tomak Ohara, but I don;t know if that is true anymore."

Azhure Darkstone
Nov 3rd, 2002, 11:06:28 PM
::Azhure walked in and heard the last words spoken. She bowed to her head in honour to her mentor and nodded a friendly greeting to Wei Wu Wei.::

The answer to your uncertainty would be no.

::She Then looked at Navaria and waited for instructions. She would learn how to heal, not to harm.::

Wei Wu Wei
Nov 4th, 2002, 10:06:15 AM
Wei looked at Azhure as she came in. "Somehow I didn;t think so. Well, the gang is all here, let's begin!"

Wei met this class like he had all his others. With a childlike curiosity and a lot of enthusiasm.

Navaria Tarkin
Nov 4th, 2002, 08:39:06 PM
"Very well. Please sit."

There were a few tables and chairs in this room to accomadate a bigger class. Navaria took her place in the front, leaning on the teacher's desk. There was a computer screen on, flashing different shades of green and white.

"Healing is not for everyone. If you find that you cannot tap into this part of the Force, do not fret. Everyone has their strengths and weaknesses. But, I shall do all that I can to help train you into seeing your fullest potential in this art.

Now, what do you think is the most important aspect of healing?"

Wei Wu Wei
Nov 4th, 2002, 08:52:44 PM
Wei ventured a guess. "The willingness to help somebody?"

Azhure Darkstone
Nov 5th, 2002, 02:34:24 AM
The capability to connect to anothers mind and access their pain or spirit.

::Her voice replied in conviction, like it was a fact. She did not neccarily mean she was totally cinvinced but if you sounded like you know what you were talking about people tended not to ask questions. That habit tended to stretch to the other ways of communicating. Shaking her head she added to her answer, likening it to a personal story as thta tended to work better.::

I'm not completely sure, all Ive ever done is steady someones breath, and what I do is reach into their mind and find where the breath is controlled in their brain.
From there I touch their spirit somehow and have controlled the flow of breath from there. I do not know how I do this, but this was a way I...

::She didnt finish the sentence, but the end was 'I killed some people'. It was a fact she was not proud of and perfered not to mention in front of Wei Wu Wei.::

Navaria Tarkin
Nov 5th, 2002, 09:03:41 PM
Navaria simply bowed her head and smiled at Azhure. There was an unspoken understanding between the two.

"Both of you are right."

She turned to Wei.

"The reason why you are doing the act is important. The Force knows your intentions and it is through your intentions you access the Light Side or the Dark Side of the Force.

You are also correct, Azhure."

Her gaze fell back towards the girl.

"You must be able to understand the situation that you are in and then use your abilities correctly in order to alleviate the problem you or another person is having.

Azhure, you were the closest to the answer I was looking for but perhaps Wei can get it before you. What do I mean by using your abilities correctly?"

Wei Wu Wei
Nov 5th, 2002, 09:19:39 PM
Wei thought this one through. "I know! Like, if someone is sick, you use your abilities to kill the sickness, but none of the healthy parts. It wouldn;t be much help for you to kill a person's disease and also their immune system."

Azhure Darkstone
Nov 6th, 2002, 12:59:58 AM
::Azhure nodded agreeing with Wei Wu Wei.::

That would not be very pleasant.

Navaria Tarkin
Nov 11th, 2002, 10:00:04 PM
"Exactly. It is all about control. If you are not in complete control of your abilities at all time, your could harm the very person that you are trying to save. All distractions need to be pushed away. The severity of the situation must not be thought of. The only thoughts are the ailments, the Force and you.

We shall work on that very control right now with a technique I find very useful. Not only does it put into practice control, but also can help you whenever you become injured. I want you to focus on one of your arms. Pull up your sleeves if this will help. Notice any scars or distinguishing features you may have. Take note of your skin tone; how it feels against the cool desktop."

Her eyebrows rose, watching her pupils intently as they would follow her instructions.

Wei Wu Wei
Nov 11th, 2002, 10:50:09 PM
Wei shrugged and pulled up his sleeve to his elbow and let it rest on the table. Wei's arm was somewhat pale because he wore long sleeves, and he had 3 moles that looked like a triangle on his forearm. Goosebumps raised up on his arm as his skin touched the table.

"Never realized just how cold it is in here until now."

Azhure Darkstone
Nov 12th, 2002, 03:55:24 AM
::Azhure looked at one of her arms, a scarre near her wrist and she concentrated on it. The skin was a warm cream colour but still light in shade and the rest of the skin looked soft but was thick because of old falls and scrapes. She started to feel the temperature and her arm felt the slight feeling of coldness surround it. Looking at it without much expression, the almost cold look on her face which came as she concentrated, she nodded in agreement.::

Navaria Tarkin
Nov 12th, 2002, 09:51:22 PM
"You both must have had a time when you slept wrong or felt one of your feet fall asleep? Well, now you are going to learn how to do that because you will it.

The larger the area, the easier it is. Remember the tingling sensation that comes with having your foot or arm go numb. Remember the pins and needles shooting up your arm or along the sole of your foot. Focus on your arm and cause that feeling. Centralize that feeling to the one limb and cause yourself to feel no pain and no cold. Feel ... nothing."

Wei Wu Wei
Nov 12th, 2002, 10:14:27 PM
Wei knew it well enough. Out of the seven days of the week, he woke up at least five of those nights because his arm had fallen asleep.

Wei concentrated on that feeling and felt his arm start to disappear. He could see it, but he slowly lost his feeling in it. It was a strange, almost frightening feeling to be able to see a part of his body and then not be able to feel it.

Azhure Darkstone
Nov 13th, 2002, 12:43:35 AM
::Azhure looked at her foot and conecntrated on it, on the toes, the skin, the blood that ran through the veins. The muscles...the feeling of numbness came and then....nothing...
It felt almost nice, to be able to dissapear into nothing if you put your mind to it, but that was not what this lesson was for. Healing was in order and lessons were being taught. Closing her eyes for a moment she reopened them and nodded::

Orders followed so far.

Navaria Tarkin
Nov 16th, 2002, 10:05:09 PM
Several long moments passed as both of her pupils acknowledged their successes. She had been monitoring them through the Force, making sure that they weren't hurting themselves accidentally.

"Now for the next step. It may not come easy but do not push yourself."

She paused, letting her words sink in.

"I want you to only have one of your fingers numb. Which one, I care not. Let the larger area slowly become something smaller. Let's see if instinct and the Force can guide you ... if not, I will assist you."

Wei Wu Wei
Nov 17th, 2002, 08:44:26 PM

Wei thought on his pinky finger. As he focused on his pinky, he moved his other fingers to get the feeling into them, and then his palm and the rest of his arm followed after as he forgot about them and leaving only his pinky in the focus of his mind's eye.

Azhure Darkstone
Nov 17th, 2002, 10:03:03 PM
::Azhure interpreted this as hand and foot, so she concentrated on her third toe, feeling the way the insides moved, the blood flowing, the nerves picking up the temperature, and the obects the skin touched. Concentrating on the nerves of the whole foot, she allowed the area to go down, smaller and smaller, thought the initial movememnt took some time. It went to two toes then stood at a standstill. Trying another time it finally came down to one. The surrounding noises were more faded. She found this harder than connecting onto anothers mind. It was easier touching an area in anothers body by mind than her own.
Looking at Navaria she waited for more orders, not speaking. There was nothing to say.::

Navaria Tarkin
Nov 24th, 2002, 05:33:07 PM
Her eyes drifted to Azhure. She was not reprimanding in the slightest. Actually there was a hint of Navaria being impressed by Azhure's abilities.

"Interesting that you decided to do something harder considering you were already focusing on your hand instead of your foot.

Now ..."

She addressed them both.

"... tell me what the Force feels like to you as you concentrate on this task."

Wei Wu Wei
Nov 24th, 2002, 05:38:57 PM
"It feels tingly."

Wei looked at his pinky and wiggled it. It was so wierd. He wondered what was going to happen next. He chuckled as he watched his pinky curl and uncurl, all the while never feeling a thing.

Azhure Darkstone
Nov 27th, 2002, 02:41:26 AM
::Azhure looked at her foot::

It feels slightly tingly but more of a warmth on the skin, like heat rising a little. Much like the force that also sounds like faint music if you strain to listen if another uses it, the heat seems to be an indicator of the force being used. It also seems to indicate where the force is being used on you or another.

Navaria Tarkin
Dec 1st, 2002, 07:27:44 PM
Navaria nodded to Azhure.

"Exactly! That is the key. What the Force feels like. Every power you call upon with the Force has a certain hum, or sound, like music as Azhure said. It is to help a Jedi learn how to control their power if they know how to look for it.

You now know what the Force is like when you work its magic on yourself. How about me."

She pulled her right arm up and folded back the thick robe sleeve.

"Wei or Azhure, go first, it does not matter, but do the same to me as you did to yourself. Make my arm go numb. Be warned. It is much more difficult then doing this on yourself. Everyone knows their own body but to try and work the Force on someone else is always more difficult."

Wei Wu Wei
Dec 1st, 2002, 08:08:22 PM
Wei nodded and looked at Navaria's arm. Wei started at her fingertips and slowly began to spread the numbness throughout her arm.

"Tingly," Wei said for the umpteenth time. Wei concentrated on the Force with the spirit of feeling tingly and let his eyes travel all the way to Navaria's shoulder.

"Is it numb to you, Master?"

Navaria Tarkin
Dec 2nd, 2002, 11:39:43 AM
She shook her head no.

"You are concentrating as if it were you. Remember what was said. First assess my own uniqueness in the Force and then attempt to numb my arm.

First find the music before you put words to the song."

Azhure Darkstone
Dec 2nd, 2002, 06:12:22 PM
::Azhure closed her eyes and felt the soft hum of the song the force gave to her, in the plants, in the air, in Wei and in Navaria. Navaria's song was one of the strongest there so she reached out to it, missing four times as it slipped away from her grasp and only just managing to catch it's thread the fifth. She intertwined her own song with it, a soft faint hum that sounded almost like the whisper of a crystal flute in isolated mountain ranges, a fragile instrument that may break at anytime and had to be handled with care until it learn it's song. She then heard Navaria's song in more detail and nodded. This would be hard.

She concentrated on the arm, Navarias skin, going beneath the skin she ventured around her veins where the blood ran, where the heat ran. She could feel the heat radiating off her own mind, and ventured past the veins into the muscle. Looking at the way her mentors arms worked she understood a little more. Going into the muscle and the veins she started to visualize a numbing, nothing happened. Trying harder nothing happened again and she was reluctant to try again for a while as she could damage something with her inexperience so she withdrew for a little.::

It doesnt seem to be working. I can connect with the tissue and muscle but I cannot numb it.

::Looking at Wui Wei she had a thought. If she or he could not...::

Perhaps if you and I tried together, guiding each other into her system we could try numbing it together if it does not work with only one mind.

Wei Wu Wei
Dec 2nd, 2002, 11:08:38 PM
Wei nodded at his master's words. "Find the music before the lyrics."

Wei directed a Force message to Azhure. It's a good idea to be sure. We can sure try it. Now, about this music....

Wei concentrated on Navaria, focusing on her arm. No, his arm. Wei felt his own arm fall asleep, even though he was trying to make Nav's arm lose its feeling.

[I]Yeah, Azhure. Any help with this would be hot. Lead the way.[I/]

Azhure Darkstone
Dec 4th, 2002, 12:21:14 AM
:;Azhure connected with Wei Wu's song, then procceeded the same way she did before. She listened to Navarias song, almost a strong Chello sound with the hums of well tuned strings. IT was hard to pick the songs aspects but her being a master that was expected. Going into the skin, the veins, the muscle. She connected with the muscle and veins again and with the space left in her mind for thought she sent a message to Wei::

If you can visualize what I'm holding then you turn it numb and I'll keep the connection.

Navaria Tarkin
Dec 4th, 2002, 11:13:56 AM
Navaria said nothing, understanding the quiet exchange between both of her Padawans. They were working together to achieve the goal she had set out for them. A valuable lesson for certain.


She was very pleased that Azhure had suggested that they work together in trying to numb her arm. And just as pleased that Wei agreed to it. If they can accomplish this task together, then it would be easier for them to attempt the feat later by themselves.

Wei Wu Wei
Dec 4th, 2002, 04:06:44 PM
Wei tried to do as Azhure suggested and suddenly he found that a sort of cello sound was in his ears.

Um...Azhure, is that sound what I am supposed to be visualizing? I'm afraid I don;t entirely understand...

Wei kept focused on the sound, in case it was what he was supposed to be looking for.

Navaria Tarkin
Dec 4th, 2002, 04:18:17 PM
"If either you are not sure while you both try and accomplish this, please feel free to ask me anything."

It went without saying but when pupils are trying so hard, they tend to forget they can ask questions to their teacher.

Wei Wu Wei
Dec 4th, 2002, 06:10:55 PM
Wei looked at her. "Master, what do you mean by song? And if I find this song, and listen to it, will it make your arm numb?"

Azhure Darkstone
Dec 7th, 2002, 07:21:59 AM
::Azhure looked at Wei and her master::

I am uncertain but I assume it only leads it to a person, could resemble a certain signature. Song is the way I interprete the force but yours could be different. Mentor Navaria what are your thoughts?

::Certainly he had seen through the way they had linked the way she linked with another which may teach something and if he healed through her link she could learn from his actions. She did not speak this as she was not the teacher and could be wrong.::

Navaria Tarkin
Dec 7th, 2002, 04:49:08 PM
Wei was a student of the martial arts. Perhaps using music as a symbolic reference wasn't the way for him, as it was for Azhure. She was picking it up much more quickly then him.

"Yes. That is correct. The line leads to the specific individual Azhure, but Wei might have a better time with this by using a different approach.

Wei. How much do you know of Chi?"

Wei Wu Wei
Dec 7th, 2002, 10:42:52 PM
"Oh!" Wei was suddenly alert and on the ball again. "That's the inner strength all people possess. So, this music is just someone's chi?"

Wei chuckled. "Silly banana," he muttered to himself, a smiled creeping onto his face. Wei shook the hair from his eyes, pushed his glasses up, and looked for Navaria's chi. It was to him like the beating of ocean waves on the ocean shore. Wei focused on it, and thought on making his teacher's arm fall asleep.

Azhure Darkstone
Dec 14th, 2002, 06:34:36 AM
::Azhure watched through his song what he did. She was unsure of what Navaria meant by the term Chi, but would ask later.
For now she watched the process he took with vast interest, taking note of what he does and would later figure out how to use it in her own skills.::

OOC:sorry it took so long. havent been on the net lately. Apologies.

Navaria Tarkin
Dec 16th, 2002, 06:59:55 PM
OOC~ Azhure, my time has been really messed up as well :lol No worries girl.

IC~ At first, it felt like Wei had numbed her arm in a split second and then felt a sudden chill wash up the length of it. She calmed her mind and concentrated, letting whatever Wei had done wrong be washed away with a simple manipulation of the Force to set things correctly again. It was just a matter of Navaria seeing her aura and 'setting' it properly. This was another way to to understand a person's Force signature but it was a delicate skill and one needed lots of experience in order to use it correctly. Otherwise, you could do alot of damage to someone unintentionally.

"You had it briefly, Wei, but then my arm went cold, instead of numb. Please try it again."

Wei Wu Wei
Dec 16th, 2002, 08:59:07 PM

Wei was sick of sitting in the chair. It bothered him. Wei sat Indian style on the ground and closed his eyes, taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly. Wei once again got a hold of Navaria's chi, but went slower this time. Wei allowed his breathing to match the beating of the waves that he associated with his Master's chi.

breath in. breath out Wei found her arm, making the numbness flow up her arm slower than before. Wei was totally synchronized with his Master's chi. Unless she did something to change it, Wei would not mess up again.

Navaria Tarkin
Dec 18th, 2002, 11:15:59 AM
At a steady rate, the feeling in her arm disappeared. She could feel her skin prickle, as if many pins were being stuck into her arm. That eventually turned into the familiar numbing sensation that she had used many a time in battle, or accidents, for injuries that could not be taken care of right away.

"Very good, Wei. You have succeeded. But now, I want you to return to your chair and try it there ... after Azhure. There will always be a need for a Jedi to work under pressure or in situations that are not ideal or comfortable to work in.

I felt your displeasure and that is why you moved, which took great initiative."

She reinforced his good work with a smile and look to Azhure while removing the effects of Wei's numbing on her arm

Azhure Darkstone
Dec 18th, 2002, 05:57:33 PM
::Azhure nodded, her mentor's eyes clearly stating her intention without the words. Azhure closed her eyes for a second letting the two songs, her own and Navaria's, let them intwine, this almost happening a lot quicker than last time now she understood fully how she connected. Then she followed to what her mind could relate to what Wei had done. She went through the body. Skin, veins, bone, going down through the viens as she took the wrong area to the left arm. She felt the viens blood beating where the heart took it, and stayed in the arm region, her mind concentrating on the arm, it's muscles and functions, picturing it going numb but nothing seemed to happen. She let go a little - feelign slightly unsure until she re-entered the mind frame thinking and this time felt it go numb bit by bit. Connecting never seemed hard, she would need to practise the actual effect of things if this was a sign.::

Navaria Tarkin
Dec 18th, 2002, 10:25:55 PM
It didn't happen as fast as Wei had done but Azhure was getting there. Her arm wasn't completely numb, only pins and needles.

"The foundation is there, I can feel your presence. All you need now is the will to use the Force to do as you ask. The strength is there ... now, trust yourself and let the Force guide you."

This was a delicate issue with Azhure, who was so unsure of herself after the events revealed to Navaria. Her pupil's past was filled with violence and bloodshed, much of which Azhure caused herself. To be able to use her power to heal meant so much to the Padawan that Navaria wondered if it was that strong it was actually interfering with her use of the Force.

Azhure Darkstone
Dec 23rd, 2002, 12:24:08 AM
::Azhure nodded, trust herself. She had to find out how, had to believe but everytime there was a little uncertainty.

Steeling herself again she connected to the song, went through the muscles, the veins and into the right arm. She pictured it going numb, almost imgaining her own arm going numb then transferring the image to Navaria's, and felt it slowly start to work. It was a little faster this time as she pusehd away the uncertainty.
If she could not do this she could not pass many things and there would be no quitting.
There could be no quitting, somewhere inside her she knew what the force intended her to do, and she knew if it wanted her to do such tasks it would have to hlep and guide her through the beggining. It would have to believe in her....she did not fully believe in herself at times so she felt for whatever was there and fed on it's belief.
She felt stronger slowly as she paused the numbing of her mentors arm and when she felt ready she continued, the force song of hers sang louder as she felt the arm go numb and almost had to withdraw as she felt it go too far, and the arm almost freeze. Too far too easily, too strong a current of the flow. That had been dangerous. She could not make that mistake again, and she could not always rely on the force's belief in her. Quietly into Navaria's mind she apologised, even knowing Namaria would have stopped her before she could any damage.

Closing her eyes she concentrated on the thread of numbing and put it into a stable condition as it made navaria's arm numb, tying off the ends to keep it that way until her mentor cut the thread.::

I shall also need to learn restraint. I did not mean that to happen.

Navaria Tarkin
Dec 24th, 2002, 09:37:38 PM
There is no need to apologize, Azhure.

Came the response, spoken sweetly with not hint of any disappointment.

You succeeded. That is what matters. With practice it will come easier.

The communication ended and Navaria looked to her other student.

"Now, as I said. Time to practice in an uncomfortable environment Wei. Attempt to numb my arm while sitting in your chair."

Wei Wu Wei
Jan 2nd, 2003, 11:07:11 AM
"Yes, ma'am."

Wei got back in his chair and sat up straight. Wei let his mind wander back to the waves and syncronized his breathing. Irritation welled up in his heart. The chair was not fun. The Padawan steeled himself and was patient. Back to the waves.

breath in, breath out

Wei found his master's chi somehow soothing, and focused on it, until he was calm enough to numb her arm. Wei no longer minded the chair. It was just him and his teacher.

Navaria Tarkin
Jan 5th, 2003, 03:12:49 PM
It took longer, but Wei accomplished what was necessary while being under stress. He found the calm that was needed to overcome his annoyance that Navaria had forced him into.

"Very good. You can break contact now."

She waited until Wei complied and then folded her hands, addressing them both.

"What you felt by using the Force to numb not only your arm, but mine as well, is the basic thread that a Jedi uses in order to heal. The same principal is used for any situation. Your bleeding because someone cut you with a blade? You concentrate on your chi, or song, and will the bleeding to stop... Just as you willed your arm to go numb. Even minor problems such as headaches can be done this way ... Simply dull the throbbing in your head or block the pain.

It is all a simple matter of patience, practice and concentration. The better you are at that relatively easy exercise I have shown you today, the closer you will come to understand what it means to use the Force to heal."

Wei Wu Wei
Jan 5th, 2003, 10:00:02 PM
Wei scratched his head. "So, you mean that was it? That wasn't too bad. The chair was a pain, but outside of that, this sounds easy enough. That is, as long as I take my time."

Wei stared at the table top and continued to mutter about the healing process, it's applications, how on earth he was going to learn to heal himself while on the move, and so on and so forth. It bothered some people when Wei did this muttering. It usually took a lot of work to get his attention, which probably annoyed people more than any thing else. Wei was simply strategizing. Wei was already listing the situations in which he would have to practice his new skill so that he could become proficient at it.

"So much to do..." Wei's voice trailed off.

Azhure Darkstone
Jan 8th, 2003, 11:53:56 PM
::Azhure sat in silence thinking about her mentors words.::

If we use that same method anywhere. Look inside yourself, your own strength and use that to heal others if you have the strength, or, if it can be done.

It can also block off the pain by blocking the body off from the rest of your body spiritually? Is that how pain dulling works?

And if so, if your own strength mirrors how well you heal, then it would take someone with strong mental presence to heal a hard wound, and also it would be hearder healing yourself?

THe healing process then when directed into another effects your own spiritual, physical and mental energies, and if you push hard enough you could probably give a dying person enough life to live, but in that give up your own life energy? in the extremes?

I find this a little hard to comprehend. All that I've believed is practicallity and mind speech is fairly simple. If this is true then why cant every jedi do it? Everone has a chi.

What is the meaning of the word Chi?

::Azhure looked at her mentor, speaking more words in at one time than she ever had in her life. If she spoke her thoughts perhaps Navaria could help direct them in the proper direction.::

Navaria Tarkin
Jan 12th, 2003, 11:26:08 AM
Navaria was almost taken aback by Azhure's enthusiasm. Her questions were excellent and she was quite pleased at how much she was thinking on these matters.

"Blocking pain can be a simple matter of will. Just ignoring it because you have that capacity to do it. A high pain tolerance if you will. But, the Force has given us insight to a greater power and with that power, we have the capacity to control the mind."

She smiled somewhat.

"Of course, not only in the literal sense. By tricking our mind into thinking there is no pain, by blocking the pain centers in the brain, a Jedi can function for a longer period of time. Later though, it will catch up with them.

Just like it is when you heal someone else. It is always harder to heal someone else because you are not them. You give up a part of yourself in order to alleviate pain and suffering to an individual. And that takes time to retrieve back from the Force through meditation and rest. It is only because all life is connected that a Jedi can always regain their strength back. It is quite ... possible that a Jedi can give up their own life to ... save another from death."

Her eyes turned quite serious as if knowing but didn't elaborate on what secret she was hiding with those last few words spoken. None really knew how Navaria survived, They just knew she inhabited the body of a clone. None understood the price that was paid for it.

"Their life force, or Chi, is transformed into living energy for that other person to live... or to heal. Think of Chi as a fingerprint, Azhure. No one has the exact same pattern upon their hand, but there are similarities in some and completely different prints in others. That is how Chi is. The energy is different from yours and Wei. It gives us a chance to sense the Force but what we can do with the Force is still inhibited by that energy.

Jedi can do many wondrous things, but we all have limits."

Azhure Darkstone
Jan 12th, 2003, 04:26:06 PM
::Azhure nodded, starting to understand::

So some jedi may have more power or strength in healing/mental areas, because of the fingerprints on the chi. Much the same as why some can sing and others cant.

The healing proccess with another is merely a change the energy style, transfer it to do it's job, or in the case of saving a life changing it back into chi that fits the other person. Putting it into simple terms of course, it is probably much more detailed than that.

OOC:I will be away for 2 weeks on holidays, I apologise for holding the two of you up.

Wei Wu Wei
Jan 15th, 2003, 01:11:28 PM
Wei had been listening to Azhure and Navaria's explanation. "Grandpa said that chi is also affected by a person's attitude as well as their physical well being. Someone who is sad or depressed will find that their chi has been dampened, whereas a happy or angry person might find that their chi is overflowing. What do you think, Master?"

Navaria Tarkin
Jan 18th, 2003, 08:06:59 PM
"Sometimes it is easier to boil a lesson down to its simplier form, and put it in your own words, Azhure, to fully grasp the knowledge. Which you have."

She nodded at Wei.

"Yes. It is just like the Light and Dark side of the Force. Your emotions are vital in how you tap into that energy or if you can at all."

Navaria rose to her full height and looked to both of her Padawans.

"Is everything that I went over today clear? If not, please speak up now for we have gone through a lot today and I want to dismiss you both for reflection and meditation on today's lessons."

OOC~ no prob Azhure. Things happen :)

Azhure Darkstone
Jan 21st, 2003, 11:17:55 PM
Everything has been remembered and will be dissected later in time of silence, and as you say reflection.
Your lessons have honoured.

::Old habits died hard and the finishing of a training class had always ended with that, no matter how silly it sounded.::

Wei Wu Wei
Jan 22nd, 2003, 01:09:18 PM
"No questions, ma'am."

Wei smiled. This had been the longest, and the most difficult class yet for him. He felt very good about himself understanding.

Navaria Tarkin
Jan 22nd, 2003, 11:55:16 PM
"And both of you have honored me with your hard work today and inquisitive minds."

She said.

"You are dismissed. May the Force be with you both."

Azhure Darkstone
Jan 24th, 2003, 05:26:18 AM
::Azhure nodded, got up and bowed her head to her mentor before gatheringher things in a swift motion and walking silently at the door after giving a farewell nod to Wei as well. There was much to think over. Her shadow dissapeared from the doorway.::

Wei Wu Wei
Jan 24th, 2003, 12:48:50 PM
Wei waved at both master and fellow student before walking out the door.

"I'm so hungry!" He whined. It was time for food. Lessons had made him hungry.