View Full Version : A coin for your trouble miss? (Challenge to Xazor)
Nov 2nd, 2002, 07:19:01 AM
:: I had finally found her... well her ship actually. And it had been being serviced when I found it. Unfortuanately, it was no longer being serviced. In fact, the people had been sliced apart and scattered across the ship, inside and outside.
I was on a scavenger hunt it seemed but this had been a tedious hunt so I wasn't too worried about having a little fun now. I sat on top of the cockpit of her X-wing, it was blood red, I had blown up a head inside the ship and splattered intestines across the top. Unfortuanately I hadn't been lucky enough to get to mess up an astromech droid. But the service people had sufficed. The lights were out and when she arrived, she'd be warmly welcomed by the parts and faces of the mechanics right at the door.::
Xazor Elessar
Nov 2nd, 2002, 10:48:27 AM
A figure clad in black robes slowly made its way through the halls of the Jedi Base, heading in the direction of the Space Port and Repair Modules. Something disturbing echoed through the Force and now she sought to find the source. Placing a hand upon the blast doors of the large complex, they slid apart with a hissing sound and opened to an eerie setting. The mutilated bodies of two guards stood beside the doors with their twisted faces glaring back at Xazor. Her hand went to her lightsaber immediatly, but she drew it least for now. The Garou's night vision kicked in as she entered the pitch black Module where her ship was being serviced....and her eyes came to rest upon a figure sitting atop the cockpit. With the Force, Xazor flicked on the lights upon the wall to reveal the setting. Bloody parts of workers and service men lay upon the ground at her feet. Pools of blood collected at low points in the floor and gave off a sickening stench. Growling deeply within herself, the Knight's bright cyan eyes made their way up to the man who did this.
"If this was to attract attention.....congratulations, you have succeeded in finding some....."
She glared through him as she spoke with a calm yet powerful voice. Stepping toward him, Xazor took up a fixed stance in case he made any sudden movements.
"I am Xazor Dawnstrider, an NR Military Officer....and Warrior Jedi Knight of the Greater Jedi Order. Perhaps your own death will come sooner than you thought."
Her words were spoken with a deep sincerity...she would kill this bastard if need be for what he had done. He deserved nothing short of death and Jedi or not.....he would die. Her eyes did not leave the wicked one as she stood there, ready for whatever he had to give.
Nov 3rd, 2002, 12:15:37 AM
:: I smiled as my eyes flared. I stood up on the cockpit and laughed while shaking my head.::
I did not think Jedi were so quick to deal judgement and death. Are you really a jedi? So quick to dish it out, and wearing black too! tsk tsk... I can only assume that you are Xazor. I've met you before though, I've started to remember it, its been a while. Does this look familiar?
:: I smiled and for a mere moment it looked like the smile of Dios Kane but it quickly faded.::
I insulted you when I was inhabiting the pathetic body of Dios Kane and if I remember correctly... you didn't respond in a jedi like way either. If you must know, like it'll matter once I'm through, my name is Fiend and I am destruction. Your mechanics cried mercy in your name, I almost thought of letting them live long enough to see you, but they just wouldn't stop crying, I just had to wrip their intestines out.
:: I shrugged and jumped down, my coat trailing behind, I landed without a sound.::
But I'm here on order and I require a simple token from you. It would be all too simple to ask so I'm gonna make sure I have to personally tear your hair out to get one of those coins. You know I can smell you from here, its that dingy smell of what is it called? Oh that's right, hypocrisy!
:: With a small amount of effort, Xazor's senses were disabled and to her it would seem as if no time had passed at all, I leapt forward and to her side. I enabled her ability to hear and I whispered words with malice dripping from every syllable.::
Last time I met you, you were pregnant with a physical spawn. By the time I am done, you'll be sure to note the dark side impregnating within you. Don't worry doggy, with the way you act, it won't take much longer.
:: I disabled her hearing and then leaped back, to where I had been before, releasing her senses from my grasp and she blinked as my words from before were suddenly reiterated within her mind.::
I am death, feed me.
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