View Full Version : James' Training I: Unshattered Dreams

Salemn Lysce
Nov 2nd, 2002, 12:39:21 AM
The Order had just done rennovations on the Academy, and, to Salemn's relief, had finally built an indoor garden that was to be used for educational purposes. It was here she stood, silently admiring the magnificence of the artificial mini-waterfall which crashed to the rocks below. It formed a pool and silver fish darted under lily pads to assure themselves of shelter.

A sealed letter had been dispatched to James just yesterday, requesting her presence here around the afternoon. Hopefully, it would give the new padawan plenty of time to prepare herself and find her way.

Like always, she wore brown robes but had the hood drawn down. With her hands clasped behind her back, she didn't look at all like a "Teacher" - just another teenager who stood very straight.

James Prent
Nov 2nd, 2002, 02:53:06 AM
James stepped through the doors into the indoor garden, blinking as her eyes adjusted to the brighter light inside the room. "I am here, master Jedi."

The young woman walked towards Salemn, her short hair combed back, and outfitted in newly commissioned Jedi attire. The robes took some getting used to, and she reached back to adjust the belt a little.

Salemn Lysce
Nov 2nd, 2002, 03:49:52 PM
< Please, Salemn will do. >

Turning around to face James, she smiled and nodded her head slightly in a sign of approval. She was one of the few Padawans that actually wore the Jedi robes instead of discarding them into some dusty corner.

< It's nice to see you arrived so promptly, James. I was afraid that you might have gotten lost. >

Indeed, the Order was quite large and many of the newly accepted had trouble finding their way. Fortunately, James seemed to have no trouble when it came to directions and already knew her way around.

< Before we begin, I would appreciate it if you told me more about yourself. >

James Prent
Nov 3rd, 2002, 03:33:43 AM
James stood quietly, and shifted her weight a bit on her feet. "Well, not much to tell. I've lived on Coruscant for as long as I can remember, y'know? I was orphaned at birth, and then spent a few years in an institution. When I was five I was adopted by my mother and father, who still live on Coruscant, in Section 354-D, mid-levels."

She smiled lopsidedly and raised an eyebrow, "I went to school, did the usual things, ran track as a long distance runner. When I moved out from home I got a job at an all night diner, y'know? I picked up some bad habits, mainly cigs, but I'm working on quitting. Its terrible for being a runner, y'know?"

Salemn Lysce
Nov 3rd, 2002, 06:58:05 PM
She listened intently as James told her life story. It seemed as if most Jedi didn't know who their real parents were and were orphans, either adopted or had to make their living off the streets.

< Alright, with that cleared, is there anything you'd like to ask me before we begin ? >

James Prent
Nov 4th, 2002, 10:31:24 PM
"I don't think so. Except, are you going to teach me how to control th' ...telekinesis?" James quirked up an eyebrow at the word, and smiled. "And if so, then let's get to it."

She fidgited, and pulled her hands up inside her sleeves.

Salemn Lysce
Nov 5th, 2002, 02:42:44 AM
James' enthusiasm made her chuckle slightly as she unclasped her hands and waved one in the air. She was gesturing towards the indoor garden and everything else in the room.

< The Force is more than just telekinesis, I'm afraid. It surrounds us constantly, including the air we breathe. An ability the Force enables us is telekinesis, however, that's not the only one. It allows us to heal, sense danger, heighten our senses, and grants us telepathy. Usually, in order to tell if a person is Force sensitive or not, a midichlorian count is taken through a blood sample. >

Lowering her hand, she let it rest by her side and fixed her brown eyes on James. The young woman seemed to be listening quite earnestly, so she continued.

< In basic terms, the Force can be described as neutral energy that can be used for both good and bad. Opposing the Jedi are the Sith, a once ancient group of practicing Darksiders who grew in their beliefs and magick. They use the Force for the "darker sides" of life, such as destruction, chaos and power. Then we have the Dark Jedi. Their motives still aren't quite clear, but unlike the Sith, they don't reign in chaos and allow anger control them. They may even persue the same goals as the Jedi, but through entirely different motives. >

The three main conflicting Force-using groups in the galaxy - summed up within two minutes.

< The Force speaks to you, James, but in order to hear you must silence your mind. >

James Prent
Nov 6th, 2002, 05:25:23 PM
James nodded, solemn at the mention of the Sith and Dark Jedi. "How can I silence my mind? I've tried that before, y'know, trying to not think about anything...and I always end up with a song in my head, or reading something in front of me. Or, my favorite, thinking 'don't think!'" She pursed her lips, and tucked her short hair behind her ears.

"I'm willing to learn how, if you'll teach me."

Salemn Lysce
Nov 13th, 2002, 11:52:20 PM
She stared at James for a moment before walking over to a birch tree next to the waterfall. Placing a hand on the white bark, she motioned with the other for James to stand by her side.

< I want you to run your fingers over the bark and tell me what you feel. >

James Prent
Nov 13th, 2002, 11:56:09 PM
James hesitated at the stare of her new master, and bit her lip, cursing inwardly at her talkitiveness. She obediently walked to the tree, and brushed the bark lightly. "It feels smooth...a little rough in places, but mostly smooth." Her fingers caught the edge of the bark where it was peeling away, but she lightly brushed over it and then left her hand against the tree.

"It feels normal to me."

Salemn Lysce
Nov 20th, 2002, 12:12:54 PM
< Good, now I want you to clear your mind and concentrate. Extend your senses and try to 'feel' the tree's energy; the life that runs through its roots. >

Withdrawing her hand, Salemn continued to watch James, hoping she would understand and be able to perform the task.

James Prent
Nov 20th, 2002, 11:54:26 PM
James closed her eyes in response to the voice of her master in her head, and lightly bit her tongue in concentration. Taking a deep breath, she held it lightly, and then exhaled, imagining that she was delving into the tree.

She didn't feel any different, but tried concentrating harder, her eyebrows knitting together in a thoughtful frown. A few minutes passed, and Salemn allowed James to continue to try, although she could tell her padawan was getting no where fast.

James sighed, and gave up, resting a moment before opening her eyes, her forehead resting against the slender tree. And...it happened. Her eyes flew open, and the tree shuddered as she looked at Salemn. "I...I think I felt something!"

Salemn Lysce
Nov 26th, 2002, 10:56:18 PM
Minutes passed and James' patience was wearing out. Her padawan was looking quite flustered and finally James gave up, leaning her head against the tree. It was then that she suddenly felt the surge of life and energy from the tree.

"I...I think I felt something!"

Salemn grinned crookedly, looking at the tree's leaves. Each one as unique in its own little way, much like people.

< Try again, except this time do it longer. >

James Prent
Dec 2nd, 2002, 10:42:32 PM
James nodded in reply, and laid her hand against the tree, closing her eyes, and trying to get as relaxed as possible. She pictured the little leaves of the tree, the tiny branches holding each one in place, and let her breathing slow as she concentrated without concentrating.

After a few moments she found herself smiling as the tree seemed to open itself up to her. The sap running through the 'veins' of the tree tickled as it traveled under her fingers, and the leaves shone brightly in the sunlight. Her eyes were closed, yet the tree was completely visible to her, and she felt connected with it...if only for a minute.

Her nose itched, and she sneezed, losing the connection. James opened her eyes. "That was incredible."

Salemn Lysce
Dec 3rd, 2002, 09:52:02 PM
< Excellent ! >

She beamed with slight pride that James picked up on this ability so quick. Her other padawan, Lillian, had taken more time to open her senses to the Force and energy running through every life source.

Since she's caught onto that lesson so quickly, I wonder how long it'll take before she picks up on sabers ...

< Right, now we'll take a short walk and discuss some things. >

After James nodded slightly, Salemn began to walk away from the willow tree, around the waterfall.

< What you just felt, James, was life. Amazing, isn't it ? And just think ... anything that lives has that same incredible energy running through it. Can you imagine what it's like when that life force is extinguished ? When its existance is snuffed out in the universe ? This creates a disturbance in the Force, and all Force users can feel it.

Some like to think that Jedi are more in tune with the Force and can "feel" these tragic events better than the Sith, but I don't. I believe the Sith are drawn to the pain and suffering, lusting after death. It's like an addiction, I suppose. >

She laughed silently, reaching up to scratch the back of her neck.

< I wouldn't know, since I never walked on their path. I do, however, know that there are some Sith out there are somewhat decent, carrying dignity and respect on their shoulders. And this is something I want to teach you, James. >

Now they had finished walking around the waterfall and a small "artificial" forest was revealed infront of them. Tall oaks, maples and ash trees reveled in their glorious stature, their leaves shining healthily.

< As the old saying goes, "Don't judge a book by its cover". There are people out there that you have to get to know before making a judgement, which is why it's always best to remain to yourself with manners, unless, of course, they are your general unintelligent barbarians who only care about killing you. >

James Prent
Dec 4th, 2002, 11:38:50 PM
James nodded, walking alongside her master. Master Lysce was speaking without speaking, something that James was still trying to get used to. "But, Master, if they are Sith, and follow the dark paths, then what does it matter if they are 'noble?' One person's dignity is another's shame." She shot Salemn a sideways glance as they overlooked the tall trees.

To be sure, she'd never seen such tall trees before anywhere on Coruscant, except in the holozoo. But James was enjoying studying Salemn's face more...it embodied the calmness that she loved about the Jedi.

Salemn Lysce
Dec 11th, 2002, 10:09:13 PM
< It's all about perspective, Padawan. You have much to learn, I can see, but the Force is strong in you. >

Now they had entered inside the artificial forest, an air of serenity embodying it.

< The Sith would say the same about us, you see ... That the Jedi have no dignity or strength, and then that would be fact in their eyes. I'm ashamed to say that the Jedi think the same of the Sith, James.

You see, in this vicious cycle, it's black and white. There's no inbetween, unless you count the Dark Jedi, which are considered "grey". >

Her brown eyes scanned the ground, taking in the small flowers that peeked out from large shrubs, or the tree saplings stretching for the artificial light.

< An example of a Sith with honor is Miryan no Trunks. Of course, the Sith Empire fell a long time ago after I had the pleasure of meeting him as a Padawan. Am I boring you yet ? >

She lifted her gaze from the floor to James with a slight grin. It was somewhat hard to explain to her Padawan about how some Sith honored the code of honor and were worthy enough to be considered dignified by a Jedi.

James Prent
Dec 23rd, 2002, 09:20:42 PM
She shook her head. "I cannot see how a Sith, even though they have a form of honor, could be deemed worthy of respect. They work against everything the Jedi - I'mean, against everything we hope to protect."

James walked to the side and trailed her fingers against the rough bark of a tree. She winced as she got a splinter in her finger, and stuck it in her mouth. After a moment she continued, "If it's all about perspective, then who is to say who is right or wrong? You said its all black and white, with nothin' in the middle, yet then cite an example of something you seem to consider a 'grey' area, a Sith with honor, worthy of respect."

James shook her head. "A man who would slaughter innocents has no honor, y'know? Maybe I just don't understand, but if that is truth, what you said, maybe I don't wanna know." She looked at the ground and scuffed her toes in the dirt.

Salemn Lysce
Dec 26th, 2002, 09:55:13 PM
A wide grin replaced the small one on Salemn's face. Indeed, there was no veil that could be pulled over this padawan's eyes. To tell the truth, she was relieved James wasn't like some of the other Jedi, who indeed actually had the perspective she had just spoken about.

< I'm glad you weren't fooled, James. >

The woman was looked at the ground, almost ashamed of what she had just said.

< Now that I see you stand true in your position, it is time we move on. Tell me, James, what do you believe justice really is ? >

Stopping, Salemn gazed on gently at the woman.

James Prent
Dec 30th, 2002, 09:25:00 PM
"Justice?" James was relieved that Master Lysce didn't really believe what she'd just said about honor. "Justice is when people get what they deserve. What's comin' to them, y'know?" She shrugged her slim shoulders and added, "Although, I don't think I'm the one to tell them what their punishment should be."

Salemn Lysce
Jan 1st, 2003, 09:22:17 PM
< Mhm .. As we all know, actions come with consequences. Sometimes, someone might make the decision to kill a person in cold blood, and justice is the consequence.

.. Justice is a topic that could be debated about for hours, for each person has a different view. Some go by the saying, "An eye for an eye", others believe that justice is when the person is locked up.

In time, James, you will find that you'll have to make a tough decision. Should you kill a criminal who's terrorized a village by plunder, rape and murder ? Or should you just give them a stern warning ? This is where your own view of justice steps in. Many Jedi in the past have fallen from grace because of this, and more will follow in the future. >

She gave a sigh and looked at a tiny flower by her feet. It had already bloomed, showing off its many shades of purple.

< I want you to pinch this flower's stem and break it. >

James Prent
Jan 8th, 2003, 07:04:02 PM
James shrugged, bent down, and pinched the stem in half with her fingers. She straightened, and twirled the flower between her fingers. "That was pretty easy." She raised an eyebrow at her master.

Salemn Lysce
Feb 7th, 2003, 10:36:33 PM
< Just thought that you'd might want to eat it ... Helps ward off psychic tension. >

Without bothering to see what James did with the flower, the Knight began to walk again. Her footsteps were lost in the soft, green grass and she made a mental note to come again alone, as to meditate.

< What type of Jedi do you see yourself becoming, James ? A warrior, a healer, a scholar .. ? >

James Prent
Feb 8th, 2003, 12:43:28 AM
Eat it? James looked uncertainly at the flower, and then followed her Master, absently twirling the flower between her fingers. "I guess I can't really see myself as a warrior. I don't know much about fighting, but I guess I know enough to defend myself."

She almost put the flower in her mouth, and then jerked her hand away, a little sketched at the idea of eating it. "I'm not much of a scholar, and I don't know anything about healing. I'd like to be a ...peace maker though, or something. I dunno."

Salemn Lysce
Feb 12th, 2003, 09:30:47 AM
She nodded whilst listening before turning her head, looking at James.

< As long as you follow your heart, your path will soon be revealed. >

Salemn lifted her right hand and a shrub next to her rustled slightly, as if there was a breeze, and then a lightsabre floated gently into the air. Before James had arrived, the Knight had plotted the walk they were to take and where the lightsaber training would commence. The lightsabre began to move steadily through the air, landing in Salemn's hand.

< Here. >

She held it out, the silver hilt glinting.

James Prent
Feb 13th, 2003, 03:19:56 AM
James put her hand out, and grasped the smooth silver cyclinder. "Um..." She turned over the thing, and noticed a button, which she took care not to touch.

This must be a lightsaber! She'd never seen one before. "What should I do?" James wondered what end the blade came out of, and held it out in front of her, almost afraid to touch it.

Salemn Lysce
Mar 7th, 2003, 02:31:52 PM
< Just watch. >

Another lightsaber floated out from behind the bush and hovered infront of Salemn, who took it carefully into her right hand. Her thumb hit the button and ignited it, a white beam appearing. A steady humming noise filled the air as she experimentally twirled it, letting her Padawan see what it was like handling one.

She remembered what Nash had taught her when she was once a Padawan, and now she was teaching it to James.

< A Jedi must learn everything they can about the lightsaber, for in some instances it is the key to their survival. When you craft your own, James, you will learn every scratch, dent and smudge. You'll even know how heavy it is when held in your hand. >

Then, as if reading James' mind:

< You're holding it the right way, don't worry. Just hit the button with your thumb and be careful not to drop it. >

James Prent
Mar 7th, 2003, 05:26:41 PM
James grinned nervously and stuck her tongue out comically as she pressed the button, being very careful not to drop it. There was a vibration and then a snaphisss as the blade came out. She stared at the green blade, the light causing her pupils to dilate.

"They're lighter than I thought. Weight wise...y'know?" James moved her wrist and the blade flicked from side to side in front of her.

Salemn Lysce
Mar 8th, 2003, 09:07:17 AM
Smiling lightly, Salemn stopped twirling the saber and took on a defensive stance. Her eyes took on a harder look as she gripped the lightsaber tightly, sending another telepathic message.

< Have at me. >

James Prent
Mar 11th, 2003, 11:17:54 AM
James' eyes widened, and she chewed her lip thoughtfully. Remember those self defense classes you took a few years ago, James? This is nothing like that at all.

Thanks. Wow, she was really reassuring herself.

The diminutive Padawan brought her saber up in what she hoped was a correct stance, and then tenetively swung it towards Salemn. She purposely aimed for her master's saber, not wanting to really attack her.

Salemn Lysce
Jun 5th, 2003, 08:16:01 AM
Easily she parried the swing before thrusting her saber out towards James' stomach. The padawan wasn't eager to attack - both good and bad, however you looked at it.

< Don't hold back, James. >

Salemn was going quite easy, leaving it on the woman to pick up the pace.

James Prent
Jun 5th, 2003, 12:23:48 PM
James brought her saber back, and jumped backwards as well, hopping away from Salemn's blade. Her stance and form was atrocious, as she'd never learned any type of blade fighting before. Well, other than the instinctive "put the pointy end in the enemy."

The padawan bit her lip in concentration and stabbed forward, towards Salemn, not utilizing the edge of the lightsaber at all.

James Prent
Aug 18th, 2003, 10:59:00 PM
ooc: er, are you ever coming back?/ic:

Salemn Lysce
Sep 13th, 2003, 07:13:40 AM
[ooc- well, here I am. o_o;]

Biting the inside of her cheek to keep from smiling, the Jedi easily stepped backwards as the tip of James's saber missed her by an inch.

< I want you to swing your saber like I did, James. Now remember, all you need to do is move your wrist and not your arm. >

James Prent
Sep 14th, 2003, 05:11:40 PM
James sighed in concentration, using her wrist to slice the saber through the air in front of her as she'd done before. It was light and easy to move - almost too easy. It would be a simple thing to accidentally cut off your own limbs with it.

Then she looked beyond the tip of the blade, focused on Master Lysce, and flicked the blade out towards her.