View Full Version : Wandering: A New Life....(open)

Elijah Kalrico
Nov 1st, 2002, 11:28:08 PM
With holopad in hand, a figure clad in a black cloak with basic street clothes beneath, made his way into the large complex known as the Jedi Living Quarters. The little yellow dot on the map moved until it reached the destination, giving Elijah the opportunity to choose another place to go. The new Padawan let his eyes wander about the place. It's beauty was incredible and he marvled at it.

"I ain't seen this kinda shi.....stuff for some time."

He said outloud, following the marble stair case with his eyes. Deciding it was doing him no good to just stand there, the young man of only twenty-years, made his way up those stairs until he reached the top floor. Up there were rooms with incredible views of the cityscape. He smiled to himself as he made his way to a door at the end of a hallway where a large window overlooked everything below. The people looked like insects and the vehicles did too. Sighing as memories flooded his mind, Elijah decided to try to door he had been led to. Placing a hand upon it, the door hissed open to reveal nothing out of the ordinary inside.....and surly no occupants.

The space was large with a living room, two side bedrooms, a kitchen, a bathroom, and plenty of closet space. There was a dining table with chairs set up in the kitchen and silverware, plates, and glasses rested in their respected places in cabinates and drawers. Elijah left the door open by accident as he walked in and marvelled at the place he would call 'home'. It was a permanent place now.....something stable. He was not running anymore.....not running from anything or anybody. This was a stable place to be, and even now he felt overwhelmed with happiness. He moved into the room further and set down a small pack that he had been carrying. Nothing much resided inside, but some old pictures, some basic clothes, a few weapons, and something very special to him which he removed immediatly. The ex-assassin grasped within his hand a silver chain which from it dangled half of a heart. The one who held the other part was a woman that he had once loved.....still loved.....but had been taken from him by death.

"May the gods watch over me and thee while we are separate one from another......."

The enscription read when both sides of the heart were connected. He sighed and took his side, then hung it from one of the top bed-posts near the wall so that he would be guaranteed not to loose it. Though the door remained open, the young man continued unpacking his few belongings....as he placed them to make this room his new home.