View Full Version : Staring at the sun (open challenge)

Nov 1st, 2002, 05:46:32 PM
Maybe life is like a ride on a freeway
Dodging bullets while you're trying to find your way
Everyone's around, but no one does a damn thing
It brings me down, but I won't let them

If I seem bleak
Well you'd be correct
And if I don't speak
It's cause I can't disconnect
But I won't be burned by the reflection
Of the fire in your eyes
As you're staring at the sun

When I ran I didn't feel like a runaway
When I escaped I didn't feel like I got away
There's more to living than only surviving
Maybe I'm not there, but I'm still trying

Though you hear me
I don't think that you relate
My will is something
That you can't confiscate
So forgive me, but I won't be frustrated
By destruction in your eyes
As you're staring at the sun

Zeke and Kindo stood on the back of a flatbed truck, speeding down the freeways of Coruscant. On the platform behind them was a large crate, the contents of which were so valuable a guard of Jedi had been hired. Surrounding the truck were a few of Coruscant's patrol cars and speeder bikes, providing a small escort. Zeke was carrying his two sabers and a blaster, lacking the necessary practice to use the katana or Force Pike effectively.

"Looks to be quiet, Kindo."

Ki-Adi Kindo
Nov 1st, 2002, 06:11:56 PM
Kindo stood alongside his comrade, gazing out onto the endless horizon of Coruscant's lofty towers. He had duel blasters on seperate sides of his belt, along with his lightsaber hilt resting against his hip. Though Coruscant had several guards patrolling with them, he had learned through past experiences it was of utmost importance to be prepared for anything. He kept his Force awareness heightened has he continued keeping a close watch.

" So far, so good. "

Taylor Millard
Nov 1st, 2002, 08:41:16 PM
The elder gentleman walked onto the ledge behind both Kindo and Zeke. His body said he was pushing sixty, but his eyes were those of a man half his age. The blue-ness shown with icy clarity as he looked over the endless skyscrapers of the city planet.

Taylor Millard was still hunting his lost love, Loklorien s'Ilancy. He'd come close on both Yag'Dhul and Naboo...but now...he was farther away from finder the lupine than when she left him.

It would be weeks before he encountered Lok again. This time on Balmorra when she visited him briefly.

He walked up to the two Jedi, still staring at the skyline.

"Good evening. A beautiful night isn't it?"

Nov 1st, 2002, 08:43:27 PM
Zeke raised a brow. What was the old man doing here?

"Yeah, I guess so..."

Ki-Adi Kindo
Nov 1st, 2002, 08:51:02 PM
" Indeed it is. "

Kindo's usual curiosity beckoned him to question the senior.

" What is your name, sir? "

Taylor Millard
Nov 1st, 2002, 09:08:15 PM
"My name is Fell," Millard replied, speaking truthfully. The 'Fell' alias had been used multiple times and was one of third alternate IDs the man had built up for himself. The third was used almost as much as Taylor used his real name 'Taylor Millard' but for this search...it was unneeded.

"I am the curator of the library on Omar Prime," another truth. 'Fell' held a position on the board there, thanks to several large donations. Fell was a travelling curator, always on the look out for books which could benefit the library.

"And who are you?"

Nov 1st, 2002, 09:09:47 PM
"Zeke...but I got a question too while we're at it...what are you doing on a truck in the middle of urban nowhere?"

Taylor Millard
Nov 1st, 2002, 09:14:33 PM
"Quite simple," Millard replied, "The truck holds something valuable for the library on Omar Prime...I believe it is..ah yes here it is!"

He indicated a crate which said, 'Carpathian Ruby'. It was bound for a destination near where the Balmorran Empire was, but not Omar Prime itself. It would go up for auction after its travel. Millard planned on purchasing it, but he wanted to get a good look at it first.

The presence of the Jedi made it even more intriguing for the man.

"Does that suit your questions?"

Nov 1st, 2002, 09:16:41 PM

But Zeke was wary. It'd been tough enough for the Jedi to get on the truck...how this guy got here was a mystery in itself.

Taylor Millard
Nov 2nd, 2002, 05:51:40 AM
"Tell me, young ones," 'Fell' continued staring at both Jedi.

"What are two young men like you doing on a transport such as this? Why not go out...have fun...why the escort duty?"

Ki-Adi Kindo
Nov 2nd, 2002, 09:07:52 AM
" A Jedi should always have a humble spirit, rather it be saber to saber with the Sith or even escort duty just like this. We're here to help. "

Though the kind elder seemed innocent enough, but how he managed to get aboard the vehicle, and more importantly, why, still baffled Kindo.

Taylor Millard
Nov 3rd, 2002, 02:13:28 AM
"Ah Jedi," Millard nodded, "I've known a few Jedi in my time. With all due respect, they have yet to completely impress me.

"But then Omar Prime has been a part of the Empire for a long time. I suppose the Empire tries to ingrain a hatred of the Jedi in their members."

Nov 3rd, 2002, 02:24:08 AM
"Can't blame ya for that, I guess...but...Dude, how did you get on this truck in the first place? We went through so much security, and we were HIRED to do this!"

Taylor Millard
Nov 3rd, 2002, 03:08:26 AM
"Being the curator for the Omar Prime Library has some advantages. One being able to circumvent some security measure," Millard smiled.

"So, why are the two of you Jedi? What drives your urge of being one of the Jedi?"

Ki-Adi Kindo
Nov 3rd, 2002, 08:21:18 PM
" Simple, to know that others can rest assure that we are working day and night to insure their safety. "

" Sir, it's been quite a pleasure speaking with you, but I'm going to have to ask you to leave. "

Nov 3rd, 2002, 08:24:32 PM
Zeke nodded once.

"Kindo's got the right idea. Nothing against ya, friend, but you gotta back off. You can mess with your jewel later."

Taylor Millard
Nov 3rd, 2002, 08:30:37 PM
Millard raised an eyebrow.

"May I ask why?"

Nov 3rd, 2002, 08:40:13 PM
"A number of reasons, most notably the fact that the only people who are supposed to be anywhere near this thing are me and Kindo. We can help you get to one of the escort cars, the convoy won't stop until it reaches its destination."

Ki-Adi Kindo
Nov 3rd, 2002, 08:48:04 PM
" And we would be glad to speak with you some other time, if we can get around to it. "

Taylor Millard
Nov 3rd, 2002, 08:58:11 PM
"Of course," 'Fell' nodded, turning to go.

"It is rather boring work isn't it?"

Nov 3rd, 2002, 09:01:37 PM
"Would rather it were quiet and boring than get attacked and have it be exciting," Zeke replied.

Taylor Millard
Nov 3rd, 2002, 09:08:01 PM
"Of course," the man said smiling, as he turned to walk away.

"Good bye."

Then he fell off the edge of the truck.

Nov 3rd, 2002, 09:10:00 PM
Zeke's eyes widened.

"No way!"

He dashed for the edge, trying to save the old man from falling to his death.

Maester Wargrave
Nov 3rd, 2002, 09:16:37 PM
But the elderly gentleman was not there. Instead a cloaked man held onto the side of the truck, staring up at the Jedi.

"Oh, hello," he smiled up at Zeke, "Can I help you?"

Nov 3rd, 2002, 09:28:15 PM
Zeke stopped short of the edge.

"Wait a minute, you aren't the geezer..."

He stepped back.

"Kindo, it just got interesting..."

Ki-Adi Kindo
Nov 3rd, 2002, 09:39:22 PM
Kindo immediatly reached for the steel hilt resting against his hip, elevated it before his chest, and quickly ran his finger over the red ignition switch.


" Just who are you and what is your business here? "

Maester Wargrave
Nov 3rd, 2002, 09:47:37 PM
Wargrave leaped up onto the truck, keeping his hands free as he landed.

"Ah but that would be telling, wouldn't it? And I don't just freely give out personal information."

Ki-Adi Kindo
Nov 4th, 2002, 07:07:27 PM
" Leave, now. "

Kindo held the saffron blade out towards his side, prepared for anything that Wargrave might attempt.

" This doesn't have to lead to any conflict, just leave. "

Maester Wargrave
Nov 4th, 2002, 07:21:45 PM
"If I'm not mistaken," Wargrave kept a smile on his face, "You're the one who has his lightsaber drawn.

"How Jedi-ish is that?" the Dark Jedi Master paused, searching for a name...

"Kindo isn't it?"

Nov 4th, 2002, 07:45:51 PM
"Just being ready...who's to say you won't draw and attack us?"

Maester Wargrave
Nov 4th, 2002, 07:49:14 PM
"Oh but of course," Wargrave returned, "Unless you want to fight."

He smiled evilly, "I'd be happy to oblige then."

Nov 4th, 2002, 08:09:50 PM
Zeke slid his hands into his pockets where his sabers rested, wishing momentarily that the Hobgobling hadn't taken his glitch.

"It all depends on what you do. If you leave, we won't have to throw down. If you insist on stealing this, it'll come to a fight anyway, no matter what any of tries to do."

Ki-Adi Kindo
Nov 4th, 2002, 08:26:40 PM
" I assure you, we do not want to fight, but understand we will if needed. "

There was a usual seriousness to Kindo's words.

" Is a fight needed? "

Maester Wargrave
Nov 4th, 2002, 11:45:14 PM
"I suppose that is up to you isn't it?

"You claim you do not want a fight, yet there is your saber, alit and ready for battle. And your partner here is itching for combat also..."

He threw his cloak back, revealing the armor beneath the cloak.

"Are all Jedi as bloodthirsty as you two?"

Nov 4th, 2002, 11:49:56 PM
"Bloodthirsty?" Zeke repeated. "Hardly."

Zeke squinted at Wargrave as he thought of what to do. Wargrave wasn't about to back down. But he wasn't attacking either. They could stall, ride it out until they reached the destination where the NRSF was waiting...but Wargrave would eventually tire of an hour's worth of small talk and idle chatter.

"But no matter what we do, your darkside tendencies will create conflict. We would be fools to leave ourselves open to you."

Maester Wargrave
Nov 5th, 2002, 12:57:32 AM
"To a degree I am seeking information," Wargrave replied, crossing his arms.

"You, Mister Kindo, had an encounter with a vornskr a few months ago. A vornskr here on Coruscant. Do you know who that vornskr was?

"It is information I am dying to know."

Ki-Adi Kindo
Nov 5th, 2002, 05:28:22 PM
" Why is it of your concern? "

He kept his saber elevated at chest level, still keeping a keen eye upon Wargrave.

Maester Wargrave
Nov 5th, 2002, 05:31:30 PM
"Let's just say, I know parties who are very interested in knowing about that encounter."

Wargrave kept his tight smile and slowly shifted his position so his arms were down near his belt.

Nov 5th, 2002, 06:05:02 PM
Zeke noted the movement, grounded himself, sliding his feet out to maintain balance.

"It's no business of yours..."

Ki-Adi Kindo
Nov 5th, 2002, 06:11:32 PM
" Now, will you be leaving? "

Observing Wargrave's motion towards his belt, Kindo increased his firm grasp around his hilt.

Maester Wargrave
Nov 5th, 2002, 06:42:10 PM
"Ah but what if it is? What if I am searching for this...vornskr...to bring her home?

"Have you bothered to consider that?"

Wargrave reached into his belt and prepared to remove something.

Nov 5th, 2002, 06:50:26 PM
"Whaddaya mean 'bring her home'?" Zeke asked. "If she's your pet, then go the the Coruscant police, they have a missing animals department."

Maester Wargrave
Nov 5th, 2002, 07:01:08 PM
"Ah but she's not my pet. I believe I given enough information."

He looked at Kindo, "Now will you give me the information I seek or not?'

Ki-Adi Kindo
Nov 5th, 2002, 07:59:20 PM
Kindo kept a sincere look within his gaze.

" No. "

His sapphire eyes were locked upon every move Wargrave made. He didn't want to fight, but he didn't want to reveal information that would cause even more conflict. He had made his decision, and he was sticking with it.

Maester Wargrave
Nov 5th, 2002, 08:23:52 PM
"And why is this?" Wargrave asked.

"Do I scare you, Mister Kindo...do you tremble in your boots about what I might do? The 'Big Bad Wolf'...here to end the lives of both you and that of your companions? Hmm?"

He leaned forward, "Or are you afraid to be infected by the Dark Side? You are all ready quite the aggresive Jedi...anxious for battle. You wish for glory, and thus you hold out on information from someone who sincerely wishes to learn...tsk tsk tsk...you are afraid."

Ki-Adi Kindo
Nov 5th, 2002, 08:37:43 PM
" You assume too much. You will find that I am not scared of you, nor am afraid of being infected by your sickness. I think that you desire information so much that you will find any excuse available to get it. "

Despite the situation, Kindo remained at peace. He was completely firm in his beliefs has a Jedi, a strength he had gained only through experience.

" There is nothing you could do to cause me to stray from the light, absolutely nothing. "

Maester Wargrave
Nov 5th, 2002, 08:45:10 PM
"I fear were I to give you all of my information...it would betray the identity of several dear friends of mine.

"If you are so loyal to the light, I'm sure you understand the concepts of honor and loyalty." Wargrave raised one of his stone colored eyebrows in question at Kindo.

Ki-Adi Kindo
Nov 5th, 2002, 09:45:04 PM
" Sir, you seem to be an intelligent man. I too, am honorable, and if I give you the information you seek, would I not be betraying my beliefs has a Jedi? "

Maester Wargrave
Nov 6th, 2002, 12:06:25 AM
"What beliefs would you be betraying?" Wargrave asked raising another eyebrow.

"Are you so foolish to beileve any question asked of you, by...a Dark Jedi...immediately means you have to betray your beliefs?

"I asked you a simple question...nothing else. Quid Pro Quo, Ki Adi...Quid Pro Quo."

Wargrave again moved for something in his belt.

Nov 6th, 2002, 12:14:43 AM
"Look, I doubt if we've GOT any info you could use, pal. Vornskrs wander, they don't stick around long, and they keep their human selves generally a secret. Only Vornskr I know of is Diego Van Derveld, and if you got business with him we sure can't help ya with it. No one knows where ol' Diego's at. He could be anywhere, at any given time."

Zeke remembered the fightin the Bar and Grill, when Diego had been subdued and transformed from Vornskr to human. Other than that, he knew no other Vornskrs.

Maester Wargrave
Nov 6th, 2002, 12:24:14 AM
Wargrave looked at Zeke, "And who is this Diego Van Derveld?"

Nov 6th, 2002, 12:33:19 AM
"Ya mean that ain't the Vornskr you're after?"

Zeke shook his head.

"Then you're fresh outta luck, pal."

Ki-Adi Kindo
Nov 6th, 2002, 08:55:19 PM
" You are a Dark Jedi, and along with every title comes a reputation, and let's face it, the Dark Jedi's reputation isn't one of peace and harmony. How do you expect me not to be judgemental when you, who carries that title, ask me for certain information? "

Maester Wargrave
Nov 6th, 2002, 09:34:45 PM
"What is the term...oh yes...trust," Wargrave said taking a few steps forward towards Kindo.

"I have yet to attack you or demand anything taxing on you. Only information. And I have partially gotten it. Alas...not what I was looking for.

"And...I do remind you," he stopped infront of the glowing blade, "You are the one whose blade is drawn."

Ki-Adi Kindo
Nov 6th, 2002, 09:42:16 PM
" Need I remind you, your title demands that I must be prepared, just in case you attempt to pull anything. I wouden't have drawn my blade on Fell. "

Kindo begun to imitate Wargrave's tone, not in mockery, but has if making another good point.

Maester Wargrave
Nov 7th, 2002, 12:13:33 AM
Wargrave looked puzzled for a moment. Then his face righted itself.

"Oh yes, the old man...a pity he didn't survive me coercing him to jump off the truck. So sad...but he was old and infirm. Plus...he'd done me wrong a few weeks ago.

"I'll let you in on a secret...it deals with the vornskr."

Wargrave smiled delightlfully.

Nov 7th, 2002, 07:14:22 AM
Zeke vibrated, shifting no more than an inch toward Wargrave, shoulders hunching, fists clenching around his sabers. The coward had made the old man jump...

"So...let's hear it..."

Maester Wargrave
Nov 7th, 2002, 03:02:00 PM
Wargrave sensed the anger rise in Zeke. If they only knew...

"Fell was the one who let the vornskr I am looking for escape. A pity it cost him his life...Omar Prime needs a new curator...again."

Nov 7th, 2002, 03:29:03 PM
"It would've escaped you anyway! A lone man is no match for a vornskr!"

Zeke wasn't angry, but he definitely felt that Wargrave was wrong for his actions...and that he should be dealt with accordingly.

Ki-Adi Kindo
Nov 7th, 2002, 08:33:11 PM
" So, you claim to be an honorable man. Do you agree that justice should be dealt for your actions? "

Maester Wargrave
Nov 7th, 2002, 10:29:02 PM
"I suppose, Mister Kindo," Wargrave replied, looking at him.

"That is up to you. Fell wronged me, hence why he had to die. But I suppose in your clear grasp of right and wrong you know what decision you have to make."

Ki-Adi Kindo
Nov 8th, 2002, 09:02:44 PM
" Indeed. Do not be so foolish to believe your sins will go unpunished. Justice will not be ignored. "

Maester Wargrave
Nov 9th, 2002, 12:52:21 AM
"Then...Mister Kindo...Make...your...move."

Ki-Adi Kindo
Nov 9th, 2002, 11:10:02 AM
After a brief moment of silence, Kindo had came to his decision. He ran his finger back over his saber's ignition switch, causing the bright saffron beam to recede. After clipping the steel hilt back to his belt, he proceeded with a few commands on his com-link.

- Get me 5 New Republic guards, armed and ready. We have an arrest to make. -

Nov 9th, 2002, 11:32:53 AM
Zeke set his stance, maintaining unwavering eye contact with Wargrave. If he tried to escape, Zeke was fully prepared to stop him.

Maester Wargrave
Nov 9th, 2002, 09:33:19 PM
"Really, Mister Kindo...five New Republic Guards? I would have called for ten."

Wargrave kept his gaze on Kindo, not even moving. Then Zeke was lifted off the truck bed, into the air, and over the the depths of Coruscant.

"Mister Kindo I am against killing your friend here because he did provide me with information in regards to one of the vornskrs," the Dark Jedi Master said as he kept Zeke in the strong hold.

"But instead of calling the guards I suggest you take your own saber out. After all...we wouldn't want any more...casualties through no fault but your own.

"And that includes your friend.

"Call of the guards and we will see if you can indeed fight as well as you talk."

Ki-Adi Kindo
Nov 9th, 2002, 10:01:00 PM
Kindo made his decision rather quickly, made clear when he began speaking into his com-link for the second time.

- Ignore my previous request. Do not send any Officers, I repeat, send no Officers. -

Lowering his wrist, he never ceased to remove his focus from Wargrave. The most sincere look remained upon his face.

" I did has you asked, now release my comrade and answer me two simple questions. How many people have I killed here, and how many people have you killed here? "

Maester Wargrave
Nov 9th, 2002, 10:05:57 PM
"You have killed none...and I have killed," Wargrave replied.

He reached into his cloak for something. Zeke remained in the air.

Nov 9th, 2002, 11:04:10 PM
Zeke dangled over the expanse, hands still in his pockets, breathing reduced to almost none as he watched events unfold.

"C'mon, Kindo..." he thought to himself. "Just cap him already!"

Ki-Adi Kindo
Nov 10th, 2002, 08:08:09 AM
With both hands, Kindo grabbed the duel blasters placed under both his arms. He elevated both firearms out foward, aimed directly for Wargrave's midsection.

" Put Zeke back on the truck. I'm not playing any games. "

Maester Wargrave
Nov 11th, 2002, 12:36:28 AM
"Ooo blasters," Wargrave remarked, his eyes lighting up with joy.

"A pity you can't play with them."

The blasters were ripped from Kindo's hands and skittered across the truck bed.

"Mister Kindo I do not reccomend you concern yourself about Zeke. He is quite safe in my hands. You on the other hand...have difficulties all on your own."

Wargrave's eyes drifted behind Kindo.

Ki-Adi Kindo
Nov 11th, 2002, 04:27:29 PM
" I only take recommendations from the trustworthy, and to be quite honest, you aren't on that list. "

Without any warning, Kindo sent his palm in a powerful thrust straight into Wargrave's chest. With the Dark Jedi's concentration momentarily broken, Zeke began to plummet below. The Jedi Knight immediately extended his arm, using his Force-telekinesis to draw his confidant back into the speeding transport.

It was a close call, but he had learned from personal experience not to throw himself into a bad situation without using strategy. He and Zeke were alright for the moment, but Wargrave was soon to retaliate.

Nov 11th, 2002, 05:11:34 PM
Zeke fell and reached for the truck, pulling with the Force as Kindo did the same. Zeke landed precariously on the truck and drew his sabers from his pockets, igniting the blades and facing Wargrave.

"That's the end of it!"

Zeke was through with diplomacy, aggressive negotiations were in order.

Maester Wargrave
Nov 12th, 2002, 03:13:53 AM
"A pity," Wargrave replied.

"Oh good you can push...let me give my own then."

Kindo suddenly found himself lifted off his feet and flying back as a strong wind lifted him back towards the end of the truck.

Wargrave turned to Zeke.

"Tell me about this Diego Van Derveld?"

Nov 12th, 2002, 08:49:37 PM
Zeke held up one hand and curled it into a fist, halting Kindo's momentum.

"Diego? He's a drifter. Showed up in the Bar and Grill a few times. Someone used the Force on him and drove him to temporary insanity. He took out half the bar. We had to tear the counter out of the floor and throw it at him. He's got another vornskr that's rumored to hang out with him. Got nothing on that one."

Maester Wargrave
Nov 13th, 2002, 09:35:12 AM
"Curiousor and Curiousor...another vornskr..."

Wargrave pulled one of Kindo's blasters towards him, catching it in his hands.

"Did you see this other vornskr? Tell me now or I might decide to use this blaster to prevent Mister Kindo from breathing again."

Nov 13th, 2002, 09:56:55 AM
"Never seen it in all my life."

Maester Wargrave
Nov 17th, 2002, 03:59:17 AM
"And yet you say you think there's another vornskr," one of the blaster fired at Kindo's leg, smacking off one of the boxes.

"Mister Kindo you've encountered vornskrs...what do you have to say?"

Ki-Adi Kindo
Nov 19th, 2002, 08:45:43 PM
" What do you want to know? "

Maester Wargrave
Nov 20th, 2002, 07:37:14 AM

Nov 24th, 2002, 08:25:42 PM
"Tall order to fill."

Maester Wargrave
Nov 30th, 2002, 02:26:47 AM
"I'm rather certain you can fill that order."

Ki-Adi Kindo
Dec 1st, 2002, 09:11:42 PM
" I was in the middle of arresting someone by the name of SilusXilarian, when a man who had been viewing the whole event began to transform into this savage beast, and not long after that another one showed up to aid the first one. "