View Full Version : Something Delicious (Come and get it Jedi! ^_~)

Dae Jinn
Nov 1st, 2002, 04:17:52 PM
<center><font size=1 >
I must have been crazy
I think I was being brave
I think I was Bruce Lee
I might have been Michael Caine
so give me something to cover my eyes
weakness and distress what am I
"A B C D you're in the belly of me"
you eat, you sleep, you breathe something delicious
you spill, you grip, you squeeze something delicious
you peel, you strip, you bleed something delicious
I must be confused
oh its so typical
some fleshy temptation
and the sweetness only improves
so give me something to cover my eyes
weakness and distress
what am I
"tree to fruit, apple to seed, you are the A in Adam and Eve"
you eat, you sleep, you breathe something delicious
you spill, you grip, you squeeze something delicious...you peel, you strip, you bleed something delicious, delicious
something delicious.
give all your hope to me.
"tree to fruit, apple to seed"
make all your love to me
you eat, you sleep, you breathe something delicious
you spill, you grip, you squeeze something delicious
you say you think you are something delicious
something delicious, something delicious
you say you think you hold something delicious
so save some of your hope for me

Daetana sat quietly in the smoke filled bar, a drink in one hand, her head in the other. She was bored, so bored. It seemed nothing overly exciting was happening on this planet. A yawn escaped her glossed lips.
A big smelly man came up, placing his hand on the her black leather clad behind. He grinned a toothless grin.
"What's a purty ladie like you doing here?" He asked, his breath made Dae want to gag. She smiled sweetly.
"Please, don't touch me. I'm...taken..." She reached back, taking the mans' hand from her rear, holding it in front of her. With a quick flick of her wrist, his was broken and he was a screaming mess on the floor. She sighed heavily and frowned, turning back to her vodka.

Nov 1st, 2002, 04:25:42 PM
He had been rather absorbed with watching the waitresses. Not because he found any of them to be anything he was looking for, but because they were an easy distraction from the heavier topics that rested on his mind.

He was brought out for this daze by the tortured screams of a man who was writhing on the floor.

Briefly, his violet eyes narrowed and he wondered what had gone on. It didnt take long, for the man had risen to his feet, cursing loudly and pointing at the woman who had done it to him.

Rather...lewd words escaped his mouth, and the young Sith couldnt help but chuckle in amusement.

His eyes moved from the man on the floor to the woman he was cursing at, lingering perhaps a bit longer than they should have without seeming as if he was perhaps overly curious.

Dae Jinn
Nov 1st, 2002, 04:35:36 PM
Dae rolled her eyes, turning back to the man on the floor.

"You shouldn't swear...."

She took a booted foot and pressed it down on his wind-pipe, hard enough to choke him but not enough to kill him. His face started to turn red as he gasped for air. Finally Dae took her foot back. She glared at him growled low in her throat.
"Get going before I finish you off..."
The man rose slowly to his feet and stumbled off. She noticed a young man sitting a few table away, eyeing the situation. She give him a playful wink and turned back to her drink once again.

Nov 1st, 2002, 04:41:21 PM
He chuckled at the situation, amused by her antics. When she caught him staring, she merely winked.

When the next waitress came by, he asked her to send a drink to the woman, and to congratulate her on her rather skillful and amusing display.

Moments later, the waitress arrived and set the drink in front of Dae.

"From that guy over there...." She stated, as if this were a constant part of her job.

Dae Jinn
Nov 1st, 2002, 04:50:14 PM
She looked at the drink and took a sniff. Ew...Not vodka. She took the glass in her hand and walked slowly over to the man. She wore, black. Short black shirt, black leather pants and black boots. She set the drink in front of him and leaned over, ruffling his hair.
"Sorry, I only drink vodka, but thanks for the thought. Did you like my little show?"

Nov 1st, 2002, 04:57:39 PM
As she approached, his eyes followed appreciatively. As she leaned over and ruffled his hair, he grinned, appearing to be an innocent kid in his late teens. It was deceptive, sometimes, his relatively innocent looks.

He gestured for her to join him.

"Then a vodka it will be." He stated, pushing her drink aside a bit and casting a glance in the direction of the waitress.

"I did rather...enjoy the spectacle..." He replied.

"You seem....well practiced at it..." He added.

Dae Jinn
Nov 1st, 2002, 05:52:24 PM
She smiled slyly. "I try."
She held out her hand. "Daetana Jinn, and you are?"
She looked him over, he seemed like just another guy, except for his smell. He smelled like others she knew, like a Sith. That made her smile more, maybe this one would like to have some fun tonight.

Nov 3rd, 2002, 11:55:20 AM
He took the hand that she had offered, memorizing her name as he lifted her hand to kiss it, as gentleman of old would do.

As he released it, he smiled.

"My name is Sasha." He replied, using only his first name, for he still had too much confusion over what his last name should be, Donovan, Millard, or Kovalev to use one.

He noticed as she looked him over. It was not subtle, and he grinned slightly at this, a slightly cocky expression briefly crossing his features.

"Do you find me suitable enough?" He asked, a teasing tone in his voice as he referred to her once over of him.

Dae Jinn
Nov 4th, 2002, 05:36:00 PM
"Hmmm, I don't know...You don't smell...good...you smell like a naughty little Sith boy." She said with a wink. "A pleasure to meet you Sasha."
She leaned back in her chair, snagging her drink off the waitresses tray as she walked past. She downed most of it in one gulp.
"So...are you here on business, or for pleasure?"

Nov 4th, 2002, 05:43:24 PM
He canted his head slightly at the suggestion that he didnt smell good. A mock hurt expression crossed his face briefly, and then he smiled with an expression as innocent as a Sith could smile.

"Perhaps I am..." He replied in answer to the suggestion that he was a naughty sith boy.

As she took a seat, leaning back and tossing down her drink, he reached for his and took a casual slug of it.

"I was here for business. But stayed on a little longer for pleasure." He answered.

"Pure pleasure." His violet eyes met hers for a moment, and then he looked away, scoping out the bar, and then looking back to her.

"Things were looking a little quiet until your...display over there. You from around here?" He asked.

Dae Jinn
Nov 4th, 2002, 06:12:01 PM
She smiled, almost a smirk when he asked if she was from this planet.
"Of course not...I'm from the Saiya-jinn homeworld, but I chose to reside on Coruscant. I'm here for pleasure..." Her glossed lips formed a perfect little pout. "But I haven't found any yet, can you help me?"
She rested a hand on his, taking his hand and stroking his palm lightly. "I want to have fun..."

Nov 4th, 2002, 06:21:03 PM
He grinned. She seemed almost insulted that he'd possibly thought she was from there. Particularly since she chose to spend time there for pleasure.

As she took his hand in hers, stroking his palm, a mischievious grin toyed at the corners of his lips.

"I can certainly do my best to help you..." He replied, noticing how perfect her pout was. This one was dangerous.
She was confident, and from all outward signs, fearless.

"Is there a particular fantasy that's been playing on your mind?" He asked. Her idea of fun, he was beginning to think, was going to be a much crazier definition than any other might have given, but he was willing to run with it. Afterall, he had come here for entertainment, and it seemed that she had done the same.

Dae Jinn
Nov 4th, 2002, 06:35:30 PM
Her pout faded, replaced with a bright smile.
"Lets destroy this bar, slaughter every last patron and leave a wonderful surprise for any Jedi who might wander in by mistake. Let's spread chaos and darkness through-out this pathetic town."

She slammed back her drink, tossing the empty glass back. The glass smashed the floor. She stood up, letting go of his hand, and reaching for the silver saber hilt that hung from her belt.

Nov 4th, 2002, 07:02:40 PM
Lets destroy this bar, slaughter every last patron and leave a wonderful surprise for any Jedi who might wander in by mistake. Let's spread chaos and darkness through-out this pathetic town.

His gaze might have looked surprised for a brief moment. It was entirely possible he was out of his league.

He watched as she slammed back her drink and then smashed her glass on the floor. She stood up and reached for the silver saber hilt that hung from her belt.


He picked up his drink and tossed the rest of it back. And then he, too, stood and pulled his saber from his belt.

“You ask and you shall receive.” He replied with a grin.

Dae Jinn
Nov 4th, 2002, 07:08:52 PM
She grinned and in one swift montion, had her saber in hand and ignited, turning and slashing violently into a passer-by. The man didn't know what hit him, falling to the floor screamin and clutching what was left of his arm. She giggled and looked around the bar slowly.
"Your turn."
People in the bar started shrieking, yelling, running around in a mad panic. Dae gave Sasha a look.
"Block the doors, don't let them get out!"

Nov 4th, 2002, 07:16:30 PM
With a loud thud, the doors banged closed, held by the invisible pull of the force.

Sasha made his way through the crowd, shoving those in his way out of it.

As a man drew his blaster, Sasha removed the hand that held it. It was not like him to begin such a riduclous display of senseless killing. But he had been goaded into it, and sometimes, the kid just needed to let go and have some fun.

The shrieks around them of hysteria were increasing, Sasha moved to cover the mouth of one woman who would not close her trap. He dragged her towards the door, saber held in hand at her throat.

"Anyone want to save her?" He taunted.

Dae Jinn
Nov 4th, 2002, 07:29:40 PM
Dae laughed hysterically as she sliced her way to the door. She stood next to Sasha grinning. She turned to the crowd.
"Well?!?! Anyone want to this poor little thing?" She yelled. The crowd quieted slightly and she sneered at them. "You're all pathetic...and you're all going to die."
She looked to him. "Do it. Lob off that pretty head of hers."

Nov 4th, 2002, 08:03:49 PM
Do it. Lob off that pretty head of hers

He might have paused for a moment before the blade of his saber slid neatly across her throat.

The power of destruction was heady. In an instant, the terror of the room had filled his blood with a rush of adrenaline. In an instant, he knew what it was to feel the power of the darkside run fully through his veins.

The screams were louder now, and patrons were breaking windows in an effort to escape. An alarm had begun ringing, the piercing noise annoying the young sith.

His eyes searched for the source, though he kept an eye out for anyone who was daring enough to pull a blaster.

Dae Jinn
Nov 4th, 2002, 08:12:56 PM
Dae grinned, taking out anyone foolish enough to get near the door. People were scrambling out the windows, running everywhere in an attempt to get out and away.

She strode over the bar, leaping over it, slashing the bar man who was in her way. She found the alarm and smashed it with a fist. It made a weird squeal, then was silent. She reached over, grabbing a fresh bottle and climbed up to sit on the bar. She deactivated her saber and sat there, watching everyone.

Nov 4th, 2002, 08:20:54 PM
Now this, he found amusing. With the annoying siren gone, and Dae just sitting there casually on the bar, he couldnt help but laugh at the absurdity of it all.

In the center of the storm, there she sat, calm as could be.

With his saber he lashed out at one stupid enough to attempt using the door again.

"People that stupid dont deserve to live..." He muttered in disgust.

It was amazing the panic that a lightsaber brought to a room, he thought as he looked at the overturned chairs and tables, limbs and bodies, shattered glass....

He finally gave up his guardianship at the door, allowing the last few people to leave as he made his way over to the bar and looked up at Dae.

"You....." He began shakig his head and rolling his eyes.

"Are evil." He added, meaning it with the highest of compliments, of course.

Dae Jinn
Nov 4th, 2002, 08:34:07 PM
"Gee, thanks" She giggled, taking the lid off her bottle of vodka. She took a big gulp and slipped off the bar. She ran a finger down his chest, leaning in to whisper in his ear. Her voice was soft and smooth. "You weren't too bad yourself."
Her lips skimmed past his as she moved away, sly smile on her face.
"Lets go."

Nov 5th, 2002, 01:45:56 PM
He watched as she slid down from the bar. As her lips brushed his, he felt a hint of guilt. Had he and Feliciana not broken up just a few nights ago – had he not been on his way to Balmorra to see his uncle and get away from it all, he might have stopped there. Instead, he felt the anger at Fel’s decision to leave the order rise within him, and without question, he followed Dae.

He raised a questioning eyebrow, as if to suggest that he might like a swig of the vodka she was all too easily downing.

He was going to need it. She was way out of his league in terms of trouble and a seeming lack of guilt or remorse at anything that she was doing.

“Where to?” He asked as he pushed the door open, holding it for her as the brisk evening air assaulted them.

Dae Jinn
Nov 5th, 2002, 02:06:58 PM
She smiled and shrugged. "Where ever our hearts desire! This town is ours! No Jedis in sight..."
Yet another giggle. She felt giddy, but it wasn't from the alcohol. She enjoyed causing trouble and was having a great time. She stepped out into the night and shivered slightly. She skipped down the walkway and stopped at the road. She spun around, grinning. "What would you like to do?"

Nov 5th, 2002, 03:47:43 PM
Where ever our hearts desire! This town is ours! No Jedis in sight...

He smiled. Her giggles almost relaxed him, for it was clear that she was enjoying herself. In this, he found redemption for the things he had just done.

He watched as she spun around, grinning.

What would you like to do?

He laughed.

“What I would like to do, given the chance, is to fight with this one jedi without our fight being interrupted. Every time we face each other….someone breaks it up.”

He grinned.

“Of course, I’d have to find him for that to happen, and out of all the places in this galaxy there are to be, I would doubt I would be lucky enough to find him here, in this city, tonight.”

He noticed her shiver in the cold and took off his jacket. He held it out for her to slip into.

“Tell you what, I’ll trade you my jacket for drink from your bottle…” He offered, though truth be told, he would have given her his jacket anyway.

“And then we find ourselves some jedi…”

Dae Jinn
Nov 5th, 2002, 04:13:48 PM
"Ooooo!" She slipped on his jacket and handed him the bottle, though a bit reluctantly. "A Jedi, huh? They never seem to play fair...and they say we're the bad ones!"
She shook her head. "I hope there are some here, probably here on some sappy mission to save starving blind war orphans!"
Deep in her heart, she didn't really hate Jedi. She only wanted to have fun, and they didn't like it, too bad.
"Hmm, if I were a goody good Jedi, where would I be?"

Nov 5th, 2002, 05:08:33 PM
He helped her on with the jacket, and then took a healthy slug from the bottle. He cringed, but only slightly. And then he took a second drink, loving the fact that it went down a bit smoother. And then, in all fairness, handed the bottle back to Dae.

“Im not sure you want to limit the search to just the good goody ones…Im afraid we wont find many of those here…” He teased.

As they walked, he considered the city – there were plenty of places where jedi might be. He took her hand in his.

“Come on…I think I know just the place…” He stated, a mischievious grin on his face as he began to lead her down the street toward a place he thought might at least get them the attention they would need for a jedi to appear.

That night, the governor of the city was holding a benefit – a fancy dinner followed by a silent auction where the wealthy could spend exorbitant amounts on money on items given for charity.

And, he suspected, there were bound to be jedi about for security…

Dae Jinn
Nov 5th, 2002, 05:16:49 PM
She followed him, him leading her by the hand, the bottle in the other. To any passers-by, they looked like a couple out partying and not like two Sith who just massacared a whole bar full of people. She laughed.
"Okay, where are we going?"
She looked up and they were in front of a large building, people in fancy dress were milling outside the door. It looked like some kind of meeting or benefit dinner. Very high class. She laughed more. "We're going here? I don't think we can get in and not be noticed...."

Nov 5th, 2002, 05:41:22 PM
He chuckled.

“Funny…I took you for the type to prefer attention…” He replied with a relaxed, perhaps teasing grin.

“It’s a benefit being held by the governor…” He explained.

“And we can either waltz in as we are…” The images there on the surface of his mind those of security guards giving them a difficult time, and the mayhem that would follow.

“Or, we can…borrow….some appropriate clothes from those people that are arriving perhaps a little…too fashionably late….” He added, a wicked grin snaking onto his lips.

(ooc: Maybe change the title of the thread to welcome any jedi…? :) )

Dae Jinn
Nov 5th, 2002, 06:02:12 PM
(ooc done and done ;))
"Mmmhmm, sounds like a plan." She eyed a young couple kissing near the corner of the building. She let go of his hand and walked towards them, smiling sweetly.
"Excuse me, but my boyfriend and I seem to be lost, do you think you could give us directions?" She walked a bit beside the building, the couple following. She gestured for Sasha to come to.

Nov 5th, 2002, 06:13:10 PM
Zeke leaned at the door, wearing all his weaponry for the sake of putting the guests' minds at ease. Ooh, a Jedi! Look at all the shiny weapons! He'll protect us! Zeke yawned lazily. Look at him yawn, he's so strong he's not even worried! We'll be safe!

"Glad you're all so impressed..." he muttered at his hundredth compliment.

Nov 5th, 2002, 06:22:45 PM
Mmmhmm, sounds like a plan.

He watched as she eyed a young couple kissing near the corner of the building. She didn’t delay a moment in walking up to them. and he watched with a slight expression of amusement.

Excuse me, but my boyfriend and I seem to be lost, do you think you could give us directions? At this, a flicker of sadness touched him, but he willed it away, replacing it with anger.

As she began to walk along the building, Sasha more than happily followed. Dae seemed to have it all under control at the moment, and he was content to follow her cue.

Dae Jinn
Nov 5th, 2002, 06:43:50 PM
She lured the unsupecting couple further back, talking in a nice friendly tone. She got back behind the woman, drawing out her saber. It ignited with a soft snap-hiss and was slashed across the womans throat. Dae let the woman slip with a thud to the ground. Her boyfriend turned and was met with a saber thrust to the neck. He gave acry before falling over. She leaned down, flipping the woman onto her back.
"Think his suit will fit you?"

Nov 5th, 2002, 06:48:07 PM
Zeke cast his glance to the left, the NRSF was checking IDs. He was basically there for show. The couple that had been making out had disappeared...oh well, no business of his, though that particular alley was notorious for ambushes and muggings...

Nov 5th, 2002, 06:56:44 PM
The suit wasn’t exactly his style, he supposed, but it would have to do.

“Beggars cant be choosers…” He replied, repeating a phrase he’d heard his mother tell him a million times when he was a kid.

He kicked open the door to what appeared to be an abandoned and boarded up storefront, and together, they dragged the bodies inside.

He gave Dae a look as if to say ‘can you at least undress the guy for me?’ and when all was done, they looked as if they were ready to go to a rather fancy benefit party sponsored by the governor.

He adjusted the tie a bit and straightened out his jacket. And then he held his elbow out to Dae.

“My lady…?” He offered, in mockery of the entire event.

Dae Jinn
Nov 5th, 2002, 07:08:34 PM
Dae wrapped her arm around his, now dressed in tight red evening dress. With one hair she fixed her hair and smiled at him.
"Why thank you."
They walked arm in arm out of the abandoned building and right past the fellow guests, past the guards and inside. She looked around at all the people, laughing, having a good time, and gave Sasha a nod in the direction of a Jedi standing near the door.

Kemille Eldervine
Nov 5th, 2002, 07:09:17 PM
Kemille hadn't been seen for quite some time, especially out of the Order. Now, she had finally roused herself out of the intent research she had been doing and came along with Zeke, a Knight of the Order.

The Elven woman's blue skin stood out, but perhaps what caught everyone's eye was the weaponry she had brought along. Two rail guns, three blasters, a lightsaber, the Ra-Seru on her right arm, and in her right boot was a concealed dagger. She was dressed in simple clothing with only a dark green cloak to keep her warm from the chill in the air, and right now she stood at the other side of the door. She was alert for any possible threat or disturbance, knowing that it would be her job to "dispose" of it.

It was when she saw a man and woman walk up to another couple and then disappear was her curiousity raised. Her muscles tensed as she glanced over at Zeke, who seemed to have noticed it, too. However, it didn't seem like he was concerned.

Looking back over to where she had seen them disappear, Kemille told the Jedi Knight she would go and 'check things out.' The Padawan knew that this part of town had certain incidences to horrify anyone, and could only hope that everyone was alright.

After brushing past the crowd, she glanced around. They weren't in sight. Immediately her brow furrowed slightly as she took a step back, then went back to resume her original position. She could only sense one thing in the air and it was fear, but was so dilluted with the others' emotions she couldn't decide whether it was from the couple or not. However, she would keep a closer eye on things.

It was then when the man and woman who had lulled the couple away came back, slipping through the door and acting casual. As Kemille continued to watch, suspiscion grew. Wasn't that the same attire the other couple was wearing ...? As the woman gave a nod in her direction, the Padawan's hand strayed next to one of her rail guns.

Nov 5th, 2002, 07:16:50 PM
Zeke noted their entrance. Party crashers. They seem to have taken an interest in Kemille. He recognized the girl in a hearbeat. That would be Dae Jinn.

"No good can come of this..." he muttered. Louder, he directed his voice to Dae. "You! It's rude to stare!"

Dae Jinn
Nov 5th, 2002, 07:22:35 PM
"Oh, please forgive me Good Sir." She bowed her head slightly and blew Zeke a kiss. Turning her attetion back to the party, she wandered out of sight of the Jedi with Sasha.

Nov 5th, 2002, 07:26:05 PM
"It'll get worse...Kemille, watch the door."

He ducked into the crowd, seeking them with the Force.

Nov 6th, 2002, 08:15:21 AM
Sasha couldn’t help but chuckle as they walked through the doorway. He could sense the presence of the jedu, but more than that, was amused that a jedi would feel the need to carry an army’s arsenal worth of weapons. Apparently the jedi werent so strong in the force that they could put down the conventional weapons.

As they advanced into the party, one of the jedi called out to Dae.

You! It's rude to stare!

At this Sasha raised an eyebrow. A jedi who was, to a degree, starting something.

He turned to Dae as they slipped in among the crowds of people.

“A friend of yours?” He asked, sarcasm slipping into his voice. As they spoke, they were swept up in the dancing, and the two of them went along with the flow, all the while plotting the demise of the jedi.

Dae Jinn
Nov 6th, 2002, 07:59:22 PM
"Oh, I broke that little jedis limb once. I don't remember exactly which one though...." She laughed at loud, giving the Jedi male another glance. They were suddenly swept onto the dance floor, going along with the facade of being invited guests, dancing away. She rested her head on Sashas shoulder, whispering into his ear. " Any ideas on how to make this party more fun?"

Nov 7th, 2002, 09:31:25 AM
Oh, I broke that little jedis limb once. I don't remember exactly which one though....

He smiled as she laughed at this. And then they were dancing, her head resting comfortably on his shoulder.

Any ideas on how to make this party more fun?

He smiled and nodded. To anyone else in the room, they looked like a normal couple, enjoying their evening. And while they were enjoying their evening, they were anything but a normal couple.

“I do, but I thought might be more interesting to scope things out a bit more. Perhaps make your jedi friend a little uneasy…” He suggested.

“Perhaps with a few ‘unfortunate’ incidents here and there that no one but a force user would understand how it happened…”

At this he smiled again.

“Make him come to us.”

Dae Jinn
Nov 7th, 2002, 08:26:50 PM
She frowned at the mention of the Force. She still wasn't very good with it, and rarely use it at all. She smiled softly, keeping up appearances, dancing slowly with him.
"I'm not the...most adept with using the Force, darling...But if you have anything planned, be my guest. As long as we get to have some fun with the jedi later."

Nov 8th, 2002, 09:53:30 AM
He raised an eyebrow in partial disbelief.

She wasn’t that great at using the force, yet she wanted to play with the jedi? He shook his head and grinned. She was quite the character.

“I promise you’ll have a chance for fun.” He replied.

“In fact, it seemed to me that your jedi friend was looking for a bit of it himself….” He commented. It was then that he spotted the jedi across the room.

“And Im sure he’ll continue looking…” He added, nodding towards the place where he’d spotted the jedi. With this, they danced a bit closer, so as to be in open sight of the jedi with the next very minor, but choas related stunt.

With a bit of concentration, he used the force to buckle the knees of a woman standing next to Zeke. With a gasp of surprise, the woman stumbled in the high heels that she wore and fell to the floor in a rather dramatic, attention gathering fashion.

Nov 8th, 2002, 12:09:01 PM
Zeke gestured casually and the woman rose to her feet, aided by the Force. Zeke's eyes flicked to his right; there they were. He smiled at the woman who had tripped.

"Are you alright miss?"

The woman nodded, just a little embarrassment, and went back to her date. Zeke kept a steady eye on Sasha and Dae. Let them start a fight if they wanted...he'd clean up after their childish messes.

Dae Jinn
Nov 8th, 2002, 09:49:57 PM
Dae giggled softly, still dancing away as if nothing had happened. She noticed Zeke giving them dirty looks and she sighed.
"Jedis are no fun....Can't even take a joke."
With that she stuck her foot out, only for a second, but it did the trick. A waiter with a tray full of drinks stumbled and was about to fall flat on his face. As she danced away from Zeke with Sasha, she gave him a look and stuck out her tongue.

Nov 8th, 2002, 10:46:38 PM
"A childish prank."

Zeke's voice spoke within Dae's mind as the waiter and his tray righted themselves without so much as a drop of drink spilled.

Nov 11th, 2002, 09:01:27 AM
Sasha shook his head in mock disdain.

“People really should be more careful walking through here….” He commented with a wink in Dae’s direction.

As they danced around the floor, Sasha could feel the eye’s of the jedi upon them. So…it would take more than this to get him aggravated, it seemed. Very well, Sasha though, we can accommodate him.

He had been working on new skills, was always working on something in the pursuit of being recognized within the Sith order. He wanted to be a master one day, wanted to be asked onto the council of elders. And one day, he would be. He would be sure of this.

And this was the perfect place to try out a new talent. He’d read often of stopping the beating of another’s heart. Slowing it, slowing it as the blood backed up, and eventually the victim passed out from a lack of oxygen in the blood. Eventually, it would lead to death if not caught in time. Those better practiced could make it happen almost instantaneously, those who were still working on it…well..it took a bit longer.

Sasha looked to Dae, and then nodded towards a man standing near Zeke. The man was puffing on a cigar, occasionally checking his pocket watch as if he had something better to attend to in only a few moments.

“I think I know what time it is…” Sasha commented lightly as he began to concentrate on the man’s heart, slowing the beating, slowing the beating until moments and passed, and suddenly the man dropped to the floor, the lack of oxygen in his blood preventing him from consciousness.

And while, for a moment his concentration broke as he looked to Dae with a knowing smile, it was not long before he turned back to the task. Perhaps a death would get the attention of the jedi.

Dae Jinn
Nov 11th, 2002, 09:17:16 AM
" A childish prank" The little Jedi had spoke into her mind...Dae sighed & rolled her eyes. Sasha said something she barely caught and then nodded to a large cigar smoking man standing by the Jedi. He fell silent, concentrating on the man. Dae gave him a look, not quite understanding what he was doing. She still wasn't sure, and then the man fell to the floor, hand going to his chest. She giggled.
"Nice trick...never seen that one before..." His attetion turned back to the fallen man, and she watched him intently, wondering what would happen next.

Nov 11th, 2002, 10:09:19 AM
And the party is officially out the window. The man drops and the people standing around him gasp. Zeke sighs irritably and pulls a comlink.

"Medical assisstance, now."

He turns, and sets his eyes on the pair.

"That's enough outta you."

Zeke is across the dance floor before anyone in the room can blink, catching Dae with mighty shoulder tackle boosted by the Force. The couple skids across the room and out the door past Kemille. The effect would almost be comical, if not for the seriousness of the situation. Zeke follows his opponents, holding his Force Pike in one hand. It's high time he tested his skill with it.

Nov 11th, 2002, 10:52:49 AM
It was, in Sasha’s opinion, absolutely comical. They’d gotten exactly what they’d wanted from the jedi – a reaction.

As Dae was shoved into him, thanks to a foce induced tackle by Zeke, they fond themselves just outside the door. The door where people were still arriving – however fashionably late as they desired.

As Sasha steadied Dae on her feet, he looked to the jedi.

“Hasn’t anyone ever taught you it isnt polite to shove a lady?” He asked, the tone of his voice clearly looking to pick a fight.

Dae Jinn
Nov 11th, 2002, 11:00:01 AM
Dae laughed, dusting herself off, holding onto Sashas shoulder for support. She sneered at the Jedi.
"You would think these "Jedi" would have some manners...What would the governer say if he saw how you were treating his guests!?"
She reached into the small handbag on her shoulder, slipping her saber hilt into her hand. She smirked at Sasha.
"I think we upset him.."

Nov 11th, 2002, 11:01:51 AM
"I'm the guard and bouncer, dude. I'm not doing this because I like it, I'm doing this because its my job."

Zeke ushers in the last of the guests with a wave of his hand. Inside they're silently watching the spectacle. Zeke ignores this and focuses on the task at hand.

"My job's done. You guys are outside, you can't cause any trouble in there. From here, I leave it up to you. You can attack me, or you can turn and just walk away. Save us all a lot of grief."

Nov 11th, 2002, 11:19:02 AM
Sasha raised an eyebrow.

“On what grounds are you choosing to attempt remove us?” Sasha asked, somewhat diplomatically for a Sith.

“We happen to be invited guests…” He added, pulling the invitation from the coat pocket and tapping it rather obnoxiously against the palm of his hand.

“And as we’ve done nothing to cause any trouble, certainly nothing you can prove, it seems to me that you’d be a smart little jedi to step aside and do the job you were assigned to do. Protect innocent guests, such as us, from troublemakers.”

He gave Zeke a steady stare, his violet eyes narrowed in challenge.

Nov 11th, 2002, 11:26:53 AM
"I happen to know that not a one of the guests invited tonight is Force sensitive. I also happen to know that when the Force is used, it gives off a signature."

He points at Sasha with the blade of the Pike.

"You, sir, have used the Force twice tonight. Each time, I felt a dark signature. Sith are the last thing this party needs."

Zeke looks to Kemille; she's standing warily by the door, ready with her weaponry in the event of a fight.

"Just leave!"

Kemille Eldervine
Nov 11th, 2002, 11:28:21 AM
As Zeke told her to stay by the door, Kemille did as she was told and stared into the crowd. Unfortunately, the couple had disappeared - no doubt dancing amongst the others to blend in.

Letting out a sigh, she let her mind wander off in a pool of swarming thoughts. Are they Sith? I've not seen one in my entire life... But this .. disturbance!

So lost in her thoughts, Kemille was almost oblivious to the fact that the couple, along with Zeke, had rushed out of the door. Almost.

"Zeke!" she barked, immediately back into her senses.

She hadn't seen anything, but she did know that they were up to something. However, as an infant she was taught not to go on just by 'hunches'. There was always material proof needed that could back up your suspicions

"Is there something I can help you two with?" This time to the couple. The man's arrogant manner of holding his invitation card somewhat irritated her, but she had seen worse.

Nov 11th, 2002, 11:36:46 AM
Sasha lowered his gaze to the force pike for a moment, and then back to Zeke, seemingly undisturbed by the display.

He had done nothing to hide his signature, and would not even now.

Is there something I can help you two with? Sasha looked to the voice. He could feel her signature, though it was not as strong as the other.

“No.” He replied, rather rudely to her before he turned back to Zeke.

“And I suppose if we don’t leave as you request, you’re going to make us leave?” He taunted, as he said this, he stuffed the invitation back into the pocket of his jacket. With this, he looked to Dae, a smile spreading slowly across his features. He had promised her she would have her fun, and now, it seemed, they would get it.

Nov 11th, 2002, 11:42:14 AM
"You have left. You're not in there, so you are, for all intensive purposes, gone."

He stands back as the medical crew arrives and rushes in to retrieve the fallen guest.

"If you want to stand out here and be defiant, be my guest."

Nov 11th, 2002, 12:26:22 PM
Wordlessly, Sasha dismissed the idea that they were no longer at the party. The hilt of his saber came to settle in his left hand, though he did not yet ignite it.

He stared at Zeke for a moment, and then cast a quick glance into the benefit. Enough of a glance to catch sight of his next victim before he turned back to Zeke.

Though he stared at the jedi, his concentration was on the dead man’s wife, who had come to kneel frantically beside the fallen man as medics worked hopelessly to save his life.

It was out of a sense of pity, he supposed, that he would end her life as well.

And so, like her husband, she too, soon felt a bit woozy, as all the while, Sasha stared at Zeke, a cold, defiant expression on his features.

He knew when the woman had found her last breath, for there was a distinct difference in the pressure he’d had to apply.

“Such a pity…” He stated, though it was clear from his expression that he felt very little.

“Are you still going to let us watch?” He asked, an amused expression now crossing his featrues.

Nov 11th, 2002, 12:41:25 PM
"Enough of this."

Both of them are dead, the medics have failed. With a gesture Zeke shuts the doors, locking the party inside. The night is already shot, so much for the celebration. He walks slowly down the steps and takes a stance.

"Watch if you want, but I'd recommend you defend yourselves."

Nov 11th, 2002, 02:04:38 PM
Watch if you want, but I'd recommend you defend yourselves

At this, the orange blade of Sasha’s saber ignited.

“But of course.” He replied, giving Dae a quick glance, a grin flashing as their eyes met briefly.

The Sith knight was rather proud of himself, having finally irritated the jedi to the point that he was perhaps ready to fight. To…bring a little fun to Dae’s evening.

Nov 11th, 2002, 05:13:47 PM
"And you can wipe that smirk off your face while you're at it. She ain't impressed."

If Zeke knows Dae, she won't be impressed with Sasha until Sasha's killed him.

"Now make a move!"

Dae Jinn
Nov 11th, 2002, 07:41:38 PM
OOC. Thanks for waiting for me to reply, you wienies!!! *smacks you all silly* :mad

Dae stood next to Sasha, observing all the goings-on, with a slightly bored expression. She tossed her bag away, and in one quick motion, ignited her own orange bladed saber. She got into a defensive stance and smirked.
"You'd be pleased to know...A Light-sider taught me how to use my saber, now maybe I'll use it's blade on you instead of the hilt."

Nov 11th, 2002, 09:00:40 PM
"It makes no difference Dae."

Zeke's sick of this already.

"Just do your thing."

Dae Jinn
Nov 12th, 2002, 06:20:59 PM
Dae stalked slowly around Zeke, saber out and ready. As she made her way around the Jedi she winked at Sasha and licked her lips.
"Let's go then..."
She brought her saber down in low slash, aimed at Zekes' lower stomach.

Nov 12th, 2002, 06:54:43 PM
A side step was all the defense Zeke needed. He swung with the Force Pike's blade at her face.