View Full Version : Letting her anger out...

Destiny Stormrider
Nov 1st, 2002, 01:42:11 PM
Violent banging could be heard deep in the forest. It was a mere little girl, Destiny. The young teenager was punching and kicking at everything she could find, be it a tree, a rock, anything!

The reason to all this anger was her brother, Lance_. He somehow didn't want to accept the fact that she existed. Every time she had tried speaking to him, he had been rude and mean, in her opinion. They were too alike to get along, both as stubborn and both very proud people.

There was also the fact that Destiny had met her oldest brother, Xenodoros, only once, and she was dying to see him again, even if she knew how odds were it wouldn't happen.

After 15 years of only dreaming to see her siblings, she had had the chance of meeting them, just to find out that it wasn't possible for them to live as one big family...It was something hard to live with.