View Full Version : I beckon you to come (open)

Nov 1st, 2002, 10:46:23 AM
He hated having his hand in a cast. It blew his mind just how far behind medical technology was on some planets. He couldn’t wait to return home to Corellia where the broken fingers in his hand would be mended with far superior technology. Until then, he would just have to deal with the annoyance of it all.

It was his own fault, having punched, out of anger, a steel beam in the spaceport on the planet he had been visiting the day before.

He had put off getting medical assistance, wanting to remind himself of the stupidity of his actions with the constant feeling of pain. But that had grown old, and he knew the bones that he’d broken would have to be set in order to heal properly.

So now, as he made his way through the crowded streets, he considered using it as a weapon to clear a bit of space around him. It was his own impatience, mixed with the teachings of the Sith – the thoughts of chaos never far from his mind. But the people wandering here werent worth the effort. He liked more of a challenge.

He could feel the presence of another out there, though, their signature was muddled. A slight expression of amusement crossed his features, and his violet eyes lit up. He made an effort to send his signature out there, beckoning whoever it was, jedi, dark jedi, or fellow sith, to find him.

imported_Terran Starek
Nov 1st, 2002, 04:37:47 PM
The Jedi had hidden himself well, watching the other. He had come here on very simple business, and yet it seemed that no matter where he went, his travels often turned to adventures. This time, possibly, would be no exception.

However, all great makeups eventually wear thin, and he could tell that the other was begining to feel him. Dangit. He would need to work on his Force Stealth. Especially in such a crowded area, he should have been able to stay hidden.

Nonetheless, the aura of Sasha Kovalev filled his mind and his nose. It seemed as though he had noticed someone was watching and, essentially with the Force, had invited anyone who noticed to come forward.

Terran noticed.

The street seemed to empty as he stood, facing the other. As the people cleared it, the two men were left behind, the sun casting long shadows as the evening faded into night. The two figures stood for a moment in silence, Terran especially intrigued by the silent ackowledgement of his presence. He had met the man before. He remembered the meeting well--it was not too long ago. It had been...interrupted. There was an agreement that the two would not engage each other again, but meetings like this were not forseen in the agreement.

"It seems that we meet again," he spoke, just loud enough for the other to hear. He wondered how this meeting would end? Hopefully, he thought, not in combat. However, he was prepared and a bit trigger-happy today.

Nov 1st, 2002, 04:51:09 PM
As the streets cleared, he foudn himself faccing a man that he had met before. Ah..yes....back in the spaceport on the landing pad when a rather incompetant employee of the port had put a rather large dent into the hull of his ship. And this one had chosen to step in as the protector.

And Xazor had in turn stepped in to prevent the two from killing one another.

Xazor...He shook his head at this, and an amused smirk appeared on his features. That had been some time ago, and not only was he stronger, but the teachings of the Sith were becoming more and more ingrained in him.

"It seems that we do...." He replied, his unbroken left hand going idly to rest on the hilt of his saber. He didnt bother to take it in his hand, or ignite it just yet. Though truth be told, he was looking forward to it.

His violet eyes flickered to the cast that protected his broken knuckles then back to Terran.

"And what have you come for today?" He taunted.

"To protect another hapless victim?"

imported_Terran Starek
Nov 1st, 2002, 04:59:22 PM
"Not unless you consider yourself hapless. It is true that you are a victim." He was inferring to his training and faith in the Darkside. Of course, he thought the other foolish for his choice in following that path. He wouldn't bring up too much talk about that now. He had other things on his mind.

"Why did you cease fighting when Xazor asked at the spaceport?" He paused. The questions was abrupt and too the point. He guessed it was the best way to handle this situation. To be upfront. There was little time and he had little energy to waste on beating around the bush. Only a straightforward approach would be appropraite here. "Why would she have so much power over you?"

He wondered what Xazor would think of this confrontation. He was sure she would not be happy if they fought again. She had stopped it once, she would probably have stopped it again. With all that had been going on between he and Xazor, it wasn't as if he couldn't just ask her himself. He had come here, to ask Sahsa himself. Why? Force, he didn't know. It was just that--the will of the Force to guide him.

Nov 3rd, 2002, 12:05:02 PM
His violet eyes narrowed at the insinuation that he was a victim. Let this one think it, Sasha thought, for he would show him exactly what kind of 'victim' he was....

Why did you cease fighting when Xazor asked at the spaceport? Why would she have so much power over you?

At this question, it was possible daggers could be seen in the violet eyes of the young Sith.

His lightsaber ignited without a moment's pause.

No one had control over him. No one. Particularly not a jedi, and if he ever saw Xazor again, he would prove this once and for all.

"She has no power over me!" He replied his voice a growl as he struck out at a fruit stand with his saber, bringing the awning and its supports crashing to the street. This was a quick, initial reaction out of anger, before he found some semblance of control.

Control enough that he felt...

His head canted to the side, and an expression of amusement briefly crossed his features.

"Why dont you ask Xazor?" He taunted. He had not been able to read Terran's thoughts, but he had felt some sort of...protective feeling?

Perfect, he thought. This was a perfect way to goad the jedi into fighting.

imported_Terran Starek
Nov 3rd, 2002, 01:14:37 PM
The green blade of Halcyon came to life less than a second after Sasha had ignited his saber. It was instinctivel.

Terran could feel his stone face staring at him. Sasha obviously didn't appreciate the comment. Good, he thought. He had come to get answers, and he would do all he could to bring it out of the Sith. If answers lead to combat...so be it.

His own breathing deepened as Sasha taunted him with the question. Terran had no obligation to explain himself to this Sith--this slave to the dark side. He was cocky and overconfident, and Terran knew he had to maintain control of the situation. He kept calm. He lost control of his emotions when Xazor was brought into discussion--he had such feelings for her. But he had to control it. He would control it...he hoped.

Do not let him affect your emotions--maintain control. No emotion--only calm.

"Because I brought the topic to you, instead." He tried to calm himself, sending images of Xazor from his mind. He had found a weakness in Sasha--his ego. He would exploit it as much as possible. Keeping his mind busy by analyzing his opposition would keep his feelings out of his brain. "Should I go to her? You would have her speak for you? It seems that perhaps she has more power over you than you claim." His eyes narrowed. His words were picking this fight. He held his saber tightly, poised to defend.

Nov 4th, 2002, 09:11:39 AM
Because I brought the topic to you, instead.

So you did, Sasha thought, wondering, for a moment, why the man would need to ask him these things. The very fact that he would come to Sasha to find answers lead the young knight to believe that Terran did, in fact, have feelings for Xazor. And this, he would exploit if possible.

Should I go to her? You would have her speak for you? It seems that perhaps she has more power over you than you claim.

He recognized that these were words intended to pick a fight. And this brought a cunning smile to his lips. A jedi that wanted a fight. Apparently there was something about Sasha and his…relationship with Xazor that bothered the man.

He was only slightly wary of the cast he wore on his right hand. It would be a hindrance, certainly, but he wanted this fight too badly to care. He’d kept his anger in check for too long, and now that he had an opponent worth taking it out on…..he wasn’t going to let a cast stop him.

His eyes stared at the green blade for a moment. If the jedi did not attack with the next comment, Sasha certainly would. But it would be so much more...pleasing to see the jedi lose his control….

His words were…twisted as he spoke them. They would have been perfectly innocent had he not said them in this situation, or said them as he did. The truth was that his relationship with Xazor had been nothing more than friendship – a brotherly/sisterly love before he had realized the consequences of a Sith keeping company with jedi.

“Oh…perhaps you are right…she did have control over me once….back in the jungle…just the two of us…when she….taught me a few things…” A sly grin spread across his lips as he spoke, his words intended to evoke emotions of jealously, perhaps.

He allowed images of he and Xazor to float on the surface. Images of the two of them walking through the jungles, arm in arm, lounging about on the rocks…images that anyone with a creative mind could easily turn into something other than the innocent images they truly were.

“Shes a great teacher, you know….or….perhaps you don’t?” He added, the tone of his voice taunting.

imported_Terran Starek
Nov 4th, 2002, 03:04:44 PM
By this time in his life, it had become quite evident to the Jedi that his love for Xazor was a focal point for many in an attempt to anger him. It had worked before--too many times, he thought--but he was begining to deal with his anger. It didn't make him happy, by any means, and it would often cause him to lose control. But he was growing into a Jedi Knight, and the wisdom he carried came in control of himself and tact.

He had broken his eye contact with Sasha in an attempt to think and breathe while he spoke. He breathed heavy, deliberate breaths in an attempt to calm himself. He called upon a cool breeze to soothe him, letting the natural Force calm him. It would be a bad testament to his character to lose control here. He had approached this situation all wrong to begin with. Too agressive. It was time to calm the tone down a bit.

"Your words do not affect me," he replied. His eyes regained contact with Sasha's, only now they were much softer. He thought about their exchanges up untill this point--he must have sounded like a jealous boyfriend. How foolish he had been. "I came to inquire about your relationship with her simply because I found our last meeting to be rather uninformative. I don't know what kind of relation you have to Xazor, but I was here and I felt your familiar presence, so I decided to approach you."

Nov 4th, 2002, 05:20:31 PM
Your words do not affect me. I came to inquire about your relationship with her simply because I found our last meeting to be rather uninformative. I don't know what kind of relation you have to Xazor, but I was here and I felt your familiar presence, so I decided to approach you.

This was not at all the reaction that Sasha had hoped for. But it would have to do.

"Well you made a poor decision." The Sith replied, and with the use of the force sent a shove towards waste barrel, which tumbled over and began rolling towards Terran in an effort to distract him.

As it did, the Sith advanced upon him, the orange blade of his saber swinging viciously.

Xazor had stopped him the last time, and this time, she would not. This time he was too far gone, the hatred his master had for the jedi mingled with his own.

Terran was right, Xazor had had a semblance of control over him last time - and his anger now stemmed from that. He had been foolish to let the jedi get to him a second time.

Xazor Elessar
Nov 4th, 2002, 06:19:34 PM
Xazor had been watching the whole thing and it was difficult for her not to step in....but two people she cared for were fighting once again....this time, she noticed changes in both. Terran's aggressive attitude had returned....and Sasha's anger was growing. The Dark Side had its claws sunk into him now, and he was going down with it. Suddenly she saw Sasha thrust a waste barrel at Terran as he went after him with his saber. That wasn't fair and even though the Knight knew that Terran could handle it, she did not want to see them get hurt.

With Force aided speed, the Garou Knight ran out in front of Terran and outstretched her hands. Closing her eyes, she focused on the Force and created a Force wall right in front of her. The barrel continued and just as it looked like it would take her hands off, it stopped, much to the surprise of the others. Again she used the Force, and this time, she lifted the barrel up and moved it to where it had been sitting originally...then she set it down gently and turned so she could face both men.

"Stop this nonesense right now!"

She shouted in a demanding tone. Her eyes flickered over to Sasha's face, and then over to Terran's. Both were breathing heavily as adrenaline pumped through their veins. She hated this....as much as she loved battle she hated seeing others do it.

"My love....."

The young woman said as her eyes softened toward Terran. She shook her head and then looked to Sasha.

".....My Brother......"

All seemed quiet around them as she spoke. Her eyes filled with sadness for she knew the mistakes of each now.....and it was sad to see the people she loved fight. Though perhaps Sasha could not return the feelings....she knew that he loved her....somewhere in his heart. And Terran was her soulmate....he would never hurt someone she loved too.

"Why must you continue fighting? I have seen what has happened and it hurts me so. Both of you are at fault.....I'm extremely disappointed....."

She was too....and her eyes showed it. Lowering her gaze to the floor, her heart went out to them both. Sasha had prime opportunity to attack her.....and if he did.....she would let him. Terran had choices in this matter as well. He could walk away. She would stay and deal with the one who was her Blood Brother. But hopefully it wouldn't come to that.....

Nov 4th, 2002, 06:35:16 PM
Xazor stood between he and Terran. The young Sith looked away, his jaw set, his lightsaber still ignited and held tightly in his left hand.

"Do not call me your brother." He finally replied, looking back to her.

Yes, he had shared blood with her. But it meant nothing to him. Nothing anymore. Or perhaps it did, for he did not strike at her.

"Get out of the way, Xazor. I dont give a damn whose fault this is, but its between that two of us. And its none of your business..." He retorted, his voice bordering on a growl.

With a frustrated gesture, he struck out at the barrel, his saber neatly cutting a large chunk from it. Trash poured out onto the street.

Xazor Elessar
Nov 4th, 2002, 06:42:06 PM
Xazor growled deeply as her own anger rose to the surface. From her belt she drew her Lightsaber and ignited it with a flick of her finger. Two blue blades shot forth from each end creating the double bladed duel-phase weapon of death called Love. It hummed in her hand as she walked toward Sasha, a glare within her eyes. He had never seen her angry before....and if so, not like this. Anger took over her and consumed her, though she believed it was okay to get angry...it was what one did with that anger that mattered.

"Well Brother.....I do give a damn....it's both of your faults and now I'm here. I will not move! You want to fight? Fight me..."

She growled, exposing her elongated canines as her cyan eyes flashed silver. With her mind she used the Force to shove him backwards, stumbling over the trash can he had just got done cutting through. She continued, not striking him for she still cared for the young man she used to know....but now she bared down upon him, saber out in front ready for an offensive move at any time.

"Come on Sasha.....are you.....afraid?"

Taylor Millard
Nov 4th, 2002, 06:59:17 PM
"No but I believe if you call this foolish," a voice came from the entrance of the alley, "Then wouldn't you be a fool for fighting? Hmm?"

He was here simply because Sasha had requested it. Nephew had asked uncle to meet him for lunch, hinting at having information on Taylor Millard's missing fiance, Loklorien s'Ilancy. It had been a few weeks since Millard had seen Sasha. Not since the young Sith had brought Millard's file from The Sith Order to him on Balmorra.

But Sasha had been late to their scheduled lunch and Millard wanted to walk abit. When he saw the flashes of lightsaber blades in the alley he went to investigate. Now...he was glad he did.

"I wonder," he continued as he lit a small cigarillo, "Would the Greater Jedi Order smile upon attacking an injured man?"

Xazor Elessar
Nov 4th, 2002, 07:07:44 PM
Xazor growled as another man made an appearance.

"This is between myself and Sasha.....none of your concern."

She shot the man a glare and then advanced toward the young Sith once again. Her eyes bored holes into him until Taylor spoke once again.

"I wonder.....would the Greater Jedi Order smile upon attacking an injured man?"

"I'm not like the others........I follow my own creed now......"

With a retort like that, it was a wonder to all of those around if she was really a Jedi or not, but truth be told, she really was. Again she let her eyes rest upon Sasha.....a fierceness was in them unlike any others......

imported_Terran Starek
Nov 4th, 2002, 07:10:51 PM
Terran stood, wide-eyes and--quite frankly--quite amazed at how the situation had unfolded before him. He recapped the comings and goings of this event for his own mental organization. First, he had encountered Sasha with foolish pride and an even more foolish jealousy. Then, they had exchanged words. Next, action was to ensue, but Xazor had appeared. He hadn't felt her....again...she was very good at hiding in the shadows. Then, someone he had never met entered the fray. He had seen this man before--perhaps his picture or some type of profile. Never had he met him, though.

The comments grew. Terran was behind Xazor. His saber poised, he was ready for action if needed. However, it was getting hard to follow all the emotions of the participants present.

"Xazor..." He spoke very softly, barely audible. However, it was easy to see that he was confused. Her demeanor...her words...he had never seen this side of her. Not for a very long time, and that was a much different affair. He kept an eye on Sasha and the new one, keeping his senses ready.

Nov 4th, 2002, 07:13:12 PM
She had knocked him over, and he lay on the ground before her, facing her saber. He knew she would not strike at him, and so he had not moved as quickly as he might have with another opponent.

He had used his right hand, out of habit, to break his fall as his left continued to clutch his saber, and now the right one throbbed heavily in the cast he bore. Beneath his breath he cursed.

Come on Sasha.....are you.....afraid?

He grit his teeth in anger, about to make his way to his feet when he heard the voice from behind him. His uncle.

At this, he did actually stand. H lightsaber remained ignited, but he did nothing with it as he waited on his uncle, taking a cue from him. This was a man he admired and respected. A man that had, to some degree, become the father figure to him that his real father could not be. He looked up to this man, and would accept any opportunity to learn from him.

Taylor Millard
Nov 4th, 2002, 07:16:56 PM
"You might follow your own creed, yes," Millard returned Xazor's fierce gaze with his cold blue eyes.

"But when you decide to attack my nephew," he smiled, keeping his hands concealed, "You do attack me as well."

He looked at Sasha, "Close your saber, Sasha. I believe words can end this argument...for now."

Xazor Elessar
Nov 4th, 2002, 07:19:08 PM
"No Terran, not right now!"

She growled, though she did not realize she was speaking to him in such harsh tones. She seemed....entranced....something the Darkness did to onesself. Her eyes focused upon Sasha as he rose to his feet and looked back to the man in the entrance to the alley way.

"What.....are you looking on him to save you? Are you weak Sasha? I knew it! You're afriad just like the rest of them......Sithscum......"

She spit out the words and then with the Force, she shoved him back once again.....gaining more of his ground for herself. This was getting more intersting by the moment and now, she did not even know what she was doing....she just was acting off of her emotions. Then the man spoke again. Uncle? she questioned to herself. A laugh escaped her lips once again.

"I'll take you too, old man! Bring it......"

Her words were spoken in a mocking tone, unlike the Jedi Knight everone else knew. Now she was way out of line and she needed someone to straighten her out....but that would come later when she apologized to the Council for her actions.....

imported_Terran Starek
Nov 4th, 2002, 07:22:02 PM
Terran almost winced as she said the words to him. Her comment was sharp and not like her. It was as if she was ignoring her self control and letting go. He thought this was dangerous.

With a hurt look on his face and a cold stare she could feel on his neck, he turned away from her. He let his saber down, holding the unignited hilt in his hand. He took steps backward, not understanding what was happening before him.

Taylor Millard
Nov 4th, 2002, 07:31:18 PM
"I think if you were to attack me now," Millard replied, crossing his arms, "You would find yourself in more trouble, than before."

He cast a gaze on Terran, "Thank you sir for holding your saber."

Taylor stepped in front of his nephew, and stared again at Xazor.

"Will you let your anger consume you? Or are you willing to act like a civilized individual?"

This one was interesting indeed. Millard wasn't using the Force so he couldn't tell what the matter was, but it was something she would have to deal with at some point.

"Now...tell me, what interest do you have in my nephew? Or are you too...angry...to think coherently?"

Xazor Elessar
Nov 4th, 2002, 07:45:22 PM
Xazor growled once again, exposing her elongated canines as she had before. The wolf inside of her heart reared its head and she felt the natural adrenaline build up to begin her transformation. Denying it the right to do so, she clenched her open hand into a fist and disengaged her lightsaber, connecting it back to her weapons belt.

"I'm fine."

She said curtly, letting her eyes sink into Taylor's. There was a hint of the Force about him....but nothing to be impressed with. Her gaze shifted over to Sasha and then she let her eyes fall to his right hand.....wishing that had not been a product of their blood sibling tie.

"He is my Blood Brother....and I his Blood Sister....."

She said softly, wising he would still recognize that.....or perhaps he did and could say nothing. Her heart ached for him and she lowered her head.

I'm sorry Sasha.....for all the pain I have ever caused you.....

The sincerity of the words spoken in his mind was deep, and she hoped that he heard it too.....

Nov 4th, 2002, 07:58:31 PM
She had shoved him again, harder this time, and he would have fallen again had he not been semi ready for something to happen.

He did stumble, and it had been difficult to disengage his saber as his uncle then requested. Particularly when she had just taunted him as she had.

What.....are you looking on him to save you? Are you weak Sasha? I knew it! You're afriad just like the rest of them......Sithscum......

At this, his left hand, the one he had cut off for his master after she'd caught him sharing blood with the jedi, clenched tightly around his saber. He longed to take just one swing.....

But his uncle had given him an order of sorts.

And so he disengaged it.

As she spoke in his mind, he turned his head away. He would not look at her. The last piece of human decency in him longed to, but he had chosen his path in life, and it was as a Sith. And Sith did not mingle with Jedi.

Dont... He replied, speaking in her mind.


He sighed deeply. If only she knew what the whole thing had done to him. If only she knew that whenever he shed blood for no reason, he thought of her, and how once he had been so innocent, so unwilling to be like all the others. If only she knew that it was she who made him feel the twinge of guilt that he felt.

Slowly, as she had warned him long ago, the darkness had been devouring him.

He had given way openly time after time to his rage. He was becoming like all the others that he had sworn to himself he would not become.

Taylor Millard
Nov 4th, 2002, 08:08:34 PM
"Brother?" Millard raised an eyebrow, turning to his nephew, "You never mentioned having a sister..."

"Who are you?" he asked Xazor, "What is your business with my nephew?"

imported_Terran Starek
Nov 4th, 2002, 08:10:55 PM
Terran watched the exchange between them. He had no place now. He would only be here in case Xazor needed him, although he doubted there would be much more violence. The man (Millard) was extremely businesslike and possesed manners unlike what he had normally seen of many in his situation. Combat would be the last thing on his agenda. Sasha could be handled by Xazor. He was no longer worried.

Just intrigued.

Nov 4th, 2002, 08:16:10 PM
Sasha cringed. Both inwardly and outwardly.

He hadnt ever wanted to have to admit something such as this out loud again - particularly not to this man that he sought to impress. A sith did not share blood with a jedi. Not if he knew what was good for him.

"I...." He paused, looking away, then back to his uncle.

"I shared blood with her before." He admitted, his words almost a sigh as he grudgingly admitted to the stupid mistake he had made some time ago as an apprentice.

"That is all."

He shot a look at Xazor as if to say 'thanks a lot' in a heavily sarcastic tone.

Taylor Millard
Nov 4th, 2002, 11:22:55 PM
"Is that a fact?" Millard raised an eyebrow, briefly looking at Sasha before turning back to Xazor.

"Why? Did it have to do with not knowing who your parents were or where they were? If so...then I understand why. But I still want to hear it from you."

Then to Xazor he spoke, "Why did you offer this sort of arrangement? To be 'blood-siblings'?"

Xazor Elessar
Nov 5th, 2002, 07:18:37 AM
"He is........was......my friend. We were close and we trusted eachother. I counted him as a Brother.....he is.......was.......close to my heart."

She said softly, lowering her eyes to the ground. It was the truth, but she did not know the right words to use to tell him.

"Why do you need to know anyway? You're just his uncle!"

Nov 5th, 2002, 08:59:20 AM
Sasha sighed, kicking idly at a pebble on the ground. For all the times he had wondered what it would be like to have a father, now, he thought, he knew.

He could hear the slight tone of disapproval in his uncle’s voice and he wanted to protest that it had been some time ago that he’d made this mistake, but instead only answered his uncle’s question,

He waited until Xazor had spoken, and then he spoke up.

“Yes, Sir. “ He replied, "its a fact." The tone of his voice made it clear that he was not happy to be admitting to this mistake.

“It was back when I first joined the order. Lord Dyzm was my master at the time, but he was always away on business. And so I was trying to figure out for myself why there was such a hatred of the jedi.”

His glanced at Xazor, then back to his uncle.

“In trying to figure this out, I went to a bar I was told to be frequented by jedi. It was there that I met Xazor, and we became friends. When she made the offer to me I accepted because I wanted a family.”

His eyes flickered to the ground.

“It was a foolish decision on my part, and I didn’t think about the consequences at the time.”

With his next comment, his violet eyes looked to Xazor, accusations written all over them.

“I also didn’t think a friend would trick me into doing something she knew would get me in trouble….” He added, the almost pouty expression of the teenaged boy that he was appearing on his features.

Xazor Elessar
Nov 5th, 2002, 09:11:42 AM
Xazor couldn't believe his words. Her eyes looked up from the ground and caught his in mid glare, and they burned with anger.

"Trick you? Sasha, it could have gotten me <smallfont color={hovercolor}>-Censored-</smallfont>ing killed and you think that I was tricking you? I was your friend, damnit! I did not know it would get you in trouble and because it did, I'm sorry! You're blind already Sasha! It's taken hold of you!"

By 'it', she was referring to the Darkside. Her heart went out to him and she turned away, unable to look at the young Sith who she though she knew. Tears stung at her eyes but she refused to let them fall this time...so she grit her teeth and clenched her fists to avoid doing something she and the others present would regret.

Nov 5th, 2002, 10:42:32 AM
Trick you? Sasha, it could have gotten me -Censored-ing killed and you think that I was tricking you? I was your friend, damnit! I did not know it would get you in trouble and because it did, I'm sorry! You're blind already Sasha! It's taken hold of you!

He knew exactly what ‘it’ was. ‘It’ was the darkside. And it had a mighty grip on him. He was young and impressionable, and the only guidance he had received thus far had taught him that the darkside was where power could be found. It was how he would attain all the things he desired. It was accepting of anger. And so it was the darkside that he pursued.

He watched as Xazor looked away, her words first apologizing, and then almost condemning him.

“You think I walked out of everything easily?” He demanded.

“I was <smallfont color=#FF0000>-Censored-</smallfont>ing lucky that all I lost was my hand. You think I liked cutting off my own damn hand with my own damn lightsaber, and thenburning it?”

“That was my alternative to losing my life, Xazor, so don’t talk to me of what might have happened to you when I actually had to go through it. You were Sith before and you cant tell me you had no idea of the consequences….”

His voice was raised slightly as he spoke, and his cheeks were flushed with the heat of anger.

Although she thought she didn’t know him anymore, it was likely that if she looked deep enough she would have found a kid who was doing what he had to to get by. The galaxy wasn’t an easy place, and he was just trying to make it. He was the same kid who was capable of compassion and love, he was just getting a bit wiser about who he could feel these things for. He was a smart kid, and a quick learner, and his last experience like this had taught him that those feelings for the wrong people would make his life particularly unpleasant, and he had no desire to go through it again.

Xazor Elessar
Nov 5th, 2002, 12:11:20 PM
Xazor gorlwed and looked down at his hand.......he had obviously removed the bracelet she had given to him. He probably burned that along with the hand. Growling she let her eyes search his face for a moment before she took her hand and slapped him upon the cheek.

"I was a Sith......though my life as one was a lot more difficult than you could ever imagine. You have it pretty damn easy, don't you Sasha? Well guess what? I have almost died at your expense! And you know what else? I have lost my whole <smallfont color={hovercolor}>-Censored-</smallfont>in' arm before.....not just a finger, or a hand.....my arm Sasha!"

She let her pain flow and her anger took hold of her as she stood there, yelling in his face. Her whole left arm tensed at the mention of it being lost.....but lucky for her, she knew people and they reattached the real arm. Her eyes flashed silver as they used to so long ago while she served the Darkside.....she could not contain herself any longer and she was about to break.

"You're damn lucky that I'm a Jedi......or I guarantee you would not be standing still."

With that, she turned her back to him and began walking away....paying no mind to anyone else.....

imported_Terran Starek
Nov 5th, 2002, 01:03:17 PM
The exchange between Sasha and Xazor was emotional and very aggressive. He had worried that perhaps this would turn into more than just a fight with words. It hadn't, though, and it seemed as though the situation was over. Xazor had turned sharply, and she walked with very firm and angry steps. He turned to follow her, looking back at Sasha and his uncle. His eyes were soft and hurt.

He was ashamed for having brought all this about.

He thought it best not to touch her or speak to her. She needed her space. All he knew to do was to let her know exactly what he was feeling.

I'm here, Xazor. He followed her slowly.

Nov 5th, 2002, 01:35:08 PM
He would have expected her to shove him again – maybe draw her saber – but not a slap across the face.

I was a Sith......though my life as one was a lot more difficult than you could ever imagine. You have it pretty damn easy, don't you Sasha? Well guess what? I have almost died at your expense! And you know what else? I have lost my whole -Censored-in' arm before.....not just a finger, or a hand.....my arm Sasha!

As she stood there yelling in his face, the fingers sticking out of the cast on his right hand clenched tightly around the plaster, his left gripped his saber tightly, in anger.

You're damn lucky that I'm a Jedi......or I guarantee you would not be standing still

With that, she turned her back to him and began walking away. Had his uncle not been there – had his uncle not been the one who had told him to disengage his saber only moments ago, he might have challenged her words. Unwise, or not.

Instead, he watched her go, though only for a moment before he looked away, his teeth clenched in repressed anger.

He had not seen the last of Xazor. And she, certainly, had not seen the last of him.

Taylor Millard
Nov 5th, 2002, 02:14:56 PM
"My dear Jedi," Millard finally said after watching the exchange, "I have warned you before...if you attack him again you will be attacking me as well."

Millard now knew where he'd seen the woman. Xazor Leo Dawnstrider. Known associate of Marcus Q'Dunn, who was primary suspect in the destruction of something dear to Millard. He felt a brief flare of emotion from his mind, then stifled it. Today wasn't the right time.

"I don't necessarily agree with what you were told to do, when it came to cutting off your hand," uncle told nephew, still keeping his eyes on the Jedi, "You wanted a family and there for you got one. It was your own decision to make, and unless our vaunted Jedi forced him into doing it...whether via mind trick or something else...the choice was yours and yours alone."

Millard uncrossed his arms, "As far as I am concerned, this matter is over.

"And," he said to Terran, "I believe you need to keep your lady friend close to you. Just to be safe."

Xazor Elessar
Nov 5th, 2002, 02:25:30 PM
Xazor turned back and eyed the man. With her eyes closed, she briefly probed his mind for a name....wondering why he kept looking at her so strangly. Millard......Taylor Millard..... She gathered in her mind and thought over the name. Suddenly it hit her. Castle Millard.......I destroyed that......I destroyed his home.... she looked at him as flashbacks of that day came to mind.

"Just.......leave me alone........all of you........"

She said and then turned away a final time and left the alley. The Knight was off and she was going to meditate on her problems now.....or apologize to the Council.

Taylor Millard
Nov 5th, 2002, 02:29:14 PM
Millard looked at Terran, "If she is your companion, I suggest you follow her."

Then he looked at his nephew, "Come Sasha, I believe it is time for our lunch meeting."

imported_Terran Starek
Nov 5th, 2002, 02:33:05 PM
He looked towards Sasha's uncle, eyes seemingly troubled by the happenings of this meeting.

"I'm sorry this happened." He looked back to Sasha. Force, he had been so foolish. What would Master Dawnstrider think? He was so close to promotion to Jedi Knight that this would surely be a hinderance. What kind of wise Jedi Knight picks a fight out of jealousy. How foolish indeed.

Now, even Xazor wanted nothing to do with him now. She put up a wall to block even his thoughts. The pain of her ignoring him stung his heart, though he had little choice. He let her get well enough away from him, and the then trailed behind her, keeping his distance so she would not be angered.

Nov 6th, 2002, 02:48:29 PM
He hadnt agreed with the punishment either, but agreeing to it had saved his life. And ultimately, it had led to good things for him, he supposed. Though, he still found it difficult to put the grudge he felt against Xazor from his mind.

He was busy contemplating this when he felt, through the force, an almost odd feeling of alarm rise from Xazor.

Instinctively he turned to look at her, but she was already running off. His head canted slightly in thought. He had felt nothing else, but could not help wondering what might have caused her reaction. Nevertheless, he shrugged it off.

He heard Terran’s words of apology, and even as he did, he had to repress the faint expression that appeared on his face. He would have his battle with Terran - without interruption. And now, he thought, he knew how he might draw him out. When the time was right, he thought as he watched the retreating back of Terran, they would have their battle.

At his uncle’s suggestion, Sasha fell into step, the two of them walking in the opposite direction of the two jedi.

“Im sorry I was late…” He stated, casting a glance at his uncle to gaage his reaction to the situation in which he’d found his nephew. As he walked, he lifted his right hand ever so slightly in hopes that it might stop the throbbing just a bit. Yet another reason to hold a grudge against Xazor, he thought. Damn her for everything.

Taylor Millard
Nov 6th, 2002, 05:45:42 PM
"It's quite all right, Sasha," Millard replied as the two headed for the cafe, "I won't disown you for being late just once. You're family...I tend to be a bit lax on family. Especially my brother's son."

Taylor ushered Sasha towards a table, with a view of the streets.

"How long are you here for?" he asked as he ordered a glass of water for himself.

Nov 7th, 2002, 09:23:57 AM
It's quite all right, Sasha. I won't disown you for being late just once. You're family...I tend to be a bit lax on family. Especially my brother's son.

He had a feeling his uncle was joking on possibly disowning him for being late, but he didn’t know him well enough just yet to be 100% sure.

As they sat down at table with a view of the streets, he rested the elbow of his casted hand on the table, and like his uncle, ordered a glass of water.

How long are you here for?

Sasha shrugged.

“I don’t know. I left word that I’d be away for a while.” He glanced out the window, his eyes following a random stranger as she walked down the street for a moment, then looked back to Millard.

“I just wanted some time away to think about things. I guess I underestimated the effect that learning about my father would have on me.” Rather than bringing a sense of peace to know, it had instead brought more anger – anger at the fact that he would have had a father had it not been for the Templis Cult.

And though he was a Sith, one who lived off of anger, he had been caught off guard by his lack of control over it. And so he had sought some time away in hopes that he would find a way to come to grips with it all, before his anger destroyed him.

“Did you come just to meet with me, or were you close by?”

Taylor Millard
Nov 7th, 2002, 02:46:07 PM
"I was under the impression it was you who wanted to meet me," Millard replied as his water was brought to him.

"Something about Lok?"

Nov 8th, 2002, 09:46:28 AM
Sasha nodded slowly.

“I did want to meet with you.” He inhaled, then exhaled slowly, as if carefully choosing his words. He cast a quick glance around the café, a casual sort of look, and then turned back to his uncle.

“Remember when I visited the last time, and you warned me to be careful about using the force around vornskyrs…?”

Taylor Millard
Nov 8th, 2002, 03:16:18 PM
Millard nodded, sipping his glass.

"Of course...did you perchance run into Lok?"

Nov 11th, 2002, 09:08:46 AM
Both elbows came to rest on the table. His chin came to rest in his hands for a moment before slowly, he nodded.

“I think I might have.” He finally replied, hating the idea that he might have found the woman his uncle had been looking for, yet...she'd slipped away. Though there would have been no way for him to bring her back, he still felt as if he had failed. Failed his uncle if this had been the woman. He reached for his water, sighing softly as he did so. He almost didnt want to know that it was her. But if it was, his uncle would need to know.

“You were going to give me a picture of her last time, before I left, but then I took off so quickly, there wasn’t a chance.” He took a drink, and setting the glass back down, looked to his uncle.

“Do you have one with you now?” He asked.

Taylor Millard
Nov 12th, 2002, 03:07:36 AM
"I always do," Millard replied, pulling out a small picture from his pocketbook. s'Il had never been photogenic, easier not to be identified by law enforcement. But Taylor had gotten the photo on a vacation, meant for only the both of them. Lok was supposed to have a copy with her.

Taylor didn't know if she did or not.

He handed the photo over to Sasha.

"That...is Loklorien s'Ilancy."

Nov 12th, 2002, 08:07:57 AM
That...is Loklorien s'Ilancy

Yes, Sasha thought, it certainly was. His face might have paled slightly as he stared at the picture before him. Wordlessly, he handed it back to his uncle.

Violet eyes stared into his water before he looked to his uncle.

“It was her.” He stated.

“I saw her in the Lanaia spaceport on Dantooine.” He thought back, figuring out exactly how long it had been. He had wanted to meet with his uncle earlier, but both had been unable to make it until now.

“About 2 weeks ago. Just before I first contacted you to try to meet with me...” Yes, it had been at about this time two weeks ago that she’d attempted to tear him limb from limb.

Taylor Millard
Nov 13th, 2002, 09:18:11 AM
"Is that so?" Millard said, taking another sip of his water.

"I recently saw her as well. Although...she didn't stick around," his face fell briefly.

"It was on Balmorra...she'd come back...for a reason I still don't know. But it's given me hope again."

Nov 13th, 2002, 10:06:44 AM
Sasha raised an eyebrow.

That was good news, he supposed. Still, he couldn’t get out of his mind the rather…familiar relationship she’d seemed to have with the other one she’d been with.

“Did she come alone…?” He asked before he took another drink of his water. Their menus lay before them, ignored for the moment. The very least he could do was to let his uncle know about the one he had seen her with in hopes that it might give him a clue as to where else he might go to look for her.

“You are still looking for her, right?” His voice was hopeful, for he had felt before how much his uncle cared for this woman. And he wanted things to work out.

Taylor Millard
Nov 13th, 2002, 09:48:52 PM
"Of course," his uncle replied, "I am not on the hunt simply because of the destruction of Castle Millard. I had a few matters to attend to on Balmorran. Now it's back on the hunt for s'Il."

Nov 14th, 2002, 08:04:31 AM
His violet eyes narrowed.

“Destruction of the castle?” Confusion and a sense of duty mingled in his voice.

“What do you mean…?” He asked as he leaned forward a bit, a dark expression slowly creeping onto his features. His uncle had told him nothing of this – only that he would be delayed in meeting the young Sith.

“What happened?” He was filled with questions, curiosity and concern refusing to let them wait.

Taylor Millard
Nov 14th, 2002, 08:15:51 AM
"The castle was destroyed by attackers still unknown," Millard replied. A half truth...Marcus Q'Dunn was a strong suspect...a suspect Millard still had yet to investigate.

"It's currently under reconstruction," Taylor saw the concern flash on Sasha's face, "Don't worry. The attackers had enough decency to not touch the graveyard."

Nov 14th, 2002, 09:22:18 AM
The young Sith shook his head in silent disbelief, his imagination picturing the destruction, and a million reasons why someone would have made Castle Millard a target.

“Im sorry to hear that.” He replied, his voice quiet, but carrying the distinct edge of a tempermental kid who already had ideas of revenge in his mind. Slowly, he had been giving way from the relatively decent kid to the darkness of the Sith. Once he’d begun down the path, it had become easier and easier to follow.

“So you’re just traveling until its rebuilt – looking for S’Ilancy?” And the attackers, no doubt, though he didn’t add this.

Taylor Millard
Nov 14th, 2002, 09:35:51 AM
"Calm yourself, Sasha," Millard sent a warning look at his nephew's face, "I have my suspicions at who destroyed my home. I will deal with them in my manner."

He finished his water, "But to answer your question, I am only looking for Lok. The castle will be rebuilt...it is a distraction for me. The plans for the new castle are all ready under development. Something...a bit easier defendable, next time.

"Our family home will be rebuilt, my nephew. You can count on it."

Nov 14th, 2002, 10:02:11 AM
Calm yourself, Sasha. I have my suspicions at who destroyed my home. I will deal with them in my manner.

This was exactly what the kid needed. Someone to keep him in line. He felt a slight flush rise to his cheeks, and he nodded as if to say, ‘yes sir, I understand’.

But to answer your question, I am only looking for Lok. The castle will be rebuilt...it is a distraction for me. The plans for the new castle are all ready under development. Something...a bit easier defendable, next time. Our family home will be rebuilt, my nephew. You can count on it.

He remained quiet, his expression having returned to his usual, serious countenance. His fingers drummed idly on his cast. He had learned nothing of healing through the force, and not having returned to Corellia just yet, was stuck dealing with it.

“I never doubted it.” He replied, and then changed the subject. If his uncle was on the search for Lok, Sasha wanted to give him any information that he could.

“When I saw Lok…she was with someone. They seemed rather familiar, and I have no idea if she was with him just for the day, or for longer. But I can describe him for you if you think it might help…”

Taylor Millard
Nov 14th, 2002, 11:03:42 PM
"Was he rather haggard looking but had a bit of nobility in his eyes?" Millard asked motioning for the waitress.

"Caviar please, along with some figs."

The waitress raised an eyebrow, not used to the high order by Millard but nodded and skittered off to get the order.

"Well...was he?"

Nov 15th, 2002, 10:18:01 AM
He’d been about to reply to the question, when Millard had made a request of the waitress. He tried not to wrinkle his nose at caviar and figs. He’d had them plenty of times before at the various functions and meetings he’d attended, but it didn’t make him like them any more than before.

Well...was he?

He opened his mouth to speak, but instead nodded slowly in ascension.

“That would be a god way to describe him.” The young man agreed.

“Who is he?” He asked, as it seemed that his uncle already had a good idea about the man..

Taylor Millard
Nov 17th, 2002, 01:54:44 AM
"Rumor has it, his name is Diego Van Derveld. I know a relative of his. Actually...so do you also," Millard took a sip of his refilled glass of water.

"Remember your greeter the times you visited VJun?"

Nov 17th, 2002, 09:09:25 AM
Diego Van Derveld The name was not familiar to him, but he tucked it away for future reference.

Upon the suggestion that he knew a relative of this one,he thought back, as Millard had suggested, to the one who had been there to...'greet' him on Vjun.

More like insult and belittle, Sasha thought, but he kept this to himself.

"Yeah, I do..." He replied with a slow nod. His eyes narrowed slightly. He did not like Vega. Not in the very least.

"Are they close? Or rather estranged relatives....?" He asked. NO doubt his uncle had thought of most everything when it came to ways to find Lok, but it was natural curiosity and a logical way of thinking that led him to ask.

Taylor Millard
Nov 17th, 2002, 09:33:53 AM
"I believe father and son. But I have not discussed it with the son yet," Millard took another drink then thanked the waitress who returned with his food.

"If they are close...I would probably have more information. And it is true your 'greeter' did not like guests. However you are now welcome at VJun since you are under my protection."

He smiled.

Not everything can be hidden from me, young Sasha.

Nov 17th, 2002, 09:48:22 AM
He knew, from his uncle's words that Millard had picked up on his thoughts about Vega. His gaze flickered away, and a light layer of tension filled the space between them.

He hated anyone being able to read his thoughts, uncle or not. It was something he had always struggled with - keeping his thoughts to himself, and it angered him when he slipped.

"You think Vega will actually tell you anything about his father, if he is Diego...?" He asked, his voice somewhat doubtful as looked back to his uncle,

Taylor Millard
Nov 17th, 2002, 09:56:24 AM
"If he doesn't...Wargrave will have a problem," Millard said with a knowing smile.

"And I apologize for reading your thoughts, nephew. But it is a bit easy to pick up on your distaste for Vega. Do not worry...I will not do it again. I do not do it to Lok either."

Then he cut his connection to the Force.

Nov 17th, 2002, 10:07:10 AM
He couldnt help but picture a battle of wills between Vega and Wargrave and a slight expression of amusement flickered across his face.

When his uncle apologized for having read his thoughts, Sasha shrugged, and replied with honestly.

"You dont need to apologize for it. Its something I have to work on, and its better to be reminded of it, than to pretend it doesnt exist."

He was not above self improvement. In fact, he was rather hard on himself most of the time, and willing to do the things he had to do to improve. He was a determined kid, and one day, he would master the art of hiding his thoughts.

"If...when Lok comes back....will she always react violently to the use of the force?" He asked, his uncles reference to her making him think of the attack on him by her and Diego.

Taylor Millard
Nov 17th, 2002, 10:11:14 AM
"I have allready begun to make preparations for that," Millard replied.

"I fear yslamiri will be used in the new Castle Millard."

He paused, reading Sasha's face and words, "Tell me...do you believe I will be unsuccessful in my attempt to find Loklorien? Tell me now please."

Nov 17th, 2002, 10:20:23 AM
Sasha sighed, and gave some consideration to his words.

"I dont know Lok at all, except to know she can be a formiddable foe if she wants to be." He began.

"But I do know you, to some degree. Enough to know that you will get what you want."

"So no, Uncle. I do not believe you will be unsuccessful. I dont think it will be easy..." He added, reflecting to the familiar way in which he had seen Lok interacting with Diego.

"But I think that if there is anyone capable of doing it, you would be that person."

"Do you doubt yourself?" Sasha asked, seeing, perhaps, a side to his uncle he had never before seen.

Taylor Millard
Nov 17th, 2002, 10:31:10 AM
"After s'Il's visit to Balmorra, recently," Millard said honestly, "I had my doubts. She'd covered her tracks well.

"And there are people who are as loyal to her as family. But even if I couldn't find her...I would still look for her. She means a lot to me, Sasha, enough that she will be a member of our family soon, I hope."

He changed subjects, "How is Feliciano?"

Nov 17th, 2002, 11:17:59 AM
Sasha raised an eyebrow. He'd had a pretty good idea of how his uncle felt about Lok, and now his suspicions were confirmed. It would be interesting, for sure, to have her join the family.

He could see her metallic eyes meeting his in the spaceport. There had seemed to be nothing special about her at a first glance, except those eyes of hers, but he knew now that there was more behind this woman who had been trying to remain undetected among the hustle and bustle of the spaceport.

"I'll look forward to that day." Sasha replied sincerely.

As his uncle asked about Fel, he shifted slightly.

"Things are....fine, I guess." He replied, though the somewhat ragged sigh that he released indicated otherwise.

They had left one another on good - more than good terms. They were in love...

But she had gone to follow her master off into the galaxy, and they had not spoken since her departure.

How fitting, he thought, for both he and his uncle to be caught in similar situations. He wondered briefly if it was the curse of being a Millard.

"She's...you know, off with that new group of hers..." He added, his violet eyes studying, perhaps with too much intensity, the pattern on the plates that had been set before them.

Taylor Millard
Nov 18th, 2002, 07:43:44 AM
"Ah with Master Cloak," Millard replied, "He will teach her well, you do not have to worry Sasha.

"Or are you worried? That she will not love you after being in the group for some time?"

Nov 18th, 2002, 11:14:52 AM
Ah with Master Cloak Sasha scowled at this reminder of the man’s name.

He will teach her well, you do not have to worry Sasha. Or are you worried? That she will not love you after being in the group for some time?

He looked away from the napkin he’d been studying and sighed. No, he wasn’t worried about her not loving him anymore. He was confident in their relationship.

What bothered him was the secretive nature of her life now. He hated knowing nothing about the life she now led, hated not knowing if she was safe – whether she was dead or alive. For a kid who was a believer in causing chaos elsewhere, he liked, perhaps a bit too much, having order in his own. And this lack of knowledge felt..chaotic to him. And rather unsettling.

“No….Im not worried about that.” He replied, remembering the words she had spoken to him. It had been clear to him that she wanted them to be married. And this, he wanted too – but not born out of desperation before she left to pursue her life goals. It would come in time, when they had proven to one another, to the galaxy, that they cold stand the test of time and distance.

“I just hate not knowing if shes ok or not…I hate not knowing anything about her life…” He added as he looked back to his uncle.

Taylor Millard
Nov 18th, 2002, 11:32:36 AM
"Because you've been in the dark all your life," Millard ventured an opinion, regarding Sasha's hidden past as a Millard. Not many at all knew about his history...only Taylor Millard himself, at this time atleast.

"Sasha, I must ask you to trust me that Feliciano will be all right. Jeseth Cloak is a friend of mine, and thus I am certain he will keep her safe.

"But if you need to you can ask him personally. I can give you his contact number if you like."

Nov 18th, 2002, 12:27:08 PM
Because you've been in the dark all your life

This had not occurred to Sasha before. But as the words sunk in, they made good sense.

Sasha, I must ask you to trust me that Feliciana will be all right. Jeseth Cloak is a friend of mine, and thus I am certain he will keep her safe. But if you need to you can ask him personally. I can give you his contact number if you like.

It was tempting. It was certainly tempting. But he had no doubt Fel would see something like this as Sasha being a little too controlling. That he didn’t trust her. And so, as difficult as it was, slowly, he shook his head.

“I think Fel would be upset with me for something like that.” He replied, though it was obvious that it wasn’t easy for him to do.

“And if you trust him, then…..I’ll take your word.” He added.

He sighed.

"Do you know anything about this group he's formed?" He asked. His uncle was always well informed - perhaps he would be able to shed some light on things....

Taylor Millard
Nov 18th, 2002, 01:29:23 PM
"Unfortunately not," Millard took another sip, "But I can inquire if need be. While information is something I yern for, there are several things I am still in the dark on.

"I can't know everything after all."

Nov 18th, 2002, 03:31:34 PM
Unfortunately not. But I can inquire if need be. While information is something I yern for, there are several things I am still in the dark on. I can't know everything after all.

Sasha managed a small smile at this, and then finally took another sip of his water. At their waitress returned, he ordered a coffee.

“If you come by the chance to learn anything of it….” His eyes flickered away, and then back to his uncle.

“I’d like to know what you learn.”

He was quiet for a moment before he spoke.

“How did you get to know him?” He asked.

Taylor Millard
Nov 18th, 2002, 11:56:54 PM
"Why he and I were both members of the Sith Order, Sasha. My master was a friend of Master Cloak as well.

"I've met him once before...when I received a promotion for my service, then again on VJun. He is also the ambassador to the New Republic for Balmorra. Or will be soon."

Nov 19th, 2002, 09:22:47 AM
As the coffee that he’d ordered arrived, didn’t bother with milk or sugar. He was a kid who was used to getting by with very little, and though he now had the means for more, his habits did not change. it was the one thing about him that managed to remain constant, while so much of him was changing.

Sasha felt his tension and worry ease a bit as his uncle explained how he knew Cloak. He concern would never disappear, but it was at least not as overpowering as it had been before this talk with his uncle.

“What is he like?” He asked, curious, because while he had been a member of the order while Cloak had been as well, he had never met the man himself.

Taylor Millard
Nov 19th, 2002, 05:36:00 PM
"He keeps to himself but he's got leadership skills in him that would rival a Grand Moff. He has disappeared for months at a time before, once to head out into the Unknown Regions with my former master. The other...I do not know what he did."

Millard got his own coffee, instead of his usual espresso.

"Feliciano will be fine under his care. That I am fairly certain."

Nov 19th, 2002, 05:44:18 PM
He nodded. Part of him believed, and part of him had a bad feeling about the whole thing.

"So where are you off to after this?" Sasha asked, more than willing to change the topic. Being in love was not easy for him - and he rather wished to forget most of the time that he was. It was easier that way.

Taylor Millard
Nov 19th, 2002, 05:50:12 PM
"Honestly, I'm not sure yet," Millard sipped his coffee cup.

"I suppose I need to get in touch with Vega about this Diego fellow, but I'm not sure what help I'm going to get."

He paused again, thinking, "I might get in touch with s'Il's sister as well...I'm certain MMU would want to see her again...MMU is s'Il's droid. And close companion.

"That might be best...going to see the sister."

Nov 20th, 2002, 12:51:11 PM
He nodded, thinking that it seemed there was much to be done, still, to find this woman.

He recalled their brief encounter in the spaceport.

“What is she like? Lok…?” He asked.

“I mean, before all of this happened…” His coffee remained almost untouched as curiousity got the best og him and he asked question after question of his uncle.

Taylor Millard
Nov 20th, 2002, 01:14:57 PM
"She was blunt and honest," Millard replied taking a sip from his coffee.

"That was her best trait, her honesty. If she didn't like something, she'd let you know. But she was also quite nice as a person. Not overly kind, but calm...and patient.

"I honestly can't describe her without saying that."

He looked down the bridge of his nose towards Sasha.

"I miss her. A lot."

Nov 20th, 2002, 01:33:04 PM
He felt for his uncle. He truly did. Taylor Millard was a strong man, and Sasha knew this had to be killing him inside if he admitted such a thing. Outwardly, the man held himself together like a true champion.

“If you want some company in your search…..” He began, “I’d come with you.”

He knew that it was likely his uncle would want to go it alone, but then, sometimes it was easier to have a distraction of sorts.

He had apprentices waiting on him back at the order, but there were some things that took higher priority with him. In the true spirit of a Millard, one of those priorities was family.

Taylor Millard
Nov 21st, 2002, 07:46:38 AM
Millard nodded, "Thank you Sasha, I appreciate it. But your place right now is with the Sith on Corellia. I'm quite certain you have plenty of people waiting for you back on Corellia.

"Besides, MMU is enough of a companion for me. And I'm not sure how well you and he would get along."

Nov 21st, 2002, 08:45:28 AM
He understood what his uncle had suggested, and was fine with returning to Corellia. He knew, as well as his uncle did, that right now, Corellia was where he should be.

But at the suggestion of he and Mmu not getting along, Sasha raised an eyebrow. He wasnt sure if his uncle meant that Sasha would dislike Mmu, or Mmu would dislike him. Sasha wasnt the biggest fan of droids, it was true, but he was curious to know what his uncle meant by this.

"Why wouldnt we get along?" He asked.

Taylor Millard
Nov 21st, 2002, 09:03:53 AM
"He's a little...different," was the reply with a small smile.

"I'm sure MMU would love you. But he also likes practical jokes...since s'Il moved in with me, I've had to repaint the walls in my study more than a few times."

Nov 21st, 2002, 09:27:06 AM
The young Sith had to laugh at this. Knowing what he did of his uncle, he couldnt imagine that he had been pleased with having to repaint the walls.

Sasha wasnt much of a prankster, but admittedly, he did wonder about what kind of droid this must be that he'd managed to get away with these pranks - and was still in one piece.

"It sounds like he'll keep you...busy, then." Sasha replied, a smile lighting up his features. He smiled less now than he used to. Perhaps it had something to do with growing up, or perhaps it was the type of likfe he had chosen for himself.

"You seem.....fond of him." Sasha commented, noticing the small smile on his uncles face.

Taylor Millard
Nov 21st, 2002, 09:29:47 AM
"Fond's not the word for it," Taylor said, another sip to from his coffee.

"MMU is quite annoying and troublesome at the same time. He is disrespectful, does not listen, and tends to run to s'Il when in trouble."

He sighed, then let out a sigh, "But...he acts so child-like...it's hard not to like him at times.

"A bit like raising a son. An extremely psychotic son...but a son none the less. He means well...but he has no common sense."

Nov 21st, 2002, 12:31:06 PM
Sasha found it difficult not to grin in amusement. This droid seemed to have the traits of everything that Taylor seemed to dislike.

But...he acts so child-like...it's hard not to like him at times. A bit like raising a son. An extremely psychotic son...but a son none the less. He means well...but he has no common sense.

He would have suggested reprogramming, but something told him that just wasn’t an option.

“Well, you’ll be well practiced for when you have a real one, I suppose…” Sasha offered.

Taylor Millard
Nov 21st, 2002, 12:51:00 PM
"We shall see," Taylor said, looking a bit inwardly.

"Lok...can't have children...which is fine with me. I've got a few ideas on how we could have one."

Nov 21st, 2002, 01:03:42 PM
Sasha raised an eyebrow, but did not question. If his uncle wanted to share that information, he would share it.

He half wondered what it would be like to have….cousins. Though they would be considerably younger – by his nineteen years at least – a part of him felt himself looking forward to it.

“Does she want children?” He asked. There was much he did not know about this woman. The things he did know were that she had stunning eyes and was capable of tearing him limb from limb – as she almost had when he’d made her acquaintance a couple of weeks ago.

Taylor Millard
Nov 21st, 2002, 02:12:08 PM
"She said one...perhaps two. But it is something we've only mentioned in passing. It is something I do not care about too much. MMU is a handful enough for the both of us."

He looked over the top of his coffee cup.

"If you run into her again, I suggest you do not use the Force. She will only attack and harm you."

Nov 21st, 2002, 04:56:38 PM
Sasha rolled his eyes.

"No, really..?" He replied, sarcasm on his voice. It wasnt meant to be disrespectful, but he was still licking his wounds so to speak from the whole experience. He hadnt thought he was going to escape alive.

"She and the other one nearly tore me in half..." He added, half under his breath. The cast he wore on his right arm was the only visible scar from the experience at the moment. Beneath his shirt were stitches still healing from the teeth marks that had dug deep into his skin.

He was not versed in any of the arts of healing, and so was forced, for now, to suffer with the wounds.

"Is there any way to get her to back off after she's already been...irritated?" He asked, wanting to know just in case he ever crossed paths with one like her again.

Taylor Millard
Nov 22nd, 2002, 04:12:02 AM
"If you sense anyone feeling...cagey or out of place. Restless...then cut your connection to the Force immediately," Taylor said, knowing it was the only thing that had worked before.

"You cut your connection...and the vornskrs calm themselves a bit. Or carry an yslamiri with you at all times. But that would leave you more vulnerable than cutting your connection."

Nov 22nd, 2002, 08:13:28 AM
He tucked this piece of information away, reminding himself that this was a skill he would perhaps need to work on. He hadnt bothered with it much up until now – he perhaps took a little too much pride in the fact that he was a force user – and didn’t bother to try to hide it from anyone.

But, it seemed, it was something he was going to have to learn if he wanted to visit his uncle once Lok returned.

“Does her personality when she’s transformed reflect her personality when she’s….normal?” He asked. He didn’t mean this to be a bad thing, for he rather respected the ferocity and determination he’d witnessed as her victim,

Taylor Millard
Nov 22nd, 2002, 12:58:54 PM
"The times I've seen her transformed she has been much like how she is when she's in her human form. Very smooth and nonchalant.

"It's the Force that drives her nuts. Something she can't help."

Nov 22nd, 2002, 03:04:46 PM
He nodded slowly.

“We bumped into each other in the spaceport. The crowd just kind of pushed us together. I was almost out the doors when she stopped me and asked me if we knew each other…”

He shrugged apologetically.

“I had no idea it was her….” He added, his eyes flickering to the cast on his right arm. It protected not only the bones in his hand, but the stitches he'd needed from the fangs that had sunk a bit too deep into his arm, tearing muscles and doing more damage than he’d at first thought.

“I doubt I’ll run into her again, but in the off chance that I do..is there anything I should know to tell her? Or not tell her?” He asked.

Taylor Millard
Nov 23rd, 2002, 04:19:14 AM
Taylor had to think about that for a bit. What to tell s'Il? That he loved her? That he wanted her back? That Sasha was his nephew?

He sat back, chewing on the inside of his lip a bit.

"If you see her...tell her I love her. And want her back."

Nov 23rd, 2002, 11:25:47 AM
Sasha's eyes had looked to his uncle for this statement, and then they flickered to his coffee, and slowly, he nodded.

"I will. If I see her again, I will be sure to tell her that." He replied quietly. Though this was not the way he would have chosen for things to be, his uncle's confidence in him - the fact that he shared something so personal made Sasha feel that his uncle was truly accepting him as a member of the family. It would just take some time before Sasha felt 100% comfortable. For now, and perhaps always, Taylor Millard was a bit intimidating at times.

This made him wonder a bit about his own father, and what he would have been like. But this, could only ever be speculation.

"What was your father like?" He asked, wanting to know more about the Millard family and how things had come to be as they were.

Taylor Millard
Dec 8th, 2002, 10:26:05 PM
"My father?" Taylor paused a bit, ordering another drink for himself and Sasha.

"He was honorable, yet he did not consider the consequences of his actions. He cared for his family, yes...but made the mistake of believing the Rebellion was the true way, instead of the Empire."

Millard shook his head, "There are times I wish he hadn't have rebelled. Vader killed him in his Jedi Purge. Father deserved it for rebelling. Even if I wasn't happy to have him killed, he still deserved it.

"The rule of law...is key you know."

Dec 9th, 2002, 08:00:41 AM
His grandfather had been a rebel - and a jedi, no less. Life got more interesting every day, it seemed.

He took in this piece of information, perhaps beginning to understand a bit more about himself as he did. But something caught his attention in his uncle's words.

For someone who seemed so much to be a family man, Taylor's words about his father seemed...distant. That there wa s acode stronger than a family bond made Sasha cant his head in a mixture of confusion and curiosity.

"The rule of law?" He questioned.

Taylor Millard
Dec 9th, 2002, 03:06:54 PM
"Of course," Millard replied, "Obeying the laws set before you is a major factor in how one lives their life. If you follow the laws you will prosper.

"Although chaos is something worth having too. With chaos you can take control and make those laws your own."

He paused then smiled, "Something to think about."

Dec 9th, 2002, 03:16:42 PM
Sasha smiled as well, considering this. He would think on it. Though, on his mind was the question of which laws were the ones to follow. Those set by the Sith Order? The rules on the planet he was visiting..? There were so many rules, and deciding which rule of law to obey would be a test in itself.

He liked better the suggestion of chaos and making the laws his own. This, of course, would take some thought, and years and years of training. But it was something to work towards. A goal of sorts.

"I'll definitely think about it." He replied, nodding slowly.

"Is my grand..." He had begun to say grandfather, but he was not quite used to the fact that he even had one at all, and hesitated.

"Is your father buried at the castle with the others?" He asked.

Taylor Millard
Dec 10th, 2002, 02:24:19 AM
"Yes he is," Millard replied, "We might not have agreed on everything, but family is still family. I only wish I had your father's body to bury.

"Your father's body...I was unable to take," his face fell, "I wish I had been able to bring it."

Dec 10th, 2002, 08:40:45 AM
Sasha focused on the drink that had been set before him. Idly, his fingers tapped the glass before he looked back to his uncle.

He did not fault his uncle for not being able to bring his father’s body home to rest. Sometimes, he knew, these things were just not possible.

“Do you think I’ll ever see his ghost again?” He asked, referring to the ghost that had spoken to him some time ago back at the Millard family castle.

Taylor Millard
Dec 10th, 2002, 02:29:08 PM
"That is up to Trent to decide," he took another drink, "Although your best chance to see him is probably on Balmorra. Although..."

Millard reached in his pocket, then removed a small seal on a chain. He set it on the table.

"This was your father's. I believe, although they betrayed him in the end, he would have wanted you to have it. Although the Templis Cult betrayed him...Trent was still a member. Perhaps that can be some sort of focussing device for you."

Dec 10th, 2002, 02:51:45 PM
That is up to Trent to decide

Sasha’s shoulders had slumped slightly at this. His father had come to him only once in his life. Once out of his nineteen years. The odds didn’t seem to be in his favor. Except for the fact that he had been to Balmorra only two times now. And that was where he had first spoken with the ghost.

As Taylor reached into his pocket and removed a small seal on a chain, Sasha looked on curiously. As it was set on the table before him, his violet eyes studied it with a curious gaze.

This was your father's. I believe, although they betrayed him in the end, he would have wanted you to have it. Although the Templis Cult betrayed him...Trent was still a member. Perhaps that can be some sort of focussing device for you.

Sasha looked up from the seal to his uncle and paused for a moment. That his uncle carried this with him, he knew, likely meant that it had significant sentimental value to him. And that he was giving it to Sasha meant more than the young Sith knew how to express.

After a moment, he reached for it, cradling it in the palm of his hand as he looked at it. And then he looked back to his uncle.

“Thank you.” He stated, trying to cover the hint of emotion that had come to his voice.

“Do you…so you try to speak with the ghosts often?” He asked.

Taylor Millard
Dec 13th, 2002, 01:12:27 AM
"Me?" Millard shook his head, "No. My father visitted me once. That is the only time I have seen ghosts.

"I do not know why they tend to avoid me...perhaps I scare them..." he smirked and chuckled.

Dec 13th, 2002, 12:28:20 PM
Sasha found amusement in this. His uncle was an intimidating man. He wouldnt have been surprised in the least to find that ghosts were scared of him.

His hand closed in a fist around the seal, and then he placed it safely within an inner pocket.

"I didnt believe in ghosts until I saw my father." He stated reflecting briefly on the short visit.

"Do you know anything about being able to communicate with them...?"

He would do his own research to learn more, but whatever his uncle could tell him, he would be more than happy to hear.

Taylor Millard
Dec 14th, 2002, 02:06:46 AM
"You would have to look for the information yourself, Sasha," Millard finished his glass.

"But I am fairly certain there is someone who can help you. Her name is Morag Prime...but you will have to look for her. Although...she does tend to show up at the most unusual bits of time."

Dec 16th, 2002, 08:40:55 AM
The young knight’s head canted slightly in thought.

“Morag Prime?” He asked, repeating her name.

“And….where would I look for her?” His search for knowledge had taken him, so far, throughout the galaxy. And no doubt, would continue to take him to new and interesting places.

He would not stop. He was, though he would not readily admit it to anyone, a student. He loved reading of things, loved learning new things, and he likely always would. When there was no more knowledge to be sought, his reason for living would cease to exist.

Taylor Millard
Dec 16th, 2002, 08:45:48 AM
"She can show up at the oddest of times," Taylor said, "I'm not quite certain where she herself is, but I'm quite certain if you do your own searching you may find her.

"She helped me find s'Il on Yag'Dhul...even if we ended up missing her."

Dec 16th, 2002, 10:37:12 AM
Sasha nodded, accepting this.

He wanted to get back to Corellia for a while, but when he had been back and taken care of the few things he needed to deal with, perhaps he would begin a quest to find this woman.

For a moment, he considered dragging Gouyen and Robi with him. They were close friends of his within the order, and Gouyen, with all of her knowledge, would likely be of great help. Not to mention, he enjoyed their company and trusted them both with his life.

“So how do you know her, anyway?” He asked.

Taylor Millard
Dec 19th, 2002, 01:35:08 AM
"We...encountered each other...and she owes me a favor or two," Millard said, "Unfortunately I had to pay that price in blood, as she took some from me. I was helping a friend when we ran into each other.

"I had to choose how to help my friend. So I did."

Dec 20th, 2002, 09:30:17 AM
“What happened to your friend?” He asked. It wasn’t merely morbid curiosity of hearing about the suffering of another, it was more than that. Any story that he heard from his uncle told him a little bit more about him. A little bit more about his father’s brother.

He reached for the drink in front of him and took a sip as he waited for his uncle’s answer.

The hand in a cast, he shifted slightly. It had been a couple of weeks now that he’d had it and he was ready for the thing to be removed. After this visit with his uncle, he would get back to Corellia to have it removed and fixed properly.

The entire incident had taught him that perhaps he should take some sort of interest in healing. He knew the jedi to be capable of it, but had not looked into understanding how the force was used, exactly, to do it. He’d been too focused so far on ways to cause injury to worry about how to fix it. It was just the nature of a Sith.

Taylor Millard
Dec 20th, 2002, 11:15:39 AM
"She's fine. I'm certain she's out leading her smuggling team on some raid right now."

He stared at Sasha's hand, "You hurt it hitting a wall correct?"

Dec 20th, 2002, 11:22:23 AM
He nodded in answer to his uncle’s question a somewhat sheepish expression crossing his face. He could have used a lesson in anger control, it seemed.

“Yeah, that and someone’s teeth ripping into my arm…” He added, though there was little malice in his voice. He accepted rather easily that the girlfriend of his uncle had wanted to, along with her friend in crime, tear him limb from limb.

He tapped it lightly against the table.

“I just want to get rid of it. Its driving me crazy…” He admitted.

“You know any tricks for that?” He asked, an eyebrow raised in hope.

Taylor Millard
Dec 20th, 2002, 11:40:39 AM
Millard smiled, "Picture in your mind the bones mending...go on do it. Actually watch the bones mend in your mind. See them go from their broken state to a healed state.

"That is how Wargrave learned it."

Dec 20th, 2002, 01:30:55 PM
He supposed he should have thought of such a thing. But he’d assumed there was more to it.

Teach me to stop assuming things, he thought to himself before he canted his head slightly and gave his uncle a curious gaze.

“Its that easy?” He asked, his voice carrying his disbelief, and perhaps annoyance with himself for having gone this long dealing with less modern or sophisticated methods of healing.

He eyed the cast for a moment and then looked back to his uncle. He seemed to be giving him a look that told him to just try it, at the very least.

The bones were past the point where they ached at all, but they were far from healed. He had seen the x-rays himself to know. The doctor hadn’t questioned how or why, but had simply done what he could to repair the muscle damage, set the bones as they should be, and casted his hand in plaster.

He imagined them now, the bones he had seen in the xray, and pictured them coming back to together. Pictured them moving into place and molting back together seamlessly.

It took more energy than he expected, what seemed like such a simple process. But he could feel the difference that it was making.

“Is it the same thing for muscles, or other wounds?” He asked.

Taylor Millard
Dec 20th, 2002, 01:42:59 PM
"For Wargrave it is," Millard said, slightly opening himself to the Force, "Muscles have taken a few days to heal though.

"You can't do everything at once you know."

Dec 20th, 2002, 02:25:24 PM
Sasha sighed and nodded.

“I know.” He replied ruefully.

“Everything involves patience. And time. And more patience.” He added, rolling his eyes and slumping back in his seat a bit.

Patience was not a strong suit for him. But determination was, and eventually, he would get what he wanted by working hard enough for it. Later, when he had more strength, he would try again to mend the bones. He would work on it and work on it until he mastered it. Even if it took years.

He wondered how he had turned out to be so impatient, if his father was like this, if his uncle had ever been impatient. It didnt seem to Sasha that he had, for now, he seemed to in control.

"Is patience some sort of family trait that Im lacking?" He asked.