View Full Version : 30 Day Count Down

Nov 1st, 2002, 10:06:28 AM
Oriadin finally arrived back at his living quarters. It was quiet and peacefull and he would be able to concentrate on his task in hand better here than anywhere else. So far it had been a difficult job, but Oriadin had asked around and looked up pages and pages of data to try and give him some indication of what needed to be done, and where to get the right bits. After much searching and haggling he managed to get all the parts and tools he needed.

It was suprisingly difficult to find any information on the construction of a lightsaber. He downloaded all the information he thought was relevant that he could find from the archives but it was very vague and probably wouldnt help much. Oriadin opened up the sack he had gathered all the bits in and scattered them across the floor. He sat there looking blankly over the parts and wondered where to begin.

A power cell, a handgrip, the controls and components for inside, Safety shielding, a belt ring, an emitter matrix, recharge socket, lens assembly, focusing crystal and power conduit. He was lucky enough to be able to get three Danite Aegean crystals. Now he just had to figure out what to do with all the bits.

He loaded up his data pad and began searching for any clues on where to begin...

Kelt Simoson
Nov 3rd, 2002, 12:08:07 PM
Kelt had been watching the Jedi sitting on his bed from the open doorway and smile playing on his lips. ' Oriadin take a moment and use your own mind to construct it rather than downloaded infomation of off one of....those things.' He pointed at one of the datapads on the bed seeing he made Oriadin jump slightly.

'Perhaps i could sit with you and talk for a while?' He asked again showing a warm smile.

Nov 3rd, 2002, 05:25:19 PM
Oriadin was searching hard but couldnt find any clues. He was greatfull, in a way at the break in concentration, comming from a voice at the doorway.

It was Kelt Simoson. Oriadin couldnt remember meeting him before but he certainly knew of him. Oriadin quickly jumped up and bowed to greet the knight.

--I dont think I was having much luck with that thing anyway. Sure, come on in. Anything in particular you wish to talk about? Err, just in case, you can give me any instructions on how to build my saber. My master made it clear, that is forbidden.--

Oriadin smiled and gestured for the Jedi to enter his living quarters.

Kelt Simoson
Nov 4th, 2002, 08:26:37 AM
'I did build my own you know my friend...i know the rules' He looked at Oriadin with a grin and walked into the room closing the door behind himself. ' Like i said..use the force to see your contructed saber...and then make it with your mind focused.

Nov 4th, 2002, 08:35:21 AM
Oriadin nodded. He was aware that Kelt would have made his own lightsaber but he just wanted to make sure. He didnt want to get into any trouble afterall.

--Yeah, id read that to build one you have to use the force--

He looked over all the pieces scattered across the floor.

--I just dont know where to start. Im sure it will come to me though. I have thirty days to do it in, but... well, I hope that will be long enough.--

Kelt Simoson
Nov 5th, 2002, 10:34:55 AM
Kelt sat down on a chair that was on the wall of the mans apartment and smiled. ' How do you think you will do it?'

Nov 5th, 2002, 05:46:09 PM
Still looking out over all the pieces he sighed.

--I have no idea. Make sure im concentraiting on the force. Make sure im focused. The force will guide me in what it is I have to do... I guess. If I meditate, that could help me to clear my mind. Other than that, I really dont have much to go on.--

Oriadin picked up a couple of parts and tried to see if they would fit together. No where near. He scratched his head.

--It'll come, I know it will--

Kelt Simoson
Nov 6th, 2002, 10:25:29 PM
'It will...' Kelt smiled and watched the young man.

Nov 7th, 2002, 05:18:57 AM
Oriadin picked up each and every piece in turn. Looking for clues and indeed trying to feel clues on what fits together with what. There were so many parts.

--I think I should meditate. If you dont mind, I would prefer to be alone for now. Perhaps you could come back later and see how im doing?--

Oriadin smiled to the man. This was going to be a difficult task and he needed to concentrate

Kelt Simoson
Nov 7th, 2002, 09:00:41 PM
' Of course..and goodluck my friend...' He smiled, turned and left the room closing the door quietly.

Nov 11th, 2002, 03:51:28 AM
Oriadin smiled and said goodbye as Kelt left. He hoped he hadnt seemed at all rude. It was just that this was going to need serious concentration. He got up and closed the door, then went and sat down on his bed.

He sat cross leged, still and quiet. He cleared his mind of all thoughts and then began to meditate. He sat there for hours until finally his eyes opened. He once again looked down at the pieces scattered across his floor.

Nov 12th, 2002, 05:56:11 AM
Oriadin moved off his bed and sat down on the floor next to all the pieces. He was completly relaxed and focused. He still had no idea where any of the pieces would fit together though. To hell with it he thought to himself. He would begin with the case and get everything to fit inside.

He took all the caseing parts and began to bit the bits together. Melting some parts down into an appropriate shape and whatnot. This process took several hours.

In the end, Oriadin felt reasonably pleased with his creation. It was about 30cm long and looked almost like a thin torch. There were several openings where Oriadin could put in the componants which would be sealed up once the construction was complete.

Without even thinking, Oriadin began work on the activation plate. At first he was going to place it near the top of the saber, on the outside of the hilt, but instead decided there would be enough room inside the saber to put it there. That way, a non force user could not activate his saber. Only use of the force could switch it on or off and only Oriadin would know where the switch was located.

He worked steadily for hours on end. Only stopping to eat, drink and sleep. Several days had passed already. Still, there was plenty of time and Oriadin had started. Without realising where to start it just came to him and he bagan work.

Nov 12th, 2002, 06:02:23 AM
The hilt and the switch were now complete. Now he decided would be a good idea to place the shielding in the correct the position. This would protect the controls from any leakage from the superconductor. This took less time to do than the padawan expected, but it still took many hours to get the positioning just right.

After that was complete Oriadin began to put the superconductor in its place.

Nov 14th, 2002, 10:03:11 AM
Putting the superconductor in the correct place sounded easier that it was. Oriadin had a fair bit of trouble at this stage. He had to put his construction down and come back to i after a break a number of times. It was an important part as the superconductor transfers the power from the flux aperture to the power cell. Eventually, Oriadin completed this stage. Although it took him a while, he was making good time and he was feeling confident that he was making good time.

Next, he placed the three Danite crystals in. He had heard that Mephite crystals were more comonly used in Jedi lightsabers but these were the only thing Oriadin could get hold of. If he was to tell the truth, he had no idea if there was any difference between the crystals.

Time had been passing swiftly. Oriadin had already been working on his saber for many days. He still thought it was strange that he wasn't really sure that he was doing everything right, but he just got this feeling that it was correct. The force was guiding him.

Nov 14th, 2002, 10:30:04 AM
The crystals were now securely in place and Oriadin added the high energy aperture. After that was completed the energy cell was fixed to the saber. Various wires and other small pieces were added to the saber as the finishing touches were added. Oriadin had completed his saber.

He sat back, fairly exhausted from his work. He had been there for days now. Infact, his 30 days was almost up. He had a couple of days to spare.

--A bit easier than I thought but there we go. Actualy, id better not say anything until ive tested the thing.--

The padawan stood tall in his quarters with his saber in both hands. He took a few deep breaths to try to calm his nerves. This was an exciting moment and he couldnt help but feel nervous. Using the force, he flicked the switch inside the saber...

...and nothing happend. He stood there completly still not really knowing what to do. He shook it in his hand for a moment but still there was nothing. He switched the saber off again.

--Oh Frell. What have I done wrong?--

Nov 14th, 2002, 10:35:51 AM
Oriadin had been sitting there for ages examining his saber. Now he was begining to feel very hot and fustraited. He couldnt figure out what hed done wrong.

Then, he remembered reading something that could be usefull. It was on his datapad. He quickly fired up the small device and began searching through the information.

--Of course! The energy cell had to be charged!--

What an idiot he thought to himself. At least now he knew what the problem was. Only thing was, he had no idea how to charge the cell.

After some serious thought, he decided to pay the council a visit.

Nov 15th, 2002, 05:35:06 AM
The padawan returned from his meeting with the council with no more information than when he set out. He closed the door behind him as he walked in.

The lightsaber he had been working on was sat lying on the table, exactly where he'd left it. He sat down in a chair and stared at the device. A tired look overcame his face. Where did he go from here? He only had a couple of days before his 30 day period was over and he had no idea how to charge the energy cells for his lightsaber.

Great, he thought to himself sarcastically.

Nov 21st, 2002, 03:28:46 AM
He spent the remainder of the 30 days locked away in his room meditating, focusing and what not but still it wouldnt come to him. He had no idea how he was to charge the lightsaber. He was begining to panic slightly now though as today was the day his Master wanted to inspect his handy work. What was he going to do? What was he going to say?

He sat on his bed just looking at his lightsaber. There was a knock at the door. The padawan stood up nervously and called for them to enter.

OOC: My master at the door so no one else enter, thankyou :)

Helenias Evenstar
Nov 24th, 2002, 04:50:12 AM
I entered the door, coming in fairlyslowly.

"Good day to yu my Padawan apprentice... how has the task gone that I gave you?"

Nov 24th, 2002, 07:12:53 AM
Oriaidn bowed.

--Ah, Master Helenias.--

He stood up and swallowed hard. Feeling nervous his hands were begining to sweat. His heart rate was begining to spead up. He presented her his lightsaber.

--Well, ive kind of finished it. Its built but... Im not sure if it works. I couldnt figure out how to charge the thing up. Ive read books, data pads and I even took a trip to the council to see if they could point me in the right direction. Its not finished. Ive failed.--

He sighed and looked toward the ground.

--Im sorry--

Helenias Evenstar
Nov 25th, 2002, 05:07:45 AM
I looked impassively at thecontrite Padawan, putting out my hand for the said sabre.

"It was my words, was it not, that you were to build one? If this works, it will charge"

I pointed to a small removable flap on the power cell

"Recharge by plugging into there. Place on quick charge for 10 minutes, then bring to me out side"

Nov 25th, 2002, 05:22:30 AM
Oriadin did as requested as quickly as possible. Helenias left the room and waited outside and Oriadin felt like he wanted to bang his head up against the wall. Talking to himself, he made a gap with his fingers indicating a measurement of about 3cm.

--I feel about this big!--

The saber was on charge and the time seemed to slow right down. 10 minutes seemed like 10 hours.

Finally, the time was up. He took the beautifly crafted lightsaber out of his living quarters and presented it to his Master. Now he was feeling very nervous. He'd heard stories of lightsabers blowing up and all kinds of stories. He hoped this day wouldnt get any more embarassing.

Helenias Evenstar
Nov 25th, 2002, 05:27:55 AM
I looked at the sabre, refusing to take it.

"Now you are to use it"

With that, my own sabre leaped to my hand and in a flash the brilliant red beam came to life - I attacked, sweeping hard for the Padawan's head.

He better hope his sabre worked.

Nov 25th, 2002, 05:35:37 AM
Oriadins quick relexes switched on the lightsaber without thinking. He deflected the strike with minimum effort and there he stood with his weapon in hand. A bright white beam, with a hint of blue let a little light shine of the padawans face. He looked down at it and smiled.

--Well, thankfully it works!--

Somehow, this lightsaber seemed different. It felt better to him than the training weaponary. It seemed more of a part of Oriadin than any other Lightsaber he had held before.

Helenias Evenstar
Nov 25th, 2002, 06:02:03 AM
White-Blue intersected with blood red - the sabres hissing and cracking as their energies contested. I stepped back, then held out my hand.

"Your sabre"

He nhanded it over and I gave it a experimental swing. The balance felt fairly right, the gyroscopic effect was there.... with a casual swing, I used it to cut his door in half. Shutting both his and miy sabres off I kept my ace impassive and unemotional.

<a href=>"Follow me"</a>

Nov 25th, 2002, 06:21:01 AM
Oriadin followed his master, meanwhile looking back at his door think, "Great, im gonna have to get that fixed".