View Full Version : Week Two: Letter to Morgan Evanar

Jackson DeWitt
Oct 31st, 2002, 12:18:40 PM
Like clockwork, on another crisp early Coruscant morning, Jackson came running by the Jedi Recruitment center....on his way to wherever his exercise regimen took him. He paused, breathing hard puffs of steam into the cold morning air, and slid a letter under the door again. Barely pausing, he began to run once more. The letter had in simple text on its envelope "Matser Mogran Evanar."

Daer Matser Evanar,

You may not nkow of me, so let me inrtoduce myeslf. My name is Jackson DeWitt, and I am appliyng for adimssion into the Graeter Jedi Order. I have traevlled from Tattooine to arrive on Corucsant, and am wokring to make a living utnil I am accetped into the Jedi. I do not maen to be presupmtuous, and I cannot quetsion the widsom of wise Jedi, but I have nkown ever since I was little htat I woudl become a Jedi Nkight, like you. The reason I am rwiting you now, is htat my fisrt two attepmts in gaining amdittance were rejetced, and I am looking for anyhting and everyhting I can do to ipmrove my chances at amdittance. I know that you can't rihgtfully train me, as I have to be considered for amdittance first, but I was curiuos if you mihgt know of anyone I cuold talk to, any task I cuold do, or anyhting else I mihgt be albe to use to my advatnage to perpare in the maentime. I am very determined, Matser Evanar, and htere is no deed too small for me to be etenrally apprecaitive. If a Midihclorain count is needed, I can provide a blood sapmle, and if there are any ohter htings you need of me, please let me nkow. I am only too eagre to do as you ask. Htank you for your time in raeding this...as I nkow you are otfen aksed to hadnle tasks of more impotrance htan hte issue of my amdittance. But your attention to htis matter maens very muhc to me, and I am at the very laest honored htat you take hte time to raed hwat I have to say.

May hte Force be Wiht You,
Jackson Guthrie DeWitt

Morgan Evanar
Nov 3rd, 2002, 10:01:19 PM
Lysdexic was the first thing that came to mind. Morgan read it four more times, from different directions, and again what was considered "normal".

He had no idea who Jackson was (aside from a terrible speller and a farm kid)

Hopeful Jackson DeWitt:

Your predicament is a unique one. Generally speaking, those who have been rejected are almost always deeply troubled or lacking in Force Sensitivity.

As for preperation, developing a working knowledge of the Force without someone of greater experince can be dangerous. As cliche as it sounds, the Dark Side is tempting and can easily lure the unwarry.

Since I am at something of a loss for the why's of your situation, and the only way to figure the aformentioned events out is to meet you, I'm inviting you to lunch on the coming Tuesday at 1300.

Morgan Evanar

Jackson DeWitt
Nov 10th, 2002, 02:48:29 AM
By the time Jackson had made it back to his quarters, he found a small envelope with his name on it. Opening it up, he read the words inside...and instantly brightened up. He'd finally gotten the ear of an influential Jedi. It was only a matter of time now, before he could show them all what he was made of.