View Full Version : The only enemy is pain

Jackson DeWitt
Oct 31st, 2002, 11:38:53 AM

The spotting droid lifted the bar up with ease at the sign of Jackson's faltering, setting the freeweight back up on the rack. The Jedi hopeful lay on the bench, breathing through clenched teeth, his face red and sheening with perspiration. With a whir of servomechanisms, the droid looked down at DeWitt.

Sir, perhaps I should reduce the weight. This has been your second attempt at a full set on this weight, and my calculations of your body mass suggest that perhaps a reduction of ten pounds would be in order.

Jackson looked up at the droid, as if he'd gone mad.

"No! I did this yesterday, and I can do it today!"

The droid was unfettered by the man's outburst.

But sir, your muscles have increased their lactic acid content. Temporary soreness and reduction of capacity are to be expected.

Jackson clenched his jaw at the droid, his nostrils flaring.

"Set it up again!"

He rose from the bench, taking a few paces around the weightroom, and finally dipped his hands in a bucket of chalk. Crunching white powder between his fingers, he let the excess fall back in, and with a deep inhalation, returned to the bench. DeWitt slapped his hands at even spaces from the centerline, puffs of white smoke making their way into the air.

Ten repetitions. 160 pounds.

Ten repetitions.

He inhaled deeply, eyes staring up with fierce determination at the spotting droid. With a nod from Jackson, the droid brought the bar off its holding hooks, holding it directly above Jackson's chest. After a second, it released, and the bar slowly went down...


Slowly, the bar came up again, paused, and began its path downward.


Pausing to adjust his grip, Jackson began the third rep.





His motion began to slow and falter, shaking a little. The droid moved to grab the bar.

"Don't touch it! Not yet!"

With that, it began its trip downward again...


Jackson's face was red, and as he pressed the weight up again, he gave three quick, rapid breaths.

"Pssssssssshhh.......eeeiigghht.......ssh..ssh..ssh ..."

He swallowed as the weight went up, and steeled himself again.


The weight barely budged. He closed his eyes, redoubling his effort."

"COME ON!!!!"

No avail, and after a few seconds of attempting, the droid relieved Jackson of the burden. He didn't protest. Instead, he simply lay there, breathing. Sensing that perhaps now was the time for something motivational, the droid spoke.

You gave it your all. That is commendable, sir.

Jackson still lay there, eyes fixed on the ceiling. With a deep sigh, he rose from the bench, walking to the door of the weightroom.


He punched the door open, causing it to swing wide and slam across the wall, as he stormed out.

Lillian Snow
Oct 31st, 2002, 04:03:32 PM
Lillian jumped as Jackson left the weight room. She was on her way in, not to train herself, but to test the limits of Reason. The 7 foot droid stood behind her as always, catching her as she fell back on it.

"Are...you ok?"