View Full Version : GC Vs Xbox

Oct 31st, 2002, 09:04:54 AM
Which would you get if you had the choice? Or if youve already got one, why did you pick it over the other one? Would you make the same choice again if you could go back?

Not interested in PS2, gotta say I dont like the system.

Severen Morkonis
Oct 31st, 2002, 09:11:52 AM
In my opinion PS2 is better than them both...but if i had tochoose...prolly' the X-Box

Oct 31st, 2002, 09:43:11 AM

Oct 31st, 2002, 10:18:06 AM
I like my PS2 alot. I only bought it because I got a killer deal on it. If I had to buy again I'd probably get an X-Box. I wouldn't buy a GC because with the cheapness of PS2 and XBox, I don't know how long GC can survive.

Sanis Prent
Oct 31st, 2002, 10:39:03 AM
PS2's graphics just can't compete with either one. For the most part, the graphics are choppy, and the textures have jagged edges. From what I've seen, GC and X-box have PS2 trounced in that department. That, and I've seen plenty of PS2 games crash while running (NCAA 2003 off the top of my head, and its one of the better looking PS2 titles out there). I won't go into the ridiculous DVD feature, which is so lackluster I wonder why it was even added.

GC looks awesome...simply awesome. Every title I've seen on there has wonderful graphics. But there are catches. I hate nintendo controls. They have the ergonomic sense of apes. Price is also a downfall, since GC's hit your wallet harder. Compatability with sound systems is another issue. If you have major speakers, you probably can't get decent performance. Finally...selection of games. Its a great kiddie platform, but there aren't many great titles out there that are better for more mature gamers.

X-box, from what I've seen...seems to be king of the hill. Its price keeps dropping, its graphics are tight, its game selection is widening, and its controls are awesome. I love the X-box controller. Sure, its the size of a buick, but hey...it does the job well. Its the first console controller since the original PS that I've felt comfortable with. Combine this with a high probability for net-multiplay, and X-box is looking good.

Oct 31st, 2002, 10:56:36 AM
I have to disagree with some of the things youve said there Sanis. Erganomic sense of apes? No way. I love the controler for GC. It fits perfectly in your hands and the buttons are in the right places. I dont like the feel of the Xbox controler. Its big, but I dont mind that. I really liked the DC controler and that was huge. The buttons just seem to be a bit spaced out. They all have this very rounded feel. I cant really describe it but it just feels cumboursum (speling?) to me. Id probably get more used to it if I played on it often but the GC controler fits just right in my hand from the get go.

I also have to disagree with the 'kiddies' games. They are not kiddy. Sure they are colourfull and bright but I wouldnt say kiddy. The majority of the games are just designed to be fun, rather than look realistic.

Im not a fan of the PS2 because the system is very, very over hyped. If you ask me Sony ripped off a lot of its consumers with the system, knowing it was going to be a success. The whole system lives on the reputation of the PSX which was an excellent little machine. As you mentioned Sanis, the graphics look choppy and the famous jaggies are just terrible. The DC didnt have that. I cant really talk much about the DVD because Ive never seen it in action.

Xbox has very few games that have caught my imagination. I cant really think of any games that I can say, I really wish I had that game. Except probably Halo. The system itself is ugly, and huge! It is extreamly powerfull though and MS are not going to buckle under the PS2 dominance.

If I were to pick one of the systems it would probably be the GC. Its the cheapest here in the UK and I think its games look more fun to play. Plus it has the RE series as an exclusive which goes a long way to saying that Nintendo doesnt want to be regarded as kiddy. Saying that though, I dont know if the system is going to be popular enough to make a stand against PS2. The Xbox has MS behind it and Bill gates wont stand for second best. Even if he has to throw millions at it. Xbox has got the better chance of surviving but at the moment, I prefer the GC.

Sene Unty
Oct 31st, 2002, 11:08:39 AM
I hate the X-box controller. The buttons are placed so weird. The A button is on the bottom which is different from the PS2's and that just pisses me off. I also don't like the size of it at all. I would go with the GC, I just think they got the better games. METROID is coming out!!!!!

But I really want a PS2. I love it so much. FF X is out for it and I have to play this game......the only reason I say PS2 over GC.

Oct 31st, 2002, 04:43:07 PM
I've never actually played a GC, but if the setup is anything like the N64, then I'd like it.
As for the XBox's controller...I can't stand the friggin thing. Calling it the size of a Buick is the understatement of the year! It really is poorly setup IMO and has ruined many a fine looking games for me. No matter how hard I try, I can't get used to the button configuration. :mad

True, the PS2 may have the weakest graphics among the 3, but I'll sacrifice that for the plethora of games it has to offer, plus it's backwards compatability. The controller is the same as the original machine, which is also a big plus, no adjustment to a new system needed. And let's be honest, it isn't like the other 2 system's graphics are light years ahead of PS2. They're just a little cleaner.

Marcus Telcontar
Oct 31st, 2002, 07:44:31 PM
If I had to pay up, it would be X-Box. Mainly because it is fundamentally hackable into all sorts of weird and wonderful things, it's DVD options are good - and the amount of games and quality are increasing and will keep on increasing.

Plus, there is one big factor the X-Box has in it's favour - it was built for the future of gaming, not the here and now. It's hard drive offers posibilites consoles cant have and it's ground up networking menas on line gaming will be far easier to achieve.

All the X-Box needs is that one game that is compelling and a must have, not availible on other consoles. I was reading a game called Blinkz could be it - it uses the hard drive to create the possibility of in game time travel, creating several instances of your self to solve the puzzles and beat enemies. It nothing like what has been done before, that is clear to me, but also just simply cant be done on the other consoles.

The real thing the X-Box has is it's as yet unrealised potential. It can offer a lot more than the Cube or the PS-2.

Figrin D'an
Oct 31st, 2002, 08:29:20 PM
The PS2 has hard drive and network adapter features coming out soon as well, so there really isn't as large a hardware feature gap as you might think. I'll agree that the graphics aren't as clean as GC or X-Box, but the differential isn't so huge that it's unacceptable or anything. PS2 was also on shelves for a year before Nintendo and Microsoft even set launch dates... Sony wanted to gamers to get their system first, a strategy that worked quite well.

For me, it comes down to software titles. PS2 has the largest library of games at the moment, and the ones that I want to play the most. GC will spark my interest once the new Zelda and Metroid games hit shelves, and of course, Mario Sunshine is something I'd like to play eventually. Square and Nintendo finally made up as well, so that might give me more reason to look into a GC, although PS2 will get most stuff from Square first anyway. X-Box may have the most "horsepower" of the systems, but there are no killer apps for it... there is no single title yet that grabs my attention and says "You must play this game." Maybe that will change down the road, nothing that is currently available, nor anything that is coming down the pipe, for X-Box interests me that much.

Oct 31st, 2002, 09:51:54 PM
Well I've had my PS2 since Christmas, and I love it, I still believe it's the system to have because of the diversity of games and the quality of their flagship titles. After the summer I had some spare cash and me and my bro. decided to either get a GC or an X-box. We went for the box for mainly five reasons:

1. Nostalgia. I've own every nintendo system, except the SNES (I went for the Genesis and I am not ashamed!), not having one felt wrong. And since they were launching new games with old favorites I had to have it.

2. The graphics are flawless. I played it at a friend's house and was amazed, especially when I played Super Smash Bro. Melee. When you pause that game the camera zooms in to the characters, and the detail is outstanding.

3. Price. Although the games are a bit more expensive, and the memory cards don't have enough memory! >_<

4. I've played like 10 games on X-box, and besides Halo, none of them were WOW! I have to have this!.

5. Zelda!

So there you have it.

imported_Lance Stormrider
Oct 31st, 2002, 10:05:08 PM
I don't get it why people are saying PS2 sucks. Hey face the fact PS2 is beating the helluga out of XBOX and Gamecube, even if Gamecube has clean graphics and XBOX has all those features they just dont have the games ppl want. So it will never work a well as PS2 but if I'd have to choose between XBOX and GC Id sure as hell go for XBOX why?

Shenmue series seems to be coming on XBOX
most DC games are gonna be coming on XBOX like Phantasy Star Online.
Xbox live will be kick a** And they got Dead or Alive.

Hey I could own an XBOX and GC but I rather buy games and new hardware for my PS2. Plsu I heard they are using 25% of the capacity of the PS2.

Marcus Telcontar
Oct 31st, 2002, 10:56:21 PM
they just dont have the games ppl want

Yet. We're talking about Microsoft here - they know they have to have games and compelling ones. They'll get them.

Xenodoros Stormrider
Nov 1st, 2002, 12:27:00 AM
You like mild violence games? Games ment for kids? You get the GC

You like mature, violent games? You get X-BOX

In my opinion though, I think PS2 is one of the best consoles out there right now. I own one and I certainly wouldn't trade it for an X-BOX or a GC

Gamecube has good graphics, is compact, and 'okay' games. But can you play DVDs on it? Able to play p2p (person to person)?

X-BOX has okay graphics, cool games. Yet the thing is a huge motherfreller. It's bigger than a VCR. But you can play DVDs on it though. And the controller is large too. It's a bit hard to handle the controller when it's too big.

Therefore the PS2 would be my choice. It's portable (not too big, not too small). It plays DVDs. Great graphics. You can play online p2p (dunno if they've released the software/hardware yet). It has the best games of the year.

I'd really suggest the PS2. But if you don't like it... then XBOX if you want the stuff us teens love (violence). Gamecube if you don't care about violence or DVDs

Nov 1st, 2002, 03:40:33 AM
GC if you dont care about violence? That would be why the Resident Evil series is an exclusive then. Have you seen the movies for the RE1 remake too, looks simply fantastic.

Also, about the PS2 having the DVD player. I want a games system. Ive already got a DVD player which is gonna be a lot better quality than on the PS2. A games console is for playing games, not for playing movies at the end of the day. Dont forget that the GC will be online too, at some point.

The games list for GC looks so much better than Xbox IMO. titles like Zelda, Super Mario Sunshine, James Bond 007 Nightfire, Super Smash Brothers Melee, Rogue Squadron, Star Fox, Jedi Knight II, Resident Evil etc etc. The list goes on.

As Marcus said, the Xbox has MS behind it which means they have all the money in the world to throw at it. They will get quality titles, but when? The only one I know of in the pipeline that I cant wait to see is Shenmue.

Keerrourri Feessaarro
Nov 1st, 2002, 09:27:34 AM
To be honest, the old guard games on GC (Mario, Zelda, Star Fox, etc) look lame to me. The only exceptions would be Metroid (which looks sweet) and Super Smash Brothers Melee, which is hilarious and very playable.

Sene Unty
Nov 1st, 2002, 10:50:14 AM
I played a demo of Metroid and it was so good.....Zelda looks awesome, I don't care what anyone says about the graphics....it looks amazing! :D

Nov 1st, 2002, 09:24:16 PM
Ditto that Sene.

Tyreal Dalarsco
Nov 2nd, 2002, 09:44:16 PM
Realy, only 4 exclusives for X-Box realy stand out right now: Halo, The Thing, MGS Remake, And Obiwan.
Then, look at the better controler and all the exclusives for the Cube.

imported_Lance Stormrider
Nov 2nd, 2002, 11:11:39 PM
Mario sunshine!? o_O thats the crappiest mario ive ever played. Horrible :x

and Id have to say that I too am getting awfully sick of Mario Zelda Star Fox its getting very boring to play the same game but with different bosses and levels -_-

Marcus Telcontar
Nov 3rd, 2002, 06:45:53 AM
Yes, but the exclusives list for X-Box WILL grow. It's a new system after all.

Doom3 should be an easy port.

imported_Lance Stormrider
Nov 3rd, 2002, 03:54:49 PM
Doom 3 looks awesome @_@ I mean REALLY awesome.

Tyreal Dalarsco
Nov 3rd, 2002, 04:29:41 PM
I also don't like how Microsoft gets all those exclusives, and that they gip NVidia.

Sanis Prent
Nov 4th, 2002, 10:17:53 AM
Obiwan and MGS2 are laaaaame

The Thing and Halo are both indeed very very awesome.

Sene Unty
Nov 4th, 2002, 01:14:48 PM
Isn't Doom 3 coming out for the X-Box? I thought I heard that it was......

Nov 5th, 2002, 05:03:37 AM
I heard the thing was crap. The game idea was good and everything but it was just practically impossible to get on with the controls.

imported_Lance Stormrider
Nov 5th, 2002, 06:01:11 AM
Originally posted by Tyreal Dalarsco
I also don't like how Microsoft gets all those exclusives, and that they gip NVidia.

>_< Especially for the Shenmue 2 exclusive I didn't get to finish the 2 since they didn't bring it out on DC in america the suckers >.< Why why why why ;____;