View Full Version : Break [Open Challenge]

Gitane Blesse
Oct 31st, 2002, 04:45:16 AM
(ooc) I'm starting thi thread, not planning to win. It's partially character developement, and story developement, so make it a good fight, I'm just not wanting to win. ^^;

How the mind does shout for rest
When the bodies shaken, yeah
Oh the tightness in my chest
Still your leaves I'm raking

Lord is this a test
Was it fun creating, yeah?
My god's a little sick
And he wants me crazy

Are you
Who can say
It's ok to live through me?

Live to be
Part of me
You're a wrinkled magazine

Was it something that I said?
Was it how they're breaking, yeah
I'm so selfish, paying your rent
While your blood I'm taking

Spend me
Like a tree
Dirty dollar bills for leaves
Dark in a sea
Of my seeds
And the tears on which you feed

You feed

The body is a temple
A dormant alter
To where infantile men lie around
Itching and nibbling
For a small piece of sanity
Of which you can not give

Buying pennies with my soul
And a little Heaven spent
While the Hell I'm taking

Hide from life
You know they'll remember me

They are abhored
In self-worth
All that matters much to me


Gitane sat, curled up, on the rooftop of a bar, her eyes watching as people drifted in, later stumbling out, cursing, crude, sick. She yawned and stretched her arms out, her hand gloved with the menacing, foot-long metal claws that she and Vega had once worked together to make.

A cold wind whipped ash-colored hair across her face and chilled her already numb, bare shoulders. The Falleen tilt her head back to look at the sky, her pale eyes searching the stars for nothing in particular. A few voices echoed in the alley beside the bar, catching her attention. Gitane uncurled and crawled over to peer into the shadowed mess of garbage and people too drunk to make it home. She lifted an eyebrow as two figures created twisting shadows, their voices meant to be low, but still drifting up for her to hear.

C'mon, man! You gotta give me some!

Not until you pay, you piece of #%&@.

Drugs. Gitane frowned and slid down the angled roof to the corner. She reached over the edge and let her claws sink into the gutter that ran down the side of the building. An ear-wrenching, metallic scream came from the pipe as her hands scraped through it, sliding down to the street. The sudden noise caused the two figures to turn. A wicked grin danced across Gitane's face as she strolled forward.

"Drugs can kill, didn't you know that?" With that, she swung a hand toward the buyer, her metal 'fingers' sinking pleasantly into his skull. A gurgle escaped his throat, but little more. The other man screamed in terror, running past them and toward the mouth of the alley.

"Worm..." Gitane licked her lips, kicking the corpse away and striding after the other.

Jeseth Cloak
Oct 31st, 2002, 05:53:22 AM
Cast the pearls aside, of a simple life of need
Come into my life forever
The crumbled cities stand as known
Of the sights you have been shown
Of the hurt you call your own
Love is suicide.

The empty bodies stand at rest
Casualties of their own flesh
Afflicted by their dispossession
But no bodies ever knew
No bodies felt like you
Love is suicide.

Now we drive the night, to the ironies of peace
You can't help deny forever
The tragedies reside in you
The secret sights hide in you
The lonely nights divide you in two
All my blisters now revealed
In the darkness of my dreams
In the spaces in between us
But no bodies ever knew
No bodies felt like you
Love is suicide


Gitane had looked away from the sky just seconds before a set of large and shadowed wings eclipsed the moon. Their shadow passed over her silently, but her attention had already been drawn away by the two men who she had begun to approach.

Without so much as a rustling of the wind, Jeseth perched himself upon the rooftop that overlooked the alley. It was the same spot that Gitane had crept down from, and so now her back was facing him. Jeseth said nothing as she murdered one of the men, and waited patiently for her to finish her business before drawing her attention...

"I can't escape the feeling that we've met before..." Gitane quickly rounded on her heals at the sound of Jeseth's voice. His eyes were moving over her body, carefully assessing what manner of alien she could be... By the color of her skin, eyes, and hair it was rather clear that she was a Falleen...

Gitane Blesse
Oct 31st, 2002, 02:43:27 PM
Gitane's eyes narrowed, her brows scrunching briefly as she stepped back a few feet, so that she wouldn't have to crane her neck quite so much. She felt the air rush out of her as if she'd been punched, primarily out of shock. It was the same man who had nearly killed her quite some time ago... Before Darius and Galatea were even born. He had trapped her under a boulder. She chewed on the inside of her cheek, her claws absently clicking together as she organized her thoughts.

"...What do you want?" Her head tilt to the side as she breathed out slowly, her breath becoming a fine mist in the cold air.

Jeseth Cloak
Oct 31st, 2002, 04:47:40 PM
“Your thoughts have betrayed you...” Jeseth’s empty gaze narrowed upon Gitane as he remembered the events of their last encounter. He was watching for the slightest movement of her body now, like a bird of prey waiting to pounce upon its next meal. “I didn’t come here in search of you, but that I found you... that was fated.” The winged Dark Jedi’s hand now hovered over his lightsaber.

“You are different now. Weaker...” The air that came from within Jeseth's mouth was also misty and cold.

Gitane Blesse
Oct 31st, 2002, 07:13:28 PM
Gitane flinched, gritting her teeth as she listened to his last remark. She wasn't strong to begin with when she first fought him.. Was she truly weaker than even that? Her skin tingled in painful memory of the electric waves he'd attacked her with. The Falleen kept her eyes on the man, her boots clicking against the grimey pavement as she slowly strode toward the wall.

"How would you know whether I was strong or weak?" The tip of a claw scraped against the wall, a few sparks drifting briefly through the air from the contact of metal against metal. There was an almost eager blend of nervousness and pride in her voice as she calld up the question. Even a month ago, she would have simply let her voice snake into his mind.

Jeseth Cloak
Nov 1st, 2002, 12:30:14 PM
The doubt in her mind... It spreads like a disease. Jeseth watched her claw-gloved hand. One direct strike from it could end his life abruptly. I'll have to make sure that doesn't happen, he reassured himself, breaking his mental bond to her. The Dark Side was a powerful tool, capable of prying all sorts of things from the depths of people's minds.

"I can see it in your eyes," he answered - and he could indeed see it. She knew she had been beat once before. "Defeat can teach us many things." His right hand drew closer to the black and silver hilt of his lightsaber. His pale fingers wrapped around the weapon and drew it from the clip which held it in place. "Has it taught you anything, Gitane?"

Gitane Blesse
Nov 4th, 2002, 03:35:49 PM
Gitane stared up at the man in silence. She took a step back from the wall, her hands resting at her sides. What had it taught her? She closed her eyes for a brief instant, her thumb and index clicking together as she chewed on her lip. Her muscles were eager for movement. Why wouldn't he attack, dammit? She wanted to get it over with.

"..The only thing defeat has taught me is that death is an easy obstacle."

Jeseth Cloak
Nov 10th, 2002, 01:06:10 PM
"Interesting..." Jeseth smirked, "I'll keep that in mind when I take off your head. You had your chance to serve me, and now your going to die." The lightsaber he had been holding flashed to life, a deep red beam shooting out from the hilt. It gave a different light to the winged Dark Jedi's face... Now Gitane could clearly make out his features.

Gitane was already prepared for Jeseth's attack, but she hadn't expected it to come as quickly as it did. He moved at a speed that few others could match... He would need to keep up his guard, and avoid her deadly hand-weapon.

Vampyre Dalamar
Nov 10th, 2002, 04:30:12 PM
Dalamar watched from the mouth of the alley. Where a fleeing man ran right into the arms of death. Listening to the tirade of hunter and hunted he grew interested. Hmnn, the female interested him he would speak more with her. Suddenly he heard the click and crackle of an ignited saber. Instantly without thought to what he was doing he pulled his saber resistant Katana's free. Moving with a speed that matched Jeseth's Dalamar was hard pressed to block the blow. But block it he did. "Step back for her soul is tainted and I would know more of her." The Dark Lord spoke to the winged warrior before him. Clicking his boot blade on the Warlord prepared for more hostilities.

(OOC) If not wanted her will edit. Cheerio:smokin

Gitane Blesse
Nov 12th, 2002, 08:03:18 AM
"And who are you to think I will tell you more of myself, sir?" Gitane stared at the newcomer, her heart still racing from the surprise of the sudden movements. She narrowed her eyes, stepping forward a few feet, her hands poised at her sides. She refused to take her gaze from Jeseth; she didn't trust him, and she wouldn't survive through a surprise attack.

OOC:You're welcome to be here, but I still want the poo beaten out of Gi. ^^;

And sorry for the bad post. >.>;;

Vampyre Dalamar
Nov 12th, 2002, 08:20:47 PM
Why Mi'lady he said out of the side of his mouth. I am Dalamar Warlord of the Eye of the Dragon and Vampyre Lord of the Shrine. "At your service he said with a slight nod in her direction. Never once taking his eye's off of the winged man. He seemed to pace in front of them like a barsellian sand panther. Dalamar's attention was on the being before him sparing the woman only the briefest glance to answer her question.

(OOC) Well being a gentleman. (coughs looks around) I would be hard pressed to mistreat a lady. But hey I'll knock you around if your really into it whoo hooo. You kinky chick you.

knocking around a woman and enjoying it.:crack

Jeseth Cloak
Nov 13th, 2002, 02:30:23 PM
"Enough." Jeseth pushed out with his free hand, and the Force obeyed. Gitane was sent hurtling towards the ground, and Dalamar followed her down. This fiend who had chosen to interfere was noticeably weak... “Get out of my way. I won’t tell you again.” Jeseth gave his crimson saber a quick spin towards the newcomer, cutting through the ground as he did so. Sparks flew up towards Dalamar's face and dwindled just short of his nose.

Vampyre Dalamar
Nov 13th, 2002, 03:19:28 PM
A loud click could be heard when Dalamar's blade protruded from the tip of his black boot. Standing back up from the ground he lifted Gitane at the same time. Doing a spinning head kick he cut Jeseth across the face with the blade. The foul winged man's black blood sprayed on the wall from the lethal kick. His twin vampyre eye's glowed a crimson red. Dalamar saw that the winged man was noticably weak. "I think I have heard of you lets hope your abilitie's are equal to your reputation." Blade's drawn the Warlord braced himself for any more foolishness.

(OOC) Is there any information that I can read on Jeseth Cloak. Or a pic so I know what Im fighting. This is going to be fun whoo hoo

Gitane Blesse
Nov 13th, 2002, 05:54:41 PM
OOC : Dalamar.. Slow down on the posting, PLEASE. I'd prefer we post in turns.. It creates less havoc.

Gitane's ivory eyes glared at the man. Why the Hell did he insist on helping her? The Falleen lifted a hand, her tongue touching the tip of the thumb on her claw. He was obviously quite foolish, leaping in to "rescue" her while he had no idea who he should actually be cautious of. Obviously, he'd chosen Jeseth as the wrong-doer in the situation. However, Gitane was never fond of help; And the man was testing her patience to a great extent.

"Haven't you ever heard the saying 'Look before you leap'?" She muttered lowly, striding toward Dalamar from behind. In one swift movement, she sank the clawed index finger of her left hand into his right shoulder, pulling her hand away without the claw. As soon as her hand was back, she brought her right foot up against the side of his skull, sending him toppling over a few feet.

"This fight is between us, Monsieur Cloak.." Her hand dropped to her left hip, where she extracted an extra claw and covered her finger with it. "Not whoever happens to pass by.."

Jeseth Cloak
Nov 15th, 2002, 02:21:10 AM
"Agreed," Jeseth said as he brought one hand up to his fresh wound. It sealed quickly and black scabs formed across his face were the laceration had once been. Using the Dark Side to heal was taxing and didn't help to ease pain - it only served to temporarily stop bleeding. Jeseth's other hand had kept his saber ready. He wouldn't be taken by surprise again. "Let us finish this."

The red beam of Jeseth's saber trailed through the darkness, glowing brighter as it burned through air and matter. It was coming straight at Gitane, and this time the alien fiend wouldn't save her if she wasn't able to protect herself.

Vampyre Dalamar
Nov 16th, 2002, 09:33:30 PM
Knocked to the side Dalamar was shocked that the female struck him. Using his silver worked Katana he plucked the claw out of his shoulder. Listening to the female's words while he worked.

"This fight is between us, Monsieur Cloak.." "Not whoever happens to pass by.."

Anger flashed red in his Vampyre eye's and a deep growl emitted from his throat. Rising like a dark shadow behind Gitane the vampyre's twin blade's hissed in the air. With one bone crunching kick the Warlord booted the female squarely between the shoulders. All her pretense at smoothness was lost as she flew into the waiting winged one's hands. "To hell with you both I hope he rips your heart out my LADY." Reaching over to his wrist he activated his gauntlet. The blood on his back had already begun to dry. His good mood now blackened the dark lord of the Sith more than likely would want to kill something.

Gitane Blesse
Nov 17th, 2002, 01:43:42 PM
The tips of her claws grazed against Jeseth's right arm as she was shoved against the man. Her thumb had pierced through his shirt, digging into flesh. The woman barely noticed the damage she'd accidently caused, however. The kick from the vampyre had left her breathless, and she'd been unable to dodge Jeseth's oncoming attack, leaving the saber humming through the side of her abdomen, its brilliant glow on either side of her body.

"Frell.." She pulled her hand back, breathing out the curse as she tried to catch her breath. Her foot lifted, striking against the man's chest to push him and his saber away from her. She nearly reverted to trying to recreate tissue in the wound, but quickly stopped herself. She couldn't spare the concentration. And aside from that, she couldn't go against Elena..

Straightening herself, she held out her hands, bracing for an attack from the man.

Jeseth Cloak
Nov 18th, 2002, 04:15:49 PM
Jeseth hadn't felt Gitane's claws sink into him at first. She was dangerously close to him, but his saber had wounded her deeply. He tried to finish slicing her in two, but failed; She managed to shove him away before he could complete his strike. He moved his arm back for a second swing and noticed that he couldn't wield his weapon. She had cut through part of his bicep when she had attacked him... and now the pain was rushing forward, blanketing him like a flood of fire. She was badly wounded - did anyone have the advantage anymore?

Jeseth flipped his lightsaber to his right hand and winced, then spun the beam in her direction. His style of dueling was considered extremely erratic and confusing, even to those who had watched him in action. Is her weapon able to resist this beam? Jeseth took a quick slash at her hand, intending to separate it from her body. I'll find out soon enough. His injured arm was kept tucked in towards his chest limply, bleeding a trail behind him as he tried to get just a bit closer to Gitane.

Vampyre Dalamar
Nov 18th, 2002, 07:15:45 PM
Watching the two fumble around Dalamar feared that he would not have much of a challenge from either of them. Silently sheathing his silver worked katana's Dalamar decided to wait for the two to finish. After all a long life had its uses.

Gitane Blesse
Nov 20th, 2002, 02:53:31 PM
Her claws caught the blade as a weakened grin spread over her face in delight of the surprise that shone in the man's eyes. She'd made the claws to be durable against the burning blade, although her palm remained unprotected from the heat. Within a few seconds, she shoved the saber's blade aside and took a step back. Had she been able to use the Force, she would have been on the offensive side, instead of defensive, but she could no longer move quick enough to block the Dark Master's attacks, while at the same time harming him.

Any hope of defeat resided in sheer luck.

Gitane licked her lips, ignoring the burning throb of her side as she shifted a bit, making a wide circle around Jeseth. Her eyes kept shifting to glimpse at the second man. She didn't trust him, and she had no intention of letting him gain the advantage of a surprise attack.

Jeseth Cloak
Nov 22nd, 2002, 10:44:46 PM
So... then her weapon is more versatile then I had first imagined... Gitane wasn't attacking him, though... This would have to be his opportunity. He used his saber to make a full swing diagonally across at her body. She was left with little choice but to defend herself using her weapon. His speed was to great for her to have any hope of fully dodging the strike. If she did attempt to evade it, then she would only be exposing her side to him.

Either way, the odds seemed greatly in Jeseth's favor.

Vampyre Dalamar
Nov 22nd, 2002, 11:12:28 PM
Dalamar sighed, there uncontrolled and undisciplined combat was frustrating to watch. The glint in the female's eye seemed to be to Dalamar as one who was enjoying herself. He had heard of such but was actually suprised to see it with his own eye's. The other seemed only interested in pain. The Vampyre couldn't understand that kind of thinking, to inflict pain without cause was foolish posturing. But they seemed to have a history that the Vampyre Lord knew nothing about. So there could be more to the story than he knew of. Still the female had attacked Dalamar and he would see her marred. If this combat continued as it did though, Dalamar would forget his sense of wasteful killing and just end it for both of them. Waiting patiently (That is patiently for a vampyre) Dalamar would let them finish.