View Full Version : Board-To-Board Policy Impacts
Jeseth Cloak
Oct 31st, 2002, 01:35:25 AM
I have a question for the administrators and moderators. In the past there have always been different rules for different boards, even though they are all extensions of the universe. For example, as far as I can remember TSO doesn't have a policy against killing a character as long as it's done without god-moding. Though it’s never been officially stated at TBH, I think the board has similar rules, since I can think of at least one character that’s been killed there before.
So my question is this: If a character is killed at one of those group-boards, can that character no longer post as being alive in the main forum? The main forum has a "no killing/maiming" policy, but even though those other boards are an extension of the main board, they don't all have the same policy implemented. Outside of just hearing what the staff has to say I'd also be open to hearing any personal opinions, although they would not be the official ruling. :)
Lilaena De'Ville
Oct 31st, 2002, 01:50:12 AM
TSO does officially have the "post at your own risk" rule, and I think the Cizerack board may as well, as there have been a few characters who have met an untimely death in the Feeding Pit.
The "no killing/maiming" is of course "no killing/maiming without permission." On TSO, it is possible to kill a character withOUT permission from the RPer. I almost lost LD that way, about a year and a half ago. Of course, TSO does not abuse this power, and I think the last people killed there were Lord Dagger and Dark Lord Dzym, who has since come back in a cloned body.
If a character is killed off on a group board, it is my OPINION, and opinion only that this would of course apply to the entire board. I do not know the official stance on this though. :)
Oct 31st, 2002, 01:52:45 AM
This is the first I have really heard on this subject and as such there is no “official stance” on the issue. Debate freely, and we can all try to come to an agreement as to what that stance should be together.
Lilaena De'Ville
Oct 31st, 2002, 02:00:26 AM
;) well I didn't want to just say "We have no frelling idea," but yeah, that pretty much covers it. :D
Oct 31st, 2002, 02:04:15 AM
I am of the opinion that such a difference in rules would need to be explicitly stated somewhere easy to find (in bright shining lights with bells and whistles [ridiculous exaggeration]) on the group boards in question for such things to apply to the whole of SWFans.Net Forums.
Leeloo Mina
Oct 31st, 2002, 02:14:59 AM
If anyone is actually intrested in what I think about this:
I'm sort of split on this.. one one hand, as long as they make it clear and if the people of those forums know about the risk of losing their character by posting there, then the death should be boardwide.. as long as they aren't killed in one of the other parts of fans.
But on the other hand, I thought the no killing/maiming rule was for ALL of SWF. Why are there certian parts of the board where you're allowed to kill people without asking?
If the person is killed on that forum without premission maybe they should be able to chose to keep their character alive on the rest of 'fans. That wouldn't make much sence though, almost a two universes thing O_o
I think it's sort of unfair for your character to be killed or lose a leg or something without your premisson.. especially if thats not allowed on the rest of fans.
Why the heck would they have that rule, anyway? o_O
Jeseth Cloak
Oct 31st, 2002, 02:20:01 AM
I agree with It would be a good idea for every group sub-forum to have its own FAQ stating forum-specific rules. A link to these FAQs could be included in the main one, so that anyone reading it for the first time could get a comprehensive understanding of the entire community. These FAQs wouldn't have to be extremely long, since they'd only state rules that are different from those of
Lilaena De'Ville
Oct 31st, 2002, 02:24:07 AM
When the group boards were all separate, it wasn't as if this was just ONE board. In reality, it IS techinically all one board now, but each Group Board housed on this server and attached to the main SW-fans board has its own separate rules and regs, and FAQs (or should imo).
The policy, if TSO even still holds to it (as I believe they do), should be written someplace it can be clearly seen. But I don't think that Swfans has the right to tell a group how to run things on their own board.
Leeloo Mina
Oct 31st, 2002, 02:25:43 AM
Yeah, it's a good idea to do that. If it's only a few boards, maybe the 'fans FAQ could list the ones that people are allowed to kill you without your consent.
I have a question - What if a member of a group without the no killing/maiming rule kills a member of another group without their premission?
What if it's in the group's forum?
Are they really breaking the rules? I'd think/HOPE that they would be, but it's sort of confusing.
Lilaena De'Ville
Oct 31st, 2002, 02:26:23 AM
Oh yeah, and I cut off someone's leg at TSO once, when I was an apprentice. >D
Lilaena De'Ville
Oct 31st, 2002, 02:31:26 AM
o_O Leeloo, the killing and or maiming would have to occur in the RPing forums on the group's board which allows it. Like, TSO. A TSO member cannot go to GJO and kill someone without permission.
I hope that answers your question, because I'm not quite sure what you were asking.
Leeloo Mina
Oct 31st, 2002, 02:31:37 AM
Originally posted by Lilaena De'Ville
The policy, if TSO even still holds to it (as I believe they do), should be written someplace it can be clearly seen. But I don't think that Swfans has the right to tell a group how to run things on their own board.
If it's on their own board, then no.. but I dont think they should be allowed to carry their own rules outside of their board.. Like if they killed someone on the main forums without asking.
EVIILL!!! :p
Edit: Nevermind ^_^;
Originally posted by Lilaena De'Ville
o_O Leeloo, the killing and or maiming would have to occur in the RPing forums on the group's board which allows it. Like, TSO. A TSO member cannot go to GJO and kill someone without permission.
I hope that answers your question, because I'm not quite sure what you were asking.
Yeah it does.. just checking ^_^;
Lilaena De'Ville
Oct 31st, 2002, 02:37:12 AM
Ok now I'm going to bed, but I'd like to have more RPers comment on this subject so when i wake up I have lots to read. NO SPAM, I'll wake up and delete and/all non-relevant comments. K, thx, :wave :zzz
Marcus Telcontar
Oct 31st, 2002, 04:20:02 AM
What the groups do on their own boards is pretty much up to them - but at SWFans, you cant die if you dont want to. GJO has that policy too - we long ago adopted the same RP rules (or lack thereof) - No God Moding, No Killing, No Maiming, Common sense and Fair Play rules. Thence, the question for GJO does not arise, tho the people wh decide what is fair play, moding and maiming are different and have different attitudes. Plus, GJO logically favours Jedi and has set posting rules to enforce - ie no go zones, rights of reply / editing, disallowance of attacks and fightings etc. And admin / mod word is law.
I was actually under the impressing TSO ran under the same basic RP ruleset so that is news to me they dont. But, it's their forum, they run it with their rules and their staff decide how best it is run.
I also think that GJO adopted the SWFans rules also because GJO has always had mods / admins who were staff at SWFans and it seemed logical that of GJO existed in the same RP universe, we have the same basic rules.
Gitane Blesse
Oct 31st, 2002, 05:01:58 AM
Personally, I think the "post at your own risk" bit makes sense for some boards/forums. For instance, it's more realistic, in my opinion, that the Ciz board is post at your own risk. Cizeracks are *supposed* to be dangerous, so what's the danger if you have to stop in the middle of a thread, try to contact the non-ciz poster, and say "Hey, can I eat your hand?" It disrupts the mood of the thread.
I do like the No-kill-or-maim w/o permission on the main board, though. But some people tend to take advantage of that. For instance, I've seen Padawans take on Lords and Masters before. If this were real, then the Padawan wouldn't have the possibility of living, much less keeping all their limbs. And yet.. I see them walking away from the fight? That doesn't work..
But anyway! I think that any one who is maimed/killed on a post at your own risk forum, the damage should be carried forward onto the main board. I mean, unless it's an open brawl, where nothing counts (at times), then it's still in the storyline, and there for, should count.
Marcus Telcontar
Oct 31st, 2002, 05:40:22 AM
The reason why the no kill rule came in was to stop PLayer Killers emerging, plus place the fate of the character firmly in the hands of the author. It also stopped kill posting, which was abhorrent and just plain not fun to see. Plus, there was a few arguments between the PK and the victims that were very ugly.
Thence, SWFans should keep it's policy - that would mean that if someone is killed at TSO but they didnt want to die, then they do live at SWFans. Maybe that might pose a continuatily problem for TSO, but TSO is not SWFans and neither is it the other way around.
On the Other hand, GJO has traditionally planted itself within the SWFans universe to I would believe a larger extent than other group forums. It's just the way the GJO has evolved, especially as the Order has been part of the SWFans galaxy since inception.
/Grampy Marcus mode.
Why I remember a time when we didnt have any of these new fangled vb or even Ezboards! And we did one line posts that were cool and anyone who wrote two lines was a waste of space! And... no one got panned! And we had none of your fancy graphics for sigs... we had Courier TEXT!!! And the Lounge Lizard and Darth Q strode the furms! Itala was cool! Boricua was a Sith! Master Yog was a rogue! Johnathon was a Jedi Master for his 1337 TPM watching efforts! Figrin D'An was..... was..... Figrin. And we worshipped THE KITTEN of Rmiao!
I'd also add that the no kill rule does also say without permission, which in theory should encourage discussion and planning, communication.
Leeloo Mina
Oct 31st, 2002, 05:56:17 AM
Thence, SWFans should keep it's policy - that would mean that if someone is killed at TSO but they didnt want to die, then they do live at SWFans. Maybe that might pose a continuatily problem for TSO, but TSO is not SWFans and neither is it the other way around.
I was trying to say that in my first post.. but I didn't really know how to do it ^_^;
I'm not good with words >_<
Jeseth Cloak
Oct 31st, 2002, 06:54:36 AM
Originally posted by Marcus Q'Dunn
Thence, SWFans should keep it's policy - that would mean that if someone is killed at TSO but they didnt want to die, then they do live at SWFans. Maybe that might pose a continuatily problem for TSO, but TSO is not SWFans and neither is it the other way around.
True, however... picking and choosing what carries over and what doesn't isn't a great way to go for serious role-playing. You can't selectively decide that death doesn't carry over, but training, advancement, and story development does. Then that would render some of the group sub-forums obsolete and force everyone in those groups to post exclusively at the main forum.
It would also cause major continuity issues, which has enough of, in my opinion.
Levi Argon
Oct 31st, 2002, 07:18:13 AM
Personally, I think a "post at your own risk" rule is nonesense. I don't know how in the world that came about at TSO and it wasn't until about six months ago that I realised that was the case. If that isn't enough to discourage roleplayers from visiting I don't know what is.
Oct 31st, 2002, 07:25:08 AM
Yeah, you could risk losing years of development due to one person :)
Oct 31st, 2002, 07:42:58 AM
I was under the impression that all of the groups agreed to the 'No Killing / No Maiming" rule when they were created as extensions of SWFans. If anyone has died at TBH, I didn't know about it. At worst, I remember someone being brutally tortured.
I think that any group which doesn't have a NK / NM rule should seriously consider adding one.
Marcus Telcontar
Oct 31st, 2002, 07:52:38 AM
Jeseth - GJO may be hosted at SWFans, but we are not SWFans, nor does SWFans have control over our polices - at all. Please dont think of us as the one entity, for we are not. If GJO decides to allow kill posting. If you wanted to, SWFans plays can totally ignore what happens at GJO boar, because they are seperate.
That's the hard line and we could enforce it. However, GJO has over a long period of time made a deliberate effort to intergrate itself into SWFans universe - so even if we are a seperate entity, we function as an extention with the same main four rules. Now that may be hard to believe, considering that a major feature of the SWFans galaxy is the Bar and Grill, it's by working alongside and adopting the general guidelines that GJO exists with SWFans, to the point where you could legimatately think of SWFans and GJO as one entity easily. They are not. If GJO wishes to act outside of the ruleset of SWFans, that is our option and SWFans has no place in that option - nor do non GJO staff / members have a place in that decision.
TSO is it's own body and their rules are for them and them alone. No one on SWFans main should be allowed to question their polices, for they are a seperate entity as GJO is. I would say that I have no opinion of TSO rules, for that is for them alone to decide, I am not a member and I have no place in what they run with. I'll support them in their right to have whatever rules they want. If ithose rules causes issues at SWFans, well.... it has to be ignored at SWFans. No other option I'm afraid. If your killed against your will at TSO, your still alive at SWFans - simply because they are seperate RP boards with their own rules. It's like when SWFans posters were carrying on about Gue being a Master at TSO - Sorry, that's not SWFans call. Only TSO members can be a party to that.
So really, it doesnt matter whats said here, TSO can do what they wish. They can choose to intergrate into SWFans as much or as little as they want. Now ranks and stuff are acknowledged at other places in the SWFans Galaxy, cause they are intergrated to a great degree, almost as much as GJO is.
Maybe the differences could cause issues, but in the end, TSO is for TSO to run, regardless of what happens at SWFans.
(Now after that, here is my opinion - opinion only.
I'd prefer to see other affiliate groups / boards adopt the SWFans minimalistic guidlines as GJO has done, cause Jeseth does have a point. I'm very surprised to see TSO allow killing / maiming, cause I thought they upheld the four rules. I can see it causing an issue and I would think all groups participating in SWFans should make adherence to the four rules part of their policy to stop such issues. I'd agree with Levi, allowing killing isnt a welcoming move - I'd hate to be a newbie and get killed first day!
Disclaimer - this has been my opinion and in no way is it telling anyone, esp TSO what to do, cause I do not have that right)
Marcus Telcontar
Oct 31st, 2002, 07:55:54 AM
I was under the impression that all of the groups agreed to the 'No Killing / No Maiming" rule when they were created as extensions of SWFans
Not that I recall. As groups develioped, it was more accepted that they would adopt SWFans guidelines in their own forums. Certainly, that was the case at GJO... but then again, when the SWFans policies were developed, GJO admins were often SWFans admins / mods as well. Like me.
Leeloo Mina
Oct 31st, 2002, 07:55:57 AM
I agree with Nup.. I was a little confused when I first read this.. Like I said, I thought that rule was for ALL of 'fans.. and that the main rules applied for all the forums on this board.. and if the groups had rules, they were just adding onto SWF's..
Jeseth Cloak
Oct 31st, 2002, 07:57:49 AM
Ron Thrawn was killed over at TBH, last I remember. It was pursued as God-moding when he attempted to claim that he was still alive. He was then killed yet again over at the Cizerack's board. TSO has killed Lord Dagger, Dark Lord Dyzm, Darth J, and at least one more character that I can't remember off the top of my head...
The reason I brought this up is to find out if recognizes changes made to the continuity of the Universe on other boards. If they are extensions of, then anything done there IC would have to apply here, otherwise they would be alternate universes.
If they were alternate universes, then why even bother hosting them here? That means training you do at any group sub-forum can be ignored by role-players. If for example, if theoretical "Sith Master John Doe" has over 100 training threads at TSO, but not even one thread at, and he comes here to fight someone, the person he fights can then ignore all of his training saying "TSO isn't, sorry."
Oct 31st, 2002, 08:04:32 AM
The thing is, all of the groups are extensions of the SWFans Universe - they all exist somewhere within it, unless they choose to withdraw from it. And while they don't need to follow board rules (no swearing, 30k limit on sigs, etc), I do think they should conform to the rules in place that encourage fairplay.
To a certain degree, it makese sense: A padawan can't just go wandering into a nest of Sith and expect to walk out alive. But still... from an OOC standpoint, they should be allowed to RP there without fear of losing their character.
Jeseth Cloak
Oct 31st, 2002, 08:17:30 AM
a) 'God Moding' - this involves doing something in character which is impossible,True, but if a Padawan walked into a nest of Sith and came out alive, wouldn't it be god-moding? ;)
All joking aside though, you can't ignore another boards changes to the universe, or else there's no point in the role-players from going to those boards anymore for character developement, training, or advancement. You might as well make them their own role-playing boards, with seperate hosts, bulletin boards, and rules.
Oct 31st, 2002, 08:21:55 AM
It's not impossible.
Ron Thrawn was killed over at TBH, last I remember.IIRC, he dove into a vat of lava of his own free will and claimed he came out unscathed.
Jeseth Cloak
Oct 31st, 2002, 08:23:59 AM
Oh, I thought he was pushed in. Well, nevermind that example then.
Oct 31st, 2002, 08:29:12 AM
All joking aside though, you can't ignore another boards changes to the universe, or else there's no point in the role-players from going to those boards anymore for character developement, training, or advancement.I basically agree. In my humble opinion, the groups should conform to those basic rules if they wish to be a part of the swfans universe. That's not an official stance, at the moment, but it is my opinion.
Leeloo Mina
Oct 31st, 2002, 08:43:01 AM
Whenever I read the SWF FAQ for the first time, I thought that all the groups followed the same basic rules.. Mostly the godmoding rules, the infiltration rules and the NK/NM rules come to mind.. maybe with minor alterations, here and there.. to suit their forum. I guess I got it wrong, but that's what I thought.
I think that if a group is a part of SWF then they should follow some basic rules.. If they can break the NK/NM rule.. can they also decide to allow other things?
Maybe there needs to be a basic set of rules everyone must follow.. and then whatever rules certian forums come up with for just *them*.
Somehow, when I read that.. it almost doesn't seem fair to the people that want to have that risk that their character could be killed just as easily as they could.
Ugh.. I don't know ^_^; Too much thinking isn't good for me.. and it probaly doesn't make much sense anyway.
Dae Jinn
Oct 31st, 2002, 08:51:37 AM
I always thought the NK rule was basically an "unspoken" one, something that everyone followed out of common courtesy for their fellow roleplayers. O_o I would hate to go to a group board and have one of my characters killed unless that was what I wanted to happen.
And this may seem like a dumb question, but maybe some of the people who have been killed wanted it that way? I mean, Dyzm had a clone made, so I can easily see that being the case. Just a thought ^_^;
Oct 31st, 2002, 09:02:34 AM
If they can break the NK/NM rule.. can they also decide to allow other things?Actually, that's a good point: If they ignore that rule, can they ignore the Infiltration rules? I don't think so.
Leeloo Mina
Oct 31st, 2002, 09:08:25 AM
Maybe there should be a set of rules that groups can't change just for them..
Sanis Prent
Oct 31st, 2002, 10:22:52 AM
Just to contribute...the killings that took place on the Ciz board were done with permission. I've never operated outside the no killing without permission rule. Same at TSO when I killed Darth Roul. I think that if a particular group wants to deviate a rule from the standard ruleset, they need a big red disclaimer on their forums or something...and even then, it shouldn't be something easily done.
Jeseth Cloak
Oct 31st, 2002, 10:37:26 AM
Hmmm, the infiltration rule is in a different category from killing and maiming, In my opinion. God-moding, as far a I know, could be allowed if the moderators at a board decided not to pursue a god-moder and warn/ban him. So all of those rules mentioned are sort of different from no killing/maiming, which is a restriction on a possible IC action.
imported_Jackson Mcgraves
Oct 31st, 2002, 10:51:35 AM
I don't mind if a board allows maiming i'm fine with that, but I don't feel its right that some else should decide if my charcters die or not.
I believe its rude and unjust I put allot of hard work into my charcters and i don't want to see it ruined. I believe the No killing rule should be one rule that should be enforced on all boards.
I don't mind if some one would ask if they could kill off my charcter that shows respect for the other rpers.
also think of it this way if you could kill on certain boards or even here at fans Padwans or aprentices could kill of there master when spar and claim it was an accident. I don't feel thats right.
Sanis Prent
Oct 31st, 2002, 10:53:20 AM
No, that would fall under God Moding
imported_Jackson Mcgraves
Oct 31st, 2002, 11:31:45 AM
Maybe. I know of many times when I was an aprentice when I was fighting some one or sparing they would leave vital area of there body open and I could have gone in for the kill shot.
It possible for an apprentice to kill a master in a strait out saber dual if the master makes on slight mistake and the apprentice happens to catch that mistake the master could very well end up dead in the fight. I can't reall y call that god mode since he made a mistake and the apprentice just happen to find it. It would be considered a fluke but it could happen.
Evil Hobgoblin
Oct 31st, 2002, 11:47:59 AM
I've always considered SWFans law to be akin to Federal law in that it regulates inter-group and extra-forum business. If, on a particular board, the rulemakers allow killing or maiming to occur, then that is their right, and in fact, it is a good policy in some cases.
In fact, I change my style of dealing with people depending on where they post: if they post on the RPing forum about a fight on Bast, I regard all SWFans NK/NM rules and policies in effect. If they post on the Tribunal of Insanity forum, I would still hold those policies in effect, but in my eyes, by coming to the TBH subforum the person in question has accepted a position of submission and therefore certain responses I would curtail on SWFans I may post with impunity on the board forum.
Evil Hobgoblin
Oct 31st, 2002, 11:58:09 AM
Now that I think about it, I have a question. If you are fighting a droid character which can conceptually be rebuilt, can the character be maimed as long as the maiming is not grossly overdone?
For instance- I'm currently being attacked by Reason (a droid) in the Sunset thread. If I were to slice off, twist up, jam, or otherwise destroy his built-in weapons, is that maiming? Furthermore, if I stop him by literally severing an arm or blowing his head off his chassis, are those considered "legal" replies?
Oct 31st, 2002, 12:53:32 PM
I think that the killing of a character should be up to the person playing it, IMHO that person can say weither a character is dead or not. Even at boards where it could be legal to kill them, if the player doesn't want the character dead then it isn't.
I just don't want to see anyone get screwed over by this...
Jackson DeWitt
Oct 31st, 2002, 01:18:30 PM
I don't think the maiming rule would apply to a droid or mechanical least I don't apply it to such. Either that, or characters with heightened regeneration. I'm much more lax about letting severe damage pass with Eluna or Diego than I would some others...because they're built for punishment.
Oct 31st, 2002, 02:01:41 PM
The debate is going well so far. Perhaps we should have a vote? Or should we wait for more debate points to be made before doing so?
Jeseth Cloak
Oct 31st, 2002, 02:16:08 PM
Hm, well, this topic has only been up a short amount of time. Maybe giving it another 12 to 24 hours would be a good idea? Also, what would the vote be exactly? There could be a great many ways to make decisions based on this, so do you have a more-or-less kind of selection you can throw out so that the debate can center on those key points?
Oct 31st, 2002, 02:18:18 PM
All the more to debate. :)
I'm trying to abstain from posting my opinions lest they possibly be taken as the "official stance". I'd prefer to see the community decide.
Jeseth Cloak
Oct 31st, 2002, 02:48:20 PM
I would be in favor of each group being able to decide if they are a player-killer (PK) sub-forum or not. If there is a vote, then voting to have each board become its own separate universe is simply not feasible, in my opinion.
It would completely frell the continuity of the universe to have role-players running back and forth between boards and sub-forums that are supposedly separate from each other. If you would want to allow something like that, then might as well open its doors to TGC and SWR, and allow all of them to run amuck here.
More practical approaches would be to have every group include a FAQ at their board stating any rules which differ from those of, or force every group to either implement the no killing maiming rule, or not be part of the universe, meaning that role-plays there would not count towards anything at
Keep in mind that while I am in favor of every group board and sub-forum being able to decide whether they are PK or not, I am not in favor of it being abused, or for god-moding to be mistaken for proper player-killing. The two are not the same.
Oct 31st, 2002, 03:08:06 PM
(Sorr/Seer/Videl here) honestly I don't think killing should be allowed without permission......I was killed once and it was rather annoying since I wasn't any rate, I would hate someone to just decide to kill one of my chars just because they wanted to....
Oct 31st, 2002, 03:36:17 PM
Originally posted by Evil Hobgoblin
Now that I think about it, I have a question. If you are fighting a droid character which can conceptually be rebuilt, can the character be maimed as long as the maiming is not grossly overdone?
For instance- I'm currently being attacked by Reason (a droid) in the Sunset thread. If I were to slice off, twist up, jam, or otherwise destroy his built-in weapons, is that maiming? Furthermore, if I stop him by literally severing an arm or blowing his head off his chassis, are those considered "legal" replies?
I'd rather you didn't cut me to pieces. I always figured fighting against a droid would be the same as fighting a human as far as the maiming/killing was concerned. Don't do it without my say so.
Gitane Blesse
Oct 31st, 2002, 04:18:39 PM
See, that's a sort of grey area, Reason. Because, as Threepio demenstrates so well, droids are easily put back together.
Oct 31st, 2002, 04:43:58 PM
Threepio's a mass produced protocol droid. Reason's a prototype still, not easily repaired, the only unit of its kind. Its for that reason that'd I'd like for others not to maim or kill me. It seems like droids are regarded as cannon fodder. Not all droids are like the droid army, easily beaten to death with conventional attacks.
Evil Hobgoblin
Oct 31st, 2002, 04:44:45 PM
Reason: The problem I have with that idea is that, conceptually, I have ways of rendering you defenseless (cutting off your arms/weapon emplacements, rendering them ineffective via telekinesis, etc.), but am prevented from doing so because of the no maim rule. How, then, am I reasonably expected to defend myself against a droid character with built-in weaponry when those weapons are off-limits? Therein lies possibility for abuse of the rule, and I am of the opinion that there should be some kind of "extenuating circumstance" clause that covers droids, particularly those with built-in weaponry.
By the way, I'm going to wait at least a day to respond to your latest post, in order to give Helenias a chance to act, should she chose.
Oct 31st, 2002, 04:50:35 PM
I mean don't cut off any limbs is all. If you want to use the Force to stop my weapons without cutting me into little bits go for it. But at the same time, don't blow me away all at once like I'm some cannon fodder droid soldier from TPM. BTW, don't worry about the post. As a mechanical entity I have infinite patience.:)
Oct 31st, 2002, 04:52:06 PM
On TSO, it is possible to kill a character withOUT permission from the RPer. I almost lost LD that way, about a year and a half ago. Of course, TSO does not abuse this power, and I think the last people killed there were Lord Dagger and Dark Lord Dzym, who has since come back in a cloned body.
This is true. BUT, if the said RPer being attacked specifically says they do not WANT their character killed, then TSO will respect that and follow the wishes of the RPer.
Evil Hobgoblin
Oct 31st, 2002, 04:55:30 PM
I think I'm going to PM you what I have in mind to see if you're okay with it, just so there's no ifs, ands, or buts when the time comes.
Oct 31st, 2002, 04:57:30 PM
Go for it. Now, back to the subject at hand...
Oct 31st, 2002, 11:33:20 PM
For instance- I'm currently being attacked by Reason (a droid) in the Sunset thread. If I were to slice off, twist up, jam, or otherwise destroy his built-in weapons, is that maiming? Furthermore, if I stop him by literally severing an arm or blowing his head off his chassis, are those considered "legal" replies? Nupraptor is a cyborg, which has both advantages and disadvantages. His skeleton is mostly metal, not bone. This makes him more resilient. But, in the past, he's taken some severe damage that was not easy to repair.
I wouldn't be too happy with someone dismembering him, but only because it would put him at an immediate and very large disadvantage - the limb I could replace. Likewise, it might be unfair to dismember a droid for the same reasons, even if they could get the damage repaired later. Being able to dismember a droid at will could be a huge advantage in combat.
BUT... being a droid also provides them with several other advantages, such as an immunity to several kinds of attacks.
Oct 31st, 2002, 11:33:29 PM
Ok then, The subject at hand here is "Should we allow killing on the seperate RP forums?"
Is there a point to it if we can't kill people on the main RP forum and ST forum? I'm sorry, but I can't see the reason that someone would want to kill anothers character unless it is out of spite or stupidity, or even lack of respect.
I just don't like it, one thing we have to remember that this is a game. You really don't have the right to go around killing characters that their creators don't want killed. No one does, and it's stupid to think otherwise.
As for the FAQ's...Thats the groups responsibility, and they are the ones to be held accountable and by now they should have a thread atleast archived stating the groups rules and regulations.
Kar'h'tzen Shaed
Nov 1st, 2002, 01:42:48 AM
The only thing about PKing that I wish is that more people played secondary characters, that way more "real" people could be killed off (all with permission), making RPing in general more realistic. It is crazy-go-nuts to think that of all the violence that occurs, only a scant handful of "characters" (as opposed to NPCs, I guess) die. Millions of NPCs die for every two RPed characters (rough estimate!).
Well, maybe I don't wish that. It just takes up too much time. Considering how often peopel tire of their characters and abandon them, though, it'd be nice if they'd actually get them offed instead of just having them dissappear.
Oh yeah, and I cut off someone's leg at TSO once, when I was an apprentice
And I'm still bitter. ;)
I say any character that is A) non-organic, B) partly non-organic, or C) has regenerative abilities should be expected to take more abuse in fights in return for their advantages. And that all PKs must be agreed upon in advance from those characters' creators. Obviously it is not "fair" to do otherwise. If some idiot goes strolling into a place where by all rights he should never return alive from, there are always alternatives to offing him. Send him home in a box, encase him in carbonite, something like that. If they are a clueless moron who is just annoying everyone, then a killing made in good fun (good fun for everyone who was being annoyed, that is) could be allowable.
As far as droid dismemberment goes... if the droid has no normal sense of self-preservation, well, that's the droid manufacturer's fault. They can rebuild it if the droid isn't smart enough to turn tail and run when up against a superior force.
Nov 1st, 2002, 01:57:25 AM
say any character that is A) non-organic, B) partly non-organic, or C) has regenerative abilities should be expected to take more abuse in fights in return for their advantages.
You lost me there... Sorry
As for number of killed... :huh again.
What is with this cold hearted stuff? Look, a few NPC's being killed is one thing. million:! is kind of insane. And with everything that has happened in the past few years(9/11 and so on), why the heck should anyone want to RP an NPC if it's just going to die anyways.
EDIT:: :huh
Jeseth Cloak
Nov 1st, 2002, 03:26:49 AM
When Lord Dagger died at TSO he wasn't given much of a choice concerning his characters death. He just had to deal with it. I don't see why there would be a problem if the specific boards and sub-forums that allowed PKing simply stated it. No one is asking that role-players post in those specific areas if they don't want to take the risk.
If someone does post and for some reason they were to die, then that's their own fault for having posted there knowing full well they might not have survived. As for the droid thing, that's another subject altogether. Maybe it should be discussed in a separate thread to keep this one on topic.
Kirrto McKavity
Nov 1st, 2002, 11:58:42 AM
i reckon there should be some rule which goes sorta like this:
Maiming could be allowed, if there is a statement in the first post [or the title] which says "irreperable damage"
like... say my [now deceased] char Idolon went into a thread, and got into a fight, and had a leg cut off. I could well complain to the other RPer, for taking my char to bits without me asking.
if the title of the thread went something like "Open spar [irreperable damage]" I would have gone into the fight knowing she could well lose a leg.
i admit, it would kinda wreck the atmosphere of the thread, knowing that your char couldnt get hurt in it, but you could always post "In trying to dodge the sabre blow to the waist, her leg came into range and got lopped off" or something like that, if you really thought it would help the storyline.
.... i dunno.
as for oughtright killing off a char, which people have worked on for aaaages..... nah. not in my opinion.
Jeseth Cloak
Nov 1st, 2002, 12:03:16 PM
Well, keep in mind that the PKing would only occur at boards with disclaimers, not at No one has to post to boards that allow PKing...
Lilaena De'Ville
Nov 1st, 2002, 12:11:24 PM
What Shaed meant, Firebird, is that droids can be repaired. Sure, it makes you lose the fight, but that's realistic, isn't it? So you get your leg blown off, and then you lose. You go home, get a new leg and carry on your merry way.
He exaggerated on the million to 2 ratio of NPC to actual RPed character's deaths.
Garou/lupines have high regeneration abilities. Diego takes a LOT of a beating in a fight. Also, remember, in teh SW universe, there is limb replacement technology! Luke got a life like new hand, or don't you all remember that?
As to killing on groupd boards, I think we could take that up with the group moderators, and see exactly where they want to stand on that, and go from there.
Nov 1st, 2002, 12:11:28 PM
That's not true. There could be very valid reasons why a person needs to post at a group board, and (s)he shouldn't be denied the freedom of doing so because they're afraid of losing their character.
Lilaena De'Ville
Nov 1st, 2002, 12:16:33 PM
Lets see...TSO allows PK as you call it. NO one even knew. Its not like they use it all the time. Also, it would have to be done without godmoding, or else of course it wouldn't be valid at all?
Nov 1st, 2002, 12:23:11 PM
My post was in reply to Jeseth's. I didn't see your's until just now.
Luke got a life like new hand, or don't you all remember that?
the limb I could replace
Lilaena De'Ville
Nov 1st, 2002, 12:44:21 PM
I know. I was repeating points already made. ANYWAY.
This is how I see it: When I cut off Banestone's leg, I left it as an open ended attack. "She spun around behind him and swung her saber at the back of his unguarded leg" or something like that. Banestone himself RPed the cutting off of his leg.
Thats the way it should be done, IMO. If you can't RP your way out of an attack, then you deserve it. Yes, cold hearted, and I don't think that should apply to PK, only maiming or other damages in fights.
Jeseth Cloak
Nov 1st, 2002, 12:54:06 PM
Nup, you have a point about them having a valid reason, but they could have as easily carried out such a thread at the Roleplaying or Storytelling forum, right?
Nov 1st, 2002, 01:12:36 PM
If I wanted to make an address to the leaders of TSO, for example, I could post it in Storytelling, but there would be a slim chance of it getting the proper attention there. I just think people should be free to post on any board without worrying about much more than getting into an IC fight.
Still, it's basically the group's choice. I personally wouldn't acknowledge someone killing one of my characters without permission.
Lets see...TSO allows PK as you call it. NO one even knew. Its not like they use it all the timeThe issue was brought up for debate, so it's being debated. Just because TSO is responsible about it doesn't mean every future group will be. It leaves too much room for abuse.
Jeseth Cloak
Nov 1st, 2002, 01:39:54 PM
Well, it can't quite be abused if role-players know that the rule is in place. While maybe it won't get the same attention if someone addressed the group on a main forum, it would be that roleplayer's responsibility to make sure that the thread is noticed. The rule might even be used to discourage character from visiting the board.
The same can be said of my character getting into a fight with GJO on their own planet. I can go to their board and try to fight them, but there is a no fighting rule implemented, so I have no choice but to fight them here on the main board, regardless of if they will see my thread and respond to it or not.
imported_Jackson Mcgraves
Nov 1st, 2002, 02:59:54 PM
There is a no fighting rule on the GJO board but theres ways around that rule. The GJO and its admins have let fights go on in the Bar before.
the rule was still standing when I took a Vampire hunter charcter of mine into the GJO bar and had a few conversations and whole crap load of vamps showed up and all hell broke loose they let it pass then because the fight was so fast passed I don't if they could have stopped it with out closing the thread.
Now back to the issue at hand there is no way around the rule if your a TSO your charcter ends up getting killed he he is dead end of story. To me thats not a fair Rule.
Nov 1st, 2002, 05:16:34 PM
Morgan @ Nup's PC
There is a no fighting rule on the GJO board but theres ways around that rule.
Mostly incorrect. You cannot fight in certain forums without permissions from the admins. You can fight in Arcan.
Please do not state GJO policy.
Marcus Telcontar
Nov 1st, 2002, 08:07:53 PM
If I wanted to stop that fight in the Bar, I would have. It is clearly stated that fighting is only allowed by GJO Admin permission - not mod, admin. Arcan is a within reason free for all.
There is no way around this rule, so please do not suggest there is. Non Jedi are also explicitly banned from forums as stated in the forums FAQ / Announcement areas. Again, non negotiable unless with GJO admin permission.
Salem Ave
Nov 2nd, 2002, 04:35:51 AM
On a game I play, a MUD, there are rules about this. To become a Player Killer, you must be 6 days old. You don't automatically become one, it's purely through choice.
Perhaps on Fans we could have something like this. Say, you could put something in your profile, just a simple PK or Non-PK, to let people know whether or not you're willing to take an actual beating or not.
Personally, I don't think it's a good idea for people to be able to randomly slice my character's arms off, no matter whether they have regen abilities or not, but that's just my preference. It just seems really cheap in a fight, if you say "Oh I cut your leg off I win". Far less skill required then. I suppose if it was something related to a storyline it would be useful, but then wouldn't you have already planned it out in advance any?
Kirrto McKavity
Nov 2nd, 2002, 06:40:49 AM
yeah, i know the RP ya mean.... and cant PKers only kill off other PKers? so... only PKers would get killed off without their consent, and only STATED PKers could kill them, i mean, its a bit unfair if someone who hasnt stated themselves as PK comes over and kills you.
coure, we might end up with a sect of PKers who think theyre better than the rest of us, because they "Play a more dangerous game"
a guy on Diablo actually said that once, but he was hacked up to the eyeballs anyway.
Nov 2nd, 2002, 01:17:41 PM
After discussing this with other staff members and reading over the points in this thread, I think it best to stick to the SWFans.Net Forum rules as they read.
b) Maiming and Killing - this is related to God Moding. You are not allowed to ever kill or permenantly maim (cut off body parts) another character without their permission. Many roleplayers have spent a lot of time developing their characters and don't appreciate their character being killed or losing an arm by another roleplayer.This does not mean that killing and or maiming cannot occur at group boards if it is allowed in their rules. What it does mean, is that such maiming or killing that may take place at group boards would not apply to the whole of SWFans.Net RP forums unless it was with the permission of the player affected.
Tyreal Dalarsco
Nov 2nd, 2002, 01:57:14 PM
WHat LD said makes sense. You should be able to rp an attack that COULD lead to death or dismemberment, but then it would be up to the RPer you attack to state whether it worked.
Nov 2nd, 2002, 01:58:24 PM
Originally posted by Tyreal Dalarsco
WHat LD said makes sense. You should be able to rp an attack that COULD lead to death or dismemberment, but then it would be up to the RPer you attack to state whether it worked. That fits within the standard and unchanged SWFans.Net RP rule I just quoted. :)
imported_Jackson Mcgraves
Nov 4th, 2002, 11:28:03 AM
Originally posted by Marcus Q'Dunn
If I wanted to stop that fight in the Bar, I would have. It is clearly stated that fighting is only allowed by GJO Admin permission - not mod, admin. Arcan is a within reason free for all.
There is no way around this rule, so please do not suggest there is. Non Jedi are also explicitly banned from forums as stated in the forums FAQ / Announcement areas. Again, non negotiable unless with GJO admin permission.
Getting permision is a way around the rule is it not.
Sith Ahnk
Nov 4th, 2002, 01:33:32 PM
Yeah. Within a week of starting RPing, I was killed at the Marzullo Clan.
Had that meant I died evrywhere, it would have been a very crappy experience. I, however, simply excused it away (clone) and moved on to happy and productive Rping.
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