View Full Version : Force hacking (closed)

Zaknafein Xaran
Oct 30th, 2002, 06:00:16 PM
Zaknafein Xaran crouched outside the Living Quarters below a high window with a balcony. He looked to the short human girl next to him.

"Remember," he whispered. "We need to move quickly. I cannot shield us forever."

They were here on a sort of mission, one for Zaknafein's sake more than anything. Though he was highly gifted with the Force, he had no formal training, and thus did not know some of the techniques used by the Jedi. He was here with Cyberphobia to learn them. A burst of Force got the small girl to the high window.

"Hurry," he said through the Force. I cannot shield us long.

Cyber Phobia
Nov 1st, 2002, 11:07:16 PM
Rolling her eyes, the nineteen year old jumped into the air knowing that Zak would aid her with the Force. Like always, he never let her down and her fingers grabbed the ledge of the window, hoisting herself up. Luckily, the girl who was inhabiting the room had left her window open - causing no problems. After landing softly on the floor, Cyberphobia let her dark eyes glance towards the figure under the covers in the bed, frowning. She would have to be extremely careful as to not step on any creaking boards or knock anything over.

Finally, she spotted a computer on a desk and silently crept towards it. The monitor was still running but was on standby - hopefully the sound was turned off. No such luck.

Greetings, Lillian Snow. The local time is eleven o'five p.m. at the Greater Jedi Order in Coruscant.

Ah, so that was the inhabitant's name. Looking over her shoulder, she watched the unmoving Lillian before turning her attention back to the screen. The security program that was protecting GJO's data files would have to be disabled or altered so she could open them, accessing the information.

After accessing the computer's regular data files, she opened the search engine and entered the code, C721264. This automatically shut down the security program and revealed the hidden documents, labeled, "The Greater Jedi Order." Reaching into her leather jacket with a gloved hand, Cyberphobia pulled out a disk and inserted it, saving the information. She really hit the jackpot this time - the history, Force techniques (and other things relating to it), lightsabres .. all thanks to a person named Salemn Lysce, someone who had given these documents to Lillian. But that didn't matter. After closing out of everything, she straightened up and saw Zak, showing the disk before putting it in her jacket.

"Got it."

Nov 2nd, 2002, 11:36:20 AM
There was a small flash in the darkness; Reason had detected Cyberphobia. She was of similar height and build to Lillian. Reason started to disregard her, but then its sensors detected Lillian, asleep in bed. Reason turned its head, glaring at Cyberphobia. Its whiplike tail flashed, and suddenly Cyberphobia found herself face to face with Reason. The droid studied her intently, double checking Cyberphobia against its memory.

Zaknafein Xaran
Nov 2nd, 2002, 11:39:44 AM
Zaknafein grinned as she held up the disk, but it quickly faded when she suddenly disappeared from sight. She couldn't have been caught. The room's sole occupant was asleep...unless it was a droid...

Cyber Phobia
Nov 2nd, 2002, 02:27:08 PM
After she slipped the disk back into her jacket, she found a huge robot infront of her. Her eyes widening slightly, she reached up and ran her gloved fingers through her sea-green hair. Immediately she scanned over it, noticing its system defenses were up.

"Ah .. a Zerstorer-type 7-m hypervelocity combat system. Haven't seen one of those in a long time."

Knowing that it wouldn't let her "slip" by, she held her hands behind her back and slipped off one of her bracelets. It was made of beads and would make enough noise to distract it momentarily. Suddenly, she reached up and threw it at the other wall yelling, "Duck!" It would make it look like she was holding a hand grenade and yelling for her fellow comrade (which the droid hadn't seen yet) to get out of harm's way. When the droid turned around to destroy the threat before any possible destruction could be done, she had already taken out a screwdriver she carried around with her and eyed the small writing on the back of its mechanical neck.

Version 1.0B7

This would be more complicated than she thought. On top of its head were cables, and below them was a plate. Underneath would be a switch and a plug-in ... but how to get to them ? The robot had already turned around, obviously "irritated" by the distraction. Its whip-like tail flicked menancingly as she frowned then yelled out to Zak.

"Damnit, do something to distract it!"

Zaknafein Xaran
Nov 2nd, 2002, 02:30:39 PM
Zaknafein cringed, the way she was yelling it would wake the place. Fortunately, the Force could block her shouts. Zaknafein lifted Lillian from her bed, floated her toward the window.

Nov 2nd, 2002, 02:33:00 PM
Reason turned to look at Lillian, now floating in the air. The Force...Reason spun, exposing its back to Cyberphobia, now scanning for the Jedi that was causing the trouble.

Cyber Phobia
Nov 2nd, 2002, 02:39:20 PM
Finally, he had lifted Lillian with the Force and made her float towards the windows. Reason's sensors detected the movement and he turned, exposing his back to her.

Placing the screwdriver in her mouth, Cyberphobia readied herself before jumping onto the robot, hanging onto it with both hands. No doubt it would try to throw her off, but she had encountered worse. Lifting one hand to take the screwdriver out of her mouth, she placed it under the place and began to push it out of place. She would have to work fast, or be destroyed on the spot.

Finally using the last of her strength, she forced the plate to come off and revealed the switch and plug. She flicked the switch off, turning off the droid, then leapt off.

Nov 2nd, 2002, 02:43:42 PM
Reason paused, the glow of its eyes faded, then it stood straight, head bowed, sensor cables aside to reveal the plug in on its neck. Maintenance mode. Normally only accessible by those who had created it.

Lillian Snow
Nov 2nd, 2002, 02:45:09 PM
Lillian stirred awake.


She saw Cyberphobia and sat up in fright, then noticed that she wasn't in bed...she was floating.

"Oh God...what's going on..."

Zaknafein Xaran
Nov 2nd, 2002, 02:47:19 PM
Zaknafein leapt through the window and snapped his fingers. Lillian sagged, unconcious, and he pulled her from the air and tucked her back into bed.

"What are you playing at now, Cyberphobia?" he snapped irritably. "Our mission is over, you will draw the Jedi with your foolery!"

Cyber Phobia
Nov 2nd, 2002, 03:23:43 PM
"Shut up," she retorted, despite the grin playing on her face. "Who's the one that got you all the data?"

Going over to the computer, she went behind the desk and bent down, unplugging the cord from the wall. Throwing it to the other side, she walked around, picked it up, then went over to the robot. Once more climbing onto the tall robot, she put the cord into the plug and jumped back down. Now, she could alter its program and defense, possibly deleting some of its memory. She went over the computer and accessed the droid, which opened a new window.


-Zerstorer-type 7-m hypervelocity combat system
-Version 1.0B7
-Manufactured by Crash Security Industries

She didn't know that it was Crash Security which created these deadly droids, and she pondered as to why a Jedi would own one.

//memory program

-Access granted

Her fingers flew over the keyboard in a blur as she began to create a second program. A program which would be made to come out at random, with enhanced "special" features. That, of course, would be more human-like features. She was putting character into this assassin droid which would appear whenever it pleased.

Finally, she was done, and exited the program.

Please restart Reason to activate the new program.

She grinned as the green words disappeared and the regular blank screen returned, going over to the droid. After pulling out the cord and plugging it back into the wall, she picked up the plate and flicked the switch on, putting it back in place.

"Come on, let's go," she said in a hushed whisper to Zak.

Zaknafein Xaran
Nov 2nd, 2002, 03:27:12 PM
Zaknafein picked Cyberphobia up, he didn't have time to waste floating her down alone. He gathered the Force about him and sprinted out the window, landing lightly on his feet, and escaping into the forest with the silent grace that all Drow possessed.

Nov 2nd, 2002, 03:30:46 PM
Reason rebooted, a low hum resounding from the unit. The world came into focus, and Reason scanned its surroundings. The intruders were gone, Lillian was safe in bed. A skip in its systems? It ran its self diagnostic, found nothing wrong. It tapped into Lillian's computer, sent a status report off to its creators. Then it resumed its former position. All was calm.