View Full Version : Dark Nights of Coruscant (please read OOC)

imported_Terran Starek
Oct 30th, 2002, 04:23:08 PM
OOC: This thread is designed as a chance for some combat for Terran. Something small scale--not too personal--he just needs to get some real world fighting experience.

It is open to any darksider--preferably a Sith Padawan (close to promotion) or young Dark Jedi or other being. Thanks for your time in reading this! :)


Sheets of rain fell upon the surface levels of Coruscant with an excrutiating fervor. It hadn't rained for sometime, and it seemed as the nature of the planet would leave no inch dry tonight. Terran Starek had finished his business on this planet. He had seen the people he needed to see, aquired the things he needed to aquire, and overall, completed the trip he had intended. Heading back to the launchpad, he hadn't counted on the task the Force would have for him.

Beads of icy rain studded his cloak and hat. His eyes--barely visible between the slit of his collar and hat--darted back and forth between the alleyways and streets, keeping a close eye on his path. He felt a strange feeling--a minor tremor in the force. He touched Halcyon and then realized he had left his other saber--Balerafon-- in the ship. No matter. He would be fine. Three more blocks ahead, he felt the tremor thicken., Eyes scanning the dim alley, he saw three or four figures huddled together suspiciously. Something told him to make his way down the alley.

Taking steps toward the group, he could see that there was a figure in the middle of the others. The figure was crying out for help, and he was the one to deliver it. The others were kicking the center being, and shouting obscentities and other threats toward his way. Approaching the group very closely now, he made his presence known. The figures turned to face him, noticing him now.

"Why is this man being beaten?" Terran spoke directly and as straightforwardly as possible. The relpies were scattered and unsure.

"They stole my money!" The man pleaded to the Jedi. Opening his mouth had brought him several kicks to the stomach.

"Enough!" The Jedi spoke. "Return his money and release him."

"What are you, the police?" One of the thieves spoke.

"Perhaps. But I won't arrest you..." His tone was ominous, though matter-of-fact. The thief had enough. He rushed the Jedi, throwing a powerful attack with his club. Terran gingerly sidestepped the attack and as the man's arm glided beside him, he reached out with his left hand to grab hold of the man's forearm. With strength and good knowledge of pressure points, he jerked the man's arm an opposite way then was intended by nature. Jerking him into a hold behind his back, he pushed it up, tightening the grip. It was very painful to the attacker. The hand lost grip of his club and the thief groaned in pain. The other thieves paused--cowards--and stared.

"Return his money and this is over." The Jedi stared, hard eyes in the direction of the group. The money was handed over by one of the thieves, and as the group began to retreat, he released the attacker, sending him stumbling behind them.

"Thank you...thank you..." The man grabbed at Terran's cloak. The Jedi helped him to his feet, searching his body for broken bones.

"Are you--"


"Umm...are you..." He could not think. Something had tickled his senses he hadn't felt for quite some time. Something wasn't right...someone or something else powerful was here. "Are you ok?" He finally finished.

"Yes, thank you. Here, I must compensate you for--"


"There's no need for that." The Jedi smiled warmly, although he felt a stranged feeling in his stomach. "Your safety and gratitude are payment enough. Seek safety, my friend. May the Force be with you." As he spoke, the man scurried away, and Terran opened his senses to the night around him.

Someone was here...

Silus Xilarian
Oct 30th, 2002, 09:46:00 PM
Silus slowly paced around the peripheral of the incident, watching the Jedi make quick work of the cowards at hand. As Terran was now left alone, he heard clapping, a slow mocking applause from the unseen Dark Jedi Apprentice...

Impressive, although those very same vermin will turn the corner and commit the same act again...

Silus continued his wide circle around Terran, the only physical evidence of his presense being his footsteps and the light from a newly lit cigarette.......

imported_Terran Starek
Oct 31st, 2002, 02:23:04 AM
The other had hidden his presence thus far...but with the mock applause, footsteps, and the bright burning glare at the end of his cigarette, the darksider was revealed. Terran's brow furrowed as intensity filled his eyes. Pinpointing the location, the opposition appeared as a beacon, his Force signature blinking as though signaling his presence.

"Perhaps they will. However, they know the will of good is upon them. It is not a pleasant feeling for those who seek an...opposing path." His words were stated matter-of-factly, with little inflection and much confidence.

Terran stood his ground. There was a dark presence from the man (he guessed by the tone of his voice) that radiated fear and anger. It was very abnormal for any kind of regular warrior--he had to be either Sith or Dark Jedi affiliated. There was little doubt in the Jedi Padawan's mind. Fingering Halcyon at his side, he felt the comfort of confidence in his abilities and a clear, concise vision of the Force wash over him.

"You applaud my deed rather mockingly. Either you are criticizing my performance or questioning my motive. You would have handled the situation differently?" He probed for details into the motive of the man who circled him. He wondered where this conversation was leading--but did not fear its possible outcome.

Silus Xilarian
Oct 31st, 2002, 03:28:20 PM
Silus smiled a bit, though his face was, for the most part, shadowed. He stayed moving, walking a wid circle around Terran.

Yes, it is an unsettling reality to them but only when your "good will" was breaking their arms and making demands. Now that they have distanced themselves from you, it is time they try again. It is the way simple minds work...

Silus' eyes narrowed at the Jedi...

You should have killed them, saved someone else the future task of doing it. As long as those men live, they'll prey on the weak....

imported_Terran Starek
Oct 31st, 2002, 04:46:19 PM
"And if I would have killed them? I would have lowered myself to their putrid level. They are the weak when compared the the skill of the Force. If I prey upon them--with no mercy or wisdom--I have given up on the path of light that I follow." The conversation intensified. Truly, Terran loved this. He loved to argue--loved to debate. In most cases, he debated other Jedi or those who were peaceful. In this one, it seemed, the opposing views were a stark contrast to his usual, friendly engagements.

"Killing should not be taken lightly." He thought about how that applied to his current situation. "There are rules and there is honor to govern the actions of those who seek good. They cannot be ignored." His tone became more forceful. He thought of all the things he stood for. All those he cared about--Xazor, Marcus, Verse, and Sarr--and the GJO he served. The foundation upon which he rested was incredibly strong. It gave him confidence.

Silus Xilarian
Oct 31st, 2002, 06:10:12 PM
The man you just saved had money. The next two victims of that pack of thieves will not, and they will be killed for their lack of funds. The man you saved would have been beaten up and left. He would have survived.

Silus stopped his pacing and leaned back against the wall, keeping his figure cloaked within the shadows...

Now, those dogs have had a taste of the rewards their actions may grant them. Before they were hungry, now they are starved....

Mercy should not be taken lightly...

The lit cigarette fell to the ground, extiguished in a puddle from the rain, which was beginning to ease up a bit.

Your actions will, and might already, be causing others to suffer. To die.

Tell me.....does the light you follow so loyally blind you so that you do not see this? Or do you feel that you have done your good deed for the night, and that it is time to go back to the comfort of your order for a peaceful nights rest....

imported_Terran Starek
Oct 31st, 2002, 06:55:10 PM
The man was testing his emotions. He knew it was so. His anger flourished as he tarnished the image of the GJO and of the good will he believed in. He thought about all he had learned. He closed his eyes for a split second to take in all the postive energy offered by the Force. Letting it calm him, he regained control of his senses.

"I don't believe that this is the entire reality. In some cases, this reaction may occur. Many will be influenced positively. It is not blindness, but faith in the Living Force that guides me to believe this." He kept his eyes on the other. "I obey the will of the Force--where it will take me, I will follow. Perhaps tonight is over. Maybe there is still another good deed to be done...maybe more evil to be vanquished." He let his tone reflect his confidence.

"What would lead you to take such a pesimistic view of humanity that you would compare us all to dogs?"

Silus Xilarian
Oct 31st, 2002, 07:08:48 PM
Silus could sense Terran getting angry about some of Silus' comments.

So you are willing to take the chance of others being hurt. Hurt by something that you could have stopped....

Silus paused for a moment, taking the time to light another cigarette.

You dont strike me as a simple man, but have you ever tended to a garden? If so did you care for it, as you would care for your loved ones?

Silus eyed the way the jedi looked. His overall posture, his mannerisms, his confident stance. Silus felt he knew the answer to his question already....

imported_Terran Starek
Oct 31st, 2002, 08:48:09 PM
Little did the other know that Terran was as attached to the light side of the Force as Silus' lungs needed air. He was more than a green thumb--he was a natural phenomenom. Every thread of life that lived in the woods and trees and grass and flowers spoke to him when he was near it.

"Of course. Your analogy will not affect me, my friend. The weeds that plague a garden sprout from the same soil as the plants that grow there. Is it not their right to grow? Is it the job of the gardener to destroy life--even when it threatens the life around it? I think not. He must nurture the positive growth and do his best to see it grow full and strong. When he has established those strong roots in the garden, the plants will not be affected by the weeds so much. It is not his job to judge the workings of nature." He had seen the other's analogy coming--although the man before him was very, very smart. Terran would be careful what emotions or thoughts he let loose.

Silus Xilarian
Oct 31st, 2002, 10:04:33 PM
Yes but there-in lies the key difference. In a garden, if the weeds overgrow the sprout, and you choose not to kill the weeds, then the garden is lost. That is when you simply move on and plant another garden. Unfortunately for us, we cannot do this. If the bad overuns the good, and we choose to do nothing, where will we grow our garden?

Silus calmly argued his point, still keeping his features hidden within the shadows. It was then they heard it. A woman's scream. Then voices. Voices of the men Terran had just encountered, and set free.

Before Terran could react Silus had stepped in his path, a red lightsaber was drawn and ignited....

Did you here that?

A sadistic smile crossed Silus' face...

imported_Terran Starek
Nov 1st, 2002, 01:52:50 PM
As quick as the crimson beam was drawn, Halcyon sprung to life in the Jedi's hand with a snap-hiss. It's green blade hummed idly as it stretched out before him, the tip almost meeting the blade of the other saber. Both faces now lit by the illuminating glow of the weapons, the stone faces stared each other down.

"It would be wise for you to rethink the action you currently pursue." The Jedi's voice was grave and forceful. "Its course will bring you no victory, I assure you." He stood his ground lightly, ready to dodge, move, attack--whatever action was needed in a flash of a thought. He was prepared.

Silus Xilarian
Nov 1st, 2002, 03:52:58 PM
Silus grinned even wider. The woman's scream was now heard even louder. The men were now yelling at her, demanding her silence, cursing her....

I admire your confidence...

The woman was crying now. Even if Terran wanted to save her, Silus wouldnt allow it.....

imported_Terran Starek
Nov 1st, 2002, 04:09:12 PM
He tested the Jedi. Terran imagined he was reveling in the screaming coming from the woman who was less than two blocks away. He could get there easily--without an obstacle to stand in his way. Currently, a rather large one did stand in his way.

He let his mind reach out into the wind. He would feel the woman's voice...where was she? The wind picked up slightly as Silus could tell Terran was manipulating something. Where was she...One block east, two west--in an alley. The wind spoke in a fleeting whisper as he heard its cry.

He looked back towards Silus. He wondered what the dark warrior was thinking. With saber outstretched, he decided on his current action. Terran could no longer stand to hear the steady screams of the woman.

"You spend too much time admiring and less time acting on your convictions, sir," he said with a swift tongue, sweeping his cloak sharpley to the right, he reached out into the Force. With his cloak he brought a gust of wind, whipping towards the Dark Jedi. The trash around them seemed to jump up together in unison, a whirlwind of papers and garbage, surrounding the dark one. When the calm died down, Silus could no longer see the Jedi where he once stood. Instead, his eyes shot down the alley to see the glowing green blade zip around the corner.

It was time to tend to the garden.

Silus Xilarian
Nov 1st, 2002, 06:20:49 PM
Silus laughed....Silus laughed and pointed even. Terran had took the bait hook, line, and sinker. Simple trickery it seemed. As Terran turned the corner, he found no group of thugs, no beaten woman.

These were the games that Silus enjoyed playing. This man, this Jedi, was setup by his own convictions. Silus was surprised that the Jedi didnt stick around longer, to berate him and call him an animal and such. Only a brief insult, and the jedi was gone.

Terran had left his mind open in a way. Though he did have his guard up, he was too focused on his debate, and Silus' potential attack, this made manipulation without detection rather easy.

Silus had all he needed now. Terran's memories and such during the debate would do well for the rest of the show, should the Jedi realize that he was on a wild goose chase......

A woman's cry for help came from where Silus was standing, as Silus backed into the shadows again, placing his back solidly against the wall....Just a bit of incentive for the Jedi's return...

imported_Terran Starek
Nov 1st, 2002, 06:42:11 PM
He stopped, now hearing a second cry. It seemed to come from behind him. It came from where he had just been. It was...

"Stupid, stupid, stupid! You are stupid!" He cursed himself under his breath. There was no woman crying for help. There was nothing but darkness in the alleyway he had sensed. Somehow, he had been fooled by Silus. He wanted to kick himself for being so gullible, so lost in his ideals that he had mistaken reality. How foolish. "Look what you've done. You've become a pawn." He cursed himself again, wishing he had not displayed such weakness. Perhaps Silus was laughing at him right now. That made him mad.

Lost in the maze of alleys, he wondered where the Dark Jedi hid. Perhaps he was stalking him silently. Perhaps he was standing above, watching and laughing. Perhaps he was still in the same place they had met.

He returned to the original alley, sensing most of the other's presence there. He opened his mind to the dark alleys, and felt for the aura of Silus. He had little luck--the Dark Jedi was well guarded. However, he would not be caught unawares. He held his saber in defense and searched for the warrior. He searched for the crimson saber and, suprisingly, found it. He could see the glow from a dark corner, where Silus had leaned against a wall.

"Your games is revealed. Do you wish to play anymore, or are you ready to face this situation like a man--not a child." He tried to provoke Silus, in hopes that the Sith might attack first. He wasn't one to attack before his opponent.

Silus Xilarian
Nov 1st, 2002, 07:29:14 PM
Leave me! Its a trap!.....You cant save us both!

Shhhhhhhhhh, be quiet now, let him decide for himself, old friend...

The red glow from the saber shown bright, however upon closer inspection Terran would notice a different face. The face of one he knew. The face of one he loved...

Me and the Lady Dawnstrider have had a bit of time to talk Mister Starek. She seems to care for you alot....

The red blade from the ignited saber danced dangerously close to "Xazor's" throat. Silus stood behind her, keeping her at bay...

The way I see it, you have three options:

One, You try to save her. She dies, you die, I take your saber and leave...

Two, You leave, she dies, you get to live to attend her funeral.

Three, you surrender your saber, You leave, she leaves with you, and you two get to build a new saber together....

So what will it be?

Silus tugged back on "Xazor's" hair, with her letting out a slight yelp. The moonlight reflected off of her elongated canines, and the fire in her eyes was as bright as ever. It helped that Silus knew Xazor from previous experiences. Such knowledge was extremely hard to gather from one's mind without the probing being detected. The knowledge he had however, made the illusion that much stronger....

imported_Terran Starek
Nov 1st, 2002, 07:57:23 PM
The Jedi's mouth almost dropped as he saw Xazor before him. Silus held her--saber pointed at her throat--in a threatning, execution-style manner. Terran's heart skipped a beat as she cried out to him. Her voice...it sounded clear to him. Her eyes were scared as they searched his face for an answer.

How did she? When did she? Where did she? Why didn't....this was all too confusing, but he had to act fast. Silus laid down his 'options' as it seemed. He could only think of one thing to do:

Surrender Halcyon.

Afterall, a saber was a saber. He could build a new one--it would have a different personality, a different feel, and a different style. But it was a weapon. He could not build a new Xazor.

He reached down to his blade, switching his saber off to lower the threat level. He wasn't sure how to handle a hostage situation, but he was gonna try. He held his hands up in the air, one hand outstretched, one holding his saber hilt.

"Listen...Xazor hold on. Xazor, I'm..." Wait a second. He had Xazor in a compromising position--he could end her life now. But was this for real? Xazor was a hardened warrior--she served on the Jedi Council. Silus...he was powerful, but was he really that strong.

The sound of the woman screaming came into his head. He had created false imagery to fool the Jedi before. Could this be one of those mind tricks? A game? Another way to belittle the Jedi into falling deep into his emotions and forgetting all bounds of logic? Now he was confused.

He had an idea.

"Xazor...I'm so sorry...we can make this out. Remember the time we were at the old Academy? We were fighting our enemies, and he threatened your life. Remember? He was our master--he was like our father." This was the test. If She could pass this, he would give up and bend to the Dark one's will. If not, he would know the truth. "What was his name, Xazor. Say his name. Just say his name, and this is all over." He hoped to everything that the truth would be revealed. Right now, his pain was indescribable as he watched his love, scared, crying, and he was powerless.

Silus Xilarian
Nov 1st, 2002, 08:09:52 PM
Silus almost had to stop himself from smiling. Silus knew that Terran would sense Silus probing his mind now, and unfortunately, Xazor was not around.

As "Xazor" began to speak, Silus covered her mouth and let the blade singe her throat. Not a serious wound, just one to make his intentions clear. "Xazor" screamed in pain as Silus burned her....

I see, you two have some little code worked out. She says a name, telling you what to do.....You wont be let off that easy Mister Starek....

Silus couldnt keep the ruse up much longer, but he was pretty sure Terran wouldnt want to take his chances just yet.

Your saber, on the ground. Set it down and take 5 steps backward. I sense even the slightest spark of force use and bye bye Xazor...

imported_Terran Starek
Nov 1st, 2002, 08:34:52 PM
Terran winced as the saber touched her throat. It made a burn mark on her as she screamed in pain. His breathing grew faster as something took hold of him. Adrenaline. He was a very calm, very controlled man. Right now, however, he was losing sight of his control.

He stood before the scene. He wasn't convinced. No way. Not a chance. How could this be? If he sat down his saber...he would be completely defenseless. If he didn't do it...she was dead. He couldn't get close enough to him to block his attack and get her out safely. He couldn't use the Force--if he felt it, for a second, he would kill her. Was there really even a her? His mind ran in circles.

That's what he would want you to think, to go crazy. Be calm. He tried to calm himself. This was a lose-lose situation. No matter what, he would fail. No, that wasn't possible. He could not fail. He didn't want to fail. A Jedi...

"...a Jedi cannot fail, Terran." The words of Master Q'Dunn echoed in his head. Especially when they were talking about Xazor. He could not fail her. He would not fail her.

His mind went into overdrive as it processed so much information in less than a second.

1. How would he make this image? He could not have gathered so much information from his own head. He had been protecting his mind--granted, not perfectly, but not loosely enough to extract this kind of imagery. He had known her. That was it--he had met her or seen her or known of her.

2. He had diverted the name, but that did not mean he knew the truth. There was no code--they had no such thing. So, he didn't know. A code would be a likely excuse, however, and he could be mistaken and believe that.

3. He could not see her in this position. She was strong, tenacious, and very powerful. They were very, very, very close. There was no way she could be in the same block without him noticing. In fact, often times, they could feel each other across whole planets. Maybe--

He knew.

"Ok, ok. You win. That's it. I cannot bear to watch her suffer this." He leaned down to place his saber on the ground. Xazor and he had pledged their love less than two days ago--and he had given her a new ring. It was silver with a beautiful stone upon it. This Xazor--this fake--wore the same ring that had been given to her by Dasquian. Silus hadn't seen her in the past two days nor did he know of this new engagement. It was a lie. Anger filled him.

He would pay for this emotional trickery.

"Here take it, just let her go." He leaned forward, the saber close to the ground. "Just let her--" Without notice, the saber came to life. With quickness accelerated by the Force and intensified by his emotion, he struck out, swinging straight towards the Dark Jedi's head. He aimed to kill.

Silus Xilarian
Nov 1st, 2002, 08:54:28 PM
Silus ducked away and stepped left as Terran came at him. His saber flew through the fading illusion of Xazor, slicing into the wall behind where Silus stood...

Silus backed away, letting his saber skip along and scorch the ground as he he did. He kept a distance between himself and Terran, to give himself time to react to the next attack...

Anger....Aggression....Im beginning to like you more and more Mister Starek.

Silus held a grin on his face and kept his eyes set on Terran, waiting for the Jedi's next move....

I see much potential in you, my young apprentice....

imported_Terran Starek
Nov 2nd, 2002, 10:45:14 PM
"I am not your apprenctice," he spoke, more calm now that the image of Xazor was not their to haunt him. He realized, though, that he had reacted unbecoming of a Jedi. He had struck out with pure emotion...Verse would scold him for the outburst. He needed to settle down and keep his wits about him.

"That could never be, simply because a slave cannot take an apprentice. Afterall, isn't that what you are?" He held his saber in a defensive position, shifting his weight lightly on his feet. He hoped to provoke the other into action. He would not attack again. Defense was his strong point anyway, so to take the defensive stance now was in his nature. He cleared his mind of all emotion--he was feeling better now.

Silus Xilarian
Nov 2nd, 2002, 11:14:13 PM
Silus grinned as Terran had to clear his mind of anger. It was fun, in his mind, to watch the Jedi become angry, then quickly have to calm themselves so that "the light" wouldnt become angry with them...

And you were beginning to be so much fun.

Silus let out a mock sigh and grinned. Silus slowly began pacing a half circle around Terran, watching the Jedi's movements, facial expressions, any signs of a weakness...

You assume I am an apprentice, why? Simply because i've been kind enough to let you live?

Silus squared his shoulders and held his saber in front of him....

imported_Terran Starek
Nov 3rd, 2002, 01:57:40 AM
The Dark Jedi was laughing at him. Every aspect of his demeanor, every one of the beliefs, and the truths he held close were nothing in the eyes of Silus. Terran smiled to himself. It made his own faith seem that much stronger. In the eyes of persecution, he would be strong. The Force would empower him--the Light would always drown out the shadows of the Dark.

"An apprentice? I called you a slave, not an apprentice." He stared Silus down. He wondered what he was thinking at this moment. He undoubtedly considered Terran to be weak. Of course, Terran liked it this way. He was a Jedi Padawan--but he had grown up a Sith, and became a Sith Knight. His skill in the Light side of the Force was just developing. His combat skills, however, were quite developed and very sharp...

"For someone with so little to say, you seem to talk quite a bit." It was time for him to act, to take a role in this. Up untill now, he had been very defensive, constantly defending himself. Now, the Force called for action. It was his turn to engaged the enemy he faced with his own form of mind games. He had learned--from his own experience and from studying--that the Dark side is an ego-powered machine. His best attack was to play upon the ego of his opponent.

"What keeps you talking so? Is it the sound of your own voice? Perhaps it is the misconception that I wish to listen to you. Or maybe, just a thought, you actually believe you have something to say."

Silus Xilarian
Nov 3rd, 2002, 08:23:23 PM
Its simply idle conversation Mister Starek. I would think one as talkative as yourself would enjoy it....

Silus lowered his saber a little bit and straightened his back up a little, letting his defense down a bit, though he was still very much on guard...

Tell me, how is the Lady Dawnstrider these days. It has been awhile since I've seen her. The last time we spoke was on my ship...

Silus smiled to himself a bit, giving just a hint of nostalgia in his mind.....

That was an unforgetable night....You are a lucky man, Mister Starek....

imported_Terran Starek
Nov 3rd, 2002, 08:39:11 PM
Anger filled the Jedi until he thought he would burst with it. Every part of him seemed to grow impatient with this 'idle conversation.' He was tiring with the Dark Jedi's consistent mockery of him, and it was time that it stopped. He kept himself calm, but he felt as though his own control was being tested. He hoped to hold onto himself a little longer.

"This idle conversation bores me. What do you want?" He looked the man in the eyes, eyes which showed a bit of anger at this point. "You surely aren't staying around here for my company."

Silus Xilarian
Nov 3rd, 2002, 08:44:15 PM
Silus grinned a little at the look Terran was giving him....

I simply asked how Xazor was doing. One always likes to keep tabs on "old friends"

Silus tilted his slightly in mock curiousity...

Unless you dont deam me worthy of such information.....

imported_Terran Starek
Nov 3rd, 2002, 09:36:40 PM
"My opinion of you means little in the matter, I'd think." He looked towards the man before him. "I'd say we should get down to business, now don't you?" He kept himself square with the Dark Jedi, keeping his saber held defensively.

"Basically, you have two options, and they are fairly simple to understand. One--we both leave, peacefully and quietly. We pretend that this encounter did not occur and we find ourselves on our way. Two--one of us leaves here alive." He didn't want to shed blood here, but he would. This position was uncomfortable for him.

Silus Xilarian
Nov 3rd, 2002, 09:45:24 PM
But theres the problem...If we both leave here alive, its then a matter of who can make it back to Xazor first...isnt it....Ive been meaning to swing by and see her....

Silus was now holding his saber lazily at his side...

But to answer your question, option one does sound rather tempting, and my ship is docked close, ready to go as we speak...Tell me, does she still keep the same room as before, a few turns past the statue, an angel I think it was....

Silus was keeping his thoughts extremely well hidden, and leading on very little in his facial expressions......

imported_Terran Starek
Nov 3rd, 2002, 11:00:31 PM
The comments the other made were not appeasing to the Jedi's ear. He was now fairly well adjusted to the Dark Jedi's strategy, though. They would no longer affect him. A game. A simple mind game intended to force him into behavior unbecoming of a Jedi. He would not allow this to happen.

"You would have to discover this yourself." He held his saber up now, still defensive, but more threatening. His eyes were narrow and cold--not angered like before. Now they were serious. His mind was protected from the Dark Jedi's game, and he would no longer be manipulated by his comments.

"I think it is time we got serious. If you wish to continue to speak of Xazor, perhaps you should visit her yourself. If you'd like to handle the matter at hand..."

Silus Xilarian
Nov 3rd, 2002, 11:10:51 PM
Silus breathed a deep sigh....

You Jedi are so unsocial. I guess we'll have to settle this the hard way....

With that Silus took a step forward with a weak strike towards Terran's head. It would be easily deflected, and led on that Silus had little experience with a saber. However, as weak as the attack was, it was done in a way that Terran wouldnt be able to disarm Silus without leaving himself extremely vulernable...

imported_Terran Starek
Nov 3rd, 2002, 11:42:13 PM
The attack was very weak, and Terran blocked it easily. It gave him a few hints about Silus. Either:

A) He himself was a weak warrior, although Terran didn't believe this option. No one was as good as he was at provoking someone without being prepared to handle the consequences.

B) He had another weapon. Many would strike out with a weak attack and then come in with a second saber or a knife of some sort. Terran was careful of this option.

C) He could be testing Terran. He could be leading him to believe he was weak, letting Terran become confident, and then attack with full strength and skill. Terran would plan for this, remaining calm, collected, and in control.

Taking the momentum of the saber, he twisted the weapon to the right, making a wide circular motion. Now, he had upper leverage on Silus' blade, although he was not trying to overpower it. He had gracefully manuvered the weapon so that both blade's were pointing downwards. With his foot, he came around with a medium kick, attempting to push the Dark Jedi back a bit and see if he was accustomed or prepared to fight someone who employed a lot of martial/hand-to-hand combat. This kick let him safely extend his body while keeping the weapons in front of him, in a blocked position.

Silus Xilarian
Nov 3rd, 2002, 11:54:30 PM
Silus drew back at the hit, nearly doubling over from the kick. It wasnt powerful, and Silus wasnt hurt, but the weak attempt he made to block the kick with his hand provided ample perception that Terran had kicked his hand. Silus shook his free hand a bit, then as he "shook off the pain", he grasped his saber with both hands. However, his feet were close together, meaning he could be easily overpowered by an overhead strike.

The saber in Silus hand shook mildly, giving the illusion that he was nervous and out of his element...

imported_Terran Starek
Nov 4th, 2002, 12:02:59 AM
Terran watched the other bounce back at the force of his kick. The kick hadn't been too hard, and the reaction was pretty much expected. He had blocked it with his hand, and that was to show that he had some experience with martial arts.


As the Dark Jedi stood before him, he looked rather nervous. The saber hilt shook in his hands as he held it before him and his feet were so close together. It looked as though he had just picked up his saber for the first time. Terran was too cautious. He had begun to read Silus' ways. If there was one thing his enemy valued, it was the aspect of deception. He would not be decieved into any foolish moves.

He circled around his opponent, watching him shift to keep square. With a quick step, he came in strong with an overhead chop at Silus' right shoulder. The strike was strong enough to push into a block but not too strong that he would be defensless to recover quickly.

Silus Xilarian
Nov 4th, 2002, 12:17:39 AM
As Terran swung, Silus twisted his body around. The closeness of his feet would allow the swing to knock him down, but not hinder him so much that he couldnt dodge.

As he twisted he brought his blade around and swung downward with Terran's momentum, effectively bringing both blades facing down. Silus now had his left side turned to Terran. He couldnt backswing without risking injury, so he opted to bring his left arm up and elbow Terran in the chest, knocking the jedi back enough fo him to deliver a backhanded punch.

Silus carried his momentum with the punch, not only to add power to it, but to aid him in more quickly turning his body to bring Terran back square with him.

Silus backed up a few steps and squared his shoulders again, bringing his blade forward in a defensive position.

imported_Terran Starek
Nov 4th, 2002, 12:28:25 AM
Silus had manipulated his stance in such a way that he was able to counter the attack nicely--it was quite a move. He twisted the sabers downward. Terran--feeling his position compromised--decided it best to break the lock and back off. He tried to pull free, but was unable to. He had a better idea. He decided to--

The elbow struck his chest swiftly, with more speed than power. The strike caused him to gasp slightly for breath, the wind leaving his chest. As the Jedi stumbled, Silus brought his hand--with momentum from the two bodies stumbling--into a swift backhand punch that struck his jaw. Rocking his head, he stumbled another step backward, losing his vision in a bright light for a microsecond.

Regaining his balance, he brought his saber back up into a defensive position, holding it before him. He a small stream of blood leave his mouth and trickle down his lip, staining his chin. Reaching his forearm across it, he cleaned the skin of his face.

He readjusted his stance, bring his saber into a higher, more powerful position. It was a little slower, but any connection with a person would be painful. He let the dizziness of the attacks wear off, his chin aching a bit. Cirling Silus, he poised himself to attack.

Coming down across Silus' chest with a strong strike, he threw another attack. His saber would be going across his body, so he needed something to keep himself covered defensively. With the attack, he spun his body strongly--speeding it up slightly with the Force--so that when the attack landed or was blocked, he would be square with Silus before he could attack again.

Silus Xilarian
Nov 4th, 2002, 12:59:30 AM
It was a simple attack, but effective none the less, as it left little opening for a counter. Instead of just blocking the attack, Silus put his weight into a forward strike, bringing his blade across Terran's. Though Terran had built up more momentum, Silus had kept his center of gravity low, and swung with his weight. It wasnt enough to push Terran back, but it slowed him enough for Silus to back up and reposition himself.

As Silus backed up he brought his blade forward again, to keep a distance between himself and Terran's blade, granting him the room to take another step back and side step away from Terran's forward momentum.

imported_Terran Starek
Nov 4th, 2002, 02:51:12 PM
As Silus blocked and repostitoned, it was evident to Terran that he was fairly skilled. He moved fluidly and was able to keep himself square with the Jedi. Often, Terran's forte was putting his opponent in a position that compromised his own defenses and then attacking from there. Silus would not allow this to happen. It would make the fight much more challenging.

As he regained total balance, he kept himself square with the Dakr Jedi. His blade was outstretched just far enough to keep Terran from trying any hand-to-hand manuver, but not out far enough that he had weakened his grip. He couldn't quite disarm him, although he wanted to. It was a manuver he was practiced at.

Circling up to Silus, he poised his body in a mid-postition--half defensive, half aggressive. That way, he would be able to attack quickly if he spotted a weakness and he was also protected to block in case of a quick attack.

Silus Xilarian
Nov 5th, 2002, 08:26:44 PM
Force a move. Counter. Strike. This was how Silus fought. Keeping himself guarded at all times and responding with an aggressive defense. Terran had begun to figure this out, if he hadnt figured it out completely by now. He was making a conscience effort not to play into Silus strategy. This wasnt in all a bad thing. Though it did hinder Silus' main attack strategy, it could open up others. Silus rarely struck from the same place. The whole fight, he would constantly adjust and rethink his plan of attack. Counter offense was his foundation. Terran would most likely be waiting for a precision strike, as he was positioned to swing quickly to counter just that.

Silus came in with a powerful overhead strike. He threw his weight forward as he stepped in quickly, adding that much more power to the attack. In the event of it connecting, Terran would be cleaved in half long ways.

Success wasnt Silus' focus.

As he had thrown his weight forward, he slyly snuck his leg behind Terran's. The position Terran would have to use to block would force him to brace himself back. Back onto the foot that Silus would pull out from under him...

imported_Terran Starek
Nov 6th, 2002, 12:40:15 AM
Terran saw the strike coming. It was strong, but poorly planned. It would be easy to block and, with little effort, he had a great counter planned. He would step back to brace himself with the momentum of the strike and then kick Silus in the mid-section. That would leave him gasping for air, which would give Terran the best oppurtunity to attack with another, more stronger strike.

As the attack came down, he thought how foolish the move was. He put his saber across his head--horizontaly--and prepared for the strike. It came in and, with Silus' momentum, he rode the saber down. Throwing his back foot into position, he--

Silus foot beat his own, tripping him up. He lost balance, and began to fall directly onto his back. He hadn't forseen this, and it was a very effective move. Silus' saber still rode his own down and when he hit the ground, it would be implanted into his head.

With quick thinking and a quicker body, he twisted himself in mid fall, allowing his body to turn to the right side so that now he was falling onto his hip. His saber now blocked Silus' away from his head, straight into the ground. With a sharp hiss, it penetrated the floor as Terran landed abruptly on his hip.

Pain shot through his side as he rolled onto his stomach. Intense pain. It had been a very swift fall, and he clutched his aching side with his free hand. Landing roughly, it was possible that he had fractured it or injured himself in some way. But there was little time to recuperate. As Silus was surely readying himself for another attack, Terran could only think of one thing to do. He had no time to get to his feet--Silus could easily attack him getting up--especially with the care he would take to rise, his hip hurting so. Instead, he decided to employ a powerful weapon of the Jedi. The Force.

Rolling onto his back as Silus was regaining his position, he balled his hand into a fist. Reaching into the Living Force around him, he manipulated it's power. Thrusting his hand forward towards the Dark Jedi, he unleashed a powerful Force push. It was of medium strength--enough to send the other flying, but not too much to overly weaken Terran. The push pummeled Silus in the chest like a swift punch, lifting him into the air several meters, pushing him back by the same distance.

As the other flew from his previous position, Terran began to get back onto his feet--slowly.

Silus Xilarian
Nov 6th, 2002, 05:46:24 PM
Silus was quickly taking the measure of the fight. Though Terran had done well recovering from the trip, Silus was still all over him. The end was coming near. Then it hit him, quite literally.

As Silus readied himself to strike again, Terran hit him with a strong force push, sending Silus into the air then back to the ground. His wind was knocked out of him momentarily as he drug himself to his feet. Anger festered in his eyes, not consuming him, but fueling him. It was being focused. Silus glare was fixed on Terran as the Jedi drug himself to his feet. Silus paced to the left and right, all the while letting his anger seethe inside of him while at a safe distance from Terran...

imported_Terran Starek
Nov 6th, 2002, 07:05:30 PM
Silus was back onto his feet, pacing like a caged animal. The push was successful in its purpose--to put distance between the Jedi and his opponent. It hadn't hurt him, but it had given him time to gather himself back up. His hip throbbed painfully. He had definitely fractured the bone. He would take more care next time on the landing.

As his breathing slowed, he regained his energy. The push had taken a measure of his strength, but now, he was feeling it come back again. He stood--very softly on his right leg--and glared back at the Dark Jedi. The other's eyes were almost animalistic--there sharp gaze pentetrating his own. He was growing angry with Terran--not frusterated or out of control. Anger. It could be a powerful weapon, Terran knew this to be true. For that reason, he would need to be sharper than his opponent. Anger was power and emotion. His only hope was to keep his mind focused and one step ahead.

Letting the Force flow through him, he attempted to somewhat heal his hip. The living Force surrounded his body, it's power slowly healing his hop. The bone began to seal and the pain was being alieveiated. He would need to buy some time why this happened--he could not attack with his focus distracted.

"Perhaps you've seen enough?" The comment was weak, but he needed a few moments. He thought it best to stick with words untill his body was ready for action.

Silus Xilarian
Nov 6th, 2002, 08:52:24 PM
Silus stopped pacing upon hearing Terran speak. He tilted his head sideways a bit, giving Terran an almost disgusted look. He could sense the padawan healing himself. He knew the exact injury. He sensed the pain in it. Silus slowly began to stalk towards Terran. Even with the leg partially healed, Terran would be hard pressed to keep up with Silus now...

Mister Starek, I thought idle conversation bored you. I thought you were so ready to get down to business. It amazes me Mister Starek....

Silus' words ceased momentarily. Focused anger was now being allowed to escape. Terran felt the air slowly escaping his body, as if an invisible hand were wrapped around his throat...

It amazes me that for one fleeting moment...one miniscule moment, you showed your true potential. You showed me your strength. You felt your anger and you used it!

Silus' words angered him more as he spoke, with every word, every syllable, the force choke tightened. Silus was still a good distance from Terran, though slowly closing in.....

You took your natural instinct and you acted on it...You USED it! Now I see you here. The mighty Jedi. Gasping for air. Clinging to what you have left as if its an unwinding thread stopping you from plummeting to your death.

Terran's air flow was now completely shut down.

You are nothing. Nothing but a waste......Tell me Mister Starek, who will Xazor go running to once you're gone. How long will it take for her to replace you?

imported_Terran Starek
Nov 6th, 2002, 11:48:32 PM
The Jedi gasped for breath as Silus' grip tightened on his throat. Speaking in tones intended to anger the jedi, he continued his verbal onslaught as he crept towards Terran. The Jedi fought for air, but it was as though he was in a trap. The more he struggled, the more he fought--the tighter the grip wrenched around his neck.

It amazes me that for one fleeting moment...one miniscule moment, you showed your true potential. You showed me your strength. You felt your anger and you used it!

The grip grew tighter as the anger in the pit of his stomach swelled. His breathing was slowly cut off as he tried to counteract the process. "Stay calm, Staly calm" he told himself. He knew how to handle this situation. He would be fine. Just concentrate.

You took your natural instinct and you acted on it...You USED it! Now I see you here. The mighty Jedi. Gasping for air. Clinging to what you have left as if its an unwinding thread stopping you from plummeting to your death.

The anger moved to his chest now, still growing. Visions of his past resurfaced. He saw the old Sith academy. He saw Lord Kama. He saw a younger version of himself...and Xazor. "Keep calm!! You are gonna be fine! You know how to fight this!" repeating his hope over and over in his mind, he clung to reason. He would use the light to drown out the dark.

You are nothing. Nothing but a waste......Tell me Mister Starek, who will Xazor go running to once you're gone. How long will it take for her to replace you?

The anger could no longer be contained. It exploded from him, his eyes flashing fire into those of Silus. The Force exploded from within him in a blast of invisible energy. It severed the grasp Silus had on Terran and, invigorated with newfound strength and rage, he struck forth at the Sith.

"YOU DON'T KNOW ME! I AM SOMETHING! I AM MORE THAN YOU WILL EVER BE, MORE THAN YOU CAN IMAGINE! YOU ARE THE WASTE, LOST IN THE DARKNESS YOU SO WILLINGLY LET CONTROL YOU!" His anger was not containable as he nearly flew at Silus. With swift and violent motions, he kicked the Dark Jedi in the face--blood spirting from the newly broken skin--and spun his body into a quick backstab from his saber. He used the Force--wastefully--to speed his movements and give him power. He burned with anger inside.

He breathed smoke.

Silus Xilarian
Nov 7th, 2002, 05:33:27 PM
The beginnings of a darksider were a dangerous time. Though Terran had been trained in the darkside before, he had either lost his knowledge of it, or never learned to control it. Either way, it was appartant that he'd gone over the edge without a parachute.

The explosion of his anger coupled with the kick to the face succeeded in two things. The sheer power of the attack made Silus lose grip of his saber, but the simplicity of being attacked affected Silus in a bad way.

With his Saber lost momentarily, Silus instinctively reverted to his hand to hand skills.

As Silus reeled back from Terran's kick, he immediately shifted backwards slightly, just avoiding the backstab. Immediately he hooked his arm around Terran's and jerked upward, applying pressure to the elbow forcing the Jedi to drop his Saber. Continuing the upward jerk, a pop was heard from Terran's elbow. To finish off the move Silus kicked the back of the Jedi's knee, causing it to cave in forward.

Within an instant, Silus' second saber was ignited and held to Terran's neck, execution style.....

Like I said Mr. Starek, there is potential in you....

Much to Terran's surprise, Silus hadnt lobbed his head off yet, though any movement, any sense of force usage could set the Dark Jedi off at any moment....

imported_Terran Starek
Nov 8th, 2002, 04:39:28 PM
Kneeling on one knee--with his other one aching--and his arm hooked in a painful grip by Silus, he found his position rather compromised, the heat of the lightsaber blade at his neck. The outburst of anger was terrible, and he almost scolded himself for it. He had been blinded by rage in his attacks. It was time to think.

Like I said Mr. Starek, there is potential in you....

He was right. His saber had slid to a stop rougly a meter from his current position. It would be impossible to reach it when he was trapped like this. His elbow popped as something tore in its joints. Luckily, nothing was broken, but his ligaments were definitely strained. He knew that Silus would have little problem slicing open his neck if he called it to his hand with the Force. He would only have one choice, and it would take bravery and quickness.

His mind focused on the hand that held the saber. He pushed the back hard on Silsu' wrist, attempting to push the saber away from his neck. Silus fought back, not wanting to lose his stance. This would be a good diversion. With his left hand he slid it down to his waste. Then, in one wfit movement, he drew the small vibroknife from his belt. It was hidden--Silus may have overlooked the possibility of the Jedi carrying another weapon. Perhaps he hadn't--he was very skilled and had much swordsmanship to his own credit. This would offer his only way out.

Sliding the knife from its hidden sheath, he pulled it out swiftly and stabbed back--lodging the blade into Silus' left thigh. Almost all of the blade's 5 inches went into his flesh and ran into something harder than flesh. Rearing back in pain, the Dark Jedi let go of his painful girp on Terran's arm. With his arm free, he tucked his head--rolling underneath the hot blade of Silus' saber and, in mid-roll, he grasped his saber. The roll was extremely painful, but he was back facing Silus' position, crouched. Halcyon's greed blade came back to life as he stood on his injured legs. He was hurt--pain seared through them--but he could stand.

"It would have been wise to have killed me when you had the chance," he said, as he eyed the Dark Jedi's fallen saber. With less than a second thought, he reached into the Force, calling it to him. The hilt came to his hand. He could use the extra defense now--as his mobility was very low. Igniting the crimson blade, he stood. It was fortunate now that Verse had trained him in the arts of the Dual-saber style. Holding both defensively, he stood--sort-of--before the Dark Jedi.

Silus Xilarian
Nov 9th, 2002, 07:22:35 AM
Silus hobbled back as Terran recovered his saber. The knife had cut deep, severely impairing Silus' mobility. With a quick, careful tug, Silus removed the knife and tossed it aside. He held his saber tightly with both hands. Terran would now be fighting with two sabers, which gave him a distinct offensive advantage. The biggest downfall would be that all of his strikes would be one handed against Silus' two handed counters.

Silus put his weight onto his unijured right leg for support. With almost zero wieght on his injured leg, the healing process began. It was slow moving, but it would keep Silus going for now...

Silus kept his blade low and stayed alert. It would take finese and timing now. Silus was prepared for both..

imported_Terran Starek
Nov 12th, 2002, 04:56:19 PM
Reaching into the Force with all the strength he had left, he gathered every bit of energy he could to sustain him. He had one or two good attacks left, and it was time to excersise them. He would not be defeated--not when he was so close to becoming all he wanted to be in the Jedi Academy. He refused to lose now.

A Jedi does not fail. He does not fail. Marcus had said it. A Jedi does not fail. He would not fail. He had lost control before--when he struck out aimlessly at Silus. Now, he was in control.

With his mind focused, the pain of his injuries left his brain. He took two skip steps forward, twirling his saber--Halcyon--above his head and wielding Silus' red blade in his left, he struck forward with three quick swipes. Silus expertly defended the three, hobbling back as they came in. Twisting his body and spinning left, he brought the twin saber's in again--this time for two more strong strikes. Ducking the overhead swing, Silus brought his saber again to block the lower strike.

He was good.

Taking a step back, Terran sought to realign himself. He felt the pain of his injuries returning--he could not fend them off for long. He had another good move, he thought. With one good step forward, he faked a low slash with Silus' saber towards his waist. Drawing back--and attempting to draw Silus' weapon away from his upper body to block the fake attack--he twirled Halycon once downward, into a brisk strike to his right shoulder. He hoped the diversion had worked, for he had no energy left for movement.

Silus Xilarian
Nov 14th, 2002, 06:23:01 PM
Silus brought his saber low quickly to block the oncoming attack. Rather than deflecting it, he would twist his block to disarm Terran, and get his saber back. Low and behold, it was a feint, one that left Silus open. With all the upward momentum he could muster on such short notice, Silus deflected the strike to his shoulder, effectively knocking Terran's attack backward. In doing so however, he had twisted his body to the right, which would leave him open to a follow up attack. He had to think fast.

With his weight on his uninjured leg, Silus threw his shoulder into Terran's chest. the hit knocked the Jedi backward as Silus shifted his weight to his injured leg. He grimaced in pain as he pushed, and felt the healing wound reopen. As quickly as he could, Silus backstepped, taking his weight off his injured leg and shifting it back to the other as he squared his shoulders, keeping his saber in front of him in a two handed grip...

imported_Terran Starek
Nov 14th, 2002, 07:12:31 PM
The push was very strong--even for an injured attack--and Silus' shoulder sent pain into Terran's chest. The shoulder jarred his upperbody and--trying to lean back on his own injured legs--he found no help. His upper body shook as he turned to brace his fall with his left hand. In doing so, he let go of the crimson blade he wielded against the Dark Jedi. It clanked to the ground as he caught himself with his arm, letting himself fall much more gently onto the ground below. However, he had lost the extra weapon.

He turned to reach and grab for it on his stomach, but it rolled away from him--out of reach and...towards Silus. Curse his luck! This would not help him in his fight here. Rather, it would be a very large obstacle to field. He came back to his feet quickly, trying to think of his next move. It would be best to attack Silus before he could get the other weapon. If he reached it...

Hobbling in front of the Dark Jedi, He held his saber with both hands. Another strike he released--aimed at the other's torso. He came in hard across his chest. He knew that he would have little chance left. He was hurt and tired--exhausted, now--and if Silus were to reach his weapon, it would be close to the end of the fight. He could not stand to go many more rounds with the Dark one.

Silus Xilarian
Nov 16th, 2002, 05:12:40 PM
Silus brought his saber forward to block the strike. On one leg, he wouldnt be able to push back against Terran's weight very effectively, without risking being thrown off balance, and setting the Jedi up for a killing blow. As he blocked Silus sidestepped. His wounded leg was still hurting him badly, but the pain was bareable when set up against the will to not be lobbed in two.

His block wasnt powerful enough to stop Terran's forward momentum, just enough to divert it a little. Silus quickly drew back and circled. Rather than closing back in and having his attack easily blocked, Silus kept away, opting to call his saber to him...

Now he had both of his weapons.

With a "snap-hiss" the second red blade sprang forward. Silus held stood with his left side slightly forward, leaning back on his right leg, the uninjured leg. He held the blade in his right hand farther back than his left, though both of them faced forward.

Silus stood and waited on Terran's next move......

imported_Terran Starek
Nov 18th, 2002, 06:47:27 PM
He had little choice now. Silus had control of both of his weapons and he truly was an ominous foe. The dual blades hummed with an intensely vibrating sound that, to Terran, sounded like thunder. He thought about his options.

1) He could run. This was something he did not want to do in every way possible. He was strong--he wanted to stand his ground, to fight this out. Not to mention, he was in little condition to flee.

2) He could fight. He wondered if he could do anything, then suppposed something was better than nothing. If he died, it would go down in history at the Jedi Archives as a courageous fight, he portrayed as the brave Jedi doing his duty.


Checking out Silus' current positioning, he managed to read the other's defense. It would be best to fake high and go in low. It would be hard, but doable. His tormented body ached, though he could not deny his situation. He must act. There was no choice.

Stepping in, he faked high, hoping to draw Silus' blades from blocking his body. Then, he swiftly threw his saber down low, attempting to sear his torso. With power, he leaned in on the shot, hoping to meet flesh.

Silus Xilarian
Nov 18th, 2002, 07:30:26 PM
As Terran came in high, Silus's left saber did also, in an upward motion. Silus met nothing but thin air as he swung. Terran had feinted once, so the prospect of it happening again was a very real thought to Silus. He turned his body slightly as he swung, bringing his right blade down on Terran's with his turning momentum. Upon hearing Terran's blade burn into the ground, Silus spun a 180 to his right. As he did, his left blade gashed across Terran's right arm and his right blade followed in, hitting Terran's saber from the opposite direction as before, sending it skidding and bouncing across the ground.

Silus rested on his right leg. He felt the blood from the wound on his left leg streak down his shin. He didnt feel the pain though. Adrenaline had numbed that effect already. Silus slowly brought his left blade up to Terran's chin, keeping his right blade in hand and ready to strike just in case Terran tried anything. Fate, it seemed, was on Terran's side at this moment....And Silus wasnt completely merciless....

It was a strange look to stare upon. The look of a man who, at that very moment, was sure his own death was upon him. Certain respect was gained from that look. Silus couldn't see nor sense any real fear from Terran at this moment. The look on Silus' face told nothing of his thoughts, it was only etched in anger and ferocity. Terran did possess an intense look, though no emotion was gathered from it. His thoughts dwelled on one thing. One person. Silus knew exactly what was on Terran's mind right now. What Terran didnt know, was that this one person had crossed paths with Silus before, and an unlikely friendship had been made......

What do you think Mister Starek. In your eyes, am I really so evil? Would evil grant such mercy?

Silus glanced over to Terran's lightsaber......

Its your choice really. You can take your saber to your grave, or leave it for a life with the one you love....

The crimson blade of Silus' saber lowered slightly from Terran's throat, though Terran was still very much held in check....

What will it be, Mister Starek?

imported_Terran Starek
Nov 18th, 2002, 08:06:40 PM
As the saber seared his flesh deeply, he cried out in pain. He dropped to his knee and, while falling, Silus disarmed him of his saber. The hilt rolled across the floor, landing several meters away from him. As he fell to his knees, his armed ached with more pain than before. He reached over to grip it and groaned with the pain. Before he had time to react, Silus' saber was brought to his neck. He could feel the heat of the blade upon his skin. He was going to die. It was all he could do to face it as a man...as a Jedi. He raised his eyes to meet those of Silus, a look of intensity on his face. He would die a brave man.

Many things went through his head at that moment. Above all, though, was Xazor. Her face shone through the cloudiness of thought like light from heaven. Her smile, her kindness, her kiss...all things echoed in his brain as loudly as thunder. He, for a fleeting moment, smiled.

I love you, Xazor. I will always love you. He spoke to the Force, hoping his thought would make it to her. Somehow, some way. After all was said, his thoughts remained on her. But then, the question was posed to him.

"You are right." He spoke, his eyes meeting the ground for a moment. "It is not you who is evil, Silus. It is the darkside that enslaves you. There is good in you." This was no time to taunt him with Jedi doctrorine. He was in no posititon to reason...really, only to beg. But he would not. Silus would be mercifull. He was lucky. Thank the Force. Thank this man's heart.

"The lightsaber is yours." He spoke the words, hopefully ending a battle that lasted too long and was too fierce. He wondered what Silus would take from all this. He knew what he would take. He would thank the Force for its mercy and pray that he would become a better warrior and gain the wisdom of a Jedi Knight.

Silus Xilarian
Nov 18th, 2002, 09:08:52 PM
The crimson blade that, a moment ago, was humming at Terran's throat was now drawn back and deactivated. Soon it found its home as Silus clipped it on his belt underneath his coat. He took a step back from Terran and reached over with his left hand. As he did, Terran's saber flew through the air into it. Silus looked at the saber momentarily before tucking it into his coat.

Without a second glance Silus turned and walked away. His coat whipped gently behind him as he strode out of the alley. The last remaining image of him disengaging the menacing red saber in his right hand had just left Terran's gaze...

As Terran found himself alone in the alleyway, he heard Silus's voice in his mind.....

The darkness controls those who are weak enough to do its bidding, and serves those strong enough to control it....

The message would be loud and clear to Terran, as Silus finished his ominous message.

Not all of us are slaves.....

imported_Terran Starek
Nov 19th, 2002, 02:20:35 PM
Not all of us are slaves..... Silus' voice rang out in his mind as he felt the presence of the darksider leave.

The Jedi leaned his body forward into the puddles and wet ground of the Coruscant alleyway. The puddles and dirt soaked his face and his hair as he leaned into the puddle. It was life. He was alive, and it felt wonderful. He had faced death bravely--he had encountered it, sawy it, smelled it, even tasted it. But he had not been killed.

He wept.

He wept tears of joy and redemption and love, thanking the Force that he would still breathe. This had been a lucky day for him. One thought crossed his mind--to see Xazor. He would seek her out immediately. He needed her now, more than anything else. He rose to his feet, after minutes of crying. Clearing his tears, he turned to head to his ship. In the puddle in front of his, his reflection was clear in the moonlight.

He stared into it. He was bloody, dirty, and ruffled from the battle. His hair--matted with dirt and blood--was covering most of his face, only his eyes peering from behind it. They were red--from crying. He looked pathetic. Weak. A beaten Jedi.

Jedi do not fail, Marcus had said. Jedi do not fail. It was simple. Had he failed? He had lost the fight. Silus had left with his saber--Halcyon, the first one he had ever built. It was his blade--a part of him.

Gone Now.

His confidence as a warrior, a strong combatant, was shattered. He had been foolish and, at times, had been dominated by Silus. At some points, it seemed as though he had not even been in the fight. Where was his confidence now?

Gone Now.

He was going to be a Jedi Knight some day, and he only prayed that this experience would give him long run results. He hoped it would. He knew it would. Somehow, the Force took him and showed him that this experience was not wasted. Not by a long shot. He had learned much from the battle--technique, skill, and how to utilize his mind. It was a good fight, and he had done well. Perhaps it hadn't been as bad as he made it out to be.

Heading towards the landing pad, his foot slammed into the puddle, sending the image of the beaten, tired Jedi splashing away.