View Full Version : On the other side of the garden [Salemn]

Dasquian Belargic
Oct 30th, 2002, 11:16:56 AM
A day ago, in the afternoon, Dasquian had stumbled across the Jedi Knight Salemn Lysce gathering herbs in the academy grounds, and had been invited back to her quarters for a meal (, which he had thoroughly enjoyed. As thanks for her hospitality, the Knight had invited Salemn to join him at his and Sejah’s quarters in late afternoon the next day for a home cooked meal of his own. For the course he had decided to make a special dish which his friend Durk used to prepare for the village back on his old home. It was comprised of a light pastry whipped into a bowl shape, which was then filled with vegetables, meat and gravy.

While some things were on the stove cooking, he’d made the walk from his end of the Living Quarters to Salemn’s room and knocked on the door. In one hand, he held a small bunch of azure and violet flowers, whilst in his pocket was a small pouch of buttercup petals which he’d taken whilst gathering the flowers, in case Salemn needed any more.

Salemn Lysce
Nov 2nd, 2002, 04:28:44 PM
She was straightening up her room when she heard someone knocking on the door. Going through the hallway and to the door, she opened it and saw Dasquian. A smile covered her face and she saw the boquet of flowers and she graciously took them.

< These are lovely, Dasquian ! >

Stepping inside to allow him to come in, she hurried over to the kitchen and took out a vase, filling it with water and placing the flowers inside. Setting them carefully on the window sill, Salemn looked back towards him.

< You make me wonder how you ever found the violets. It's a wonderful surprise. >

Dasquian Belargic
Nov 3rd, 2002, 07:45:12 AM
The reason he had gotten was exactly what he’d aimed for, if not better. At this he smiled, and bowed his head somewhat to Salemn.

“I’m glad you liked them. I spotted them in a small florist in the east quarter of Coruscant, of all places. I have the co-ordinates for it back in my quarters; you can have them if you wish.”

Folding his arms behind his back, he stood astride the door and motioned one hand out of the threshold, back into the hallway.

“If you’re ready…”

Salemn Lysce
Nov 5th, 2002, 02:56:38 AM
She nodded her head slightly when he said he had the co-ordinates for the florist shop, indicating that it would be greatly appreciated if he shared the little "discovery". After making sure the vase wouldn't fall and break, Salemn walked up to the door and slipped out after Dasquian, closing it behind her with a gentle click.

< After you. >

Dasquian Belargic
Nov 5th, 2002, 10:56:19 AM
Smiling lightly, he nodded and led the way towards his quarters. As he walked he kept his pace slow, almost trying to hang a little behind Salemn. Eventually reaching his door, he slid it aside and stepped inside. Immediately the scent of something delicious could be tasted in the air. It was a rich smell, of something on the boil; vegetables, potatoes, rice and all kinds of other things. As they strode through the Spartan quarters, with three beds – for Corin, Sejah and Dasquian – the Knight felt a slight pang of embarrassment as he had left a good deal of clothes strewn about his living area.

“Ahum.. if you…want to sit down then,” he motioned into the kitchen, which was small and had only three chairs to the table, and then in turn to a small sofa in the modest lounge.

Salemn Lysce
Nov 5th, 2002, 08:05:24 PM
After Dasquian stepped inside, she followed, breathing in the aroma of something splendid being cooked. They walked past the three beds and, noticing Dasquian cast a look towards his strewn clothes, chuckled silently.

He motioned her into the kitchen, where the meal was being cooked, and then asked for her to have a seat. So she did, at one of the three chairs around the table. She was still slightly nervous but relaxed some on the way over to his quarters.

< If you need any help ... >

Her mental voice trailed off in his head.

Dasquian Belargic
Nov 6th, 2002, 10:55:24 AM
“As younger Jedi, my brother and I had to do all the cooking and cleaning for ourselves. I’ve become quite skilled at it all,” he said as he turned to look from the kitchen door to Salemn, tossing her a quick wink.

“…But if you really want a little something to do then you could set the table,” Dasquian added with a motion towards the neatly folded tablecloth and dinner-wear beside it.

Whether or not Salemn decided to do this, he still carried on checking things, pouring some liquids together.

“I hope you don’t mind the food being a little spicy. It’s been a while since I tasted some good seasoning and I thought this would be a good time to test out some new herbs from the market.”

Salemn Lysce
Nov 20th, 2002, 12:28:47 PM
Quite relieved that there was something she could do, Salemn rose from the seat and gathered the tablecloth and dinnerwear. After spreading the tablecloth, she took the napkins and folded them, then placed the placed the plates and silverwear down.

< I'm always ready to try something new. After all, if we were stuck with one thing in life, it'd easily get quite boring. >

Looking over at Dasquian, she saw that he was busy, and so waited by the table with her hands clasped. Still not sure if there was anything else he wanted her to do, Salemn decided it would be best to remain standing until he came over with the meal.